
FoE RPG G0-2 - #021 Secret Snacks

Nov 15th, 2014
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  1. [2014-11-08 21:33:19]<LuckyLeaf> Group 0-II: *Freedom's Price* - Session #021 starts now
  2. [2014-11-08 21:33:24]<LuckyLeaf> =======================================================
  3. [2014-11-08 21:47:21]<LuckyLeaf> Most of the group is gathered on the mansion. Ignis, Royal_Lace, Swiss_Provolone and Tamara are face to face. Sotho was meditating in another room while they talked. Firefly was now with their family on town. Knick Knack trot by offering snacks and taking a small pile of them for herself.
  4. [2014-11-08 21:51:04]<LuckyLeaf> Doll's eyes slowly come to focus as she tries to talk through her bandaged jaw. She starts to shake and moves her hooves to try and pull off the bandages on her face.
  5. [2014-11-08 21:52:16]<LuckyLeaf> Tamara turns her eyes to Swiss_Provolone, and to Knick_Knack in silence.
  6. [2014-11-08 21:54:44]* Swiss_Provolone "So miss, was there trouble while we were gone?" he asks Royal_Lace, raising an eyebrow
  7. [2014-11-08 21:56:29]* Royal_Lace looks at Tamara and thinks she recognizes the look she is giving Swiss and her wife. "Potentially...but we are adressing it"
  8. [2014-11-08 21:58:00]<Full_Physical> "Hello, Doll. Please try not to touch the bandages for now. I was just about to go out and find you some sunglasses, would you like that?"
  9. [2014-11-08 22:00:15]* Royal_Lace levetates a few snacks for herself from the trey, smiling to Nick Nack, "Thank you dear"
  10. [2014-11-08 22:02:40]* Swiss_Provolone nods, "Well, if there isn't anything you'd like to talk about, then I have something to ask. I found a colt while on business in Limestack. He wasn't in the best of shape, so I brought him back to get some help from Chroma. I'd appreciate it if you'd let him stay here, at least until I can find something better for him." he says to Royal_Lace
  11. [2014-11-08 22:04:16]* Royal_Lace blinks at this, "Stay here? at the house? I suppose we do have room... If memory serves we are filling up in the town proper, correct Tamara?"
  12. [2014-11-08 22:04:53]* Swiss_Provolone shakes his head, "That ain't necessary. He can stay with me, I just mean here, where its safe."
  13. [2014-11-08 22:05:39]* Royal_Lace nods, "Oh, well I dont have a personal issue with this, no"
  14. [2014-11-08 22:06:02]<LuckyLeaf> Tamara nods. "That is right. But if you want it that way, I don't have objections."
  15. [2014-11-08 22:06:41]<LuckyLeaf> Doll breathes deeply. She seems distressed, but she nods to Full_Physical
  16. [2014-11-08 22:08:14]* Full_Physical will nod and go to the nearest sunglasses selling establishment
  17. [2014-11-08 22:15:11]* Swiss_Provolone "Thanks, now I feel I should be honest with ya. I went to Limestack to meet with someone. To cut to the chase, the chase, they're willing to pay good caps to deal with some of the more... troublesome people in the land. Now I want to help 'em in doing this, but I'm still working for ya and I ain't about to abandon that. But if we get a chance to help 'em out, I think we should." he says to Royal_Lace, sitting down
  18. [2014-11-08 22:15:54]<LuckyLeaf> Knick
  19. [2014-11-08 22:17:00]<LuckyLeaf> Tamara twitches her ear. "Is that your daughter crying?" She asks Royal_Lace
  20. [2014-11-08 22:17:40]* Royal_Lace opesn her mouth to answer swiss before turning to Tamara, "Is it? Oh pardon me friends I need to go check on her"
  21. [2014-11-08 22:17:52]* Royal_Lace trots out of the room to check her little bundle of joy
  22. [2014-11-08 22:18:12]<LuckyLeaf> Knick Knack pauses and tilts her head. "I can't hear anything." She follows after Royal_Lace.
  23. [2014-11-08 22:19:28]* Royal_Lace keeps troting along with Knick Knack, "I dont either but better to be safe than sorry"
  24. [2014-11-08 22:19:30]<LuckyLeaf> Full_Physical makes his way to the nearest general store, whose shopkeeper wears a large, fancy tribal conch necklace
  25. [2014-11-08 22:21:30]<Full_Physical> "Hello" he tells the shopkeeper, "Do you have any sunglasses for sale?"
  26. [2014-11-08 22:21:40]* Swiss_Provolone cracks a foreleg, expecting a talk
  27. [2014-11-08 22:23:35]<LuckyLeaf> Tamara scowls a bit. "Well, that did not go as I hoped." She looks at Swiss_Provolone. "I take that our common benefactor contacted you."
  28. [2014-11-08 22:24:17]* Swiss_Provolone nods, "He did, and gave me quite an earful."
  29. [2014-11-08 22:26:30]<LuckyLeaf> Tamara shrugs. "It's easier to judge when you are not in the field. But this is a long way for a regulator to come, what are your goals here?"
  30. [2014-11-08 22:28:09]* Swiss_Provolone "Same as they've always been, do whatever it takes to give good ponies a chance to prosper." he replies
  31. [2014-11-08 22:28:30]* Ignis perks up an ear, interested,,, What the effin` is a regulator? I take it you aren't reffering to a mechanism or somesuch.
  32. [2014-11-08 22:29:24]<LuckyLeaf> Upstairs, Peppermint Phoenix is sleeping like an angel.
  33. [2014-11-08 22:30:00]* Royal_Lace stops by her cradel and takes a sigh of relife, "Well thank goodness for that... but I wonder what she heard"
  34. [2014-11-08 22:31:23]<LuckyLeaf> Knick_Knack smiles. "I dunno, maybe a board creaking?"
  35. [2014-11-08 22:31:27]* Ignis eyes Tamara, quite such piqued... -- So..what is a regulator? -- He repeats himself, one of the claws hlding by his scaly side...
  36. [2014-11-08 22:32:51]* Swiss_Provolone "In Equestria, somepony who does whatever they can to stop the spread of Raiders and Slavers. In these lands? The name don't mean nothing." he replies to Ignis
  37. [2014-11-08 22:32:56]<LuckyLeaf> "From what our benefactor told us, they are a lawkeeping group from Equestria, but Swiss_Provolone would be able to tell you better."
  38. [2014-11-08 22:33:46]* Royal_Lace sets her snacks down and pecks her wife on the cheek, "Wait here love? I need rejoin the group... quietly"
  39. [2014-11-08 22:33:51]<Ignis> -- Soo... like superheroes? -- He does asks, totally not scoffing...alright...that might not be entirely true, seeing his grin...
  40. [2014-11-08 22:34:45]<LuckyLeaf> "We do have sunglasses" The shopkeeper fetches one from a shelf for Full_Physical . "They are 50 caps each."
  41. [2014-11-08 22:35:33]* Swiss_Provolone snorts, "I prefer to think of us as vigilantes, in the end we're just ponies who are doing what we think is right."
  42. [2014-11-08 22:37:11]<Full_Physical> "Wait, what? I'm almost certain that isn't how 35 is pronounced."
  43. [2014-11-08 22:37:18]* Ignis gave a little nod. -- Still, that`s from what you heard... -- Ignis exchange a certain glance towards Swiss_Provolone. -- Don`t you think that it MIGHT be a tiny, itsy bitsy convenient somepony washing their hooves claiming they belong to an organization like that? Moreso, wishing to remain annonymous? --
  44. [2014-11-08 22:37:18]<LuckyLeaf> "As long as our values are aligned, more support is welcome." Then Tamara raises an eyebrow. "How many of your group are around here?"
  45. [2014-11-08 22:38:11]<LuckyLeaf> "Sure!" Knick Knack smiles and stays with Minty
  46. [2014-11-08 22:39:15]* Swiss_Provolone points to himself, "Just myself. These lands are far from Equestria." he replies to Tamara
  47. [2014-11-08 22:39:46]* Royal_Lace minds her steps and slinks down the stairs, pausing outside the den waiting in the hall with ears pearked
  48. [2014-11-08 22:41:02]<LuckyLeaf> "Do your group plans to send more ponies?" Tamara asks
  49. [2014-11-08 22:41:52]* Swiss_Provolone taps his chin, "We might, if the need arises. But Equestria needs them too, for the moment I can handle myself here."
  50. [2014-11-08 22:42:20]* Swiss_Provolone raises an eyebrow at Ignis, "What you mean?"
  51. [2014-11-08 22:43:35]* Ignis idly taps his claw... what was Lace doing? The landfill was at risk and all...geez... the dragon eyes at Tamara, yawning...why it was always a ministerial case when he wanted to blow up someone?
  52. [2014-11-08 22:44:16]<LuckyLeaf> The shopkeeper flinches in guilt. "Did I say 50, sorry I meant 30."
  53. [2014-11-08 22:45:27]<Full_Physical> "Eh, in Equestria I could get a pair for 25, but I suppose I can part with 30."
  54. [2014-11-08 22:45:48]<Ignis> -- I don't trust those claiming to be on the extremes of the moral scale...its neigh impossible to do so. -- He answers. -- And such organization, as you say it... does happen to be some epítome of goodness or somesuch, don`t take it personal, its just that I'm liable to suspicion on such matters. --
  55. [2014-11-08 22:47:45]* Swiss_Provolone shakes his head, "We ain't delusional, we know we aren't bastions of goodness. We're just trying to do better than the ponies we're fighting, and make sure good ponies ain't caught by the likes of them."
  56. [2014-11-08 22:48:22]* Full_Physical pays the shopkeeper 30 caps
  57. [2014-11-08 22:49:07]<LuckyLeaf> "Well, you have proved capable." Tamara nods to Ignis. "I wouldn't take him just by his word, but I had it confirmed by the one responsible for the logistics and intelligence of our movement. Besides, we need soldiers more than we need saints."
  58. [2014-11-08 22:49:40]<LuckyLeaf> The shopkeeper gives him the sunglasses with a nervous smile.
  59. [2014-11-08 22:49:49]<Ignis> -- I know you ain't, but such... lack of motives thereof a need to do do good... -- He air quotes it, as to stress the words. -- doesn`t sit well to me, it might work for you ponies, but as a dragon, I can`t help but see that as odd-sitting. --
  60. [2014-11-08 22:50:40]* Full_Physical smiles back, pick up the sunglasses, and brings them to Doll
  61. [2014-11-08 22:52:25]* Swiss_Provolone nods, "We have our reasons, but I understand what ya mean." he says back to Ignis
  62. [2014-11-08 22:53:01]<LuckyLeaf> Tamara snerks.
  63. [2014-11-08 22:54:00]<LuckyLeaf> Doll is lying on a bed, still covering in bandages she keeps scratching.
  64. [2014-11-08 22:54:17]* Full_Physical has quit (Connection closed)
  65. [2014-11-08 22:54:27]* Observer ( has joined
  66. [2014-11-08 22:54:40]* Ignis nodnods. -- Sooo...I assume that's our daily quota for chitchatting, would you be bothered to discuss the issue at hand? I already said my position on it.--
  67. [2014-11-08 22:54:56]* Observer is now known as Full_Phyiscal
  68. [2014-11-08 22:55:56]* Swiss_Provolone "Well from what lace said I thought you had everything covered." he replies
  69. [2014-11-08 22:56:11]<LuckyLeaf> "I am supportive of Ignis plan." Tamara nods. "Explosives can keep them away where we can't see, and it might warn us of further incursions."
  70. [2014-11-08 22:57:22]* Royal_Lace walks into the room nodding, "Yes, But I would advice against placing any directly under our land past the wall"
  71. [2014-11-08 22:58:36]* Ignis cracks his knuckles a bit. -- Keep in mind that's remedial, since they're this close to breaching into the landfill, it would be the best seeing the short notice... -- The dragon remarks. -- Once we solve that immediate problem, we should find out who is behind all of such, who let the dogs out. --
  72. [2014-11-08 22:59:29]<LuckyLeaf> "As to not damage the wall. That makes sense." Tamara nods, glancing behind Royal Lace.
  73. [2014-11-08 23:01:18]* Observer ( has joined
  74. [2014-11-08 23:01:19]* Full_Phyiscal has quit (Connection closed)
  75. [2014-11-08 23:01:22]* Swiss_Provolone nods, "We can keep them back for a while, but at some point we need to tackle the source."
  76. [2014-11-08 23:02:44]* Observer gives Doll the sunglasses. "You'll have to stop picking at the bandages, Doll. The stitches will come undone."
  77. [2014-11-08 23:05:24]<LuckyLeaf> Doll sounds off a muffle mumble of confusion and protest. Then she relaxes a bit as the sunglasses are placed on her, which she seems to like.
  78. [2014-11-08 23:05:48]* Royal_Lace nods, "Well for now we have a plan and I suggest we follow it. As for what you were asking about Swiss I think we can speak about it tommorow, perhapse in my office".
  79. [2014-11-08 23:06:50]<LuckyLeaf> "Did your wife listen to it as well?" Tamara asks Royal Lace.
  80. [2014-11-08 23:07:10]* Swiss_Provolone nods, "As you wish ma'am. I'll go check on the colt for now, unless theres something you need?" he replies, standing up
  81. [2014-11-08 23:07:22]* Ignis smiles, holding his claws together. -- Alright, leave it to the lizard, folks. --
  82. [2014-11-08 23:08:34]* Royal_Lace reactis with only a whiff of indignance, "I dont know what your talking about"
  83. [2014-11-08 23:08:50]<LuckyLeaf> Tamara shakes her head. "Not on my side, if we are set." She turns to Ignis. "Do you have the explosives."
  84. [2014-11-08 23:08:58]* Royal_Lace nods to Swiss, "your dismissed Swiss"
  85. [2014-11-08 23:09:54]* Swiss_Provolone "I'll go check on the kid then. I'll talk to you later." he says, heading back to the clinic
  86. [2014-11-08 23:10:07]<Observer> "We should be able to take the bandages off soon, just be patient." He sits by the bed and starts looking through the stolen documents
  87. [2014-11-08 23:10:41]* Observer is now known as Full_Physical
  88. [2014-11-08 23:11:07]<Ignis> -- I was checking the landfill stores prior to our impromptu meeting... -- He glowers at Lace -- at first I thought about dumping the balefire eggs there and rad-ding the whole thing, but further data told me they are resiliente to the, its gotta be explosives. --
  89. [2014-11-08 23:12:12]<LuckyLeaf> "Where is she now?" Tamara asks Royal_Lace. "There is something we need to tell you, but it's classified."
  90. [2014-11-08 23:12:13]* Royal_Lace coughs, "Ah yes... those, I had hoped we could all talk about that at some point. Tamara were you made aware of this find? Unless we have imediate need we should find a way to safely store them, some are leaking"
  91. [2014-11-08 23:12:38]* Royal_Lace looks to Tamara, "Hum, where is who now? Knicky?"
  92. [2014-11-08 23:13:53]<LuckyLeaf> "Yes. She is a risk, as she is still in contact with her slaver father." Tamara says.
  93. [2014-11-08 23:14:31]<LuckyLeaf> Doll sighs.
  94. [2014-11-08 23:15:16]* Royal_Lace frowns, "At risk? How do you mean? She has not spoken of him in some time and he all but renounced her last they spoke"
  95. [2014-11-08 23:16:24]<Ignis> -- And he seemed to be pretty mellow last time we met, just saying... --
  96. [2014-11-08 23:17:46]<LuckyLeaf> "She was seen with him at Last Stop a few months ago." Tamara says. "Besides, she is not as involved with our plans as you and your husband."
  97. [2014-11-08 23:18:23]<LuckyLeaf> The papers have names, addresses and medical information of many ponies and donkeys, presumably from the area.
  98. [2014-11-08 23:19:18]* Swiss_Provolone trots into the clinic, first stopping by Full_Physical, "How have things been here doc?"
  99. [2014-11-08 23:20:26]* Royal_Lace face draws into serious set tone, "I trust my wife and if it will help you I will query her about her efforts to reconnect with her father. He is indeed dangerous but I hope your not making any acusations about her character or intentions to this town"
  100. [2014-11-08 23:21:56]<Full_Physical> "I'll be back later, I need to deliver this sample to Kabosu" he tells Chroma and Doll. He leaves the clinic and motions for Swiss to follow
  101. [2014-11-08 23:22:30]* Swiss_Provolone follows him, "Whats up doc?"
  102. [2014-11-08 23:22:35]* Ignis watches everything with interest... it was one of those female rituals about social dominance.
  103. [2014-11-08 23:22:51]<LuckyLeaf> "She may have her heart in the right place. Knick Knack is dim and could be manipulated." Tamara says.
  104. [2014-11-08 23:25:05]* Royal_Lace "I see, well I apreciage your concern and I will be sure to have a talk with her", looking over her sholder she sighs, "And if need be make a trip myself into town"
  105. [2014-11-08 23:25:43]<Full_Physical> "The surgery was a success, but I have a sample I need to deliver to a scientist friend who was brought here with me from Equestria. I looked through the papers we stole from that one doctor, and it was all names and addresses."
  106. [2014-11-08 23:26:20]<LuckyLeaf> Royal Lace sees Knick Knack trotting their way. She doesn't seem to have heard anything, happy as she was before
  107. [2014-11-08 23:26:30]* Swiss_Provolone frowns, "Wonder if it was all the ponies she sold into slavery." he guesses
  108. [2014-11-08 23:27:24]* Observer ( has joined
  109. [2014-11-08 23:27:25]* Full_Physical has quit (Connection closed)
  110. [2014-11-08 23:27:43]* Observer is now known as Full_Physical
  111. [2014-11-08 23:29:16]<Full_Physical> "Or, it could just be patients. After I deliver the sample, perhaps we could show the list to Tamara, see if she knows anyone on it."
  112. [2014-11-08 23:29:38]* Ignis glances over towards Tamara once she is done with Lace. -- I know I'm not exactly that involved with that affair like the both of you, ever considered that it might be the case we brought double D back into his landfill? He'll always be a liability outside...looming...--
  113. [2014-11-08 23:31:39]<LuckyLeaf> "Where he may access our security and overhear our plans?" Tamara shakes her head. "We stripped him of most of his power. He is less of a threat where he is."
  114. [2014-11-08 23:33:40]* Royal_Lace telekentically lifts the small plates of snacks and floats them towards the kitchen.
  115. [2014-11-08 23:33:41]<LuckyLeaf> Full_Physical had noticed a peculiar thing on the bottom of the forms. A varying number of stars on the bottom of each sheet, two rows from one to five, some of them crossed. Among them he found a sheet with the exact description of color, age and size of the pegasus they rescued, but a blot seems to be staining his name.
  116. [2014-11-08 23:34:52]<Ignis> -- And yet, we still think of hims, always... even he is one overwheight lazy slaveowner, he is able to brave the wasteland and even survive it... you ever think of that? Just how he does it? -- He snerks. -- Just saying that we might try to reconcile with him... its probably dreaming, but it'd be one less turd to worry about. --
  117. [2014-11-08 23:34:53]* Swiss_Provolone nods, "Good idea."
  118. [2014-11-08 23:35:34]<Full_Physical> "Oh hey, look at this Provolone, I think your son was one of her patients." He says as he shows Swiss the form
  119. [2014-11-08 23:36:55]<LuckyLeaf> "Not everyone turns around. I'm still surprised you convinced his daughter to support us." Tamara says
  120. [2014-11-08 23:37:13]* Swiss_Provolone "He ain't my son." he replies, looking at the form, "But either way, it narrows down what the forms mean."
  121. [2014-11-08 23:39:57]<Ignis> -- As you gently put it, she is not as... world-weathered ... as most people are -- He answers her, then leaves his seat, -- That said, I should be seeing the need anything else, just ask, alright Tamara? --
  122. [2014-11-08 23:40:29]<LuckyLeaf> Swiss_Provolone sees the full form, with all his medical information, an address, and the stars. The top row only has one star, but it seems there used to be four and it was erased. The bottom row has two stars. Both rows are crossed out.
  123. [2014-11-08 23:41:49]<LuckyLeaf> Swiss_Provolone's glance falls on the form right behind it. Another pegasus, older, similar colors, same address.
  124. [2014-11-08 23:42:58]<LuckyLeaf> "Of course. We are never out of things to do, but our group has been taking care of most of it." Tamara says.
  125. [2014-11-08 23:45:26]* Ignis gives a little smile. -- I know, you guys are a competent bunch. -- The dragon pats her back a bit, -- In either case, stay well. -- Then, he makes his way out to assess what sort of explosives they had.
  126. [2014-11-08 23:45:29]<LuckyLeaf> Knick Knack trots again into the meeting room and takes another snack.
  127. [2014-11-08 23:46:44]* Swiss_Provolone points to the row, "That looks like the kids info right there, an' that one behind it might be the kids father." he levitates up the sheets, "Mind if I borrow these? I should probably talk with him." he says to Full_Physical
  128. [2014-11-08 23:46:46]* Royal_Lace Smils at knick and nods to Tamara, "Thank you for coming, can I show you to the door? It sounds like we have things more or less wrapped up here"
  129. [2014-11-08 23:48:30]* Full_Physical sure, go ahead
  130. [2014-11-08 23:49:18]<LuckyLeaf> "I am done here as well. I will go back to the barracks." Tamara nods.
  131. [2014-11-08 23:49:18]* Swiss_Provolone puts them in his pack, "Thanks Doc, good luck with the rest of em." he says, heading back to the clinic
  132. [2014-11-08 23:50:03]<LuckyLeaf> Full_Physical finds Kabosu talking to an unicorn outside Nebulous Labs
  133. [2014-11-08 23:51:17]* Royal_Lace escorts her visitors to the door and remains behind
  134. [2014-11-08 23:51:39]<LuckyLeaf> Tamara leaves.
  135. [2014-11-08 23:57:44]* Full_Physical approaches the sand dog "Hello Kabosu."
  136. [2014-11-08 23:58:45]* Swiss_Provolone enters the clinic once more and goes over to where Doll was resting, "Pardon me miss, I just wanted to ask: When you met me you seemed afraid, but I don't think I've met ya before." he says to her
  137. [2014-11-09 00:05:53]<LuckyLeaf> "Oh, hello!" Kabosu says
  138. [2014-11-09 00:06:46]<LuckyLeaf> "Mmph?" Doll says. She is all bandaged.
  139. [2014-11-09 00:07:28]<Full_Physical> "Am I interrupting anything important?"
  140. [2014-11-09 00:08:07]* Swiss_Provolone nickers, "Nevermind, I'll wait till you're all healed up." he says, trotting off to find the colt and/or Chroma
  141. [2014-11-09 00:13:57]<LuckyLeaf> "I was just asking him about their projects. They have a collection of old engines they used for inspiration."
  142. [2014-11-09 00:19:16]<Full_Physical> "I see. So, would you be willing to help me with one of my patients? She had all these weird, dark, veinlike growths around her heart and where the cutie mark should be, but the mark was gone. There were needlemarks all around the abnormal tissue, but I couldn't tell if it was treating or causing it. Could you take a look at this sample I took?"
  143. [2014-11-09 00:21:31]<LuckyLeaf> "Of course." She takes the sample. "I'll tell you what I find, will you be in the clinic?"
  144. [2014-11-09 00:22:57]<Full_Physical> "I will, thanks. Have you ever seen anything like this?"
  145. [2014-11-09 00:26:41]<LuckyLeaf> Kabosu shakes her head. "It's really strange. She might have been heavily exposed to chems." She takes a closer look. "Fresh tissue shouldn't be this color, but it doesn't look decayed."
  146. [2014-11-09 00:30:13]<LuckyLeaf> =========================================================================
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