
Banishing Chaos (FiE 13)

Jul 6th, 2012
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  1. Part 13 (Banishing Chaos):
  2. >Your hunger is plentiful
  3. >When was the last time you truly fed?
  4. >The fear of the innocent is the sweetest of all fear.
  5. >You turn to Celestia, and stare into her eyes, holding your scythe low in your hand.
  6. >”Do not worry, Princess. Your death will not be by my hand. I want you to live.”
  7. >She simply stares at you, her poker face is good, but you can see the horror in her eyes.
  8. >”I want you to witness the destruction of your subjects.” You say with a smile on your face.
  9. >”Get away from her, scarecrow!” You hear a familiar tomboyish voice call out.
  10. >”As loyal as ever...” you mumble to yourself.
  11. >Magical energy swirls around your hand as you throw it at Rainbow Dash.
  12. >It forms into a crow and collides with her, causing her to crash into the ground, sliding into you.
  13. >When she reaches your feet, you pick her up by her throat, and peer into her soul.
  14. >After some searching, you see the very basic form of her fear.
  15. >It shows her flying across the sky.
  16. >No, that isn't right. There's more to it.
  17. >There's always more to it
  19. >Digging deeper, you search through her memories, and find her truest fear.
  20. >You are brought to the sky, and you see Rainbow Dash flying away from a burning P0nyville, and towards the sounds of a warring cloud city.
  21. >A pink pony is trying to wave to her down below her, yet Rainbow continues to fly upwards.
  22. >You can hear her panicked screams.
  23. >”Dash! Please! Pull a rain cloud down here! Help us! The fire will destroy the town!”
  24. >She continues to fly upwards.
  25. >There are p0nies ablaze on the ground below, running in fear as fire consuming everything.
  26. >Pinkie Pie's hair goes flat as she looks up at Rainbow flying away.
  27. >”Dashie... why? What about your element?” a tear falls down her cheek as the fire encircles her.
  28. >The tear evaporates before it hits the ground.
  29. >Rainbow looks down at the pink pony with a saddened look
  30. >”Pinkie...” Her frown has not faltered “I am being true to my element. Cloudsdale is under attack and needs my help. It was my home long before P0nyville..”
  31. >”But Dash! We're your best friends! Help us! Save us!”
  32. >The cyan pony freezes, and looks back at the warring Cloudsdale
  33. >”I... I can't... What do I do?” She looks back and forth between her two homes.
  34. >She is suspended in the air for an eternity of a moment before an explosion is heard above her.
  36. >Meanwhile, on the ground, the raging inferno spreads further, engulfing the entire town in its flame.
  37. >Through the screaming and the destruction, you can hear gentle sobs coming from the rainbow maned pegasus.
  38. >Ah, so that is her fear.
  39. >Rainbow's loyalty to her homes made her indecisive in a time of need.
  40. >Having to decide between the two is making her very soul bleed.
  41. >Does she save the ground town, the one where all her friends are?
  42. >Or does she save the city she grew up in, and let P0nyville burn and char?
  43. >She must decide which town will be saved.
  44. >And she must live with the decision she has made.
  45. >But in the end, her indecisiveness has doomed them all.
  46. >An explosion has destroyed Cloudsdale, and an inferno consumed the urban sprawl.
  47. >So there she sits, the results of her actions too much to bare.
  48. >She wonders if anyp0ny else would love such a disloyal mare.
  50. >You flash out of her vision, and let out that signature, horrifying smile.
  51. >Rainbow's in tears, and is hanging limply from your hand.
  52. >You drop her, and she doesn't bother to get off her haunches.
  53. >In the 2 seconds it has taken you to make her useless, several guardp0nies surrounded you with spears.
  54. >You can see your reflection on the guard's golden armor.
  55. >Your scarecrow form is familiar and very comfortable. The suit jacket you are wearing is falling apart.
  56. >But your blue eyes are an unfamiliar sight.
  57. >Bro, think about what you are doing.
  58. >I am brain. Trust me, I am.
  59. >No, something is messing with us. You are better than this.
  60. >No brain. I was becoming weak. Senseless.
  61. >I was becoming human.
  62. >How disgusting.
  63. >Fid, come on, snap out of it.
  64. >No brain! You are the one who told me I was becoming weak. I'm taking action to prevent that.
  65. >You stare into the eyes of a guard, and let out another smile.
  66. >Blue magics begin to whirl around you.
  67. >”Your end is near”
  69. >Before you can create the flurry of crows, you are uplifted, and thrown into the nearby wall.
  70. >You turn your head to see Celestia staring at you, horn glowing.
  71. >You let out a raspy chuckle, and rise to your feet.
  72. >You grab your scythe and approach the tall pony.
  73. >She begins charging up her horn again.
  74. >Before she can throw a spell your way, you throw a bolt of black magic at her.
  75. >In mid flight, it turns to a crow, colliding with her face.
  76. >As she is doing her best to fend off the feathered beast, you teleport yourself into the large group of panicking p0nies.
  77. >”Fear me!” you shout, as you begin swinging your scythe.
  78. >You get no father than lifting your scythe above your head before it is enveloped in a purple magic.
  79. >You look around for something out of place.
  80. >There it is. The only non moving p0ny in the entire group.
  81. >Twilight has your scythe in her magical grasp, clearly struggling to keep it from moving.
  82. >You let go of your scythe, and begin to run towards Twilight.
  83. >Before she can shield herself, you manage to tackle her to the ground.
  84. >For a being of burlap and hay, you have quite the tackle.
  85. >She lays underneath you stunned, and completely horrified.
  86. >You lean down just above her face, and whisper to her through a blackened smile.
  87. >”You do not know fear. Not yet.”
  89. >Looking into the p0ny's purple eyes, you find her fear with ease.
  90. >All those years of training have made you a weapon of terrifying efficiency.
  91. >Her fear is... a piece of parchment?
  92. >No, no, that isn't right.
  93. >You focus a bit more
  94. >Twilight materializes, and is crying softly in the middle of her librartree.
  95. >She is reading by candlelight due to it being so dark.
  96. >You look at the clock on the wall.
  97. >11am. It should be much brighter than this.
  98. >You look down at the letter, and read over her shoulder.
  99. >Nightmare Moon has overpowered Celestia, and now rules the throne.
  100. >Aha! So that's what it is.
  101. >Twilight was Celestia's protege, her most powerful mage.
  102. >But yet in Celestia's time of need, Twilight did not take the stage.
  103. >The Element of Magic failed to save her mentor, her friend.
  104. >Now the moon has risen, the sun never to rise again.
  105. >In the letter, there is a single phrase that stands out.
  106. >”You have failed me apprentice. When I needed you most, you were not about.”
  107. >”You were my best student, I took you under my wing”
  108. >”Me and you together, we could have done anything!”
  109. >”But now I am banished because you failed to help.”
  110. >”You mean nothing to me now, you insufferable whelp.”
  112. >You pull back into reality, barely a second has passed.
  113. >For such an intelligent mare, her fear was incredibly simple.
  114. >You hear a voice boom from behind you
  115. >”Girls, get the Elements!”
  116. >You look towards the voice, to see a cyan p0ny rise to her hooves slowly.
  117. >Nothing has ever recovered so quickly from a thorough fear spell.
  118. >Disheartening, but not entirely so.
  119. >It just means you need to try harder next time.
  120. >The crow that was attacking Celestia is gone now, leaving her angered and ready to strike you down with a bolt of energy.
  121. >Before she fires, you grab Twilight and throw her towards the princess.
  122. >She stops her offensive spell, and catches Twilight with her magic.
  123. >You bolt towards the exit, and make a sharp right turn, casting a spell to hasten your speed.
  124. >Continuing down the path, you see a sign that says “garden” on it.
  125. >Stealth and the element of surprise are your best friends right now.
  126. >Without another thought, you take off into the royal garden, seeking concealment in the many bushes and hedges.
  127. >Hiding behind a statue, you wait.
  129. >After a few moments, the 6 mares you have come to know come barreling through the maze, looking behind every bush and statue in their vicinity in an effort to find you.
  130. >They seem to be wearing either a crown or necklace of some sort.
  131. >You feel a presence on you shoulder.
  132. >Combat reflexes take over, and you turn around quickly, your scythe-
  133. >Getting caught by a yellow paw.
  134. >”Now now Fiddlesticks, I appreciate your determination to slaughter everything, but there’s no need to CUT to the chase yet”
  135. >This guy is a conglomeration of animals, and terrible at making puns.
  136. >You respond, poker-face as strong as it ever has been.
  137. >”Who are you? What do you want?”
  138. >”Ah, I never got to introduce myself. I am Discord, God of Chaos, the last of the draconequus. It's a pleasure to finally meet your acquaintance, Fid.” He releases your scythe blade, allowing you to pull back.
  139. >This guy, he is a cocky one.
  140. >Perhaps its time to serve this Discord character a slice of humble pie.
  141. >”Discord... You're the one who tapped my head earlier, aren't you?” you ask, still stone faced.
  142. >”Yes, I am.” He grins, a single jagged tooth prevalent in his smile. “And I am glad I did. But enough about me. You wanted to know what I want?”
  143. >*nod*
  144. >”Strong but silent type. I like that! Fortunately, I can talk enough for the both of us.” his grin grows wider
  145. >You can't help but feel a hint of regret when he mentions how much he can speak.
  146. >”It's simple Fid. I want you to do what you are doing right now.”
  147. >”Which is?”
  148. >”Spread the fear. Cause some chaos. Make some noise for me.”
  149. >Is he really trying to boss you around now?
  150. >You don't take kindly to being bossed around.
  151. >Not in the slightest bit.
  153. >”Discord, if I may make a suggestion.” you say, looking down at his hoof and dragon claw
  154. >Seriously, what the hell?
  155. >”And what would that be, potato-man?” His voice has a hint of anger in it.
  156. >”Before you hire someone, be sure they're willing to work for you.” Your blue eyes are now glowing brightly as you grab his throat.
  157. >”ACK! What are you doi-” He freezes as he looks into your eyes.
  158. >This is a challenge. You are fighting for literally every inch of mental ground you gain.
  159. >And even when you think you find his fear, it forms into something ridiculous and harmless.
  160. >Giant fire? He is roasting marshmallows on it.
  161. >Millions of spiders? He puts roller skates on them.
  162. >The sun? He puts sunglasses on it.
  163. >A rather chaotic fellow, in your professional opinion.
  164. >Hey Fid?
  165. >Yes brain?
  166. >Perhaps you shouldn't be looking for his fear...
  167. >What do you mean, brain?
  168. >Maybe you should be looking for a memory that he holds near?
  169. >Brain, I could kiss you right now. Seriously, you're a genius.
  170. >Thanks, I know.
  171. >Traveling through the chaotic landscape of his subconscious, you find a single black box on the middle of a wooden table that has been stuck to a wall.
  172. >Flicking your hand toward the box, the lid pops open, and out falls...
  173. >A baby's blanket?
  175. >The light pink blanket takes to the air, and wisps around your head.
  176. >Once it disappears, you see a baby draconequus sleeping peacefully in its mother's arms.
  177. >For a moment, that is all you can see, and honestly, it's kind of adorable.
  178. >But there's more. There's always more.
  179. >In the distance, you can hear the frantic stomping of hooves, and the fearful screams of women and children.
  180. >You look towards the door just in time to see it swing open.
  181. >Discord floats his way into the house, a helmet on his head, and a strange set of armor on his being.
  182. >”Akadis, the alicorns have found our settlement! Take Eris and hide in the basement. Go!
  183. >”But what of you, Discord?” she asks with concern.
  184. >He pauses, and looks at Akadis.
  185. >”My love, I will come get you shortly.”
  186. >She looks at Discord, a tear in her eye.
  187. >Discord floats his way towards baby Eris.
  188. >”I'll be seeing you soon, my little cotton candy cloud. I promise.” He gently taps the nose of the sleeping infant.
  189. >She grabs his finger, and lets out a smile and a coo.
  190. >With a smile of his own, he turns to face the door. When he snaps, a sword appears in his hand, the blade waved like the body of a snake.
  191. >You follow him out the door, to see him and a dozen more draconequus surrounded by many more alicorns. Princess Celestia is center most of them all.
  192. >”Princess, how kind of you to join us.” Discord says with a smile
  193. >”Speak not, foul beast. It's time to purge your filthy kind from my world.” she scowls
  195. >The alicorns start attacking, Discord and his battle brothers dancing around spells, slashing and clubbing, and firing magics of their own
  196. >Blood, bone, and sinew littered the ground, and many screams of pain and death permeated the air.
  197. >It was truly a battle of the gods.
  198. >After a eternally short battle, the last standing is Discord, covered in scorch marks, panting heavily, and covered in blood, both his own and not.
  199. (For the best possible experience, please tune into: )
  200. >He moves his paw away from his chest, to see that he is bleeding quite badly.
  201. >Walking towards the house, he steps over the fallen form of Celestia.
  202. >Before entering, he kneels to her, and brushes his paw against her cheek.
  203. >”I'm sorry it had to come to this, old friend.” he says as a tear falls from his eye onto her bloodied white coat.
  204. >”Akadis? Come out. It's safe.” He says through exacerbated breathing.
  205. >The floor mat moves slightly, and the door on the floor opens.
  206. >Akadis floats out, with a sleeping Eris in her arms still.
  207. >”Discord! You're alive!” She says through.
  208. >”Of course I am. I promised I’d see my little cotton candy cloud again, didn’t I?” he says as he gently taps Eris's belly with his bloodied paw.
  209. >The baby grabs his finger again, and holds tight.
  210. >”You're hurt! Come, sit down, and I'll grab some supplies to fix you up.”
  211. >Discord looks up to Akadis, his smile ear to ear.
  212. >The alicorn threat is gone, and he can now live in peace with his beautiful wife and amazing child.
  214. >Before he can say anything, a pink glow wraps around Akadis and himself, slamming him into the wall, and lifting Akadis into the air.
  215. >Turning his head, he see's a wounded Celestia enter the room, horn glowing.
  216. >”Discord, did you really think you could stop me that easily?” Her eyes are all to familiar to you.
  217. >They are the eyes of a murderer.
  218. >”DISCORD! HELP!” Akadis screams.
  219. >The baby that was sleeping is now crying loudly, a pink aura wrapping around it too.
  220. >”Celestia, do what you will with me. Do not hurt my family. It is I you want to kill.”
  221. >She looks into his eyes, and his expression goes from desperation to pure fear.
  222. >”Discord, You know as well as I do that I cannot kill you.” She says with a malicious smile.
  223. >”What I can do, however, is make you regret every day you are alive.”
  224. >”What are you doing... Let go of me. Celestia, no. No. NO!” His paw raises into the air, Celestia's magical aura wrapping around it.
  225. >He snaps.
  226. >His blade soars from the ground, straight into the stomach of his beloved.
  228. >”Akadis! NO!” He roars as he pushes to break free of his magical restraints.
  229. >”And to think, you are the one who caused her death. You really are a monster, you know that?” The sun princess says with a chuckle.
  230. >He is silent as he stares at his still bleeding love.
  231. >Celestia drops him to the ground, and he immediately slithers his way to Akadis' dying form.
  232. >”Akadis, Oh Gods, don't go. Please don't go.” He repeats himself through the tears.
  233. >She looks at him for a moment, then at Eris, still wrapped in her blanket.
  234. >Celestia sees this, and grabs Discord yet again.
  235. >Before he can wrestle free, he is slammed into the ceiling, and forced to snap.
  236. >The sword flies from her stomach with a sickening wet rip, and sinks right into the bundle of blankets.
  237. >The crying stops.
  238. >Discord freezes, unable to react to what just happened.
  239. >”Now now, we both know that I couldn't let a baby live without her mother. That would just be cruel.” Celestia's smile is one of pure malice.
  240. >He stares at the now bleeding pile of blankets, and looks back at Akadis's corpse.
  242. >Discord fought to defend his home against the alicorns, and won.
  243. >But his torture at the hooves of the sun princess had only just begun
  244. >The waved blade cut through with a snicker-snack
  245. >In the end, it was his magic that victimized them in the attack.
  246. >He killed his wife and daughter, as the princess smiled
  247. >That was the night that his mind went feral and wild.
  248. >Discord had learned that Akadis was pregnant with a son.
  249. >Their unborn child was the first innocent victim of the princess of the sun.
  250. >So he ran, he plotted and produced many a chaotic show
  251. >And although he does not show it, every minute of his life, he knows nothing but sorrow.
  252. >He promised to get revenge on Celestia. He has never broken a promise so far
  253. >He will destroy her. He will make her pay for this emotional and mental scar.
  256. >You snap back to reality, and see him staring for a thousand yards.
  257. >You dare not move or say a word, lest you bring on his-
  258. >”HOW DARE YOU!” He roars angrily.
  259. >Welp, there goes the stealth plan.
  260. >He picks you up in his talon faster than you can react, and throws you upwards, over the statue, sending you crashing into the ground face first on the other side.
  261. >Your head spins for a moment from the impact, but after a moment, you feel fine.
  262. >Except you don't. You feel absolutely terrible.
  263. >Goodness, what have you been doing?
  264. >You recall the fears of Twilight and Rainbow, but you don't remember anything after hearing that soothing voice.
  265. >You turn to your back, to end up looking into the eyes of a deranged chaos god.
  266. >”YOU WILL SUFFER FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!” He roars angrily again.
  267. >Celestia released the monster, but you just poked it in the eye.
  268. >He pins you by your chest, and he snaps, the wavy blade from earlier appearing in his hand.
  269. >”I have not killed anyp0ny yet! I was WAITING for Celestia to be my first victim. But then again, you aren't a p0ny, so I don't feel so bad.” he says with a malicious grin.
  270. >As he brings the blade down, you use your teleportation spell to escape from his grip.
  272. >The blade stabs deep into the soft grassy ground
  273. >You appear behind him, preparing a dark magic.
  274. >He whips his head around, and roars at you, before swinging his blade at you again.
  275. >You throw your crow at him, sidestepping the raging draconequus.
  276. >Before the crow can attack, he snaps, and it forms into a dodo bird, harmlessly bouncing off of him.
  277. >That's not good.
  278. >He swings at you with a blade, and you block it with your scythe.
  279. >This goes on for a short while.
  280. >Discord doesn't fight with a rhythm or by any known style.
  281. >Its a beautifully chaotic dance of blades and claws.
  282. >Your methodical blocks and parrys only enrage him more
  283. >”Fight me you coward!” He shouts as he continues his dance.
  284. >”Why? So you can break your promise?” you retort.
  285. >He freezes for a second. You use this opportunity to step back, and explain yourself further, lowering your scythe slightly.
  286. >”If I attack you, you will die. Simple as that.”
  287. >He snarls when you say that, but you continue on anyways
  288. >”What Celestia did was terrible. I am sorry for what happened. No one deserves that fate. No one. I do not want you to die. I want you to fulfill your promise.”
  289. >He holds his sword arm low, and stares at you.
  290. >”You... want me to succeed?”
  291. >”No. But I do not want you to fail because of me.” You say with a sickening smile of your own.
  292. >The 2 of you simply stare at each other for a moment before he chuckles
  293. >”By the Gods, you need to brush your teeth” he says with a smile
  294. >You close your mouth , still grinning.
  295. >”There they are!”
  297. >You turn to see the 6 mares watching you.
  298. >”Oh hello ladies! Such a pleasure to see you all again. Not under these terms, of course. I would have much preferred we met over a glass of chocolate milk.” He says through a grin.
  299. >”Discord, we are here to stop you again!” Twilight says, her horn glowing.
  300. >”Oh you are, are you? That's fantastic. You know you won't be able to, right? Rather, once I get stoned, I'll be able to escape just as easily again.” he chuckles aloud.
  301. >”Enough of your games, Discord. Yer quick talkin ain't gonna get you nowhere this time.” The hatted pony kicks some dirt up with her front hoof.
  302. >”But I'm not lying. As long as our burlap friend here is around, I will escape. He brings just enough chaos into the ring to get my motor running.” he says with an oddly satisfied smile.
  303. >Ew.
  304. >”What... What are you saying, ruffian?” Rarity says, eyebrows cocked.
  305. >”What I'm saying my little p0nies, is that you need to kill the root to destroy the weed. Fiddlesticks here keeps me rooted.” he slithers around you when saying this.
  306. >AJ, Rarity, and Pinkie exchange glances with each other.
  307. >RD, Twilight, and Fluttershy are still staring you down.
  308. >”If that's what we have to do, then so be it. Girls, formation!” Twilight says with a glare in her eyes.
  309. >For the third time in your life, you feel fear.
  311. >Twilight begins to float into the air after a moment, the others following suit.
  312. >Their necklaces and crowns are glowing as they rise into the air.
  313. >”Stop.”
  314. >Rarity's concentration is broken for a moment, her eyes have tears in them as she looks at you.
  315. >The world begins to shake around you, as a technicolor beam of light slams into you, knocking you flat on your ass.
  316. >The beams of multicolored light wrap around you, lifting you into the air.
  317. >The rainbow forms a pillar, slamming into the ground with such force that it begins to chip away at the earth.
  318. >You hear a snap and a poof behind you. You turn your head towards the sound
  319. >Discord is gone.
  320. >You fall to the ground with a thud.
  321. >Rising, you look at your 6 attackers.
  322. >Rarity is already running towards you
  323. >She leaps into the air, wrapping her hooves around your neck
  324. >”Oh darling, I am so glad you are ok!”
  325. >The grassy earth below you begins to rumble again,
  326. >Before you realize what's happening, Rarity is being lifted out of your embrace by a pink aura.
  327. >The ground below you collapses onto itself.
  329. (For the best possible experience, please tune into: )
  330. >No,this can't be happening.
  331. >These events, they're so familiar, yet so foreign.
  332. >The force that pulls you down is tearing at you with the strength unknown by any mere mortal, tearing your jacket to shreds.
  333. >Rarity frees herself of her magical bindings, and runs towards the edge.
  334. >You can see your emerald green eyes in the reflection her own beautiful sapphires
  335. >She reaches out to pull you up.
  336. >”Fid...”
  337. >As your hands start to slip from her hooves, she begins to cry harder.
  338. >To quote yourself,: 'the end is near'
  339. >May as well say your goodbyes.
  340. >”Rarity... Thank you... for everything.” You say with a closed mouth smile, a single tear running down cheek.
  341. >Huh. You could never do that in the burlap body before.
  342. >”Fid, please don't leave me!”
  343. >”Rarity...” The emotions you are feeling are stronger than ever. It's almost like you're human again.
  344. >”Just hold on! Don't let go! Don't let go of the p0ny that loves you!” Her tears flow like a river.
  345. >”Rarity, I -” You are cut off as you slip, falling deep into the abyss
  346. >You see her screaming, as her friends are holding her back from leaping in after you, the sun princess looking down towards you with a familiar, malicious grin.
  348. >You wake up face down on the cold, stone floor.
  349. >You can't remember anything, except that you were standing on grassy earth.
  350. >You have your scythe. Maybe you were working on a field.
  351. >There's a name on the tip of your tongue, but your thought process is interrupted by a warm, magical presence wrapping around you.
  352. >Then, the pain sets in.
  353. >Oh god, the pain.
  354. >A manic laugh pierces the darkness.
  355. >”Yes. YES! I have DONE IT! I am the most powerful rune mage in ALL THE LEAGUE!”
  356. >Oh god, that voice is terrifying.
  357. >”And you... You are mine...” A candle lights behind him, and you see a demonic smile through the shadows that dance across his face.
  358. >The magics that held you are gripping tighter, and you are powerless to prevent it.
  359. >You lift your head to look into his eyes.
  360. >You wish you hadn't
  361. >His eyes were that of a lunatic, a man driven insane with power and corrupted by magicks beyond his control.
  362. >”The other summoners said that I was a fool to try an extra-planar summoning. Well look who's the fool now?!” he cackled maniacally
  363. >The mage walks to you, and holds your burlap chin into his face.
  364. >”And look who I have summoned...” his smile instills fear into your very being.
  365. >He sets you down on your feet, but you quickly collapse to the ground, barely holding yourself up on your hands and knees.
  366. >You look up at the deranged mage, and follow him with your eyes as he calmly walks around the room.
  367. >He looks at you again, and a vision flows into your head of a dark, musty room.
  368. >By the time the vision stopped playing in your head, you see him standing at a large wooden door.
  369. >He opens the door, but turns back before exiting.
  370. >Letting out another small smile, he gives you a command that you feel an urge to follow.
  371. >”Go to your quarters.”
  374. [spoiler]>You rise, and you walk towards the large wooden door.
  375. >On your way to the threshold, you step on something awkward.
  376. >You bend down to pick up the object, and give it a closer look.
  377. >It's a hairbrush, covered in scorch marks, with a very faint “R” engraved on the jewel encrusted handle.
  378. >A feeling of overwhelming sorrow washes over you, but as quickly as it arises, it disappears.
  379. >What was that about, brain?
  380. >I have no idea.
  381. >You shake your head, dropping the brush on the ground as you leave.
  382. >It was probably nothing.
  384. Fin ?
  385. [/spoiler]
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