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Here's the Fix Add me on Spigot Bolean Please

a guest
Mar 17th, 2017
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  1. options:
  2. AmountOfMaxWarns: 3 #This is the amount of warns a player can get before being punished.#
  3. AdminCmdPerm: antiadv.admin #This is the permission for all admin commands/args.#
  4. BypassPermission: antiadv.bypass #This is the permission to bypass the advertisement check. (VERY IMPORTANT!)#
  5. CancelMessage: true #This cancels the message if someone is advertising.#
  6. DontAdvertiseHereMsg: &fPlease do not advertise here. All online staff have been notified. #This is the message sent to the player if they are caught advertising.#
  7. KickOnWarnLimitReach: true #Set to false if you do not want players kicked when the warning limit is reached.#
  8. MainCmdAliases: /antiad #This is the alias to the main Skript command.#
  9. MainCmd: /antiadv #This is the actual main command.#
  10. Over3WarnsCmd1: ban %arg 1% Advertising more than 3 times. #This is the first command that is ran if a player exceeds the maximum warnings set.#
  11. Over3WarnsCmd2: broadcast %arg 1% has just been banned for advertising more than 3 times! #This is the second command that is ran if a player exceeds the maximum warnings set.#
  12. Prefix: &8[&4&lANTI-AD&8] #This is the Skript prefix. Change as you like!#
  13. StaffWarnMsg: {@Prefix} &7&o%player%&f could be advertising! %message% #This is the message that is sent to staff if a player is advertising in chat.#
  14. list: ".com" or ".net" or ".co" or ".us" or ".uk" or ".ws" or ".tk" or ".org" or ".to" or "dot." or "dot," or "(dot)" or ".pw" or "dot" or ".it" or ".tech" or ".edu" or "DOT" or " , " or ".de" or ".tl" or ".nl" or ".be" or ".me" or ".info" or ".ly" or ".onion" or ".bit" or ".pl" or ".gl" or ".tv" or ".gs" or ".myserver" or ".club" or ".space" or ".design" or ".rent" or ".bid" or ".trade" or ".webcam" or ".press" or ".io" or ".ca" or ".college" or ".host" or ".es" or ".yoga" or ".financial" or ".flights" or ".guitars" or ".xyz" or ".dj" or ".is" or ".hub" or ".server" or ".webcam" or ".ninja" or ".financial" or ".ca" or ".eu" or ".esy"
  15. WarnThePlayer: true
  16. StaffWarnMsg: true
  18. #---------------------------#
  19. # NOTICE! #
  20. # ^^^^ ^^^^ #
  24. # THIS POINT! #
  25. #---------------------------#
  26. on chat:
  27. if message contains {@list}:
  28. if player doesn't have permission "{@BypassPermission}":
  29. if {@WarnThePlayer} is true:
  30. send "{@Prefix} {@DontAdvertiseHereMsg}"
  31. else:
  32. add 1 to {antiadv.advs.%player%}
  33. loop all players:
  34. if loop-player has permission "{@AdminCmdPerm}":
  35. if {@StaffWarnMsg} is true:
  36. send "{@Prefix} {@StaffWarnMsg}" to loop-player
  38. command /{@MainCmd} [<offlineplayer>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  39. aliases: {@MainCmdAliases}
  40. permission: {@AdminCmdPerm}
  41. trigger:
  42. if arg 1 is not set:
  43. send "&8&m--------------------------"
  44. send " &4Commands:"
  45. send "&f"
  46. send "&f/antiad reset - &7Resets a player's warnings"
  47. send "&f/antiad set - &7Sets a player's warnings"
  48. send "&f/antiad act(ion) - &7Performs an action on a player"
  49. send "&f/antiadr - &7Reset''s all global warnings to 0"
  50. send "&cMore commands Coming Soon!"
  51. send "&7"
  52. send "&8&m--------------------------"
  53. stop
  54. if arg 1 is "Stats" or "Warns":
  55. if arg 2 is set:
  56. send "&8&m--------------------------"
  57. send "&lStats:"
  58. send "&7"
  59. send "&eUsername &8- &7%arg 2%"
  60. set {_a} to "%{antiadv.advs.%arg 2%}%"
  61. if {_a} contains "<none>":
  62. set {_a} to 0
  63. send "&eWarns &8- &7%{_a}%"
  64. send "&7"
  65. send "&8&m--------------------------"
  66. stop
  67. else:
  68. send "{@Prefix} &ePlease enter a valid username."
  69. else:
  70. if arg 1 is set:
  71. if arg 2 is not set:
  72. send "&8&m--------------------------"
  73. send " &4Information:"
  74. send "&7"
  75. send "&fUsername: &7&o%arg 1%"
  76. send "&fWarnings: &7&o%{antiadv.advs.%arg 1%}%"
  77. send "&fPlayer UUID: &7&o%uuid of player%"
  78. send "&fMax warns before Action: &7&o{@AmountOfMaxWarns}"
  79. send "&7"
  80. send "&8&m--------------------------"
  81. stop
  82. else:
  83. if arg 1 is "reset":
  84. if arg 2 is set:
  85. set {antiadv.advs.%arg 2%} to 0
  86. send "{@Prefix} &6%arg 2%'s &earguments have been reset."
  87. else:
  88. send "{@Prefix} &cPlease specify a player."
  89. if arg 2 is "set":
  90. set {antiadv.advs.%arg 1%} to arg 2
  91. send "{@Prefix} &7&o%arg 1%'s &fadvertisement warnings have been set to %arg 2%."
  92. stop
  93. if arg 2 is "act" or "action":
  94. if arg 3 is set:
  95. execute player command "%arg 3%"
  96. if arg 3 is not set:
  97. send "{@Prefix} &fPlease add a command after the players name to execute an action on them. To have it act on the player, use %player%."
  98. if {antiadv.advs.%arg 1%} is greater than {@AmountOfMaxWarns}:
  99. execute console command "{@Over3WarnsCmd1}"
  100. execute console command "{@Over3WarnsCmd2}"
  101. if {@KickOnWarnLimitReach} is true:
  102. kick the player due to "{@Prefix}%new line%&fYou have been warned &7{@AmountOfMaxWarns} &ftimes for advertising%new line%&fand have been kicked.%new line%&fPlease rejoin soon."
  103. command /antiadvreset [<text>]:
  104. aliases: /antiadvr, /antiadr, /antiadvr, /antiadvertisement
  105. permission: antiadv.reset
  106. trigger:
  107. if arg-1 is not set:
  108. send "{@Prefix} &fAre you sure? If so add 'confirm' after the command you just typed."
  109. if arg-1 is "confirm":
  110. set {antiadv.advs.%all players%} to 0
  111. send "{@Prefix} &fAdvertisement warnings and kicks have been reset for all players."
  112. stop
  113. else:
  114. send "{@Prefix} &fArgument not found."
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