
Pway Pwace 1

Jun 18th, 2012
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  1. Pway Pwace by Ghost44
  3. >Be a dude named Mike.
  4. >Because anon is a horrible name only reserved for the scum of the universe.
  5. >Be walking home from helping a buddy down the street with some yard work.
  6. >Your hands are so damn red from those gloves.
  7. >fucking wool.
  8. >Walking by one of your other friends house and you see his red fluffy pony unicorn laying on his back in his front yard.
  9. >The sun in shining directly on him.
  10. >From his big smile he's obviously enjoying sunning himself.
  11. >He opens one eye and sees you.
  12. >He quick gets on his little weggies and scampers up and hugs your leg.
  13. >"Hi mista Mike!" he says as he happily beams up at you.
  14. >"Hey snuggles!" you say to him as you screatch him behind his ears.
  15. >He happily mewls at this.
  16. >Your buddy comes out of his shed and sees you.
  17. >"Hey Mike, done the yard work already?"
  18. >"Teah, we got done a bit earlier than expected."
  19. >"Cool. Hey, I'm painting my shed in week or two, can you help me out?"
  20. >You fucking love painting shed and stuff.
  21. >"Sure, I'd be glad to help out," you say while you scratch Snugles' ears again.
  22. >Happily mewls and licks your hand.
  23. >"Well, me and Snugs gotta run to the hareware store for some supplies for our new deck."
  24. >"C'mon Snugs!" he happily shouts.
  25. >"Bye mista Mike!" he says as he runs off and hops id the car with your neighbor.
  26. >"Cya."
  27. >Keeping walking home.
  28. >After a few minutes you reach your house and find a small hole in the screen door.
  29. >Fuck.
  30. >Small holes only a unicorn horn could make.
  31. >Can't be snuggles though, he's too well trained.
  32. >You open the door and hear giggles coming from your living room.
  33. >The kind of giggle only a fluffy could make.
  34. >FUCK.
  35. >You barge into your living room and you see 10 fluffy ponies jumping up and down your couch and playing blocks with some empty small boxes you had lying around.
  36. >They see you and all go quiet.
  37. >A orange unicorn jumps up on your couch's arm rest and looks up at you.
  38. >"Go wai' munsta! Weave pway pwace!" he sasys as he puffs up his cheeks.
  39. >"Go wai!" you hear a few other fluffies say.
  40. >"Smawty fwein say go! Go musta!" he says again.
  41. >"Wait, YOUR play place? This is MY fucking house you dumbass."
  42. >He puff up his cheeks more.
  43. >"Nuuu! Fwffy take ova! Munsta weave pway pwace!"
  44. >This is your fucking house.
  45. >YOUR house.
  46. >"You have 10 seconds you little shit, after that I will beat the shit out of you."
  47. >This make the two pregnant mares squeal in fear.
  48. >You start counting.
  49. >"1...2...3...4...5...6..."
  50. >"Smawty fwien no scawed of munsta! WEAVE! OWA PWACE!" he yells.
  51. >"7...8...9..."
  52. >"NUU! WEAVE! OWA PWACE!" he shouts.
  53. >"10."
  54. >You lock the door leading into your living room.
  55. >No way out.
  56. >"Go wai' musta!" a few of the other ponies say.
  57. >"You had 10 seconds to leave, now you're all fucking dead."
  58. >One of the pregnant mares starts crying and a younger green fluffy whimpers.
  59. >"Smawty fwien gif owies!" the unicorn says as he charges at you.
  60. >His horn hits you but feels like a fucking cotton swab.
  61. >How this broke your screen door you'll never know.
  62. >"Gif owies!" he yells again.
  63. >"Hewp gif owies!" he says yelling to his small little herd.
  64. >Three of the males run over and starting hitting you with their soft hooves.
  65. >The two mares and other two males stay with the pregnant mares.
  66. >You take the work gloves out of your back pocket and put them on.
  67. >"Last chance," you say to them.
  68. >"Nuu! Yoo weave! Owa pwace!" one of the males says.
  69. >"Suit yourself."
  70. >You grab the green male and shove your hand up his ass.
  71. >He squeals in pain at this.
  72. >"Ah! Hewp! hewp pwese smawty fwien!" he yells to unicorn.
  73. >"Twyin! I gif oweis!" he says poking you again.
  74. >You twist your hand around in his ass and he cries in pain the whole time.
  75. >The pragnant mares cover their eyes as two other males and females hug them trying to comfort them.
  76. >You grab whatever you can grab inside his ass.
  77. >He screems in more terror.
  78. >This cause the pragnant ones to cry.
  79. >The unicorn and the other fluffies keep hitting you.
  80. >You pull your hand out of his ass... ass and all.
  81. >His ass is now on the outside.
  82. >Or some other organs, dunno, it was in his ass and you pulled out.
  83. >He screams in terror which makes the pregnant mares cry harder.
  84. >You rip off the attached organs/ ass out of his asshole ans shove them down his throat.
  85. >"Ag! Hegw! Gehheg!" he shouts while chocking on whatever you pulled out.
  86. >He dies shoutly after this ans the fluffies panic at the sight of this.
  87. >The mares are shaking and crying harder while the other fluffies try hug them to clam them down.
  88. >"Who's next you little shitheads?"
  89. >"GO way! We huwt you mowe!" unicorn yells again.
  90. >"OWA PWACE!" one of the younger fluffies with the pregnant mares yells.
  91. >"Oh, really you little shit? Come here and say that."
  92. >He starts to cower at this.
  93. >Obviously a small burst of rage.
  94. >He starts to cry as you approach him.
  95. >He's only a small colt.
  96. >Doesn't matter. He's thinks this is his home.
  97. >You grab the colt by one front leg and back leg.
  98. >You start to pull apart.
  99. >"Ah! Stop! Ahhh! Oweis! Nu mai' howse! Nah' fwuffies home! Pwese stop!"
  100. >"TOO BAD SHIT HEAD, SHOULD HAVE LEFT," you scream at him.
  101. >You hear multiple pops.
  102. >He yells in pain.
  103. >The mares only cry harder as the other fluffies hug them.
  104. >The smarty friend and older males watch in horror.
  105. >After a minute you rip him into two.
  106. >His top half is still alive, dragging itself a few inches with his one good leg.
  107. >" mow.." he says as he dies.
  108. >You grab both corpse.
  109. >You rip the smaller foals right out of their mothers hooves as you shove them inside the dead corpse of their brother.
  110. >"Ah! Bwuva...bwuva ded...PWESE TAEK OUT! NO WAN' BE IN BWVUA BWUD!" the mares scram.
  111. >"Plase mista! Pwese jus wan' momma!" the other colt says.
  112. >"TOO BAD."
  113. >The other foals were a bit smaller and you shoved them in the corpse there was some extea room.
  114. >You grab the two sides of the corpse and close it like you would a shopping bag.
  115. >You begin to slam it into the wall.
  116. >They cry in pain and terror.
  117. >The mares are crying harder and harder with each slam.
  118. >The cries from the bag stop after minute and you open it.
  119. >You see them weakly staring at you, covered in blood, shit, piss and tears.
  120. >"Pwese...stop..." one of the fillies says weakly.
  121. >You slam the bag on the ground and stomp on it.
  122. >You open it again and see all the foals dead.
  123. >They're fucked up.
  124. >Bones smashed, eyes popping out, covered in blood.
  125. >The unicorn and the other males did nothing as you did this.
  126. >They sat there cowering in fear.
  127. >You dump the dead foals on ther ground and the pregnant mares try to scoot away in terror.
  128. >They are too inflated and can't use their legs anymore.
  129. >You greb the pink one and shove her face into the bodies of the dead foals.
  130. >She screams in terror making the other pregnant mare try to scoot farther.
  132. >You hear scratching at the door and you turn around to see the unicorn rubbing his hooves on the locked door.
  133. >He doesn't give two shits about herd anymore.
  134. >You drop the pink mare and go to grab he unicorn.
  135. >"Ah! Pu'down! I gif owies!"
  136. >"Fuck off you little shit, you just tried to run from your herd, I thought you helped them." you say to him.
  137. >He puff up his cheeks but that quickly stops after you punch him hard in his stomach.
  138. >He gasps for air.
  139. >You grab the pink mare and begin to slam her and the smarty friend together.
  140. >You make sure the unicorn's horn is hitting the mare's stomach.
  141. >His horn doesn't hurt you, but it stabs the mare in her stomach causing her to bleed from the founds it give her.
  143. >"It's not me!" you say to her.
  145. >SHe can't comparehend you're the one making him do it and she begins to scream at the unicorn.
  146. >"Wah! Why smawty fwien hurt fwuffy wife? Why husban'?"
  147. >Lol she having HIS babies.
  148. >"Nuu! Nah' me! Nah husban'! I no Kiww yoo!" he cries to her.
  149. >"Yoo owny kiww..." she weakly says to him.
  150. >You drop him to the floor but slam the mare on the ground.
  151. >"No..wuv...husban' no..mowe." she says with her last breath.
  152. >The unicorn scampers over to her corpse.
  153. >Her stomach is filled with deep wounds.
  154. >He looks at her and cries.
  155. >"No kiww yoo...I no kiww yoo..." he says through his tears.
  156. >He turns to you.
  157. >"Pwse..hooman...hooman no monsta..pwese wet us weave..."
  158. >"Too fucking bad." you say as you kick him in his side.
  159. >He falls down and begins to cry into his hooves.
  160. >The other pregnant mare is cowering in the corner.
  161. >You approach her and she covers her head with her hooves.
  162. >" huwt mama fwuff...weave me and baebes awone..pweese..." she whimpers.
  163. >You grab her and she squeals trying to get away.
  164. >"PWESE NO KIWW ME...PWESE I HAF BAEBES..." she squeaks.
  165. >Good! Even better! I'm VERY hungry." you say to her.
  166. >"Wah? NO EAT! NO! PWESE I NO FOOD!" she screams as you bite into her stomach.
  167. >She cries in pain ther whole time>
  169. >You hear more crying and see she gave birth to three foals out of sheer terror.
  170. >You hold her up as she bleeds from her stomach.
  172. >You hold ther mare over her babies who are mewling softly with their eyes closed.
  173. >"EVEN BETTER THEN BUBBLE WRAP!" you shout.
  174. >You start to smash the newborn foals with the already half dead mare.
  175. >"Ah! pwese stop! No wan kiww baebes! No wan' kiww!" she squeaks as you slam her into her foals.
  176. >You stop and show her the dead foals.
  177. >You slam her head into the bodies.
  179. >Her, ther unicorn, and the other males all start to bawl their eyes out at the dead babies.
  180. >"you are horrible, KILLING YOUR OWN BABIES LIKE THAT?" you yell at her.
  181. >"Mana...didn't mean to kiww..." she whimpers to you.
  182. >"WELL YOU DID!" you shout at her.
  183. >"Sawy...baebes..."
  185. >You snap her neck.
  186. >The other males cry in terror at the crack and begin scraping at the lockes door.
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