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Stake On!

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Nov 28th, 2014
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  2. Hey everyone,
  4. The time has come for me to reveal some pretty exciting information with you!
  6. Some of you may have seen our recent hints that something big is coming today. There were many theories about what it was going to be. Some thought a giant sale. Some predicted a new amp. There were even a few who were expecting a new Hashlet model.
  8. I’m happy to say that no one has grasped just how big this product was going to be. Simply put, we are changing the industry today.
  10. Before we talk about it, let's gain some context and look at where the industry is today:
  12. The Current State of Crypto
  14. The industry has come a long way, but one group has been left behind - the same group who supports and believe in cryptocurrency more than anyone else: Miners.
  16. There is a serious problem with mining itself. It has become an arms race that pits miners against one another. The only way to have a chance at an ROI today, requires you to invest in enormous economies of scale. As time goes on, there is less and less room for the small guy; the home miner, folks just like our customers.
  18. You all know this. I feel like I’m preaching to the choir.
  20. The issue is with Proof of Work. PoW gives miners no choice but to continually add more hardware, use more power, and constantly adjust investments to changing difficulty predictions. All for making new hardware investments, which may never ROI!
  22. This is the case with Bitcoin, since it’s a PoW coin. And, it causes another problem, a far more serious problem - an arbitrary rate of coin generation.
  24. Bitcoins continue getting generated, even if there is no demand for them. This dilutes the market with new coins, and is one of the reasons Bitcoin prices fall. We solved this with Paycoin, since the rate of new currency generated adjusts to demand, based on bids for Prime Controllers. More on that a later.
  26. Mining Has Become a Gamble
  28. We heard your two biggest complaints about mining. 1) Payouts that drop over time, and 2) maintenance fees.
  30. Even GAW was not able to shield these problems from the mighty ZenPool. ZenPool has had its up and downs; and, while ZenPool continues to be the most profitable pool in the world, it taught us something.
  32. It taught us we needed to rethink mining altogether if we want to deliver the profits our customers deserve. It taught us that we needed to participate in an end-to-end solution (from the miner to the coin), so that we are not at the mercy of contracts or the falling prices of BTC.
  34. Today, we announce a product that not only permanently solves these issues, it introduces new features only available with this kind of advanced cryptocurrency technology.
  36. Paycoin is the Final Piece to the Puzzle
  38. Paycoin is a next-generation Proof-of-Stake coin, designed to eliminate the problems with PoW and take cryptocurrency mainstream. It allows anyone who owns the currency to validate transactions and generate more currency as a reward. PoS saves electricity, reduces hardware requirements, and takes currency-generation away from a dog-eat-dog arms race to a cooperative and reliable investment.
  40. Not only that, but PoS creates an enormous incentive to hold the currency, rather than sell or speculate with it. Holding it becomes a very reliable way to compound your investment. This is something PoW doesn’t offer.
  42. Quite simply, PoS is in the future of cryptocurrency.
  44. Prime Controllers
  46. We built Paycoin with PoS and introduced Prime Controllers with it. Prime Controllers are the most advanced innovation in cryptocurrency since the original Bitcoin whitepaper. Prime Controllers are scarce, high-staking nodes (wallets) that can only be acquired for 6-month intervals via a decentralized bidding system built right into Paycoin. And, when I say scarce, I mean it. Paycoin will launch with only 50 Prime Controllers available, and new ones will only be added in small quantities over time, as the currency grows (the number of Paycoin transactions per day increases).
  48. Prime Controllers stake at higher rates than normal wallets. That’s what makes them so valuable. They don’t just make Paycoin faster, and its blockchain more feature-rich, than any other coin in the world; they adjust the creation rate of new Paycoins based on the demand for Paycoins. Linking coin creation rates to demand is something no other coin has been able to achieve. And, it’s critical for long-term stability in price, which any currency must have.
  50. Prime Rounds
  52. Management of the Prime Controllers happens through a process we call “Prime Rounds”. Prime rounds take place every six months. Every six months, a bidding process begins for the right to manage the Prime Controllers.
  54. Like I said earlier, more Paycoins are meant to come into circulation based on supply and demand. If there is reduced demand for Paycoins, fewer Prime Controllers will be available to bid on, and fewer coins get generated. If there is more demand for Paycoins, more Prime Controllers are available to be bid on, and more Paycoins generated.
  56. Let me repeat that. The rate at which Paycoins are created is based on demand for Paycoin, as measured by the Prime Controller bidding system.
  58. No other cryptocurrency in the world has been able to do this.
  60. Market Makers
  62. While all coins, that are in a standard Paycoin wallet, have the ability to stake, the majority of the new coins minted for Paycoin comes from the Prime controllers. Why? Supply and demand. This not only stabilizes the value of the currency in the long-run, it also attracts real investors to the space by giving high staking, shielding them from price fluctuations.
  64. Bidding on a Prime Controller costs a minimum of 1% of all coins in circulation. The bidding process is meant to cost a lot. We built it this way to make sure the Market Makers, bidding on them, would commit to growing the market for the coin. In other words, they only make money when demand for the coin is well fostered and supported. Therefore, with that much on the line, they will be motivated to make sure there is a market for Paycoin.
  66. GAW as a Primary Market Maker
  68. This is where we come in. GAW will be one of many Market Makers (Prime Controller owners) who will make Paycoin successful. We thought long and hard about how we could not only create a market for Paycoin (Paybase), but share that success with the people who made this company what it is today! HashStaker is our way of bringing this all together.
  70. GAW Miners will invest tens of millions of dollars to earn as many Prime Controllers as we can, to obtain as much of the total stake rate for Paycoin as possible. We’ll then distribute that stake rate to you in the form of a special Prime Controller-connected wallet that we will host for you within Zencloud.
  72. The Solution is Here
  74. Today, we take an enormous step forward in mining, bigger than this company and its customers have ever made before. From this point forward, you can say goodbye to the days of slaving away to keep up with the “difficulty curve”, dealing with declining payouts, and paying for electric costs and maintenance fees that eat into your payouts.
  76. Today, we introduce an entirely new class of currency generating device.
  78. We Call it the HashStaker - The World’s First Cloud Staking Wallet.
  80. HashStaker is not a Hashlet. It’s an entirely new generation of currency generating devices; one that works with Prime Controllers and Proof of Stake. We’ve taken everything you love about mining, and created a product where you can more reliably judge its profitability over time.
  82. Of course, this means exactly what you would expect: You will be able to generate next-generation PoS cryptocurrencies, like Paycoins, more reliably and profitably than ever before. However, here is the thing, HashStaker works on a completely new generation of currency technology, that no one else has, like PoS utilizing Prime Controllers.
  84. HashStaker wallets payout new currency and use next-generation technology that makes them capable of things you could only dream of with a traditional mining rig. Features like:
  85. ◦No-drops in payouts for their entire lifespan.
  86. ◦Complete immunity to difficulty increases.
  87. ◦Zero maintenance fees. Forever!
  88. ◦The highest payouts of any miner, period.
  89. ◦Customizable - only buy what you need.
  90. ◦Guaranteed 99.99% uptime.
  92. And, the most exciting thing about HashStakers is their profitability!
  94. At our planned investment amount, your HashStakers will consistently reach ROI in 2.5-4.5 months! What miner can do that? :)
  96. And, we’ve only scratched the surface. You will soon be able to trade them, sell them, and amp them when Hashbase is released.
  98. How do HashStakers Work
  100. A HashStaker is a cloud based “Super Wallet” that we host for you in your ZenCloud account,, and leave open so it can stake. Since they are installed on our servers, they will stake at a rate equal to all the Prime Controllers GAW is managing.
  102. Here is the breakdown:
  103. Since HashStakers are cloud based wallets, they require coins to start staking. The first HashStaker we built is for Paycoin, and we will add more in the future.
  105. Paycoin HashStaker wallets require a Paycoin to be in the HashStaker wallet for it to stake, of course. Once you transfer your Paycoin to it, your HashStaker will start to stake, and be paid out each day with the normal daily payout times.
  107. HashStaker’s wallets are customizable. You can choose the size (how many Paycoins they can hold), and the duration of time you want them for, which means you only need to pay for the time you want. We are starting with three and six month time frames, adding more intervals in the future.
  109. Once you select the HashStaker you want, it will appear in ZenCloud just like Hashlets do.
  111. When the Prime Round starts (explained below), the final stake rate will be established. As an added measurement of comfort, you will have 24 hours to return the HashStaker for a full refund if you are not happy with the rate.
  113. Once the Prime Round starts, your HashStaker stake rate and wallet address will display on your HashStaker. You then have the ability to transfer your Paycoin to the HashStaker wallet.
  115. Transferring coins to your HashStaker activates it, starts staking your coins with GAW’s Prime Controllers, and locks in your payout at that round’s rate for your entire HashStaker duration (three or six months).
  117. It will payout to your ZenCloud wallet each day like your normal Hashlet payouts. Transferring your Paycoin to your HashStaker wallet will also start the timer.
  119. Once the HashStaker expires, it will transfer the original Paycoin back into your ZenCloud account and be done staking.
  121. The First Prime Round
  123. When Paycoin officially debuts, mid-December, GAW will bid on Prime Controllers to compete for one of the highest staking potentials on the Paycoin network.
  125. This total stake rate will then be controlled and owned by HashStaker owners.
  127. Let me make this absolutely crystal clear. GAW’s entire Paycoin Prime Controller stake rate will be owned by, and distributed to HashStaker owners. And, since Prime Controllers go back into bidding every six months, HashStakers will work on a 6-month round system, which lock-in their rates for that entire period.
  129. This means your profitability is guaranteed for the entire duration that your HashStaker is active. Not everyone can own a HashStaker, but everyone who owns one will be profitable.
  131. Round One Start Date: Mid-December
  132. Round One estimated payout: Between .0075 and .01 Paycoins per day
  134. These numbers are based on our mining and investments made thus far in the ICO. We will declare the final number once the round begins.
  136. Today, HashStaker Wallet Reservations Start
  138. One of the many things that make HashStakers different from traditional miners is scarcity.
  140. There is no restriction on how much traditional mining hardware can be created - that should be clear to everyone by now, looking at global hash rates. Theoretically, everyone on the planet could own a miner.
  142. Not so with HashStakers. There is a hard limit on the amount of HashStaker Wallets that can exist.
  144. When all HashStaker wallets are sold from GAW’s Prime Controller inventory for each Prime Round (which lasts six months), no more HashStakers can exist for that round. At that point, the only way to obtain one is in in the Hashbase Market, shortly after Hashbase launches.
  146. Today, we are selling the first HashStaker wallet reservations for the first Prime Round, starting in mid-December. Once you have reserved your HashStaker wallet, that address will belong uniquely to you.
  148. You can return your HashStaker for a full refund up until 24 hours after the Prime Round starts, for any reason. If you request a return, your HashStaker wallet address will be released back to the pool of wallet addresses to be purchased.
  150. How Does Ordering Work?
  152. I know this is exciting and sounds all very new. But, don’t worry. Setting up a HashStaker is easy:
  153. 1.Head to ZenCloud or GAW Miners to purchase your HashStaker Wallet.
  154. 2.Decide the size of the HashStaker (amount of coins it can hold), and if you want it for a full or half Prime Round duration (three or six months). HashStakers cannot be merged or split, but you can buy them in any configuration and have as many as you want until they are sold out.
  155. 3.Obtain Paycoin - Either through the second ICO round, or buying coins from Paybase (a single one or multiple, depending on your HashStaker size).
  156. 4.Once Round One Stake rate is declared, staking period can start.
  157. 5.Transfer Paycoins from your Paycoin Wallet to your HashStaker.
  158. 6.Enjoy getting daily payouts that never decrease.
  160. It’s that simple. Since each HashStaker is its own wallet, each HashStaker has its own wallet address. Once the first Prime Round starts, you will receive a HashStaker wallet address for your reserved HashStaker.
  162. Transferring coins to your HashStaker activates it to start staking your coins with GAW’s Prime Controllers, and locks in your payout at that round’s rate for your entire HashStaker duration (three or six months). And, when it expires, the coins inside automatically transfer back to your ZenCloud account.
  164. Remember, you can return your HashStaker for a full refund for up to 24 hours after round one stake rate is declared.
  166. Disclaimer: The HashStaker Wallet price is relative to the stake rate. The higher the stake rate, the more valuable a HashStaker Wallet is. We have provided a range on what the Round One stake rate will be (in first Prime Round section).
  168. To provide the best value to our customers, we started at a lower price ($9.95). Depending on demand, we reserve the right to increase new HashStaker purchases.
  170. Once the Round Once Stake rate is declared, we will increase the HashStaker Wallet prices for new purchases to match the locked in Stake Rate.
  172. Current Hashlet Owners
  174. We haven’t forgotten about you. You will soon have the choice to upgrade to HashStakers. Next week, we announce the upgrade path for Primes, Zens, and other Hashlets.
  176. We have to limit the time, obviously, because the number of HashStakers available is limited, which means we have to carefully control our HashStaker inventory.
  178. But, all Hashlet Primes already have a HashStaker Wallet reserved. Why? Because you’re Prime :).
  180. Taking the Next Step Forward
  182. From this day onward, cryptocurrency will never be the same.
  184. HashStaker changes everything about mining. With features like being refundable, zero maintenance fees, locked in payouts, scarcity, no difficulty increases, guaranteed up-time with complete insurance coverage, and ROIs like never before. HashStakers are, without a doubt, the biggest leap forward in mining we’ve ever offered. Period.
  186. In the future, people will look back at the history of mining and wonder why it wasn’t this way all along.
  188. Stake On!
  190. Josh/CEO
  193. Follow me on Twitter - @gawceo
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