
Octavia's Song - Refrain

Oct 8th, 2012
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  1. "How could I let the time get away from me like that?" You scold yourself as you enter your apartment. Dresses litter the floor from your quest to find one that actually looked presentable this morning
  2. >You felt bad enough leaving your friend alone in the park like that, especially after he had taken the time to meet you this morning after you had asked
  3. >But going into practice on Monday morning having no clue as to the music you're performing simply would not do. You had a reputation to live up to, after all.
  4. >He'll understand, won't he?
  5. >You'll find some way to make it up to him later.
  7. >You take out your beloved cello and after warming up with a few old favorites, you select a piece at random from the ones you'd be performing
  8. >It's a duet with a... saw?
  9. >You had heard humans were adaptable in the extreme, but this is altogether unexpected.
  10. >Still, this is one of the reasons you had decided to come over - to get out of the complacency you had found yourself and find something new and challenging, something worthy of your skill
  12. >Taking a deep breath, you draw your bow and begin to play [spoiler][/spoiler]
  13. >It's a light, happy tune that stands in stark contrast to the somber pieces you're so used to playing
  14. >For the first time in a long while, you actually enjoy what you're playing
  15. >At least, you do until your phone rings.
  16. >You drop your bow and rush over to it, only to feel an odd tinge of disappointment when you don't recognize the number.
  18. >You tap accept with that wonderful little pen your friend got you and say hello.
  19. "Tavi! It's about time you came over. Now we're all back together!" a familiar, overly cheerful voice rings out.
  20. "Lyra? Is it really you? I saw your name on the roster, but I wasn't sure it was actually you. And how did you get this number?"
  21. "Of course it's me! Do you really think there could be more than one of me!?"
  22. "I certainly hope not..."
  23. >One of her is trouble enough - you dread to think what multiples of her would do
  24. "And the conductor said he would give it to me if I would leave him alone."
  25. >It seems all her time over here hasn't changed Lyra in the slightest.
  26. >Lyra was one of the very first to cross over into the human world, as well as a very vocal supporter for establishing formal diplomatic and economic relations.
  27. >And she had countless failed attempts at certain other relations as well.
  29. "Wait, what do you mean 'all of us are back together'?"
  30. "Do you keep up with anything Tavi? Vinyl came over not long after I did. She owns a club downtown"
  31. >That little question said in jest hits a nerve.
  32. >It really is embarrassing how out of touch you are with your friends - old and new.
  33. "We should go see her some time. I'm sure she'd love you see you again!"
  35. >It's rare when you're presented with a second chance like this.
  36. >Your old friends are all back together and your new friend is only a few taps of that pen thing away.
  37. >You're not going to let everything drift apart again.
  38. "You know, I'd like that a lot. Do you think you could get another ticket for me, though? I have someone I'd like to introduce to her."
  40. >A squeal from the other end of the line assaults your ears. You can practically hear Lyra jumping up and down, too.
  41. "Youhaveahumanfriend? Already? CanImeethim? CanIcanIcanI? PleasecanI?
  42. >She must really like meeting new people.
  43. "Of course. I'm sure he'd like to meet you, too. He's very nice. He helped me move in yesterday and showed me around the city a bit."
  44. "You had a human alone in your apartment? Just the two of you? You know, I uh... have to go do... things. I'll see you at practice tomorrow Tavi!"
  45. >It's probably best not to think about it.
  47. >Speaking of him, you should probably let him know you made it back okay.
  48. >You tap out a quick message and send it off much easier than pounding at the keys with your hooves like yesterday.
  49. >Looking at that little pen only seems to reinforce that it's the little things that make all the difference.
  51. >Your practice continues uninterrupted into the evening.
  52. >Deciding it's time for a break, you spread out on the couch and turn on the tv to the evening news
  53. >It may not be the best way to keep up with things, but it's a start
  54. "And in sports news, the Mets managed to pull off a huge upset in this afternoon's game..."
  55. >Change is good.
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