
Harry the Bear vs. Anon

Feb 2nd, 2015
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  1. >Wake up.
  2. >Do 100 push-ups like it's nothing, follow up with 150 sit-ups.
  3. >Look in the mirror at your gainz.
  4. "Christ, God truly spent more time on me." You say flexing.
  5. >You're Anon, and you are a bear mode lookin' mother fucker/ World Champ UFC fighter.
  6. >Skip the Triple S because you like to work out first, no point in getting clean then immediately sweating like a dog.
  7. >Tapping your world champ heavy weight MMA belt that hangs over your door frame.
  8. >Head over to the gym where you lift and train.
  9. >Upon walking in you're greeted by Snowflake.
  10. >The two of you chat it up for a little before you head over to the weight section.
  11. >Begin your lifts and as usual, the mares are all 'mirin'.
  12. >They're clearly checking out your hot ass as you do squats.
  13. >A sudden chill goes down your spine as you begin your power cleans.
  14. >Look up into the big mirror that runs along the wall and drop your weight.
  15. >Begin to sniff the air.
  16. "She's here." You say looking around trying to find the she-devil.
  17. >You feel a slip slap on your ass.
  18. >"W-what's up babe?"
  19. >Damn, you're right, again.
  20. >Turn around and look down.
  21. "Listen here Flutterfuck, I'm not into you, we will never be a thing."
  22. >"You're just playing hard to get." She says nuzzling into your epic quads.
  23. >Slightly side step and she almost tumbles.
  24. "I literally have dreams of killing you, and every time I do I wake up hard."
  25. >"That just means you want me." She says with a wink.
  26. "It's taking everything in my will power to beat the flight out of your stupid piss colored body."
  27. >"Oh so you like it rough?"
  28. "Why do you think I'm flirting with you? I'm actually threatening your well-being."
  29. >She says nothing, but slides what looks to be like a business card into your pocket.
  30. >"Call me stud." She says walking away while trying to seductively sway her hips back and forth.
  31. >As she turns a corner you look at the card.
  32. >It's purple contruction paper, written crudely in blue crayon saying: "Cul mi uf yew wuna haev secs :)"
  33. >You tear the construction paper to shreds and continue with your lifts.
  35. >Be Fluttershy.
  36. >You think everything went well with Anon.
  37. >Peek behind the corner to see him tear up your card that you worked so hard on.
  38. >Sadness with a little bit of rage builds within you.
  39. "H-how dare he! After I've practically been throwing myself at him."
  40. "I-I've been nothing but nice. It's time to get a little down and dirty, and I know just how to."
  41. >You flutter out of the gym rubbing your hands like the crafty Jew you are.
  42. >Head over to your cottage and throw the door open.
  43. "Angel!"
  44. >The asshole of a bunny looks up from his play-bunny magazine and puts a carrot in his mouth as if it were a cigar.
  45. "Call him."
  46. >He nods and hops away to do what must be done.
  47. "By the end of today, Anon will be mine whether he wants to or not."
  50. >Be Anon
  51. >You're tired and ready to go home for a shower and a meal.
  52. >Your mouth waters with the thought of proteins.
  53. >Rush home and hop into the shower.
  54. >Before doing stow you check your brisket that's been slow cooking for hours.
  55. >The smell gets you hard.
  56. >Mid way washing your hair, you hear a ruckus down stairs.
  57. >Wrap a towel around yourself and investigate.
  58. >Upon reaching the first floor you see the most horrendous thing.
  59. >There sitting at your table, is Harry the Bear eating your brisket while Fluttershy slowly pets him.
  60. >"Just keep eating my big strong man." She says in a baby voice.
  62. >"Why hel-."
  63. >She stops mid-sentence realizing your in a towel.
  64. >She squeals an explosion of orgasms.
  65. >Ignore the whore horse.
  66. >Look to the bear.
  67. "You're gonna pay fucker." You say with tears in your eyes.
  68. >Charge the bear.
  69. >I claws at you.
  70. >Dodge just in time.
  71. >Reverse triangle choke the fucker.
  72. >You can't get a good grip around it's girthy bear neck.
  73. >It throws you off and charges.
  74. >Roll out of the way while it crashes through your kitchen leaving it in chaos.
  75. "Fluttershy call of your bear before I beat the shit out of it."
  76. >"I'm afraid it is YOU who will have the shit beaten out of." You hear a super Russian voice say.
  77. "The fuck?"
  78. >Turn around a get sent back into a wall by a bear punch.
  79. >Harry walks up to you.
  80. >"For too long Fleuttershai haiz cried herseelf to sleep becuz of man like you."
  81. >Look to Fluttershy.
  82. "When the fuck did the bear start talking?"
  83. >You're quickly silenced with a slice across the chest.
  84. >"Yew neiver gave her thee light of dai."
  85. >He hits you in the stomach as you're still pinned against the wall.
  86. >"Todai, she'll do watevur she wunts to do weeth yew."
  87. "Over my dead asshole." You spit into the bears eyes.
  88. >The bear stumbles back rubbing it's eyes.
  89. >Take this time to hurl punch after punch on him, mainly aiming for his large bear nose.
  90. "You ate the wrong guys brisket you fucking mantel piece."
  91. >Beast mode activated.
  92. >Fluttershy watches in horror as you pulverize her bear friend.
  94. >With one final punch you actually knock the fucking bears head off, christ.
  95. >Fluttershy screams and tries to run.
  96. "NOPE!"
  97. >Grab her and hold up Harry's head which drips with blood.
  99. >She sobs and shakes her head frantically.
  100. "GOOD GO TELL YOUR FRIENDS." You intensely yell while handing her the head and then kicking her out.
  101. >You look around at all of the damage.
  102. "Shit."
  103. >Go over to the fridge and pull out the other brisket that u marinated for 48 hours.
  104. "Always come prepared."
  106. END
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