
Marvel Comicbook OC

Jul 18th, 2016
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  1. Name: Ana Dremutra
  2. Nickname(s): Torry
  3. Age: 20
  4. Gender: female
  5. Birthday: April 6
  6. Race: Half-British, half-Romanian
  7. Species: Human
  8. Accent: a slight Romanian account, mostly shown when anger or annoyed.
  9. Height: 5'6
  10. Weight: 130 lbs
  11. Rank: C-list.
  13. --OC's Appearance--
  15. Skin Color(s): White
  16. Hair: Long hair with it originally black, but dyed purple with green highlights.
  17. Hairstyles: Has it style in straight way so that it could reach just a bit passed her shoulders, with bangs along her forehead,and it being shorten so that it wouldn't get in the ways of her eyes.
  18. Eyes: Normal human eyes.
  19. Eye Color(s): Brown, (with prescription colored contacts on) Green
  20. Unique Feature(s): A few well-healed burned scars are on her body, most notably her face. her body, such as one her forehead, over her nose, on the side of her lips, and above her left eyebrow.
  22. --OC's Clothing Style--
  24. Normal Civilian: A light green-ish button up dress shirt, with a white vest over it for her top and for her bottom, she is found usually wearing a basic pair of black dress pants and dress shoes.
  25. Gym: A green and black sports bra, with black shorts that have green lines at the sides.
  26. Swimwear: A purple one piece Swimsuit.
  27. Fancy: A simple black suit and tie, and green dress shirt underneath and a black vest.
  28. Pajamas: A large T-shirt, or one of her dress shirts depending on the day that she's had, along with that she wears nothing else but a pair of socks.
  29. Underclothes: A matching set of Bra and panties, her bras are usually being that of a minimizer style, while her panties are more high-cut briefs.
  30. Accessories: An arm band, with the symbol of Latveria flag around it. (You know those nazi bands, kinda like those) And a pair of frimless reading glasses which are entirely for show as she just makes a habit of wearing them.
  32. --OC's Personality--
  34. Social: Not shy, but can be extremely awkward at times as she tends to ramble when she is speaking about things she is interested in or what she is currently working on.
  35. Bravery: Brave girl, usually the type to stand up to bullys.
  36. Rebellious: A girl scout, a type that if someone with authority tells her to jump, she'll jump.
  37. Tidy: So clean and uptight, she literally organizes everything in her home, once a day.
  38. Daredevil: Old grandmothers with missing limbs are more daring than her.
  39. Bookworm: Literally has a mini-libary.
  40. Personality: A true nerd, as she usually spins a majority of her free time studying, working on, or getting adsorb in something completely time consuming. (Like a book, or TV show dealing with sci-fi) She thinks herself to be of a person of high honor, and hates being talked down to like she doesn't know any better simply for her age. Aside of all that, she is usually a good girl that tries her best to keep everything orderly, nice, and peaceful...really losing control when things don't go that way (I.E She'll go insane if she mets Deadpool). She loves holding control and order that without it she tends to...fall apart. Being the type of person that if she were to mess a single report or project she'd have a nervous breakdown.
  42. --OC's Likes/Dislikes--
  44. Favorite Food: Burgers and fries
  45. Favorite Drink: Ice tea
  46. Favorite Movies: documentaries, sci-fi
  47. Favorite Music: Classic
  48. Favorite Tv Show: Star terk, Doctor Who, etc.
  49. Favorite Book: Too many to list.
  50. Favorite Holiday: Easter
  51. Favorite Season: Spring
  52. Favorite Place: Latveria
  53. Favorite Color: Green and purple
  54. Least Favorite Food: Mexican
  55. Least Favorite Drink: Tea
  56. Least Favorite Movies: action and horrors
  57. Least Favorite Music: Mental
  58. Least Favorite Tv Show: Comedy
  59. Least Favorite Book: Porn
  60. Least Favorite Holiday: Christmas
  61. Least Favorite Season: Winter
  62. Least Favorite Place: America
  63. Least Favorite Color: Red
  65. --OC's Habits--
  67. Overeating: During moments of disorder, and out of her control. She would try a bit too hard to solve little problems. (like if she finds that her TV screen has so much as a little flicker on it, and it shows up too often, she will literally spend the entire day taking the TV set apart, fixing it, upgrading it, and then putting it back together.)
  68. Smoking: No
  69. Spending Money: Tries to spend a even amount (Doing math ahead of time before even leaving her home)
  70. Gossiping: none
  71. Lying: She does as any other person would.
  72. Drinking: Once with a bad experience.
  73. Cheating: None
  74. Cheating (Relationship-wise): Once with a bad experience.
  75. Obsessions: Keeping things orderly, neat, and controlled. Upholding the the laws of Doom.
  76. Fears: Being seen as nothing by her ruler, having to speak to her family again about her leaving.
  78. --OC's Personal Life--
  80. Occupation/Job: A part-time College Student, part-timer at the morgue of the local police department.
  81. Education: Much above average college student level, in terms of field of mechanics.
  82. Family: A mother and Father, and two brothers (One being older, and one being younger).
  83. Friends: A few that she knows from the local coffee shop she visits, and from her college classes.
  84. Allies: None.
  85. Best Friend: She pet dog, a small black dog that easily fits on her lap.
  86. Crush: Her country's ruler.
  87. Rival: A few D-list villains.
  88. Enemies: Anyone that her ruler has battled, most heroes.
  89. History: The prodigy of Latveria schools, as a little girl she would read the official 'Books of Doom', detailing the many escapades of Victor Von Doom through his life and battles. She grew so enthralled with her Lord that she began sneaking away from her home town to head several times to head to to the nearby capital of her country, Doomstadt, in hopes of seeing her Lord in person. Though her parents are loyal citizen of Latveria, they worry for their daughter's obsessive nature when it comes to their ruler, who had a history of being in battles far too intense for even the bravest of soldiers. One day, as Ana ran away from her home again to Doomstadt, she was there to celebrate with the rest of her people as Doom had just returned home from a trip to america. However the celebration of their masters return was cut short as they came under attack, by a group of self-proclaim 'freedom fighters. Ana herself had nearly met Death herself as a one of the freedom fighters activate a device that would set off a bomb that they placed in the pipe-line under Doom's plane.
  90. She just barely managed to survive the explosion, her being the lucky one as many others civilians were killed by the bomb. However it was completely worth it for her as she witness Doom take his revenge for such acts, watching him mercilessly wiping away all of the freedom fighters, save for the one that had survive. Doom had taken him prisoner, to be locked away in the deepest of dungeons under his castle. As the battle ended, and she was treated for her multiple burns on her body, she had learned of that the public trail of the last surviving Freedom fighter. Ana had escaped the hospital to rush to the trail in the middle of Doomstadt. She caught the eye of Doom as he himself was dictating what should become of surviving Freedom fighter, he noticed her wounds, and personally came to her to asked what exactly should be done to him. Looking at the man's pleading eyes, as he stared at her with tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Ana didn't even need to think long on it, too overjoyed as Doom was laying a hand on her unburden shoulder, the 9 year old girl told Doom that the freedom fighter must be put to death for his crimes, which the ruler of Latveria agreed with.
  91. Since then, as she was placed back to the care of her family, Ana decided to dedicate her life to her Lord. While already a straight 'A' student, she had pushed herself further than before, trying to learn everything she could even more so then ever. She wanted nothing more then to repay him by becoming one of the greatest citizen and students that Latveria had known throughout it's history (aside of her Lord of course).
  92. She passed every class she was in in her youth, and had exceeded many expectations. It was that that Victor Von Doom took notice of her and her growth, and at the age of 14 when she 'graduated' from High-school, Doom had sent for her to take her under his wing. 5 years of his teachings the girl was on the the levels of being a genius, almost enough to compete on that of a levels of a mid-level Doombot. With Doom's blessing, she was sent to go back home to her family, with him telling her that she should pursue a college diploma in medicine at America and that it was her choice to make if she wished to take it up.
  93. Meeting her family for the first time in 5 years was strange to her, finding she had another brother, and that her older one was in a relationship with a nice girl. The family celebrated her return, though it ended pretty much with her and her older brother being the only ones awake at this time of night. They talked for a long time about her choice, and her older brother thought that this was a time that it was time for her to drink, as she was in the age now and that it might me the only time they are able to do such a thing.
  94. Although nowhere near the levels of how she would look up to Doom, Ana would feel something similar when with her Brother, thinking of him in such light and a great figure for her life.
  95. That is what had made it such a horror for her as she had found herself in his bed that next morning with him, and no clothing on either of them. Completely frighten with what she had done and in total disgust of herself, Ana left hope without a word, returning back to Doom's side to take his offer of a college diploma in America.
  96. Doom didn't asked why she decided such a feat so suddenly, but he was pleased (mostly because this was a chance upstage the american's there), and sent her on her way. And that's what she did, hopping onto a plane with nothing but the clothing on her back she heads to america and upon seeing how it was out of order and messy, so she decided that she help spread control and order the way of her ruler...wither they wanted it or not.
  98. --OC's Abilities--
  100. Power/Skills: Has an incredible knowledge of mechanical field of science, though is nowhere near to her rulers level of the same field, as the most advance that she was able to use was of that that could be thought of as a knock off Iron-man suit.
  101. Strengths: She is able to come up with plans to out smart D to C rank heroes and villains alike,
  102. Weaknesses: Not one for fighting physically, as any D-list could match her in hand to hand combat. Over use of her magic spells could leave her very tired, very quickly, to the point of passing out.
  103. Equipment: A pair of gloves that give a high voltage of shock, a pulsar burst boots (useful for short distances only), and a mechanical eye patch that helps her to look through the data-banks of Latveria to look for the info of lessor villains.
  104. Alias: Anti-Villain
  105. Name: Moria
  106. Costume: A black tight suit with a belt and other pads of kevlar, a headband made from bandages, with a pink wig with purple highlights.
  107. Partner: None
  111. Name: Ana Dremutra
  112. Age: 20
  113. alias: Moira
  114. DOB: April 13th 1997
  115. POB: Latveria
  116. Race: 30% British, 70% Romanian
  117. Power: Magic (Spells and Phrases)
  118. Appearance: dark souls 3 lady
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