
Hey Grau guess who hit the Discord message cap again

Jul 16th, 2018
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  1. I like the passive change, but it's kinda weird that his mana return scales with his HP now. This can also potentially get out of hand pretty quickly in laning phase, as it takes three minions to return a tad more than a tenth of your health and a full wave of minions to potentially restore slightly less than a quarter.
  3. Q is pretty cool, but the other thing to keep in mind is that that delay is potentially going to kill AP Cho'Gath, depending on how long it takes for the shockwave to trigger. Otherwise, if it doesn't, it's probably going to be in a position where it's super difficult to move out of if it doesn't have a thinner width, and if it does have that thinner radial width, we run the issue of it not actually feeling like you're tearing up the entire ground and are actually just fucking up a small portion of it.
  4. The other thing I'd like to note about it is that it's easier to dodge it if you're closer to him since the hit box is smaller, which probably isn't ideal, since Cho'Gath is gonna want to be on top of people.
  5. My other gripe with your Q is that the held effect is COMPLETELY different from your normal effect, in both mechanics and cast paradigm, so you're more-or-less just giving him an additional ability. Plus, I think getting onto people should mostly remain an issue for Cho'Gath. I understand that the main point of this is to keep Righteous Glory from being the always-pick-this item, but I feel as though this can be done better.
  6. The one thing I do have to note, though, is that your main weakness remains to be kiting, which is good; your Q charge is pretty telegraphed, due to the 1 second delay.
  8. The width of your W is huge. 180 degrees is insane. If I were you, I'd reduce it to maybe 90 or 120. Otherwise, I'd say it's pretty good, considering it's just his current W with a delay on it. This combos especially well with your W, where you can lock down targets super hard because you can silence them mid-air, which is some pretty nice tech.
  10. E passive is good, but it seems... rather absurd, and can feel kinda bad if pitted against a team with a lot of mixed damage, or if your passive doesn't get procc'd. I see you're using it as an anti-burst tool, though, which is pretty neat. However, 4 seconds is still a long time for only 20% of your health. A full tank shredder build will probably trigger it at that point, as well. The fact that you pick it up after eating somebody is pretty cool, though I do have to mention that it's gonna be pretty feels-bad that you're gonna Flash + R and kill off somebody to enter a fight and then not get any stats because nobody's hit you yet.
  12. E active is still neat. It gives off the vibes of tearing people apart still, while keeping aspects of his current E and turning it into a spell to make it feel punchier on somebody who's supposed to have super powerful, chunking hits. My thoughts on this ability remain the same as prior, although I don't 100% remember what I said before on your initial iteration of the kit.
  14. R is the same, as far as I can tell. A lotta people might say R is overpowered for being a point-and-click true damage nuke on a tank, but I'm honestly fine with it, and it's super thematic and core to Cho'Gath's existence, so there's no way it should ever go. The only thing I'd have to say is MAYBE consider having it so that the damage increases when they're lower or something like that; this'll push it more towards being an execute for most of the game instead of being "oh boy Flash one shot from full health better watch out." It also gives your target's allies more of a chance to react to you flashing onto somebody.
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