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  1. Jolly Mon 16 Apr 2012 08:36:54 No.1296382 | /mlp/
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >Tell the man at the fluffy orphanage you'd like to adopt a fluffy pony
  4. >"Yeah, those are really popular with fucking hipsters like you."
  5. >He's obviously noticed your ironic Tee, plaid scarf and stylish fedora
  6. >No one ever understands you
  7. >You tell the guy you want a "special" fluffy pony
  8. "Like, you know, one with a quirk."
  9. >"Of fucking course you do."
  10. >He leads you past the two doors that say, "Fresh" and "Rescue" to a third door, around a corner, labeled, "Special"
  11. "What's that mean?"
  12. >"You know how fluffies were genetically engineered?"
  13. "Yeah. They still make them in labs because they die faster than they fuck."
  14. >"Yeah, well, sometimes people call into these labs and, 'special-order' custom fluffies. You know, autism-ridden idiots like yourselves who want a fluffy with pupil-less eyes or a hot-pink ring around its neck or some shit like that or-"
  15. "Yeah, okay, I get it. Lets check it out."
  16. >He shows you to the special fluffy room
  17. >You look through the cages of mutant fluffies for a while until you find a great sight
  18. >A small, sleeping filly; entirely bright orange
  19. "Oh, yeah. This is the one"
  20. >You grab her up in your hand and already she starts babbling about, "Pway!" and "Yow gon' be fwuffy's new daddy?"
  21. >You hug her tight to your chest and exclaim;
  22. "I'm gonna name her, "Cheeto". Isn't that just the raddest?"
  23. >"Fucking whatever."
  24. >You pay for the fluffy and leave, slightly wondering why the fluffy's order-er couldn't think of a more creative quirk for this fluffy other than just a bright orange coat
  25. >But you don't really care; it's quirky enough for you
  26. >You set Cheeto down on the seat next to you when you realize something you hadn't noticed before
  27. >Your hands, and the passenger seat, now, are all covered in a thin layer of orange dust
  28. >Upon looking down at your shirt, you find that it, too, is covered in cheeto-dust and crumbs
  29. >This is absolutely
  30. >Adorable
  31. >You immediately pick up your new fluffy (who has been going on about sketties this whole time), completely oblivious to cleanliness concerns
  32. >"Fwuffy gif' daddy huggies!"
  33. "Yeah, little fluffy! Don't worry, I'm gonna be the kindest owner you've ever had! I'm gonna love you forever!"
  34. >"Yay! Fwuffy wuv daddy fowevow an' evow! daddy fwuffy besses fwein'!"
  35. >All this time, he's been shedding off more and more cheeto dust
  36. >It's just so cute
  37. >You don't even care, you let it shower over you
  38. >A bit lands in your mouth
  39. >It tastes JUST like cheetos
  40. "Oh man, fluffy, you're delicious!"
  41. >Fluffy is a bit perplexed
  42. >"Wat daddy mean?"
  43. >You push back all thought, intoxicated with the fluffy's pungent cheesey goodness, and begin to hold Cheeto immediately above your mouth, shaking a stream of cheeto-flavor right into your gullet
  44. >Cheeto is scared, but you're munching your ass off right now, so you don't give a fuck
  45. >"No daddy, no eat fwuffy! fwuffy no sketties!!"
  46. >An hour passes by, with you simply hypnotized by this pony's real cheddar cheese taste
  47. >You've begun to roll Cheeto all over your face, absorbing the delicious flavor into every orifice
  49. >Of course Cheeto is sobbing all over you now
  50. >"Why daddy gif' fwuffy owies? Fwuffy be good, fwuffy pwomise!"
  51. >Every tear from his beautiful face is like an explosion of cheesey amazingness in your mouth
  52. >You can't get enough
  53. >There has to be more
  54. >You slowly, in your mindless and euphoric state, begin to put Cheeto's head into your mouth
  55. >"Nooo! Fwuffy no wanna' be sketties!!! Don' eat fwuffy!!"
  56. >You chomp down at the fluffy pony's midsection
  57. >As expected, his flesh breaks like a slice of swedish cheese
  58. >All of his organs taste like provalone
  59. >it's so good
  60. >The crying doesn't even phase you
  61. >You have to slam your palm to Cheeto's backside to prevent his delicious fondue fecal matter from spilling out
  62. >Before you know it, you've eaten the whole of the fluffy pony
  63. >You sit back in your seat, coated in cheeto dust
  64. >That was the best meal Ever
  65. >Eventually, the evil cheesey spell wears off, and you realize you've just eaten you new and beloved fluffy pony
  66. >You begin to cry softly, chastising yourself and wondering what went wrong
  68. >Wait, there's a rumbling coming from your stomach
  69. >It's not a normal rumbling, it's consistently loud and won't stop
  70. >You're in no way lactose intolerant, what's wrong?
  71. >You lift up your shirt to inspect your stomach
  72. >To your shock, you find your stomach slowly growing
  73. >Oh my god
  74. >You decide that Cheeto's flaky flesh must be continuously producing cheeto dust, and it is now building up in your stomach
  75. >You realize in a few minutes, to your horror, what this means
  76. >In a few moments, you will surely explode
  77. >You leave your car and retreat back into the fluffy pony orphanage
  78. >The man sees the tears on your face and the fact that you're an orange monster now and is shocked
  79. >"Dude, what the fuck happened to you?"
  80. "I ATE HIMM!!! HELP ME!!!"
  81. >"Wait, calm down, what's u- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH YOUR STOMACH?"
  83. >"I DON'T KNOW, MAN!!"
  84. "AAAHH!!"
  85. >"AAHHH!"
  86. >As your stomach has swollen to the saze of a small beach ball, the flesh begins to tear
  87. >To your immense pain, a huge wave of cheesey flesh and blood rains out of your body and on to the floor
  88. >"God damn these mutant fluffies. I'm fucking tired of these messes."
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