
Short Horror concept updated

Nov 9th, 2013
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  1. A Short Horror film about a woman named Carla Reed who has been having recurring dreams/nightmares about a narrow hallway with large double doors at the end, she walks into the cafe and talks to one of the waiters about their day and usual talk until Sean notices something about Carla that she's startled about something and he asks what's wrong and she hesitates at first as if she says "well it's nothing" but then she starts to explain that she has been having recurring nightmares and Sean suggests if it's troubling her so much maybe she could see a , which she says she might consider it although she isn't sure that'll help though. After she leaves the cafe into her apartment, she does her daily routines (homework, internet, etc) which is until she starts to hear strange sounds coming from the air shafts or rather coming from the top floors of her apartment which she listens carefully and decides to investigate. After walking through the hallways and climbing up the stars until she reaches the top floor which she finds the very same hallway and double doors from her nightmares and the doors start to reveal a horrific glasglow grinning 'creature' which she runs back to her car and drives to her friends place to calm down.
  3. Start Carla walks into a cafe after a long day to have coffe, Carla and Sean have a conversation about their days until Carla mentions she has been having bizzare recurring nightmares about a narrow hallway with double doors that they always end with the doors opening.
  4. Middle Carla walks back to her apartment/dorm and does her usual things (homework, etc) until she hears strange noises coming from the air conditioning shafts which is apparently coming from the upper floor of the apartment so she decides to invesigate. Carla walks through the hallways and climbs the stairs which sometimes the sounds get audibly louder and stranger when she get's further. Which is until she reaches the top floor which she the very same narrow hallway and double doors from her nightmares which the door slowly opens with audible heart beats to reveal...a glassglow grinning 'man' that laughs and slowly coming after her.
  5. End Carla runs for her sanity and back to her car and drives to her friends apartment.
  8. CARLA Carla Reed 26 Female A college student and working in a part-time job.
  9. SEAN
  10. Sean Baker 25 Male works in a cafe.
  11. SARAH Sarah Wilson 27 Female Carla's friend.
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