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- [23:13] <le_dank_memes_XD> ==START!==
- [23:13] <Leeroy_Church> "wtf u mean u were told? who told u u could fly?"
- [23:13] <Prexor_Zozavo> "The voice I decided was real."
- [23:13] <Leeroy_Church> "uh."
- [23:14] <Roland> Roll insight, Leeroy and Cerxes
- [23:14] * Cerxes_Khesed facepalms
- [23:14] <Leeroy_Church> Turns to Cerxes, mimes international sign for 'crazy.'
- [23:14] <Cerxes_Khesed> 13
- [23:15] <Leeroy_Church> 9+3=12
- [23:15] <Roland> Yeah, the very notion of a voice in your head strikes you as stupid. That's stupid, and prexor is stupid too.
- [23:15] <Leeroy_Church> So nothing new.
- [23:15] <Prexor_Zozavo> "Now, if YOU don't mind, I will continue to break MY way down."
- [23:16] <Prexor_Zozavo> I continue to smack the crater with my maul.
- [23:16] <Leeroy_Church> Alright, new tactic.
- [23:16] <Leeroy_Church> You shrug, floating near his ceiling.
- [23:16] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•· or ·•°ღ°•· you could just ·•°ღ°•· come out here ·•°ღ°•· with ·•°ღ°•· us. ·•°ღ°•·
- [23:16] <Roland> Roll to slam your floor with your maul, Prexor
- [23:16] <Leeroy_Church> "k shrba1+."
- [23:16] <Cerxes_Khesed> as we are ·•°ღ°•· clearly flying. ·•°ღ°•·
- [23:16] <Leeroy_Church> "1 mean. 1 get 1+."
- [23:16] <Leeroy_Church> "u CANT fly."
- [23:16] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+5 assuming it's strength.
- [23:16] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+5 assuming it's strength. --> [ 1d20=20 ]{25}
- [23:16] <Leeroy_Church> "s ok."
- [23:16] * Cerxes_Khesed facepalms again
- [23:16] <Prexor_Zozavo> (OH SNAP)
- [23:16] <Roland> oh god
- [23:16] <Leeroy_Church> "not everybody can."
- [23:17] <Roland> In addition to deepening the crater, several cracks run out from it and up the walls
- [23:17] <Leeroy_Church> (You mean the snap of the floor you are standing on?)
- [23:17] <Leeroy_Church> ...You know what? Gonna NOT float inside the room.
- [23:17] <Roland> Just watch the cracks spiderweb a bit if he rolls again
- [23:18] <Prexor_Zozavo> Well, I'm not down yet, so I gotta try again.
- [23:18] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+5
- [23:18] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{8}
- [23:18] <Roland> Of course.
- [23:18] <Roland> Eh, you must have hurt yourself from the strain of the last hit.
- [23:18] <Roland> >Wuss. Try again. This can only go well.
- [23:18] <Cerxes_Khesed> {14} perception to check if anyone's going to be in trouble if the tower comes down.
- [23:18] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU don't tell ME what to do."
- [23:18] <Leeroy_Church> She glances at Cerxes. "all 4 teach1n h1m l1ke a baby ch1rpbeast?"
- [23:19] <Roland> Haha, EVERYONE is going to be in SOME kind of trouble if this tower comes down.
- [23:19] <Leeroy_Church> "who the fuck are u talk1n-oh. r1ght. ur fucknuts."
- [23:19] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU will be silent."
- [23:19] <Leeroy_Church> Gasps, then.. "hey! look1+ that! 1m s+1ll talk1n!"
- [23:20] <Roland> Prexor, roll sanity to continue acknowledging their presence.
- [23:20] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20-1
- [23:20] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20-1 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{6}
- [23:20] <Leeroy_Church> "call the subjugglators cuz we got a fuck1n m1racle here!"
- [23:20] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•· oh dear... ·•°ღ°•·
- [23:21] * Cerxes_Khesed gets the feeling this will only end in tears.
- [23:21] <Roland> They don't exist. Clearly figments of your imagination.
- [23:21] <Roland> A side effect of your blood binding with the maul.
- [23:21] * Cerxes_Khesed looks at the poor Dersites on the ground.
- [23:21] <Roland> As you were, Mr. Zozavo.
- [23:21] <Prexor_Zozavo> I continue to sit on the floor, showing the voice in my head who's boss.
- [23:21] <Leeroy_Church> She floats back over to Cerxes to convene.
- [23:21] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•· can't you just come outside? ·•°ღ°•·
- [23:22] <Leeroy_Church> "he a1nt gonna."
- [23:22] <Roland> And continuing to not acknowledge the not-people floating in his room
- [23:22] <Leeroy_Church> "he works 1n b1zzaro log1c."
- [23:22] <Prexor_Zozavo> Of course, why would I acknowledge the not people doing stupid things outside my window?
- [23:22] <Prexor_Zozavo> That's dumb.
- [23:22] * Cerxes_Khesed huffs
- [23:22] <Cerxes_Khesed> i have ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•· noticed ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•·
- [23:22] <Leeroy_Church> "p much gotta tell h1m the oppos1+e of wut u want."
- [23:23] <Roland> >VO: Hey prexor, keep this up. I got some popcorn and lemme tell you, this is the most entertained I've been in a good minute.
- [23:23] <Leeroy_Church> "but 1 th1nk hes gone a b1+ more sh1+h1ve maggots than that 2 now."
- [23:23] <Prexor_Zozavo> "No."
- [23:23] <Prexor_Zozavo> I smack the ground again.
- [23:23] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+5
- [23:23] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{22}
- [23:23] <Leeroy_Church> "the vo1ces th1ng 1s new."
- [23:23] <Cerxes_Khesed> "that seems disingenuous. ... but if it will keep him from ·•°ღ°•· taking the whole tower down-- ·•°ღ°•· "
- [23:23] <Roland> The cracks spider web a little more. I bet if you got one more good hit in...
- [23:24] <Prexor_Zozavo> "That is what YOU get for trying to command ME."
- [23:24] <Roland> If you plan to intervene, roll initiative to catch him before he swings the maul again.
- [23:24] <Roland> This includes prexor too
- [23:24] <Prexor_Zozavo> (I dunno if they're planning to, but I'll roll just in case)
- [23:24] <Leeroy_Church> You frown, concerned. "..sh1+ shrkweek, 1 d1dnt no u were th1s far off the deep end.."
- [23:24] <Leeroy_Church> I'm rolling.
- [23:24] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+2
- [23:24] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{4}
- [23:24] <Leeroy_Church> 10.
- [23:24] <Cerxes_Khesed> 18+3 {21}
- [23:24] <Roland> >SI: Of course he's this far off the deep end.
- [23:25] <Roland> Cerxes makes it to Prexor first.
- [23:25] <Roland> Do you two initiate a grapple?
- [23:25] <Leeroy_Church> Could just slap him a little.
- [23:25] <Cerxes_Khesed> Ha ha ha, fuck no. I've seen him take two clean hits and break a floor. I'm going to nail him with one of my arrows from a distance.
- [23:26] <Leeroy_Church> Good girl.
- [23:26] <Roland> Okay. Is this now a strife?
- [23:26] <Prexor_Zozavo> I think so?
- [23:26] <Leeroy_Church> I think it's a strife.
- [23:26] <Leeroy_Church> At least until Prexor's been secured.
- [23:26] <Roland> Welp. Lemme just warn you that Prexor carries a 6d6+str maul
- [23:27] <Leeroy_Church> We see the maul.
- [23:27] <Cerxes_Khesed> Yeah I'm gonna be staying at a distance.
- [23:27] <Prexor_Zozavo> And I see that they're flying.
- [23:27] <Roland> Your funeral if he decides to use reckless and bull rush you
- [23:27] <Leeroy_Church> I'll be careful.
- [23:27] <Prexor_Zozavo> But of course, they aren't actually flying, that'd be dumb.
- [23:27] <Roland> Of course they're not flying. By the way, roll sanity for me about, oh, three times
- [23:27] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 3#1d20-1
- [23:27] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 3#1d20-1 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{5}, [ 1d20=2 ]{1}, [ 1d20=20 ]{19}
- [23:27] <Leeroy_Church> Flying is an advantage here. A giant one.
- [23:27] <Leeroy_Church> Sanity too.
- [23:27] <Roland> har har har prexor
- [23:28] <Prexor_Zozavo> I did a good!
- [23:28] <Cerxes_Khesed> (Impressive!)
- [23:28] <Leeroy_Church> A good after two fails.
- [23:28] <Roland> !roll 1d20 ominously
- [23:28] <Tyche[Dice]> Roland rolled : 1d20 ominously --> [ 1d20=10 ]{10}
- [23:28] <Prexor_Zozavo> Hey, even when i fail, i still succeed
- [23:28] <Prexor_Zozavo> Just in different ways,
- [23:28] <Roland> Alright, cerxes, fire your arrow if you're gonna do it. Now's a good time to demonstrate what it ACTUALLY does
- [23:29] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Gulp)
- [23:29] <Leeroy_Church> On another player is the best time, right?
- [23:29] <Cerxes_Khesed> ... oh boy.
- [23:29] <Leeroy_Church> (You.. Read my strife, right Matt? Because I'm next.)
- [23:29] <Prexor_Zozavo> (i did not)
- [23:29] <Leeroy_Church> (Oh goodie.)
- [23:29] <Prexor_Zozavo> (i have no idea what's happening with anyone else in the session)
- [23:29] <Roland> (With any luck, it shouldn't come to that)
- [23:29] <Leeroy_Church> (Praying to the dice now.)
- [23:30] <Leeroy_Church> (Also checking your max HP)
- [23:30] <Prexor_Zozavo> 44
- [23:30] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•· stop!! ·•°ღ°•· you'll take the whole tower down! ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•· heavenly silver arrow, transfix! ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•·
- [23:30] <Leeroy_Church> (Alright not bad.)
- [23:30] <Cerxes_Khesed> 16+3 {19}
- [23:30] <Roland> Yeah you'll survive for a hit or two.
- [23:31] <Leeroy_Church> "..d1d u just announce ur fuck1n attack?"
- [23:31] <Roland> Prexor is struck with an arrow made of light.
- [23:31] <Cerxes_Khesed> Roll damage?
- [23:31] <Roland> And transfix is ALMOST exactly what it does.
- [23:31] <Roland> Yes, roll damage.
- [23:32] <Cerxes_Khesed> 6+4+3 {13}
- [23:32] <Roland> Prexor, roll athletics or acrobatics
- [23:32] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+10 athletics
- [23:32] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+10 athletics --> [ 1d20=11 ]{21}
- [23:32] <Roland> Ach, sadly for you, it doesn't QUITE transfix.
- [23:32] <Prexor_Zozavo> Sadly for who?
- [23:32] <Roland> Close, though.
- [23:32] <Roland> Sadly for Cerxes.
- [23:32] <Prexor_Zozavo> I am the one getting attacked, here.
- [23:32] <Leeroy_Church> Transfix? As in.. Stick him to one spot?
- [23:32] <Roland> Well, kinda
- [23:33] <Cerxes_Khesed> (Pin to the spot)
- [23:33] <Roland> I'll explain more when you're not in the middle of PvP
- [23:33] <Leeroy_Church> Glad he failed.
- [23:33] <Roland> Anything else, Cerxes?
- [23:33] <Cerxes_Khesed> (it has dual meanings, to a)run someone through and b) cause someone to become motionless)
- [23:34] <Prexor_Zozavo> (I still take the 13 damage though, right?)
- [23:34] <Roland> Yes
- [23:34] <Prexor_Zozavo> (kk)
- [23:34] <Roland> You do
- [23:35] <Cerxes_Khesed> Um, skirt swish minor & then get the hell outta there?
- [23:35] <Leeroy_Church> Are.
- [23:35] <Leeroy_Church> Are you trying to seduce Prexor?
- [23:35] <Roland> What, like fly out of the tower?
- [23:35] <Prexor_Zozavo> (I have -1 insight, help)
- [23:35] <Prexor_Zozavo> (i might actually fall for it)
- [23:35] <Roland> Prexor, roll to interpret this as red flirtation
- [23:35] <Roland> insight.
- [23:35] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20-1
- [23:35] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20-1 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{15}
- [23:36] <Cerxes_Khesed> No, but it makes it harder for him to hit me
- [23:36] <Roland> Cerxes, roll performance
- [23:36] <Cerxes_Khesed> .... sigh...
- [23:36] <Cerxes_Khesed> 15+2 {17}
- [23:36] <Leeroy_Church> "sparkles dont s+1ck ur fuck1n bulge 1n crazy!!"
- [23:37] <Roland> Prexor, in addition to taking a penalty to his attack roll, also interprets this as red flirtation
- [23:37] <Prexor_Zozavo> (What penalty? Same as intimidate?)
- [23:37] <Roland> Yeah, I believe we said -1 or something. It's been a while, so cerxes will have to refresh my memory
- [23:38] <Cerxes_Khesed> Yeah, -1 to attack
- [23:38] <Prexor_Zozavo> (kk)
- [23:38] <Leeroy_Church> It's okay. I'll stack that soon.
- [23:38] <Roland> "Hey buddy. The first one better do it."
- [23:38] <Roland> Leeroy and Cerxes: roll to identify the source of that last statement.
- [23:39] <Cerxes_Khesed> Rolling what, insight?
- [23:39] <Roland> perception
- [23:39] <Leeroy_Church> 17+3=20.
- [23:39] <Leeroy_Church> Hoo boy.
- [23:40] <Cerxes_Khesed> Pffft. 3+1 {4}. Too busy making sure a violent violetblood isn't about to knock me outta the sky.
- [23:40] <Roland> Leeroy detects that the voice came from Prexor's maul. Cerxes doesn't identify shit
- [23:40] <Leeroy_Church> (I got a bad feeling-oh.)
- [23:40] <Prexor_Zozavo> "Explain."
- [23:40] <Leeroy_Church> "wtf??"
- [23:41] <Roland> *We weren't talking to you, beloved Bearer Ours.* ((Leeroy and Cerxes cannot hear quotes in asterisks))
- [23:41] <Leeroy_Church> "1s ur crazy 1nfec+1ous or d1d ur maul just speak??"
- [23:41] <Roland> **Merely addressing the transgressors currently beating you anonymous.**
- [23:41] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU will be silent once more."
- [23:41] <Roland> *Why, of course.*
- [23:41] <Roland> **We exist to serve, after all.**
- [23:41] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU will serve ME well."
- [23:42] <Leeroy_Church> "omg sparkles get that th1ng outta h1s hand."
- [23:42] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU will do no such thing."
- [23:42] <Cerxes_Khesed> his weapon? ... ·•°ღ°•· oh! ·•°ღ°•· you mean, disarm him. i can do that.
- [23:43] <Roland> But it is not your turn, Cerxes!
- [23:43] <Leeroy_Church> "and 1 can help." She sets her jaw and waits for her turn.
- [23:43] <Prexor_Zozavo> (I got a 4, so im pretty sure it's your turn now)
- [23:43] * Cerxes_Khesed did not mean right now, Bill. :P
- [23:43] <Leeroy_Church> Have we ticked over then?
- [23:43] <Roland> It's Leeroy's turn.
- [23:43] <Roland> Cerxes is spent.
- [23:43] <Leeroy_Church> Neat.
- [23:44] <Leeroy_Church> Question: what do I have to roll if I want to hit an AREA on the floor?
- [23:44] <Roland> Roll dex to strike your desired area.
- [23:44] <Roland> I know what you're doing.
- [23:44] <Prexor_Zozavo> (I do not)
- [23:44] <Leeroy_Church> Oh good.
- [23:44] <Prexor_Zozavo> (I am in the dark completely_
- [23:44] <Leeroy_Church> (I'm being nice.)
- [23:44] <Prexor_Zozavo> (and im a little scared)
- [23:45] <Roland> ((You'll be fine, prexor. She's just showing off how stupid the idea of believing I could make anything balanced is))
- [23:45] <Leeroy_Church> 16 to lob a light grenade 5-10 feet from Prexor.
- [23:45] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Ah, alright)
- [23:45] <Leeroy_Church> (You UPPED the damage, Bill!)
- [23:46] <Leeroy_Church> (I don't want to smack him in the face with 2d8 if I don't have to!)
- [23:46] <Roland> ((Well I didn't expect you guys to come in and wail on prexor! Chrissakes! Madwomen, both of you!))
- [23:46] <Prexor_Zozavo> (I am the victim here, trust me)
- [23:46] <Cerxes_Khesed> (I would happily turn my attacks to nonlethal if I thought I could.)
- [23:46] <Leeroy_Church> (Your exile AND maul voices are CHEERING HIM ON.)
- [23:46] <Prexor_Zozavo> (I'm definitely not about to cost a ton of people their lives.)
- [23:46] <Prexor_Zozavo> (That would be ridiculous)
- [23:46] <Roland> This actually is a good moment to mention that you should PROBABLY be using tyche. If I'm officiating PVP, I wanna SEE all of the rolls.
- [23:46] <Leeroy_Church> (Just tell us if I got the guy.)
- [23:47] <Cerxes_Khesed> (Fair enough.)
- [23:47] <Leeroy_Church> (Alright, you got it.)
- [23:47] <Roland> You got him, AC-wise. Prexor, what's your con resistance?
- [23:47] <Prexor_Zozavo> 16
- [23:47] <Leeroy_Church> Welp.
- [23:47] <Roland> Leeroy. Roll your usual dice.
- [23:48] <Roland> 1d3+1
- [23:48] <Leeroy_Church> !roll 1d3+1
- [23:48] <Tyche[Dice]> Leeroy_Church rolled : 1d3+1 --> [ 1d3=2 ]{3}
- [23:48] <Roland> Prexor is blind for one turn. For three turns, he has a -2 penalty to attack rolls. The attack deals no damage.
- [23:48] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Huh, alright)
- [23:48] <Leeroy_Church> Also there's a small blast crater maybe in the floor.
- [23:48] <Roland> You have a minor and a move left, Leeroy.
- [23:49] <Prexor_Zozavo> "What did YOU do?!"
- [23:49] <Leeroy_Church> Shouting to taunt with the minor.
- [23:49] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU will cease this!"
- [23:49] <Roland> **Bearer ours, if you would graciously allow us to assist...**
- [23:49] <Roland> *You might find us quite... efficient.*
- [23:49] <Leeroy_Church> "sumth1n u cant, b1+ch! and u cant get me e1+her!"
- [23:49] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU will assist."
- [23:49] <Leeroy_Church> And move to fly out over the edge.
- [23:50] <Roland> There's a hum in Prexor's mind, like a hungry lion licking its chops.
- [23:50] <Leeroy_Church> "come and get me 1f u can shrkba1+!"
- [23:50] <Roland> Shrkba1+ needs to do no such thing.
- [23:50] <Leeroy_Church> "o r1ght, u CANT!"
- [23:50] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU do not tell ME what to do!"
- [23:50] <Roland> The maul turns into a 2d6 revolver.
- [23:51] <Leeroy_Church> Leeroy laughs, loud and obnoxious, and ends her turn well out of reach outside.
- [23:51] <Roland> It then guides Prexor's hand.
- [23:51] <Roland> Roll a dex attack roll. The revolver is currently aiming itself.
- [23:51] <Roland> Just ONE dice, Prexor
- [23:51] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+2 i am so confused.
- [23:51] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+2 i am so confused. --> [ 1d20=2 ]{4}
- [23:51] <Leeroy_Church> (APPARENTLY IT AINT AIMING SHIT.)
- [23:51] <Roland> The shot pings off of Leeroy's shield.
- [23:52] <Roland> Hey, it's not doing too bad for a revolver that has no eyes.
- [23:52] <Leeroy_Church> She yelps. "the FUCK??"
- [23:52] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU fail ME."
- [23:52] <Roland> *Our apologies, Bearer Ours.*
- [23:52] <Roland> **We shall endeavor to improve in the future.**
- [23:52] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•· what is that thing?? ·•°ღ°•·
- [23:52] <Leeroy_Church> "1 m1ssed u and th1s 1s how u repay me?"
- [23:52] <Leeroy_Church> "1 got no fuck1n clue nemore."
- [23:52] <Roland> Roll sanity, Prexor.
- [23:52] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20-1
- [23:52] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20-1 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{14}
- [23:54] <Roland> ((I totally just blanked. Prexor, you can still fire a shot if you want))
- [23:54] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Any disadvantage from being blind?)
- [23:54] <Leeroy_Church> (Yep.)
- [23:54] <Roland> ((Your maul assists your aim))
- [23:55] <Leeroy_Church> (Oh or not.)
- [23:55] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Huh, cool)
- [23:55] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+2 to fire again.
- [23:55] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+2 to fire again. --> [ 1d20=10 ]{12}
- [23:55] <Roland> Another shot and a miss!
- [23:55] <Prexor_Zozavo> I retreat slowly back into my room, hoping not to fall backwards over the edge of the crater.
- [23:55] <Roland> **I'm afraid that was all you, Bearer Ours.**
- [23:55] <Prexor_Zozavo> End turn.
- [23:55] <Roland> Roll acrobatics
- [23:56] <Prexor_Zozavo> "I am perfectly aware of that.
- [23:56] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+10
- [23:56] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{30}
- [23:56] <Prexor_Zozavo> (WELP.)
- [23:56] <Leeroy_Church> (HUH.)
- [23:56] <Roland> (WELP)
- [23:56] <Roland> It becomes evident that you, too, can actually fly.
- [23:56] <Roland> Like, no one was joking.
- [23:56] <Leeroy_Church> (OH GOD)
- [23:57] <Cerxes_Khesed> ((WELP. WE'RE FUCKED.))
- [23:57] <Prexor_Zozavo> "No, that is stupid."
- [23:57] <Prexor_Zozavo> I remain on the ground.
- [23:57] <Leeroy_Church> (BILL I NEED A SLEEP GRENADE)
- [23:57] <Roland> As you put your foot back, it almost feels like it comes to rest on... something solid.
- [23:57] <Roland> But there IS nothing
- [23:57] <Roland> **Bearer Ours, why not consider it like so...**
- [23:57] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU will be silent as well."
- [23:57] <Roland> *...The ground is merely....*
- [23:58] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU have failed ME."
- [23:58] <Roland> **..Remaining on your feet?**
- [23:58] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU will allow ME to handle this situation."
- [23:58] <Leeroy_Church> (Oh god the maul knows how to twist his logic.)
- [23:58] <Roland> *Of course, Bearer Ours.*
- [23:58] <Prexor_Zozavo> End turn.
- [23:58] <Cerxes_Khesed> (KILL IT WITH HOLY FIRE)
- [23:58] <Cerxes_Khesed> (Oh-- my turn?)
- [23:58] <Prexor_Zozavo> Think so.
- [23:59] <Roland> Yes
- [23:59] <Leeroy_Church> "ohh.. fuck."
- [23:59] <Leeroy_Church> "that grenades gonna wear off soon-get ur shots 1n now!"
- [23:59] <Cerxes_Khesed> Right. In that case, I'm going to back up to 50 ft and then hit the maul/his hands with an arrow. What do I roll for that?
- [00:00] <Roland> Dex. The maul has its own AC.
- [00:00] <Cerxes_Khesed> Ok good.
- [00:01] <Leeroy_Church> Advantage still, or not for the maul?
- [00:01] <Cerxes_Khesed> !roll1d20+3
- [00:01] <Tyche[Dice]> Cerxes_Khesed rolled : --> error: malformed expression
- [00:01] <Cerxes_Khesed> Hhh
- [00:01] <Cerxes_Khesed> !roll 1d20+3
- [00:01] <Tyche[Dice]> Cerxes_Khesed rolled : 1d20+3 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{10}
- [00:01] <Roland> Not for the maul, which has its own AC
- [00:01] <Leeroy_Church> Dangit.
- [00:01] <Roland> ...which you fail to meet.
- [00:01] <Cerxes_Khesed> ... Really, tyche.
- [00:01] <Roland> Yes, really.
- [00:01] <Leeroy_Church> This is why I don't like tychee.
- [00:01] <Roland> This is a great time to mention that ol "Taiki" here does not discriminate. She hates all of you equally.
- [00:01] <Cerxes_Khesed> Ah well.
- [00:02] <Roland> Cerxes has two more arrows.
- [00:02] <Leeroy_Church> No, tychee bends to the DM.
- [00:02] <Roland> And still has a minor action.
- [00:02] <Cerxes_Khesed> I know, I'm keeping track.
- [00:02] <Leeroy_Church> Right now, the maul is the DM.
- [00:02] <Roland> Haha, Tyche doesn't bend to me at all, much as I wish she would.
- [00:02] <Cerxes_Khesed> For a minor, can I try and persuade Prexor to set the maul down?
- [00:02] <Cerxes_Khesed> I mean I get it's pointless but, IC, you know.
- [00:03] <Roland> Use speech for that. Prexor will believe what Prexor wants to believe.
- [00:03] <Leeroy_Church> Oh god.
- [00:03] <Prexor_Zozavo> (I am so sorry)
- [00:03] <Roland> Making players roll speech-type checks against one another is against my policy.
- [00:04] * Leeroy_Church settles in with popcorn to wait for the justice and pity speech.
- [00:05] * Roland lights a cigarette.
- [00:05] * Leeroy_Church shoos Roland away, she killed that motherfucker. Stop haunting her.
- [00:05] * Prexor_Zozavo grabs some pop.
- [00:05] * Roland continues to not be a thing that Leeroy has killed.
- [00:06] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•· please, ·•°ღ°•· we don't want to hurt you! we just want to keep you from harming others! can't you see that your tower is crumbling with every hit? ·•°ღ°•· you're putting yourself and those below at risk! ·•°ღ°•·
- [00:07] <Prexor_Zozavo> "No."
- [00:07] <Roland> ((^))
- [00:07] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•· why do you have absolutely no survival instinct??? ·•°ღ°•·
- [00:07] <Leeroy_Church> Leeroy facepalms. "1-ch1c d1d u l1sten 2 a word 1 sa1d?"
- [00:07] <Leeroy_Church> "and 2-B1+CH HE BL1ND!"
- [00:08] <Cerxes_Khesed> (...)
- [00:08] <Roland> >VO: Haha, those girls are a hoot, aren't they ol' buddy?
- [00:08] <Prexor_Zozavo> "THEY are certainly something."
- [00:08] <Prexor_Zozavo> "And I have survival instinct."
- [00:08] <Prexor_Zozavo> "Instinct for MY survival."
- [00:08] <Prexor_Zozavo> "And the survival of MY sea."
- [00:09] <Leeroy_Church> "yea? then stop try1n 2 cull urself."
- [00:09] <Leeroy_Church> ...Shit why did she say that.
- [00:09] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•· NO, you DO NOT! and i am getting sick of having to save your life, you INGRATE! ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•·
- [00:09] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU are doing nothing for ME."
- [00:09] <Roland> >VO: No, she totally isn't. Keep talkin' like that. I'm havin' a good laugh listenin' to the fools tryin' to reason with you.
- [00:10] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU will not tell ME what to do."
- [00:10] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU should have learned that by now, WEAKLING."
- [00:10] <Roland> >VO: BWAHAHAHAHA, You're the funniest guy, Prexor.
- [00:11] <Prexor_Zozavo> "I was not speaking to YOU."
- [00:11] <Leeroy_Church> Frustrated laugh. "fuck who 1s he even talk1n 2 nemore??"
- [00:11] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU will be silent!"
- [00:11] <Roland> >VO: Oh man, I'm cryin' right now.
- [00:12] <Leeroy_Church> "look were not shut+1n up. us or the vo1ces 1n ur fuck1n skull."
- [00:12] <Roland> **Oh, Bearer Ours!**
- [00:12] <Roland> *They are so impudent!*
- [00:12] <Leeroy_Church> "u wanna be sh1+h1ve, deal w1+ the consequences."
- [00:12] <Prexor_Zozavo> "I am aware of this."
- [00:13] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•· i hope you pass out from your own stupidity!! ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•·
- [00:13] <Leeroy_Church> Sigh. "look, 1f ur gonna b l1ke th1s and actually f1r1n at us.."
- [00:13] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU shall also be silent."
- [00:13] <Cerxes_Khesed> you ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•· ungrateful maniac!! ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•·
- [00:13] <Prexor_Zozavo> "I said silence!"
- [00:13] <Leeroy_Church> "1 dont play w1+ pkers."
- [00:13] <Roland> >SI: Oh shit, Leeroy. Get the ointment.
- [00:14] <Leeroy_Church> "1ll f1nd a way 2 boot u, dude."
- [00:14] <Roland> >SI: Boy just straight up TOLD you.
- [00:14] <Leeroy_Church> "gotta b server access sumwhere."
- [00:14] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU speak too much."
- [00:14] <Roland> >HP: Cerxes, tell mommy and daddy to stop fighting. i'm scared.
- [00:14] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Wot)
- [00:14] <Cerxes_Khesed> (HP is my exile)
- [00:15] <Leeroy_Church> (SI is mine)
- [00:15] <Prexor_Zozavo> (i meant the whole mommy and daddy thing)
- [00:15] <Prexor_Zozavo> (is that sarcasm?)
- [00:15] <Prexor_Zozavo> (or is that exile actually like, a child?)
- [00:15] <Leeroy_Church> (HP is sort of sweet and naive.)
- [00:15] <Prexor_Zozavo> (huh)
- [00:15] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•· stop this fighting! ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•·
- [00:15] <Prexor_Zozavo> "No."
- [00:15] <Roland> ((^))
- [00:15] <Leeroy_Church> "1d love 2 but hes fuck1n jerkers!"
- [00:16] <Roland> ((: D))
- [00:16] <Leeroy_Church> (...Oh god I got that from you.)
- [00:16] <Prexor_Zozavo> (So, who's turn is it right now?)
- [00:16] <Roland> Okay, so... whose turn is it? Leeroy?
- [00:16] <Cerxes_Khesed> i said ·•°ღ°•·S̢͠͠T̡̢O͟P̶̷̡ ·•°ღ°•·
- [00:17] <Prexor_Zozavo> "And I said no."
- [00:17] <Roland> Oh dear. Roll sanity and insight prexor.
- [00:17] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20-1 sanity
- [00:17] <Leeroy_Church> "ch1c calm yo +1+s."
- [00:17] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20-1 sanity --> [ 1d20=10 ]{9}
- [00:17] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20-1 insight
- [00:17] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20-1 insight --> [ 1d20=15 ]{14}
- [00:17] <Leeroy_Church> Welp.
- [00:17] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Eh, that's not TOO bad?)
- [00:17] <Prexor_Zozavo> (I think?)
- [00:17] <Roland> The zalgo'd text sends its fingertips crawling on the surface of your mind.
- [00:17] <Roland> You get a headache.
- [00:17] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU speak too much as well."
- [00:18] <Roland> You also begin to realize that this young lady is extremely powerful.
- [00:18] <Leeroy_Church> (You are sort of attracted to her. I'm afraid it'll stick if you see another crazy.)
- [00:18] <Roland> ((Attracted? No. Just interpreted her skirt swish as red flirtation.))
- [00:18] <Leeroy_Church> (Oh yeah.)
- [00:19] <Leeroy_Church> (Well if it's technically my turn..)
- [00:19] <Leeroy_Church> !roll 1d4 for recharge
- [00:19] <Tyche[Dice]> Leeroy_Church rolled : 1d4 for recharge --> [ 1d4=3 ]{3}
- [00:20] <Leeroy_Church> (No recharge for grenade)
- [00:20] <Roland> Hm. I know what WILL charge, though.
- [00:20] <Leeroy_Church> ?
- [00:20] <Roland> Just continue.
- [00:20] <Leeroy_Church> Oh. Me. Right.
- [00:21] <Leeroy_Church> "hate 2 do th1s shrkweek, but ur los1n 1+.."
- [00:21] <Roland> >SI: Do you really hate to do this, though? I detect some bloodlust, Leeroy...
- [00:22] <Leeroy_Church> !roll 1d20+3 for storm's charge.
- [00:22] <Tyche[Dice]> Leeroy_Church rolled : 1d20+3 for storm's charge. --> [ 1d20=18 ]{21}
- [00:22] <Cerxes_Khesed> (Nice.)
- [00:22] <Roland> Roll damage, then roll athletics. Prexor, roll athletics.
- [00:22] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+10
- [00:22] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{26}
- [00:22] <Leeroy_Church> (Alright Tychee, we can maybe be friends.)
- [00:22] <Leeroy_Church> (...Nevermind Tychee fuck you)
- [00:22] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Thank mr tychee)
- [00:22] <Roland> Oh, no, Tyche didn't fuck you.
- [00:22] <Roland> It's that +10 MOD that fucked you.
- [00:22] <Prexor_Zozavo> (I am stronk)
- [00:23] <Prexor_Zozavo> (grr)
- [00:23] <Roland> (For stronk, read, stubborn.)
- [00:23] <Cerxes_Khesed> (Can we assume any direct attacks on Prexor are nonlethal? Or should we specify?)
- [00:23] <Prexor_Zozavo> (That too)
- [00:23] <Leeroy_Church> !roll 2d4+3 damage, 1d20+5 shove.
- [00:23] <Tyche[Dice]> Leeroy_Church rolled : 2d4+3 damage, 1d20+5 shove. --> [ 2d4=5 ]{8}
- [00:23] <Leeroy_Church> ...
- [00:23] <Roland> 8 damage
- [00:23] <Leeroy_Church> !roll 1d20+5
- [00:23] <Tyche[Dice]> Leeroy_Church rolled : 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{8}
- [00:23] <Roland> You can also specify your attacks are non lethal
- [00:23] <Leeroy_Church> Feck.
- [00:23] <Leeroy_Church> True, lets assume nonlethal where I can/
- [00:23] <Roland> No shove
- [00:24] <Leeroy_Church> If anything, I bounce off that wall.
- [00:24] <Roland> Really, Prexor is like a funnier, more endearing Wei Ning.
- [00:24] <Roland> Anyway. You still have a minor, should you choose to use it.
- [00:24] <Leeroy_Church> Hm.
- [00:25] <Leeroy_Church> ...Well. Fuck it.
- [00:25] <Leeroy_Church> !roll 1d20+3 to shield bash.
- [00:25] <Tyche[Dice]> Leeroy_Church rolled : 1d20+3 to shield bash. --> [ 1d20=12 ]{15}
- [00:25] <Roland> A success. Roll damage.
- [00:26] <Leeroy_Church> !roll 1d4
- [00:26] <Tyche[Dice]> Leeroy_Church rolled : 1d4 --> [ 1d4=4 ]{4}
- [00:26] <Leeroy_Church> ...Oh shit, I had advantage didn't I.
- [00:26] <Leeroy_Church> ...Welp.
- [00:26] <Leeroy_Church> Hit anyway.
- [00:26] <Roland> Anything else?
- [00:26] <Leeroy_Church> I'm out.
- [00:26] <Cerxes_Khesed> Wait was I supposed to have advantage on that arrow shot?
- [00:26] <Roland> Nope.
- [00:26] <Cerxes_Khesed> OK good.
- [00:26] <Roland> You attacked the maul
- [00:27] <Leeroy_Church> Cerxes, you do get +1 to hit while I am adjacent to this juggernaut.
- [00:27] <Cerxes_Khesed> That's nice.
- [00:27] <Leeroy_Church> Well. Assuming a tier one weapon.
- [00:27] <Roland> Prexor's turn.
- [00:28] <Prexor_Zozavo> I regain my vision?
- [00:28] <Cerxes_Khesed> .... I don't know what tier my magical arrows are.
- [00:28] <Roland> Her "bow" is technically tier 2, as is her beam. And yes, but you have a -2 accuracy penalty on attack rolls
- [00:28] <Prexor_Zozavo> And Leeroy is next to me?
- [00:28] <Leeroy_Church> (so +2 if you use the abilities)
- [00:28] <Leeroy_Church> ...Yes.
- [00:28] <Leeroy_Church> Yes I am.
- [00:28] <Prexor_Zozavo> I roll to grapple.
- [00:28] <Leeroy_Church> Oh boy.
- [00:28] <Prexor_Zozavo> Changing my maul to my chain, to help out.
- [00:29] <Roland> Awesome.
- [00:29] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+12
- [00:29] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+12 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{32}
- [00:29] <Prexor_Zozavo> OO BB
- [00:29] <Leeroy_Church> Athletics to resist-neeeever mind.
- [00:29] <Leeroy_Church> Imma grappled.
- [00:29] <Roland> Leeroy is quite firmly grappled. The chain does its grapple damage one turn early as a result
- [00:30] <Roland> It almost feels like the chain itself is snaking around you, as opposed to Prexor doing the work.
- [00:30] <Leeroy_Church> "ARG FUCK NOW U GET GOOD??"
- [00:30] <Prexor_Zozavo> I shift Leeroy to be standing in between me and the one who talks too much.
- [00:30] <Leeroy_Church> Damage taken?
- [00:30] <Roland> Roll 1d4, prexor. Then roll a 1d2 to determine whether or not she bleeds
- [00:30] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d4 damage
- [00:30] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d4 damage --> [ 1d4=4 ]{4}
- [00:30] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d2 bleeding?
- [00:30] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d2 bleeding? --> [ 1d2=2 ]{2}
- [00:30] <Roland> She takes four damage, and bleeds.
- [00:30] <Leeroy_Church> (Fuck you tychee.)
- [00:31] <Roland> Your maul....
- [00:31] <Roland> *Oh, Bearer!*
- [00:31] <Roland> **It's... so delicious! So rich!**
- [00:31] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Oooooohhhhhh)
- [00:31] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Now I geddit)
- [00:31] <Roland> *Not as rich and lovely as yours, of course, but...*
- [00:31] <Roland> **We can do some lovely things with this blood!**
- [00:31] <Leeroy_Church> (Oh. Shit.)
- [00:32] <Prexor_Zozavo> "I told YOU to be silent."
- [00:32] <Cerxes_Khesed> (BURN IT IN HOLY FIRE)
- [00:32] <Roland> **Of course, Bearer Ours.**
- [00:32] <Roland> *We exist to serve.*
- [00:32] <Roland> You have a minor, if you can do anything with it in a grapple.
- [00:32] <Leeroy_Church> "1M NOT FUCK1N TALK1N U NUTJOB!"
- [00:33] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU are in no position to speak, WEAKLING."
- [00:33] <Prexor_Zozavo> I use my minor to do another 1d4 damage.
- [00:33] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d4
- [00:33] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d4 --> [ 1d4=2 ]{2}
- [00:33] <Roland> >SI: Owned. Fucking owned.
- [00:33] <Leeroy_Church> (58/64)
- [00:33] <Roland> >VO: Prexor, you know when she owns you it's going to hurt.
- [00:34] <Prexor_Zozavo> "SHE does not own ME."
- [00:34] <Prexor_Zozavo> I end my turn.
- [00:34] <Leeroy_Church> "QU1+ TALK1N ABOUT ME 2 UR FUCK1N DEMON MAUL!"
- [00:35] <Roland> >VO: You misunderstand. You're gettin' close, but you still misunderstand. Keep tryin' there, buddy.
- [00:35] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU are no position to command ME."
- [00:35] <Leeroy_Church> "1 AM GO1N 2 R1P UR HEAD OFF ZOZAVO!"
- [00:35] <Prexor_Zozavo> "No, YOU are not."
- [00:35] <Prexor_Zozavo> "Be grateful I have kept YOU alive thus far."
- [00:36] <Leeroy_Church> "l1ke U could k1ll ME, b1+ch!"
- [00:36] <Roland> **O Lord Bearer!**
- [00:36] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU tempt ME to show YOU."
- [00:36] <Prexor_Zozavo> "What now?"
- [00:36] <Roland> *Truly, they must be taught lessons in humility!*
- [00:37] <Prexor_Zozavo> "Agreed."
- [00:37] <Roland> **And how to pick their battles!**
- [00:37] <Prexor_Zozavo> "THEY have made a mistake."
- [00:37] <Roland> *Of course! And they taste...*
- [00:37] <Leeroy_Church> "o, were u not show1n me already? fuck now 1 get why ur grapple game was SO WEAK!"
- [00:37] <Roland> **...So...**
- [00:37] <Roland> *...Goooooooooooooood...*
- [00:37] <Cerxes_Khesed> ... Fuck it.
- [00:38] <Cerxes_Khesed> Is it possible to do nonlethal beam spam damage.
- [00:38] <vampsquirrel> Not possible in the base rules, but Bill might let you.
- [00:38] <Leeroy_Church> Fuck, hit me, he'll drop before I do.
- [00:38] <Roland> Yes. For magical girl reasons, and also because I hate the idea that projectile attacks don't have that option.
- [00:38] <Roland> Also because dying permanently is pretty lame.
- [00:38] <Prexor_Zozavo> (^)
- [00:39] <Leeroy_Church> (Well. Dream death.)
- [00:39] <Roland> ((Still pretty lame))
- [00:39] <Leeroy_Church> (Still sucks, but still.)
- [00:39] <Prexor_Zozavo> (In this context, killing me would be entirely justified)
- [00:39] <Roland> Roll occult if you wish to perform beam spam
- [00:39] <Cerxes_Khesed> Right. Then, for IC reasons, I'm gonna make a magical girl speech with Intimidate behind it (if that will even do anything) and then if he doesn't let her go (which I'm assuming he won't), fuckin spam.
- [00:39] <Prexor_Zozavo> (I'd still rather you didn't, but it'd be justified)
- [00:39] <Leeroy_Church> (We're dragging your unconscious ass down to the crypt.)
- [00:40] <vampsquirrel> ((SPECIAL BEAM SPAMMIN'))
- [00:40] <Roland> LETS DO THIS SHIT
- [00:40] <Leeroy_Church> (His AC is lowered from the grenade, I'm still adjacent so you get my +2 to hit)
- [00:40] <Cerxes_Khesed> Right.
- [00:40] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Although, I also gain the +2 AC from leeroy as a shield)
- [00:40] <Leeroy_Church> (CANCELED!)
- [00:41] <Roland> You get your +2 from your BEAM'S to hit.
- [00:41] <Roland> Tier of the "weapon" used.
- [00:41] == Leeroy_Church [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
- [00:41] == Roland [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
- [00:41] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Wot?)
- [00:41] <vampsquirrel> ((Uh))
- [00:41] <le_dank_memes_XD> aw lawd
- [00:41] <Cerxes_Khesed> ((Um))
- [00:42] <le_dank_memes_XD> F
- [00:42] <Prexor_Zozavo> F
- [00:42] <Prexor_Zozavo> rip in spaghetti never forgetti
- [00:42] <vampsquirrel> ((ruined right before the climax))
- [00:42] == Leeroy_Church [] has joined #RPGStuck_Orwell
- [00:42] == Roland [] has joined #RPGStuck_Orwell
- [00:42] == mode/#RPGStuck_Orwell [+o Roland] by ChanServ
- [00:42] <Roland> Okay, the dank memes have the paste XD
- [00:42] <Leeroy_Church> So beam spam?
- [00:42] <le_dank_memes_XD> Yup.
- [00:43] <Roland> Attack+occult+2
- [00:43] <vampsquirrel> We need the mgical grille speech first
- [00:43] <Roland> ^
- [00:43] <Leeroy_Church> Oh, right.
- [00:43] <Leeroy_Church> Sorry.
- [00:43] * Leeroy_Church goes back to her popcorn.
- [00:44] <Roland> Remember Cerxes, the longer you delay, the more blood Prexor's weapon drinks. Ohhhhhh the sweet blood... it sings to it... It's enough to make a maul SICK. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
- [00:45] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•· hear me, zozavo! ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•· put aside your rage and abandon the dark weapon that feeds upon you! ·•°ღ°•· your heart is clouded with evil purposes! ·•°ღ°•· we are your friends, and wish no harm to you. but i will hurt you if i must. ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•· open your heart and embrace an end to this violence! ·•°ღ°•··•°
- [00:45] <Cerxes_Khesed> !roll 1d20+3 intimidate
- [00:45] <Tyche[Dice]> Cerxes_Khesed rolled : 1d20+3 intimidate --> [ 1d20=2 ]{5}
- [00:45] <Cerxes_Khesed> (... fuck you tychee.)
- [00:45] <Roland> ... roll insight, Prexor
- [00:46] <Leeroy_Church> (Aw, that was a good one!)
- [00:46] <Cerxes_Khesed> (Thanks meesh, I tried.)
- [00:46] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20-1
- [00:46] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20-1 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{19}
- [00:46] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Insult to injury)
- [00:46] <Roland> damn, prexor
- [00:47] <Leeroy_Church> (FUCK. YOU. TYCHEE.)
- [00:47] <Roland> The maul speaks once more as part of Prexor's resistance:
- [00:47] <Roland> "Devils all over the shop.... You'll be one of them.... sooner or later."
- [00:47] <Roland> Take -2 to your next attack against prexor as chills run up your spine.
- [00:47] <Leeroy_Church> "WHAT. THE. FUCK."
- [00:47] <Cerxes_Khesed> (So basically.... just roll d20+OCC. ))
- [00:48] <Leeroy_Church> (Dangit.)
- [00:48] <Roland> Yup
- [00:48] <Cerxes_Khesed> ((Fuck. Do I have to use Tyche? ))
- [00:48] <Roland> ((Yes.))
- [00:48] <vampsquirrel> ((LEEROY, GRAB HIS TAIL IT'S A SAIYAN'S WEAK POINT!))
- [00:48] <Cerxes_Khesed> ((Goddammit. Alright.))
- [00:48] <Leeroy_Church> (I know, Tychee's fucking us today.)
- [00:49] <Cerxes_Khesed> !roll 1d20+3 and pray REALLY, REALLY HARD
- [00:49] <Tyche[Dice]> Cerxes_Khesed rolled : 1d20+3 and pray REALLY, REALLY HARD --> [ 1d20=17 ]{20}
- [00:49] <Roland> ((In PVP, I want everyone to see the rolls. I'm nipping cheating accusations in the bud)) EYYY!
- [00:49] <Leeroy_Church> (....Oh. Hey!)
- [00:49] <vampsquirrel> ((Jesus comes through))
- [00:49] <Cerxes_Khesed> ((THANK YOU))
- [00:49] <Roland> You kids need to stop being scared of Tyche.
- [00:49] <Roland> Roll damage.
- [00:49] <Leeroy_Church> (Jesus where were you on that crit?)
- [00:49] <Roland> Prexor, Roll athletics.
- [00:49] <Leeroy_Church> (Bill I'm not scared. I resent him deeply. It's different.)
- [00:49] <vampsquirrel> ((y'all need to pray more, jesus ain't got time if you ain't got time for him))
- [00:50] <Cerxes_Khesed> !roll 2d10+3 to FIRE MAH LAZOR
- [00:50] <Tyche[Dice]> Cerxes_Khesed rolled : 2d10+3 to FIRE MAH LAZOR --> [ 2d10=5 ]{8}
- [00:50] <vampsquirrel> ((KEK))
- [00:50] <Roland> ((Pfheh. Shit. Ol' Tyche.))
- [00:50] <Leeroy_Church> (You see what I mean?)
- [00:50] <Cerxes_Khesed> ((WAIT
- [00:50] <Roland> S'matter?
- [00:50] <Leeroy_Church> (?)
- [00:50] <Cerxes_Khesed> ((Do I get the 2d4 from hitting him with the arrow earlier?))
- [00:50] <Prexor_Zozavo> (sorry, one sec)
- [00:51] <Roland> Yes, you do.
- [00:51] <Roland> Roll an additional 2d4
- [00:51] <Cerxes_Khesed> !roll 2d4 and do more prayin'
- [00:51] <Tyche[Dice]> Cerxes_Khesed rolled : 2d4 and do more prayin' --> [ 2d4=6 ]{6}
- [00:51] <Leeroy_Church> (SHE GETS ANOTHA SHOT!)
- [00:51] <Roland> Not bad, not bad
- [00:51] <Cerxes_Khesed> ((Ok, 14 is more respectable))
- [00:52] <Roland> Prexor, are you there?
- [00:52] <Prexor_Zozavo> (sorry, am back)
- [00:52] <Prexor_Zozavo> (so, what's actually happening?)
- [00:53] <vampsquirrel> ((Magic arrow enhanced beam attacks))
- [00:53] <Roland> You just took 14 damage in a mechanic I'll refine further after this strife.
- [00:53] <Prexor_Zozavo> (did i need to roll athletics for something?)
- [00:53] <Roland> Really, I'm sorry Prexor; I'm trying to make this as interesting for you as it is to the kids with the shiny toys ((And nah you're good))
- [00:54] <Prexor_Zozavo> (kk)
- [00:54] <Roland> If Cerxes is done, it's Leeroy's turn
- [00:54] <Leeroy_Church> !roll 1d4 for charge recharge
- [00:54] <Tyche[Dice]> Leeroy_Church rolled : 1d4 for charge recharge --> [ 1d4=1 ]{1}
- [00:54] <Roland> Nice
- [00:54] <Leeroy_Church> RECHARGED!
- [00:54] <Roland> And your nade?
- [00:54] <Leeroy_Church> !roll 1d4 for grenade recharge
- [00:54] <Tyche[Dice]> Leeroy_Church rolled : 1d4 for grenade recharge --> [ 1d4=1 ]{1}
- [00:54] <Leeroy_Church> WHOO!
- [00:54] <Roland> And you resent Tyche!
- [00:54] <Leeroy_Church> Yeah.
- [00:54] <Leeroy_Church> Well.
- [00:54] <Leeroy_Church> Hm.
- [00:54] <Roland> What will you do now?
- [00:54] <Cerxes_Khesed> ((Are we rallying? Is that what's happening here?))
- [00:54] <Prexor_Zozavo> (maybe?)
- [00:55] <Leeroy_Church> (I needed to roll to see if my abilities were ready again)
- [00:55] <Leeroy_Church> ...How.. How bad does Prexor look?
- [00:55] == Thingymabob [] has joined #RPGStuck_Orwell
- [00:55] <Roland> I'll let him decide whether or not to tell you
- [00:55] <Prexor_Zozavo> (5/44 HP, so probably pretty beaten up)
- [00:56] <Leeroy_Church> (o bby)
- [00:56] <vampsquirrel> ((maybe even... bleeding a little?))
- [00:56] == Roland has changed nick to The_Maul
- [00:56] <Leeroy_Church> (Bill, we can call nonlethal?)
- [00:56] * The_Maul licks its lips
- [00:56] <Prexor_Zozavo> (The maul is a chain around Leeroy's neck right now)
- [00:56] <Prexor_Zozavo> (or body)
- [00:56] <Prexor_Zozavo> (idk)
- [00:56] <The_Maul> Of course you can call nonlethal.
- [00:57] <Leeroy_Church> Oh good.
- [00:57] <The_Maul> One moment
- [00:58] <The_Maul> Okay
- [00:58] <The_Maul> We're good
- [00:58] <Leeroy_Church> Leeroy growls mutinously as she flexes her wrist. "shrkba1+... th1sll hurt u more than 1+ hurts me.." Light gathers in her palm.
- [00:58] <Leeroy_Church> Then she drops it.
- [00:58] <The_Maul> Roll dex
- [00:58] <Leeroy_Church> !roll 1d20
- [00:58] <Tyche[Dice]> Leeroy_Church rolled : 1d20 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{8}
- [00:59] <Leeroy_Church> Not sure how that works with a drop..
- [00:59] <The_Maul> Hm.
- [00:59] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Can I roll to kick it away?)
- [00:59] <Leeroy_Church> (Then it'd collide with your foot.)
- [00:59] <Leeroy_Church> (So.. Be my guest!)
- [00:59] <Prexor_Zozavo> (oh, it's on collision)
- [00:59] <Prexor_Zozavo> (thought it was a timed thing)
- [01:00] <Leeroy_Church> Would you prefer if I hit MYSELF with it?
- [01:00] <Cerxes_Khesed> ((For the future-- STICKY lightning grenades!))
- [01:00] <The_Maul> Okay, stop. Both of you.
- [01:00] <The_Maul> Prexor, if you want to avoid this
- [01:00] <The_Maul> You must release leeroy and roll acrobatics
- [01:00] <vampsquirrel> ((I mean technically Prexor could use Leeroy as a shield, couldn't he?))
- [01:01] <vampsquirrel> ((Like, use her body to block the blast? would that work?))
- [01:01] <Leeroy_Church> (5ft radius)
- [01:01] <The_Maul> 5 ft. Not shrapnel based, or it would
- [01:01] <vampsquirrel> ((ah, bummer))
- [01:01] <Prexor_Zozavo> I'll let leeroy take the blow.
- [01:01] <The_Maul> Leeroy takes damage and is subject to the blinding effect.
- [01:01] <The_Maul> Roll acrobatics.
- [01:01] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+2acrobatics
- [01:01] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+2acrobatics --> error: malformed expression
- [01:02] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+2 acrobatics
- [01:02] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+2 acrobatics --> [ 1d20=17 ]{19}
- [01:02] <vampsquirrel> (( *blink* ))
- [01:02] <The_Maul> Prexor manages to roll out of the grenade's radius.
- [01:02] <Prexor_Zozavo> (we take those)
- [01:02] <Leeroy_Church> Wow.
- [01:02] <Leeroy_Church> Alright then.
- [01:02] <The_Maul> Roll damage and turns blinded Leeroy.
- [01:02] <Cerxes_Khesed> ... This is fucking intense.
- [01:02] <Leeroy_Church> !roll 1d3+1
- [01:02] <Tyche[Dice]> Leeroy_Church rolled : 1d3+1 --> [ 1d3=3 ]{4}
- [01:02] <The_Maul> Damn.
- [01:03] <Leeroy_Church> Ow. Max blind.
- [01:03] <The_Maul> Just... damn.
- [01:03] <Leeroy_Church> !roll 2d8
- [01:03] <Tyche[Dice]> Leeroy_Church rolled : 2d8 --> [ 2d8=6 ]{6}
- [01:03] <The_Maul> Oh, that could have been much worse actually.
- [01:03] <Leeroy_Church> Wait. He's still blinded.
- [01:03] <Leeroy_Church> Unless he just rolled out 10 feet.
- [01:03] <The_Maul> >SI: Kid, do you ever think you would be better off not doing stupid things like jihading the bad guys?
- [01:04] <The_Maul> the DC was 10 to not take damage, and 15 to not be blinded
- [01:04] <Leeroy_Church> Ah, cool.
- [01:04] <Leeroy_Church> Wow.
- [01:04] <Leeroy_Church> Welp.
- [01:04] <The_Maul> You're now free from the grapple
- [01:05] <Leeroy_Church> Gooonna use the rest of her turn to stagger fly out of the fucking tower.
- [01:07] <Leeroy_Church> (End turn, unless I need to roll something to get out)
- [01:07] <The_Maul> Nah. I'm not an asshole. You fly out.
- [01:07] == The_Maul has changed nick to Roland
- [01:09] <Roland> **O Lord Bearer, you look unwell...**
- [01:09] <Roland> *Did these cruel aggressors wound you?*
- [01:09] <Leeroy_Church> (Oh no.)
- [01:09] <Prexor_Zozavo> "Yes."
- [01:09] <Cerxes_Khesed> (DON'T YOU DARE, BILL)
- [01:09] <Roland> **Mmm....**
- [01:09] <Roland> *How unfortunate...*
- [01:10] <Leeroy_Church> (You JUST claimed to not be an asshole!)
- [01:10] <Roland> **We offer our services as a firearm to you, O Bearer.**
- [01:11] <Prexor_Zozavo> "I need none."
- [01:11] <Roland> *As you wish.*
- [01:12] <Prexor_Zozavo> I stand, and change my chain to my maul.
- [01:12] <Prexor_Zozavo> I activate Reckless.
- [01:12] <Roland> Oh baby
- [01:12] <Prexor_Zozavo> I slam the ground
- [01:12] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 2#1d20+5 advantage.
- [01:12] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 2#1d20+5 advantage. --> [ 1d20=13 ]{18}, [ 1d20=4 ]{9}
- [01:12] <Leeroy_Church> (ARE YOU BRINGING DOWN THE TOWER?)
- [01:12] <Roland> Yes, he is.
- [01:13] <Roland> And yes, he succeeds.
- [01:13] <Prexor_Zozavo> (I AM BRINGING DOWN THE TOWER)
- [01:13] <Roland> >VO: prexor why would you do this
- [01:13] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•· no!!! ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•·
- [01:13] <Leeroy_Church> (YOU'RE STILL IN IT.)
- [01:13] <Roland> *O Bearer, why would you do this?*
- [01:13] <Leeroy_Church> "WTF WAS THAT?"
- [01:13] <Roland> **O Bearer, why would you do this?**
- [01:13] <Roland> Prexor, roll insight
- [01:13] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20-1
- [01:13] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20-1 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{11}
- [01:14] <Leeroy_Church> (Matt we're going to spend the rest of the night picking you out of the rubble)
- [01:14] <Roland> You hear a chorus. The entire universe asks, "Prexor, why would you do this?"
- [01:14] <vampsquirrel> ((Prexor, why would you do this?))
- [01:14] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Eeyup)
- [01:14] <Leeroy_Church> (Prexor, WHY would you do this?)
- [01:14] <Roland> The tower crumbles beneath you and around you. The orb shatters to pieces, and you are in freefall.
- [01:15] <Roland> You impact the ground with a rather unpleasant sounding "splat!" which is obscured by the resounding booms of large chunks of stone hitting the ground.
- [01:15] <Cerxes_Khesed> (Are we still in turn-based?)
- [01:15] <Cerxes_Khesed> (... nvm)
- [01:15] <Roland> Nope. This strife is over.
- [01:15] <Leeroy_Church> (I think he just brought the house down.)
- [01:15] <Prexor_Zozavo> (I think i just forcibly ended the strife)
- [01:15] <Leeroy_Church> Somebody just tell me when I can see again.
- [01:15] <Roland> And he brought my sides up.
- [01:15] <Roland> They are in orbit.
- [01:15] <Prexor_Zozavo> (i did it, reddit)
- [01:16] <Roland> Oh, shit. Prexor, why would you do this.
- [01:16] <Roland> That's your new flair on the A1 sub
- [01:16] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Will do)
- [01:16] <Leeroy_Church> That's what we're calling this log.
- [01:17] <Cerxes_Khesed> (I was GONNA try saving you from the fall but. Guess that's not happening.)
- [01:17] <Roland> Anyway, for RP purposes, Leeroy can see again.
- [01:17] <Roland> Cerxes cries a little, and loses one HP.
- [01:17] <Leeroy_Church> Leeroy sees the destruction below, and no loony shark boy floating above it.
- [01:17] <Leeroy_Church> ""
- [01:18] <Leeroy_Church> "fuck. no. no no no no, HEALER GET OVER HERE!"
- [01:18] <Leeroy_Church> She dives for the wreckage.
- [01:18] <Roland> >VO: Prexor? Prexor! PREXOOOOOOOOOOOOR!
- [01:18] * Cerxes_Khesed follows after immediately; she was diving before Leeroy called her.
- [01:19] <Leeroy_Church> What's the damage? Can we see him?
- [01:19] <Roland> Roll investigation
- [01:20] <Leeroy_Church> !roll 1d20+1
- [01:20] <Tyche[Dice]> Leeroy_Church rolled : 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{20}
- [01:20] <Leeroy_Church> NOW you're buddy buddy!
- [01:20] <Prexor_Zozavo> (my luck was transferred to you)
- [01:20] <Cerxes_Khesed> !roll 1d20+2
- [01:20] <Tyche[Dice]> Cerxes_Khesed rolled : 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{12}
- [01:21] <Leeroy_Church> (Could your luck have maybe dipped just for 4HP of damage?)
- [01:21] <Roland> Leeroy spots Prexor amidst a small pile of rubble.
- [01:21] <Roland> His maul is still in his hand.
- [01:21] <Leeroy_Church> She rushes to dig him out, fingers shaking.
- [01:21] <Leeroy_Church> The maul gets tossed out of the way.
- [01:21] <Roland> Actually
- [01:21] <Roland> No it does not
- [01:22] <Leeroy_Church> "fuck no, u dont fuck1n d1e on me u l1+tle.."
- [01:22] <Leeroy_Church> Oh?
- [01:22] <Roland> The maul stays firmly in his hand
- [01:22] * Cerxes_Khesed joins Leeroy, and is... honestly shocked to see her acting like this.
- [01:22] <Roland> Not even by Prexor's own power, but by the maul's.
- [01:22] <Leeroy_Church> "GET the FUCK offa h1m u B1+CH!"
- [01:22] <Roland> Roll investigation
- [01:23] <Leeroy_Church> !roll 1d20+1
- [01:23] <Tyche[Dice]> Leeroy_Church rolled : 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{3}
- [01:23] <Roland> You can see... it's dug its sharktooth barbs into his skin. ((You can roll your own dice again))
- [01:23] <Roland> ((Strife's over))
- [01:23] <Leeroy_Church> Eh, it's rolled.
- [01:23] <Cerxes_Khesed> !roll 1d20+3 Occult to find something helpful in her spelling primer
- [01:23] <Tyche[Dice]> Cerxes_Khesed rolled : 1d20+3 Occult to find something helpful in her spelling primer --> [ 1d20=8 ]{11}
- [01:23] <Roland> Ah-ha! A healing spell, like that used on the howlbeast!
- [01:23] <Roland> Cerxes, roll a d6 for me, please
- [01:23] <Leeroy_Church> "f1gure out 1f hes breath1ng."
- [01:23] <Cerxes_Khesed> Return of Fthulu's BC Powder?
- [01:24] <Roland> Oh baby you know it
- [01:24] <Leeroy_Church> Oh god. XD
- [01:24] <Cerxes_Khesed> I'mma roll my own dice for this.
- [01:24] <Cerxes_Khesed> 5
- [01:24] <Leeroy_Church> Yeah, I'm through leaving shit to Tyche-aah fuck.
- [01:24] <Leeroy_Church> Oh wait, that was a d6.
- [01:24] <Leeroy_Church> Not fuck.
- [01:25] <Roland> Prexor recovers that much HP.
- [01:25] <Prexor_Zozavo> (how much hp am i at?)
- [01:25] <Leeroy_Church> Leeroy kneels on his arm.
- [01:25] <Roland> You may regain consciousness if you like, Prexor, or you can stay unconscious ((6, now))
- [01:25] <Cerxes_Khesed> (Probably 5 you fell from a fucking building.)
- [01:25] <Prexor_Zozavo> (wait, doesnt matter)
- [01:25] <Cerxes_Khesed> (6 then)
- [01:25] <Prexor_Zozavo> (if you heal while sub 0, you go up to 0, then heal that much)
- [01:26] <Leeroy_Church> (Yep.)
- [01:26] <Cerxes_Khesed> (Oh right, we're not doing death dice.)
- [01:26] <Leeroy_Church> (Well we aren't now, you healed him.)
- [01:26] <Cerxes_Khesed> (Fair enough.)
- [01:26] <Prexor_Zozavo> I choose to regain consciousness.
- [01:26] <Leeroy_Church> Still kneeling hard on that arm.
- [01:27] <Roland> Yeowch! Solid Snake's CQC was only slightly better than this!
- [01:27] <Leeroy_Church> "u. fuck1n. 1D1OT." She snarls in his face. "u are NOT allowed 2 d1e on me!"
- [01:28] <Prexor_Zozavo> I cough up blood.
- [01:28] <Roland> >SI: Man, I can't believe you just don't kill the bastard for being a potential weak link.
- [01:28] <Leeroy_Church> "STOP 1+!"
- [01:28] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU do not command ME."
- [01:28] <Prexor_Zozavo> I attempt to stand.
- [01:28] <Leeroy_Church> "SURE DONT LOOK THAT WAY PREXOR!"
- [01:28] <Roland> >VO: Good fight, but man I wouldn'ta put money on you if we're bein' honest.
- [01:29] <Roland> Prexor fails to stand.
- [01:29] <Prexor_Zozavo> I attempt to fly.
- [01:29] <Cerxes_Khesed> Cerxes puts her hand on his chest as an extra deterrent.
- [01:29] <Leeroy_Church> "ur 1n a p1le of ur own destruc+1on u murderhobo. no leav1n."
- [01:30] <Roland> Prexor fails to do this as well.
- [01:30] <Roland> **O Bearer Ours...**
- [01:30] <Leeroy_Church> "fuck 1 mean 1f u want blood, theres blood 2 b had here."
- [01:30] <Roland> *We mean no insult.*
- [01:30] <Prexor_Zozavo> "Let ME have MY dignity."
- [01:30] <Roland> **But you must rest.**
- [01:30] <Leeroy_Church> "1 fuck1n M1STED a guy 1n that arena nearby.."
- [01:30] <Leeroy_Church> "ohoho FUCK no!"
- [01:31] <Leeroy_Church> "u lost d1gn1+y when u turned on the party."
- [01:31] <Prexor_Zozavo> "I never attacked YOU until provoked."
- [01:31] <Roland> *Close your eyes, O Bearer.*
- [01:31] <Roland> **Let us assist you.**
- [01:31] <Roland> Roll con, Prexor
- [01:31] <Leeroy_Church> "u were try1n 2 do TH1S!"
- [01:31] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU will not assist ME."
- [01:32] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+3
- [01:32] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+3 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{9}
- [01:32] <Roland> You feel those barbs dig in a little...
- [01:32] <Leeroy_Church> "we wanted 2 keep u from fuck1n SU1C1DE!"
- [01:32] <Roland> You feel your energy leaving you.
- [01:32] <Roland> **For your own good, Lord Bearer**
- [01:32] <Roland> *Yes....* Roll again, Prexor
- [01:32] <Cerxes_Khesed> Can I roll insight to tell what's going on
- [01:32] <Prexor_Zozavo> "YOU do not know what is best for ME."
- [01:32] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+3
- [01:32] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+3 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{7}
- [01:32] <Leeroy_Church> "1 GOTTA BETTER CLUE THAN U DO!"
- [01:33] <Prexor_Zozavo> "I was not speaking to YOU!"
- [01:33] <Roland> Oh, the embrace, that cold, it's heavenly, Prexor! Do you not feel eternity creeping up on you?
- [01:33] <Leeroy_Church> "2 BAD!"
- [01:33] <Roland> Leeroy, Cerxes, roll perception.
- [01:33] <Roland> Prexor, roll con again.
- [01:33] <Leeroy_Church> 10+3=13.
- [01:33] <Prexor_Zozavo> !Roll 1d20+3
- [01:33] <Tyche[Dice]> Prexor_Zozavo rolled : 1d20+3 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{6}
- [01:33] <Cerxes_Khesed> 14+1 {15} perception
- [01:33] <Roland> The exquisite weariness knocks you out.
- [01:33] <Prexor_Zozavo> (Getting worse and worse is so fitting right now)
- [01:34] <Leeroy_Church> (It's beautiful when the rolls match.)
- [01:34] <Prexor_Zozavo> (^)
- [01:34] <Roland> As you pass out, Cerxes hears sirens. >HP: It's the authorities! Hurry! You must run!
- [01:34] <Roland> The maul...
- [01:35] <Roland> It becomes a tattoo on his arm
- [01:35] <Leeroy_Church> Leeroy briefly considers clawing it off.
- [01:35] <Roland> Almost like a serpent creeping straight from 3D to 2D ink
- [01:35] * Cerxes_Khesed is horrified, but has more pressing concerns.
- [01:35] <Leeroy_Church> But hell.. It's a useful weapon, and effective.. He's just too weak for it.
- [01:35] <Leeroy_Church> ..Y'know, mentally.
- [01:36] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•· we need to move. ·•°ღ°•· can you carry him?
- [01:36] <Leeroy_Church> "yea. 1 can." Salty as hell, she gets off of him, then tries to heft him over her shoulder.
- [01:36] <Roland> Simply done.
- [01:36] <Leeroy_Church> "got an 1dea where 2 h1de h1m 2."
- [01:37] * Cerxes_Khesed nods, and follows her lead
- [01:37] <Leeroy_Church> We gotta flyyyyy!
- [01:37] <Leeroy_Church> ..Right back to the arena.
- [01:38] * Cerxes_Khesed is clearly pouting as she realizes where they've flown to
- [01:38] <Leeroy_Church> "..wut? 1 k1nda got fans here."
- [01:38] <Leeroy_Church> "or at least an agent."
- [01:39] <Leeroy_Church> "less u saw a hosp1+al newhere?"
- [01:40] <Roland> A passing Dersite drops a latte.
- [01:40] <Roland> "Hospital. That way."
- [01:40] <Roland> He points.
- [01:40] <Leeroy_Church> "hey aga1n dude."
- [01:40] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•· thank you. ·•°ღ°•··•°ღ°•·
- [01:40] <Leeroy_Church> "thnx."
- [01:40] * Cerxes_Khesed beaming, relieved smile
- [01:40] <Roland> He nods quite simply.
- [01:40] <Leeroy_Church> Hospital it is then.
- [01:41] <Leeroy_Church> "..they m1ght look 4 h1m there."
- [01:41] * Cerxes_Khesed glares at Leeroy
- [01:41] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•· why don't we just go back to your tower? ·•°ღ°•·
- [01:41] <Leeroy_Church> "oh sure, thatll b better?"
- [01:41] <Cerxes_Khesed> it will be less crowded and i can focus on healing him!
- [01:42] <Leeroy_Church> "hey look, a tower just fell! oh well lets just check the others then!"
- [01:42] <Cerxes_Khesed> if you won't bring him to a hospital...
- [01:42] <Roland> >SI: If she wants to take him back to a tower, why is she not volunteering hers?
- [01:42] <Cerxes_Khesed> ... we need somewhere safe & secluded.
- [01:42] <Leeroy_Church> "why r we go1n 2 m1ne? 1s urs broken?"
- [01:42] * Cerxes_Khesed flushes
- [01:43] <Leeroy_Church> "ud have l1ke.. healer sh1+."
- [01:43] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•· how is that important right now ·•°ღ°•·
- [01:43] <Cerxes_Khesed> and no, all the magic supplies i have are with me, i'm afraid.
- [01:43] <Roland> >SI: Haha, hospital it is then, wimp.
- [01:43] <Leeroy_Church> "ffs, just.. get h1m 2 my tower. 1ll look out."
- [01:44] <Roland> >SI: ...You're lame.
- [01:44] <Leeroy_Church> "..r1ght after 1 t1e h1m down."
- [01:44] <Leeroy_Church> "...maybe gag h1m."
- [01:44] <Cerxes_Khesed> right.
- [01:45] <Leeroy_Church> About face and head for the tower then.
- [01:45] <Roland> Prexor is tied down, maybe gagged.
- [01:45] <Roland> Will you look out?
- [01:45] <Leeroy_Church> Said she would, so she'll sit at her window and watch.
- [01:46] <Cerxes_Khesed> Right. So.
- [01:46] <Roland> >SI: Ah, wait. I remember this part now. You'll excuse me if I'm a little... less than polite at our first meeting.
- [01:46] <Roland> You feel something prick your neck.
- [01:46] <Leeroy_Church> Swat neck.
- [01:47] <Leeroy_Church> You have the distinct feeling you're about to meet someone.
- [01:47] <Roland> You find a dart. You feel dizzy all of a sudden.
- [01:47] <Roland> You fall as Cerxes tends to prexor.
- [01:47] <Leeroy_Church> "fff.. sss.. cerx..!" And down.
- [01:48] <Cerxes_Khesed> Do I have to roll perception or can we assume I noticed?
- [01:48] <Roland> Roll perception. You're going to see she's gone one way or another
- [01:48] <Cerxes_Khesed> 11+1{12}
- [01:49] <Roland> You whip your head around. Leeroy's gone?
- [01:50] <Roland> Leeroy takes 20 fall damage as she hits the ground.
- [01:50] <Leeroy_Church> OWIE.
- [01:50] <Cerxes_Khesed> ·•°ღ°•· leeroy...? ·•°ღ°•·
- [01:50] <Roland> She sees a team of Dersites, lead by one tall dersite in particular.
- [01:50] <Roland> "Ms. Church? Good evening."
- [01:50] <Leeroy_Church> Still dizzy?
- [01:50] <Roland> "I've come for something of an... exclusive interview
- [01:50] <Roland> "
- [01:50] <Roland> ((Slowly fading out.))
- [01:51] <Leeroy_Church> She grits her teeth.
- [01:51] <Roland> "I'm the Seventh Inquisitor."
- [01:51] <Roland> "Let's call me your... case file manager."
- [01:51] <Leeroy_Church> "mmnnf.. n.. no autographs.."
- [01:51] <Leeroy_Church> Weakly, she flips him the bird.
- [01:51] <Roland> That's an excellent note to pass out on, Leeroy.
- [01:51] <Leeroy_Church> It is.
- [01:52] <Roland> Cerxes, this IRC is about over. Anything you wanna contribute before it ends?
- [01:52] <Cerxes_Khesed> Um, I guess... can I tell if Prexor is stable?
- [01:52] <Roland> Roll medicine if you like.
- [01:53] <Cerxes_Khesed> 9+1{10}
- [01:53] <Roland> Your medicine experience is *just* enough to tell you that he's not going anywhere, condition wise.
- [01:53] <Roland> Something is holding him together. His body shouldn't be able to absorb these levels of punishment.
- [01:53] <Roland> >HP: Where did your friend go?
- [01:54] <Cerxes_Khesed> Right. Well I want to heal prexor & check on Leeroy, but we don't have to do that IRC if you don't want.
- [01:54] <Roland> Let's go ahead and move to play by post
- [01:55] <Roland> Prexor and Leeroy have both woken up on their planets.
- [01:55] <Cerxes_Khesed> ==END?==
- [01:55] <Roland> ==END!==
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