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Feb 7th, 2016
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  1. [2/5/16, 11:04:46 PM] DeathThreats: Im trying to convince eldwinartarian to give me house martell to make it easier for me
  2. [2/5/16, 11:05:22 PM] DeathThreats: Also i hope you dont think im oscuas' lapdog or anything
  3. [2/5/16, 11:06:04 PM] DeathThreats: In fact all he does is rant about you and tries to get me to be his bitch
  4. [2/5/16, 11:06:32 PM] DeathThreats: Dont want us starting out on badblood
  5. [2/5/16, 11:07:39 PM] DeathThreats: You'll find out I actually prefer to stick to lore.
  6. [2/5/16, 11:08:28 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): I didn’t get you removed in the first place
  7. [2/5/16, 11:08:57 PM] DeathThreats: I know. That's what osc was telling me so
  8. [2/5/16, 11:09:32 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): When it happened I felt caught between a rock and a hard place, though, because I believed you to be a rebel but Aetherius wasn’t liked by any of the North
  9. [2/5/16, 11:09:40 PM] DeathThreats: And i only fought against you in that battle because sticky promised me my position back and i knew you had close ties with aetherius
  10. [2/5/16, 11:09:47 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): so I just shut myself and my region out of their affair
  11. [2/5/16, 11:10:03 PM] DeathThreats: Fair enough
  12. [2/5/16, 11:10:23 PM] DeathThreats: I try to stay as neutral and independent as i much as i can
  13. [2/5/16, 11:11:23 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): I wouldn’t call them close. It was an alliance of convenience as neither of us were thrilled with Osc and Sticky’s ideal community
  14. [2/5/16, 11:12:03 PM] DeathThreats: Yeah.
  15. [2/5/16, 11:12:23 PM] DeathThreats: Osc walks over everyone and expects you to pay tribute
  16. [2/5/16, 11:12:45 PM] DeathThreats: Sticky has his moments but he's unstable most of the time.
  17. [2/5/16, 11:14:12 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): It’s interesting that he rants about me, though
  18. [2/5/16, 11:14:47 PM] DeathThreats: Im pretty sure osc is bipolar
  19. [2/5/16, 11:16:47 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): You’ve stuck around with him, though
  20. [2/5/16, 11:16:55 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): for self-benefit, or..?
  21. [2/5/16, 11:17:52 PM] DeathThreats: Pretty much
  22. [2/5/16, 11:18:11 PM] DeathThreats: When sticky was king they promised me my position as prince of dorne back.
  23. [2/5/16, 11:22:58 PM] DeathThreats: Clearly didn't work out
  24. [2/5/16, 11:23:06 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): In TSK?
  25. [2/5/16, 11:23:35 PM] DeathThreats: yep
  26. [2/5/16, 11:26:03 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): That didn’t last very long, I ended up letting vuk AA the whole thing at like 3am
  27. [2/5/16, 11:26:26 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): He didn’t think bakers would be awake at so ungodly an hour in Britain but the guy apparently doesn’t sleep
  28. [2/5/16, 11:26:32 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): He ranked about 2500 people to LP first, though
  29. [2/5/16, 11:27:02 PM] DeathThreats: God bakers
  30. [2/5/16, 11:27:13 PM] DeathThreats: Fucking cringefest
  31. [2/5/16, 11:28:02 PM] DeathThreats: He even has a group of fanboys to increase his ego
  32. [2/6/16, 11:20:48 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): ArthurArtarian will remain as Lewyn Martell, correct?
  33. [2/6/16, 11:21:00 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): He’s sort of worried he’s being replaced in the Kingsguard chat
  34. [2/6/16, 11:25:04 AM] DeathThreats: He can stay.
  35. [2/6/16, 11:32:15 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): Alright.
  36. [2/6/16, 11:38:22 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): I don’t want to play games with you. Make an offer or I will. You are either serving Oscuras or yourself, in which the first case you’re merely talking to me attempting to glean info and in the second case will likely go to him telling him what’s on the table asking for more.
  37. [2/7/16, 12:22:41 PM] DeathThreats: I owe no loyalty to Oscuras, I'm independent.
  38. [2/7/16, 12:22:54 PM] DeathThreats: I only want what's best for Dorne and I don't want bad blood with any region.
  39. [2/7/16, 12:23:27 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): Was he the one who told you to speak to me?
  40. [2/7/16, 12:33:40 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): If you intend to sit around and wait to join the side apparently winning, that’s little better than what you’d otherwise be.
  41. [2/7/16, 12:34:02 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): We need people who intend to sway a tide rather than wait for it to be done for them.
  42. [2/7/16, 12:43:20 PM] DeathThreats: I came here on my own account.
  43. [2/7/16, 12:43:41 PM] DeathThreats: Don't think me one to sit around while my allies do the fighting.
  44. [2/7/16, 12:47:14 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): Why does he take you for granted, then?
  45. [2/7/16, 12:48:57 PM] DeathThreats: Because he think's I'm naiive and need him to survive.
  46. [2/7/16, 12:50:46 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): Let’s verify that. Do you have time?
  47. [2/7/16, 1:29:20 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): I can broker a deal to end your growing discontent with the North through a marriage from Elia Martell to Eddard Stark and this would bind you to the Crown indirectly.
  48. [2/7/16, 1:29:23 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): What do you think of that
  49. [2/7/16, 2:00:54 PM] DeathThreats: elia to eddard?
  50. [2/7/16, 2:00:55 PM] DeathThreats: eh
  51. [2/7/16, 2:01:02 PM] DeathThreats: ill consider it.
  52. [2/7/16, 2:13:56 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): You don’t sound too joyous*
  53. [2/7/16, 5:24:36 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): also, has tharundil been trying to poach your members
  54. [2/7/16, 5:25:08 PM] DeathThreats: Not that I've noticed.
  55. [2/7/16, 5:28:30 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): I’d ask your lords, he’s going around to all the Dornish associated with Aetherius
  56. [2/7/16, 11:54:48 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): is alexanderartarian in dorne or the reach
  57. [2/7/16, 11:55:08 PM] DeathThreats: he left dorne
  58. [2/7/16, 11:55:20 PM] DeathThreats: out of nowhere
  59. [2/7/16, 11:55:29 PM] DeathThreats: he's in the reach now huh?
  60. [2/7/16, 11:55:44 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): hes asking me about ser gerold hightower
  61. [2/7/16, 11:55:52 PM] Patrick (AMWarfield): and i am telling him that changing him to one of his friends is not an option…
  62. [2/7/16, 11:58:34 PM] DeathThreats: fair enough
  63. [2/7/16, 11:59:10 PM] DeathThreats: dorne is in a pretty shitty state right now
  64. [2/8/16, 12:07:35 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): well
  65. [2/8/16, 12:07:57 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): you’ve built it up before
  66. [2/8/16, 12:08:09 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): you’ve inherited a lot of aetherius’ problems though namely bolton
  67. [2/8/16, 12:08:18 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): and the north by extension
  68. [2/8/16, 12:09:18 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): the offer I can arrange mitigates or solves that issue as well as gives a tangible tie to dommel for when the rebellion happens
  69. [2/8/16, 12:10:12 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): I’ve always thought of neutrality as a meme
  70. [2/8/16, 12:10:38 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): If 2 people are fighting and 48 people stand around them “waiting to join the winning side” then what’s the point of the conflict to begin with if literally nobody cares enough to stick to a principle?
  71. [2/8/16, 12:11:05 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): I like guys who proactively sway a tide rather than waiting for it to be done for them - which are you?
  72. [2/8/16, 12:13:31 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): wait a sec
  73. [2/8/16, 12:13:38 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): did he leave or did tharundil recruit him
  74. [2/8/16, 12:13:45 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): i recall telling you about him doing that to me
  75. [2/8/16, 12:15:33 AM] DeathThreats: no idea
  76. [2/8/16, 12:15:53 AM] DeathThreats: "im switching houses. its not because of you necessarily death"
  77. [2/8/16, 12:18:23 AM] DeathThreats: its a tough choice to side with someone when you're literally friends with every lord paramount
  78. [2/8/16, 12:18:35 AM] DeathThreats: and everyone has a defect to me
  79. [2/8/16, 12:19:17 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): explain
  80. [2/8/16, 12:20:01 AM] DeathThreats: im friends with oscuras, I don't like that he expects me to automatically side with him like I have no choice
  81. [2/8/16, 12:20:11 AM] DeathThreats: josh is cool just immature at times
  82. [2/8/16, 12:20:17 AM] DeathThreats: hoster
  83. [2/8/16, 12:20:30 AM] DeathThreats: actually theres nothing wrong with hoster
  84. [2/8/16, 12:21:12 AM] DeathThreats: troy is practically the same as osc
  85. [2/8/16, 12:22:19 AM] DeathThreats: he was trying to get me to side against osc and josh earlier today
  86. [2/8/16, 12:23:53 AM] DeathThreats: honestly ill align myself with whichever side proves to be a better ally
  87. [2/8/16, 12:27:01 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): you want to be competed for, then?
  88. [2/8/16, 12:27:08 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): also, what’s my defect in your view
  89. [2/8/16, 12:29:47 AM] DeathThreats: i feel like i cant trust you as much. you're very dedicated to your house and would do anything to protect it. even if it meant going behind your allies back and fucking them over
  90. [2/8/16, 12:29:49 AM] DeathThreats: no offense
  91. [2/8/16, 12:30:11 AM] DeathThreats: im sure you have some sort of defect against me
  92. [2/8/16, 12:31:31 AM] DeathThreats: then again it seems like most every lp is like that
  93. [2/8/16, 12:31:40 AM] DeathThreats: so i cant really say you in particular
  94. [2/8/16, 12:32:14 AM] DeathThreats: the only people who haven't bothered trying to get me to side with them are hoster and sticky so
  95. [2/8/16, 12:32:26 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): oscuras is sticky
  96. [2/8/16, 12:32:34 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): just without the mask
  97. [2/8/16, 12:32:41 AM] DeathThreats: in some ways yes
  98. [2/8/16, 12:33:05 AM] DeathThreats: sticky can and does function without oscuras though
  99. [2/8/16, 12:33:31 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): he’s needed osc sending in people to do so much as run the region for him
  100. [2/8/16, 12:33:33 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): mitchell etc
  101. [2/8/16, 12:33:48 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): everyone who gets exiled from lannister is sent to stormlands
  102. [2/8/16, 12:33:58 AM] DeathThreats: part of me feels like Mitchell volunteered for the spot
  103. [2/8/16, 12:34:07 AM] DeathThreats: stannis is one of my favorite characters
  104. [2/8/16, 12:34:17 AM] DeathThreats: i even considered taking it
  105. [2/8/16, 12:34:21 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): he had a group from TSK
  106. [2/8/16, 12:34:25 AM] DeathThreats: but he did come from lannister
  107. [2/8/16, 12:34:26 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): so that probably factored in
  108. [2/8/16, 12:36:08 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): anyways, I believe in common interest and mutual benefit
  109. [2/8/16, 12:36:19 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): and that a region such as the crown can find it with every region barring active rebels
  110. [2/8/16, 12:36:54 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): I’ve helped my friends such as Viscarios, Osc changed his vote and tried to strongarm others into doing so when I cast mine for him
  111. [2/8/16, 12:37:04 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): and everyone likes visc
  112. [2/8/16, 12:37:08 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): it was purely political what he did
  113. [2/8/16, 12:37:17 AM] DeathThreats: visc is a good leader
  114. [2/8/16, 12:37:20 AM] DeathThreats: don't have any problems with him
  115. [2/8/16, 12:37:23 AM] DeathThreats: other than vuk
  116. [2/8/16, 12:37:28 AM] DeathThreats: and his rking
  117. [2/8/16, 12:37:38 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): that can be solved or lessened
  118. [2/8/16, 12:38:08 AM] DeathThreats: its not really that much of a problem
  119. [2/8/16, 12:38:13 AM] DeathThreats: just a thorn in my side
  120. [2/8/16, 12:40:17 AM] DeathThreats: the shitty thing about when i went inactive and got replaced was that aetherius built up his influence in dorne and when i came back everybody was so loyal to aetherius that they hated me for trying to become prince again. now that he's gone most everybody in dorne either left or plan on leaving
  121. [2/8/16, 12:41:14 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): arthur will be staying
  122. [2/8/16, 12:41:21 AM] DeathThreats: he will.
  123. [2/8/16, 12:41:34 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): no, i mean, I talked to him about it
  124. [2/8/16, 12:41:42 AM] DeathThreats: we spoke about it
  125. [2/8/16, 12:41:46 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): yea
  126. [2/8/16, 12:42:04 AM] DeathThreats: it sucks too because like a week before i became prince again i gave my original house martell back to my friend who gave it to me
  127. [2/8/16, 12:42:06 AM] DeathThreats: and he sold it
  128. [2/8/16, 12:42:16 AM] DeathThreats: and now the asshole wants 1.5k for the group
  129. [2/8/16, 12:42:42 AM] DeathThreats: i wasn't even expecting to become prince again
  130. [2/8/16, 12:42:44 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): osc would probably give you some of his scam money for it
  131. [2/8/16, 12:43:43 AM] DeathThreats: meh
  132. [2/8/16, 12:43:55 AM] DeathThreats: well shit, it's late
  133. [2/8/16, 12:43:58 AM] DeathThreats: im heading off.
  134. [2/8/16, 12:44:02 AM] DeathThreats: we'll talk more tomorrow.
  135. [2/8/16, 12:44:08 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): all-right
  136. [2/8/16, 12:44:32 AM] Patrick (AMWarfield): think about the offer - it’s in mutual benefit I believe
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