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a guest
Apr 3rd, 2015
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  1. sprintf( stats1, "%i", stats.Headshots );
  2. sprintf( stats2, "%i", stats.TotalKills );
  3. sprintf( stats3, "%i", stats.Suicides );
  4. sprintf( stats4, "%i", stats.Bashes );
  5. sprintf( stats5, "%i", stats.Deaths );
  6. //sprintf( stats6, "%2.2f %%", HSratio);
  7. // sprintf( stats7, "%2.2f %%", KDratio );
  9. g_pDraw.CG_FillRect( cg->refdef.width - 280, cg->refdef.height - 240, 220, 140, colorGreenish_ );
  10. g_pDraw.CG_DrawRect( cg->refdef.width - 280, cg->refdef.height - 240, 220, 140, 1.0f, colorWhite );
  12. g_pDraw.CG_DrawStringExt( cg->refdef.width - 275, cg->refdef.height - 225, "Fejesek", colorWhite, 1, 1, 1 );
  13. g_pDraw.CG_DrawStringExt( cg->refdef.width - 275, cg->refdef.height - 205, "Olesek", colorWhite, 1, 1, 1 );
  14. g_pDraw.CG_DrawStringExt( cg->refdef.width - 275, cg->refdef.height - 185, "Ongyilkossag", colorWhite, 1, 1, 1 );
  15. g_pDraw.CG_DrawStringExt( cg->refdef.width - 275, cg->refdef.height - 165, "Utesek", colorWhite, 1, 1, 1 );
  16. g_pDraw.CG_DrawStringExt( cg->refdef.width - 275, cg->refdef.height - 145, "Halalok", colorWhite, 1, 1, 1 );
  17. //g_pDraw.CG_DrawStringExt( cg->refdef.width - 275, cg->refdef.height - 125, "FejesArany", colorWhite, 1, 1, 1 );
  18. //g_pDraw.CG_DrawStringExt( cg->refdef.width - 275, cg->refdef.height - 105, "Oles/Halal Arany", colorWhite, 1, 1, 1 );
  20. g_pDraw.CG_DrawStringExt( cg->refdef.width - 120, cg->refdef.height - 225, stats1, colorRed, 1, 1, 1 );
  21. g_pDraw.CG_DrawStringExt( cg->refdef.width - 120, cg->refdef.height - 205, stats2, colorRed, 1, 1, 1 );
  22. g_pDraw.CG_DrawStringExt( cg->refdef.width - 120, cg->refdef.height - 185, stats3, colorRed, 1, 1, 1 );
  23. g_pDraw.CG_DrawStringExt( cg->refdef.width - 120, cg->refdef.height - 165, stats4, colorRed, 1, 1, 1 );
  24. g_pDraw.CG_DrawStringExt( cg->refdef.width - 120, cg->refdef.height - 145, stats5, colorRed, 1, 1, 1 );
  25. // g_pDraw.CG_DrawStringExt( cg->refdef.width - 120, cg->refdef.height - 125, stats6, colorRed, 1, 1, 1 );
  26. //g_pDraw.CG_DrawStringExt( cg->refdef.width - 120, cg->refdef.height - 105, stats7, colorRed, 1, 1, 1 );
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