
princess adventures1 The birth of Titanic III

Jun 4th, 2014
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  1. [20:05] <~Kroked> BGM
  2. [20:06] <~Kroked> Remiel and Erina: You find yourself on a grand adventure, one to see the galaxy, no, THE UNIVERSE, to see all the sights that can be seen
  3. [20:06] <~Kroked> and your first stop on that journey, is a small backwater world, one most people wouldnt spare a glance
  4. [20:06] <~Kroked> earth
  5. [20:07] <~Kroked> you find yourself in a quaint town that seems to be named Farport, strange, considering the place is landlocked
  6. [20:07] <~Kroked> but its a calming little place
  7. [20:08] <~Kroked> the kind of place where nothing ever seems to happen, where people live in calm happiness
  8. [20:08] * Erina looks around trying to take in the sights.
  9. [20:08] * Remiel clutches Erina's hand tightly, staying as close to her as possible.
  10. [20:09] <Erina> "Don't worry, I'm sure Spirit hasn't even realized we left yet."
  11. [20:10] <Remiel> "That's not the part that worries me."
  12. [20:11] <Erina> "We're in a new place, with new sights, new people, far away from home. It's the perfect first stop for us."
  13. [20:11] <Remiel> "That's actually what worries me."
  14. [20:12] <Erina> "But adventure!"
  15. [20:12] <~Kroked> People look at you funny on ocassion, and you come to realize your clothes probably look a litte... out of place, on this planet
  16. [20:13] <~Kroked> or maybe they just aren't used to outsiders
  17. [20:13] * Remiel holds onto Erina's hand even tighter.
  18. [20:13] <Remiel> "They're staring at us..."
  19. [20:14] <Erina> "Don't worry, don't worry. That just means that.....y'know...that thing"
  20. [20:15] <Remiel> "What thing?"
  21. [20:15] <Erina> "No clue! Ahahahahaha:
  22. [20:15] <Erina> "Let's go look around the town."
  23. [20:15] <~Kroked> they mostly carry on their way and you're left alone
  24. [20:16] * Erina drags Remiel by the hand to go exploring through the city.
  25. [20:16] <~Kroked> you actually have a map you found, there are severa interesting things on it
  26. [20:16] * Remiel can't help but crack a smile at her friend's fearlessness.
  27. [20:16] <~Kroked> Erina: you can read it as you studied the major earth languages in the time you were stuck in the castle
  28. [20:17] * Erina drags Remiel with one hand and holds the map up to read with the other.
  29. [20:17] <~Kroked> you both carry universal translators that will allow you to be understood and understand others, but it doesnt do much for writeen word
  30. [20:17] <Remiel> ((how do they work?))
  31. [20:18] <~Kroked> Their seems to be some kind of shopping mall, a curious Natural formation that seems to be a tourist spot, there's a fountain at the center of town, along with some shops, and a residential district with houses and apartments
  32. [20:19] <~Kroked> Remiel: they automatically translate speech within all listeners minds, so they hear what they can understand
  33. [20:19] <~Kroked> they cant even tell the translation is ahppening
  34. [20:19] <Erina> "Hey Remi, any kind of place in particular you wanna go to?"
  35. [20:19] <~Kroked> they're tiny little devices that can come in pretty much any shape one desires
  36. [20:20] <~Kroked> lots of girls have them as hairclips
  37. [20:20] <Remiel> ((hairclip with a paw print design.))
  38. [20:20] <Erina> ((Ribbon Choker with the actual thing being the brooch on the front))
  39. [20:21] <Remiel> "...Well, I'm kind of hungry."
  40. [20:21] <~Kroked> the center of town seems to have several cafe's
  41. [20:21] <Erina> "We can eat it by the fountain then."
  42. [20:22] * Erina picks up the pace as she continues to drag her friend behind her.
  43. [20:22] <Remiel> "W-wait, slow down!"
  44. [20:24] <Erina> "Sorry, it's just all so exciting! Being out here with no walls surrounding me, no worries that a guard will see me and take me home at any moment. It's just really different to be able to do stuff like this y'know?"
  45. [20:25] <Remiel> "I guess."
  46. [20:25] * Remiel darts her eyes downward
  47. [20:25] <Remiel> "I never really thought of it that way."
  48. [20:26] <~Kroked> you make it to the center of town, its small, but it looks really pretty in the summer sun, the fountain sparkles and the few people around seem cheerful
  49. [20:26] <~Kroked> both of you roll notice
  50. [20:26] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  51. [20:26] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 102."
  52. [20:27] <Erina> )roll 1d100-25
  53. [20:27] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-25 and gets 52."
  54. [20:27] <~Kroked> both of you, but most especially Erina notice something incredibly odd
  55. [20:27] <~Kroked> something very out of place
  56. [20:28] <Remiel> ((Exactly what are we looking at here?))
  57. [20:30] <~Kroked> you see a Man, more of a boyish person really, sitting on the fountain. he stares into the summer sky, a listless... but content expression on his face. he wears what appear to be normal every day clothes for people on earth, blue pants made of some tough material, and a plain white tshirt
  58. [20:30] <~Kroked> but that's not what's so odd
  59. [20:30] <~Kroked> this Black haired boyish man, looks exactly like Spirit
  60. [20:32] <Remiel> "...Erina?"
  61. [20:32] <Erina> "Spirit wouldn't be out here.....probably...."
  62. [20:33] <Remiel> "But he...looks...Just like him."
  63. [20:33] <~Kroked> he does
  64. [20:33] <Erina> "Let's just try to walk past him. Hopefully it's just a coincidence."
  65. [20:33] <~Kroked> down tot he smallest detail you can think of
  66. [20:34] <Remiel> "Okay..."
  67. [20:35] * Erina will try to stroll past the individual to find a nice cafe.
  68. [20:35] <~Kroked> as you do so, he looks down for a moment and stares directly at you
  69. [20:35] * Remiel walks so that Erina's face is obscure-(damn it)
  70. [20:35] <~Kroked> he than gives you a lazy wave and goes back to looking at the sky
  71. [20:36] * Erina gives a smile and waves before turning away again and hurrying into the first cafe she sees.
  72. [20:37] <~Kroked> you do so, the man never looks back
  73. [20:38] <~Kroked> it's a small cozy little place, they seem to sell mainly coffee, but also little pastries
  74. [20:38] <Erina> "If that was who I think it was, then he's just like me. Someone who's left that castle to travel somewhere else. It'd be nice to sit and talk, but if Spirit sent people after us, I wouldn't want him to be found too...."
  75. [20:39] <Remiel> ((Would Remiel know about Spirit's brother?))
  76. [20:39] <~Kroked> "Yes that'd be /horrible/ wouldn't it?"
  77. [20:39] <Erina> "Eep.....
  78. [20:39] <~Kroked> ((only vaguely))
  79. [20:40] * Remiel tenses up and turns around quickly
  80. [20:40] <~Kroked> Remiel: you see the last person you wanted to run into
  81. [20:40] <~Kroked> last people actually
  82. [20:41] <Remiel> ((Daddy?))
  83. [20:41] <~Kroked> Staring at you quite sternly, is your Papa Uriel, behind him, looking just dissapointed is your Papa Gabriel
  84. [20:42] <Erina> "Hi Uncles......Nice to see you again?"
  85. [20:43] <~Kroked> Uriel sighs and rubs his forehead as he is want to do when stressed "Do you have any idea how worried Spirit is? How worried /we/ were?"
  86. [20:43] * Remiel looks downward "...I'm sorry."
  87. [20:43] <Remiel> ((Would it be a bad idea to start accumulating zeon?))
  88. [20:44] <~Kroked> (((up to you))
  89. [20:44] <Erina> "Well now that you can see that we're fine it's okay...right?"
  90. [20:44] <~Kroked> BGM:
  91. [20:44] <Remiel> ((start accumulating. Let me know when I hit 50.))
  92. [20:45] <~Kroked> Gabriel speaks up "What do /you/ think? Do you really think it's all ok now?"
  93. [20:45] <Erina> ((Starting to concentrate as well.))
  94. [20:45] <~Kroked> Remiel: Uriel looks at you sternly "And /what/ exactly"
  95. [20:45] <~Kroked> "Do you think you're trying to do?"
  96. [20:45] <Erina> "I've already explained my reasons in the letter. I need this."
  97. [20:46] <Remiel> "I couldn't just let her go alone!"
  98. [20:48] <~Kroked> "Thats not what I mean Remi, not only am I very dissapointed that you even considered using magic on me, but in a public place, full of people who dont even know it exists"
  99. [20:48] <Erina> "I asked her to come with me, you both should know how your daughter is and that she wouldn't refuse something like this from me. So if there's someone you want to be mad at, feel free to direct it at me."
  100. [20:50] * Remiel stops accumulating.
  101. [20:50] <~Kroked> Gabriel meanwhile speaks to Erina "You have no room to talk young Madame, do you have any idea how panicked your brother was when he contacted us? We're just lucky we were already on planet"
  102. [20:52] <Erina> "I know he was worried, he always is, but sometimes he worries too much. I don't want to go back to spending life cooped up in that castle not being able to leave, seeing doctors constantly hearing the same thing over and over."
  103. [20:52] <Remiel> ((Was this something Remiel would've known?))
  104. [20:55] <~Kroked> "He just wants to make sure you stay safe, you know that doing this will only make your life shorter than it already is"
  105. [20:56] <~Kroked> Uriel speaks up "Besides, things are quite tense at the moment, and this planet isn't the safest place for the princess of one of the four great nations"
  106. [20:56] <Erina> "I don't care. We can't cure it anyway. Might as well live my life as best as I can with the time I've got left."
  107. [20:57] <~Kroked> Uriel gives an aggravated sigh "Princess, you don't seem to understand the gravity of the situation"
  108. [20:59] * Remiel Grabs Erina's hand.
  109. [21:00] <~Kroked> "The entire universe is in a very tense state right now, and all of it is focused on this tiny hunk of rock"
  110. [21:00] <Erina> "Then we'll leave."
  111. [21:00] <Erina> "We can go somewhere else."
  112. [21:00] <~Kroked> "Yes, with us"
  113. [21:00] <~Kroked> "Back to the capital"
  114. [21:01] * Remiel stomps her foot. "No!"
  115. [21:01] <~Kroked> Remiel: just as you stomp your foot
  116. [21:01] <~Kroked> the ground quakes
  117. [21:01] <~Kroked> the entire cafe goes silent
  118. [21:02] * Remiel runs, dragging Erina along with her
  119. [21:02] <~Kroked> everyone looks around confused as the decoration and cups all shake
  120. [21:02] <~Kroked> Remiel: no
  121. [21:02] <~Kroked> pause
  122. [21:02] <~Kroked> LET ME FINISH BEING DRAMATIC
  123. [21:02] <Remiel> ((Fine, but we're still running off in the confusion))
  124. [21:04] <~Kroked> Uriel and Gabriel both seem just as confused as you hear a loud piercing roar
  125. [21:04] <~Kroked>
  126. [21:04] <~Kroked> BGM
  127. [21:05] <~Kroked> out the window you watc as a Lizard thing Larger than any creature you've ever seen stomps into the square, crushing the fountain to dust
  128. [21:06] <Erina> "Remi! Uncles! We gotta stop that thing."
  129. [21:06] <~Kroked> a young boyish man lay in the dust on his ass staring in horror at the T-Rex
  130. [21:07] <Erina> ((How far away is it?))
  131. [21:07] <~Kroked> Uriel and Gabriel are already to their feet Uriel calls behind him "Follow us stay close!"
  132. [21:08] <~Kroked> they run outside
  133. [21:08] * Remiel hesitates, still staring at the man who looks like Spirit.
  134. [21:09] <Erina> "Remi!"
  135. [21:10] * Remiel quickly turns her head towards Erina.
  136. [21:13] * Erina drags Remiel by the hand to follow the Advisors
  137. [21:14] <Remiel> ((Status update on not-spirit?))
  138. [21:14] <~Kroked> When you get out there, Uriel has pulled his rapier from its Astral Sheath, and Gabriel is in an offensive position, the man is bahind them
  139. [21:15] <~Kroked> Gabriel speaks to Erina "Did you bring Anima with you?"
  140. [21:16] <Erina> "Of course I did. Though in hindsight that's probably what a lot of people were staring at.""
  141. [21:16] <~Kroked> ((Astral sheath, its basically a hammer space for weapons))
  142. [21:16] * Remiel begins accumulating zeon again
  143. [21:16] * Erina takes the sword out of the sheath on her back and checks to see if the lizard is standing in any spilled water from the fountain.
  144. [21:17] <~Kroked> Erina: it is
  145. [21:17] <~Kroked> "Could you let me hold it?" Gabriel asks
  146. [21:17] <Erina> ((You expect her to remember that stuff?))
  147. [21:17] <~Kroked> (XD))
  148. [21:18] <Erina> ((By the way how long has it been since they first found us in the cafe?))
  149. [21:18] <~Kroked> ((about 5 minutes))
  150. [21:18] <Remiel> ((how much zeon would I have accumulated if I didn't stop?))
  151. [21:19] <Erina> "One sec, let me try something."
  152. [21:19] <~Kroked> ((Remiel all of it))
  153. [21:20] <~Kroked> "Than hurry!"
  154. [21:20] * Erina channels her powers through Anima to try and freeze the creature.
  155. [21:20] <Erina> (Using Crystalize)
  156. [21:21] <Erina> "Arctic Prison!"
  157. [21:22] <~Kroked> roll Potential
  158. [21:22] <Erina> ((With or without the concentration bonus?))
  159. [21:23] <~Kroked> ((with))
  160. [21:23] <Erina> )roll 1d100+130
  161. [21:23] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100+130 and gets 193."
  162. [21:23] <Remiel> I just realized that.
  163. [21:24] <Remiel> ((oh fuck.))
  164. [21:26] <~Kroked> the air around the Lizard Visibly chills and condeses around the Lizard, as it flash freezes
  165. [21:26] <~Kroked> the T-Rex is frozen
  166. [21:27] <~Kroked> the ice than begins to crack
  167. [21:27] <Erina> "That probably won't hold it for long. Hit it as hard as you can."
  168. [21:27] <~Kroked> Gabriel nods and holds his hand out for Anima
  169. [21:28] * Erina hands it over
  170. [21:29] * ~Kroked turns to Remiel "Poppet, you know a spell that increases the threshold of what one can do right?"
  171. [21:31] <Remiel> "Mostly just for knowledge and stuff."
  172. [21:31] <Remiel> "I could find its weakness though."
  173. [21:32] <~Kroked> "No thats not what I need, I need you to cast a spell on me"
  174. [21:32] <~Kroked> "One that can make it so I can surpass my limits"
  175. [21:32] <~Kroked> "Do you understand?"
  176. [21:33] <Remiel> "Uh..."
  177. [21:33] <Remiel> "Oh wait!"
  178. [21:33] <Remiel> "I do have one!"
  179. [21:33] <Remiel> ((how much have I accumulated so far?))
  180. [21:33] <~Kroked> "Hurry than, Erina's bought us time, nothing more"
  181. [21:34] <~Kroked> 60
  182. [21:34] <Remiel> ((I have to say the spell's name, right?))
  183. [21:34] <~Kroked> ((no, just let me know what you're using))
  184. [21:34] * Remiel casts Inhumanity.
  185. [21:35] <~Kroked> Gabriel glows a soft white from the spell and he smiles
  186. [21:37] <~Kroked> Gabriel raises his hand, his index and middle finger pointed out as he brings his arm up by his shoulder
  187. [21:37] <~Kroked> )roll 1d100+310
  188. [21:37] * Crunk --> "Kroked rolls 1d100+310 and gets 383."
  189. [21:38] <~Kroked> he than whips his arm towards the Frozen T-rex, a Beam of Blinding light as Tall and wide as his height projecting forth at the great lizard
  190. [21:39] <~Kroked> )roll 1d100+145
  191. [21:39] * Crunk --> "Kroked rolls 1d100+145 and gets 196."
  192. [21:40] <Erina> ((Don't forget the secondary effects of Crystalize))
  193. [21:42] <~Kroked> the beam of light rips through the dino, breaking a large whole in the center of it
  194. [21:42] <~Kroked> the dino shatters around it
  195. [21:42] <~Kroked>
  196. [21:44] <~Kroked> Uriel swears under his breath and turns to Gabriel "We have to get these two out of here /now/. Cubaria's starting to make moves now."
  197. [21:46] <~Kroked> Gabriel sighs "And what about him?" he point at the boy
  198. [21:46] <~Kroked> Uriel frowns "Yes this is... a complicated matter"
  199. [21:46] * Remiel stops accumulating
  200. [21:47] <Remiel> ((How much have I burned through so far?))
  201. [21:47] <~Kroked> you burned 30
  202. [21:49] <Erina> "So, uh....can I get that back now?"
  203. [21:50] <~Kroked> Gabriel hands it back quickly "How did you get here?"
  204. [21:51] <Erina> "Public Transport?"
  205. [21:52] <~Kroked> Gabriel scowls "I'm being serious, this is important Princess"
  206. [21:52] <~Kroked> "We need you to get out of here as soon as you can"
  207. [21:52] <Erina> "I bought a ship....."
  208. [21:52] <~Kroked> "Good, hurry up and get out of here, take the bot with you"
  209. [21:52] <~Kroked> *boy
  210. [21:53] <Erina> "Right."
  211. [21:53] <~Kroked> the 'Boy', who had just been watching in shock suddenly comes to his sense :Woah woah what?"
  212. [21:53] <~Kroked> "What the hell's going on here?"
  213. [21:53] <Remiel> "So then... He's not Uncle Spirit?"
  214. [21:53] * Erina slings the boy over her shoulder and begins to head towards the ship.
  215. [21:53] <~Kroked> Uriel shakes his head "No, he's very important though"
  216. [21:54] <~Kroked> Erina: the boy protests as you pick him up
  217. [21:54] * Remiel looks at the boy. Her eyes widen in realization.
  218. [21:54] <~Kroked> "Now go, hurry back to Animus, we must stay here"
  219. [21:54] <~Kroked> "You'll be safe there"
  220. [21:55] <Erina> "C'mon Remi you coming?"
  221. [21:55] <Remiel> "right!"
  222. [21:56] <~Kroked> you leave
  223. [21:56] * Remiel runs after Erina.
  224. [21:56] * Erina waits until they're out of earshot and sight of the Advisors before setting the boy down.
  225. [21:57] <Erina> "Right sorry about that, just had to put up appearances for a bit. C'mon Remi we gotta leave until they catch up and force us to go back."
  226. [21:58] <~Kroked> the boy just looks at you guys wide eye's "What the ever loving /fuck/ is going on?"
  227. [21:58] <Remiel> "...It's kind of a long story."
  228. [21:58] <Erina> "We're adventurers!"
  229. [21:59] * Erina whispers to the boy, "That girl over there is a princess. I'm her guard."
  230. [21:59] <~Kroked> he looks as if he /wants/ to think you're crazy, but after the day he's just had, hes having a hard time
  231. [21:59] <~Kroked> "I...what"
  232. [21:59] * Remiel has a worried expression on her face."What are you telling him?"
  233. [22:00] <Erina> "So anyway, it was nice to meet you, but we really must be going."
  234. [22:00] <Erina> "If you wanna join us just follow. You can explore spaaaaaace."
  235. [22:01] <Erina> "I'm not telling him anything that won't be funny later."
  236. [22:02] <~Kroked> "...if I come with you will you explain whats going on?"
  237. [22:02] <Erina> "Probably.....eventually......If I remember."
  238. [22:02] <~Kroked> the guy glares at you
  239. [22:02] <Remiel> "I'll try to explain as much as I can." (How much CAN I explain to him?)
  240. [22:03] <~Kroked> ((up to you))
  241. [22:03] <Erina> "Fine fine, I'll explain things on the ship. It's a long story, but there are some details we need to keep private."
  242. [22:03] <Remiel> "Yeah, we really need to get going."
  243. [22:04] <~Kroked> "Fine, lets go, show me this... space ship I guess... man i really want to think your batshit, but i just saw a trex, and than saw you freeze it, and than saw a guy fire a LASER at it and smash it"
  244. [22:05] <Erina> "I know right! The real world out there's awesome! I can't wait to find that Cheese Moon!"
  245. [22:05] <Remiel> "A t..rex? So that's what they're called?"
  246. [22:05] <Remiel> "Cheese Moon? But I'm lactose intolerant!"
  247. [22:05] <~Kroked> "...maybe you are crazy"
  248. [22:05] <~Kroked> head off?
  249. [22:06] <Erina> ((Yep))
  250. [22:06] <Erina> "So, uh.....What's your name?"
  251. [22:06] <~Kroked> "Soul Vains"
  252. [22:07] * Erina almost trips
  253. [22:08] * Remiel 's mouth drops.
  254. [22:08] <Erina> "Well Soul, nice to meet you. My name's Erina."
  255. [22:08] <~Kroked> "...yeah"
  256. [22:08] <Remiel> "R-Right. My name's Remiel."
  257. [22:08] <~Kroked> he seems a little wary of your reactions but tries to ignore it
  258. [22:09] <Erina> "Anyway.....To Adventure!"
  259. [22:09] <Remiel> "...Do you remember where we parked?"
  260. [22:09] <~Kroked> END SESSIOn
  261. [22:10] <Erina> "On the Titanic III!"
  262. [22:10] <~Kroked> Rewards:
  263. [22:10] <~Kroked> A very confused long lost relative
  264. [22:10] <Remiel> and the admiration and respect of Gonzo?
  265. [22:11] <Remiel> Sorry, couldn't resist.
  266. [22:12] <~Kroked> and 52 exp for Remiel and 59 exp for Erina
  267. [22:12] <Remiel> Tax included?
  268. [22:12] <~Kroked> tax included
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