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Dec 10th, 2014
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  1. var objetos = new Array(
  2. "Little Dipper ","Osa Menor","16h 45m 0.00s","+82d 00m 0.00s","23","3","20d X 4d","2","1","Includes Polaris, the North Star, end of small dipper is Kochab (Beta Ursa Minoris)",
  3. "Guardians of the Pole ","Osa Menor","15h 00m 0.00s","+73d 00m 0.00s","7" ,"2","3 grados","3","2","Kochab (Beta Ursa Minoris) and Gamma Ursa Minoris at the end of the Little Dipper, these two stars circle and so 'guard' the celestial pole",
  4. "Mini Coathanger ","Osa Menor","16h 29m 0.00s","+80d 13m 0.00s","3" ,"8","15'","3","2","It is indeed a faint copy of the Coathanger in Vulpecula, includes a 15th magnitude galaxy at end of 'hook'",
  5. "Diamond Ring ","Osa Menor","02h 32m 0.00s","+89d 00m 0.00s","7" ,"2","45'","1","1","A circlet of 7th and 8th magnitude stars with Polaris the brightest",
  7. "7 Sisters of the Pole ","Cefeo","00h 00m 0.00s","+86d 45m 0.00s","7" ,"6","32d X 2.4d","1","1","A False Pleiades of stars of 6th magnitude, 1.5 degree north of cluster NGC 188",
  8. "Cepheus OB2 Ass'n ","Cefeo","21h 48m 0.00s","+61d 00m 0.00s","7" ,"4","5d X 2.5d","3","2","Includes Xi, Nu, 19, 20 and 25 Cephei, 5 degrees north of nebula IC 1396",
  9. "House of Cepheus ","Cefeo","22h 05m 0.00s","+68d 45m 0.00s","24","2","20d X 8d","3","2","Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Iota and Lambda Cephei for 5 sided figure with the 'roof' facing toward Polaris",
  10. "Crossbow ","Cefeo","22h 10m 9.00s","+58d 12m 0.00s","15","3","4d X 3d","3","2","Delta Cephei (the shoulder piece of crossbow), Epsilon, Zeta and Lambda Cephei (bow arms) and 14 Cephei (bolt tip), best in binoculars at 10-15x",
  12. "Lucky 7 ","Cassiopea","23h 03m 0.00s","+59d 30m 0.00s","7" ,"5","125' X 70","3","2","Includes 1 and 2 Cassiopeae",
  13. "Airplane ","Cassiopea","23h 20m 0.00s","+62d 20m 0.00s","7" ,"5","60'","3","2","8 stars of 7th and 8th magnitude located 40 arcminutes northwest of cluster M 52, AKA The Arrow",
  14. "Queen's 'W' ","Cassiopea","01h 00m 0.00s","+60d 00m 0.00s","23","2","13d X 5d","1","1","Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon Cassiopeae form a 'W' or 'M' shape, most of the throne of the Queen",
  15. "Eddie's Coaster ","Cassiopea","01h 02m 0.00s","+63d 36m 0.00s","7" ,"7","2d X 1.5d","1","1","Discovered by Eddie Carpenter, curved chain of 7th to 9th magnitude stars, Shaped like a roller coaster, seen in 8X42 binoculars",
  16. "Queen's Kite ","Cassiopea","01h 38m 0.00s","+58d 30m 0.00s","7" ,"5","2d X 1.5d","1","1","Rough pentagon of stars including Chi Cassiopeae may be it, but no prominent kite shape here",
  17. "Kemble's Kite ","Cassiopea","03h 28m 0.00s","+72d 00m 0.00s","7" ,"6","90' X 30'","1","1","Kite shaped grouping 2 degrees west of Gamma Camelopardalii, includes SAO 4917 a red M2 star",
  19. "Kemble's Cascade ","Jirafa","04h 00m 0.00s","+63d 00m 0.00s","7" ,"5","2.5 grados","1","1","Prominent chain of stars that ends in cluster NGC 1502, counted 19 stars in chain with 8X42 binoculars--obs. Steve Coe",
  21. "Segment of Perseus ","Perseo","03h 40m 0.00s","+48d 00m 0.00s","30","3","25 grados","4","3","A chain of the major stars of Perseus, In order: Eta, Gamma, Alpha, Delta, Epsilon and Zeta",
  22. "Saxophone ","Perseo","03h 24m 3.00s","+49d 52m 0.00s","7" ,"2","2 grados","4","3","Alpha Persei Cluster, Mel 20, long curved star chain like musical instrument",
  23. "Medusa's Head ","Perseo","03h 00m 0.00s","+40d 00m 0.00s","7" ,"3","2 grados","4","3","Beta, Omega, Rho, Pi, 20, 15, 12 Persei, the Gorgon's Head",
  25. "Lilium (Lilly) ","Aries","02h 45m 0.00s","+27d 00m 0.00s","7","4" ,"2 grados","4","3","35,39 and 41 Arietis, 17th century constellation, AKA Musca Borealis the Northern Fly",
  27. "Triangulum Minor ","Triangulo","02h 20m 0.00s","+30d 00m 0.00s","7" ,"5","90' X 60'","4","3","A small triangle formed by 6, 10 and 12 Triangulii, an obsolete constellation",
  29. "Golf Putter ","Andromeda","01h 52m 5.00s","+37d 30m 0.00s","7" ,"7","95' X 25'","4","3","1 degree long chain of stars with several stars at the end, that form a golf club shape",
  30. "Frederick's Glory ","Andromeda","23h 40m 0.00s","+45d 00m 0.00s","7" ,"4","3.5 grados","3","2","'Y' shape formed by Iota, Kappa, Lambda and Psi Andromedae",
  32. "Great Square ","Pegaso","23h 37m 0.00s","+22d 00m 0.00s","32","2","20d","9","8","The Great Square of Pegasus, the Baseball Diamond, Alpha, Beta and Gamma Pegasi with Alpha Andromedae",
  33. "Stephan's Test ","Pegaso","22h 37m 0.00s","+34d 08m 0.00s","3","12","3'","9","8","Jagged line of faint stars 17 arc minutes NE of Stephan's Quintet (NGC 7320), faintest is 14.7 mag, used by Stephan to test transparency",
  35. "Summer Triangle ","Lira, Cisne, Aguila","20h 00m 0.00s","+30d 00m 0.00s","37","1","38 grados","9","7","Deneb, Altair and Vega form conspicuous triangle during northern Summer",
  37. "Coathanger ","Zorrilla","19h 25m 6.00s","+20d 04m 0.00s","7","4","90'X60'","16","7","Collinder 399, Brocchi's Cluster, he used it for photometer calibration",
  39. "Northern Cross ","Cisne","20h 20m 0.00s","+40d 00m 0.00s","38","1","12d X 7d","9","7","Brightest stars in Cygnus, a cruciform along the Milky Way, Deneb at top, Albireo at bottom, stands up on western horizon in northern Autumn",
  40. "Red Necked Emu ","Cisne","20h 13m 8.00s","+36d 30m 0.00s","3","9","45'","8","7","29 Cygni is tail, foot to the northwest, head to southeast, one reddish star in neck, rest are blue white",
  41. "Fairy Ring ","Cisne","20h 04m 1.00s","+38d 14m 0.00s","3","7","20' X 20'","8","7","A circlet of pretty faint stars, includes several double stars including HJ 1470, AKA Chaple's Arc",
  42. "Horseshoe ","Cisne","21h 07m 3.00s","+47d 11m 0.00s","3","10","25'","3","2","A small, faint horseshoe of stars of 10th and 11th magnitude",
  43. "Dark Rift ","Cisne","21h 00m 0.00s","+55d 00m 0.00s","28","ninguna","10d X 2d","9","8","A dark lane that splits the Milky Way in Cygnus",
  45. "Lozenge ","Dragon","17h 45m 0.00s","+54d 00m 0.00s","7","3","5.5 grados","3","2","The Head of Draco, Beta, Gamma, Xi and Nu 2 Draconis form lozenge shape",
  46. "Quadrans Muralis ","Dragon","15h 50m 0.00s","+55d 50m 0.00s","7","5","4d X 3d","7","6","An arc of stars that forms an ancient celestial navigation instrument, includes variable CL Draconis, radiant of Quadrantids meteors",
  47. "Little Queen ","Dragon","18h 35m 0.00s","+72d 22m 0.00s","3","7","20' X 10'","3","2","Rather prominent, a 'W' shape of 7th and 8th magnitude stars",
  49. "Big Dipper ","Osa Mayor","12h 15m 0.00s","+57d 00m 0.00s","28","1","25 grados","2","1","The Plough, Charles's Wain (Wagon), includes northern Pointer stars",
  50. "Horse And Rider ","Osa Mayor","13h 25m 0.00s","+55d 00m 0.00s","7","3","12'","2","1","Mizar and Alcor, Zeta Ursa Majoris and 80 Ursa Majoris, an ancient test of naked eye visual acuity",
  51. "Pointers (North) ","Osa Mayor","11h 05m 0.00s","+59d 00m 0.00s","7","1","5 grados","2","1","Alpha and Beta Ursa Majoris point toward North Celestial Pole, also known as the Keepers of the Pole",
  52. "Broken engagement Ring","Osa Mayor","10h 51m 0.00s","+56d 09m 0.00s","15","7","20'","2","1","An open or 'C' shaped grouping of 10 stars, AKA The Crown",
  54. "Sailboat Cluster ","Leon Menor","10h 14m 0.00s","+31d 30m 0.00s","4","7","45'","6","5","A dozen pretty faint stars",
  55. "Sickle ","Leon","10h 00m 0.00s","+20d 00m 0.00s","23","1","12d X 8d","13 ","5","The Sickle of Leo includes the bright star Regulus, giant backward question mark",
  57. "Manger ","Cancer","08h 40m 0.00s","+20d 00m 0.00s","7","4","4d X 2d","5","4","Four stars surround the Beehive Cluster (M 44), Gamma, Delta, Eta and Theta Cancri, from Christian lore",
  58. "Little Crab ","Cancer","08h 05m 0.00s","+15d 00m 0.00s","10","5","4d X 0.5d","5","4","Cancer Minor, constellation from Cellarius Atlas in 17th century, 3,5 and 8 Cancri for straight line similar to depiction in atlas",
  60. "Herschel's Telescope ","Auriga","06h 40m 0.00s","+42d 00m 0.00s","7","4","7d X 2d","5","4","Psi 2 thru Psi 9 (inclusive) Aurigae for a scaffold and tube that is somewhat like the large 20 foot telescope, includes cluster NGC 2281",
  61. "False Kids ","Auriga","05h 50m 0.00s","+38d 00m 0.00s","7","4","2d X 0.5d","5","4","Nu, Tau and Upsilon Aurigae form a triangle similar to the Kids across Auriga near Theta Aurigae",
  62. "Smiley Face ","Auriga","05h 27m 0.00s","+35d 00m 0.00s","5","6","1d X 0.5d","5","4","30 arcminutes south of cluster M 38, curved chain of 8 stars form smile with two eyes, small cluster Stock 8 is involved",
  63. "Flying Minnow ","Auriga","05h 19m 0.00s","+33d 40m 0.00s","7","5","75'","5","4","Includes 16, 18 and 19 Aurigae, between two faint nebulae IC 405 and NGC 1893, AKA Little Fish",
  64. "Kids ","Auriga","05h 03m 0.00s","+40d 00m 0.00s","10","4","2.5d X 1d","5","4","Epsilon, Eta and Zeta Aurigae, Triangle of stars south of Capella, represents kid goats in the care of Auriga",
  66. "Heavenly 'G' ","Geminis","06h 00m 0.00s","+25d 00m 0.00s","80","-1","53d X 46d","12","4","In order Capella, Castor, Pollux, Procyon, Sirius, Rigel, Aldebaran and Betelgeuse for a 'G'iant letter in the Winter sky, largest asterism?",
  68. "Spermatozoon ","Tauro","05h 43m 0.00s","+21d 30m 0.00s","3","8","30'","5","4","35' E of Zeta TAU, 0.5 degree-long chain of nearly equal magnitude stars, with brightest at point of triangular head",
  69. "Davis' Dog ","Tauro","04h 22m 5.00s","+21d 25m 0.00s","7","5","3.5d X 1.5d","5","4","Includes Upsilon, 51 and 53 Tauri, a 'Canis Major' shape of rather prominent stars",
  70. "Hyades ","Tauro","04h 27m 0.00s","+17d 04m 0.00s","7","3","5 grados","11 ","4","Mel 25, Sisters of Pleiades",
  71. "Ally's Braid ","Tauro","03h 47m 0.00s","+23d 57m 0.00s","7","7","42'","5","4","Trailing from Alcyone (Eta Tauri) in the Pleiades, 7 stars in a beautiful chain to the SE of Alcyone (Ally)--Stephen Saber",
  73. "Head of the Whale ","Ballena","02h 50m 0.00s","+07d 00m 0.00s","17","3","10 X 7","4","3","Alpha, Lambda, Mu, Xi2, Nu and Gamma Ballenai form a circlet, easy naked eye",
  75. "Little Joe ","Piscis","00h 02m 0.00s","-04d 27m 0.00s","7","5","2d X 1d","18","3","27,29,30 and 33 Piscis, Colorful trapezoid between Circlet and Diphda--Stephen Saber, term from shooting dice 'Little Joe from Kokomo' two 2's",
  76. "Circlet of Pisces ","Piscis","23h 30m 0.00s","+03d 32m 0.00s","13","3","5 grados","17","8","Southern Fish of Pisces, Gamma, 7, Kappa, Lambda, TX, Iota Theta Piscis 5 degrees in diameter. TX Piscium is a red carbon star",
  78. "Water Jar ","Acuario","22h 29m 2.00s","+00d 01m 0.00s","10","3","3 grados","17","8","'Y' shaped, Zeta, Pi, Eta and Gamma Aquarii, a Water Jar on the shoulder of Aquarius, on the celestial equator, also Mercedes-Benz Symbol",
  79. "DNA Strand ","Acuario","23h 26m 0.00s","-20d 36m 0.00s","7","4","10d X 3d","23","8","A twisting helix of pretty bright stars in southern Aquarius, 86,88,89 and 98,99,101 and 104,106,107,108 Aquarii",
  81. "Toadstool ","Delfin","21h 07m 3.00s","+16d 20m 0.00s","3","8","15'","16","8","Several 8th and 9th magnitude stars located 7 arcminutes west of galaxy NGC 7025, also Dolphins' Diamonds",
  82. "Theta Delphini ","Delfin","20h 38m 0.00s","+13d 10m 0.00s","7","5","60' X 30'","16","8","Theta Delphini has a spray of fainter stars out from it, including SS Delphini",
  83. "Job's Coffin ","Delfin","20h 40m 0.00s","+15d 30m 0.00s","7","4","2.5d X 1d","16","8","Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta Delphini form a parallelogram that is Job's Coffin, the name is lost in antiquity",
  85. "Arrowchain ","Flecha","19h 55m 0.00s","+17d 18m 0.00s","5"," 8.6","36'","16","7","0.6 degree-long, N-S-oriented chain of 8M thru 10M stars located S of Saggitarius's arrow, 35' NNW of 5M 10 Sagitarii",
  87. "Sudor Ophiuchi ","Hercules","17h 05m 0.00s","+13d 12m 0.00s","12","4","3 grados","15","7",">3 degree-long, NNW-SSE-oriented, naked-eye splash of stars just into Hercules, binoculars show curving strings of 5M thru 8M stars",
  88. "Ruby Ring ","Hercules","18h 03m 0.00s","+26d 20m 0.00s","7","7","25'","15","7","A circlet of pretty faint stars with a 7th mag orange star involved, SAO 85678 also double Hough 564 7/12 mag with 34 seconds separation",
  89. "Keystone ","Hercules","16h 50m 0.00s","+34d 00m 0.00s","17","3","8 grados","8","7","Eta, Pi, Epsilon and Zeta Herculis",
  90. "Bowtie ","Hercules","17h 00m 0.00s","+30d 00m 0.00s","13","3","18d X 10d","15","7","Adding Beta and Delta Herculis to the Keystone makes a bowtie shape",
  91. "Hercules's Club ","Hercules","17h 00m 0.00s","+46d 00m 0.00s","20","3","17d X 3d","15","7","Bludgeon held by the Hero is formed by Iota, Tau, Nu and Phi Herculis, 11 degrees north of the Keystone, elongated East-West",
  92. "Backwards 5 ","Hercules","16h 36m 1.00s","+30d 45m 0.00s","3","8","20'","8","7","Fairly obvious backward five, ends in 7th magnitude yellow star",
  93. "Zig Zag ","Hercules","16h 18m 0.00s","+13d 00m 0.00s","4","7","100' X 15'","15","7","A line of a dozen 8th and 9th magnitude stars that is never straight",
  95. "Kite ","Boyero","14h 40m 0.00s","+30d 00m 0.00s","28","1","23 grados","7","6","A Kite-shaped figure enclosed by Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon and Rho Bootis",
  96. "Napoleon's Hat ","Boyero","14h 14m 0.00s","+18d 33m 0.00s","7","8","20' X 7'","7","6","7 stars form a chain that does indeed look like the outline of a French Marshall's hat in the 18th century, 40 arcminutes south of Arcturus",
  98. "Skip Loader ","Virgo","12h 40m 0.00s","+00d 00m 0.00s","26","3","20 grados","14","6","Epsilon, Delta, Gamma, Eta and Beta Virginis from the bucket of a tractor following behind the Lion",
  99. "Jaws ","Virgo","12h 38m 5.00s","-11d 30m 0.00s","4","7","15'","13 ","6","25 arcminutes WNW of M 104, chain of 8 stars outline a shark",
  101. "Stargate ","Cuervo","12h 35m 7.00s","-12d 02m 0.00s","7","6","15'","13 ","6","1 degree SW from M 104 in Virgo, 4 stars of 7th magnitude including double star Struve 1659",
  102. "Sail ","Cuervo","12h 25m 0.00s","-20d 00m 0.00s","13","3","7d X 3d","13 ","6","Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon Corvi form a sail shaped grouping south of Virgo",
  104. "Mini Scorpion ","Hidra","14h 50m 0.00s","-26d 00m 0.00s","13","4","5d X 2d","14","6","54 thru 60 Hydrae for a curved arc much like Scorpius, in some sources this is location of Noctus, confusing",
  105. "Night Owl (Noctus) ","Hidra","14h 00m 0.00s","-25d 00m 0.00s","7","5","1.3d X 0.7d","14","6","47 and 48 Hydrae from the eyes of a faint owl that sits on the tail of Hydra, ancient constellation",
  106. "Head of Hydra ","Hidra","08h 45m 0.00s","+05d 00m 0.00s","7","4","5d X 3d","12","4","Delta, Rho, Eta, Zeta and Epsilon Hydrae form an irregular circlet: AKA Radio Antenna",
  108. "Winter Triangle ","Lira, Cisne, Aguila","06h 30m 0.00s","-01d 00m 0.00s","40","-1","25 grados","12","4","Procyon, Sirius and Betelgeuse form conspicuous triangle during northern Winter",
  110. "Unicorn's Horn ","Unicornio","06h 40m 5.00s","-09d 00m 0.00s","3","8","10'","12","4","Small arrowhead of pretty faint stars",
  111. "Pakan's 3 ","Unicornio","06h 52m 5.00s","-10d 10m 0.00s","3","8","30'","12","4","Fairly small figure located 3 degrees SW of cluster M 50",
  113. "Southern Little Queen ","Popa","08h 08m 0.00s","-15d 11m 0.00s","2","8","7' X 2'","12","4","Small Cassiopeia look-alike, not very promenint, by Magda Streicher",
  115. "Lambda-Lambda ","Orion","05h 36m 0.00s","+10d 00m 0.00s","7","3","50' X 20'","11 ","4","The star Lambda Orionis is involved within a grouping that has the shape of the Greek letter Lambda, includes Phi 1 Orionis",
  116. "African Buffalo Horns ","Orion","05h 48m 9.00s","-00d 40m 0.00s","7","9","24' X 8'","11 ","4","From Stellar Society Bulgaria, 53 arcmin south of nebula M78, two connected chains curved like horns, observed with 70mm and up",
  117. "Orion's Belt ","Orion","05h 36m 0.00s","-01d 12m 0.00s","7","1","3 grados","12","4","Only place in the sky with 3 bright stars in a mostly straight line, Zeta, Epsilon, Delta Orionis",
  118. "Saucepan ","Orion","05h 30m 0.00s","-02d 00m 0.00s","16","1","14 grados","11 ","4","Includes Sword of Orion as the handle of a saucepan that includes the Belt stars, Betelgeuse and Bellatrix (Gamma Ori), also Venus's Mirror",
  119. "Orion's Sword ","Orion","05h 35m 0.00s","-05d 16m 0.00s","7","2","2.5 grados","12","4","Curved sword appears to hang from left side of Belt, Rho, Theta and Iota Orionis, includes M 42--the Orion Nebula",
  121. "Mini Orion ","Can Mayor","07h 17m 0.00s","-24d 21m 0.00s","7","5","15'","19","4","6 stars, just naked eye",
  122. "Tuft in the tail ","Can Mayor","07h 24m 0.00s","-32d 12m 0.00s","7","5","2 grados","19","4","Collinder 140, from Steve Coe, giant naked eye cluster is pretty bright spot south of tail of Canis Major",
  124. "Chi 1,2,3 ","Horno","03h 27m 0.00s","-35d 00m 0.00s","7","6","30' X 30'","18","3","An arrowhead-shaped group 1 degree west of galaxy NGC 1365",
  126. "Air ballon ","Pez Austral","21h 30m 0.00s","-25d 30m 0.00s","23","7","48' X 40'","23","8","A closed loop of stars 3.3 degrees SW of globular cluster M 30, old constellation now unused",
  128. "Essertoo String ","Escudo","18h 45m 0.00s","-10d 36m 0.00s","7","11","6'","16","7","11M, ''S''-shaped string of twelve 10 thru 12M stars (brightest star = 9.5M at NNE end), 5'x 2' extent, oriented NNE-SSW",
  129. "Swoosh ","Escudo","19h 00m 0.00s","-05d 00m 0.00s","7","3","4 grados","16","7","14,15 Gamma, 12 Aquilae and Eta Scuti form a curved chains of naked eye stars that point at cluster Messier 11 in Scutum, from Steve Coe",
  130. "Button Hook ","Escudo","18h 43m 0.00s","-06d 50m 0.00s","12","5","75' X 45'","16","7","A curving chain of pretty bright stars that loop across the Scutum Star Cloud, from Steve Coe, AKA the 'J' String",
  132. "Offramp ","Ofiuco","18h 30m 0.00s","+10d 00m 0.00s","40","4","21 grados","15","7","An elongated section of Milky Way from Epsilon Aquilae to Beta Ophiuchi, also 'The Thumb' of the Milky Way",
  133. "Bull of Poniatowski ","Ofiuco","18h 05m 0.00s","+3d 29m 0.00s","4","4","3.5 grados","15","7","A 'V' shaped group of stars consisting of 66,67,68,70 and 73 Ophiuchi, similar to Hyades 'V', also Mel 186",
  134. "Coffin ","Ofiuco","17h 00m 0.00s","+00d 00m 0.00s","50","3","30d X 24d","15","7","The outline of Delta, Zeta, Eta, Gamma, Alpha, Kappa and Lambda Ophiuchi create the shape of a box for burial, he is a Snake Handler ya'know",
  136. "Teaspoon ","Sagitario","19h 10m 0.00s","-21d 00m 0.00s","20","4","8d X 2d","22","7","Nu, Rho1, 43, Pi, Omega, Xi1 and Xi2 Sagitarii form a curved 'spoon' shape NE of Teapot, Beautiful binocular scanning including lovely chain",
  137. "Teapot ","Sagitario","18h 40m 0.00s","-30d 00m 0.00s","20","2","14 grados","22","7","Handle of Teapot to the east and Spout to the west with 'steam' of Milky Way coming out of the Spout, Handle is also Milk Dipper",
  138. "HSL Chain ","Sagitario","18h 14m 5.00s","-21d 48m 0.00s","3"," 9.5","30'","22","7","10' to the ESE of CL N6568 is 5.5M 14 SGR and a 0.5 degree-long, fairly straight, N-S oriented asterism of eight nearly equal (9 mag) stars",
  139. "Jenn's Confluence ","Sagitario","18h 13m 4.00s","-18d 47m 0.00s","13","8","15'","15","7","The merging of two curved star chains at the NW edge of the M 24 star cloud, includes multiple star h 594, by Jennifer Polakis",
  141. "X Marks The Spot ","Telescopio","18h 32m 4.00s","-46d 18m 0.00s","4","9","15'","22","7","Not very prominent",
  143. "Table of Scorpius ","Escorpion","16h 55m 0.00s","-41d 00m 0.00s","7","3","2.5 grados","22","7","Naked eye bright spot where Scorpius turns east, Incl CL NGC 6231, Australians call it 'The False Comet'",
  144. "Stinger of Scorpius ","Escorpion","17h 33m 0.00s","-37d 00m 0.00s","7","3","40'","22","7","Lambda and Nu Scorpii form the sting in the tail of the Scorpion",
  145. "Fish Hook ","Escorpion","17h 00m 0.00s","-32d 00m 0.00s","23","2","23d X 8d","22","7","The curved body of Scorpius from Antares to the Stinger, Hawaiian legend states the God Maui used it to pull up the islands above the Pacific",
  147. "Pointers (South) ","Centauro","14h 22m 0.00s","-61d 00m 0.00s","7","0","4 grados","25","10","Alpha and Beta Centauri point toward the Southern Cross, Alpha Centauri is nearest star to Sun",
  148. "Dark Emu ","Centauro","14h 00m 0.00s","-60d 00m 0.00s","7","2","38 grados","25","10","Giant dark nebula with Coal Sack as head of long necked bird that extends to western Scorpius, Alpha and Beta Centauri invl, Aboriginal origin",
  150. "Southern Cross ","Cruz del Sur","12h 30m 0.00s","-60d 00m 0.00s","7","2","6 grados","25","10","Crux is smallest constellation, starting at bottom with Alpha the star are in order of brightness going clockwise",
  152. "Argo Navis ","Carina","08h 00m 0.00s","-45d 00m 0.00s","60","0","53d X 39d","19","10","Ancient constellation of Ship of the Argonauts, broken into Carina (keel),Puppis (poop deck), Vela (sails) and Pyxis (compass)",
  153. "Diamond Cross ","Carina","10h 01m 6.00s","-67d 22m 0.00s","15","2","5d X 3d","25","9","Beta, Omega, Omicron and Upsilon Carinae",
  155. "Tiny Southern Cross ","Vela","08h 15m 5.00s","-62d 54m 0.00s","7","8","5' X 4'","25","9","Tiny grouping that is a Crux look-alike, two degrees south of cluster NGC 2516",
  156. "False Cross ","Vela","08h 58m 0.00s","-56d 28m 0.00s","13","2","7d X 4d","25","9","Kappa and Delta Velorum/ Iota and Epsilon Carina",
  158. "Three Patriarchs ","Triangulo Austral","16h 05m 0.00s","-67d 33m 0.00s","13","2","8d X 6d","25","10","A prominent triangle, includes Alpha, Beta and Gamma Triangulum Australae",
  160. "Golden Horseshoe ","Compas","14h 50m 0.00s","-66d 00m 0.00s","5","6","1 grado","25","10","14 stars in a 'U' shape, located 1.5 degrees SE of Alpha Circincus",
  162. "Parabola ","Antlia","10h 14m 0.00s","-40d 20m 0.00s","7","6","3' X 2'","25","9","A tiny curved arc of 4 pretty bright stars and two fainter members, from Magda Streicher"
  163. )
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