
[WH|WIP:2016-07-26] Hollow

Jul 26th, 2016
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  1. >"Take it, you filthy whore!"
  2. >You gag as he forces his thick cock further down your throat.
  3. >Each rough thrust smashes the back of your head into the carpet beneath the two of you.
  4. >Just a few more minutes.
  5. >Fighting back the need to breathe, you take it as he abuses you.
  6. >After all, you know from experience how much worse off you'd be if you fought back, even involuntarily.
  7. >Hot tears stream down your face as the lights above you blur.
  8. >The stallion groans as spasming lungs, desperate for oxygen, add more suction to his rod.
  9. >"Ye...ou fuck....lut!"
  11. >"..e alright?"
  12. >You groan at the familiar voice, and inhale to answer, just as always.
  13. "I--"
  14. >Pain wracks your body as your lungs spasm, coughing at the bit of cum you probably inhaled.
  15. >Again.
  16. >With a loud hacking cough, bordering on gagging, you double over, trying to control yourself.
  17. >"Y'alright, Holly?"
  18. >One last cough is followed by a slow, deep breath.
  19. "I'm --"
  20. >You cough to clear your throat.
  21. "I'm fine."
  22. >Still a little raspy, but you'll live.
  23. >"Good. I'd hate to lose another actor so soon."
  24. >You shake your head.
  25. "I'm not leaving yet, sir."
  26. >Not that you could afford to.
  27. >He laughs, and slaps you on the rear.
  28. >"That's the spirit I like to see! Keep it up, and I'll let you join in a 'special production' with me."
  29. >Not sparing a moment, he walks over to the camerapony, striking up a conversation you don't really care about.
  30. >Sighing, you get to your hooves, wobbling a little.
  31. >You're always sore after a day at work.
  32. >Leaving through the set's door, you're greeted by a dull, yellowing hallway, lit only by a dim light that flickers slightly.
  33. >You walk toward the exit, barely noticing the slight smell of mold.
  34. >As you pass a door, you stop.
  35. >Some part of you wants to avoid what you're about to do.
  36. >Some part of you that still has shame.
  37. >Opening the door, you walk up to the mare sitting in the dingy office, going through paperwork.
  38. "Golden."
  39. >"Just a minute."
  40. >Without even glancing up, she continues shuffling through the papers, marking some with her quill.
  41. >After several minutes, she finally looks up at you.
  42. >"The showers are that way."
  43. "Golden, I need an advance."
  44. >She sighs.
  45. >"Holly, you've borrowed two months in advance already. And, as we both know, our 'arrangement' isn't exactly on the books."
  46. >She stares you right in the face sternly.
  47. >"I can only cover your ass so much. You're lucky they still let you work here."
  48. >Looking back down at her paperwork.
  49. >"You'll just have to wait until next week."
  50. >With a sigh, you turn around and walk back out the door.
  51. >If you're careful, you can probably ration out your food to last another week.
  52. >You glance at the door to the showers for a moment.
  53. >It's tempting to walk in there, and come out fresh and clean.
  54. >But you're tired.
  55. >And you know that it'll take at least half an hour to scrub out everything from today's scenes.
  56. >You continue on toward the exit.
  57. >Tomorrow, you'll have to shower before starting anyway.
  58. >Pushing open the door, you step into the dimming light of the evening.
  59. >You begin your long walk home, not caring about your appearance as you follow the mostly empty side streets.
  60. >In the naïveté of your youth, you'd once forgotten to brush your teeth and worried all day that your classmates knew.
  61. >How ironic.
  62. >Now here you are with bloodshot eyes, and your fur matted down with cum, and no one's so much as glanced at you.
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