

Sep 30th, 2013
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  1. [02:37:02] <GMH> what our D&D group has been up to so far
  2. [02:37:06] <GMH> so first, we were on a ship.
  3. [02:37:28] <GMH> the setting is such that there's a central island where the empire's capital city is located; the central island is mostly surrounded by cliffs, making it hard to invade.
  4. [02:37:36] <GMH> the empire has taken over a lot of the surrounding islands.
  5. [02:37:55] <GMH> but there's some amount of unrest and dissatisfaction with the empire.
  6. [02:38:19] <GMH> we all met on a boat, just traveling to the empire for varying reasons. we were a few paying passengers on an otherwise merchant goods vessel, though.
  7. [02:39:28] <GMH> some of the crew tried to start a mutiny, but thanks to one of our characters falling face first into a group of crew members discussing their conspiracy, we ended up fighting them and beating the crap out of them.
  8. [02:39:39] * Saladday2 is now known as Saladofstones
  9. [02:39:44] <GMH> one of the sailors was thrown overboard, but was saved by the druid who commanded a shark to bring him to shore instead of eating him.
  10. [02:40:25] <GMH> another sailor was pulled outo f the water, and became a manservant to one of the player-characters.
  11. [02:40:57] <GMH> after arriving at the port of hte capital city, we witnessed an execution about to take place.
  12. [02:41:30] <GMH> there were proselytizers telling us to join the church of the emperor, as well as a pickpocket.
  13. [02:41:57] <GMH> my character got lucky and instead of getting his pocket picked, ended up pickpocketing the pickpocket.
  14. [02:43:39] <GMH> another player-character started causing mayhem in the crowds protesting the execution, while the rest of us ended up scheming about how to disrupt the execution or free the prisoners, who were identified as merchants smuggling food in defiance of local laws keeping the prices high.
  15. [02:45:34] <GMH> after some strange happenings involving another character taking the poor pickpocket's clothes and dagger and then putting a leash on his neck, my character ended up talking him into helping us come up with a scheme to disrupt the execution.
  16. [02:46:36] <GMH> in what the GM later admitted was totally made up on the spot, said pickpocket turned out to be a leader in the local thieves' guild and resistance movement, and had a dagger of invisibility
  17. [02:48:02] <GMH> and with the help of the engineer's idea of throwing some explosives around town (or having the druid summon some birds to do so), the guards were disrupted, and the pickpocket reverse-picked the high-level executioner official to place dynamite in his pants, and also cut the rope of the prisoners.
  18. [02:50:19] <GMH> we later met up at a tavern owned by said pickpocketing thieves' guild leader, though not before one of the freed prisoners turned out to be a snitch in cahoots with the city guard and then blew himself up before he could reveal any information.
  19. [02:52:00] <GMH> the guild leader offered us a mission to off some rival merchants who were collecting food and then selling it back to the poor at jacked-up prices, but we stayed a night at that tavern's upstairs rooms first.
  20. [02:53:47] <GMH> before spending the night, in the tavern itself, we met up with a drunk guy who seemed to have some shark bite wounds on him, who seemed to recognize us, but was too drunk to care much.
  21. [02:53:53] <GMH> (ahem)
  22. [02:53:58] <GMH> ayway
  23. [02:54:27] <GMH> during the night, some commoners broke into the tavern, intending to fuck with the guild leader's possessions, including planting fake papers.
  24. [02:55:44] <GMH> we intercepted them, and they spilled the beans that they were low-level lackeys hired by a rival organization. then as they exited the tavern, a loud explosion was heard:
  25. [02:56:35] <GMH> the manservant turned out to be a somewhat-retarded fellow who had decided that it would be fun to use a string of dynamite (which the engineer had put up to guard his door) on the exiting lackeys.
  26. [02:57:08] <GMH> the druid, who decided on sleeping on the roof, duly expressed "what the fuck?" and went back to sleep.
  27. [02:57:46] <GMH> oh, this is the same druid who had, during the daytime hours before this, blown much of his cash on tree seeds.
  28. [02:58:40] <GMH> anyway, the next day, we go over to the sewer entrance to the place with this rival organization, who turns out to be both the one the guild leader talked about and the one who hired the lackeys.
  29. [02:59:54] <GMH> the druid manages to convince an alligator that we are made of tofu and thus not good to eat. then the GM decided that we were taking too much time to approach a door with a magical aura, and the manservant ran toward it and started banging his head on it, claiming that he was interested in the "shiny".
  30. [03:00:43] <GMH> after another character broke down the door, the manservant dude became distraught and started crying while caressing over the door, complaining that we broke his shiny.
  31. [03:02:06] <GMH> well, anyway, that turned out to open to the HQ of the folks we were going after, including several piles of stored food, and what ensued was a battle that involved the throwing of lots of explosives, as well as an alligator who was summoned back and now told that these people were actually madeo f meat.
  32. [03:02:25] <GMH> said alligator also had mage armor cast on it, and the only time it took damage was when it bit its tongue by accident.
  33. [03:03:30] <GMH> after the battle, we discovered a chest, which was trapped, but my character undid the trap and opened it, finding a couple hundred gold and a magical ring of unknown purpose.
  34. [03:03:56] <GMH> that's where we are so far.
  35. [03:04:13] <GMH> player characters:
  36. [03:04:40] <GMH> me, a human rogue from a lower-class background, named Carl.
  37. [03:04:53] <GMH> a sorceror from an upper-class background, named Kenan.
  38. [03:05:39] <GMH> a druid who spent half the trip talking to dolphins, and has the general atmosphere of a hillbilly.
  39. [03:06:00] <GMH> (both are humans i think)
  40. [03:07:46] <GMH> an elven (maybe? I forgot) rogue/fighter-or-barbarian(?) character who somehow ended up with whirling frenzy. his character is also a jerk.
  41. [03:08:07] * Lin_Chong has joined
  42. [03:08:08] <GMH> a dwarven engineer (custom class), with a penchant for explosives.
  43. [03:08:33] <Lin_Chong> I like dwarfs with gunpowder
  44. [03:08:59] <GMH> wait, actuall, the engineer might be human and the druid dwarven. not sure.
  45. [03:09:40] <GMH> aaaaand a warforged barbarian(?) who is half-insane and identifies as a dwarf (and actually speaks dwarven)...who is played by a guy with a penchant for craziness as well as use of the Book of Weeaboo Fightan Magic.
  46. [03:10:20] <GMH> (the rest of us think he's a bit of a powergamer.)
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