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Paranoia: Dream Battles in Communist Boxes

a guest
Jun 17th, 2012
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  1. Friend Computer: // GAME START
  2. Friend Computer Joane mysteriously appears near you!
  3. Friend Computer: // Currently at the surface in a city they just bombed
  4. Friend Computer Simon's wife holds up the lascannon at the group
  5. Friend Computer Suddenly a bunch of robots group up into one big ball and charge at simon!
  6. Simon-O-BMT-4 fires at the ball of robots.
  7. Friend Computer: // You are in REDACTED form.
  8. Gale-R-DED-2: // And by REDACTED he means carpet.
  9. Friend Computer Suddenly the carpet grows in size and begins eating the robots!
  10. Friend Computer Weiss's pets begin attacking the carpet! The turtle bites at the carpet bruising the fibres!
  11. Friend Computer The carpet eats the animech / pets.
  12. Weiss-O-66-5 Charges the carpet
  13. Friend Computer Simon's wife fires a lascanno at weiss, hitting his left leg.
  14. Friend Computer Weiss falls face first
  15. Joane-O-PDF-1 checs her equipment.
  16. Gale-R-DED-2 fires his cannon at Simon's wife
  17. Weiss-O-66-5 attempts to get up, and leave.
  18. Friend Computer The carpet dives infront of simon's wife!
  19. Friend Computer Taking the full force of the blast, he spits out the turtle part of animehc.
  20. Friend Computer: // mech
  21. Weiss-O-66-5 attempts to tackle the carpet.
  22. Gale-R-DED-2 lowers his cannon and wheels out of the room
  23. Friend Computer Weiss tackles the carpet! And falls on his face again.
  24. Joane-O-PDF-1: Ergh, I don't have time right now.
  25. Joane-O-PDF-1: //Sorry guys.
  26. Simon-O-BMT-4: // Bye
  27. Joane-O-PDF-1 left chat.
  28. Friend Computer The carpet's underside is ripped apart by the spiderbot!
  29. Weiss-O-66-5 grabs Deus at the turtle and runs out of the room
  30. Friend Computer The pets swarm out and begin tackling the carpet. The deranged wife fires! Hitting the spiderbot sending it flying towards weiss.
  31. Weiss-O-66-5: PETS, RETREAT!
  32. Friend Computer Weiss falls out on his face!
  33. Friend Computer The pets begin to get up and retreat when suddenly a carnifex stomps on deus
  34. Friend Computer The spiderbot limps out of the room!
  36. Friend Computer: // It was the first thing I thought of.
  37. Gale-R-DED-2: // What is a carnifex?
  38. Friend Computer: //
  39. Friend Computer:
  40. Gale-R-DED-2: // How did we not notice that before?
  41. Friend Computer: // Ylop
  42. Friend Computer Weiss retreats to the bomber!
  43. Weiss-O-66-5: "EVERYONE IN, NOW!
  44. Gale-R-DED-2 gets in the bomber
  45. Friend Computer Everyone except simon is now in the bomber.
  46. Friend Computer: Octavia: We leaving so soon?
  47. Weiss-O-66-5 takes off, going straight up
  49. Friend Computer: // Acceptable.
  50. Gale-R-DED-2: If you want to go down there and kill everyone you're welcome to, Octavia. I'm done.
  51. Friend Computer Will poofs into existance in a turret pod
  52. Will-O-DIE-5: How in the FUCK did I get here?
  53. Friend Computer The bomber begins to rise.
  54. Will-O-DIE-5: People. Seriously, fuck this "outside" place.
  55. Will-O-DIE-5: I'm not going to stick around if I get swallowed and spat out by spatial anomalies or something stupid like that.
  56. Gale-R-DED-2: Yep. Alpha Complex is the place to be.
  57. Will-O-DIE-5 nods.
  58. Weiss-O-66-5: "Agreed"
  59. Will-O-DIE-5: What'd I miss during the time I was stuck in computer knows what that void place was?
  60. Gale-R-DED-2: Simon, his wife, and a herd of bears overwhelmed us. We decided it was better to forget them. Good as dead anyway.
  61. Friend Computer Suddenly mass amounts of bombs drop form the bomber.
  62. Will-O-DIE-5: Uhm...I take it Weiss is piloting?
  63. Gale-R-DED-2: Weiss, haven't you done enough bombing?
  65. Friend Computer They all hit near the entrance and napalm w/ molten metal falls down into the tunnels.
  66. Will-O-DIE-5: Gale.
  67. Friend Computer You can see most of the animal creatures melt away as they scream for help.
  68. Will-O-DIE-5: There is no such thing as "enough" bombing.
  69. Friend Computer And suddenly a mega carpet eats up all the molten metal and sends it flying towards the bomber!
  70. Will-O-DIE-5: One day you will come to understand that simple rule.
  71. Friend Computer: Octavia: Simon is really stubborn today.
  73. Gale-R-DED-2 fires at the metal
  74. Friend Computer You hit it dead on causing it to lose velocity and it drops down harmlessly
  75. Will-O-DIE-5 opens fire at the carpet.
  76. Friend Computer It dives back in
  77. Friend Computer: // into the tunnel that is
  78. Friend Computer More bombs drop, this time cryo bombs. It isn't very effective
  79. Will-O-DIE-5: Do you think we can convince our superiors to carpet bomb this area with nuclear weapons?
  80. Simon-O-BMT-4: // Time cryo bomb? Does it freeze time or is it timed?
  81. Friend Computer: // This TIME he drops cryo bombs.
  82. Simon-O-BMT-4: // Oh.
  83. Friend Computer The bomber drops it's last supply le bombs, high explosives.
  84. Friend Computer They penetrate deep making holes into the tunnels exposing critters
  85. Weiss-O-66-5 flys back to AC
  86. Weiss-O-66-5: "Out of bombs, lets go."
  87. Friend Computer The bomber goes supersonic and flies towards the gash leading into the alpha complex.
  88. Weiss-O-66-5: Incoming jets
  89. Weiss-O-66-5: South east
  90. Gale-R-DED-2: Are they hostile
  91. Gale-R-DED-2: ?
  92. Friend Computer In the distance you can see metallic bodies flying towards you at high speeds.
  93. Gale-R-DED-2 aims at the jets
  94. Will-O-DIE-5: Try to contact them.
  95. Friend Computer The leading one, green colored, hails you.
  96. Weiss-O-66-5: Kill them?
  98. Gale-R-DED-2: Yeah, that would probably be best.
  99. Will-O-DIE-5: Tell them we were in pursuit of a commie mutant traitor.
  100. Weiss-O-66-5: Octavia, can you convince them of anything?
  101. Friend Computer: Octavia: Probably not.
  102. Will-O-DIE-5: So...are they going to shoot us down?
  103. Friend Computer: Octavia: Most likely.
  104. Will-O-DIE-5: Grrrreat.
  105. Simon-O-BMT-4: // Not to mention that they might think Octavia is still a CMT?
  106. Friend Computer Weiss hails them
  107. Weiss-O-66-5: If things go south. Fire at will.
  109. Friend Computer: Octavia: Firing at will won't help, she'll only attack you back.
  110. Will-O-DIE-5 chuckles.
  111. Will-O-DIE-5: True, but I doubt that's what Weiss meant.
  113. Weiss-O-66-5: Go time?
  114. Gale-R-DED-2: // Are the jets in firing range?
  115. Friend Computer: // Yes.
  116. Gale-R-DED-2 fires at the jets
  117. Will-O-DIE-5: Great.
  118. Will-O-DIE-5 opens fire on the jets as well.
  119. Friend Computer The bomber begins to fly towards the jets at an ungodly speed.
  120. Gale-R-DED-2: Negotiating was going nowhere.
  121. Friend Computer Gale and will bring down the same jet in synchronous fire, weiss activates the voidshield and rams the leading one. Destroying it!
  123. Will-O-DIE-5 turns to fire at the next jet.
  124. Will-O-DIE-5: Might as well finish what we just started.
  125. Gale-R-DED-2: // Only two, I thought.
  126. Friend Computer: // Two.
  127. Will-O-DIE-5: //Oh, lol.
  128. Will-O-DIE-5: //Weiss's post made me think there were more.
  129. Gale-R-DED-2: // Will continues to fire at imaginary jets. She scores many direct hits.
  130. Will-O-DIE-5: Anywaaaaaay- We are still going back to AC.
  131. Friend Computer: // oh lol I forgot
  132. Friend Computer Weiss brings down the last jet.
  133. Weiss-O-66-5: Back to AC it is!
  134. Will-O-DIE-5: For the record, we have no idea what happened to those two jets.
  135. Friend Computer The bomber resume it's flying towards the AC.
  136. Will-O-DIE-5: Make sure to wipe all onboard footage of us shooting them.
  137. Will-O-DIE-5: Oh, and of me talking about it.
  138. Gale-R-DED-2: Do you think they know about our... expedition, back at AC?
  139. Friend Computer: Octavia: I'll kill anyone who bothers with it.
  140. Will-O-DIE-5: I like your way of thinking.
  141. Friend Computer You edventually arrive at the entrance to AC, finding a new mobile airfield near it and two tanks.
  142. Will-O-DIE-5: Hm.
  143. Friend Computer Through the hole you see a contingent of intsec rampaging about killing traitors
  144. Will-O-DIE-5: This does seem like a bad time.
  145. Gale-R-DED-2: Think we can sneak in? With a bomber?
  146. Friend Computer You are hailed by VIOLET officer.
  147. Will-O-DIE-5: Oh, balls.
  148. Friend Computer: Violet officer: Who are you, and why shouldn't we erase you from existance?
  149. Gale-R-DED-2: Because we are credit to Alpha Complex.
  150. Friend Computer Weiss sends them the incriminating evidence of them killing simon and commie mutant bears
  151. Will-O-DIE-5: Ask for permission to land. We have important information regarding a whole city full of communist mutant traitors.
  152. Friend Computer: Violet officer: Permission granted.
  153. Weiss-O-66-5 lands the bomber
  154. Will-O-DIE-5 coughs. "Who's going to get out first?
  155. Friend Computer The two tanks surround the bomber and the violet officer comes out of one of them.
  156. Friend Computer: Octavia: I might as well.
  157. Weiss-O-66-5 steps outside
  158. Friend Computer Octavia jumps out of her turret pod and stares down the officer! It is super effective.
  159. Will-O-DIE-5 also leaves the bomber.
  160. Weiss-O-66-5: Hello Jents.
  161. Friend Computer: Violet: Troubleshooter. And I see you have a new friend!
  162. Friend Computer He gestures to octavia
  163. Gale-R-DED-2 exits the bomber
  164. Will-O-DIE-5: We should report what happened in Sector COM, too.
  165. Friend Computer At this point multiple intsec officers (above green or green) surround you.
  166. Will-O-DIE-5 sighs.
  167. Will-O-DIE-5: Have the cleanup teams swept through Sector COM already?
  168. Friend Computer: Violet: Well it appears what you did was a credit to the alpha complex, but I'm afraid you'll have to be mind wiped. Failure to do so will proceed in termination.
  169. Friend Computer: Violet: And yes.
  170. Weiss-O-66-5: Alright, Alright.
  171. Will-O-DIE-5: Good, then I don't need to explain that part. About the mind wipe - where will we undergo the procedura and in how many cycles?
  172. Friend Computer: Violet: Just the part with this.
  173. Will-O-DIE-5: //*procedure, derpy mind is derpy
  174. Friend Computer He gestures to the surface
  175. Will-O-DIE-5: Ah, of course.
  176. Friend Computer: Violet: If you'd like we can just alter it so you remember killing your traitor friend.
  177. Friend Computer: Violet: But not where.
  178. Friend Computer: Octavia: Or you could let us go with our memories and your bones intact.
  179. Friend Computer She coughs
  180. Will-O-DIE-5: You know, I think I'd be fine with forgetting this place here.
  181. Will-O-DIE-5 looks around and shivers.
  182. Will-O-DIE-5: It's too...unnatural.
  183. Weiss-O-66-5: Eh, its alright. I like AC better though.
  184. Friend Computer: // That is extremely and I mean EXTREMELY ironic, will.
  185. Will-O-DIE-5: //Of course.
  186. Friend Computer: Violet: If you attempt to threaten me once again I will order them to fire yo-
  187. Friend Computer Octavia crushes his head
  188. Friend Computer: Octavia: He can't order you to fire against us.
  189. Friend Computer She throws the broken body at the others, and they step back.
  190. Will-O-DIE-5: Er...I believe you're not willing to part with the memories of this place.
  191. Will-O-DIE-5: Planning to start research on it?
  192. Friend Computer: Octavia: Immediately.
  193. Gale-R-DED-2: // Will, we're back in AC, I think.
  194. Weiss-O-66-5 sits down on the ground.
  195. Friend Computer: // Just outside the hole leading to it.
  196. Weiss-O-66-5: This'll be awhile...
  197. Friend Computer: Octavia: Everyone in the bomber, I'll be staring here for a time.
  198. Gale-R-DED-2 gets in the bomber
  199. Weiss-O-66-5 follows Gale.
  200. Will-O-DIE-5 gets into the bomber.
  201. Will-O-DIE-5: ...alright.
  202. Friend Computer The tanks take aim against octavia's power suit.
  203. Friend Computer You hear gunfire and screaming once in the bomber, and it automatically proceeds back into the alpha complex.
  204. Will-O-DIE-5: I somehow doubt that is enough firepower...
  205. Weiss-O-66-5: Yeah...
  206. Weiss-O-66-5: Tank, she took out a fucking jet single handedly. In the air without any vehicles. You really think you'll win?
  207. Friend Computer You arrive at troubleshooter HQ later.
  208. Gale-R-DED-2: I don't know why they even try.
  209. Weiss-O-66-5: Seriously. You'd think they would know by now that you can't kill an insane RD.
  210. Will-O-DIE-5: I'm just glad that order will now eventually return to the surface.
  211. Friend Computer The techpriest now refitted with new cybernetics to replace the ones octavia broke begin to repair your bomber (it landed in motorpool at this point.)
  212. Will-O-DIE-5 gets out of the bomber.
  213. Friend Computer: // That sentence feels incomplete.
  214. Gale-R-DED-2 exits the bomber
  215. Friend Computer: // Ah well
  216. Gale-R-DED-2: // A couple of commas would've helped.
  217. Weiss-O-66-5 exits the bomber
  218. Friend Computer: // Yeah, yeah.
  219. Friend Computer Your PCS flare up! 'Report to debriefing, NOW!"
  220. Weiss-O-66-5 sighs
  221. Will-O-DIE-5: ...might as well.
  222. Gale-R-DED-2 reports to debriefing
  223. Will-O-DIE-5: /e heads to debriefing.
  224. Weiss-O-66-5: Lets go.
  225. Weiss-O-66-5 heads to briefing
  226. Will-O-DIE-5 heads to debriefing.
  227. Gale-R-DED-2: We were never briefed in the first place. Hah.
  228. Friend Computer You see kim sandez and two blue officers. They stare you down.
  229. Friend Computer: // Kim Sandez*
  230. Will-O-DIE-5 salutes and sits down.
  231. Gale-R-DED-2 salutes
  232. Weiss-O-66-5 slumps into a chair
  233. Friend Computer: Kim: What was that little stunt you pulled off about?
  234. Friend Computer: Kim: And where is octavia?
  235. Weiss-O-66-5: I have no idea...
  236. Will-O-DIE-5: What stunt are you talking about?
  237. Friend Computer Kim signals the officers to leave and she locks the room.
  238. Friend Computer: Kim: You know what I'm talking about.
  239. Will-O-DIE-5 tilts her head.
  240. Will-O-DIE-5: I'm...afraid I don't.
  241. Weiss-O-66-5: I truthfully don't give a damn to remember.
  242. Weiss-O-66-5: too much stuff to remember from right now.
  243. Friend Computer She sighs and takes a seat.
  244. Friend Computer: Kim: Good, you got the idea.
  245. Friend Computer: Kim: Your mission this daycycle is to destroy an communist supply cache located at sector FHT
  246. Gale-R-DED-2: Do we get to use the bomber again?
  247. Friend Computer: Kim: Its being deconstructed per result of personaity bleeding.
  248. Weiss-O-66-5: Heh.
  249. Will-O-DIE-5: What about its onboard AI?
  250. Friend Computer: // personality*
  251. Friend Computer: Kim: It's memory will be wiped and it will be refitted for other purposes.
  252. Will-O-DIE-5 sighs.
  253. Gale-R-DED-2: Pity. 'twas a nice bomber.
  254. Friend Computer: Weiss's PDC: I'm sorry weiss, I'm afraid I cannot do that.
  255. Friend Computer Kim stares at weiss
  256. Gale-R-DED-2 glances at Weiss
  257. Simon-O-BMT-4: // OH FUCK WEISS'S PDC IS HAL9000
  258. Will-O-DIE-5: I think Bomber was a pretty cool guy. Eh, killed Communists and didn't afraid of anything.
  259. Weiss-O-66-5 looks at his PDC
  260. Weiss-O-66-5: Why can't you?
  261. Will-O-DIE-5: Anyway.
  262. Friend Computer: PDC: Return me to master will, please.
  263. Weiss-O-66-5: Whatever.
  264. Gale-R-DED-2 looks at Weiss
  265. Will-O-DIE-5 looks at Weiss.
  266. Friend Computer: Kim: Did just do what I think you did?
  267. Will-O-DIE-5: What the hell is going on with your PDC?
  268. Weiss-O-66-5: What?
  269. Weiss-O-66-5: What did I do?
  270. Will-O-DIE-5 coughs.
  271. Will-O-DIE-5: ANYWAY. You said something about an ammo cache in Sector FHT?
  272. Gale-R-DED-2: Yep. Communist. We need to destroy it.
  273. Friend Computer Kim facepalms and unlocks the door.
  274. Friend Computer: Kim: Tell noone
  275. Will-O-DIE-5: I don't know what we're not supposed to tell anyone, but okay. The Commie ammo cache in Sector FHT is as good as destroyed.
  276. Friend Computer She sends you off to R&D
  277. Gale-R-DED-2 goes to R&D
  278. Will-O-DIE-5 heads to R&D.
  279. Weiss-O-66-5 goes to R&D
  280. Friend Computer You see a new and bright researcher director. Her nametag reads Gav-B-DIE-42
  281. Friend Computer: // Obviously bright for with death brings wisdom.
  282. Friend Computer cough
  283. Gale-R-DED-2: Hello!
  284. Will-O-DIE-5: Hm.
  285. Weiss-O-66-5: ...
  286. Will-O-DIE-5: Hello.
  287. Friend Computer: Gav: Hello, I have prepared an assortment of tools for you.
  288. Will-O-DIE-5: Erm...42?
  289. Friend Computer: Gav: Yes
  290. Will-O-DIE-5: Did you test your things yoruself?
  291. Friend Computer: Gav: Until I got clearance to use you walking dead as testers.
  292. Friend Computer She hurries you to a table with three devices.
  293. Will-O-DIE-5: I would be happier if you did not refer to us as walking dead.
  294. Gale-R-DED-2: I think it's rather fitting and amusing.
  295. Will-O-DIE-5: I'm not a dead woman walking until I'm on my last clone. And if I am, I'll buy a new pack.
  296. Friend Computer 1x silicon chip w/ syringe, 1x golden chalice, 1x pair of shoes.
  297. Gale-R-DED-2: What if you don't have any credits because you're a terrible troubleshooter and die more than you succeed?
  298. Weiss-O-66-5 takes the chip
  299. Will-O-DIE-5 takes the chalice and examines it.
  300. Weiss-O-66-5 injects himself with it.
  301. Gale-R-DED-2 takes the shoes with a sigh
  302. Will-O-DIE-5: Gav, if I may inquire, what is this liquid in this chalice?
  303. Friend Computer: Gav: Science.
  304. Gale-R-DED-2: // I have normal feet, right?
  305. Weiss-O-66-5: ...Gav. What the fuck was in that.
  306. Will-O-DIE-5: Oh, okay.
  307. Friend Computer: Gav: Science.
  308. Weiss-O-66-5 looks at Will hungrily.
  309. Will-O-DIE-5 glares at Weiss.
  310. Will-O-DIE-5: The fuck is it?
  311. Friend Computer: // You can wear the shoes
  312. Gale-R-DED-2 puts the shoes on his feet
  313. Weiss-O-66-5: ...
  314. Weiss-O-66-5: Chip
  315. Weiss-O-66-5: ...
  316. Weiss-O-66-5 walks out.
  317. Will-O-DIE-5: Erm, Gav.
  318. Gale-R-DED-2 stands up
  319. Friend Computer: Gav: Yes?
  320. Will-O-DIE-5: Does that chip cause subjects to develop a strange craving for human body parts including but not limited to brain matter?
  321. Weiss-O-66-5 walks back in, eating some Spagetti.
  322. Gale-R-DED-2 walks around
  323. Weiss-O-66-5 attempts to Bite Will
  324. Friend Computer: Gav: It feeds upon energy made from food.
  325. Will-O-DIE-5 backs off.
  326. Friend Computer She applies a taser to weiss's neck
  327. Friend Computer He falls unconscious
  328. Friend Computer: Gav: Of course with this being said it might consume too much when it goes to enhance the brain.
  329. Will-O-DIE-5: Great; so basically it caused uncontrollable hunger in those injected with it?
  330. Friend Computer: Gav: It's meant to make them more intelligent.
  331. Friend Computer: Gav: I guess your friend wasn't too bright and it needed alot of fuel to power him up.
  332. Friend Computer She pokes at him with her shoe
  333. Will-O-DIE-5: Are you expecting me to drink from this chalice, anyway?
  334. Gale-R-DED-2: Couldn't we hook him up to a constant injection?
  335. Friend Computer: Gav: Proceed to your mission, I reconmend you keep alot of nutribars around
  336. Gale-R-DED-2: If you don't drink from the chalice, I will.
  337. Will-O-DIE-5: No! Then I'll have to get these shoes and I don't want that.
  338. Gale-R-DED-2: I think I'll keep the shoes.
  339. Will-O-DIE-5 sniffs the liquid in the chalice.
  340. Gale-R-DED-2 kicks his wheelchair
  341. Will-O-DIE-5: //As in, tries to examine the smell
  342. Will-O-DIE-5: Hm...doesn't smell too bad.
  343. Will-O-DIE-5 drinks a small sip of the strange liquid.
  344. Will-O-DIE-5 's face suddenly seems very serene.
  345. Gale-R-DED-2: How is it, Will?
  346. Will-O-DIE-5: Wonderful~
  347. Friend Computer Weiss wakes up suddenl
  348. Friend Computer: y
  349. Weiss-O-66-5: //the dice is laughing at me
  350. Weiss-O-66-5 gets up
  351. Weiss-O-66-5: Ugh...
  352. Weiss-O-66-5: Anything to eat?
  353. Will-O-DIE-5: Erm...
  354. Will-O-DIE-5 quickly leaves the room.
  355. Weiss-O-66-5: ...
  356. Weiss-O-66-5: Not you..
  357. Weiss-O-66-5 looks at Gale
  358. Gale-R-DED-2 tosses Weiss a Vita-Yum Meal Substitute Bar
  359. Friend Computer Gav drops a nutribar infront of him.
  360. Weiss-O-66-5 eats it
  361. Weiss-O-66-5: I'll raid the cafeteria before I go
  362. Will-O-DIE-5: //I'm having to cut off here
  363. Weiss-O-66-5: Right, I think I'm good.
  364. Friend Computer: // Cya.
  365. Gale-R-DED-2: // See ya.
  366. Weiss-O-66-5: //later
  367. Weiss-O-66-5 takes the bar and heads to the motorpool
  368. Weiss-O-66-5: //lovely, now I have the metabolism of a hummingbird
  369. Will-O-DIE-5: //Cya, have fun with Weiss's endless hunger and Gale's shoes.
  370. Will-O-DIE-5: //And I just now noticed that Gale could walk in them despite being...well...cripple-y. I AM SO SLOW MENTALLY.
  371. Weiss-O-66-5: //leave weiss the challice
  372. Weiss-O-66-5: //then at least we can test it
  373. Friend Computer: // coug hshoes
  374. Gale-R-DED-2: // What about them?
  375. Will-O-DIE-5: //Ask what happened to my character ICly and you know why you're not getting the chalice
  376. Will-O-DIE-5: //Cya
  377. Will-O-DIE-5 left chat.
  378. Gale-R-DED-2 walks to the motorpool
  379. Weiss-O-66-5: So, what happened after I was tased?
  380. Gale-R-DED-2: Not much. Will drank from the chalice and got all weird and calm.
  381. Weiss-O-66-5: fun
  382. Weiss-O-66-5: Well, I don't feel like eating people anymore, so thats a plus
  383. Gale-R-DED-2: Yep. Just have to keep eating and you should be good.
  384. Gale-R-DED-2: // Is Simon going to join us in any form or is it going to be only 2 playing?
  385. Friend Computer You find no vehicles in the motorpool except two grab bikes.
  386. Friend Computer: // simon is afk
  387. Weiss-O-66-5: hmm
  388. Gale-R-DED-2: // Grab bike?
  389. Weiss-O-66-5 looks at the bikes for ways to improve it
  390. Friend Computer: // grav bike
  391. Gale-R-DED-2 mounts a bike
  392. Weiss-O-66-5 gets on the other bike
  393. Friend Computer They hum to life
  394. Weiss-O-66-5 pulls out his grav knife, which he forgot about.
  395. Gale-R-DED-2 hums back, trying to match the bike
  396. Friend Computer You fail to hum back
  397. Gale-R-DED-2: Weiss, do you have anything to destroy things with? I don't. Just a cannon.
  398. Weiss-O-66-5: Eh, I'll think of something.
  399. Weiss-O-66-5: all else fails, I got my jetpack.
  400. Gale-R-DED-2: I don't think we can destroy an ammo cache with a jetpack
  401. Weiss-O-66-5: hmm
  402. Weiss-O-66-5: I think I'll go get something
  403. Weiss-O-66-5 goes to a terminal to access C-BAy
  404. Gale-R-DED-2 waits on his bike
  405. Gale-R-DED-2: I don't have any money.
  406. Gale-R-DED-2: I haven't been paid in a while.
  407. Weiss-O-66-5 walks back to the motorpool, with a very large emitter
  408. Gale-R-DED-2: What's that?
  409. Weiss-O-66-5: I have NO idea, but it looks dangerous.
  410. Gale-R-DED-2: Alright.
  411. Weiss-O-66-5 straps it to the bike, then gets on.
  412. Gale-R-DED-2 rides his bike to FHT sector
  413. Weiss-O-66-5 follows Gale
  414. Friend Computer: You both arrive.
  415. Gale-R-DED-2 looks around for a communist ammo cache
  416. Weiss-O-66-5 eats another nutribar
  417. Friend Computer: You see a bunch of communist flyers passing by, they land on some sort of disc and it slowly descends into the under complex.
  418. Gale-R-DED-2 heads to where it descended
  419. Weiss-O-66-5 follows Gale
  420. Friend Computer: They spot you and raise their mounted guns up, they aren't at the angle to fire albeit.
  421. Gale-R-DED-2: // What does that mean?
  422. Weiss-O-66-5 lands, and tests the emitter
  423. Friend Computer: // They know your existance.
  424. Gale-R-DED-2 continues toward the location
  425. Friend Computer Weiss fires, and it blows a hole through the platform.
  426. Friend Computer The flyers fall into it
  427. Gale-R-DED-2: That could destroy things well.
  428. Weiss-O-66-5: Sweet.
  429. Weiss-O-66-5 straps it back on, and goes to follow Gale
  430. Weiss-O-66-5: //Simon, best join in on the mission
  431. Gale-R-DED-2: // He'll have to be a new character.
  432. Friend Computer: // Genning one up as usual
  433. Weiss-O-66-5: // that thing creeps me out.
  434. Friend Computer You descend following the platform to find the underhive.
  435. Friend Computer Inside it you see communist trying to oppress citizens, said citizens fight back of course.
  436. Weiss-O-66-5: //how big is the emitter exactly?
  437. Friend Computer One specific one catches your eye, he lights some B3 on fire and throws it killing a score of borgs.
  438. Friend Computer: // SMall enough to fit on the animech, big enough to for gravbike.
  439. Friend Computer: // Maybe 1.5 meter by 1.5, tad sloppy on metres.
  440. Gale-R-DED-2: // Have the communists inside noticed us?
  441. Friend Computer: // Not yet.
  442. Gale-R-DED-2 attempts to maintian secrecy and looks around for an ammo cache
  443. Friend Computer The street where the resistance is fighting appears to lead to a building where communist fliers refuel.
  444. Gale-R-DED-2 looks for a way around the main street to get to the building
  445. Friend Computer You find a subroute going to it.
  446. Gale-R-DED-2 rides down the subroute
  447. Weiss-O-66-5 fires at the building with the emitter, away from Gale so he isn't spotted.
  448. Friend Computer You arrive near the supply dump, at this point the loyalist have made it there as well.
  449. Friend Computer The laser rips through the wall! Bruising the brick.
  450. Friend Computer You have made an entrance to it
  451. Weiss-O-66-5 goes through, shoulderlas ready.
  452. Friend Computer You spot several borgs heading your way
  453. Weiss-O-66-5 fires the emiiter at them.
  454. Friend Computer Your animech is out of juice
  455. Weiss-O-66-5 puts it into hammerspace, and fires at the borgs alongside the loyalists
  456. Friend Computer You shoot yourself in the foot, CRITICAL MISS.
  457. Weiss-O-66-5 continues firing.
  458. Friend Computer The first shot misses, the other two you take out two borgs with.
  459. Gale-R-DED-2 goes in the building away from detection
  460. Weiss-O-66-5: //I assume they're close now?
  461. Friend Computer The man beside you throws a molotov at the borgs
  462. Friend Computer He hits them dead on, setting them ablaze!
  463. Weiss-O-66-5 takes out his knife, and goes in to finish some them off
  464. Friend Computer Weiss brutally stabs one in the chest, exposing his intestines.
  465. Weiss-O-66-5: //how does that work?
  466. Gale-R-DED-2: // wat. That's a big stab wound.
  467. Friend Computer: // Magic
  468. Friend Computer: // Given its a force bayonet
  469. Weiss-O-66-5 kicks him away, and turns to butcher the others.
  470. Friend Computer The others are either dying from fire or getting shot by your new friend.
  471. Gale-R-DED-2: // His name is Terry.
  472. Friend Computer: // Yes.
  473. Terry-R-FHT-1 introduces self
  474. Weiss-O-66-5 stares at the corpse, then cuts off an arm and cooks it over the corpse.
  475. Weiss-O-66-5: Before you ask, blame R&D.
  476. Weiss-O-66-5: I now have the metabolism of a hummingbird-lyke, by estimation.
  477. Friend Computer: // Le back
  478. Friend Computer You all are pushed back to wall(s) as one of the fliers explode!
  479. Weiss-O-66-5 takes a bite from the arm, and puts it away in Hammerspace.
  480. Terry-R-FHT-1: Are you enjoying you meat?
  481. Weiss-O-66-5: Ugh, no.
  482. Weiss-O-66-5: Helps though..
  483. Terry-R-FHT-1: Perhaps you should offer some to your animal companions.
  484. Terry-R-FHT-1: Creatures tend to enjoy meat, from ym experience.
  485. Terry-R-FHT-1: // *my
  486. Friend Computer: // Given the arm is mostly cybernetics.
  487. Weiss-O-66-5 throws the arm to Deus, so he can play with it/ take off the meat for the others
  488. Friend Computer The pets eat it viciously.
  489. Weiss-O-66-5: Good to know your all hungry...
  490. Friend Computer: // Just did a conker the squirrel reference and cough someone doesn't get it.
  491. Gale-R-DED-2: // I know nothing about that... game, is it?
  492. Friend Computer: // Yes.
  493. Weiss-O-66-5: //which section of the game are you refering to?
  494. Friend Computer: // Medical lab part.
  495. Friend Computer: // Two buttons
  496. Gale-R-DED-2: // I pushed them both at the same time. Seemed to solve things.
  497. Friend Computer Edventually the fighting calms down, all that remains to do is go down the tunnel nearby
  498. Weiss-O-66-5 heads down the tunnel
  499. Terry-R-FHT-1 follows Weiss because reasons.
  500. Friend Computer Weiss stabs the techpriest.
  501. Friend Computer Then he goes to the restraining table
  502. Gale-R-DED-2: // He should already be dead. The priest.
  503. Friend Computer: The table holds a communist that has been half borged, he also appears to be electrocuted one or more times.
  504. Weiss-O-66-5 slits his throat
  505. Friend Computer: Before you do that, you notice TWO BIG SHINY BUTTONS.
  506. Friend Computer: You feel the urge to press one of them
  507. Friend Computer: They are so red and nice
  508. Friend Computer: //
  509. Weiss-O-66-5 presses both.
  510. Friend Computer: //
  511. Friend Computer Another door opens up, and the commie is electrocuted.
  512. Weiss-O-66-5: That is much better
  513. Terry-R-FHT-1: indeed.
  514. Weiss-O-66-5 goes through the opened door.
  515. Weiss-O-66-5 says over the radio "Gale, hows stealthing going?"
  516. Friend Computer: You see gale unconscious on the floor near a queer artifact. Automated machines run around probing it and inserting data into random computers
  517. Terry-R-FHT-1: // Probing gale or the aritfact
  518. Gale-R-DED-2: // The artifact.
  519. Weiss-O-66-5 checks the data on the computer.
  520. Friend Computer: // This isn't a generic alien movie terry.
  521. Terry-R-FHT-1: Should we smash the machines?
  522. Friend Computer: You notice the machines are part man?
  523. Weiss-O-66-5: hmm
  524. Gale-R-DED-2: // If I fell unconscious, what happened to the bike I was riding?
  525. Friend Computer: // You ditchedit.
  526. Gale-R-DED-2: // When? When I fell unconscious?
  527. Weiss-O-66-5: Terry, Pull Gale away from that.
  528. Weiss-O-66-5 goes over to the artifact, and attempts to activate it.
  529. Terry-R-FHT-1 picks up Gale
  530. Friend Computer: // Before you went into the small tunnel
  531. Gale-R-DED-2: // Aw, I thought I still had it.
  532. Weiss-O-66-5 tells his pets to pull him away from it if things go wrong.
  533. Friend Computer Weiss touches the artifact, and falls unconscious.
  534. Terry-R-FHT-1 picks up Weiss also
  535. Friend Computer Gale wakes up
  536. Terry-R-FHT-1: Don't touch that thing.
  537. Gale-R-DED-2 stands up
  538. Gale-R-DED-2: I know.
  539. Terry-R-FHT-1: It'll make you pass out again.
  540. Gale-R-DED-2: I know.
  541. Gale-R-DED-2: I thought Weiss would have known better.
  542. Friend Computer Weiss wakes up
  543. Gale-R-DED-2: Want to destroy it?
  544. Weiss-O-66-5: ugh
  545. Weiss-O-66-5 stands up
  546. Terry-R-FHT-1: That would be a good idea.
  547. Weiss-O-66-5: You get the nightmares too, I take it?
  548. Weiss-O-66-5: hold up.
  549. Gale-R-DED-2: Yes. I shot them, though.
  550. Weiss-O-66-5: Deus, touch it and get some data from it.
  551. Gale-R-DED-2: They're dead now.
  552. Friend Computer The spiderbot doesn't acknowledge what he is supposed to get data from.
  553. Weiss-O-66-5: hmmm
  554. Weiss-O-66-5: Wake me up if I start bleeding, I'm going to try something.
  555. Weiss-O-66-5 touches it again.
  556. Friend Computer Weiss falls unconscious and begins to convulse a bit.
  557. Gale-R-DED-2 stands near Weiss
  558. Terry-R-FHT-1: Should we do something?
  559. Gale-R-DED-2: He said not to wake him until he started bleeding.
  560. Terry-R-FHT-1: Alright.
  561. Friend Computer Weiss begins to convulse
  562. Gale-R-DED-2: // Wasn't he already convulsing?
  563. Friend Computer: // He convulses moar
  564. Gale-R-DED-2: Well, he's not bleeding, so I suppose we should wait.
  565. Gale-R-DED-2: Terry, what information are you getting?
  566. Terry-R-FHT-1: About what?
  567. Gale-R-DED-2: I thought you were getting information about that box thing.
  568. Friend Computer Weiss wakes up
  569. Terry-R-FHT-1: No.
  570. Friend Computer: // Also I have to reintregrate simon's character back somehow, later.
  571. Weiss-O-66-5: I saw death himself.
  572. Friend Computer: // That carpet is a running gg
  573. Friend Computer: // gag
  574. Gale-R-DED-2: Did you say hi for me?
  575. Weiss-O-66-5: ...
  576. Friend Computer: // ps: everytime you touched the artifact I rolled 50/50 chance for head asplode
  577. Terry-R-FHT-1: // I was the carpet the entire time.
  578. Weiss-O-66-5: ...
  579. Weiss-O-66-5: I'm taking that with me.
  580. Gale-R-DED-2: Well, next time you see him, tell him I said hi.
  581. Weiss-O-66-5: R&D can work on it.
  582. Terry-R-FHT-1: // Every encounter was me except the small one from R&D
  583. Gale-R-DED-2: He seems like a pretty cool guy.
  584. Friend Computer: // That one was based off you, and then became the carpet horde that chased octavia.
  585. Friend Computer: // The same one that surrounded mr.tank
  586. Gale-R-DED-2: // I told you Simon was the carpet.
  587. Weiss-O-66-5 goes to get his bike, and comes back with it.
  588. Friend Computer Weiss barely manages the bike inside.
  589. Weiss-O-66-5 kills one of the nearby borgs.
  590. Friend Computer Weiss finishes off the borg in the restraining table
  591. Gale-R-DED-2: Need any help?
  592. Friend Computer: // afk
  593. Weiss-O-66-5 if I did kill one, use it as a sort of puppet to put the Artifact on the bike. //now we wait
  594. Gale-R-DED-2: // Hah, I looked at that $20,000 Earthbound game linked on the forums, so now Amazon is advertising ridiculously priced antique games to me.
  595. Friend Computer: // le back
  596. Terry-R-FHT-1: // Everytime I have an ad from amazon it's the same thing.
  597. Terry-R-FHT-1: // It's always this:
  598. Friend Computer: // I never search amazon unless I look for books so.. hah
  599. Terry-R-FHT-1: // I don't know why.
  600. Gale-R-DED-2: // That's hilarious.
  601. Terry-R-FHT-1: // So everytime I have an ad for amazon, I get this thing staring at me.
  602. Friend Computer Weiss uses the puppet to hold the box.
  603. Gale-R-DED-2: Neither of you happened to see an ammo cache on the way in, did you?
  604. Weiss-O-66-5 uses the pupper to strap it onto the bike.
  605. Friend Computer Weiss manages the box on the bike.
  606. Weiss-O-66-5 hauls the bike back out
  607. Terry-R-FHT-1: I didn't see an ammo cache, no
  608. Gale-R-DED-2 follows Weiss and gets on his own bike
  609. Weiss-O-66-5: You guys continue on with the mission
  610. Weiss-O-66-5: I gotta take this to R&D
  611. Gale-R-DED-2: You're bailing on us?
  612. Weiss-O-66-5: No, I'll be back
  613. Weiss-O-66-5: just dropping off this thing first
  614. Weiss-O-66-5: It shouldn't exist
  615. Weiss-O-66-5: so we'll figure out why it does.
  616. Gale-R-DED-2: // I need to leave in about 20-30 minutes, btw.
  617. Friend Computer Edventually you all arrive at troubleshooter hq due to plot teleport and lack of enemies
  618. Gale-R-DED-2: // We all go to HQ?
  619. Weiss-O-66-5 takes the thing to R&D, bike and all.
  620. Gale-R-DED-2: // I thought we'd continue looking for the cache.
  621. Friend Computer: // You destroyed it.
  622. Gale-R-DED-2: // We did?
  623. Friend Computer: // That building was it.
  624. Weiss-O-66-5: I better get a promotion for bringing this damn thing in...
  625. Friend Computer: // cue weiss being executed
  626. Gale-R-DED-2: // Not much of a cache, then.
  627. Gale-R-DED-2: I touched it first.
  628. Friend Computer: // Weiss blew most of it up.
  629. Weiss-O-66-5: I explored where it took me.
  630. Gale-R-DED-2: // I thought one of the workers was responsible for the explosion.
  631. Weiss-O-66-5: and I think I almost died from it
  632. Gale-R-DED-2: That's your fault. I just killed the nightmares. That's the appropriate thing to do.
  633. Weiss-O-66-5: I explored it. I think we may have found a new realm of existance.
  634. Gale-R-DED-2: Isn't that R&D's job?
  635. Weiss-O-66-5: I am R&D.
  636. Gale-R-DED-2: Wrong division, though.
  637. Weiss-O-66-5: Don't care.
  638. Friend Computer You edventually go on with debriefing, standard stuff. And then to R&D
  639. Friend Computer: Gav: So you just found this thing?
  640. Weiss-O-66-5: Yep
  641. Gale-R-DED-2: Yep.
  642. Gale-R-DED-2: I found it.
  643. Weiss-O-66-5: Gale found it first
  644. Weiss-O-66-5: I explored inside wherever it took me
  645. Weiss-O-66-5: I think I also met death.
  646. Weiss-O-66-5: he tried to kill me.
  647. Friend Computer: Gav: I see.
  648. Gale-R-DED-2: Guess he doesn't have much patience.
  649. Friend Computer She knocks weiss unconscious and cracks open his head.
  650. Weiss-O-66-5: ...
  651. Friend Computer: I'm starting to think this chip is ruining his logical processing.
  652. Weiss-O-66-5: //*
  653. Terry-R-FHT-1: It would be for the best if you destroy the objet.
  654. Terry-R-FHT-1: Did Gale have a chip too?
  655. Friend Computer She forcibly removes the chip and puts him in a pokemon style healing device
  656. Friend Computer: Gav: No.
  657. Gale-R-DED-2: I did get some pretty bad nightmares after touching it.
  658. Terry-R-FHT-1: He saw things too, didn't you?
  659. Friend Computer: Gav: Can you describe the nightmares?
  660. Gale-R-DED-2: No, just nightmares while I was unconcsoius.
  661. Friend Computer: // Also 150 for testing items.
  662. Gale-R-DED-2: // spelling error
  663. Gale-R-DED-2: Nightmares were weird. Just unknown things.
  664. Gale-R-DED-2: I shot them, though.
  665. Friend Computer Weiss pops back to life sooner or later.
  666. Gale-R-DED-2: It worked.
  667. Friend Computer: Gav: So you shot indiscriminately at things you didn't know about.
  668. Gale-R-DED-2: They seemed threatening. Plus, they were only in my head.
  669. Weiss-O-66-5: They don't speak english, by the way.
  670. Weiss-O-66-5: And I saw him again.
  671. Weiss-O-66-5: while I was knocked out.
  672. Gale-R-DED-2: Did you say hi for me this time?
  673. Weiss-O-66-5: It was a nightmare, like Gales.
  674. Weiss-O-66-5: Too quick for me to talk to him.
  675. Gale-R-DED-2: Weeeeeis.
  676. Weiss-O-66-5: Yesss?
  677. Friend Computer: Gav: So I either have to kill you and forcibly remove your brain for examining. Or get a glance on this death myself, when did you experience these nightmares?
  678. Gale-R-DED-2: I wanted you to say hi for me. He seems pretty cool.
  679. Weiss-O-66-5: Touch it
  680. Weiss-O-66-5: You'll see what I mean.
  681. Friend Computer She proceeds to touch it, and then her head explodes.
  682. Gale-R-DED-2: Touch the box and you'll probably be able to do the same. You'll go unconscious.
  683. Gale-R-DED-2: Shit.
  684. Weiss-O-66-5 looks at it
  685. Weiss-O-66-5: WOW...that was not what I expected.
  686. Terry-R-FHT-1: I think you might be a traitor now.
  687. Friend Computer Her lifeless shell falls down, and she pops out of a chute.
  688. Weiss-O-66-5 touches it himself.
  689. Terry-R-FHT-1: // your head asplode
  690. Friend Computer Weiss's nose bleeds profusely and he falls unconscious.
  691. Friend Computer: // I roll a 50/50 chance for failure
  692. Friend Computer: // How close it is to actual failure point determines how bad you get
  693. Terry-R-FHT-1: He's bleeding. We better move him away.
  694. Gale-R-DED-2: Yep.
  695. Terry-R-FHT-1 kicks the artifact away from Weiss
  696. Friend Computer Terry falls unconscious
  697. Gale-R-DED-2 rolls Weiss around and smacks his face
  698. Weiss-O-66-5: Ugh...
  699. Weiss-O-66-5: Terry, you fucking IDIOT
  700. Weiss-O-66-5: He attacked them
  701. Gale-R-DED-2: You started bleeding, Weiss, so I woke you up.
  702. Weiss-O-66-5 tries to stop his nose from bleeding.
  703. Gale-R-DED-2: And what are you talking about now?
  704. Terry-R-FHT-1: They were hurting me just by being in my vision.
  705. Terry-R-FHT-1: That seems like grounds to attack.
  706. Weiss-O-66-5: Dude, if I can look at them, so can you.
  707. Weiss-O-66-5: then again, I'm better at this lucidity shit then you.
  708. Weiss-O-66-5 lays back down, and tries to go back to sleep
  709. Friend Computer: You feel too rested to sleep.
  710. Gale-R-DED-2: // What's Gav doing?
  711. Weiss-O-66-5: dammit...
  712. Friend Computer While you all have been messing about gav has prepared some SCIENCE looking tools
  713. Weiss-O-66-5: not tired enough...
  714. Terry-R-FHT-1: // Are we going to end soon, since we completed the mission?
  715. Weiss-O-66-5: Now, Gav. You see what I mean?
  716. Weiss-O-66-5: we all saw it
  717. Friend Computer: // Yes
  718. Weiss-O-66-5: Those two attacked them
  719. Gale-R-DED-2: I didn't.
  720. Gale-R-DED-2: I didn't see it.
  721. Friend Computer You notice strange wires on your head
  722. Friend Computer: Gav: Yes, I saw it.
  723. Weiss-O-66-5: uhm
  724. Gale-R-DED-2: // Who does, Weiss?
  725. Weiss-O-66-5: Whats with the wires?
  726. Friend Computer She points to a screen projecting what you did
  727. Friend Computer: Gav: Brain scan.
  728. Weiss-O-66-5: Yeah. That.
  729. Weiss-O-66-5: //I AM AN ORACLE OF THE DEATH REALM
  730. Weiss-O-66-5: //PEACE WITH THE DEATH GODS
  731. Gale-R-DED-2: // You are a fucking loony who needs to be shot.
  732. Friend Computer: // ^
  733. Weiss-O-66-5: //and how!
  734. Weiss-O-66-5: So, what should we do with the artifact?
  735. Terry-R-FHT-1: Destroy it.
  736. Gale-R-DED-2: I think we should destroy it.
  737. Friend Computer: Gav: Well given that anyone who touches it experiences nightmares, and all my attempts have failed.
  738. Friend Computer You notice scorch marks near it
  739. Gale-R-DED-2: Or dies.
  740. Weiss-O-66-5: I can touch it.
  741. Friend Computer: // No you are just frakking ucky
  742. Friend Computer: // lucky
  743. Terry-R-FHT-1: Then touch it, Weiss.
  744. Friend Computer: // Once again, 50/50 head asplode
  745. Weiss-O-66-5: //exactly, therfor weiss has a REASON to think he can do it.
  746. Weiss-O-66-5 touches the Relic again.
  747. Friend Computer He falls unconscious
  748. Terry-R-FHT-1: You seem to enjoy it, considering you're friends with the creatures there.
  749. Friend Computer: // Alright, one second
  750. Gale-R-DED-2: // Four times and not yet dead.
  751. Weiss-O-66-5: // :|
  752. Weiss-O-66-5: // HOW
  753. Weiss-O-66-5: //they can see me on the screen, right?
  754. Gale-R-DED-2: // It's only 50/50. You've failed once, but it wasn't bad.
  755. Gale-R-DED-2: // I need to go. I'll probably be a while - we're having a family dinner.
  756. Terry-R-FHT-1: // Now might be a good time to stop, then.
  757. Weiss-O-66-5: //yes, perfect for a cliffhanger.
  758. Terry-R-FHT-1: // Indeed
  759. Weiss-O-66-5: //Just don't come with me tomorrow/next time.
  760. Weiss-O-66-5: //I think I can make actual PROGRESS with the realm of death.
  761. Terry-R-FHT-1: // I was trying to save you because you were bleeding
  762. Terry-R-FHT-1: // C:
  763. Weiss-O-66-5: // well, now that you know I'm OK, and you can see what I'm doing on screen.
  764. Terry-R-FHT-1 left chat.
  765. Friend Computer: // Le back.
  766. Weiss-O-66-5: //We decided we might want to call it for today
  767. Friend Computer: // Same
  768. Friend Computer left chat.
  769. Weiss-O-66-5 left chat.
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