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freq list definitions

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Feb 11th, 2016
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  1. 的|的|de5|of/~'s (possessive particle)/(used after an attribute)/(used to form a nominal expression)/(used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)
  2. 的|的|di1|see 的士[di1 shi4]
  3. 的|的|di2|really and truly
  4. 的|的|di4|aim/clear
  5. 我|我|wo3|I/me/my
  6. 了|了|le5|(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)
  7. 了|了|liao3|to finish/to achieve/variant of 瞭|了[liao3]/to understand clearly
  8. 一|一|yi1|one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all/throughout/"one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1)/also pr. [yao1] for greater clarity when spelling out numbers digit by digit
  9. 不|不|bu4|(negative prefix)/not/no
  10. 來|来|lai2|to come/to arrive/to come round/ever since/next
  11. 是|是|shi4|is/are/am/yes/to be
  12. 他|他|ta1|he or him/(used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant)/(used before sb's name for emphasis)/(used as a meaningless mock object)/other/another
  13. 在|在|zai4|(located) at/(to be) in/to exist/in the middle of doing sth/(indicating an action in progress)
  14. 去|去|qu4|to go/to go to (a place)/to cause to go or send (sb)/to remove/to get rid of/(when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth/to be apart from in space or time/(after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)/(used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)/(of a time or an event etc) just passed or elapsed
  15. 有|有|you3|to have/there is/there are/to exist/to be
  16. 上|上|shang3|see 上聲|上声[shang3 sheng1]
  17. 上|上|shang4|on top/upon/above/upper/previous/first (of multiple parts)/to climb/to get onto/to go up/to attend (class or university)
  18. 個|个|ge4|individual/this/that/size/classifier for people or objects in general
  19. 西|西|Xi1|the West/abbr. for Spain 西班牙[Xi1 ban1 ya2]/Spanish
  20. 西|西|xi1|west
  21. 們|们|men5|plural marker for pronouns, and nouns referring to individuals
  22. 這|这|zhe4|this/these/(commonly pr. [zhei4] before a classifier, esp. in Beijing)
  23. 你|你|ni3|you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您[nin2])
  24. 人|人|ren2|man/person/people/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
  25. 荷|荷|He2|Holland/the Netherlands/abbr. for 荷蘭|荷兰[He2 lan2]
  26. 荷|荷|he2|lotus
  27. 荷|荷|he4|to carry on one's shoulder or back/burden/responsibility
  28. 看|看|kan1|to look after/to take care of/to watch/to guard
  29. 看|看|kan4|to see/to look at/to read/to watch/to visit/to call on/to consider/to regard as/to look after/to treat (an illness)/to depend on/to feel (that)/(after verb) to give it a try/Watch out! (for a danger)
  30. 子|子|zi3|son/child/seed/egg/small thing/1st earthly branch: 11 p.m.-1 a.m., midnight, 11th solar month (7th December to 5th January), year of the Rat/Viscount, fourth of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]
  31. 子|子|zi5|(noun suffix)
  32. 下|下|xia4|down/downwards/below/lower/later/next (week etc)/second (of two parts)/to decline/to go down/to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc)/measure word to show the frequency of an action
  33. 大|大|da4|big/huge/large/major/great/wide/deep/older (than)/oldest/eldest/greatly/very much/(dialect) father/father's elder or younger brother
  34. 大|大|dai4|see 大夫[dai4 fu5]
  35. 說|说|shui4|to persuade
  36. 說|说|shuo1|to speak/to say/to explain/to scold/to tell off/a theory (usually in compounds such as 日心说 heliocentric theory)
  37. 要|要|yao1|to demand/to request/to coerce
  38. 要|要|yao4|important/vital/to want/to ask for/will/going to (as future auxiliary)/may/must/(used in a comparison) must be/probably/if
  39. 好|好|hao3|good/well/proper/good to/easy to/very/so/(suffix indicating completion or readiness)/(of an unmarried couple) to be close/to be keen on each other
  40. 好|好|hao4|to be fond of/to have a tendency to/to be prone to
  41. 著|着|zhao1|(chess) move/trick/all right!/(dialect) to add
  42. 著|着|zhao2|to touch/to come in contact with/to feel/to be affected by/to catch fire/to burn/(coll.) to fall asleep/(after a verb) hitting the mark/succeeding in
  43. 著|着|zhe5|aspect particle indicating action in progress
  44. 著|着|zhuo2|to wear (clothes)/to contact/to use/to apply
  45. 著|著|zhu4|to make known/to show/to prove/to write/book/outstanding
  46. 裡|里|li3|lining/interior/inside/internal/also written 裏|里[li3]
  47. 到|到|dao4|to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive/(verb complement denoting completion or result of an action)
  48. 麼|么|ma2|exclamatory final particle
  49. 麼|么|ma5|interrogative final particle
  50. 麼|么|me5|suffix, used to form interrogative 甚麼|什么[shen2 me5], what?, indefinite 這麼|这么[zhe4 me5] thus, etc
  51. 麼|麽|mo2|tiny/insignificant
  52. 沙|沙|Sha1|surname Sha
  53. 沙|沙|sha1|granule/hoarse/raspy/sand/powder/CL:粒[li4]/abbr. for Tsar or Tsarist Russia
  54. 天|天|tian1|day/sky/heaven
  55. 也|也|Ye3|surname Ye
  56. 也|也|ye3|also/too/(in Classical Chinese) final particle implying affirmation
  57. 時|时|Shi2|surname Shi
  58. 時|时|shi2|o'clock/time/when/hour/season/period
  59. 就|就|jiu4|at once/right away/only/just (emphasis)/as early as/already/as soon as/then/in that case/as many as/even if/to approach/to move towards/to undertake/to engage in/to suffer/subjected to/to accomplish/to take advantage of/to go with (of foods)/with regard to/concerning
  60. 得|得|de2|to obtain/to get/to gain/to catch (a disease)/proper/suitable/proud/contented/to allow/to permit/ready/finished
  61. 得|得|de5|structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc
  62. 得|得|dei3|to have to/must/ought to/to need to
  63. 很|很|hen3|(adverb of degree)/quite/very/awfully
  64. 出|出|chu1|to go out/to come out/to occur/to produce/to go beyond/to rise/to put forth/to happen/classifier for dramas, plays, operas etc
  65. 沒|没|mei2|(negative prefix for verbs)/have not/not
  66. 沒|没|mo4|drowned/to end/to die/to inundate
  67. 又|又|you4|(once) again/also/both... and.../and yet/(used for emphasis) anyway
  68. 車|车|Che1|surname Che
  69. 車|车|che1|car/vehicle/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/machine/to shape with a lathe
  70. 車|车|ju1|war chariot (archaic)/rook (in Chinese chess)/rook (in chess)
  71. 那|那|Na1|surname Na
  72. 那|那|Nuo2|surname Nuo
  73. 那|那|na3|variant of 哪[na3]
  74. 那|那|na4|that/those/then (in that case)/commonly pr. [nei4] before a classifier, esp. in Beijing
  75. 那|那|nuo2|(archaic) many/beautiful/how/old variant of 挪[nuo2]
  76. 她|她|ta1|she
  77. 開|开|kai1|to open/to start/to turn on/to boil/to write out (a prescription, check, invoice etc)/to operate (a vehicle)/carat (gold)/abbr. for Kelvin, 開爾文|开尔文[Kai1 er3 wen2]/abbr. for 開本|开本[kai1 ben3], book format
  78. 回|回|hui2|to circle/to go back/to turn around/to answer/to return/to revolve/Hui ethnic group (Chinese Muslims)/time/classifier for acts of a play/section or chapter (of a classic book)
  79. 起|起|qi3|to rise/to raise/to get up/to set out/to start/to appear/to launch/to initiate (action)/to draft/to establish/to get (from a depot or counter)/verb suffix, to start/(before place or time) starting from/classifier for occurrences or unpredictable events: case, instance/classifier for groups: batch, group
  80. 地|地|de5|-ly/structural particle: used before a verb or adjective, linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct
  81. 地|地|di4|earth/ground/field/place/land/CL:片[pian4]
  82. 過|过|Guo4|surname Guo
  83. 過|过|guo4|(experienced action marker)/to cross/to go over/to pass (time)/to celebrate (a holiday)/to live/to get along/excessively/too-
  84. 面|面|mian4|face/side/surface/aspect/top/classifier for flat surfaces such as drums, mirrors, flags etc
  85. 小|小|xiao3|small/tiny/few/young
  86. 給|给|gei3|to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(grammatical equivalent of 被)/(grammatical equivalent of 把)/(sentence intensifier)
  87. 給|给|ji3|to supply/to provide
  88. 對|对|dui4|right/correct/couple/pair/towards/at/for/to face/opposite/to treat (sb a certain way)/to match together/to adjust/to fit/to suit/to answer/to reply/classifier: couple
  89. 再|再|zai4|again/once more/re-/second/another/then (after sth, and not until then)
  90. 都|都|Du1|surname Du
  91. 都|都|dou1|all/both/entirely/(used for emphasis) even/already/(not) at all
  92. 都|都|du1|capital city/metropolis
  93. 家|家|Jia1|surname Jia
  94. 家|家|jia1|home/family/(polite) my (sister, uncle etc)/classifier for families or businesses/refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China/noun suffix for a specialist in some activity, such as a musician or revolutionary, corresponding to English -ist, -er, -ary or -ian/CL:個|个[ge4]
  95. 用|用|yong4|to use/to employ/to have to/to eat or drink/expense or outlay/usefulness/hence/therefore
  96. 生|生|sheng1|to be born/to give birth/life/to grow/raw/uncooked/student
  97. 以|以|Yi3|abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4]
  98. 以|以|yi3|to use/by means of/according to/in order to/because of/at (a certain date or place)
  99. 然|然|ran2|correct/right/so/thus/like this/-ly
  100. 問|问|wen4|to ask
  101. 還|还|Huan2|surname Huan
  102. 還|还|hai2|still/still in progress/still more/yet/even more/in addition/fairly/passably (good)/as early as/even/also/else
  103. 還|还|huan2|to pay back/to return
  104. 多|多|duo1|many/much/often/a lot of/numerous/more/in excess/how (to what extent)/multi-/Taiwan pr. [duo2] when it means "how"
  105. 將|将|jiang1|will/shall/to use/to take/to checkmate/just a short while ago/(introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把[ba3])
  106. 將|将|jiang4|general/commander-in-chief (military)/king (chess piece)/to command/to lead
  107. 將|将|qiang1|to desire/to invite/to request
  108. 手|手|shou3|hand/(formal) to hold/person engaged in certain types of work/person skilled in certain types of work/personal(ly)/convenient/classifier for skill/CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]
  109. 叫|叫|jiao4|to shout/to call/to order/to ask/to be called/by (indicates agent in the passive mood)
  110. 頭|头|tou2|head/hair style/the top/end/beginning or end/a stub/remnant/chief/boss/side/aspect/first/leading/classifier for pigs or livestock/CL:個|个[ge4]
  111. 頭|头|tou5|suffix for nouns
  112. 快|快|kuai4|rapid/quick/speed/rate/soon/almost/to make haste/clever/sharp (of knives or wits)/forthright/plainspoken/gratified/pleased/pleasant
  113. 想|想|xiang3|to think/to believe/to suppose/to wish/to want/to miss (feel wistful about the absence of sb or sth)
  114. 後|后|hou4|back/behind/rear/afterwards/after/later
  115. 水|水|Shui3|surname Shui
  116. 水|水|shui3|water/river/liquid/beverage/additional charges or income/(of clothes) classifier for number of washes
  117. 心|心|xin1|heart/mind/intention/center/core/CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4]
  118. 可|可|ke3|can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used for emphasis) certainly/very
  119. 可|可|ke4|see 可汗[ke4 han2]
  120. 自|自|zi4|from/self/oneself/since
  121. 拉|拉|la1|to pull/to play (a bowed instrument)/to drag/to draw/to chat
  122. 什|什|shen2|what
  123. 什|什|shi2|ten (used in fractions, writing checks etc)/assorted/miscellaneous
  124. 會|会|hui4|can/to be possible/to be able to/will/to be likely to/to be sure to/to assemble/to meet/to gather/to see/union/group/association/CL:個|个[ge4]/a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [hui3])
  125. 會|会|kuai4|to balance an account/accountancy/accounting
  126. 走|走|zou3|to walk/to go/to run/to move (of vehicle)/to visit/to leave/to go away/to die (euph.)/from/through/away (in compound verbs, such as 撤走[che4 zou3])/to change (shape, form, meaning)
  127. 見|见|jian4|to see/to meet/to appear (to be sth)/to interview
  128. 見|见|xian4|to appear/also written 現|现[xian4]
  129. 住|住|zhu4|to live/to dwell/to stay/to reside/to stop/(suffix indicating firmness, steadiness, or coming to a halt)
  130. 樣|样|yang4|manner/pattern/way/appearance/shape/classifier: kind, type
  131. 為|为|wei2|as (in the capacity of)/to take sth as/to act as/to serve as/to behave as/to become/to be/to do/by (in the passive voice)
  132. 為|为|wei4|because of/for/to
  133. 外|外|wai4|outside/in addition/foreign/external
  134. 吃|吃|chi1|to eat/to consume/to eat at (a cafeteria etc)/to eradicate/to destroy/to absorb/to suffer/to stammer (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [ji2])
  135. 點|点|dian3|point/dot/drop/speck/o'clock/point (in space or time)/to draw a dot/to check on a list/to choose/to order (food in a restaurant)/to touch briefly/to hint/to light/to ignite/to pour a liquid drop by drop/(old) one fifth of a two-hour watch 更[geng1]/dot stroke in Chinese characters/classifier for items
  136. 事|事|shi4|matter/thing/item/work/affair/CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1],回[hui2]
  137. 只|只|zhi3|only/merely/just/but
  138. 三|三|San1|surname San
  139. 三|三|san1|three/3
  140. 女|女|nu:3|female/woman/daughter
  141. 女|女|ru3|archaic variant of 汝[ru3]
  142. 氣|气|qi4|gas/air/smell/weather/to make angry/to annoy/to get angry/vital energy/qi
  143. 做|做|zuo4|to do/to make/to produce/to write/to compose/to act as/to engage in/to hold (a party)/to be/to become/to function (in some capacity)/to serve as/to be used for/to form (a bond or relationship)/to pretend/to feign/to act a part/to put on appearance
  144. 口|口|kou3|mouth/classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, cannons, wells etc)/classifier for bites or mouthfuls
  145. 十|十|shi2|ten/10
  146. 太|太|tai4|highest/greatest/too (much)/very/extremely
  147. 似|似|shi4|see 似的[shi4 de5]
  148. 似|似|si4|to seem/to appear/to resemble/similar/-like/pseudo-/(more) than
  149. 哈|哈|Ha1|abbr. for 哈薩克斯坦|哈萨克斯坦[Ha1 sa4 ke4 si1 tan3], Kazakhstan/abbr. for 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Harbin
  150. 哈|哈|ha1|laughter/yawn
  151. 哈|哈|ha3|a Pekinese/a pug/(dialect) to scold
  152. 幾|几|ji1|almost
  153. 幾|几|ji3|how much/how many/several/a few
  154. 漠|漠|mo4|desert/unconcerned
  155. 門|门|Men2|surname Men
  156. 門|门|men2|gate/door/CL:扇[shan4]/gateway/doorway/CL:個|个[ge4]/opening/valve/switch/way to do something/knack/family/house/(religious) sect/school (of thought)/class/category/phylum or division (taxonomy)/classifier for large guns/classifier for lessons, subjects, branches of technology/(suffix) -gate (i.e. scandal; derived from Watergate)
  157. 進|进|jin4|to advance/to enter/to come (or go) into/to receive or admit/to eat or drink/to submit or present/(used after a verb) into, in/to score a goal
  158. 中|中|Zhong1|China/Chinese/surname Zhong
  159. 中|中|zhong1|within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/during/(dialect) OK/all right
  160. 中|中|zhong4|to hit (the mark)/to be hit by/to suffer/to win (a prize, a lottery)
  161. 東|东|Dong1|surname Dong
  162. 東|东|dong1|east/host (i.e. sitting on east side of guest)/landlord
  163. 知|知|zhi1|to know/to be aware
  164. 聲|声|sheng1|sound/voice/tone/noise/classifier for sounds
  165. 日|日|Ri4|abbr. for 日本[Ri4 ben3], Japan
  166. 日|日|ri4|sun/day/date, day of the month
  167. 身|身|shen1|body/life/oneself/personally/one's morality and conduct/the main part of a structure or body/pregnant/classifier for sets of clothes: suit, twinset/Kangxi radical 158
  168. 但|但|dan4|but/yet/however/only/merely/still
  169. 房|房|Fang2|surname Fang
  170. 房|房|fang2|house/room/CL:間|间[jian1]/branch of an extended family/classifier for family members (or concubines)
  171. 和|和|He2|surname He/Japanese (food, clothes etc)
  172. 和|和|he2|and/together with/with/sum/union/peace/harmony/Taiwan pr. [han4] when it means "and" or "with"
  173. 和|和|he4|to compose a poem in reply (to sb's poem) using the same rhyme sequence/to join in the singing/to chime in with others
  174. 和|和|hu2|to complete a set in mahjong or playing cards
  175. 和|和|huo2|soft/warm
  176. 和|和|huo4|to mix together/to blend
  177. 跑|跑|pao2|(of an animal) to paw (the ground)
  178. 跑|跑|pao3|to run/to run away/to escape/to run around (on errands etc)/(of a gas or liquid) to leak or evaporate/(verb complement) away/off
  179. 打|打|da2|dozen (loanword)
  180. 打|打|da3|to beat/to strike/to hit/to break/to type/to mix up/to build/to fight/to fetch/to make/to tie up/to issue/to shoot/to calculate/to play (a game)/since/from
  181. 兩|两|liang3|two/both/some/a few/tael, unit of weight equal to 50 grams (modern) or 1⁄16 of a catty 斤[jin1] (old)
  182. 眼|眼|yan3|eye/small hole/crux (of a matter)/CL:隻|只[zhi1],雙|双[shuang1]/classifier for big hollow things (wells, stoves, pots etc)
  183. 全|全|Quan2|surname Quan
  184. 全|全|quan2|all/whole/entire/every/complete
  185. 聽|听|ting1|to listen/to hear/to obey/a can (loanword from English "tin")/classifier for canned beverages
  186. 聽|听|ting4|(literary pronunciation, still advocated in Taiwan) to rule/to sentence/to allow
  187. 道|道|dao4|direction/way/road/path/CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3]/principle/truth/morality/reason/skill/method/Dao (of Daoism)/to say/to speak/to talk/classifier for long thin things (rivers, cracks etc), barriers (walls, doors etc), questions (in an exam etc), commands, courses in a meal, steps in a process/province (of Korea or Japan)
  188. 經|经|Jing1|surname Jing
  189. 經|经|jing1|classics/sacred book/scripture/to pass through/to undergo/to bear/to endure/warp (textile)/longitude/menstruation/channel (TCM)/abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4]
  190. 能|能|Neng2|surname Neng
  191. 能|能|neng2|can/to be able to/might possibly/ability/(physics) energy
  192. 情|情|qing2|feeling/emotion/passion/situation
  193. 已|已|yi3|already/to stop/then/afterwards
  194. 如|如|ru2|as/as if/such as
  195. 方|方|Fang1|surname Fang
  196. 方|方|fang1|square/power or involution (mathematics)/upright/honest/fair and square/direction/side/party (to a contract, dispute etc)/place/method/prescription (medicine)/just when/only or just/classifier for square things/abbr. for square or cubic meter
  197. 結|结|jie1|to bear fruit/to produce/firm/solid
  198. 結|结|jie2|knot/sturdy/bond/to tie/to bind/to check out (of a hotel)
  199. 被|被|bei4|quilt/by/(indicates passive-voice clauses)/(literary) to cover/to meet with
  200. 放|放|fang4|to release/to free/to let go/to put/to place/to let out/to set off (fireworks)
  201. 己|己|ji3|self/oneself/sixth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/sixth in order/letter "F" or roman "VI" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/hexa
  202. 些|些|xie1|some/few/several/measure word indicating a small amount or small number (greater than 1)
  203. 塊|块|kuai4|lump (of earth)/chunk/piece/classifier for pieces of cloth, cake, soap etc/(coll.) classifier for money and currency units
  204. 啊|啊|a1|interjection of surprise/Ah!/Oh!
  205. 啊|啊|a2|interjection expressing doubt or requiring answer/Eh?/what?
  206. 啊|啊|a3|interjection of surprise or doubt/Eh?/My!/what's up?
  207. 啊|啊|a4|interjection or grunt of agreement/uhm/Ah, OK/expression of recognition/Oh, it's you!
  208. 啊|啊|a5|modal particle ending sentence, showing affirmation, approval, or consent
  209. 等|等|deng3|class/rank/grade/equal to/same as/to wait for/to await/et cetera/and so on/et al. (and other authors)/after/as soon as/once
  210. 發|发|fa1|to send out/to show (one's feeling)/to issue/to develop/to make a bundle of money/classifier for gunshots (rounds)
  211. 前|前|qian2|front/forward/ahead/first/top (followed by a number)/future/ago/before/BC (e.g. 前293年)/former/formerly
  212. 話|话|hua4|dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what sb said/CL:種|种[zhong3],席[xi2],句[ju4],口[kou3],番[fan1]
  213. 真|真|zhen1|really/truly/indeed/real/true/genuine
  214. 馬|马|Ma3|surname Ma/abbr. for Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚[Ma3 lai2 xi1 ya4]
  215. 馬|马|ma3|horse/CL:匹[pi3]/horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess/knight in Western chess
  216. 像|像|xiang4|to resemble/to be like/to look as if/such as/appearance/image/portrait/image under a mapping (math.)
  217. 才|才|cai2|ability/talent/sb of a certain type/a capable individual/only/only then/just now
  218. 正|正|zheng1|first month of the lunar year
  219. 正|正|zheng4|straight/upright/proper/main/principal/to correct/to rectify/exactly/just (at that time)/right (in that place)/(math.) positive
  220. 間|间|jian1|between/among/within a definite time or space/room/section of a room or lateral space between two pairs of pillars/classifier for rooms
  221. 間|间|jian4|gap/to separate/to thin out (seedlings)/to sow discontent
  222. 把|把|ba3|to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of/handle/particle marking the following noun as a direct object/classifier for objects with handle/classifier for small objects: handful
  223. 把|把|ba4|handle
  224. 分|分|fen1|to divide/to separate/to distribute/to allocate/to distinguish (good and bad)/part or subdivision/fraction/one tenth (of certain units)/unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm/minute/a point (in sports or games)/0.01 yuan (unit of money)
  225. 分|分|fen4|part/share/ingredient/component
  226. 錢|钱|Qian2|surname Qian
  227. 錢|钱|qian2|coin/money/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/unit of weight, one tenth of a tael 兩|两[liang3]
  228. 望|望|wang4|full moon/to hope/to expect/to visit/to gaze (into the distance)/to look towards/towards
  229. 卡|卡|ka3|to stop/to block/card/CL:張|张[zhang1],片[pian4]/calorie/cassette/(computing) (coll.) slow
  230. 卡|卡|qia3|to block/to be stuck/to be wedged/customs station/a clip/a fastener/a checkpost/Taiwan pr. [ka3]
  231. 覺|觉|jiao4|a nap/a sleep/CL:場|场[chang2]
  232. 覺|觉|jue2|to feel/to find that/thinking/awake/aware
  233. 內|内|nei4|inside/inner/internal/within/interior
  234. 片|片|pian1|disk/sheet
  235. 片|片|pian4|thin piece/flake/a slice/film/TV play/to slice/to carve thin/partial/incomplete/one-sided/classifier for slices, tablets, tract of land, area of water/classifier for CDs, movies, DVDs etc/used with numeral 一[yi1]: classifier for scenario, scene, feeling, atmosphere, sound etc
  236. 請|请|qing3|to ask/to invite/please (do sth)/to treat (to a meal etc)/to request
  237. 張|张|Zhang1|surname Zhang
  238. 張|张|zhang1|to open up/to spread/sheet of paper/classifier for flat objects, sheet/classifier for votes
  239. 完|完|wan2|to finish/to be over/whole/complete/entire
  240. 婚|婚|hun1|to marry/marriage/wedding/to take a wife
  241. 明|明|Ming2|Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)/surname Ming/Ming (c. 2000 BC), fourth of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God
  242. 明|明|ming2|bright/opposite: dark 暗[an4]/(of meaning) clear/to understand/next/public or open/wise/generic term for a sacrifice to the gods
  243. 意|意|Yi4|Italy/Italian/abbr. for 意大利[Yi4 da4 li4]
  244. 意|意|yi4|idea/meaning/thought/to think/wish/desire/intention/to expect/to anticipate
  245. 同|同|tong2|like/same/similar/together/alike/with
  246. 白|白|Bai2|surname Bai
  247. 白|白|bai2|white/snowy/pure/bright/empty/blank/plain/clear/to make clear/in vain/gratuitous/free of charge/reactionary/anti-communist/funeral/to stare coldly/to write wrong character/to state/to explain/vernacular/spoken lines in opera
  248. 常|常|Chang2|surname Chang
  249. 常|常|chang2|always/ever/often/frequently/common/general/constant
  250. 信|信|xin4|letter/mail/CL:封[feng1]/to trust/to believe/to profess faith in/truthful/confidence/trust/at will/at random
  251. 邊|边|bian1|side/edge/margin/border/boundary/CL:個|个[ge4]/simultaneously
  252. 邊|边|bian5|suffix of a noun of locality
  253. 之|之|zhi1|(possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的[de5])/him/her/it
  254. 書|书|Shu1|abbr. for 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1]
  255. 書|书|shu1|book/letter/document/CL:本[ben3],冊|册[ce4],部[bu4]/to write
  256. 拿|拿|na2|to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take/(used in the same way as 把[ba3]: to mark the following noun as a direct object)
  257. 它|它|ta1|it
  258. 坐|坐|Zuo4|surname Zuo
  259. 坐|坐|zuo4|to sit/to take a seat/to take (a bus, airplane etc)/to bear fruit/variant of 座[zuo4]
  260. 跟|跟|gen1|heel/to follow closely/to go with/to marry sb (of woman)/with/towards/as (compared to)/from (different from)/and (in addition to)
  261. 居|居|Ju1|surname Ju
  262. 居|居|ji1|(archaic) sentence-final particle expressing a doubting attitude
  263. 居|居|ju1|to reside/to be (in a certain position)/to store up/to be at a standstill/residence/house/restaurant/classifier for bedrooms
  264. 色|色|se4|color/CL:種|种[zhong3]/look/appearance/sex
  265. 色|色|shai3|color/dice
  266. 班|班|Ban1|surname Ban
  267. 班|班|ban1|team/class/squad/work shift/ranking/CL:個|个[ge4]/classifier for groups
  268. 怎|怎|zen3|how
  269. 慢|慢|man4|slow
  270. 往|往|wang3|to go (in a direction)/to/towards/(of a train) bound for/past/previous
  271. 笑|笑|xiao4|laugh/smile/CL:個|个[ge4]
  272. 當|当|dang1|to be/to act as/manage/withstand/when/during/ought/should/match equally/equal/same/obstruct/just at (a time or place)/on the spot/right/just at
  273. 當|当|dang4|at or in the very same.../suitable/adequate/fitting/proper/to replace/to regard as/to think/to pawn/(coll.) to fail (a student)
  274. 毛|毛|Mao2|surname Mao
  275. 毛|毛|mao2|hair/feather/down/wool/mildew/mold/coarse or semifinished/young/raw/careless/unthinking/nervous/scared/(of currency) to devalue or depreciate/classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角[jiao3] , = one-tenth of a yuan or 10 fen 分[fen1])
  276. 法|法|Fa3|France/French/abbr. for 法國|法国[Fa3 guo2]/Taiwan pr. [Fa4]
  277. 法|法|fa3|law/method/way/Buddhist teaching/Legalist
  278. 次|次|ci4|next in sequence/second/the second (day, time etc)/secondary/vice-/sub-/infra-/inferior quality/substandard/order/sequence/hypo- (chemistry)/classifier for enumerated events: time
  279. 條|条|tiao2|strip/item/article/clause (of law or treaty)/classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)
  280. 衣|衣|yi1|clothes/CL:件[jian4]
  281. 衣|衣|yi4|to dress/to wear/to put on (clothes)
  282. 現|现|xian4|to appear/present/now/existing/current
  283. 所|所|suo3|actually/place/classifier for houses, small buildings, institutions etc/that which/particle introducing a relative clause or passive/CL:個|个[ge4]
  284. 動|动|dong4|(of sth) to move/to set in movement/to displace/to touch/to make use of/to stir (emotions)/to alter/abbr. for 動詞|动词[dong4 ci2], verb
  285. 無|无|wu2|not to have/no/none/not/to lack/un-/-less
  286. 長|长|chang2|length/long/forever/always/constantly
  287. 長|长|zhang3|chief/head/elder/to grow/to develop/to increase/to enhance
  288. 四|四|si4|four/4
  289. 買|买|mai3|to buy/to purchase
  290. 力|力|Li4|surname Li
  291. 力|力|li4|power/force/strength/ability/strenuously
  292. 從|从|Cong2|surname Cong
  293. 從|从|cong1|lax/yielding/unhurried
  294. 從|从|cong2|from/via/passing through/through (a gap)/past/ever (followed by negative, meaning never)/(formerly pr. [zong4] and related to 縱|纵) to follow/to comply with/to obey/to join/to engage in/adopting some mode of action or attitude/follower/retainer/accessory/accomplice/related by common paternal grandfather or earlier ancestor
  295. 從|从|zong4|second cousin
  296. 年|年|Nian2|surname Nian
  297. 年|年|nian2|year/CL:個|个[ge4]
  298. 姑|姑|gu1|paternal aunt/husband's sister/husband's mother (old)/nun/for the time being (literary)
  299. 飯|饭|fan4|food/cuisine/cooked rice/meal/CL:碗[wan3],頓|顿[dun4]
  300. 第|第|di4|(prefix indicating ordinal number, e.g. first, number two etc)/order/(old) rank in the imperial examinations/mansion/(lit.) but/just
  301. 先|先|xian1|early/prior/former/in advance/first
  302. 石|石|Shi2|surname Shi
  303. 石|石|dan4|dry measure for grain equal to ten dou 斗/ten pecks/one hundred liters
  304. 石|石|shi2|rock/stone/stone inscription/one of the eight ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]
  305. 照|照|zhao4|according to/in accordance with/to shine/to illuminate/to reflect/to look at (one's reflection)/to take (a photo)/photo/as requested/as before
  306. 輕|轻|qing1|light/easy/gentle/soft/reckless/unimportant/frivolous/small in number/unstressed/neutral/to disparage
  307. 而|而|er2|and/as well as/and so/but (not)/yet (not)/(indicates causal relation)/(indicates change of state)/(indicates contrast)
  308. 因|因|yin1|cause/reason/because
  309. 路|路|Lu4|surname Lu
  310. 路|路|lu4|road/CL:條|条[tiao2]/journey/route/line (bus etc)/sort/kind
  311. 高|高|Gao1|surname Gao
  312. 高|高|gao1|high/tall/above average/loud/your (honorific)
  313. 二|二|er4|two/2/(Beijing dialect) stupid
  314. 始|始|shi3|to begin/to start/then/only then
  315. 痛|痛|tong4|ache/pain/sorrow/deeply/thoroughly
  316. 定|定|ding4|to set/to fix/to determine/to decide/to order
  317. 威|威|wei1|power/might/prestige
  318. 魚|鱼|Yu2|surname Yu
  319. 魚|鱼|yu2|fish/CL:條|条[tiao2],尾[wei3]
  320. 五|五|wu3|five/5
  321. 半|半|ban4|half/semi-/incomplete/(after a number) and a half
  322. 洗|洗|xi3|to wash/to bathe/to develop (photo)
  323. 鎮|镇|zhen4|to press down/to calm/to subdue/to suppress/to guard/garrison/small town/to cool or chill (food or drinks)
  324. 店|店|dian4|inn/shop/store/CL:家[jia1]
  325. 嗎|吗|ma3|see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine
  326. 嗎|吗|ma5|(question particle for "yes-no" questions)
  327. 公|公|gong1|public/collectively owned/common/international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar)/make public/fair/just/Duke, highest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/honorable (gentlemen)/father-in-law/male (animal)
  328. 成|成|Cheng2|surname Cheng
  329. 成|成|cheng2|to succeed/to finish/to complete/to accomplish/to become/to turn into/to be all right/OK!/one tenth
  330. 臉|脸|lian3|face/CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4]
  331. 親|亲|qin1|parent/one's own (flesh and blood)/relative/related/marriage/bride/close/intimate/in person/first-hand/in favor of/pro-/to kiss
  332. 親|亲|qing4|parents-in-law of one's offspring
  333. 國|国|Guo2|surname Guo
  334. 國|国|guo2|country/nation/state/national/CL:個|个[ge4]
  335. 找|找|zhao3|to try to find/to look for/to call on sb/to find/to seek/to return/to give change
  336. 羊|羊|Yang2|surname Yang
  337. 羊|羊|yang2|sheep/goat/CL:頭|头[tou2],隻|只[zhi1]
  338. 每|每|mei3|each/every
  339. 侖|仑|lun2|to arrange
  340. 種|种|zhong3|seed/species/kind/type/classifier for types, kinds, sorts
  341. 種|种|zhong4|to plant/to grow/to cultivate
  342. 文|文|Wen2|surname Wen
  343. 文|文|wen2|language/culture/writing/formal/literary/gentle/(old) classifier for coins/Kangxi radical 118
  344. 布|布|bu4|cloth/to declare/to announce/to spread/to make known
  345. 服|服|fu2|clothes/dress/garment/to serve (in the military, a prison sentence etc)/to obey/to convince/to admire/to acclimatize/to take (medicine)/mourning clothes/to wear mourning clothes
  346. 服|服|fu4|dose (measure word for medicine)/Taiwan pr. [fu2]
  347. 友|友|you3|friend
  348. 流|流|liu2|to flow/to disseminate/to circulate or spread/to move or drift/to degenerate/to banish or send into exile/stream of water or sth resembling one/class, rate or grade
  349. 帶|带|dai4|band/belt/girdle/ribbon/tire/area/zone/region/CL:條|条[tiao2]/to wear/to carry/to take along/to bear (i.e. to have)/to lead/to bring/to look after/to raise
  350. 空|空|kong1|empty/air/sky/in vain
  351. 空|空|kong4|to empty/vacant/unoccupied/space/leisure/free time
  352. 孩|孩|hai2|child
  353. 實|实|shi2|real/true/honest/really/solid/fruit/seed/definitely
  354. 月|月|yue4|moon/month/monthly/CL:個|个[ge4],輪|轮[lun2]
  355. 行|行|hang2|a row/series/age order (of brothers)/profession/professional/relating to company
  356. 行|行|xing2|to walk/to go/to travel/a visit/temporary/makeshift/current/in circulation/to do/to perform/capable/competent/effective/all right/OK!/will do/behavior/conduct/Taiwan pr. [xing4] for the behavior-conduct sense
  357. 向|向|Xiang4|surname Xiang
  358. 向|向|xiang4|towards/to face/to turn towards/direction/to support/to side with/shortly before/formerly/always/all along
  359. 停|停|ting2|to stop/to halt/to park (a car)
  360. 清|清|Qing1|Qing or Ch'ing dynasty of Imperial China (1644-1911)/surname Qing
  361. 清|清|qing1|clear/distinct/quiet/just and honest/pure/to settle or clear up/to clean up or purge
  362. 夜|夜|ye4|night
  363. 此|此|ci3|this/these
  364. 死|死|si3|to die/impassable/uncrossable/inflexible/rigid/extremely/damned
  365. 於|于|yu2|in/at/to/from/by/than/out of
  366. 於|於|Yu1|surname Yu/Taiwan pr. [Yu2]
  367. 於|於|wu1|(literary) Oh!/Ah!
  368. 光|光|guang1|light/ray/CL:道[dao4]/bright/only/merely/to use up
  369. 掉|掉|diao4|to fall/to drop/to lag behind/to lose/to go missing/to reduce/fall (in prices)/to lose (value, weight etc)/to wag/to swing/to turn/to change/to exchange/to swap/to show off/to shed (hair)/(used after certain verbs to express completion, fulfillment, removal etc)
  370. 黑|黑|Hei1|abbr. for Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1]
  371. 黑|黑|hei1|black/dark/sinister/secret/shady/illegal/to hide (sth) away/to vilify/(loanword) to hack (computing)
  372. 老|老|lao3|prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or to indicate affection or familiarity/old (of people)/venerable (person)/experienced/of long standing/always/all the time/of the past/very/outdated/(of meat etc) tough
  373. 總|总|zong3|always/to assemble/gather/total/overall/head/chief/general/in every case
  374. 緊|紧|jin3|tight/strict/close at hand/near/urgent/tense/hard up/short of money/to tighten
  375. 活|活|huo2|to live/alive/living/work/workmanship
  376. 學|学|xue2|to learn/to study/to imitate/science/-ology
  377. 風|风|feng1|wind/news/style/custom/manner/CL:陣|阵[zhen4],絲|丝[si1]
  378. 果|果|guo3|fruit/result/resolute/indeed/if really
  379. 遠|远|yuan3|far/distant/remote/(intensifier in a comparison) by far/much (lower etc)
  380. 遠|远|yuan4|to distance oneself from (classical)
  381. 告|告|gao4|to tell/to inform/to say
  382. 期|期|qi1|a period of time/phase/stage/classifier for issues of a periodical, courses of study/time/term/period/to hope/Taiwan pr. [qi2]
  383. 星|星|xing1|star/heavenly body/satellite/small amount
  384. 講|讲|jiang3|to speak/to explain/to negotiate/to emphasise/to be particular about/as far as sth is concerned/speech/lecture
  385. 跳|跳|tiao4|to jump/to hop/to skip over/to bounce/to palpitate
  386. 台|台|Tai2|Taiwan (abbr.)/surname Tai
  387. 台|台|tai2|(classical) you (in letters)/variant of 臺|台[tai2]
  388. 答|答|da1|to answer/to agree
  389. 答|答|da2|reply/answer/return/respond/echo
  390. 穿|穿|chuan1|to wear/to put on/to dress/to bore through/to pierce/to perforate/to penetrate/to pass through/to thread
  391. 站|站|zhan4|station/to stand/to halt/to stop/branch of a company or organization/website
  392. 包|包|Bao1|surname Bao
  393. 包|包|bao1|to cover/to wrap/to hold/to include/to take charge of/to contract (to or for)/package/wrapper/container/bag/to hold or embrace/bundle/packet/CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1]
  394. 感|感|gan3|to feel/to move/to touch/to affect/feeling/emotion/(suffix) sense of ~
  395. 平|平|Ping2|surname Ping
  396. 平|平|ping2|flat/level/equal/to tie (make the same score)/to draw (score)/calm/peaceful/see also 平聲|平声[ping2 sheng1]
  397. 寫|写|xie3|to write
  398. 愛|爱|ai4|to love/affection/to be fond of/to like
  399. 工|工|gong1|work/worker/skill/profession/trade/craft/labor
  400. 音|音|yin1|sound/noise/note (of musical scale)/tone/news/syllable/reading (phonetic value of a character)
  401. 本|本|ben3|roots or stems of plants/origin/source/this/the current/root/foundation/basis/classifier for books, periodicals, files etc/originally
  402. 最|最|zui4|most/the most/-est (superlative suffix)
  403. 抱|抱|bao4|to hold/to carry (in one's arms)/to hug/to embrace/to surround/to cherish
  404. 兒|儿|er2|son
  405. 兒|儿|r5|non-syllabic diminutive suffix/retroflex final
  406. 考|考|kao3|to check/to verify/to test/to examine/to take an exam/to take an entrance exam for/deceased father
  407. 海|海|Hai3|surname Hai
  408. 海|海|hai3|ocean/sea/CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]/great number of people or things/(dialect) numerous
  409. 新|新|Xin1|abbr. for Xinjiang 新疆[Xin1 jiang1] or Singapore 新加坡[Xin1 jia1 po1]/surname Xin
  410. 新|新|xin1|new/newly/meso- (chemistry)
  411. 趕|赶|gan3|to overtake/to catch up with/to hurry/to rush/to try to catch (the bus etc)/to drive (cattle etc) forward/to drive (sb) away/to avail oneself of (an opportunity)/until
  412. 轉|转|zhuai3|see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]
  413. 轉|转|zhuan3|to turn/to change direction/to transfer/to forward (mail)
  414. 轉|转|zhuan4|to revolve/to turn/to circle about/to walk about/classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm/classifier for repeated actions
  415. 步|步|Bu4|surname Bu
  416. 步|步|bu4|a step/a pace/walk/march/stages in a process/situation
  417. 許|许|Xu3|surname Xu
  418. 許|许|xu3|to allow/to permit/to promise/to praise/somewhat/perhaps
  419. 理|理|li3|texture/grain (of wood)/inner essence/intrinsic order/reason/logic/truth/science/natural science (esp. physics)/to manage/to pay attention to/to run (affairs)/to handle/to put in order/to tidy up
  420. 怪|怪|guai4|bewildering/odd/strange/uncanny/devil/monster/to wonder at/to blame/quite/rather
  421. 通|通|tong1|to go through/to know well/(suffix) expert/to connect/to communicate/open/to clear/classifier for letters, telegrams, phone calls etc
  422. 通|通|tong4|classifier for an activity, taken in its entirety (tirade of abuse, stint of music playing, bout of drinking etc)
  423. 紅|红|Hong2|surname Hong
  424. 紅|红|hong2|red/popular/revolutionary/bonus
  425. 菜|菜|cai4|dish (type of food)/vegetable/cuisine/CL:盤|盘[pan2],道[dao4]/(coll.) (one's) type
  426. 直|直|Zhi2|surname Zhi/Zhi (c. 2000 BC), fifth of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God
  427. 直|直|zhi2|straight/to straighten/fair and reasonable/frank/straightforward/(indicates continuing motion or action)/vertical/vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters
  428. 朋|朋|peng2|friend
  429. 牙|牙|ya2|tooth/ivory/CL:顆|颗[ke1]
  430. 怕|怕|Pa4|surname Pa
  431. 怕|怕|pa4|to be afraid/to fear/to dread/to be unable to endure/perhaps
  432. 別|别|Bie2|surname Bie
  433. 別|别|bie2|to leave/to depart/to separate/to distinguish/to classify/other/another/do not/must not/to pin/to stick (sth) in
  434. 醫|医|yi1|medical/medicine/doctor/to cure/to treat
  435. 件|件|jian4|item/component/classifier for events, things, clothes etc
  436. 算|算|suan4|to regard as/to figure/to calculate/to compute
  437. 睛|睛|jing1|eye/eyeball
  438. 滿|满|Man3|Manchu ethnic group
  439. 滿|满|man3|to fill/full/filled/packed/fully/completely/quite/to reach the limit/to satisfy/satisfied/contented
  440. 母|母|mu3|mother/elderly female relative/origin/source/(of animals) female
  441. 哥|哥|ge1|elder brother
  442. 相|相|Xiang1|surname Xiang
  443. 相|相|xiang1|each other/one another/mutually
  444. 相|相|xiang4|appearance/portrait/picture/government minister/(physics) phase/(literary) to appraise (esp. by scrutinizing physical features)/to read sb's fortune (by physiognomy, palmistry etc)
  445. 教|教|Jiao4|surname Jiao
  446. 教|教|jiao1|to teach
  447. 教|教|jiao4|religion/teaching/to make/to cause/to tell
  448. 試|试|shi4|to test/to try/experiment/examination/test
  449. 山|山|Shan1|surname Shan
  450. 山|山|shan1|mountain/hill/anything that resembles a mountain/CL:座[zuo4]/bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons/gable
  451. 重|重|chong2|to repeat/repetition/again/re-/classifier: layer
  452. 重|重|zhong4|heavy/serious/to attach importance to
  453. 丟|丢|diu1|to lose/to put aside/to throw
  454. 關|关|Guan1|surname Guan
  455. 關|关|guan1|mountain pass/to close/to shut/to turn off/to concern/to involve
  456. 突|突|tu1|to dash/to move forward quickly/to bulge/to protrude/to break through/to rush out/sudden/Taiwan pr. [tu2]
  457. 字|字|zi4|letter/symbol/character/word/CL:個|个[ge4]/courtesy or style name traditionally given to males aged 20 in dynastic China
  458. 謝|谢|Xie4|surname Xie
  459. 謝|谢|xie4|to thank/to apologize/to wither (of flowers, leaves etc)/to decline
  460. 認|认|ren4|to recognize/to know/to admit
  461. 早|早|zao3|early/morning/Good morning!/long ago/prematurely
  462. 候|候|hou4|to wait/to inquire after/to watch/season/climate/(old) period of five days
  463. 送|送|song4|to deliver/to carry/to give (as a present)/to present (with)/to see off/to send
  464. 鄰|邻|lin2|neighbor/adjacent/close to
  465. 興|兴|Xing1|surname Xing
  466. 興|兴|xing1|to rise/to flourish/to become popular/to start/to encourage/to get up/(often used in the negative) to permit or allow (dialect)/maybe (dialect)
  467. 興|兴|xing4|feeling or desire to do sth/interest in sth/excitement
  468. 苦|苦|ku3|bitter/hardship/pain/to suffer/to bring suffering to/painstakingly
  469. 箱|箱|xiang1|box/trunk/chest
  470. 命|命|ming4|life/fate/order or command/to assign a name, title etc
  471. 罕|罕|han3|rare
  472. 場|场|chang2|threshing floor/classifier for events and happenings: spell, episode, bout
  473. 場|场|chang3|large place used for a specific purpose/stage/scene (of a play)/classifier for sporting or recreational activities/classifier for number of exams
  474. 單|单|Shan4|surname Shan
  475. 單|单|dan1|bill/list/form/single/only/sole/odd number/CL:個|个[ge4]
  476. 泥|泥|ni2|mud/clay/paste/pulp
  477. 泥|泥|ni4|restrained
  478. 花|花|Hua1|surname Hua
  479. 花|花|hua1|flower/blossom/CL:朵[duo3],支[zhi1],束[shu4],把[ba3],盆[pen2],簇[cu4]/fancy pattern/florid/to spend (money, time)
  480. 隻|只|zhi1|classifier for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, some utensils, vessels etc
  481. 體|体|ti3|body/form/style/system
  482. 受|受|shou4|to receive/to accept/to suffer/subjected to/to bear/to stand/pleasant/(passive marker)
  483. 久|久|jiu3|(long) time/(long) duration of time
  484. 堆|堆|dui1|to pile up/to heap up/a mass/pile/heap/stack/large amount
  485. 阿|阿|A1|abbr. for Afghanistan 阿富汗[A1 fu4 han4]
  486. 阿|阿|a1|prefix used before monosyllabic names, kinship terms etc to indicate familiarity/used in transliteration/also pr. [a4]
  487. 阿|阿|e1|flatter
  488. 靜|静|jing4|still/calm/quiet/not moving
  489. 更|更|geng1|to change or replace/to experience/one of the five two hour periods into which the night was formerly divided/watch (e.g. of a sentry or guard)
  490. 更|更|geng4|more/even more/further/still/still more
  491. 千|千|qian1|thousand
  492. 美|美|Mei3|the Americas/abbr. for 美洲[Mei3 zhou1]/USA/abbr. for 美國|美国[Mei3 guo2]
  493. 美|美|mei3|beautiful/very satisfactory/good/to beautify/to be pleased with oneself
  494. 里|里|Li3|Li (surname)
  495. 里|里|li3|li (Chinese mile)/500 meters (modern)/home/hometown/village/neighborhood/administrative unit
  496. 交|交|jiao1|to hand over/to deliver/to pay (money)/to turn over/to make friends/to intersect (lines)
  497. 飛|飞|fei1|to fly
  498. 晚|晚|wan3|evening/night/late
  499. 賣|卖|mai4|to sell/to betray/to spare no effort/to show off or flaunt
  500. 卻|却|que4|but/yet/however/while/to go back/to decline/to retreat/nevertheless/even though
  501. 亂|乱|luan4|in confusion or disorder/in a confused state of mind/disorder/upheaval/riot/illicit sexual relations/to throw into disorder/to mix up/indiscriminate/random/arbitrary
  502. 亂|乱|luan4|rebellion
  503. 帳|帐|zhang4|covering veil/canopy/screen/tent/variant of 賬|账[zhang4]
  504. 神|神|Shen2|God/abbr. for 神舟[Shen2 zhou1]
  505. 神|神|shen2|deity/soul/spirit/unusual/mysterious/lively/expressive/expression/look/CL:個|个[ge4]/(slang) awesome/amazing
  506. 非|非|Fei1|abbr. for 非洲[Fei1 zhou1], Africa
  507. 非|非|fei1|to not be/not/wrong/incorrect/non-/un-/in-/to reproach or blame/(colloquial) to insist on/simply must
  508. 木|木|Mu4|surname Mu
  509. 木|木|mu4|tree/wood/coffin/wooden/simple/numb/one of the eight ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]
  510. 吧|吧|ba1|bar (loanword) (serving drinks, or providing Internet access etc)/to puff (on a pipe etc)/(onom.) bang/abbr. for 貼吧|贴吧[tie1 ba1]
  511. 吧|吧|ba5|(modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise)/...right?/...OK?/...I presume.
  512. 其|其|qi2|his/her/its/their/that/such/it (refers to sth preceding it)
  513. 名|名|ming2|name/noun (part of speech)/place (e.g. among winners)/famous/classifier for people
  514. 鐘|钟|zhong1|clock/o'clock/time as measured in hours and minutes/bell/CL:架[jia4],座[zuo4]
  515. 離|离|Li2|surname Li
  516. 離|离|li2|to leave/to part from/to be away from/(in giving distances) from/without (sth)/independent of/one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing fire/☲
  517. 難|难|nan2|difficult (to...)/problem/difficulty/difficult/not good
  518. 難|难|nan4|disaster/distress/to scold
  519. 電|电|dian4|electric/electricity/electrical
  520. 指|指|zhi3|finger/to point at or to/to indicate or refer to/to depend on/to count on/(of hair) to stand on end
  521. 加|加|Jia1|abbr. for Canada 加拿大[Jia1 na2 da4]
  522. 加|加|jia1|to add/plus/(used after an adverb such as 不, 大, 稍 etc, and before a disyllabic verb, to indicate that the action of the verb is applied to sth or sb previously mentioned)/to apply (restrictions etc) to (sb)/to give (support, consideration etc) to (sth)
  523. 藥|药|yao4|medicine/drug/substance used for a specific purpose (e.g. poisoning, explosion, fermenting)/CL:種|种[zhong3],服[fu4],味[wei4]/to poison
  524. 喜|喜|xi3|to be fond of/to like/to enjoy/to be happy/to feel pleased/happiness/delight/glad
  525. 訴|诉|su4|to complain/to sue/to tell
  526. 另|另|ling4|other/another/separate/separately
  527. 酒|酒|jiu3|wine (esp. rice wine)/liquor/spirits/alcoholic beverage/CL:杯[bei1],瓶[ping2],罐[guan4],桶[tong3],缸[gang1]
  528. 處|处|chu3|to reside/to live/to dwell/to be in/to be situated at/to stay/to get along with/to be in a position of/to deal with/to discipline/to punish
  529. 處|处|chu4|place/location/spot/point/office/department/bureau/respect/classifier for locations or items of damage: spot, point
  530. 極|极|ji2|extremely/pole (geography, physics)/utmost/top
  531. 驚|惊|jing1|to start/to be frightened/to be scared/alarm
  532. 抓|抓|zhua1|to grab/to catch/to arrest/to snatch/to scratch
  533. 接|接|jie1|to receive/to answer (the phone)/to meet or welcome sb/to connect/to catch/to join/to extend/to take one's turn on duty/to take over for sb
  534. 作|作|zuo4|to do/to grow/to write or compose/to pretend/to regard as/to feel/writings or works
  535. 何|何|He2|surname He
  536. 何|何|he2|what/how/why/which/carry
  537. 機|机|Ji1|surname Ji
  538. 機|机|ji1|machine/engine/opportunity/intention/aircraft/pivot/crucial point/flexible (quick-witted)/organic/CL:臺|台[tai2]
  539. 安|安|An1|surname An
  540. 安|安|an1|content/calm/still/quiet/safe/secure/in good health/to find a place for/to install/to fix/to fit/to bring (a charge against sb)/to pacify/to harbor (good intentions)/security/safety/peace/ampere
  541. 架|架|jia4|to support/frame/rack/framework/classifier for planes, large vehicles, radios etc
  542. 皮|皮|Pi2|surname Pi
  543. 皮|皮|pi2|leather/skin/fur/CL:張|张[zhang1]/pico- (one trillionth)/naughty
  544. 記|记|ji4|to record/to note/to remember/mark/sign/classifier for blows, kicks, shots
  545. 倒|倒|dao3|to fall/to collapse/to topple/to fail/to go bankrupt/to change (trains or buses)/to move around/to sell/to speculate (buying and selling, also 搗|捣)/profiteer
  546. 倒|倒|dao4|to place upside down/to invert/to pour/to throw out/to move backwards/however/actually/as a matter of fact/contrary to expectation
  547. 屋|屋|wu1|house/room/CL:間|间[jian1],個|个[ge4]
  548. 院|院|yuan4|courtyard/institution/CL:個|个[ge4]
  549. 撒|撒|sa1|to let go/to cast/to let loose/to discharge/to give expression to
  550. 撒|撒|sa3|to scatter/to sprinkle/to spill
  551. 識|识|shi2|to know/knowledge/Taiwan pr. [shi4]
  552. 識|识|zhi4|to record/to write a footnote
  553. 父|父|fu4|father
  554. 黃|黄|Huang2|surname Huang or Hwang
  555. 黃|黄|huang2|yellow/pornographic/to fall through
  556. 群|群|qun2|group/crowd/flock, herd, pack etc
  557. 忙|忙|mang2|busy/hurriedly/to hurry/to rush
  558. 奇|奇|ji1|odd (number)
  559. 奇|奇|qi2|strange/odd/weird/wonderful/surprisingly/unusually
  560. 鞋|鞋|xie2|shoe/CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]
  561. 解|解|Xie4|surname Xie
  562. 解|解|jie3|to divide/to break up/to split/to separate/to dissolve/to solve/to melt/to remove/to untie/to loosen/to open/to emancipate/to explain/to understand/to know/a solution/a dissection
  563. 解|解|jie4|to transport under guard
  564. 解|解|xie4|acrobatic display (esp. on horseback) (old)/variant of 懈[xie4] and 邂[xie4] (old)
  565. 喝|喝|he1|to drink/My goodness!
  566. 喝|喝|he4|to shout loudly
  567. 瘋|疯|feng1|insane/mad/wild
  568. 表|表|biao3|exterior surface/family relationship via females/to show (one's opinion)/a model/a table (listing information)/a form/a meter (measuring sth)
  569. 嘛|嘛|ma5|modal particle indicating that sth is obvious/particle indicating a pause for emphasis
  570. 形|形|xing2|to appear/to look/form/shape
  571. 弄|弄|long4|lane/alley
  572. 弄|弄|nong4|to do/to manage/to handle/to play with/to fool with/to mess with/to fix/to toy with
  573. 求|求|qiu2|to seek/to look for/to request/to demand/to beseech
  574. 深|深|shen1|deep/depth/deeply/(of a color) dark/deep/rich
  575. 樂|乐|Le4|surname Le
  576. 樂|乐|Yue4|surname Yue
  577. 樂|乐|le4|happy/cheerful/to laugh
  578. 樂|乐|yue4|music
  579. 萬|万|Wan4|surname Wan
  580. 萬|万|wan4|ten thousand/a great number
  581. 掛|挂|gua4|to hang or suspend (from a hook etc)/to hang up (the phone)/to hang (computing)/to be worried or concerned/to make a phone call (dialect)/to register or record/to hitch/classifier for sets or clusters of objects/(slang) to kill/to die/to be finished/to fail (an exam)
  582. 午|午|wu3|7th earthly branch: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., noon, 5th solar month (6th June-6th July), year of the Horse
  583. 應|应|Ying4|surname Ying
  584. 應|应|ying1|to agree (to do sth)/should/ought to/must/(legal) shall
  585. 應|应|ying4|to answer/to respond/to comply with/to deal or cope with
  586. 躺|躺|tang3|to recline/to lie down
  587. 部|部|bu4|ministry/department/section/part/division/troops/board/classifier for works of literature, films, machines etc
  588. 紙|纸|zhi3|paper/CL:張|张[zhang1],沓[da2]/classifier for documents, letter etc
  589. 線|线|xian4|thread/string/wire/line/CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3],根[gen1]
  590. 頂|顶|ding3|apex/crown of the head/top/roof/most/to carry on the head/to push to the top/to go against/to replace/to substitute/to be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc)/(slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile/classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc
  591. 裝|装|zhuang1|adornment/to adorn/dress/clothing/costume (of an actor in a play)/to play a role/to pretend/to install/to fix/to wrap (sth in a bag)/to load/to pack
  592. 百|百|Bai3|surname Bai
  593. 百|百|bai3|hundred/numerous/all kinds of
  594. 病|病|bing4|illness/CL:場|场[chang2]/disease/to fall ill/defect
  595. 燈|灯|deng1|lamp/light/lantern/CL:盞|盏[zhan3]
  596. 近|近|jin4|near/close to/approximately
  597. 熱|热|re4|to warm up/to heat up/hot (of weather)/heat/fervent
  598. 司|司|Si1|surname Si
  599. 司|司|si1|to take charge of/to manage/department (under a ministry)
  600. 腳|脚|jiao3|foot/leg (of an animal or an object)/base (of an object)/CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]/classifier for kicks
  601. 腳|脚|jue2|variant of 角[jue2]/role
  602. 便|便|bian4|ordinary/plain/convenient/as convenient/when the chance arises/handy/easy/informal/simple/so/thus/to relieve oneself/to urinate/to defecate/equivalent to 就[jiu4]: then/in that case/even if/soon afterwards
  603. 便|便|pian2|advantageous/cheap
  604. 桶|桶|tong3|bucket/(trash) can/barrel (of oil etc)/CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1]
  605. 呢|呢|ne5|particle indicating that a previously asked question is to be applied to the preceding word ("What about ...?", "And ...?")/particle for inquiring about location ("Where is ...?")/particle signaling a pause, to emphasize the preceding words and allow the listener time to take them on board ("ok?", "are you with me?")/(at the end of a declarative sentence) particle indicating continuation of a state or action/particle indicating strong affirmation
  606. 呢|呢|ni2|woolen material
  607. 髮|发|fa4|hair/Taiwan pr. [fa3]
  608. 收|收|shou1|to receive/to accept/to collect/to put away/to restrain/to stop/in care of (used on address line after name)
  609. 牆|墙|qiang2|wall/CL:面[mian4],堵[du3]
  610. 連|连|Lian2|surname Lian
  611. 連|连|lian2|to link/to join/to connect/continuously/in succession/including/(used with 也, 都 etc) even/company (military)
  612. 少|少|shao3|few/less/to lack/to be missing/to stop (doing sth)/seldom
  613. 少|少|shao4|young
  614. 歡|欢|huan1|joyous/happy/pleased
  615. 比|比|Bi3|Belgium/Belgian/abbr. for 比利時|比利时[Bi3 li4 shi2]
  616. 比|比|bi3|(particle used for comparison and "-er than")/to compare/to contrast/to gesture (with hands)/ratio
  617. 比|比|bi4|to associate with/to be near
  618. 睡|睡|shui4|to sleep/to lie down
  619. 排|排|pai2|a row/a line/to set in order/to arrange/to line up/to eliminate/to drain/to push open/platoon/raft/classifier for lines, rows etc
  620. 物|物|wu4|thing/object/matter/abbr. for physics 物理
  621. 麗|丽|Li2|Korea
  622. 麗|丽|li4|beautiful
  623. 今|今|jin1|today/modern/present/current/this/now
  624. 床|床|chuang2|bed/couch/classifier for beds/CL:張|张[zhang1]
  625. 窗|窗|chuang1|shutter/window/CL:扇[shan4]
  626. 響|响|xiang3|echo/sound/noise/to make a sound/to sound/to ring/loud/classifier for noises
  627. 替|替|ti4|to substitute for/to take the place of/to replace/for/on behalf of/to stand in for
  628. 題|题|Ti2|surname Ti
  629. 題|题|ti2|topic/problem for discussion/exam question/subject/to inscribe/to mention/CL:個|个[ge4],道[dao4]
  630. 拖|拖|tuo1|to drag/to tow/to trail/to hang down/to mop (the floor)/to delay/to drag on
  631. 肯|肯|ken3|to agree/to consent/to be ready (to do sth)/willing
  632. 背|背|bei1|to be burdened/to carry on the back or shoulder
  633. 背|背|bei4|the back of a body or object/to turn one's back/to hide something from/to learn by heart/to recite from memory/unlucky (slang)/hard of hearing
  634. 廚|厨|chu2|kitchen
  635. 落|落|la4|to leave out/to be missing/to leave behind or forget to bring/to lag or fall behind
  636. 落|落|lao4|see 落枕[lao4 zhen3] and 落炕[lao4 kang4]
  637. 落|落|luo4|to fall or drop/(of the sun) to set/(of a tide) to go out/to lower/to decline or sink/to lag or fall behind/to fall onto/to rest with/to get or receive/to write down/whereabouts/settlement
  638. 捉|捉|zhuo1|to clutch/to grab/to capture
  639. 原|原|yuan2|former/original/primary/raw/level/cause/source
  640. 雙|双|Shuang1|surname Shuang
  641. 雙|双|shuang1|two/double/pair/both/even (number)
  642. 禮|礼|Li3|surname Li/abbr. for 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4], Classic of Rites
  643. 禮|礼|li3|gift/rite/ceremony/CL:份[fen4]/propriety/etiquette/courtesy
  644. 呆|呆|dai1|foolish/stupid/expressionless/blank/to stay
  645. 由|由|you2|to follow/from/it is of/due to/to/to leave it (to sb)/by (introduces passive verb)
  646. 整|整|zheng3|exactly/in good order/whole/complete/entire/in order/orderly/to repair/to mend/to renovate/(coll.) to fix sb/to give sb a hard time/to mess with sb
  647. 冷|冷|Leng3|surname Leng
  648. 冷|冷|leng3|cold
  649. 拍|拍|pai1|to pat/to clap/to slap/to swat/to take (a photo)/to shoot (a film)/racket (sports)/beat (music)
  650. 急|急|ji2|urgent/pressing/rapid/hurried/worried/to make (sb) anxious
  651. 乾|乾|Qian2|surname Qian
  652. 乾|乾|qian2|one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing heaven/male principle/☰
  653. 乾|干|Gan1|surname Gan
  654. 乾|干|gan1|dry/clean/in vain/dried food/foster/adoptive/to ignore
  655. 並|并|bing4|and/furthermore/also/together with/(not) at all/simultaneously/to combine/to join/to merge
  656. 汽|汽|qi4|steam/vapor
  657. 令|令|Ling2|see 令狐[Ling2 hu2]
  658. 令|令|ling2|see 脊令[ji2 ling2]
  659. 令|令|ling3|classifier for a ream of paper
  660. 令|令|ling4|to order/to command/an order/warrant/writ/to cause/to make sth happen/virtuous/honorific title/season/government position (old)
  661. 使|使|shi3|to make/to cause/to enable/to use/to employ/to send/to instruct sb to do sth/envoy/messenger
  662. 婦|妇|fu4|woman
  663. 媽|妈|ma1|ma/mom/mother
  664. 哪|哪|na3|how/which
  665. 哪|哪|na5|(particle equivalent to 啊 after noun ending in -n)
  666. 哪|哪|nei3|which? (interrogative, followed by classifier or numeral-classifier)
  667. 衝|冲|chong1|thoroughfare/to go straight ahead/to rush/to clash
  668. 衝|冲|chong4|powerful/vigorous/pungent/towards/in view of
  669. 狂|狂|kuang2|mad/wild/violent
  670. 提|提|ti2|to carry (hanging down from the hand)/to lift/to put forward/to mention/to raise (an issue)/upwards character stroke/lifting brush stroke (in painting)/scoop for measuring liquid
  671. 迷|迷|mi2|to bewilder/crazy about/fan/enthusiast/lost/confused
  672. 反|反|fan3|contrary/in reverse/inside out or upside down/to reverse/to return/to oppose/opposite/against/anti-/to rebel/to use analogy/instead/abbr. for 反切[fan3 qie4] phonetic system
  673. 麻|麻|Ma2|surname Ma
  674. 麻|麻|ma2|generic name for hemp, flax etc/hemp or flax fiber for textile materials/sesame/CL:縷|缕[lu:3]/(of materials) rough or coarse/pocked/pitted/to have pins and needles or tingling/to feel numb
  675. 影|影|ying3|picture/image/film/movie/photograph/reflection/shadow/trace
  676. 絲|丝|si1|silk/thread/trace/CL:條|条[tiao2]
  677. 忍|忍|ren3|to bear/to endure/to tolerate/to restrain oneself
  678. 油|油|you2|oil/fat/grease/petroleum/to apply tung oil, paint or varnish/oily/greasy/glib/cunning
  679. 幫|帮|bang1|to help/to assist/to support/for sb (i.e. as a help)/hired (as worker)/side (of pail, boat etc)/outer layer/upper (of a shoe)/group/gang/clique/party/secret society
  680. 蒂|蒂|di4|stem (of fruit)
  681. 官|官|Guan1|surname Guan
  682. 官|官|guan1|official/government/organ of body/CL:個|个[ge4]
  683. 普|普|pu3|general/popular/everywhere/universal
  684. 袋|袋|dai4|pouch/bag/sack/pocket
  685. 駝|驼|tuo2|hump or hunchbacked/camel
  686. 板|板|ban3|board/plank/plate/shutter/table tennis bat/clappers (music)/CL:塊|块[kuai4]/accented beat in Chinese music/hard/stiff/to stop smiling or look serious
  687. 變|变|bian4|to change/to become different/to transform/to vary/rebellion
  688. 男|男|nan2|male/Baron, lowest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/CL:個|个[ge4]
  689. 嚇|吓|he4|to scare/to intimidate/to threaten/(interjection showing disapproval) tut-tut/(interjection showing astonishment)
  690. 嚇|吓|xia4|to frighten/to scare
  691. 六|六|liu4|six/6
  692. 推|推|tui1|to push/to cut/to refuse/to reject/to decline/to shirk (responsibility)/to put off/to delay/to push forward/to nominate/to elect/massage
  693. 右|右|you4|right (-hand)/the Right (politics)/west (old)
  694. 卷|卷|juan3|to roll up/roll/classifier for small rolled things (wad of paper money, movie reel etc)
  695. 卷|卷|juan4|scroll/book/volume/chapter/examination paper/classifier for books, paintings: volume, scroll
  696. 利|利|Li4|surname Li
  697. 利|利|li4|sharp/favorable/advantage/benefit/profit/interest/to do good to/to benefit
  698. 錯|错|Cuo4|surname Cuo
  699. 錯|错|cuo4|mistake/wrong/bad/interlocking/complex/to grind/to polish/to alternate/to stagger/to miss/to let slip/to evade/to inlay with gold or silver
  700. 室|室|Shi4|surname Shi
  701. 室|室|shi4|room/work unit/grave/scabbard/family or clan/one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy
  702. 駱|骆|Luo4|surname Luo
  703. 駱|骆|luo4|camel/white horse with a black mane (archaic)
  704. 血|血|xue4|blood/colloquial pr. [xie3]/CL:滴[di1],片[pian4]
  705. 留|留|liu2|to leave (a message etc)/to retain/to stay/to remain/to keep/to preserve
  706. 斷|断|duan4|to break/to snap/to cut off/to give up or abstain from sth/to judge/(usu. used in the negative) absolutely/definitely/decidedly
  707. 牌|牌|pai2|mahjong tile/playing card/game pieces/signboard/plate/tablet/medal/CL:片[pian4],個|个[ge4],塊|块[kuai4]
  708. 懷|怀|Huai2|surname Huai
  709. 懷|怀|huai2|bosom/heart/mind/to think of/to harbor in one's mind/to conceive (a child)
  710. 茶|茶|cha2|tea/tea plant/CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2]
  711. 主|主|zhu3|owner/master/host/individual or party concerned/God/Lord/main/to indicate or signify/trump card (in card games)
  712. 代|代|dai4|to substitute/to act on behalf of others/to replace/generation/dynasty/age/period/(historical) era/(geological) eon
  713. 忘|忘|wang4|to forget/to overlook/to neglect
  714. 付|付|Fu4|surname Fu
  715. 付|付|fu4|to pay/to hand over to/classifier for pairs or sets of things
  716. 雖|虽|sui1|although/even though
  717. 秘|秘|bi4|see 秘魯|秘鲁[Bi4 lu3]
  718. 秘|秘|mi4|secret/secretary
  719. 髒|脏|zang1|dirty/filthy
  720. 入|入|ru4|to enter/to go into/to join/to become a member of/to confirm or agree with/abbr. for 入聲|入声[ru4 sheng1]
  721. 換|换|huan4|to exchange/to change (clothes etc)/to substitute/to switch/to convert (currency)
  722. 及|及|ji2|and/to reach/up to/in time for
  723. 麵|面|mian4|flour/noodles
  724. 句|句|gou1|variant of 勾[gou1]
  725. 句|句|ju4|sentence/clause/phrase/classifier for phrases or lines of verse
  726. 輪|轮|lun2|wheel/disk/ring/steamship/to take turns/to rotate/by turn/classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn
  727. 肉|肉|rou4|meat/flesh/pulp (of a fruit)/(coll.) (of a fruit) squashy/(of a person) flabby/irresolute
  728. 胎|胎|tai1|fetus/litter/tire/abbr. of 輪胎|轮胎
  729. 七|七|qi1|seven/7
  730. 筆|笔|bi3|pen/pencil/writing brush/to write or compose/the strokes of Chinese characters/classifier for sums of money, deals/CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1]
  731. 夫|夫|fu1|husband/man/manual worker/conscripted laborer (old)
  732. 夫|夫|fu2|(classical) this, that/he, she, they/(exclamatory final particle)/(initial particle, introduces an opinion)
  733. 陣|阵|zhen4|disposition of troops/wave/spate/burst/spell/short period of time/classifier for events or states of short duration
  734. 啦|啦|la1|(onom.) sound of singing, cheering etc/(phonetic)/(dialect) to chat
  735. 啦|啦|la5|sentence-final particle, contraction of 了啊, indicating exclamation/particle placed after each item in a list of examples
  736. 哭|哭|ku1|to cry/to weep
  737. 誰|谁|shei2|who/also pr. [shui2]
  738. 旅|旅|lu:3|trip/travel/to travel/brigade (army)
  739. 假|假|jia3|fake/false/artificial/to borrow/if/suppose
  740. 假|假|jia4|vacation
  741. 思|思|si1|to think/to consider
  742. 刀|刀|Dao1|surname Dao
  743. 刀|刀|dao1|knife/blade/single-edged sword/cutlass/CL:把[ba3]/(slang) dollar (loanword)/classifier for sets of one hundred sheets (of paper)/classifier for knife cuts or stabs
  744. 切|切|qie1|to cut/to slice/tangent (math)
  745. 切|切|qie4|definitely/absolutely (not)/(scoffing or dismissive interjection) Yeah, right./Tut!/to grind/close to/eager/to correspond to/see also 反切[fan3 qie4]
  746. 鼓|鼓|gu3|drum/CL:通[tong4],面[mian4]/to drum/to strike/to rouse/to bulge/to swell
  747. 細|细|xi4|thin or slender/finely particulate/thin and soft/fine/delicate/trifling/(of a sound) quiet/frugal
  748. 沉|沉|chen1|see 黑沉沉[hei1 chen1 chen1]
  749. 沉|沉|chen2|to submerge/to immerse/to sink/to keep down/to lower/to drop/deep/profound/heavy
  750. 念|念|nian4|to read/to study (a subject)/to attend (a school)/to read aloud/to miss (sb)/idea/remembrance/twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿, 20)
  751. 仍|仍|reng2|still/yet/to remain
  752. 低|低|di1|low/beneath/to lower (one's head)/to let droop/to hang down/to incline
  753. 淡|淡|dan4|insipid/diluted/weak/mild/light in color/tasteless/fresh/indifferent/nitrogen
  754. 度|度|du4|to pass/to spend (time)/measure/limit/extent/degree of intensity/degree (angles, temperature etc)/kilowatt-hour/classifier for events and occurrences
  755. 度|度|duo2|to estimate/Taiwan pr. [duo4]
  756. 租|租|zu1|to hire/to rent/to charter/to rent out/to lease out/rent/land tax
  757. 短|短|duan3|short/brief/to lack/weak point/fault
  758. 晨|晨|chen2|morning/dawn/daybreak
  759. 街|街|jie1|street/CL:條|条[tiao2]
  760. 吉|吉|Ji2|surname Ji/abbr. for Jilin Province 吉林省[Ji2 lin2 Sheng3]
  761. 吉|吉|ji2|lucky/giga- (meaning billion or 10^9)
  762. 合|合|ge3|100 ml/one-tenth of a peck/measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth of sheng 升 or liter, or one-hundredth dou 斗
  763. 合|合|he2|to close/to join/to fit/to be equal to/whole/together/round (in battle)/conjunction (astronomy)/1st note of pentatonic scale/old variant of 盒[he2]
  764. 執|执|zhi2|to execute (a plan)/to grasp
  765. 旁|旁|pang2|beside/one side/other/side/self/the right-hand side of split Chinese character, often the phonetic
  766. 鬼|鬼|gui3|ghost/demon/terrible/damnable/clever/sly/crafty/sinister plot/(suffix for sb with a certain vice or addiction etc)/one of the 28 constellations
  767. 八|八|ba1|eight/8
  768. 賺|赚|zhuan4|to earn/to make a profit
  769. 賺|赚|zuan4|to cheat/to swindle
  770. 象|象|xiang4|elephant/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/shape/form/appearance/to imitate
  771. 達|达|Da2|surname Da
  772. 達|达|da2|to attain/to reach/to amount to/to communicate/eminent
  773. 釋|释|shi4|to explain/to release/Buddha (abbr. for 釋迦牟尼|释迦牟尼[Shi4 jia1 mou2 ni2])/Buddhism
  774. 乎|乎|hu1|(classical particle similar to 於|于[yu2]) in/at/from/because/than/(classical final particle similar to 嗎|吗[ma5], 吧[ba5], 呢[ne5], expressing question, doubt or astonishment)
  775. 必|必|bi4|certainly/must/will/necessarily
  776. 洞|洞|dong4|cave/hole/zero (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers)/CL:個|个[ge4]
  777. 粉|粉|fen3|powder/cosmetic face powder/food prepared from starch/noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour/whitewash/white/pink
  778. 鐵|铁|Tie3|surname Tie
  779. 鐵|铁|tie3|iron (metal)/arms/weapons/hard/strong/violent/unshakeable/determined/close/tight (slang)
  780. 報|报|bao4|to announce/to inform/report/newspaper/recompense/revenge/CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]
  781. 墊|垫|dian4|pad/cushion/mat/to pad out/to fill a gap/to pay for sb/to advance (money)
  782. 除|除|chu2|to get rid of/to remove/to exclude/to eliminate/to wipe out/to divide/except/not including
  783. 校|校|jiao4|to proofread/to check/to compare
  784. 校|校|xiao4|school/military officer/CL:所[suo3]
  785. 願|愿|yuan4|to hope/to wish/to desire/hoped-for/ready/willing/sincere
  786. 味|味|wei4|taste/smell/classifier for drugs (in TCM)
  787. 產|产|chan3|to give birth/to reproduce/to produce/product/resource/estate/property
  788. 摸|摸|mo1|to feel with the hand/to touch/to stroke/to grope/to steal/to abstract
  789. 摸|摸|mo2|variant of 摹[mo2]
  790. 該|该|gai1|should/ought to/probably/must be/to deserve/to owe/to be sb's turn to do sth/that/the above-mentioned
  791. 敢|敢|gan3|to dare/daring/(polite) may I venture
  792. 冰|冰|bing1|ice/CL:塊|块[kuai4]/methamphetamine (slang)
  793. 備|备|bei4|to prepare/get ready/to provide or equip
  794. 爬|爬|pa2|to crawl/to climb/to get up or sit up
  795. 辦|办|ban4|to do/to manage/to handle/to go about/to run/to set up/to deal with
  796. 性|性|xing4|nature/character/property/quality/attribute/sexuality/sex/gender/suffix forming adjective from verb/suffix forming noun from adjective, corresponding to -ness or -ity/essence/CL:個|个[ge4]
  797. 逃|逃|tao2|to escape/to run away/to flee
  798. 脫|脱|tuo1|to shed/to take off/to escape/to get away from
  799. 左|左|Zuo3|surname Zuo
  800. 左|左|zuo3|left/the Left (politics)/east/unorthodox/queer/wrong/differing/opposite/variant of 佐[zuo3]
  801. 滑|滑|Hua2|surname Hua
  802. 滑|滑|hua2|to slip/to slide/smooth/slippery/cunning
  803. 世|世|Shi4|surname Shi
  804. 世|世|shi4|life/age/generation/era/world/lifetime/epoch/descendant/noble
  805. 亮|亮|liang4|bright/clear/resonant/to shine/to show/to reveal
  806. 伸|伸|shen1|to stretch/to extend
  807. 希|希|xi1|to hope/to admire/variant of 稀[xi1]
  808. 陽|阳|yang2|positive (electric.)/sun/male principle (Taoism)/Yang, opposite: 陰|阴[yin1] ☯
  809. 客|客|ke4|customer/visitor/guest
  810. 容|容|Rong2|surname Rong
  811. 容|容|rong2|to hold/to contain/to allow/to tolerate/appearance/look/countenance
  812. 楚|楚|Chu3|surname Chu/abbr. for Hubei 湖北省[Hu2 bei3 Sheng3] and Hunan 湖南省[Hu2 nan2 Sheng3] provinces together/Chinese kingdom during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods (722-221 BC)
  813. 楚|楚|chu3|distinct/clear/orderly/pain/suffering/deciduous bush used in Chinese medicine (genus Vitex)/punishment cane (old)
  814. 周|周|Zhou1|surname Zhou/Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC)
  815. 周|周|zhou1|to make a circuit/to circle/circle/circumference/lap/cycle/complete/all/all over/thorough/to help financially
  816. 吹|吹|chui1|to blow/to play a wind instrument/to blast/to puff/to boast/to brag/to end in failure/to fall through
  817. 語|语|yu3|dialect/language/speech
  818. 語|语|yu4|to tell to
  819. 兵|兵|bing1|soldiers/a force/an army/weapons/arms/military/warlike/CL:個|个[ge4]
  820. 借|借|jie4|to lend/to borrow/by means of/to take (an opportunity)
  821. 軍|军|jun1|army/military/arms/CL:個|个[ge4]
  822. 灰|灰|hui1|ash/dust/lime/gray/discouraged/dejected
  823. 鼻|鼻|bi2|nose
  824. 澡|澡|zao3|bath
  825. 終|终|zhong1|end/finish
  826. 綠|绿|lu:4|green
  827. 份|份|fen4|classifier for gifts, newspaper, magazine, papers, reports, contracts etc/variant of 分[fen4]
  828. 洲|洲|zhou1|continent/island in a river
  829. 失|失|shi1|to lose/to miss/to fail
  830. 根|根|gen1|root/basis/classifier for long slender objects, e.g. cigarettes, guitar strings/CL:條|条[tiao2]/radical (chemistry)
  831. 宮|宫|Gong1|surname Gong
  832. 宮|宫|gong1|palace/temple/castration (as corporal punishment)/first note in pentatonic scale
  833. 破|破|po4|broken/damaged/worn out/lousy/rotten/to break, split or cleave/to get rid of/to destroy/to break with/to defeat/to capture (a city etc)/to expose the truth of
  834. 昏|昏|hun1|muddle-headed/twilight/to faint/to lose consciousness
  835. 盒|盒|he2|small box/case
  836. 盡|尽|jin4|to use up/to exhaust/to end/to finish/to the utmost/exhausted/finished/to the limit (of sth)
  837. 呼|呼|hu1|to call/to cry/to shout/to breath out/to exhale
  838. 鮮|鲜|xian1|fresh/bright (in color)/delicious/tasty/delicacy/aquatic foods
  839. 鮮|鲜|xian3|few/rare
  840. 計|计|Ji4|surname Ji
  841. 計|计|ji4|to calculate/to compute/to count/to regard as important/to plan/ruse/meter/gauge
  842. 數|数|shu3|to count/to enumerate/to criticize (i.e. enumerate shortcomings)
  843. 數|数|shu4|number/figure/several/CL:個|个[ge4]
  844. 數|数|shuo4|frequently/repeatedly
  845. 鳥|鸟|diao3|variant of 屌[diao3]/penis
  846. 鳥|鸟|niao3|bird/CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2]/(dialect) to pay attention to/(intensifier) damned/goddam
  847. 傷|伤|shang1|to injure/injury/wound
  848. 爸|爸|ba4|father/dad/pa/papa
  849. 爾|尔|er3|thus/so/like that/you/thou
  850. 息|息|xi1|breath/news/interest (on an investment or loan)/to cease/to stop/to rest/Taiwan pr. [xi2]
  851. 輛|辆|liang4|classifier for vehicles
  852. 火|火|Huo3|surname Huo
  853. 火|火|huo3|fire/urgent/ammunition/fiery or flaming/internal heat (Chinese medicine)/hot (popular)/classifier for military units (old)
  854. 醒|醒|xing3|to wake up/to be awake/to become aware/to sober up/to come to
  855. 胃|胃|wei4|stomach/CL:個|个[ge4]
  856. 強|强|Qiang2|surname Qiang
  857. 強|强|jiang4|stubborn/unyielding
  858. 強|强|qiang2|strong/powerful/better/slightly more than/vigorous/violent/best in their category, e.g. see 百強|百强[bai3 qiang2]
  859. 強|强|qiang3|to force/to compel/to strive/to make an effort
  860. 奔|奔|ben1|to hurry/to rush/to run quickly/to elope
  861. 奔|奔|ben4|to go to/to head for/towards
  862. 寄|寄|ji4|to send/to mail/to entrust/to depend on/to attach oneself to/to live (in a house)/to lodge/foster (son etc)
  863. 露|露|Lu4|surname Lu
  864. 露|露|lou4|to show/to reveal/to betray/to expose
  865. 露|露|lu4|dew/syrup/nectar/outdoors (not under cover)/to show/to reveal/to betray/to expose
  866. 規|规|gui1|compass/a rule/regulation/to admonish/to plan/to scheme
  867. 咬|咬|yao3|to bite/to nip
  868. 吐|吐|tu3|to spit/to put/to say
  869. 吐|吐|tu4|to vomit/to throw up
  870. 擦|擦|ca1|to wipe/to erase/rubbing (brush stroke in painting)/to clean/to polish
  871. 拚|拚|pan4|to disregard/to reject
  872. 拚|拚|pin1|variant of 拼[pin1]
  873. 玩|玩|wan2|to play/to have fun/to trifle with/toy/sth used for amusement/curio or antique (Taiwan pr. [wan4])/to keep sth for entertainment
  874. 凍|冻|dong4|to freeze/to feel very cold/aspic or jelly
  875. 價|价|jia4|price/value/valence (on an atom)
  876. 價|价|jie5|great/good/middleman/servant
  877. 默|默|mo4|silent/to write from memory
  878. 厚|厚|hou4|thick/deep or profound/kind/generous/rich or strong in flavor/to favor/to stress
  879. 追|追|dui1|to sculpt/to carve/musical instrument (old)
  880. 追|追|zhui1|to chase after/to seek/to do one's utmost to seek or procure sth/to recall
  881. 化|化|hua1|variant of 花[hua1]
  882. 化|化|hua4|to make into/to change into/-ization/to ... -ize/to transform/abbr. for 化學|化学[hua4 xue2]
  883. 差|差|cha1|difference/discrepancy/to differ/error/to err/to make a mistake
  884. 差|差|cha4|to differ from/to fall short of/lacking/wrong/inferior
  885. 差|差|chai1|to send/to commission/messenger/mission
  886. 者|者|zhe3|(after a verb or adjective) one who (is) .../(after a noun) person involved in .../-er/-ist/(used after a number or 後|后[hou4] or 前[qian2] to refer to sth mentioned previously)/(used after a term, to mark a pause before defining the term)/(old) (used at the end of a command)/(old) this
  887. 繩|绳|sheng2|rope/CL:根[gen1]
  888. 濕|湿|shi1|moist/wet
  889. 弟|弟|di4|younger brother/junior male/I (modest word in letter)
  890. 弟|弟|ti4|variant of 悌[ti4]
  891. 荒|荒|huang1|desolate/shortage/scarce/out of practice/absurd/uncultivated/to neglect
  892. 沼|沼|zhao3|pond/pool
  893. 泡|泡|pao1|puffed/swollen/spongy/small lake (esp. in place names)/classifier for urine or feces
  894. 泡|泡|pao4|bubble/foam/blister (i.e. skin bubble)/to soak/to steep/to infuse/to dawdle/to shilly-shally/to hang about/to pick up (a girl)/to get off with (a sexual partner)
  895. 位|位|wei4|position/location/place/seat/classifier for people (honorific)/classifier for binary bits (e.g. 十六位 16-bit or 2 bytes)
  896. 幸|幸|Xing4|surname Xing
  897. 幸|幸|xing4|fortunate/lucky
  898. 伊|伊|Yi1|surname Yi/abbr. for 伊拉克[Yi1 la1 ke4], Iraq/abbr. for 伊朗[Yi1 lang3], Iran
  899. 伊|伊|yi1|he/she
  900. 粗|粗|cu1|coarse/rough/thick (for cylindrical objects)/unfinished/vulgar/rude/crude
  901. 節|节|jie1|see 節骨眼|节骨眼[jie1 gu5 yan3]
  902. 節|节|jie2|festival/holiday/node/joint/section/segment/part/to economize/to save/to abridge/moral integrity/classifier for segments, e.g. lessons, train wagons, biblical verses/CL:個|个[ge4]
  903. 歲|岁|sui4|classifier for years (of age)/year/year (of crop harvests)
  904. 闆|板|ban3|see 老闆|老板, boss
  905. 闆|板|pan4|to catch sight of in a doorway (old)
  906. 桌|桌|zhuo1|table/desk/classifier for tables of guests at a banquet etc
  907. 硬|硬|ying4|hard/stiff/strong/firm/resolutely/doggedly/good (quality)/able (person)
  908. 碰|碰|peng4|to touch/to meet with/to bump
  909. 視|视|shi4|to look at/to regard/to inspect
  910. 角|角|Jue2|surname Jue
  911. 角|角|jiao3|angle/corner/horn/horn-shaped/unit of money equal to 0.1 yuan/CL:個|个[ge4]
  912. 角|角|jue2|role (theater)/to compete/ancient three legged wine vessel/third note of pentatonic scale
  913. 景|景|Jing3|surname Jing
  914. 景|景|jing3|bright/circumstance/scenery
  915. 警|警|jing3|to alert/to warn/police
  916. 抬|抬|tai2|to lift/to raise/(of two or more persons) to carry
  917. 費|费|Fei4|surname Fei
  918. 費|费|fei4|to cost/to spend/fee/wasteful/expenses
  919. 貴|贵|gui4|expensive/noble/your (name)/precious
  920. 煮|煮|zhu3|to cook/to boil
  921. 烈|烈|lie4|ardent/intense/fierce/stern/upright/to give one's life for a noble cause/exploits/achievements
  922. 初|初|chu1|at first/(at the) beginning/first/junior/basic
  923. 灌|灌|guan4|to irrigate/to pour/to install (software)/to record (music)
  924. 剛|刚|gang1|hard/firm/strong/just/barely/exactly
  925. 剪|剪|Jian3|surname Jian
  926. 剪|剪|jian3|scissors/shears/clippers/CL:把[ba3]/to cut with scissors/to trim/to wipe out or exterminate
  927. 巴|巴|Ba1|Ba state during Zhou dynasty (in east of modern Sichuan)/abbr. for east Sichuan or Chongqing/surname Ba/abbr. for Palestine or Palestinian/abbr. for Pakistan
  928. 巴|巴|ba1|to long for/to wish/to cling to/to stick to/sth that sticks/close to/next to/spread open/informal abbr. for bus 巴士[ba1 shi4]/bar (unit of pressure)/nominalizing suffix on certain nouns, such as 尾巴[wei3 ba5], tail
  929. 郵|邮|you2|post (office)/mail
  930. 累|累|lei3|to accumulate/to involve or implicate/continuous/repeated
  931. 累|累|lei4|tired/weary/to strain/to wear out/to work hard
  932. 任|任|Ren4|surname Ren
  933. 任|任|ren4|to assign/to appoint/to take up a post/office/responsibility/to let/to allow/to give free rein to/no matter (how, what etc)/classifier for the number of terms served in office, post, or rank
  934. 浴|浴|yu4|bath/to bathe
  935. 底|底|de5|(equivalent to 的 as possessive particle)
  936. 底|底|di3|background/bottom/base/end (of the month, year etc)/remnants/(math.) radix/base
  937. 套|套|tao4|cover/sheath/to encase/a case/to overlap/to interleave/bend (of a river or mountain range, in place names)/harness/classifier for sets, collections/tau (Greek letter Ττ)
  938. 妹|妹|mei4|younger sister
  939. 篷|篷|peng2|sail
  940. 塗|涂|tu2|to apply (paint etc)/to smear/to daub/to blot out/to scribble/to scrawl/(literary) mud/street
  941. 福|福|Fu2|surname Fu/abbr. for Fujian province 福建省[Fu2 jian4 sheng3]
  942. 福|福|fu2|good fortune/happiness/luck
  943. 暗|暗|an4|dark/gloomy/hidden/secret/muddled/obscure/in the dark
  944. 觀|观|Guan4|surname Guan
  945. 觀|观|guan1|to look at/to watch/to observe/to behold/to advise/concept/point of view/outlook
  946. 觀|观|guan4|Taoist monastery/palace gate watchtower/platform
  947. 省|省|sheng3|to save/to economize/to do without/to omit/to leave out/province/CL:個|个[ge4]
  948. 省|省|xing3|to inspect/to examine/to be aware/to pay a visit (to one's parents or elders)
  949. 預|预|yu4|to advance/in advance/beforehand/to prepare
  950. 褲|裤|ku4|underpants/trousers/pants
  951. 材|材|cai2|material/timber/ability/aptitude/a capable individual/coffin (old)
  952. 擠|挤|ji3|to crowd in/to cram in/to force others aside/to press/to squeeze/to find (time in one's busy schedule)
  953. 土|土|Tu3|Tu (ethnic group)/surname Tu
  954. 土|土|tu3|earth/dust/clay/local/indigenous/crude opium/unsophisticated/one of the eight ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]
  955. 課|课|ke4|subject/course/CL:門|门[men2]/class/lesson/CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2]/to levy/tax/form of divination
  956. 斤|斤|jin1|catty/weight equal to 0.5 kg/(Tw) weight equal to 0.6 kg
  957. 瓶|瓶|ping2|bottle/vase/pitcher/CL:個|个[ge4]/classifier for wine and liquids
  958. 抽|抽|chou1|to draw out/to pull out from in between/to remove part of the whole/(of certain plants) to sprout or bud/to whip or thrash
  959. 足|足|ju4|excessive
  960. 足|足|zu2|foot/to be sufficient/ample
  961. 批|批|pi1|to ascertain/to act on/to criticize/to pass on/classifier for batches, lots, military flights/tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges)
  962. 牛|牛|Niu2|surname Niu
  963. 牛|牛|niu2|ox/cow/bull/CL:條|条[tiao2],頭|头[tou2]/(slang) awesome
  964. 特|特|te4|special/unique/distinguished/especially/unusual/very
  965. 劇|剧|ju4|theatrical work (play, opera, TV series etc)/dramatic (change, increase etc)/acute/severe
  966. 懂|懂|dong3|to understand/to comprehend
  967. 則|则|ze2|conjunction used to express contrast with a previous sentence or clause/standard/norm/rule/to imitate/to follow/then/principle/classifier for written items (such as an official statement)
  968. 踏|踏|ta1|see 踏實|踏实[ta1 shi5]
  969. 踏|踏|ta4|to tread/to stamp/to step on/to press a pedal/to investigate on the spot
  970. 尖|尖|jian1|point (of needle)/sharp/shrewd/pointed
  971. 岸|岸|an4|bank/shore/beach/coast/CL:個|个[ge4]
  972. 量|量|liang2|to measure
  973. 量|量|liang4|capacity/quantity/amount/to estimate/abbr. for 量詞|量词[liang4 ci2], classifier (in Chinese grammar)/measure word
  974. 彩|彩|cai3|(bright) color/variety/applause/applaud/lottery prize
  975. 汗|汗|han2|see 可汗[ke4 han2], 汗國|汗国[han2 guo2]
  976. 汗|汗|han4|perspiration/sweat/CL:滴[di1],頭|头[tou2],身[shen1]/to be speechless (out of helplessness, embarrassment etc) (Internet slang used as an interjection)
  977. 精|精|jing1|essence/extract/vitality/energy/semen/sperm/mythical goblin spirit/highly perfected/elite/the pick of sth/proficient (refined ability)/extremely (fine)/selected rice (archaic)
  978. 混|混|hun2|confused/dirty/to mix/muddy/variant of 渾|浑[hun2]
  979. 混|混|hun4|to mix/to mingle/muddled/to drift along/to muddle along/to pass for/to get along with sb/thoughtless/reckless
  980. 夢|梦|meng4|dream/CL:場|场[chang2],個|个[ge4]
  981. 管|管|Guan3|surname Guan
  982. 管|管|guan3|to take care (of)/to control/to manage/to be in charge of/to look after/to run/to care about/tube/pipe/woodwind/classifier for tube-shaped objects/particle similar to 把[ba3] in 管...叫 constructions/writing brush/(coll.) to/towards
  983. 堂|堂|tang2|(main) hall/large room for a specific purpose/relationship between cousins etc on the paternal side of a family/of the same clan/classifier for sets (or suites) of furniture, classes etc/CL:間|间[jian1]
  984. 蓋|盖|Ge3|surname Ge
  985. 蓋|盖|gai4|lid/top/cover/canopy/to cover/to conceal/to build
  986. 殺|杀|sha1|to kill/to murder/to fight/to weaken or reduce/to smart (dialect)/to counteract/(used after a verb) extremely
  987. 附|附|fu4|to add/to attach/to be close to/to be attached
  988. 隊|队|dui4|squadron/team/group/CL:個|个[ge4]
  989. 寂|寂|ji4|silent/solitary/Taiwan pr. [ji2]
  990. 蛋|蛋|Dan4|variant of 蜑[Dan4]
  991. 蛋|蛋|dan4|egg/oval-shaped/CL:個|个[ge4],打[da2]
  992. 易|易|Yi4|surname Yi/abbr. for 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], the Book of Changes
  993. 易|易|yi4|easy/amiable/to change/to exchange
  994. 唯|唯|wei2|-ism/only/alone
  995. 唯|唯|wei3|yes
  996. 裙|裙|qun2|skirt/CL:條|条[tiao2]
  997. 騙|骗|pian4|to cheat/to swindle/to deceive/to get on (a horse etc) by swinging one leg over
  998. 團|团|tuan2|round/lump/ball/to roll into a ball/to gather/regiment/group/society/classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke)
  999. 畫|画|hua4|to draw/picture/painting/CL:幅[fu2],張|张[zhang1]/classifier for paintings etc/variant of 劃|划[hua4]
  1000. 界|界|jie4|boundary/scope/extent/circles/group/kingdom (taxonomy)
  1001. 調|调|diao4|to transfer/to move (troops or cadres)/to investigate/to enquire into/accent/view/argument/key (in music)/mode (music)/tune/tone/melody
  1002. 調|调|tiao2|to harmonize/to reconcile/to blend/to suit well/to season (food)/to provoke/to incite
  1003. 論|论|Lun2|abbr. for 論語|论语[Lun2 yu3], The Analects (of Confucius)
  1004. 論|论|lun4|opinion/view/theory/doctrine/to discuss/to talk about/to regard/to consider/per/by the (kilometer, hour etc)
  1005. 瑪|玛|ma3|agate/cornelian
  1006. 散|散|san3|scattered/loose/to come loose/to fall apart/leisurely/powdered medicine
  1007. 散|散|san4|to scatter/to break up (a meeting etc)/to disperse/to disseminate/to dispel/(coll.) to sack
  1008. 趣|趣|qu4|interesting/to interest
  1009. 抖|抖|dou3|to tremble/to shake out/to reveal/to make it in the world
  1010. 扭|扭|niu3|to turn/to twist/to wring/to sprain/to swing one's hips
  1011. 獨|独|du2|alone/independent/single/sole/only
  1012. 握|握|wo4|to hold/to grasp/to clench (one's fist)/to master/classifier: a handful
  1013. 軟|软|ruan3|soft/flexible
  1014. 崖|崖|ya2|precipice/cliff/Taiwan pr. [yai2]
  1015. 腦|脑|nao3|brain/mind/head/essence
  1016. 溫|温|Wen1|surname Wen
  1017. 溫|温|wen1|warm/lukewarm/temperature/to warm up/mild/soft/tender/to review/to revise/epidemic
  1018. 翻|翻|fan1|to turn over/to flip over/to overturn/to rummage through/to translate/to decode/to double/to climb over or into/to cross
  1019. 式|式|shi4|type/form/pattern/style
  1020. 決|决|jue2|to decide/to determine/to execute (sb)/(of a dam etc) to breach or burst/definitely/certainly
  1021. 鋪|铺|pu1|to spread/to display/to set up/(old) holder for door-knocker
  1022. 鋪|铺|pu4|plank bed/place to sleep/shop/store/(old) relay station
  1023. 亞|亚|ya4|Asia/Asian/second/next to/inferior/sub-/Taiwan pr. [ya3]
  1024. 德|德|De2|Germany/German/abbr. for 德國|德国[De2 guo2]
  1025. 德|德|de2|virtue/goodness/morality/ethics/kindness/favor/character/kind
  1026. 注|注|zhu4|to inject/to pour into/to concentrate/to pay attention/stake (gambling)/classifier for sums of money/variant of 註|注[zhu4]
  1027. 錄|录|Lu4|surname Lu
  1028. 錄|录|lu4|diary/record/to hit/to copy
  1029. 舉|举|ju3|to lift/to hold up/to cite/to enumerate/to act/to raise/to choose/to elect/act/move/deed
  1030. 佈|布|bu4|variant of 布[bu4]/to announce/to spread
  1031. 浪|浪|lang4|wave/breaker/unrestrained/dissipated
  1032. 俗|俗|su2|custom/convention/popular/common/coarse/vulgar/secular
  1033. 涼|凉|Liang2|the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Liang 前涼|前凉 (314-376), Later Liang 後涼|后凉 (386-403), Northern Liang 北涼|北凉 (398-439), Southern Liang 南涼|南凉 (397-414), Western Liang 西涼|西凉 (400-421)
  1034. 涼|凉|liang2|cool/cold
  1035. 涼|凉|liang4|to let sth cool down
  1036. 淚|泪|lei4|tears
  1037. 座|座|zuo4|seat/base/stand/CL:個|个[ge4]/classifier for buildings, mountains and similar immovable objects
  1038. 姐|姐|jie3|older sister
  1039. 壞|坏|huai4|bad/spoiled/broken/to break down/(suffix) to the utmost
  1040. 閉|闭|bi4|to close/to stop up/to shut/to obstruct
  1041. 存|存|cun2|to exist/to deposit/to store/to keep/to survive
  1042. 格|格|ge2|square/frame/rule/(legal) case/style/character/standard/pattern/(grammar) case/(classical) to obstruct/to hinder/(classical) to arrive/to come/(classical) to investigate/to study exhaustively
  1043. 秒|秒|miao3|second (of time)/unit of angle or arc equivalent to one sixtieth of a degree
  1044. 察|察|Cha2|short name for Chahar Province 察哈爾|察哈尔[Cha2 ha1 er3]
  1045. 察|察|cha2|to examine/to inquire/to observe/to inspect/to look into/obvious/clearly evident
  1046. 隨|随|Sui2|surname Sui
  1047. 隨|随|sui2|to follow/to comply with/varying according to.../to allow/subsequently
  1048. 補|补|bu3|to repair/to patch/to mend/to make up for/to fill (a vacancy)/to supplement
  1049. 盤|盘|pan2|plate/dish/tray/board/hard drive (computing)/to build/to coil/to check/to examine/to transfer (property)/to make over/classifier for food: dish, helping/to coil/classifier for coils of wire/classifier for games of chess
  1050. 目|目|mu4|eye/item/section/list/catalogue/table of contents/order (taxonomy)/goal/name/title
  1051. 館|馆|guan3|building/shop/term for certain service establishments/embassy or consulate/schoolroom (old)/CL:家[jia1]
  1052. 術|术|shu4|method/technique
  1053. 術|术|zhu2|various genera of flowers of Asteracea family (daisies and chrysanthemums), including Atractylis lancea
  1054. 束|束|Shu4|surname Shu
  1055. 束|束|shu4|to bind/bunch/bundle/classifier for bunches, bundles, beams of light etc/to control
  1056. 搖|摇|Yao2|surname Yao
  1057. 搖|摇|yao2|to shake/to rock/to row/to crank
  1058. 坡|坡|po1|slope/CL:個|个[ge4]/sloping/slanted
  1059. 斜|斜|xie2|inclined/slanting/oblique/tilting
  1060. 料|料|liao4|material/stuff/grain/feed/to expect/to anticipate/to guess
  1061. 談|谈|Tan2|surname Tan
  1062. 談|谈|tan2|to speak/to talk/to converse/to chat/to discuss
  1063. 改|改|gai3|to change/to alter/to transform/to correct
  1064. 救|救|jiu4|to save/to assist/to rescue
  1065. 嘆|叹|tan4|to sigh/to gasp/to exclaim
  1066. 共|共|gong4|common/general/to share/together/total/altogether/abbr. for 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3], Communist party
  1067. 營|营|ying2|camp/barracks/battalion/to build/to operate/to manage/to strive for
  1068. 北|北|bei3|north/to be defeated (classical)
  1069. 煩|烦|fan2|to feel vexed/to bother/to trouble/superfluous and confusing/edgy
  1070. 怒|怒|nu4|anger/fury/flourishing/vigorous
  1071. 刮|刮|gua1|to scrape/to blow/to shave/to plunder/to extort
  1072. 透|透|tou4|to penetrate/to pass through/thoroughly/completely/transparent/to appear/to show
  1073. 置|置|zhi4|to install/to place/to put/to buy
  1074. 局|局|ju2|office/situation/classifier for games: match, set, round etc
  1075. 封|封|Feng1|surname Feng
  1076. 封|封|feng1|to confer/to grant/to bestow a title/to seal/classifier for sealed objects, esp. letters
  1077. 胖|胖|pan2|healthy/at ease
  1078. 胖|胖|pang4|fat/plump
  1079. 金|金|Jin1|surname Jin/surname Kim (Korean)/Jurchen Jin dynasty (1115-1234)
  1080. 金|金|jin1|gold/chemical element Au/generic term for lustrous and ductile metals/money/golden/highly respected/one of the eight ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]
  1081. 沿|沿|yan2|along/to follow (a line, tradition etc)/to carry on/to trim (a border with braid, tape etc)/border/edge
  1082. 治|治|zhi4|to rule/to govern/to manage/to control/to harness (a river)/to treat (a disease)/to wipe out (a pest)/to punish/to research
  1083. 練|练|lian4|to practice/to train/to drill/to perfect (one's skill)/exercise
  1084. 般|般|ban1|sort/kind/class/way/manner
  1085. 般|般|pan2|see 般樂|般乐[pan2 le4]
  1086. 與|与|yu2|variant of 歟|欤[yu2]
  1087. 與|与|yu3|and/to give/together with
  1088. 與|与|yu4|to take part in
  1089. 師|师|Shi1|surname Shi
  1090. 師|师|shi1|teacher/master/expert/model/army division/(old) troops/to dispatch troops
  1091. 樓|楼|Lou2|surname Lou
  1092. 樓|楼|lou2|house with more than 1 story/storied building/floor/CL:層|层[ceng2],座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]
  1093. 藍|蓝|Lan2|surname Lan
  1094. 藍|蓝|lan2|blue/indigo plant
  1095. 蓆|席|xi2|variant of 席[xi2]/woven mat
  1096. 棉|棉|mian2|generic term for cotton or kapok/cotton/padded or quilted with cotton
  1097. 靈|灵|ling2|quick/alert/efficacious/effective/to come true/spirit/departed soul/coffin
  1098. 靠|靠|kao4|to lean against or on/to stand by the side of/to come near to/to depend on/to trust/to fuck (vulgar)/traditional military costume drama where the performers wear armor (old)
  1099. 概|概|gai4|general/approximate
  1100. 食|食|shi2|to eat/food/animal feed/eclipse
  1101. 食|食|si4|to feed
  1102. 喃|喃|nan2|mumble in repetition
  1103. 唱|唱|chang4|to sing/to call loudly/to chant
  1104. 瘦|瘦|shou4|thin/to lose weight/(of clothing) tight/(of meat) lean/(of land) unproductive
  1105. 各|各|ge4|each/every
  1106. 吟|吟|yin2|to chant/to recite/to moan/to groan/cry (of certain animals and insects)/song (ancient poem)
  1107. 讀|读|dou4|comma/phrase marked by pause
  1108. 讀|读|du2|to read/to study/reading of word (i.e. pronunciation), similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1]
  1109. 撿|捡|jian3|to pick up/to collect/to gather
  1110. 骨|骨|gu3|bone
  1111. 政|政|zheng4|political/politics/government
  1112. 噴|喷|pen1|to puff/to spout/to spray/to spurt
  1113. 噴|喷|pen4|(of a smell) strong/peak season (of a crop)/(classifier for the ordinal number of a crop, in the context of multiple harvests)
  1114. 故|故|gu4|happening/instance/reason/cause/intentional/former/old/friend/therefore/hence/(of people) to die, dead
  1115. 越|越|Yue4|generic word for peoples or states of south China or south Asia at different historical periods/abbr. for Vietnam 越南
  1116. 越|越|yue4|to exceed/to climb over/to surpass/the more... the more
  1117. 扎|扎|zha1|to prick/to run or stick (a needle etc) into/jug (a classifier for liquids such as beer)
  1118. 扎|扎|zha2|penetrating (as of cold)/struggle
  1119. 掙|挣|zheng1|see 掙扎|挣扎[zheng1 zha2]
  1120. 掙|挣|zheng4|to struggle to get free/to strive to acquire/to make (money)
  1121. 掌|掌|zhang3|palm of the hand/sole of the foot/paw/horseshoe/to slap/to hold in one's hand/to wield
  1122. 責|责|ze2|duty/responsibility/to reproach/to blame
  1123. 悄|悄|qiao1|see 悄悄[qiao1 qiao1]
  1124. 悄|悄|qiao3|quiet/sad
  1125. 悶|闷|men1|stuffy/shut indoors/to smother/to cover tightly
  1126. 悶|闷|men4|bored/depressed/melancholy/sealed/airtight/tightly closed
  1127. 煙|烟|yan1|cigarette or pipe tobacco/CL:根[gen1]/smoke/mist/vapour/CL:縷|缕[lu:3]/tobacco plant/(of the eyes) to be irritated by smoke
  1128. 區|区|Ou1|surname Ou
  1129. 區|区|qu1|area/region/district/small/distinguish/CL:個|个[ge4]
  1130. 印|印|Yin4|surname Yin/abbr. for 印度[Yin4 du4]
  1131. 印|印|yin4|to print/to mark/to engrave/a seal/a print/a stamp/a mark/a trace/image
  1132. 缺|缺|que1|deficiency/lack/scarce/vacant post/to run short of
  1133. 腿|腿|tui3|leg/CL:條|条[tiao2]
  1134. 羅|罗|Luo2|surname Luo
  1135. 羅|罗|luo2|gauze/to collect/to gather/to catch/to sift
  1136. 續|续|xu4|to continue/to replenish
  1137. 簡|简|jian3|simple/uncomplicated/letter/to choose/to select/bamboo strips used for writing (old)
  1138. 伯|伯|ba4|variant of 霸[ba4]
  1139. 伯|伯|bai3|one hundred (old)
  1140. 伯|伯|bo2|father's elder brother/senior/paternal elder uncle/eldest of brothers/respectful form of address/Count, third of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]
  1141. 籍|籍|Ji2|surname Ji
  1142. 籍|籍|ji2|book or record/registry/roll/place of one's family or ancestral records/membership
  1143. 俱|俱|ju4|entirely/without exception/(lit.) to be together/to be alike
  1144. 廳|厅|ting1|(reception) hall/living room/office/provincial government department
  1145. 府|府|fu3|seat of government/government repository (archive)/official residence/mansion/presidential palace/(honorific) Your home/prefecture (from Tang to Qing times)
  1146. 夠|够|gou4|to reach/to be enough
  1147. 櫃|柜|gui4|cupboard/cabinet/wardrobe
  1148. 塑|塑|su4|to model (a figure) in clay
  1149. 塞|塞|Sai1|Serbia/Serbian/abbr. for 塞爾維亞|塞尔维亚[Sai1 er3 wei2 ya4]
  1150. 塞|塞|sai1|to stop up/to squeeze in/to stuff/cork/stopper
  1151. 塞|塞|sai4|strategic pass/tactical border position
  1152. 塞|塞|se4|to stop up/to stuff/to cope with
  1153. 雜|杂|za2|mixed/miscellaneous/various/to mix
  1154. 寶|宝|bao3|jewel/gem/treasure/precious
  1155. 娃|娃|wa2|baby/doll
  1156. 確|确|que4|authenticated/solid/firm/real/true
  1157. 枕|枕|zhen3|pillow/to pillow/to rest one's head
  1158. 林|林|Lin2|surname Lin/Japanese surname Hayashi
  1159. 林|林|lin2|woods/forest/CL:片[pian4]/circle(s) (i.e. specific group of people)/a collection (of similar things)
  1160. 染|染|ran3|to dye/to catch (a disease)/to acquire (bad habits etc)/to contaminate/to add color washes to a painting
  1161. 搶|抢|qiang1|see 搶風|抢风[qiang1 feng1]
  1162. 搶|抢|qiang3|to fight over/to rush/to scramble/to grab/to rob/to snatch
  1163. 圓|圆|yuan2|circle/round/circular/spherical/(of the moon) full/unit of Chinese currency (Yuan)/tactful/to justify
  1164. 證|证|zheng4|certificate/proof/to prove/to demonstrate/to confirm/variant of 症[zheng4]
  1165. 嚏|嚏|ti4|sneeze
  1166. 拾|拾|she4|to ascend in light steps
  1167. 拾|拾|shi2|to pick up/to collate or arrange/ten (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
  1168. 豆|豆|dou4|bean/pea/CL:棵[ke1],粒[li4]/sacrificial vessel
  1169. 燙|烫|tang4|to scald/to burn (by scalding)/to blanch (cooking)/to heat (sth) up in hot water/to perm/to iron/scalding hot
  1170. 您|您|nin2|you (courteous, as opposed to informal 你[ni3])
  1171. 勢|势|shi4|power/influence/potential/momentum/tendency/trend/situation/conditions/outward appearance/sign/gesture/male genitals
  1172. 脆|脆|cui4|brittle/fragile/crisp/crunchy/clear and loud voice/neat
  1173. 退|退|tui4|to retreat/to decline/to move back/to withdraw
  1174. 適|适|Shi4|surname Shi
  1175. 適|适|shi4|to fit/suitable/proper/just (now)/comfortable/well/to go/to follow or pursue
  1176. 罐|罐|guan4|can/jar/pot
  1177. 遊|游|you2|to walk/to tour/to roam/to travel
  1178. 巾|巾|jin1|towel/general purpose cloth/women's headcovering (old)/Kangxi radical 50
  1179. 膽|胆|dan3|gall bladder/courage/guts/gall/inner container (e.g. bladder of a football, inner container of a thermos)
  1180. 膠|胶|jiao1|to glue/glue/gum/rubber
  1181. 習|习|Xi2|surname Xi
  1182. 習|习|xi2|to practice/to study/habit
  1183. 耳|耳|er3|ear/handle (archaeology)/and that is all (classical Chinese)
  1184. 野|野|ye3|field/plain/open space/limit/boundary/rude/feral
  1185. 永|永|yong3|forever/always/perpetual
  1186. 消|消|xiao1|to disappear/to vanish/to eliminate/to spend (time)/have to/need
  1187. 糖|糖|tang2|sugar/sweets/candy/CL:顆|颗[ke1],塊|块[kuai4]
  1188. 筋|筋|jin1|muscle/tendon
  1189. 夾|夹|jia1|to press from either side/to place in between/to sandwich/to carry sth under armpit/wedged between/between/to intersperse/to mix/to mingle/clip/folder/Taiwan pr. [jia2]
  1190. 夾|夹|jia2|double-layered/lined (garment)
  1191. 夾|夹|jia4|Taiwan pr. used in 夾生|夹生[jia1 sheng1] and 夾竹桃|夹竹桃[jia1 zhu2 tao2]
  1192. 止|止|zhi3|to stop/to prohibit/until/only
  1193. 毯|毯|tan3|blanket/rug
  1194. 墳|坟|fen2|grave/tomb/CL:座[zuo4]/embankment/mound/ancient book
  1195. 段|段|Duan4|surname Duan
  1196. 段|段|duan4|paragraph/section/segment/stage (of a process)/classifier for stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etc
  1197. 雨|雨|yu3|rain/CL:陣|阵[zhen4],場|场[chang2]
  1198. 雨|雨|yu4|to rain/(of rain, snow etc) to fall/to precipitate/to wet
  1199. 娘|娘|niang2|mother/young lady/(coll.) effeminate
  1200. 領|领|ling3|neck/collar/to lead/to receive/classifier for clothes, mats, screens etc
  1201. 哦|哦|e2|to chant
  1202. 哦|哦|o2|oh (interjection indicating doubt or surprise)
  1203. 哦|哦|o4|oh (interjection indicating that one has just learned sth)
  1204. 哦|哦|o5|sentence-final particle that conveys informality, warmth, friendliness or intimacy/may also indicate that one is stating a fact that the other person is not aware of
  1205. 餅|饼|bing3|round flat cake/cookie/cake/pastry/CL:張|张[zhang1]
  1206. 衛|卫|Wei4|surname Wei/vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1066-221 BC), located in present day Henan and Hebei Provinces
  1207. 衛|卫|wei4|to guard/to protect/to defend/abbr. for 衛生|卫生, hygiene/health/abbr. for 衛生間|卫生间, toilet
  1208. 吸|吸|xi1|to breathe/to suck in/to absorb/to inhale
  1209. 吞|吞|tun1|to swallow/to take
  1210. 讓|让|rang4|to yield/to permit/to let sb do sth/to have sb do sth/to make sb (feel sad etc)
  1211. 甚|甚|shen2|variant of 什[shen2]
  1212. 甚|甚|shen4|what/very/extremely/any
  1213. 驕|骄|jiao1|proud/arrogant
  1214. 圈|圈|juan1|to confine/to lock up/to pen in
  1215. 圈|圈|juan4|pen (pig)/a fold
  1216. 圈|圈|quan1|circle/ring/loop/classifier for loops, orbits, laps of race etc/CL:個|个[ge4]/to surround/to circle
  1217. 護|护|hu4|to protect
  1218. 鬧|闹|nao4|noisy/cacophonous/to make noise/to disturb/to vent (feelings)/to fall ill/to have an attack (of sickness)/to go in (for some activity)/to joke
  1219. 言|言|yan2|words/speech/to say/to talk
  1220. 嘖|啧|ze2|(interj. of admiration or of disgust)/to click one's tongue/to attempt to (find an opportunity to) speak
  1221. 嘻|嘻|xi1|laugh/giggle/(interjection expressing admiration, surprise etc)
  1222. 距|距|ju4|at a distance of/distance/to be apart
  1223. 拆|拆|chai1|to tear open/to tear down/to tear apart/to open
  1224. 冒|冒|Mao4|surname Mao
  1225. 冒|冒|mao4|to emit/to give off/to send out (or up, forth)/brave/bold/to cover/to act under false pretences
  1226. 王|王|Wang2|surname Wang
  1227. 王|王|wang2|king or monarch/best or strongest of its type/grand/great
  1228. 王|王|wang4|to rule/to reign over
  1229. 具|具|ju4|tool/device/utensil/equipment/instrument/talent/ability/to possess/to have/to provide/to furnish/to state/classifier for devices, coffins, dead bodies
  1230. 克|克|ke4|to be able to/to subdue/to restrain/to overcome/gram/Tibetan unit of land area, about 6 ares
  1231. 催|催|cui1|to urge/to press/to prompt/to rush sb/to hasten sth/to expedite
  1232. 傲|傲|ao4|proud/arrogant/to despise/unyielding/to defy
  1233. 貨|货|huo4|goods/money/commodity/CL:個|个[ge4]
  1234. 健|健|jian4|healthy/to invigorate/to strengthen/to be good at/to be strong in
  1235. 偏|偏|pian1|to lean/to slant/oblique/prejudiced/to deviate from average/to stray from the intended line/stubbornly/contrary to expectations/left-hand side of a split Chinese character, often the key or radical
  1236. 持|持|chi2|to hold/to grasp/to support/to maintain/to persevere/to manage/to run (i.e. administer)/to control
  1237. 迎|迎|ying2|to welcome/to meet/to face/to forge ahead (esp. in the face of difficulties)
  1238. 煞|煞|sha1|to terminate/to cut short/to bring to a stop/to squeeze/to tighten/to damage/variant of 殺|杀[sha1]
  1239. 煞|煞|sha4|fiend/demon/very/(Tw) SARS (loanword)
  1240. 恰|恰|qia4|exactly/just
  1241. 努|努|nu3|to exert/to strive
  1242. 龍|龙|Long2|surname Long
  1243. 龍|龙|long2|dragon/CL:條|条[tiao2]/imperial
  1244. 蹲|蹲|dun1|to crouch/to squat/to stay (somewhere)
  1245. 灣|湾|wan1|bay/gulf/to cast anchor/to moor (a boat)
  1246. 瀉|泻|xie4|to flow out swiftly/to flood/a torrent/diarrhea/laxative
  1247. 腫|肿|zhong3|to swell/swelling/swollen
  1248. 漫|漫|man4|free/unrestrained/to inundate
  1249. 屬|属|shu3|category/genus (taxonomy)/family members/dependents/to belong to/subordinate to/affiliated with/be born in the year of (one of the 12 animals)/to be/to prove to be/to constitute
  1250. 屬|属|zhu3|to join together/to fix one's attention on/to concentrate on
  1251. 漲|涨|zhang3|to rise (of prices, rivers)
  1252. 漲|涨|zhang4|to swell/to distend
  1253. 繞|绕|rao4|to wind/to coil (thread)/to rotate around/to spiral/to move around/to go round (an obstacle)/to by-pass/to make a detour/to confuse/to perplex
  1254. 尼|尼|ni2|Buddhist nun/(often used in phonetic spellings)
  1255. 纏|缠|chan2|to wind around/to wrap round/to coil/tangle/to involve/to bother/to annoy
  1256. 肥|肥|fei2|fat/fertile/loose-fitting or large/to fertilize/to become rich by illegal means/fertilizer/manure
  1257. 釘|钉|ding1|nail/to follow closely/to keep at sb (to do sth)/variant of 盯[ding1]
  1258. 釘|钉|ding4|to join things together by fixing them in place at one or more points/to nail/to pin/to staple/to sew on
  1259. 胸|胸|xiong1|chest/bosom/heart/mind/thorax
  1260. 民|民|Min2|surname Min
  1261. 民|民|min2|the people/nationality/citizen
  1262. 素|素|su4|raw silk/white/plain, unadorned/vegetarian (food)/essence/nature/element/constituent/usually/always/ever
  1263. 彼|彼|bi3|that/those/(one) another
  1264. 丈|丈|zhang4|measure of length, ten Chinese feet (3.3 m)/to measure/husband/polite appellation for an older male
  1265. 絕|绝|jue2|to cut short/extinct/to disappear/to vanish/absolutely/by no means
  1266. 銀|银|yin2|silver/silver-colored/relating to money or currency
  1267. 微|微|Wei1|surname Wei/ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing/Taiwan pr. [Wei2]
  1268. 微|微|wei1|tiny/miniature/profound/abtruse/to decline/one millionth part of/micro-/Taiwan pr. [wei2]
  1269. 舊|旧|jiu4|old/opposite: new 新/former/worn (with age)
  1270. 市|市|shi4|market/city/CL:個|个[ge4]
  1271. 休|休|Xiu1|surname Xiu
  1272. 休|休|xiu1|to rest/to stop doing sth for a period of time/to cease/(imperative) don't
  1273. 修|修|Xiu1|surname Xiu
  1274. 修|修|xiu1|to decorate/to embellish/to repair/to build/to write/to cultivate/to study/to take (a class)
  1275. 筍|笋|sun3|bamboo shoot
  1276. 奮|奋|fen4|to exert oneself (bound form)
  1277. 歌|歌|ge1|song/CL:支[zhi1],首[shou3]/to sing
  1278. 程|程|Cheng2|surname Cheng
  1279. 程|程|cheng2|rule/order/regulations/formula/journey/procedure/sequence
  1280. 壺|壶|hu2|pot/classifier for bottled liquid
  1281. 壓|压|ya1|to press/to push down/to keep under (control)/pressure
  1282. 壓|压|ya4|see 壓根兒|压根儿[ya4 gen1 r5]
  1283. 核|核|he2|pit/stone/nucleus/nuclear/to examine/to check/to verify
  1284. 害|害|hai4|to do harm to/to cause trouble to/harm/evil/calamity
  1285. 密|密|Mi4|surname Mi/name of an ancient state
  1286. 密|密|mi4|secret/confidential/close/thick/dense
  1287. 隔|隔|ge2|to separate/to partition/to stand or lie between/at a distance from/after or at an interval of
  1288. 梯|梯|ti1|ladder/stairs
  1289. 號|号|hao2|roar/cry/CL:個|个[ge4]
  1290. 號|号|hao4|ordinal number/day of a month/mark/sign/business establishment/size/ship suffix/horn (wind instrument)/bugle call/assumed name/to take a pulse/classifier used to indicate number of people
  1291. 喂|喂|wei2|hello (when answering the phone)
  1292. 喂|喂|wei4|hey/to feed (an animal, baby, invalid etc)
  1293. 啡|啡|fei1|(phonetic component)
  1294. 類|类|lei4|kind/type/class/category/similar/like/to resemble
  1295. 咖|咖|ka1|coffee/class/grade
  1296. 駛|驶|shi3|to gallop/speedily/to proceed to/to pilot (ship, plane etc)/to sail
  1297. 末|末|mo4|tip/end/final stage/latter part/inessential detail/powder/dust/opera role of old man
  1298. 呀|呀|ya5|(particle equivalent to 啊 after a vowel, expressing surprise or doubt)
  1299. 搞|搞|gao3|to do/to make/to go in for/to set up/to get hold of/to take care of
  1300. 搬|搬|ban1|to move (i.e. relocate oneself)/to move (sth relatively heavy or bulky)/to shift/to copy indiscriminately
  1301. 圖|图|tu2|diagram/picture/drawing/chart/map/CL:張|张[zhang1]/to plan/to scheme/to attempt/to pursue/to seek
  1302. 圍|围|Wei2|surname Wei
  1303. 圍|围|wei2|to encircle/to surround/all around/to wear by wrapping around (scarf, shawl)
  1304. 環|环|Huan2|surname Huan
  1305. 環|环|huan2|ring/hoop/loop/(chain) link/classifier for scores in archery etc/to surround/to encircle/to hem in
  1306. 嘔|呕|ou3|vomit
  1307. 嘴|嘴|zui3|mouth/beak/nozzle/spout (of teapot etc)/CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4]
  1308. 冬|冬|dong1|winter
  1309. 或|或|huo4|maybe/perhaps/might/possibly/or
  1310. 賞|赏|shang3|to bestow (a reward)/to give (to an inferior)/to hand down/a reward (bestowed by a superior)/to appreciate (beauty)
  1311. 傢|家|jia1|see 傢伙|家伙[jia1 huo5]
  1312. 傳|传|chuan2|to pass on/to spread/to transmit/to infect/to transfer/to circulate/to conduct (electricity)
  1313. 傳|传|zhuan4|biography/historical narrative/commentaries/relay station
  1314. 貝|贝|Bei4|surname Bei
  1315. 貝|贝|bei4|cowrie/shellfish/currency (archaic)
  1316. 探|探|tan4|to explore/to search out/to scout/to visit/to stretch forward
  1317. 犯|犯|fan4|to violate/to offend/to assault/criminal/crime/to make a mistake/recurrence (of mistake or sth bad)
  1318. 牠|牠|ta1|it (used for animals)
  1319. 偶|偶|ou3|accidental/image/pair/mate
  1320. 辛|辛|Xin1|surname Xin
  1321. 辛|辛|xin1|(of taste) hot or pungent/hard/laborious/suffering/eighth in order/eighth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/letter "H" or roman "VIII" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/octa
  1322. 恨|恨|hen4|to hate/to regret
  1323. 憐|怜|lian2|to pity
  1324. 勁|劲|jin4|strength/energy/enthusiasm/spirit/mood/expression/interest/CL:把[ba3]
  1325. 勁|劲|jing4|stalwart/sturdy/strong/powerful
  1326. 刻|刻|ke4|quarter (hour)/moment/to carve/to engrave/to cut/oppressive/classifier for short time intervals
  1327. 週|周|zhou1|week/weekly/variant of 周[zhou1]
  1328. 遍|遍|bian4|everywhere/all over/classifier for actions: one time
  1329. 運|运|yun4|to move/to transport/to use/to apply/fortune/luck/fate
  1330. 巧|巧|qiao3|opportunely/coincidentally/as it happens/skillful/timely
  1331. 臂|臂|bi4|arm
  1332. 鄉|乡|xiang1|country or countryside/native place/home village or town/township (PRC administrative unit)
  1333. 尺|尺|che3|one of the characters used to represent a musical note in gongche notation, 工尺譜|工尺谱[gong1 che3 pu3]
  1334. 尺|尺|chi3|a Chinese foot/one-third of a meter/a ruler/a tape-measure/one of the three acupoints for measuring pulse in Chinese medicine/CL:支[zhi1],把[ba3]
  1335. 潔|洁|jie2|clean
  1336. 激|激|ji1|to arouse/to incite/to excite/to stimulate/sharp/fierce/violent
  1337. 針|针|zhen1|needle/pin/injection/stitch/CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1]
  1338. 納|纳|Na4|surname Na
  1339. 納|纳|na4|to receive/to accept/to enjoy/to bring into/to pay (tax etc)/nano- (one billionth)/to reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing
  1340. 約|约|yao1|to weigh in a balance or on a scale
  1341. 約|约|yue1|to make an appointment/to invite/approximately/pact/treaty/to economize/to restrict/to reduce (a fraction)/concise
  1342. 弱|弱|ruo4|weak/feeble/young/inferior/(following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than
  1343. 銅|铜|tong2|copper (chemistry)/see also 紅銅|红铜[hong2 tong2]/CL:塊|块[kuai4]
  1344. 綁|绑|bang3|to tie/bind or fasten together/to kidnap
  1345. 舍|舍|She4|surname She
  1346. 舍|舍|she3|old variant of 捨|舍[she3]
  1347. 舍|舍|she4|residence
  1348. 幣|币|bi4|money/coins/currency/silk
  1349. 舒|舒|Shu1|surname Shu
  1350. 舒|舒|shu1|to stretch/to unfold/to relax/leisurely
  1351. 康|康|Kang1|surname Kang
  1352. 康|康|kang1|healthy/peaceful/abundant
  1353. 鏡|镜|jing4|mirror/lens
  1354. 糊|糊|hu2|muddled/paste/scorched
  1355. 糊|糊|hu4|paste/cream
  1356. 奶|奶|nai3|breast/milk/to breastfeed
  1357. 藝|艺|yi4|skill/art
  1358. 欣|欣|xin1|happy
  1359. 祝|祝|Zhu4|surname Zhu
  1360. 祝|祝|zhu4|to wish/to express good wishes/to pray/(old) wizard
  1361. 社|社|she4|society/group/club/agency/(old) god of the land
  1362. 雍|雍|Yong1|surname Yong
  1363. 雍|雍|yong1|harmony
  1364. 宿|宿|Su4|surname Su
  1365. 宿|宿|su4|lodge for the night/old/former
  1366. 宿|宿|xiu3|night/classifier for nights
  1367. 宿|宿|xiu4|constellation
  1368. 零|零|ling2|zero/nought/zero sign/fractional/fragmentary/odd (of numbers)/(placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one)/fraction/(in mathematics) remainder (after division)/extra/to wither and fall/to wither
  1369. 寒|寒|han2|cold/poor/to tremble
  1370. 春|春|Chun1|surname Chun
  1371. 春|春|chun1|spring (time)/gay/joyful/youthful/love/lust/life
  1372. 襯|衬|chen4|(of garments) against the skin/to line/lining/to contrast with/to assist financially
  1373. 皂|皂|zao4|soap/black
  1374. 香|香|xiang1|fragrant/sweet smelling/aromatic/savory or appetizing/(to eat) with relish/(of sleep) sound/perfume or spice/joss or incense stick/CL:根[gen1]
  1375. 咦|咦|yi2|expression of surprise
  1376. 駕|驾|Jia4|surname Jia
  1377. 駕|驾|jia4|to harness/to draw (a cart etc)/to drive/to pilot/to sail/to ride/your good self/prefixed word denoting respect (polite 敬辞)
  1378. 養|养|yang3|to raise (animals)/to bring up (children)/to keep (pets)/to support/to give birth
  1379. 吊|吊|diao4|to suspend/to hang up/to hang a person
  1380. 城|城|cheng2|city walls/city/town/CL:座[zuo4],道[dao4],個|个[ge4]
  1381. 騎|骑|ji4|(Taiwan) saddle horse/mounted soldier
  1382. 騎|骑|qi2|to ride (an animal or bike)/to sit astride/classifier for saddle-horses
  1383. 畢|毕|Bi4|surname Bi
  1384. 畢|毕|bi4|the whole of/to finish/to complete/complete/full/finished
  1385. 噓|嘘|xu1|to exhale slowly/to hiss/hush!
  1386. 敲|敲|qiao1|to hit/to strike/to tap/to rap/to knock/to rip sb off/to overcharge
  1387. 跪|跪|gui4|to kneel
  1388. 拜|拜|bai4|to pay respect/worship/visit/salute
  1389. 招|招|zhao1|to recruit/to provoke/to beckon/to incur/to infect/contagious/a move (chess)/a maneuver/device/trick/to confess
  1390. 拒|拒|ju4|to resist/to repel/to refuse
  1391. 披|披|pi1|to drape over one's shoulders/to open/to unroll/to split open/to spread out
  1392. 托|托|tuo1|prop/support (for weight)/rest (e.g. arm rest)/thanks to/to hold in one's hand/to support in one's palm/to give/to base/to commit/to set/Torr (unit of pressure)
  1393. 猜|猜|cai1|to guess
  1394. 戒|戒|jie4|to guard against/to exhort/to admonish or warn/to give up or stop doing sth/Buddhist monastic discipline/ring (for a finger)
  1395. 負|负|fu4|to bear/to carry (on one's back)/to turn one's back on/to be defeated/negative (math. etc)
  1396. 版|版|ban3|a register/block of printing/edition/version/page
  1397. 牢|牢|lao2|firm/sturdy/fold (for animals)/sacrifice/prison
  1398. 挑|挑|tiao1|to carry on a shoulder pole/to choose/to pick/to nitpick
  1399. 挑|挑|tiao3|to raise/to dig up/to poke/to prick/to incite/to stir up
  1400. 叉|叉|cha1|fork/pitchfork/prong/pick/cross/intersect/"X"
  1401. 叉|叉|cha2|to cross/be stuck
  1402. 叉|叉|cha3|to diverge/to open (as legs)
  1403. 參|叁|san1|three (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
  1404. 參|参|can1|to take part in/to participate/to join/to attend/to counsel/unequal/varied/irregular/uneven/not uniform/abbr. for 參議院|参议院 Senate, Upper House
  1405. 參|参|shen1|ginseng/one of the 28 constellations
  1406. 熄|熄|xi1|to extinguish/to put out (fire)/to quench/to stop burning/to go out (of fire, lamp etc)/to come to an end/to wither away/to die out/Taiwan pr. [xi2]
  1407. 悲|悲|bei1|sad/sadness/sorrow/grief
  1408. 匹|匹|pi1|mate/one of a pair
  1409. 匹|匹|pi3|classifier for horses, mules etc/Taiwan pr. [pi1]/ordinary person/classifier for cloth: bolt/horsepower
  1410. 慣|惯|guan4|accustomed to/used to/indulge/to spoil (a child)
  1411. 刷|刷|shua1|to brush/to paint/to daub/to paste up/to skip class (of students)/to fire from a job
  1412. 刷|刷|shua4|to select
  1413. 造|造|zao4|to make/to build/to manufacture/to invent/to fabricate/to go to/party (in a lawsuit or legal agreement)/crop/classifier for crops
  1414. 滴|滴|di1|a drop/to drip
  1415. 至|至|zhi4|to arrive/most/to/until
  1416. 耐|耐|nai4|capable of enduring/able to tolerate/patient/durable/hardy/resistant
  1417. 肚|肚|du3|tripe
  1418. 肚|肚|du4|belly
  1419. 乖|乖|guai1|(of a child) obedient, well-behaved/clever/shrewd/alert/perverse/contrary to reason/irregular/abnormal
  1420. 紗|纱|sha1|cotton yarn/muslin
  1421. 污|污|wu1|dirty/filthy/foul/corrupt/to smear/to defile/dirt/filth
  1422. 沖|冲|chong1|(of water) to dash against/to mix with water/to infuse/to rinse/to flush/to develop (a film)/to rise in the air/to clash/to collide with
  1423. 編|编|bian1|to weave/to plait/to organize/to group/to arrange/to edit/to compile/to write/to compose/to fabricate
  1424. 簿|簿|bu4|a book/a register/account-book
  1425. 洋|洋|yang2|ocean/vast/foreign/silver dollar or coin
  1426. 鍋|锅|guo1|pot/pan/boiler/CL:口[kou3],隻|只[zhi1]
  1427. 例|例|li4|example/precedent/rule/case/instance
  1428. 藏|藏|Zang4|Tibet/Xizang 西藏
  1429. 藏|藏|cang2|to conceal/to hide away/to harbor/to store/to collect
  1430. 藏|藏|zang4|storehouse/depository/Buddhist or Taoist scripture
  1431. 妻|妻|qi1|wife
  1432. 妻|妻|qi4|to marry off (a daughter)
  1433. 檔|档|dang3|(Tw) variant of 擋|挡[dang3], gear
  1434. 檔|档|dang4|official records/grade (of goods)/file/records/shelves/slot/gap/crosspiece/classifier for crosspieces/classifier for events, affairs etc/Taiwan pr. [dang3]
  1435. 歐|欧|Ou1|Europe/abbr. for 歐洲|欧洲[Ou1 zhou1]/surname Ou
  1436. 歐|欧|ou1|(used for transliteration)/old variant of 謳|讴[ou1]
  1437. 章|章|Zhang1|surname Zhang
  1438. 章|章|zhang1|chapter/section/clause/movement (of symphony)/seal/badge/regulation/order
  1439. 境|境|jing4|border/place/condition/boundary/circumstances/territory
  1440. 蒙|蒙|Meng2|surname Meng
  1441. 蒙|蒙|Meng3|Mongol ethnic group/abbr. for Mongolia 蒙古國|蒙古国[Meng3 gu3 guo2]/Taiwan pr. [Meng2]
  1442. 蒙|蒙|meng1|(knocked) unconscious/dazed/stunned
  1443. 蒙|蒙|meng2|to cover/ignorant/to suffer (misfortune)/to receive (a favor)/to cheat
  1444. 棵|棵|ke1|classifier for trees, cabbages, plants etc
  1445. 娣|娣|di4|wife of a younger brother
  1446. 虛|虚|xu1|emptiness/void/abstract theory or guiding principles/empty or unoccupied/diffident or timid/false/humble or modest/(of health) weak/virtual/in vain
  1447. 碎|碎|sui4|to break down/to break into pieces/fragmentary
  1448. 曬|晒|shai4|(of the sun) to shine on/to bask in (the sunshine)/to dry (clothes, grain etc) in the sun/(fig.) to expose and share (one's experiences and thoughts) on the Web (loanword from "share")/(coll.) to give the cold shoulder to
  1449. 飄|飘|piao1|to float
  1450. 觸|触|chu4|to touch/to make contact with sth/to stir up sb's emotions
  1451. 喉|喉|hou2|throat/larynx
  1452. 頸|颈|jing3|neck
  1453. 順|顺|shun4|to obey/to follow/to arrange/to make reasonable/along/favorable
  1454. 唸|念|nian4|variant of 念[nian4], to read aloud
  1455. 顯|显|xian3|prominent/conspicuous/(prefix) phanero-
  1456. 品|品|pin3|article/commodity/product/goods/kind/grade/rank/character/disposition/nature/temperament/variety/to taste sth/to sample/to criticize/to comment/to judge/to size up
  1457. 查|查|Zha1|surname Zha
  1458. 查|查|cha2|to research/to check/to investigate/to examine/to refer to/to look up (e.g. a word in a dictionary)
  1459. 查|查|zha1|see 山查[shan1 zha1]
  1460. 裸|裸|luo3|naked
  1461. 朵|朵|duo3|flower/earlobe/fig. item on both sides/classifier for flowers, clouds etc
  1462. 讚|赞|zan4|variant of 贊|赞[zan4]/to praise
  1463. 址|址|zhi3|location/site
  1464. 甜|甜|tian2|sweet
  1465. 驗|验|yan4|to examine/to test/to check
  1466. 圾|圾|ji1|see 垃圾[la1 ji1]/Taiwan pr. [se4]
  1467. 斯|斯|Si1|Slovakia/Slovak/abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Si1 luo4 fa2 ke4]
  1468. 斯|斯|si1|(phonetic)/this
  1469. 固|固|gu4|hard/strong/solid/sure/assuredly/undoubtedly/of course/indeed/admittedly
  1470. 諾|诺|nuo4|to consent/to promise/(literary) yes!
  1471. 敏|敏|min3|quick/nimble/agile/clever/smart
  1472. 嘗|尝|chang2|to taste/to try/to experience/already/ever/once
  1473. 玻|玻|bo1|glass
  1474. 扮|扮|ban4|to disguise oneself as/to dress up/to play (a role)/to put on (an expression)
  1475. 赤|赤|chi4|red/scarlet/bare/naked
  1476. 充|充|chong1|to fill/to satisfy/to fulfill/to act in place of/substitute/sufficient/full
  1477. 免|免|mian3|to excuse sb/to exempt/to remove or dismiss from office/to avoid/to avert/to escape/to be prohibited
  1478. 免|免|wen4|old variant of 絻[wen4]
  1479. 貼|贴|tie1|to stick/to paste/to post (e.g. on a blog)/to keep close to/to fit snugly/to subsidize/allowance (e.g. money for food or housing)/sticker/classifier for sticking plaster: strip
  1480. 豬|猪|zhu1|hog/pig/swine/CL:口[kou3],頭|头[tou2]
  1481. 偷|偷|tou1|to steal/to pilfer/to snatch/thief/stealthily
  1482. 按|按|an4|to press/to push/to leave aside or shelve/to control/to restrain/to keep one's hand on/to check or refer to/according to/in the light of/(of an editor or author) to make a comment
  1483. 惜|惜|xi1|to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan pr. [xi2]
  1484. 惡|恶|e3|see 惡心|恶心[e3 xin1]
  1485. 惡|恶|e4|evil/fierce/vicious/ugly/coarse/to harm
  1486. 惡|恶|wu4|to hate/to loathe/ashamed/to fear/to slander
  1487. 厲|厉|Li4|surname Li
  1488. 厲|厉|li4|strict/severe
  1489. 燒|烧|shao1|to burn/to cook/to stew/to bake/to roast/to heat/to boil (tea, water etc)/fever/to run a temperature/(coll.) to let things go to one's head
  1490. 厭|厌|yan4|to loathe
  1491. 取|取|qu3|to take/to get/to choose/to fetch
  1492. 恐|恐|kong3|afraid/frightened/to fear
  1493. 煤|煤|mei2|coal/CL:塊|块[kuai4]
  1494. 怖|怖|bu4|terror/terrified/afraid/frightened
  1495. 劃|划|hua2|to cut/to slash/to scratch (cut into the surface of sth)/to strike (a match)
  1496. 劃|划|hua4|to delimit/to transfer/to assign/to plan/to draw (a line)/stroke of a Chinese character
  1497. 烤|烤|kao3|to roast/to bake/to broil
  1498. 炎|炎|yan2|flame/inflammation/-itis
  1499. 齊|齐|Qi2|(name of states and dynasties at several different periods)/surname Qi
  1500. 齊|齐|qi2|neat/even/level with/identical/simultaneous/all together/to even sth out
  1501. 慰|慰|wei4|to comfort/to console/to reassure
  1502. 慶|庆|qing4|to celebrate
  1503. 灘|滩|tan1|beach/shoal/rapids/CL:片[pian4]/classifier for liquids: pool, puddle
  1504. 渴|渴|ke3|thirsty
  1505. 速|速|su4|fast/rapid/quick/velocity
  1506. 腸|肠|chang2|intestines
  1507. 腰|腰|yao1|waist/lower back/pocket/middle/loins
  1508. 罰|罚|fa2|to punish/to penalize
  1509. 巨|巨|ju4|very large/huge/tremendous/gigantic
  1510. 漿|浆|jiang1|broth/serum/to starch
  1511. 漿|浆|jiang4|starch paste
  1512. 潛|潜|qian2|hidden/secret/latent/to hide/to conceal/to submerge/to dive
  1513. 肩|肩|jian1|shoulder/to shoulder (responsibilities etc)
  1514. 彈|弹|dan4|crossball/bullet/shot/shell/ball
  1515. 彈|弹|tan2|to pluck (a string)/to play (a string instrument)/to spring or leap/to shoot (e.g. with a catapult)/(of cotton) to fluff or tease/to flick/to flip/to accuse/to impeach/elastic (of materials)
  1516. 九|九|jiu3|nine/9
  1517. 草|草|cao3|grass/straw/manuscript/draft (of a document)/careless/rough/CL:棵[ke1],撮[zuo3],株[zhu1],根[gen1]
  1518. 草|草|cao4|variant of 肏[cao4]
  1519. 維|维|Wei2|abbr. for Uighur 維吾爾|维吾尔[Wei2 wu2 er3]/surname Wei
  1520. 維|维|wei2|to preserve/to maintain/to hold together/dimension/vitamin (abbr. for 維生素|维生素[wei2 sheng1 su4])
  1521. 莫|莫|Mo4|surname Mo
  1522. 莫|莫|mo4|do not/there is none who
  1523. 河|河|he2|river/CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4]
  1524. 待|待|dai1|to stay
  1525. 待|待|dai4|to wait/to treat/to deal with/to need/going to (do sth)/about to/intending to
  1526. 波|波|Bo1|Poland/Polish/abbr. for 波蘭|波兰[Bo1 lan2]
  1527. 波|波|bo1|wave/ripple/storm/surge
  1528. 船|船|chuan2|boat/vessel/ship/CL:條|条[tiao2],艘[sou1],隻|只[zhi1]
  1529. 米|米|Mi3|surname Mi
  1530. 米|米|mi3|rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)
  1531. 保|保|Bao3|Bulgaria/Bulgarian/abbr. for 保加利亞|保加利亚[Bao3 jia1 li4 ya4]
  1532. 保|保|bao3|to defend/to protect/to keep/to guarantee/to ensure
  1533. 英|英|Ying1|United Kingdom/British/England/English/abbr. for 英國|英国[Ying1 guo2]
  1534. 英|英|ying1|hero/outstanding/excellent/(literary) flower/blossom
  1535. 糕|糕|gao1|cake
  1536. 淨|净|jing4|clean/completely/only/net (income, exports etc)/(Chinese opera) painted face male role
  1537. 依|依|yi1|to depend on/to comply with or listen to sb/according to/in the light of
  1538. 妙|妙|miao4|clever/wonderful
  1539. 薄|薄|Bo2|surname Bo
  1540. 薄|薄|bao2|thin/cold in manner/indifferent/weak/light/infertile
  1541. 薄|薄|bo2|meager/slight/weak/ungenerous or unkind/frivolous/to despise/to belittle/to look down on/to approach or near
  1542. 薄|薄|bo4|see 薄荷[bo4 he5]
  1543. 薪|薪|xin1|fuel/salary
  1544. 稱|称|chen4|to fit/balanced/suitable
  1545. 稱|称|cheng1|to weigh/to state/to name/name/appellation/to praise
  1546. 稱|称|cheng4|variant of 秤[cheng4]/steelyard
  1547. 立|立|Li4|surname Li
  1548. 立|立|li4|to stand/to set up/to establish/to lay down/to draw up/at once/immediately
  1549. 壯|壮|Zhuang4|Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi, the PRC's second most numerous ethnic group/Zhuang: Bouxcuengh
  1550. 壯|壮|zhuang4|to strengthen/strong/robust
  1551. 閃|闪|Shan3|surname Shan
  1552. 閃|闪|shan3|to dodge/to duck out of the way/to beat it/shaken (by a fall)/to sprain/to pull a muscle/lightning/spark/a flash/to flash (across one's mind)/to leave behind
  1553. 票|票|piao4|ticket/ballot/banknote/CL:張|张[zhang1]/person held for ransom/amateur performance of Chinese opera/classifier for groups, batches, business transactions
  1554. 孔|孔|Kong3|surname Kong
  1555. 孔|孔|kong3|hole/CL:個|个[ge4]/classifier for cave dwellings
  1556. 孤|孤|gu1|lone/lonely
  1557. 雞|鸡|ji1|fowl/chicken/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/(slang) prostitute
  1558. 磨|磨|mo2|to rub/to grind/to polish/to sharpen/to wear down/to die out/to waste time/to pester/to insist
  1559. 磨|磨|mo4|grindstone/to grind/to turn round
  1560. 碼|码|ma3|weight/number/code/to pile/to stack/classifier for length or distance (yard), happenings etc
  1561. 喇|喇|la1|(onom.) sound of wind, rain etc
  1562. 喇|喇|la3|(phonetic)
  1563. 啪|啪|pa1|(onom.) bang/pop/pow
  1564. 眠|眠|mian2|to sleep/to hibernate
  1565. 顧|顾|Gu4|surname Gu
  1566. 顧|顾|gu4|to look after/to take into consideration/to attend to
  1567. 裂|裂|lie4|to split/to crack/to break open/to rend
  1568. 未|未|wei4|not yet/did not/have not/not/8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep
  1569. 呻|呻|shen1|groan
  1570. 朗|朗|lang3|clear/bright
  1571. 杯|杯|bei1|trophy cup/cup/classifier for certain containers of liquids: glass, cup
  1572. 吼|吼|hou3|roar or howl of an animal/bellow of rage
  1573. 衫|衫|shan1|garment/jacket with open slits in place of sleeves
  1574. 撞|撞|zhuang4|to knock against/to bump into/to run into/to meet by accident
  1575. 撲|扑|pu1|to throw oneself at/to pounce on/to devote one's energies/to flap/to flutter/to dab/to pat/to bend over
  1576. 垃|垃|la1|see 垃圾[la1 ji1]/Taiwan pr. [le4]
  1577. 申|申|Shen1|old name for Shanghai 上海[Shang4 hai3]/surname Shen
  1578. 申|申|shen1|to extend/to state/to explain/9th earthly branch: 3-5 p.m., 7th solar month (7th August-7th September), year of the Monkey
  1579. 搭|搭|da1|to put up/to build (scaffolding)/to hang (clothes on a pole)/to connect/to join/to arrange in pairs/to match/to add/to throw in (resources)/to take (boat, train)/variant of 褡[da1]
  1580. 異|异|yi4|different/other/hetero-/unusual/strange/surprising/to distinguish/to separate/to discriminate
  1581. 摩|摩|mo2|to rub
  1582. 璃|璃|li2|colored glaze/glass
  1583. 誌|志|zhi4|sign/mark/to record/to write a footnote
  1584. 族|族|zu2|race/nationality/ethnicity/clan/by extension, social group (e.g. office workers 上班族)
  1585. 瓜|瓜|gua1|melon/gourd/squash
  1586. 鬆|松|song1|loose/to loosen/to relax
  1587. 支|支|Zhi1|surname Zhi
  1588. 支|支|zhi1|to support/to sustain/to erect/to raise/branch/division/to draw money/classifier for rods such as pens and guns, for army divisions and for songs or compositions
  1589. 討|讨|tao3|to invite/to provoke/to demand or ask for/to send armed forces to suppress/to denounce or condemn/to marry (a woman)/to discuss or study
  1590. 效|效|xiao4|effect/efficacy/to imitate
  1591. 珍|珍|zhen1|precious thing/treasure/culinary delicacy/rare/valuable/to value highly
  1592. 拔|拔|ba2|to pull up/to pull out/to draw out by suction/to select/to pick/to stand out (above level)/to surpass/to seize
  1593. 戶|户|hu4|a household/door/family
  1594. 揮|挥|hui1|to wave/to brandish/to command/to conduct/to scatter/to disperse
  1595. 掃|扫|sao3|to sweep
  1596. 掃|扫|sao4|broom
  1597. 值|值|zhi2|value/(to be) worth/to happen to/to be on duty
  1598. 辯|辩|bian4|to dispute/to debate/to argue/to discuss
  1599. 熟|熟|shu2|cooked (of food)/ripe (of fruit)/mature (of seeds)/familiar/skilled/done/also pr. [shou2]
  1600. 叭|叭|ba1|denote a sound or sharp noise (gunfire etc)
  1601. 升|升|sheng1|to ascend/to rise to the rank of/to promote/to hoist/liter/measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗[dou3]
  1602. 較|较|jiao4|comparatively/(preposition comparing difference in degree)/to contrast/to compare/rather/fairly/clearly (different)/markedly/to haggle over/to quibble/also pr. [jiao3]
  1603. 助|助|zhu4|to help/to assist
  1604. 勉|勉|mian3|to exhort/to make an effort
  1605. 憤|愤|fen4|indignant/anger/resentment
  1606. 炒|炒|chao3|to sauté/to stir-fry/to speculate/to hype/to fire (sb)
  1607. 齒|齿|chi3|tooth/CL:顆|颗[ke1]
  1608. 慌|慌|huang1|to get panicky/to lose one's head/(coll.) (after 得) unbearably/terribly
  1609. 刺|刺|ci1|(onom.) whoosh
  1610. 刺|刺|ci4|thorn/sting/thrust/to prick/to pierce/to stab/to assassinate/to murder
  1611. 途|途|tu2|way/route/road
  1612. 腐|腐|fu3|decay/rotten
  1613. 罵|骂|ma4|to scold/to abuse/to curse/CL:通[tong4],頓|顿[dun4]
  1614. 羞|羞|xiu1|shy/ashamed/shame/bashful/variant of 饈|馐[xiu1]/delicacies
  1615. 滾|滚|gun3|to boil/to roll/to take a hike/Get lost!
  1616. 漸|渐|jian1|to imbue
  1617. 漸|渐|jian4|gradual/gradually
  1618. 潮|潮|chao2|tide/current/damp/moist/humid
  1619. 采|采|cai3|color/complexion/looks/variant of 彩[cai3]/variant of 採|采[cai3]
  1620. 采|采|cai4|allotment to a feudal noble
  1621. 濟|济|ji4|to cross a river/to aid or relieve/to be of help
  1622. 彎|弯|wan1|to bend/bent/a bend/a turn (in the road etc)/CL:道[dao4]
  1623. 乘|乘|Cheng2|surname Cheng
  1624. 乘|乘|cheng2|to ride/to mount/to make use of/to avail oneself of/to take advantage of/to multiply (mathematics)/Buddhist sect or creed
  1625. 乘|乘|sheng4|four horse military chariot (archaic)/four (archaic)/generic term for history books
  1626. 級|级|ji2|level/grade/rank/step (of stairs)/CL:個|个[ge4]/classifier: step, level
  1627. 串|串|chuan4|to string together/to skewer/to connect wrongly/to gang up/to rove/string/bunch/skewer/classifier for things that are strung together, or in a bunch, or in a row: string of, bunch of, series of/to make a swift or abrupt linear movement (like a bead on an abacus)/to move across
  1628. 引|引|yin3|to draw (e.g. a bow)/to pull/to stretch sth/to extend/to lengthen/to involve or implicate in/to attract/to lead/to guide/to leave/to provide evidence or justification for/old unit of distance equal to 10 丈[zhang4], one-thirtieth of a km or 33.33 meters
  1629. 且|且|qie3|and/moreover/yet/for the time being/to be about to/both (... and...)
  1630. 仰|仰|Yang3|surname Yang
  1631. 仰|仰|yang3|to face upward/to look up/to admire/to rely on
  1632. 享|享|xiang3|to enjoy/to benefit/to have the use of
  1633. 泉|泉|quan2|spring (small stream)/mouth of a spring/coin (archaic)
  1634. 菇|菇|gu1|mushroom
  1635. 簾|帘|lian2|hanging screen or curtain
  1636. 舌|舌|she2|tongue
  1637. 幻|幻|huan4|fantasy
  1638. 幹|干|gan4|tree trunk/main part of sth/to manage/to work/to do/capable/cadre/to kill (slang)/to fuck (vulgar)
  1639. 幢|幢|chuang2|banner
  1640. 幢|幢|zhuang4|classifier for buildings/carriage curtain (old)
  1641. 浮|浮|fu2|to float/superficial/floating/unstable/movable/provisional/temporary/transient/impetuous/hollow/inflated/to exceed/superfluous/excessive/surplus
  1642. 鎖|锁|suo3|to lock up/to lock/lock/CL:把[ba3]
  1643. 係|系|xi4|to connect/to relate to/to tie up/to bind/to be (literary)
  1644. 建|建|jian4|to establish/to found/to set up/to build/to construct
  1645. 廣|广|Guang3|surname Guang
  1646. 廣|广|guang3|wide/numerous/to spread
  1647. 若|若|ruo4|to seem/like/as/if
  1648. 鏈|链|lian4|chain/cable (unit of length: 100 fathoms, about 185 m)/chain (unit of length: 66 feet, about 20 m)/to chain/to enchain
  1649. 添|添|tian1|to add/to increase/to replenish
  1650. 夏|夏|Xia4|the Xia or Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC/Xia of the Sixteen Kingdoms (407-432)/surname Xia
  1651. 夏|夏|xia4|summer
  1652. 蕩|荡|dang4|to wash/to squander/to sweep away/to move/to shake/dissolute/pond
  1653. 笨|笨|ben4|stupid/foolish/silly/slow-witted/clumsy
  1654. 篇|篇|pian1|sheet/piece of writing/bound set of bamboo slips used for record keeping (old)/classifier for written items: chapter, article
  1655. 葉|叶|Ye4|surname Ye
  1656. 葉|叶|ye4|leaf/page/lobe/(historical) period/classifier for small boats
  1657. 葛|葛|Ge3|surname Ge
  1658. 葛|葛|ge2|kudzu (Pueraria lobata)/hemp cloth
  1659. 堅|坚|jian1|strong/solid/firm/unyielding/resolute
  1660. 竟|竟|jing4|unexpectedly/actually/to go so far as to/indeed
  1661. 礦|矿|kuang4|ore/mine
  1662. 示|示|shi4|to show/to reveal
  1663. 青|青|Qing1|abbr. for 青海[Qing1 hai3], Qinghai Province
  1664. 青|青|qing1|nature's color/green or blue/greenish black/youth/young (of people)
  1665. 霧|雾|wu4|fog/mist/CL:場|场[chang2],陣|阵[zhen4]
  1666. 嫁|嫁|jia4|(of a woman) to marry/to marry off a daughter/to shift (blame etc)
  1667. 瞇|眯|mi1|to narrow one's eyes/to squint/(dialect) to take a nap
  1668. 暈|晕|yun1|confused/dizzy/giddy/to faint/to swoon/to lose consciousness/to pass out
  1669. 暈|晕|yun4|dizzy/halo/ring around moon or sun
  1670. 瞪|瞪|deng4|to open (one's eyes) wide/to stare at/to glare at
  1671. 瞭|了|liao3|(of eyes) bright/clear-sighted/to understand clearly
  1672. 瞭|了|liao4|unofficial variant of 瞭[liao4]
  1673. 瞭|瞭|liao4|to watch from a height or distance/to survey
  1674. 喘|喘|chuan3|to gasp/to pant/asthma
  1675. 喊|喊|han3|to yell/to shout/to call out for (a person)
  1676. 顏|颜|Yan2|surname Yan
  1677. 顏|颜|yan2|color/face/countenance
  1678. 唇|唇|chun2|lip
  1679. 顆|颗|ke1|classifier for small spheres, pearls, corn grains, teeth, hearts, satellites etc
  1680. 盆|盆|pen2|basin/flower pot/unit of volume equal to 12 斗 and 8 升, approx 128 liters/CL:個|个[ge4]
  1681. 否|否|fou3|to negate/to deny/not
  1682. 否|否|pi3|clogged/evil
  1683. 吵|吵|chao3|to quarrel/to make a noise/noisy/to disturb by making a noise
  1684. 埋|埋|mai2|to bury
  1685. 埋|埋|man2|to blame
  1686. 骯|肮|ang1|dirty/filthy
  1687. 擇|择|ze2|to select/to choose/to pick over/to pick out/to differentiate/to eliminate/also pr. [zhai2]
  1688. 擊|击|ji1|to hit/to strike/to break/Taiwan pr. [ji2]
  1689. 園|园|Yuan2|surname Yuan
  1690. 園|园|yuan2|land used for growing plants/site used for public recreation
  1691. 議|议|yi4|to comment on/to discuss/to suggest
  1692. 鬍|胡|hu2|beard/mustache/whiskers
  1693. 託|托|tuo1|to trust/to entrust/to be entrusted with/to act as trustee
  1694. 託|讬|tuo1|variant of 託|托[tuo1]
  1695. 嘩|哗|hua1|crashing sound
  1696. 嘩|哗|hua2|cat-calling sound/clamor/noise
  1697. 跌|跌|die1|to drop/to fall/to tumble/Taiwan pr. [die2]
  1698. 珠|珠|zhu1|bead/pearl/CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1]
  1699. 凶|凶|xiong1|vicious/fierce/ominous/inauspicious/famine/variant of 兇|凶[xiong1]
  1700. 趴|趴|pa1|to lie on one's stomach/to lean forward, resting one's upper body (on a desktop etc)/(Taiwan) percent
  1701. 獸|兽|shou4|beast/animal/beastly/bestial
  1702. 狀|状|zhuang4|accusation/suit/state/condition/strong/great/-shaped
  1703. 傻|傻|sha3|foolish
  1704. 捨|舍|she3|to give up/to abandon/to give alms
  1705. 牧|牧|Mu4|surname Mu
  1706. 牧|牧|mu4|to herd/to breed livestock/to govern (old)/government official (old)
  1707. 爐|炉|lu2|stove/furnace
  1708. 爛|烂|lan4|soft/mushy/well-cooked and soft/to rot/to decompose/rotten/worn out/chaotic/messy/utterly/thoroughly/crappy/bad
  1709. 爭|争|zheng1|to strive for/to vie for/to argue or debate/deficient or lacking (dialect)/how or what (literary)
  1710. 悟|悟|wu4|to comprehend/to apprehend/to become aware
  1711. 鹹|咸|xian2|salted/salty/stingy/miserly
  1712. 南|南|Nan2|surname Nan
  1713. 南|南|nan2|south
  1714. 懶|懒|lan3|lazy
  1715. 勃|勃|bo2|flourishing/prosperous/suddenly/abruptly
  1716. 憶|忆|yi4|to recollect/to remember/memory
  1717. 刊|刊|kan1|to print/to publish/publication/periodical/to peel with a knife/to carve/to amend
  1718. 愉|愉|yu2|pleased
  1719. 逼|逼|bi1|to force (sb to do sth)/to compel/to press for/to extort/to press on towards/to press up to/to close in on/used in the place of 屄[bi1], cunt
  1720. 減|减|jian3|to lower/to decrease/to reduce/to subtract/to diminish
  1721. 湯|汤|Tang1|surname Tang
  1722. 湯|汤|shang1|rushing current
  1723. 湯|汤|tang1|soup/hot or boiling water/decoction of medicinal herbs/water in which sth has been boiled
  1724. 選|选|xuan3|to choose/to pick/to select/to elect
  1725. 罩|罩|zhao4|cover/fish trap (basket)/shade
  1726. 膚|肤|fu1|skin
  1727. 膝|膝|xi1|knee
  1728. 膿|脓|nong2|pus
  1729. 巖|岩|yan2|variant of 岩[yan2]
  1730. 臨|临|lin2|to face/to overlook/to arrive/to be (just) about to/just before
  1731. 縫|缝|feng2|to sew/to stitch
  1732. 縫|缝|feng4|seam/crack/narrow slit/CL:道[dao4]
  1733. 縮|缩|suo1|to withdraw/to pull back/to contract/to shrink/to reduce/abbreviation/also pr. [su4]
  1734. 耶|耶|ye1|(phonetic ye)
  1735. 耶|耶|ye2|interrogative particle (classical)
  1736. 耶|耶|ye5|final particle indicating enthusiasm etc
  1737. 聘|聘|pin4|to engage (a teacher etc)/to hire/to betroth/betrothal gift/to get married (of woman)
  1738. 聚|聚|ju4|to congregate/to assemble/to mass/to gather together/to amass/to polymerize
  1739. 聖|圣|sheng4|holy/sacred/saint/sage
  1740. 尤|尤|You2|surname You
  1741. 尤|尤|you2|outstanding/particularly, especially/a fault/to express discontentment against
  1742. 繼|继|ji4|to continue/to follow after/to go on with/to succeed/to inherit/then/afterwards
  1743. 配|配|pei4|to join/to fit/to mate/to mix/to match/to deserve/to make up (a prescription)/to allocate
  1744. 專|专|zhuan1|for a particular person, occasion, purpose/focused on one thing/special/expert/particular (to sth)/concentrated/specialized
  1745. 職|职|zhi2|office/duty
  1746. 醉|醉|zui4|intoxicated
  1747. 濃|浓|nong2|concentrated/dense/strong (smell etc)
  1748. 紮|扎|za1|to tie/to bind/classifier for flowers, banknotes etc: bundle/Taiwan pr. [zha2]
  1749. 紹|绍|Shao4|surname Shao
  1750. 紹|绍|shao4|to continue/to carry on
  1751. 乏|乏|fa2|short of/tired
  1752. 丹|丹|dan1|red/pellet/powder/cinnabar
  1753. 統|统|tong3|to gather/to unite/to unify/whole
  1754. 仔|仔|zai3|variant of 崽[zai3]
  1755. 仔|仔|zi1|see 仔肩[zi1 jian1]
  1756. 仔|仔|zi3|meticulous/(of domestic animals or fowls) young
  1757. 介|介|jie4|to introduce/to lie between/between/shell/armor
  1758. 緩|缓|huan3|slow/unhurried/sluggish/gradual/not tense/relaxed/to postpone/to defer/to stall/to stave off/to revive/to recuperate
  1759. 井|井|Jing3|Jing, one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy/surname Jing
  1760. 井|井|jing3|a well/CL:口[kou3]/neat/orderly
  1761. 復|复|fu4|to go and return/to return/to resume/to return to a normal or original state/to repeat/again/to recover/to restore/to turn over/to reply/to answer/to reply to a letter/to retaliate/to carry out
  1762. 鋸|锯|ju1|variant of 鋦|锔[ju1]
  1763. 鋸|锯|ju4|a saw/to cut with a saw
  1764. 航|航|hang2|boat/ship/craft/to navigate/to sail/to fly
  1765. 舞|舞|wu3|to dance/to wield/to brandish
  1766. 浸|浸|jin4|to immerse/to soak/to steep/gradually
  1767. 涕|涕|ti4|tears/nasal mucus
  1768. 廂|厢|xiang1|box (in theater)/side room/side
  1769. 廢|废|fei4|to abolish/to abandon/to abrogate/to discard/to depose/to oust/crippled/abandoned/waste
  1770. 糟|糟|zao1|dregs/draff/pickled in wine/rotten/messy/ruined
  1771. 庭|庭|ting2|main hall/front courtyard/law court
  1772. 模|模|mo2|to imitate/model/norm/pattern
  1773. 模|模|mu2|mold/die/matrix/pattern
  1774. 奴|奴|nu2|slave
  1775. 姨|姨|yi2|mother's sister/aunt
  1776. 姿|姿|zi1|beauty/disposition/looks/appearance
  1777. 檢|检|jian3|to check/to examine/to inspect/to exercise restraint
  1778. 歸|归|Gui1|surname Gui
  1779. 歸|归|gui1|to return/to go back to/to give back to/(of a responsibility) to be taken care of by/to belong to/to gather together/(used between two identical verbs) despite/to marry (of a woman) (old)/division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
  1780. 葡|葡|Pu2|Portugal/Portuguese/abbr. for 葡萄牙[Pu2 tao2 ya2]
  1781. 葡|葡|pu2|see 葡萄[pu2 tao5]
  1782. 穩|稳|wen3|settled/steady/stable
  1783. 塔|塔|ta3|pagoda/tower/minaret/stupa (abbr. loanword from Sanskrit tapo)/CL:座[zuo4]
  1784. 士|士|Shi4|surname Shi
  1785. 士|士|shi4|member of the senior ministerial class (old)/scholar (old)/bachelor/honorific/first class military rank/specialist worker
  1786. 案|案|an4|(legal) case/incident/record/file/table
  1787. 孕|孕|yun4|pregnant
  1788. 防|防|fang2|to protect/to defend/to guard against/to prevent
  1789. 蟹|蟹|xie4|crab
  1790. 守|守|shou3|to guard/to defend/to keep watch/to abide by the law/to observe (rules or ritual)/nearby/adjoining
  1791. 雪|雪|Xue3|surname Xue
  1792. 雪|雪|xue3|snow/snowfall/CL:場|场[chang2]/to have the appearance of snow/to wipe away, off or out/to clean
  1793. 棺|棺|guan1|coffin
  1794. 隸|隶|li4|attached to/scribe
  1795. 虧|亏|kui1|deficiency/deficit/luckily/it's lucky that.../(often ironically) fancy that...
  1796. 椅|椅|yi3|chair
  1797. 磷|磷|lin2|phosphorus (chemistry)
  1798. 磚|砖|zhuan1|brick/CL:塊|块[kuai4]
  1799. 碗|碗|wan3|bowl/cup/CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4]
  1800. 暫|暂|zan4|temporary/Taiwan pr. [zhan4]
  1801. 暖|暖|nuan3|warm/to heat/genial
  1802. 嗅|嗅|xiu4|to smell/to sniff/to nose
  1803. 善|善|shan4|good (virtuous)/benevolent/well-disposed/good at sth/to improve or perfect
  1804. 昨|昨|zuo2|yesterday
  1805. 複|复|fu4|to repeat/to double/to overlap/complex (not simple)/compound/composite/double/diplo-/duplicate/overlapping/to duplicate
  1806. 啞|哑|ya1|(onom.) sound of cawing/sound of infant learning to talk/variant of 呀[ya1]
  1807. 啞|哑|ya3|dumb/mute/hoarse/husky/unexploded (of artillery shell etc)
  1808. 頓|顿|dun4|to stop/to pause/to arrange/to lay out/to kowtow/to stamp (one's foot)/at once/classifier for meals, beatings, scoldings etc: time, bout, spell, meal
  1809. 項|项|Xiang4|surname Xiang
  1810. 項|项|xiang4|back of neck/item/thing/term (in a mathematical formula)/sum (of money)/classifier for principles, items, clauses, tasks, research projects etc
  1811. 商|商|Shang1|Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC)/surname Shang
  1812. 商|商|shang1|commerce/merchant/dealer/to consult/2nd note in pentatonic scale/quotient (as in 智商[zhi4 shang1], intelligence quotient)
  1813. 督|督|du1|to supervise and direct/army title (archaic)
  1814. 員|员|yuan2|person/employee/member
  1815. 皇|皇|Huang2|surname Huang
  1816. 皇|皇|huang2|emperor/old variant of 惶[huang2]
  1817. 馳|驰|chi2|to run fast/to speed/to gallop/to disseminate/to spread
  1818. 柴|柴|Chai2|surname Chai
  1819. 柴|柴|chai2|firewood/lean (of meat)/thin (of a person)
  1820. 咯|咯|ge1|(phonetic)
  1821. 咯|咯|lo5|(final particle similar to 了, indicating that sth is obvious)
  1822. 咯|咯|luo4|to cough up/also pr. [ka3]
  1823. 柔|柔|rou2|soft/flexible/supple/yielding/rho (Greek letter Ρρ)
  1824. 某|某|mou3|some/a certain/sb or sth indefinite/such-and-such
  1825. 監|监|jian1|hard/strong/solid/firm/to supervise/to inspect/jail/prison
  1826. 監|监|jian4|supervisor
  1827. 駐|驻|zhu4|to halt/to stay/to be stationed (of troops, diplomats etc)
  1828. 餘|余|yu2|extra/surplus/remaining/remainder after division/(following numerical value) or more/in excess of (some number)/residue (math.)/after/I/me
  1829. 餘|馀|Yu2|surname Yu
  1830. 餘|馀|yu2|variant of 餘|余[yu2], remainder
  1831. 餓|饿|e4|to be hungry/hungry
  1832. 餐|餐|can1|meal/to eat/classifier for meals
  1833. 癡|痴|chi1|variant of 痴[chi1]
  1834. 李|李|Li3|surname Li
  1835. 李|李|li3|plum
  1836. 撕|撕|si1|to tear
  1837. 撐|撑|cheng1|to support/to prop up/to push or move with a pole/to maintain/to open or unfurl/to fill to bursting point/brace/stay/support
  1838. 擋|挡|dang3|to resist/to obstruct/to hinder/to keep off/to block (a blow)/to get in the way of/cover/gear (e.g. in a car's transmission)
  1839. 擋|挡|dang4|to arrange/to put in order
  1840. 甲|甲|jia3|first of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/(used for an unspecified person or thing)/first (in a list, as a party to a contract etc)/letter "A" or roman "I" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/armor plating/shell or carapace/(of the fingers or toes) nail/bladed leather or metal armor (old)/ranking system used in the Imperial examinations (old)/civil administration unit (old)
  1841. 騰|腾|teng2|to soar/to gallop/to prance/to turn over/to vacate/to clear
  1842. 斑|斑|ban1|spot/colored patch/stripe/spotted/striped/variegated
  1843. 困|困|kun4|to trap/to surround/hard-pressed/stranded/destitute
  1844. 旋|旋|xuan2|to revolve/a loop/a circle
  1845. 旋|旋|xuan4|to whirl/immediately/variant of 鏇|镟[xuan4]
  1846. 諒|谅|liang4|to forgive/to understand
  1847. 嚨|咙|long2|throat
  1848. 嚷|嚷|rang3|to blurt out/to shout
  1849. 証|证|zheng4|to admonish/variant of 證|证[zheng4]
  1850. 魔|魔|mo2|devil/magic
  1851. 拼|拼|pin1|to piece together/to join together/to stake all/adventurous/at the risk of one's life/to spell
  1852. 拎|拎|lin1|to lift/to carry in one's hand/Taiwan pr. [ling1]
  1853. 跡|迹|ji4|footprint/mark/trace/vestige/sign/indication/Taiwan pr. [ji1]
  1854. 抹|抹|ma1|to wipe
  1855. 抹|抹|mo3|to smear/to wipe/to erase/classifier for wisps of cloud, light-beams etc
  1856. 抹|抹|mo4|to plaster/to go around/to skirt
  1857. 趟|趟|tang1|to wade/to trample/to turn the soil
  1858. 趟|趟|tang4|classifier for times, round trips or rows/a time/a trip
  1859. 投|投|tou2|to cast/to send/to throw oneself (into the river etc)/to seek refuge/to place oneself into the hands of
  1860. 扣|扣|kou4|to fasten/to button/button/buckle/knot/to arrest/to confiscate/to deduct (money)/discount/to knock/to smash, spike or dunk (a ball)/to cover (with a bowl etc)/fig. to tag a label on sb
  1861. 承|承|Cheng2|surname Cheng/Cheng (c. 2000 BC), third of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God
  1862. 承|承|cheng2|to bear/to carry/to hold/to continue/to undertake/to take charge/owing to/due to/to receive
  1863. 扇|扇|shan1|to fan/to slap sb on the face
  1864. 扇|扇|shan4|fan/sliding, hinged or detachable flat part of sth/classifier for doors, windows etc
  1865. 戴|戴|Dai4|surname Dai
  1866. 戴|戴|dai4|to put on or wear (glasses, hat, gloves etc)/to respect/to bear/to support
  1867. 兮|兮|xi1|(particle in old Chinese similar to 啊)
  1868. 猶|犹|you2|as if/(just) like/just as/still/yet
  1869. 插|插|cha1|to insert/stick in/pierce/to take part in/to interfere/to interpose
  1870. 狼|狼|lang2|wolf/CL:匹[pi3],隻|只[zhi1],條|条[tiao2]
  1871. 質|质|zhi4|character/nature/quality/plain/to pawn/pledge/hostage/to question/Taiwan pr. [zhi2]
  1872. 控|控|kong4|to control/to accuse/to charge/to sue/to invert a container to empty it/(suffix) (slang) buff/enthusiast/devotee/-phile or -philia
  1873. 掏|掏|tao1|to fish out (from pocket)/to scoop
  1874. 豎|竖|shu4|to erect/vertical/vertical stroke (in Chinese characters)
  1875. 豫|豫|Yu4|abbr. for Henan province 河南 in central China
  1876. 豫|豫|yu4|happy/carefree/at one's ease/variant of 預|预[yu4]/old variant of 與|与[yu4]
  1877. 挾|挟|jia1|old variant of 夾|夹[jia1]
  1878. 挾|挟|xie2|to clasp under the arm/to coerce
  1879. 惱|恼|nao3|to get angry
  1880. 辮|辫|bian4|a braid or queue/to plait
  1881. 悠|悠|you1|long or drawn out/remote in time or space/leisurely/to swing/pensive/worried
  1882. 熊|熊|Xiong2|surname Xiong
  1883. 熊|熊|xiong2|bear/to scold/to rebuke/brilliant light/to shine brightly
  1884. 古|古|Gu3|surname Gu
  1885. 古|古|gu3|ancient/old/paleo-
  1886. 恆|恒|Heng2|surname Heng
  1887. 恆|恒|heng2|permanent/constant/fixed/usual/ordinary/rule (old)/one of the 64 trigrams of the Book of Changes
  1888. 恭|恭|gong1|respectful
  1889. 輩|辈|bei4|lifetime/generation/group of people/class/classifier for generations/(lit.) classifier for people
  1890. 懸|悬|xuan2|to hang or suspend/to worry/public announcement/unresolved/baseless/without foundation
  1891. 炭|炭|tan4|wood charcoal/coal
  1892. 躲|躲|duo3|to hide/to dodge/to avoid
  1893. 炸|炸|zha2|to deep fry
  1894. 炸|炸|zha4|to explode
  1895. 勸|劝|quan4|to advise/to urge/to try to persuade/to exhort/to console/to soothe
  1896. 勵|励|Li4|surname Li
  1897. 勵|励|li4|to encourage/to urge
  1898. 齋|斋|zhai1|to fast or abstain from meat, wine etc/vegetarian diet/study room/building/to give alms (to a monk)
  1899. 制|制|zhi4|system/to control/to regulate/variant of 製|制[zhi4]
  1900. 踢|踢|ti1|to kick/to play (e.g. soccer)
  1901. 副|副|fu4|secondary/auxiliary/deputy/assistant/vice-/abbr. for 副詞|副词 adverb/classifier for pairs, sets of things & facial expressions
  1902. 割|割|ge1|to cut/to cut apart
  1903. 脈|脉|mai4|arteries and veins/vein (on a leaf, insect wing etc)
  1904. 脈|脉|mo4|see 脈脈|脉脉[mo4 mo4]
  1905. 巫|巫|Wu1|surname Wu/also pr. [Wu2]
  1906. 巫|巫|wu1|witch/wizard/shaman/also pr. [wu2]
  1907. 膏|膏|gao1|ointment/paste/CL:帖[tie3]
  1908. 膏|膏|gao4|to moisten/to grease/to apply (cream, ointment)/to dip a brush in ink
  1909. 臟|脏|zang4|viscera/(anatomy) organ
  1910. 臘|腊|la4|12th lunar month/preserved (meat, fish etc)
  1911. 致|致|zhi4|to send/to devote/to deliver/to cause/to convey
  1912. 郎|郎|Lang2|surname Lang
  1913. 郎|郎|lang2|(arch.) minister/official/noun prefix denoting function or status/a youth
  1914. 臥|卧|wo4|to lie/to crouch
  1915. 臭|臭|chou4|stench/smelly/to smell (bad)/repulsive/loathsome/terrible/bad/severely/ruthlessly/dud (ammunition)
  1916. 臭|臭|xiu4|sense of smell/smell bad
  1917. 滋|滋|zi1|to grow/to nourish/to increase/to cause/juice/taste/(dialect) to spout/to spurt
  1918. 層|层|ceng2|layer/stratum/laminated/floor (of a building)/storey/classifier for layers/repeated/sheaf (math.)
  1919. 漁|渔|yu2|fisherman/to fish
  1920. 漆|漆|qi1|paint/lacquer/CL:道[dao4]/to paint (furniture, walls etc)
  1921. 演|演|yan3|to develop/to evolve/to practice/to perform/to play/to act
  1922. 聰|聪|cong1|quick at hearing/wise/clever/sharp-witted/intelligent/acute
  1923. 股|股|gu3|share/portion/part/thigh/classifier for smells, electric currents, spirals etc/whiff/low-level administrative unit, translated as "section" or "department" etc, ranked below 科[ke1]
  1924. 氛|氛|fen1|miasma/vapor
  1925. 茫|茫|mang2|vast, with no clear boundary/fig. hazy/indistinct/unclear/confused
  1926. 茅|茅|Mao2|surname Mao
  1927. 茅|茅|mao2|reeds/rushes
  1928. 絞|绞|jiao3|to twist (strands into a thread)/to entangle/to wring/to hang (by the neck)/to turn/to wind/classifier for skeins of yarn
  1929. 泣|泣|qi4|to sob
  1930. 簽|签|qian1|to sign one's name/visa/variant of 籤|签[qian1]
  1931. 津|津|jin1|saliva/sweat/a ferry crossing/a ford (river crossing)/abbr. for Tianjin 天津
  1932. 派|派|pai4|clique/school/group/faction/to dispatch/to send/to assign/to appoint/pi (Greek letter Ππ)/the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926/(loanword) pie
  1933. 帝|帝|di4|emperor
  1934. 帽|帽|mao4|hat/cap
  1935. 廊|廊|lang2|corridor/veranda/porch
  1936. 涯|涯|ya2|border/horizon/shore
  1937. 淋|淋|lin2|to sprinkle/to drip/to pour/to drench
  1938. 淋|淋|lin4|to filter/to strain/to drain/gonorrhea/(TCM) strangury
  1939. 序|序|xu4|order/sequence/preface
  1940. 筒|筒|tong3|tube/cylinder/to encase in sth cylindrical (such as hands in sleeves etc)
  1941. 橫|横|heng2|horizontal/across/(horizontal character stroke)
  1942. 橫|横|heng4|harsh and unreasonable/unexpected
  1943. 筷|筷|kuai4|chopstick
  1944. 夕|夕|xi1|dusk/evening/Taiwan pr. [xi4]
  1945. 樹|树|shu4|tree/CL:棵[ke1]/to cultivate/to set up
  1946. 符|符|Fu2|surname Fu
  1947. 符|符|fu2|mark/sign/talisman/to seal/to correspond to/tally/symbol/written charm/to coincide
  1948. 奈|奈|nai4|how can one help
  1949. 檯|台|tai2|desk/table/counter
  1950. 薯|薯|shu3|potato/yam
  1951. 歷|历|li4|to experience/to undergo/to pass through/all/each/every/history
  1952. 堡|堡|bao3|an earthwork/castle/position of defense/stronghold/used in place names, often as phonetic bao for "burg" or "bad"
  1953. 堡|堡|pu4|variant of 鋪|铺[pu4]/used in place names
  1954. 積|积|ji1|to amass/to accumulate/to store/measured quantity (such as area of volume)/product (the result of multiplication)/to integrate (math.)/to solve (or integrate) an ordinary differential equation (math.)/old/long-standing
  1955. 歎|叹|tan4|variant of 嘆|叹[tan4]
  1956. 欺|欺|qi1|to take unfair advantage of/to deceive/to cheat
  1957. 欄|栏|lan2|fence/railing/hurdle/column or box (of text or other data)
  1958. 塌|塌|ta1|to collapse/to droop/to settle down
  1959. 蒼|苍|Cang1|surname Cang
  1960. 蒼|苍|cang1|dark blue/deep green/ash-gray
  1961. 陌|陌|mo4|raised path/street
  1962. 陪|陪|pei2|to accompany/to keep sb company/to assist/old variant of 賠|赔[pei2]
  1963. 嬰|婴|ying1|infant/baby
  1964. 陷|陷|xian4|pitfall/trap/to get stuck/to sink/to cave in/to frame (false charge)/to capture (a city in battle)/to fall (to the enemy)/defect
  1965. 蜜|蜜|mi4|honey
  1966. 蜃|蜃|shen4|(mythical animal)/clam/sea-serpent
  1967. 雅|雅|ya3|elegant
  1968. 宗|宗|Zong1|surname Zong
  1969. 宗|宗|zong1|school/sect/purpose/model/ancestor/clan/to take as one's model (in academic or artistic work)/classifier for batches, items, cases (medical or legal), reservoirs
  1970. 宣|宣|Xuan1|surname Xuan
  1971. 宣|宣|xuan1|to declare (publicly)/to announce
  1972. 階|阶|jie1|rank or step/stairs
  1973. 寞|寞|mo4|lonesome
  1974. 寬|宽|Kuan1|surname Kuan
  1975. 寬|宽|kuan1|lenient/wide/broad
  1976. 險|险|xian3|danger/dangerous/rugged
  1977. 梳|梳|shu1|a comb/to comb
  1978. 螃|螃|pang2|crab
  1979. 業|业|Ye4|surname Ye
  1980. 業|业|ye4|line of business/industry/occupation/job/employment/school studies/enterprise/property/(Buddhism) karma/deed/to engage in/already
  1981. 暴|暴|Bao4|surname Bao
  1982. 暴|暴|bao4|sudden/violent/cruel/to show or expose/to injure
  1983. 嗚|呜|wu1|(onom.) for humming or whimpering
  1984. 曲|曲|Qu1|surname Qu
  1985. 曲|曲|qu1|bent/crooked/wrong
  1986. 曲|曲|qu3|tune/song/CL:支[zhi1]
  1987. 昧|昧|mei4|to conceal/dark
  1988. 頑|顽|wan2|mischievous/obstinate/to play/stupid/stubborn/naughty
  1989. 眶|眶|kuang4|eye socket
  1990. 頁|页|ye4|page/leaf
  1991. 唬|唬|hu3|a tiger's roar/to scare
  1992. 晃|晃|huang3|to dazzle/to flash past
  1993. 晃|晃|huang4|to sway/to shake/to wander about
  1994. 枯|枯|ku1|dried up
  1995. 析|析|xi1|to separate/to divide/to analyze
  1996. 哀|哀|Ai1|Ai (c. 2000 BC), sixth of legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God, also known as Li 釐|厘[Li2]
  1997. 哀|哀|ai1|sorrow/grief/pity/to grieve for/to pity/to lament/to condole
  1998. 裁|裁|cai2|to cut out (as a dress)/to cut/to trim/to reduce/to diminish/to cut back (e.g. on staff)/decision/judgment
  1999. 咒|咒|zhou4|incantation/magic spell/curse/malediction/to revile/to put a curse on sb
  2000. 柏|柏|Bai3|surname Bai/Taiwan pr. [Bo2]
  2001. 柏|柏|bai3|cedar/cypress/Taiwan pr. [bo2]
  2002. 柏|柏|bo2|(used for transcribing names)
  2003. 柏|柏|bo4|variant of 檗[bo4]
  2004. 餵|喂|wei4|to feed
  2005. 含|含|han2|to keep/to contain/to suck (keep in your mouth without chewing)
  2006. 癤|疖|jie2|pimple/sore/boil
  2007. 衰|衰|cui1|mourning garments
  2008. 衰|衰|shuai1|to decline/to wane/to become weak or feeble
  2009. 基|基|ji1|base/foundation/basic/radical (chemistry)/(slang) gay
  2010. 擔|担|dan1|to undertake/to carry/to shoulder/to take responsibility
  2011. 擔|担|dan4|picul (100 catties, 50 kg)/two buckets full/carrying pole and its load/classifier for loads carried on a shoulder pole
  2012. 據|据|ju4|according to/to act in accordance with/to depend on/to seize/to occupy
  2013. 髦|髦|mao2|bang (hair)/fashionable/mane
  2014. 擺|摆|bai3|to arrange/to exhibit/to move to and fro/a pendulum
  2015. 譯|译|yi4|to translate/to interpret
  2016. 誦|诵|song4|to read aloud/to recite
  2017. 嚥|咽|yan4|to swallow
  2018. 既|既|ji4|already/since/both... (and...)
  2019. 嚴|严|Yan2|surname Yan
  2020. 嚴|严|yan2|tight (closely sealed)/stern/strict/rigorous/severe/father
  2021. 訥|讷|ne4|to speak slowly/inarticulate
  2022. 器|器|qi4|device/tool/utensil/CL:臺|台[tai2]
  2023. 魂|魂|hun2|soul/spirit/immortal soul, i.e. that can be detached from the body
  2024. 括|括|kuo4|to enclose/to include/also pr. [gua1]
  2025. 抵|抵|di3|to press against/to support/to prop up/to resist/to equal/to balance/to make up for/to mortgage/to arrive at/to clap (one's hands) lightly (expressing delight) (Taiwan pr. [zhi3] for this sense)
  2026. 折|折|she2|to break (e.g. stick or bone)/a loss
  2027. 折|折|zhe1|to turn sth over/to turn upside down/to tip sth out (of a container)
  2028. 折|折|zhe2|to break/to fracture/to snap/to suffer loss/to bend/to twist/to turn/to change direction/convinced/to convert into (currency)/discount/rebate/tenth (in price)/classifier for theatrical scenes/to fold/accounts book
  2029. 扳|扳|ban1|to pull/to draw out/to turn
  2030. 扳|扳|pan1|variant of 攀[pan1]
  2031. 優|优|you1|excellent/superior
  2032. 猛|猛|meng3|ferocious/suddenly/fierce/violent/abrupt/(slang) awesome
  2033. 戲|戏|xi4|trick/drama/play/show/CL:出[chu1],場|场[chang3],臺|台[tai2]
  2034. 狗|狗|gou3|dog/CL:隻|只[zhi1],條|条[tiao2]
  2035. 賽|赛|sai4|to compete/competition/match/to surpass/better than/superior to/to excel
  2036. 揚|扬|Yang2|abbr. for 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1]/surname Yang
  2037. 揚|扬|yang2|to raise/to hoist/the action of tossing or winnowing/scattering (in the wind)/to flutter/to propagate
  2038. 狠|狠|hen3|fierce/very
  2039. 僻|僻|pi4|biased/low/rustic/secluded
  2040. 財|财|cai2|money/wealth/riches/property/valuables
  2041. 倦|倦|juan4|tired
  2042. 捲|卷|juan3|to roll (up)/to sweep up/to carry on/roll
  2043. 捧|捧|peng3|to clasp/to cup the hands/to hold up with both hands/to offer (esp. in cupped hands)/to praise/to flatter
  2044. 捏|捏|nie1|to pinch (with one's fingers)/to knead/to make up
  2045. 挖|挖|wa1|to dig/to excavate/to scoop out
  2046. 偉|伟|wei3|big/large/great
  2047. 辭|辞|ci2|to resign/to dismiss/to decline/to take leave/ballad (archaic poetic genre)/variant of 詞|词[ci2]
  2048. 悉|悉|xi1|in all cases/know
  2049. 悅|悦|yue4|pleased
  2050. 辱|辱|ru3|disgrace/dishonor/to insult/to bring disgrace or humiliation to/to be indebted to/self-deprecating/Taiwan pr. [ru4]
  2051. 悵|怅|chang4|regretful/upset/despair/depressed
  2052. 叢|丛|cong2|cluster/collection/collection of books/thicket
  2053. 恍|恍|huang3|disappointed/flurried/indistinct
  2054. 恩|恩|en1|favor/grace/kindness
  2055. 匠|匠|jiang4|craftsman
  2056. 焦|焦|Jiao1|surname Jiao
  2057. 焦|焦|jiao1|burnt/scorched/charred/worried/anxious/coke
  2058. 功|功|gong1|meritorious deed or service/achievement/result/service/accomplishment/work (physics)
  2059. 懼|惧|ju4|to fear
  2060. 炊|炊|chui1|to cook food
  2061. 慕|慕|mu4|to admire
  2062. 慘|惨|can3|miserable/wretched/cruel/inhuman/disastrous/tragic/dim/gloomy
  2063. 灑|洒|sa3|to sprinkle/to spray/to spill/to shed
  2064. 剩|剩|sheng4|to remain/to be left/to have as remainder
  2065. 愧|愧|kui4|ashamed
  2066. 創|创|chuang1|a wound/cut/injury/trauma
  2067. 創|创|chuang4|to begin/to initiate/to inaugurate/to start/to create
  2068. 愣|愣|leng4|to look distracted/to stare blankly/distracted/blank/(coll.) unexpectedly/rash/rashly
  2069. 逢|逢|feng2|to meet by chance/to come across/to fawn upon
  2070. 渡|渡|du4|to cross/to pass through/to ferry
  2071. 避|避|bi4|to avoid/to shun/to flee/to escape/to keep away from/to leave/to hide from
  2072. 腹|腹|fu4|abdomen/stomach/belly
  2073. 遞|递|di4|to hand over/to pass on sth/to gradually increase or decrease/progressively
  2074. 膀|膀|bang3|upper arm/wing
  2075. 膀|膀|bang4|to flirt
  2076. 膀|膀|pang1|puffed (swollen)
  2077. 膀|膀|pang2|bladder
  2078. 羚|羚|ling2|antelope
  2079. 羨|羡|xian4|to envy
  2080. 溜|溜|liu1|to slip away/to escape in stealth/to skate
  2081. 漢|汉|Han4|Han ethnic group/Chinese (language)/the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)
  2082. 漢|汉|han4|man
  2083. 織|织|zhi1|to weave/to knit
  2084. 繃|绷|beng1|to stretch/taut/to tie/to bind
  2085. 繃|绷|beng3|to have a taut face
  2086. 聯|联|lian2|to ally/to unite/to join/(poetry) antithetical couplet
  2087. 射|射|she4|to shoot/to launch/to allude to/radio- (chemistry)
  2088. 潑|泼|po1|to splash/to spill/rough and coarse/brutish
  2089. 醋|醋|cu4|vinegar/jealousy (in love rivalry)
  2090. 岳|岳|Yue4|surname Yue
  2091. 岳|岳|yue4|wife's parents and paternal uncles
  2092. 胞|胞|bao1|placenta/womb/born of the same parents
  2093. 紫|紫|zi3|purple/violet/amethyst/Lithospermum erythrorhizon (flowering plant whose root provides red purple dye)/Japanese: murasaki
  2094. 索|索|Suo3|surname Suo/abbr. for 索馬里|索马里[Suo3 ma3 li3], Somalia
  2095. 索|索|suo3|to search/to demand/to ask/to exact/large rope/isolated
  2096. 紋|纹|wen2|line/trace/mark/pattern/grain (of wood etc)
  2097. 紀|纪|Ji3|surname Ji/also pr. [Ji4]
  2098. 紀|纪|ji4|order/discipline/age/era/period/to chronicle
  2099. 鈴|铃|ling2|(small) bell/CL:隻|只[zhi1]
  2100. 汁|汁|zhi1|juice
  2101. 弧|弧|hu2|arc
  2102. 荊|荆|jing1|chaste tree or berry (Vitex agnus-castus)/alternative name for the Zhou Dynasty State of Chu 楚國|楚国[Chu3 Guo2]
  2103. 莊|庄|Zhuang1|surname Zhuang
  2104. 莊|庄|zhuang1|farmstead/village/manor/place of business/banker (in a gambling game)/grave or solemn/holdings of a landlord (in imperial China)
  2105. 緣|缘|yuan2|cause/reason/karma/fate/predestined affinity/margin/hem/edge/along
  2106. 律|律|Lu:4|surname Lü
  2107. 律|律|lu:4|law
  2108. 徒|徒|Tu2|surname Tu
  2109. 徒|徒|tu2|disciple/apprentice/believer/on foot/bare or empty/to no avail/only/prison sentence
  2110. 況|况|kuang4|moreover/situation
  2111. 華|华|Hua2|abbr. for China
  2112. 華|华|Hua4|Mt Hua 華山|华山 in Shaanxi/surname Hua
  2113. 華|华|hua1|old variant of 花[hua1]/flower
  2114. 華|华|hua2|magnificent/splendid/flowery
  2115. 洛|洛|Luo4|surname Luo/old name of several rivers (in Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Anhui)
  2116. 良|良|liang2|good/very/very much
  2117. 艱|艰|jian1|difficult/hard/hardship
  2118. 伏|伏|Fu2|surname Fu
  2119. 伏|伏|fu2|to lean over/to fall (go down)/to hide (in ambush)/to conceal oneself/to lie low/hottest days of summer/to submit/to concede defeat/to overcome/to subdue/volt
  2120. 芳|芳|fang1|fragrant
  2121. 廉|廉|Lian2|surname Lian
  2122. 廉|廉|lian2|incorruptible/honest/inexpensive/to investigate (old)/side wall of a traditional Chinese house (old)
  2123. 鏽|鏽|xiu4|variant of 銹|锈, to corrode/to rust
  2124. 糞|粪|fen4|manure/dung
  2125. 奪|夺|duo2|to seize/to take away forcibly/to wrest control of/to compete or strive for/to force one's way through/to leave out/to lose
  2126. 蔥|葱|cong1|scallion/green onion
  2127. 姻|姻|yin1|marriage connections
  2128. 堪|堪|kan1|to endure/may/can
  2129. 萄|萄|tao2|see 葡萄[pu2 tao5]
  2130. 塵|尘|chen2|dust/dirt/earth
  2131. 稀|稀|xi1|rare/uncommon/watery/sparse
  2132. 填|填|tian2|to fill or stuff/(of a form etc) to fill in
  2133. 稿|稿|gao3|manuscript/draft/stalk of grain
  2134. 毫|毫|hao2|hair/drawing brush/(in the) least/one thousandth/currency unit, 0.1 yuan
  2135. 端|端|duan1|end/extremity/item/port/to hold sth level with both hands/to carry/regular
  2136. 闊|阔|kuo4|rich/wide/broad
  2137. 毒|毒|du2|poison/to poison/poisonous/malicious/cruel/fierce/narcotics
  2138. 閒|閒|jian1|variant of 間|间[jian1]
  2139. 閒|閒|jian4|variant of 間|间[jian4]
  2140. 閒|闲|xian2|variant of 閑|闲, idle/unoccupied/leisure/free time
  2141. 閑|闲|xian2|to stay idle/to be unoccupied/not busy/leisure/enclosure
  2142. 窮|穷|qiong2|exhausted/poor
  2143. 降|降|jiang4|to drop/to fall/to come down/to descend
  2144. 降|降|xiang2|to surrender/to capitulate/to subdue/to tame
  2145. 限|限|xian4|limit/bound/to set a limit (on)
  2146. 桃|桃|tao2|peach
  2147. 框|框|kuang4|frame (e.g. door frame)/casing/fig. framework/template/to circle (i.e. draw a circle around sth)/to frame/to restrict/Taiwan pr. [kuang1]
  2148. 蟻|蚁|yi3|ant
  2149. 棒|棒|bang4|stick/club/cudgel/smart/capable/strong/wonderful/classifier for legs of a relay race
  2150. 雄|雄|xiong2|male/staminate/grand/imposing/powerful/mighty/person or state having great power and influence
  2151. 集|集|ji2|to gather/to collect/collected works/classifier for sections of a TV series etc: episode
  2152. 宜|宜|Yi2|surname Yi
  2153. 宜|宜|yi2|proper/should/suitable/appropriate
  2154. 雕|雕|diao1|to carve/to engrave/shrewd/bird of prey
  2155. 秋|秋|Qiu1|surname Qiu
  2156. 秋|秋|qiu1|autumn/fall/harvest time/a swing
  2157. 雲|云|Yun2|surname Yun/abbr. for Yunnan Province 雲南省|云南省[Yun2 nan2 Sheng3]
  2158. 雲|云|yun2|cloud/CL:朵[duo3]
  2159. 梗|梗|geng3|branch/stem/stalk/CL:根[gen1]/to block/to hinder
  2160. 際|际|ji4|border/edge/boundary/interval/between/inter-/to meet/time/occasion/to meet with (circumstances)
  2161. 禱|祷|dao3|prayer/pray/supplication
  2162. 螞|蚂|ma1|dragonfly
  2163. 螞|蚂|ma3|ant
  2164. 螞|蚂|ma4|grasshopper
  2165. 審|审|shen3|to examine/to investigate/carefully/to try (in court)
  2166. 寧|宁|Ning2|abbr. for Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 寧夏回族自治區|宁夏回族自治区[Ning2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 qu1]/abbr. for Nanjing 南京[Nan2 jing1]/surname Ning
  2167. 寧|宁|ning2|peaceful/to pacify/to visit (one's parents etc)
  2168. 寧|宁|ning4|would rather/to prefer/how (emphatic)/Taiwan pr. [ning2]
  2169. 禁|禁|jin1|to endure
  2170. 禁|禁|jin4|to prohibit/to forbid
  2171. 寸|寸|cun4|a unit of length/inch/thumb
  2172. 寵|宠|chong3|to love/to pamper/to spoil/to favor
  2173. 隱|隐|yin3|secret/hidden/concealed/(prefix) crypto-
  2174. 隱|隐|yin4|to lean upon
  2175. 娶|娶|qu3|to take a wife/to marry (a woman)
  2176. 植|植|zhi2|to plant
  2177. 震|震|zhen4|to shake/to vibrate/to jolt/to quake/excited/shocked/one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing thunder/☳
  2178. 婆|婆|po2|grandmother/matron/mother-in-law
  2179. 槍|枪|Qiang1|surname Qiang
  2180. 槍|枪|qiang1|gun/firearm/rifle/spear/thing with shape or function similar to a gun/CL:支[zhi1],把[ba3],桿|杆[gan3],條|条[tiao2],枝[zhi1]/to substitute for another person in a test/to knock/classifier for rifle shots
  2181. 槽|槽|cao2|trough/manger/groove/channel/(Tw) (computing) hard drive
  2182. 碧|碧|bi4|green jade/bluish green/blue/jade
  2183. 榮|荣|Rong2|surname Rong
  2184. 榮|荣|rong2|glory/honor/thriving
  2185. 覆|复|fu4|variant of 復|复[fu4]/to reply to a letter
  2186. 覆|覆|fu4|to cover/to overflow/to overturn/to capsize
  2187. 嗽|嗽|sou4|cough
  2188. 嗓|嗓|sang3|throat/voice
  2189. 嗆|呛|qiang1|to choke (because of swallowing the wrong way)
  2190. 嗆|呛|qiang4|to irritate the nose/to choke (of smoke, smell etc)/pungent/(coll.) (Tw) to shout at sb/to scold/to speak out against sb
  2191. 曠|旷|kuang4|to neglect/to skip (class or work)/to waste (time)/vast/loose-fitting
  2192. 飾|饰|shi4|decoration/ornament/to decorate/to adorn/to hide/to conceal (a fault)/excuse (to hide a fault)/to play a role (in opera)/to impersonate
  2193. 飽|饱|bao3|to eat till full/satisfied
  2194. 曾|曾|Zeng1|surname Zeng
  2195. 曾|曾|ceng2|once/already/ever (in the past)/former/previously/(past tense marker used before verb or clause)
  2196. 曾|曾|zeng1|great-grand (father, child etc)
  2197. 喚|唤|huan4|to call
  2198. 曉|晓|xiao3|dawn/daybreak/to know/to let sb know/to make explicit
  2199. 矮|矮|ai3|low/short (in length)
  2200. 矩|矩|ju3|carpenter's square/rule/regulation/pattern/to carve
  2201. 啾|啾|jiu1|wailing of child/chirp
  2202. 映|映|ying4|to reflect (light)/to shine/to project (an image onto a screen etc)
  2203. 頰|颊|jia2|cheeks
  2204. 眉|眉|mei2|eyebrow/upper margin
  2205. 眾|众|Zhong4|abbr. for 眾議院|众议院[Zhong4 yi4 yuan4], House of Representatives
  2206. 眾|众|zhong4|many/numerous/crowd/multitude
  2207. 須|须|xu1|must/to have to/to wait
  2208. 啃|啃|ken3|to gnaw/to nibble/to bite
  2209. 襖|袄|ao3|coat/jacket/short and lined coat or robe
  2210. 唉|唉|ai1|interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition (e.g. yes, it's me!)/to sigh
  2211. 唉|唉|ai4|alas/oh dear
  2212. 袖|袖|xiu4|sleeve/to tuck inside one's sleeve
  2213. 哨|哨|shao4|a whistle/sentry
  2214. 哲|哲|zhe2|philosophy/wise
  2215. 哄|哄|hong1|roar of laughter (onom.)/hubbub/to roar (as a crowd)
  2216. 哄|哄|hong3|to deceive/to coax/to amuse (a child)
  2217. 哇|哇|wa1|Wow!/sound of child's crying/sound of vomiting
  2218. 哇|哇|wa5|replaces 啊[a5] when following the vowel "u" or "ao"
  2219. 哎|哎|ai1|hey!/(interjection used to attract attention or to express surprise or disapprobation)
  2220. 首|首|shou3|head/chief/first (occasion, thing etc)/classifier for poems, songs etc
  2221. 枉|枉|wang3|to twist/crooked/unjust/in vain
  2222. 柱|柱|zhu4|pillar/CL:根[gen1]
  2223. 盈|盈|ying2|full/filled/surplus
  2224. 咳|咳|hai1|sound of sighing
  2225. 咳|咳|ke2|cough
  2226. 盜|盗|dao4|to steal/to rob/to plunder/thief/bandit/robber
  2227. 裹|裹|guo3|to bind/to wrap/a bundle/a parcel
  2228. 盼|盼|pan4|to hope for/to long for/to expect
  2229. 蠟|蜡|la4|candle/wax
  2230. 蠅|蝇|ying2|fly/musca/CL:隻|只[zhi1]
  2231. 朝|朝|Chao2|abbr. for 朝鮮|朝鲜[Chao2 xian3] Korea
  2232. 朝|朝|chao2|imperial or royal court/government/dynasty/reign of a sovereign or emperor/court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor/to make a pilgrimage to/facing/towards
  2233. 朝|朝|zhao1|morning
  2234. 瘡|疮|chuang1|sore/skin ulcer
  2235. 餒|馁|nei3|hungry
  2236. 療|疗|liao2|to treat/to cure/therapy
  2237. 吶|呐|na4|battle cry
  2238. 吶|呐|na5|sentence-final particle (abbr. for 呢啊[ne5 a5] or variant of 哪[na5])
  2239. 吱|吱|zhi1|(onom.) creaking or groaning
  2240. 吱|吱|zi1|(onom.) to squeak (of mice)/to chirp or peep (of small birds)
  2241. 杖|杖|zhang4|a staff/a rod/cane/walking stick/to flog with a stick (old)
  2242. 癢|痒|yang3|to itch/to tickle
  2243. 登|登|deng1|to scale (a height)/to ascend/to mount/to publish or record/to enter (e.g. in a register)/to press down with the foot/to step or tread on/to put on (shoes or trousers) (dialect)/to be gathered and taken to the threshing ground (old)
  2244. 君|君|jun1|monarch/lord/gentleman/ruler
  2245. 癱|瘫|tan1|paralyzed
  2246. 疲|疲|pi2|weary
  2247. 疑|疑|yi2|to doubt/to misbelieve/to suspect
  2248. 疊|叠|die2|to fold/to fold over in layers/to furl/to layer/to pile up/to repeat/to duplicate
  2249. 擁|拥|yong1|to hold/to embrace/to wrap around/to gather around (sb)/to throng/to swarm/to support/Taiwan pr. [yong3]
  2250. 痴|痴|chi1|imbecile/sentimental/stupid/foolish/silly
  2251. 擎|擎|qing2|to raise (hand)
  2252. 操|操|cao1|to grasp/to hold/to operate/to manage/to control/to steer/to exercise/to drill (practice)/to play/to speak (a language)
  2253. 操|操|cao4|variant of 肏[cao4]
  2254. 垂|垂|chui2|to hang (down)/droop/dangle/bend down/hand down/bequeath/nearly/almost/to approach
  2255. 痕|痕|hen2|scar/traces
  2256. 擱|搁|ge1|to place/to put aside/to shelve
  2257. 擱|搁|ge2|to bear/to stand/to endure
  2258. 擾|扰|rao3|to disturb
  2259. 謬|谬|miu4|to deceive/to confuse/to cheat/absurd/erroneous
  2260. 搏|搏|bo2|to fight/to combat/to seize/(of heart) to beat
  2261. 損|损|sun3|to decrease/to lose/to damage/to harm/(coll.) to speak sarcastically/to deride/caustic/mean/one of the 64 trigrams of the Book of Changes (old)
  2262. 搗|捣|dao3|pound/beat/hull/attack/disturb/stir
  2263. 甘|甘|Gan1|surname Gan/abbr. for Gansu Province 甘肅省|甘肃省[Gan1 su4 Sheng3]
  2264. 甘|甘|gan1|sweet/willing
  2265. 謂|谓|Wei4|surname Wei
  2266. 謂|谓|wei4|to speak/to say/to name/to designate/meaning/sense
  2267. 坦|坦|tan3|flat/open-hearted/level/smooth
  2268. 摀|摀|wu3|variant of 捂[wu3]/to cover
  2269. 番|番|Pan1|surname Pan
  2270. 番|番|fan1|foreign country/foreigner/foreign (non-Chinese)/barbarian/classifier for occurrences (of an action or deed)/-fold (as in twofold etc)/kind/sort
  2271. 略|略|lu:e4|plan/strategy/outline/summary/slightly/rather/to rob/to plunder/to summarize/to omit
  2272. 摔|摔|shuai1|to throw down/to fall/to drop and break
  2273. 譜|谱|pu3|chart/list/table/register/score (music)/spectrum (physics)/to set to music
  2274. 驢|驴|lu:2|donkey/CL:頭|头[tou2]
  2275. 誠|诚|cheng2|honest/sincere/true
  2276. 誕|诞|dan4|birth/birthday/brag/boast/to increase
  2277. 瓦|瓦|wa3|roof tile/abbr. for 瓦特[wa3 te4], watt (loan)
  2278. 諸|诸|Zhu1|surname Zhu
  2279. 諸|诸|zhu1|all/various
  2280. 嚮|向|xiang4|to tend toward/to guide/variant of 向[xiang4]
  2281. 旦|旦|dan4|dawn/morning/day-break/day
  2282. 攝|摄|she4|to take in/to absorb/to assimilate/to act for/to take a photo/photo shoot/photo/to conserve (one's health)
  2283. 診|诊|zhen3|to examine or treat medically
  2284. 設|设|she4|to set up/to arrange/to establish/to found/to display
  2285. 琴|琴|qin2|guqin or zither, cf 古琴[gu3 qin2]/musical instrument in general
  2286. 訝|讶|ya4|astounded
  2287. 訊|讯|xun4|to question/to ask/to interrogate/rapid/speedy/fast/news/information
  2288. 詳|详|xiang2|detailed/comprehensive
  2289. 詩|诗|Shi1|abbr. for Shijing 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], the Book of Songs
  2290. 詩|诗|shi1|poem/CL:首[shou3]/poetry/verse
  2291. 嘯|啸|xiao4|to hiss/to whistle
  2292. 魯|鲁|Lu3|surname Lu/Shandong Province 山東省|山东省[Shan1 dong1 Sheng3]/vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1066-221 BC) in modern day Shandong Province
  2293. 魯|鲁|lu3|crass/stupid/rude
  2294. 詞|词|ci2|word/statement/speech/lyrics/CL:組|组[zu3],個|个[ge4]/classical Chinese poem/CL:首[shou3]
  2295. 嘿|嘿|hei1|hey
  2296. 拭|拭|shi4|to wipe
  2297. 跚|跚|shan1|limp
  2298. 跨|跨|kua4|to step across/to stride over/to straddle/to span
  2299. 拘|拘|ju1|to capture/to restrain/to constrain/to adhere rigidly to/inflexible
  2300. 趁|趁|chen4|to avail oneself of/to take advantage of
  2301. 超|超|chao1|to exceed/to overtake/to surpass/to transcend/to pass/to cross/ultra-/super-
  2302. 几|几|ji1|small table
  2303. 凡|凡|fan2|ordinary/commonplace/mundane/temporal/of the material world (as opposed to supernatural or immortal levels)/every/all/whatever/altogether/gist/outline/note of Chinese musical scale
  2304. 抗|抗|kang4|to resist/to fight/to defy/anti-
  2305. 扯|扯|che3|to pull/to tear/(of cloth, thread etc) to buy/to chat/to gossip/(coll.) (Tw) ridiculous/hokey
  2306. 獄|狱|yu4|prison
  2307. 扶|扶|fu2|to support with the hand/to help sb up/to support oneself by holding onto something/to help
  2308. 鱗|鳞|lin2|scales (of fish)
  2309. 扁|扁|Pian1|surname Pian
  2310. 扁|扁|bian3|flat/(coll.) to beat (sb) up/old variant of 匾[bian3]
  2311. 扁|扁|pian1|small boat
  2312. 儀|仪|yi2|apparatus/rites/appearance/present/ceremony
  2313. 典|典|dian3|canon/law/standard work of scholarship/literary quotation or allusion/ceremony/to be in charge of/to mortgage or pawn
  2314. 贊|赞|zan4|to patronize/to support/to praise/(Internet slang) to like (an online post on Facebook etc)
  2315. 兼|兼|jian1|double/twice/simultaneous/holding two or more (official) posts at the same time
  2316. 戰|战|zhan4|to fight/fight/war/battle
  2317. 賜|赐|ci4|to confer/to bestow/to grant
  2318. 賴|赖|Lai4|surname Lai
  2319. 賴|赖|lai4|to depend on/to hang on in a place/bad/to renege (on promise)/to disclaim/to rat (on debts)/rascally/to blame/to put the blame on
  2320. 狽|狈|bei4|a legendary wolf/distressed/wretched
  2321. 賠|赔|pei2|to compensate for loss/to indemnify/to suffer a financial loss
  2322. 貓|猫|mao1|cat/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/(dialect) to hide oneself/(coll.) modem
  2323. 貌|貌|mao4|appearance
  2324. 掐|掐|qia1|to pick (flowers)/to pinch/to nip/to pinch off/to clutch/(slang) to fight
  2325. 貪|贪|tan1|to have a voracious desire for/to covet/greedy/corrupt
  2326. 倫|伦|lun2|human relationship/order/coherence
  2327. 倔|倔|jue2|crabby/tough
  2328. 捂|捂|wu3|to enclose/to cover with the hand (one's eyes, nose or ears)/to cover up (an affair)/contrary/to contradict
  2329. 豪|豪|hao2|grand/heroic
  2330. 爆|爆|bao4|to explode or burst/to quick fry or quick boil
  2331. 挪|挪|nuo2|to shift/to move
  2332. 挫|挫|cuo4|obstructed/to fail/to oppress/to repress/to lower the tone/to bend back/to dampen
  2333. 鴿|鸽|ge1|pigeon/dove
  2334. 爹|爹|die1|dad
  2335. 迫|迫|po4|to force/to compel/to approach or go towards/urgent/pressing
  2336. 迢|迢|tiao2|remote
  2337. 燭|烛|zhu2|candle/(literary) to illuminate
  2338. 惑|惑|huo4|to confuse/to be puzzled
  2339. 燥|燥|zao4|dry/parched/impatient
  2340. 黯|黯|an4|deep black/dark/dull (color)
  2341. 燃|燃|ran2|to burn/to ignite/to light/fig. to spark off (hopes)/to start (debate)/to raise (hopes)
  2342. 返|返|fan3|to return (to)
  2343. 悍|悍|han4|heroic/intrepid/valiant/dauntless/fierce/ferocious/violent
  2344. 熬|熬|ao1|to boil/to simmer
  2345. 熬|熬|ao2|to cook on a slow fire/to extract by heating/to decoct/to endure
  2346. 叱|叱|chi4|to scold/shout at/to hoot at
  2347. 史|史|Shi3|surname Shi
  2348. 史|史|shi3|history/annals/title of an official historian in ancient China
  2349. 叮|叮|ding1|to sting or bite (of mosquito, bee etc)/to say repeatedly/to urge insistently/to ask repeatedly/to stick to a point/(onom.) tinkling or jingling sound
  2350. 匙|匙|chi2|spoon
  2351. 轎|轿|jiao4|a sedan chair/a palanquin/a litter
  2352. 鹽|盐|yan2|salt/CL:粒[li4]
  2353. 轟|轰|hong1|explosion/bang/boom/rumble/to attack/to shoo away/to expel
  2354. 卑|卑|bei1|low/base/vulgar/inferior/humble
  2355. 輸|输|shu1|to lose/to transport/to donate/to enter (a password)
  2356. 怨|怨|yuan4|to blame/to complain
  2357. 載|载|zai3|to record in writing/to carry (i.e. publish in a newspaper etc)/Taiwan pr. [zai4]/year
  2358. 載|载|zai4|to carry/to convey/to load/to hold/to fill up/and/also/as well as/simultaneously
  2359. 懊|懊|ao4|to regret
  2360. 炮|炮|bao1|to sauté/to fry/to dry by heating
  2361. 炮|炮|pao2|to prepare herbal medicine by roasting or parching (in a pan)
  2362. 炮|炮|pao4|cannon/CL:座[zuo4]/firecracker
  2363. 憑|凭|ping2|to lean against/to rely on/on the basis of/no matter (how, what etc)/proof
  2364. 勝|胜|sheng4|victory/success/to beat/to defeat/to surpass/victorious/superior to/to get the better of/better than/surpassing/superb (of vista)/beautiful (scenery)/wonderful (view)/(Taiwan pr. [sheng1]) able to bear/equal to (a task)
  2365. 勞|劳|lao2|to toil/labor/laborer/to put sb to trouble (of doing sth)/meritorious deed
  2366. 勞|劳|lao4|to console
  2367. 龜|龟|gui1|tortoise/turtle
  2368. 憂|忧|you1|to worry/to concern oneself with/worried/anxiety/sorrow/a parent's funeral/inconvenienced by being orphaned
  2369. 憾|憾|han4|regret (sense of loss or dissatisfaction)
  2370. 憫|悯|min3|to sympathize/to pity/to feel compassion for
  2371. 蹣|蹒|pan2|limp
  2372. 災|灾|zai1|disaster/calamity
  2373. 慷|慷|kang1|generous/magnanimous
  2374. 判|判|pan4|to judge/to sentence/to discriminate/to discern/obviously (different)
  2375. 慾|欲|yu4|desire/appetite/passion/lust/greed
  2376. 慨|慨|kai3|indignant/generous/to sigh (with emotion)
  2377. 鼎|鼎|ding3|ancient cooking cauldron with two looped handles and three or four legs/pot (dialect)/to enter upon a period of (classical)/Kangxi radical 206/one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes
  2378. 愁|愁|chou2|to worry about
  2379. 踩|踩|cai3|to step on/to tread/to stamp/to press a pedal/to pedal (a bike)
  2380. 游|游|You2|surname You
  2381. 游|游|you2|to swim/variant of 遊|游[you2]
  2382. 脊|脊|ji3|spine/back/ridge/Taiwan pr. [ji2] or [ji3]
  2383. 逝|逝|shi4|(of time) to pass/to die
  2384. 湧|涌|yong3|to bubble up/to rush forth
  2385. 遲|迟|Chi2|surname Chi
  2386. 遲|迟|chi2|late/delayed/slow
  2387. 遙|遥|yao2|distant/remote/far/far away
  2388. 巢|巢|Chao2|surname Chao
  2389. 巢|巢|chao2|nest
  2390. 膊|膊|bo2|shoulder/upper arm
  2391. 溪|溪|xi1|creek/rivulet
  2392. 邁|迈|mai4|to take a step/to stride
  2393. 源|源|yuan2|root/source/origin
  2394. 翅|翅|chi4|wing
  2395. 屑|屑|xie4|bits/fragments/crumbs/filings/trifling/trivial/to condescend to
  2396. 漂|漂|piao1|to float/to drift
  2397. 漂|漂|piao3|to bleach
  2398. 漂|漂|piao4|elegant/polished
  2399. 展|展|Zhan3|surname Zhan
  2400. 展|展|zhan3|to spread out/to open up/to exhibit/to put into effect/to postpone/to prolong/exhibition
  2401. 屍|尸|shi1|corpse
  2402. 耿|耿|Geng3|surname Geng
  2403. 耿|耿|geng3|bright/honest/upright
  2404. 酸|酸|suan1|sour/tart/sick at heart/grieved/sore/aching/pedantic/impractical/an acid
  2405. 導|导|dao3|to transmit/to lead/to guide/to conduct/to direct
  2406. 尋|寻|xun2|to search/to look for/to seek
  2407. 島|岛|dao3|island/CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]
  2408. 澤|泽|ze2|pool/pond/(of metals etc) luster/favor or beneficence/damp/moist
  2409. 肋|肋|lei4|rib/Taiwan pr. [le4]
  2410. 肺|肺|fei4|lung/CL:個|个[ge4]
  2411. 濤|涛|tao1|big wave/Taiwan pr. [tao2]
  2412. 胚|胚|pei1|embryo
  2413. 胡|胡|Hu2|surname Hu
  2414. 胡|胡|hu2|non-Han people, esp. from central Asia/reckless/outrageous/what?/why?/to complete a winning hand at mahjong (also written 和[hu2])
  2415. 濛|蒙|meng2|drizzle/mist
  2416. 氓|氓|mang2|see 流氓[liu2 mang2]
  2417. 氓|氓|meng2|common people
  2418. 乳|乳|ru3|breast/milk
  2419. 鈔|钞|chao1|money/paper money/variant of 抄[chao1]
  2420. 乍|乍|zha4|at first/suddenly/abruptly/to spread/(of hair) to stand on end/bristling
  2421. 彿|佛|fu2|seemingly
  2422. 役|役|yi4|forced labor/corvée/obligatory task/military service/to use as servant/to enserf/servant (old)/war/campaign/battle
  2423. 紛|纷|fen1|numerous/confused/disorderly
  2424. 茄|茄|jia1|phonetic character used in loanwords for the sound "jia", although 夹 is more common
  2425. 茄|茄|qie2|eggplant
  2426. 彷|仿|fang3|seemingly
  2427. 彷|彷|pang2|irresolute
  2428. 乃|乃|nai3|to be/thus/so/therefore/then/only/thereupon
  2429. 池|池|Chi2|surname Chi
  2430. 池|池|chi2|pond/reservoir/moat
  2431. 志|志|zhi4|aspiration/ambition/the will
  2432. 網|网|wang3|net/network
  2433. 銷|销|xiao1|to melt (metal)/to cancel or annul/to sell/to spend/to fasten with a bolt/bolt or pin
  2434. 徑|径|jing4|footpath/track/diameter/straight/directly
  2435. 泳|泳|yong3|swimming/to swim
  2436. 緒|绪|xu4|beginnings/clues/mental state/thread
  2437. 予|予|yu2|(archaic) I/me
  2438. 予|予|yu3|to give
  2439. 幅|幅|fu2|width/roll/classifier for textiles or pictures
  2440. 簧|簧|huang2|metallic reed/spring of lock
  2441. 幼|幼|you4|young
  2442. 洩|泄|xie4|variant of 泄[xie4]
  2443. 洶|汹|xiong1|torrential rush/tumultuous
  2444. 佔|占|zhan4|variant of 占[zhan4]
  2445. 估|估|gu1|estimate
  2446. 估|估|gu4|old/second-hand (clothes)
  2447. 艷|艳|yan4|colorful/splendid/gaudy/amorous/romantic/to envy
  2448. 伴|伴|ban4|partner/companion/comrade/associate/to accompany
  2449. 帆|帆|fan1|sail/Taiwan pr. [fan2], except 帆布[fan1 bu4] canvas
  2450. 浩|浩|hao4|grand/vast (water)
  2451. 伙|伙|huo3|meals (abbr. for 伙食[huo3 shi2])/variant of 夥|伙[huo3]
  2452. 席|席|Xi2|surname Xi
  2453. 席|席|xi2|woven mat/seat/banquet/place in a democratic assembly/classifier for banquets, conversations etc
  2454. 籃|篮|lan2|basket/goal
  2455. 粼|粼|lin2|clear (as of water)
  2456. 芸|芸|yi4|Japanese variant of 藝|艺[yi4]
  2457. 芸|芸|yun2|common rue (Ruta graveolens)/books and libraries
  2458. 粒|粒|li4|grain/granule/classifier for small round things (peas, bullets, peanuts, pills, grains etc)
  2459. 俊|俊|jun4|smart/eminent/handsome/talented
  2460. 俊|俊|zun4|(dialectal pronunciation of 俊[jun4])/cool/neat
  2461. 粘|粘|nian2|glutinous/sticky/to stick/to adhere/variant of 黏[nian2]
  2462. 粘|粘|zhan1|to glue/to stick/to paste
  2463. 涵|涵|han2|to contain/to include/culvert
  2464. 鏟|铲|chan3|to shovel/to remove/spade/shovel
  2465. 糙|糙|cao1|rough/coarse (in texture)
  2466. 淹|淹|yan1|to flood/to submerge/to drown/to irritate the skin (of liquids)/to delay
  2467. 夭|夭|yao1|tender/gentle/to die prematurely
  2468. 央|央|yang1|center/end/to beg/to plead
  2469. 蕃|蕃|bo1|see 吐蕃[Tu3 bo1]
  2470. 蕃|蕃|fan1|variant of 番[fan1]/foreign (non-Chinese)
  2471. 蕃|蕃|fan2|luxuriant/flourishing/to reproduce/to proliferate
  2472. 鑽|钻|zuan1|to drill/to bore/to get into/to make one's way into/to enter (a hole)/to thread one's way through/to study intensively/to dig into/to curry favor for personal gain
  2473. 鑽|钻|zuan4|an auger/diamond
  2474. 鐲|镯|zhuo2|bracelet
  2475. 笛|笛|di2|flute
  2476. 奏|奏|zou4|to play music/to achieve/to present a memorial to the emperor (old)
  2477. 蔬|蔬|shu1|vegetables
  2478. 築|筑|zhu4|to build/to construct/to ram/to hit/Taiwan pr. [zhu2]
  2479. 妥|妥|tuo3|suitable/adequate/ready/settled
  2480. 藉|借|jie4|variant of 借[jie4]
  2481. 藉|藉|Ji2|surname Ji
  2482. 藉|藉|ji2|to insult/to walk all over (sb)
  2483. 藉|藉|jie4|sleeping mat/to placate
  2484. 妝|妆|zhuang1|(of a woman) to adorn oneself/makeup/adornment/trousseau/stage makeup and costume
  2485. 箋|笺|jian1|letter/note-paper
  2486. 姥|姥|lao3|grandma (maternal)
  2487. 姥|姥|mu3|governess/old woman
  2488. 武|武|Wu3|surname Wu
  2489. 武|武|wu3|martial/military
  2490. 歪|歪|wai1|askew/at a crooked angle/devious/noxious/(coll.) to lie on one's side
  2491. 歪|歪|wai3|to sprain (one's ankle) (Tw)
  2492. 穆|穆|Mu4|surname Mu
  2493. 穆|穆|mu4|solemn/reverent/calm/burial position in an ancestral tomb (old)/old variant of 默
  2494. 穌|稣|su1|archaic variant of 蘇|苏[su1]/to revive
  2495. 究|究|jiu1|after all/to investigate/to study carefully/Taiwan pr. [jiu4]
  2496. 歉|歉|qian4|to apologize/to regret/deficient
  2497. 葷|荤|hun1|strong-smelling vegetable (garlic etc)/non-vegetarian food (meat, fish, spicy food etc)/vulgar/obscene
  2498. 稅|税|shui4|taxes/duties
  2499. 稽|稽|Ji1|surname Ji
  2500. 稽|稽|ji1|to inspect/to check
  2501. 稽|稽|qi3|to bow to the ground
  2502. 童|童|Tong2|surname Tong
  2503. 童|童|tong2|child
  2504. 殼|壳|qiao4|shell/carapace/crust (earth's crust etc)/also pr. [ke2]
  2505. 閣|阁|ge2|pavilion (usu. two-storied)/cabinet (politics)/boudoir/woman's chamber/rack/shelf
  2506. 殷|殷|Yin1|surname Yin/dynasty name at the end the Shang dynasty, after their move to Yinxu 殷墟 in modern Henan province
  2507. 殷|殷|yan1|dark red
  2508. 殷|殷|yin1|flourishing/abundant/earnest/hospitable
  2509. 殷|殷|yin3|roll of thunder
  2510. 壁|壁|bi4|wall/rampart
  2511. 陀|陀|tuo2|(phonetic)/declivity/steep bank
  2512. 蝴|蝴|hu2|butterfly
  2513. 蝶|蝶|die2|butterfly/CL:隻|只[zhi1]
  2514. 嬉|嬉|xi1|amusement
  2515. 陋|陋|lou4|low/humble/plain/ugly/mean/vulgar
  2516. 蝦|虾|ha2|see 蝦蟆|虾蟆[ha2 ma5]
  2517. 蝦|虾|xia1|shrimp/prawn
  2518. 祈|祈|qi2|to implore/to pray/to request
  2519. 陰|阴|Yin1|surname Yin
  2520. 陰|阴|yin1|overcast (weather)/cloudy/shady/Yin (the negative principle of Yin and Yang)/negative (electric.)/feminine/moon/implicit/hidden/genitalia
  2521. 陶|陶|Tao2|surname Tao
  2522. 陶|陶|tao2|pottery/pleased
  2523. 祖|祖|Zu3|surname Zu
  2524. 祖|祖|zu3|ancestor/forefather/grandparents
  2525. 陸|陆|Lu4|surname Lu
  2526. 陸|陆|liu4|six (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
  2527. 陸|陆|lu4|shore/land/continent
  2528. 祟|祟|sui4|evil spirit
  2529. 阻|阻|zu3|to hinder/to block/to obstruct
  2530. 棘|棘|ji2|thorns
  2531. 雀|雀|qiao1|a freckle/lentigo
  2532. 雀|雀|que4|small bird/sparrow/also pr. [qiao3]
  2533. 蟲|虫|chong2|lower form of animal life, including insects, insect larvae, worms and similar creatures/CL:條|条[tiao2],隻|只[zhi1]/person with a particular undesirable characteristic
  2534. 移|移|yi2|to move/to shift/to change/to alter/to remove
  2535. 棍|棍|gun4|stick/rod/truncheon
  2536. 雷|雷|Lei2|surname Lei
  2537. 雷|雷|lei2|thunder/mine (weapon)/(Internet slang) terrifying/terrific
  2538. 富|富|Fu4|surname Fu
  2539. 富|富|fu4|rich/abundant/wealthy
  2540. 螺|螺|luo2|spiral shell/snail/conch
  2541. 禿|秃|tu1|bald/blunt
  2542. 寓|寓|yu4|to reside/to imply/to contain/residence
  2543. 寥|寥|liao2|empty/lonesome/very few
  2544. 娜|娜|na4|(phonetic na)/used esp. in female names such as Anna 安娜[An1 na4] or Diana 黛安娜[Dai4 an1 na4]
  2545. 娜|娜|nuo2|elegant/graceful
  2546. 虎|虎|hu3|tiger/CL:隻|只[zhi1]
  2547. 虜|虏|lu3|prisoner of war/to capture/to take prisoner/(old) northern barbarian/slave
  2548. 椎|椎|chui2|a hammer
  2549. 椎|椎|zhui1|spine
  2550. 婊|婊|biao3|prostitute
  2551. 研|研|yan2|to grind/study/research
  2552. 婿|婿|xu4|son-in-law/husband
  2553. 砌|砌|qi4|to build by laying bricks or stones
  2554. 蛇|蛇|she2|snake/serpent/CL:條|条[tiao2]
  2555. 磅|磅|bang4|see 磅秤 scale/platform balance/(loanword) pound (unit of weight, about 454 grams)
  2556. 鞭|鞭|bian1|whip or lash/to flog/to whip/conductor's baton/segmented iron weapon (old)/penis (of animal, served as food)
  2557. 榻|榻|ta4|couch
  2558. 颱|台|tai2|typhoon
  2559. 暢|畅|chang4|free/unimpeded/smooth/at ease/free from worry/fluent
  2560. 暮|暮|mu4|evening/sunset
  2561. 瞞|瞒|man2|to conceal from/to keep (sb) in the dark
  2562. 瞄|瞄|miao2|to aim
  2563. 瞌|瞌|ke1|to doze off/sleepy
  2564. 嗯|嗯|en1|(a groaning sound)
  2565. 嗯|嗯|en4|(nonverbal grunt as interjection)/OK, yeah/what?
  2566. 嗯|嗯|en5|interjection indicating approval, appreciation or agreement
  2567. 嗒|嗒|ta4|to despair
  2568. 瞧|瞧|qiao2|to look at/to see/to see (a doctor)/to visit
  2569. 矛|矛|mao2|spear/lance/pike
  2570. 喧|喧|xuan1|clamor/noise
  2571. 曼|曼|man4|handsome/large/long
  2572. 喪|丧|sang1|mourning/funeral/(old) corpse
  2573. 喪|丧|sang4|to lose sth abstract but important (courage, authority, one's life etc)/to be bereaved of (one's spouse etc)/to die/disappointed/discouraged
  2574. 曖|暧|ai4|(of daylight) dim/obscure/clandestine/dubious
  2575. 啼|啼|ti2|to cry/to weep aloud/to crow/to hoot
  2576. 褐|褐|he4|brown/gray or dark color/coarse hemp cloth/Taiwan pr. [he2]
  2577. 啤|啤|pi2|beer
  2578. 褪|褪|tui4|to take off (clothes)/to shed feathers/(of color) to fade/to discolor
  2579. 褪|褪|tun4|to slip out of sth/to hide sth in one's sleeve
  2580. 眷|眷|juan4|concern/wife and children
  2581. 昇|升|sheng1|variant of 升[sheng1]/to ascend/to rise in rank
  2582. 啄|啄|zhuo2|to peck
  2583. 褶|褶|xi2|(arch.) court dress
  2584. 褶|褶|zhe3|pleat/crease/Taiwan pr. [zhe2]
  2585. 唰|唰|shua1|(onom.) swishing/rustling
  2586. 睏|困|kun4|sleepy/tired
  2587. 售|售|shou4|to sell/to make or carry out (a plan or intrigue etc)
  2588. 顫|颤|chan4|to tremble/to shiver/to shake/to vibrate/Taiwan pr. [zhan4]
  2589. 智|智|zhi4|wisdom/knowledge
  2590. 襪|袜|wa4|socks/stockings
  2591. 睦|睦|mu4|amicable/harmonious
  2592. 皆|皆|jie1|all/each and every/in all cases
  2593. 枷|枷|jia1|cangue (wooden collar like stocks used to restrain and punish criminals in China)
  2594. 袍|袍|pao2|gown (lined)
  2595. 哼|哼|heng1|to groan/to snort/to hum/to croon/humph!
  2596. 枝|枝|zhi1|branch/classifier for sticks, rods, pencils etc
  2597. 皺|皱|zhou4|to wrinkle/wrinkled/to crease
  2598. 咧|咧|lie1|see 咧咧[lie1 lie1]
  2599. 咧|咧|lie3|to draw back the corners of one's mouth
  2600. 咧|咧|lie5|modal particle expressing exclamation
  2601. 柳|柳|Liu3|surname Liu
  2602. 柳|柳|liu3|willow
  2603. 益|益|Yi4|surname Yi
  2604. 益|益|yi4|benefit/profit/advantage/beneficial/to increase/to add/all the more
  2605. 盞|盏|zhan3|a small cup/classifier for lamps
  2606. 咽|咽|yan1|narrow pass/throat/pharynx
  2607. 咽|咽|yan4|variant of 嚥|咽[yan4]
  2608. 咽|咽|ye4|to choke (in crying)
  2609. 盛|盛|Sheng4|surname Sheng
  2610. 盛|盛|cheng2|to hold/to contain/to ladle/to pick up with a utensil
  2611. 盛|盛|sheng4|flourishing/vigorous/magnificent/extensively
  2612. 盯|盯|ding1|to watch attentively/to fix one's attention on/to stare at/to gaze at
  2613. 柄|柄|bing3|handle or shaft (of an axe etc)/(of a flower, leaf or fruit) stem/sth that affords an advantage to an opponent/classifier for knives or blades
  2614. 盲|盲|mang2|blind
  2615. 盾|盾|dun4|shield
  2616. 餡|馅|xian4|stuffing/forcemeat/filling
  2617. 蠱|蛊|gu3|arch. legendary venomous insect/to poison/to bewitch/to drive to insanity/to harm by witchcraft/intestinal parasite
  2618. 吭|吭|hang2|throat
  2619. 吭|吭|keng1|to utter
  2620. 吁|吁|xu1|sh/hush
  2621. 吁|吁|yu4|variant of 籲|吁[yu4]
  2622. 杓|杓|biao1|(star)
  2623. 杓|杓|shao2|ladle
  2624. 衡|衡|heng2|to weigh/weight/measure
  2625. 疾|疾|ji2|sickness/disease/hate/envy/swift
  2626. 疤|疤|ba1|scar/scab
  2627. 撥|拨|bo1|to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc/to dial/to allocate/to set aside (money)/to poke (the fire)/to pluck (a string instrument)/to turn round/classifier: group, batch
  2628. 骷|骷|ku1|skeleton
  2629. 撩|撩|liao1|to lift up (sth hanging down)/to raise (hem of skirt)/to pull up (sleeve)/to sprinkle (water with cupped hands)
  2630. 撩|撩|liao2|to tease/to provoke/to stir up (emotions)
  2631. 培|培|pei2|to bank up with earth/to cultivate (lit. or fig.)/to train (people)
  2632. 型|型|xing2|mold/type/style/model
  2633. 髏|髅|lou2|skull
  2634. 痙|痉|jing4|spasm
  2635. 痞|痞|pi3|constipation/lump in the abdomen
  2636. 垠|垠|yin2|limit/border/river bank
  2637. 垢|垢|gou4|dirt/disgrace
  2638. 垮|垮|kua3|to collapse/to break or wear down/to defeat
  2639. 田|田|Tian2|surname Tian
  2640. 田|田|tian2|field/farm/CL:片[pian4]
  2641. 坎|坎|kan3|pit/threshold/one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing water/☵
  2642. 謹|谨|jin3|cautious/careful/solemnly/sincerely (formal)
  2643. 均|均|jun1|equal/even/all/uniform
  2644. 甥|甥|sheng1|sister's son/nephew
  2645. 坷|坷|ke3|uneven (path)/unfortunate (in life)
  2646. 搧|搧|shan1|variant of 扇[shan1]
  2647. 謙|谦|qian1|modest
  2648. 驟|骤|zhou4|sudden/unexpected/abrupt/suddenly/Taiwan pr. [zou4]
  2649. 驅|驱|qu1|to expel/to urge on/to drive/to run quickly
  2650. 譚|谭|Tan2|surname Tan
  2651. 譚|谭|tan2|variant of 談|谈[tan2]
  2652. 斗|斗|Dou3|abbr. for the Big Dipper constellation 北斗星[Bei3 dou3 xing1]
  2653. 斗|斗|dou3|dry measure for grain equal to ten 升[sheng1] or one-tenth of a 石[dan4]/decaliter/peck/cup or dipper shaped object/old variant of 陡[dou3]
  2654. 囌|苏|su1|see 囉囌|啰苏[luo1 su1]
  2655. 囉|啰|luo1|see 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5]
  2656. 囉|啰|luo5|(final exclamatory particle)
  2657. 誤|误|wu4|mistake/error/to miss/to harm/to delay/to neglect/mistakenly
  2658. 囑|嘱|zhu3|to enjoin/to implore/to urge
  2659. 嚀|咛|ning2|enjoin
  2660. 旗|旗|qi2|banner/flag/(in Qing times) refers to Manchurian ruling class, from 八旗[ba1 qi2] eight banners/administrative subdivision in inner Mongolia equivalent to 縣|县[xian4] county/CL:面[mian4]
  2661. 鯊|鲨|sha1|shark
  2662. 嚕|噜|lu1|grumble/chatter
  2663. 旬|旬|xun2|ten days/ten years/full period
  2664. 攜|携|xie2|to carry/to take along/to bring along/to hold (hands)/also pr. [xi1]
  2665. 噁|恶|e3|variant of 惡|恶[e3], esp. used in names of chemical components
  2666. 訪|访|fang3|to visit/to call on/to seek/to inquire/to investigate
  2667. 琳|琳|lin2|gem
  2668. 噬|噬|shi4|to devour/to bite
  2669. 攻|攻|gong1|to attack/to accuse/to study
  2670. 球|球|qiu2|ball/sphere/globe/CL:個|个[ge4]/ball game/match/CL:場|场[chang3]
  2671. 訓|训|xun4|to teach/to train/to admonish/instruction (from superiors)/teachings/rule
  2672. 噠|哒|da1|(phonetic)/command to a horse/clatter (of horses' hoofs)
  2673. 攣|挛|luan2|twisted/bent/crooked/cramped
  2674. 鬱|郁|Yu4|surname Yu
  2675. 鬱|郁|yu4|dense (growth)/melancholy
  2676. 訂|订|ding4|to agree/to conclude/to draw up/to subscribe to (a newspaper etc)/to order
  2677. 詹|詹|Zhan1|surname Zhan
  2678. 詹|詹|zhan1|excellent/verbose
  2679. 瑣|琐|suo3|fragmentary/trifling
  2680. 敗|败|bai4|to defeat/to damage/to lose (to an opponent)/to fail/to wither
  2681. 魅|魅|mei4|demon/magic/to charm
  2682. 魄|魄|po4|soul/mortal soul, i.e. attached to the body
  2683. 瑰|瑰|gui1|(semi-precious stone)/extraordinary
  2684. 評|评|ping2|to discuss/to comment/to criticize/to judge/to choose (by public appraisal)
  2685. 敬|敬|jing4|to respect/to venerate/to salute/to offer
  2686. 嘲|嘲|chao2|to ridicule/to mock
  2687. 嘲|嘲|zhao1|see 嘲哳, (onom.) twitter/twittering sound
  2688. 跋|跋|ba2|postscript/to trek across mountains
  2689. 鳴|鸣|ming2|to cry (of birds, animals and insects)
  2690. 鳳|凤|Feng4|surname Feng
  2691. 鳳|凤|feng4|phoenix
  2692. 跛|跛|bo3|to limp/lame/crippled
  2693. 珊|珊|shan1|coral
  2694. 冤|冤|yuan1|injustice/grievance/wrong
  2695. 冠|冠|Guan4|surname Guan
  2696. 冠|冠|guan1|hat/crown/crest/cap
  2697. 冠|冠|guan4|to put on a hat/to be first/to dub
  2698. 拱|拱|gong3|to cup one's hands in salute/to surround/to arch/to dig earth with the snout/arched
  2699. 拂|拂|bi4|old variant of 弼[bi4]
  2700. 拂|拂|fu2|to brush away
  2701. 冊|册|ce4|book/booklet/classifier for books
  2702. 凸|凸|tu1|convex/to stick out/Taiwan pr. [tu2]
  2703. 玉|玉|yu4|jade
  2704. 凝|凝|ning2|to congeal/to concentrate attention/to stare
  2705. 玫|玫|mei2|(fine jade)/see 玫瑰[mei2 gui1]
  2706. 凌|凌|Ling2|surname Ling
  2707. 凌|凌|ling2|to approach/to rise high/thick ice/to insult or maltreat
  2708. 儼|俨|yan3|majestic/dignified
  2709. 獰|狞|ning2|fierce-looking
  2710. 償|偿|chang2|to repay/to compensate for/to recompense/to fulfill (hopes etc)
  2711. 赫|赫|He4|surname He/abbr. for Herz Hz 赫茲|赫兹[He4 zi1]
  2712. 赫|赫|he4|awe-inspiring/hertz/abbr. for herz hz 赫茲|赫兹[He4 zi1] (cycles per second)
  2713. 扛|扛|gang1|to raise aloft with both hands/(of two or more people) to carry sth together
  2714. 扛|扛|kang2|to carry on one's shoulder/(fig.) to take on (a burden, duty etc)
  2715. 鰻|鳗|man2|eel/Anguilla lostoniensis
  2716. 猙|狰|zheng1|hideous/fierce-looking
  2717. 贏|赢|ying2|to beat/to win/to profit
  2718. 戀|恋|lian4|to feel attached to/to long for/to love
  2719. 猴|猴|hou2|monkey/CL:隻|只[zhi1]
  2720. 兇|凶|xiong1|terrible/fearful
  2721. 兄|兄|xiong1|elder brother
  2722. 戚|戚|Qi1|surname Qi
  2723. 戚|戚|qi1|relative/parent/grief/sorrow/battle-axe
  2724. 賓|宾|bin1|visitor/guest/object (in grammar)
  2725. 賈|贾|Jia3|surname Jia
  2726. 賈|贾|gu3|merchant/to buy
  2727. 資|资|zi1|resources/capital/to provide/to supply/to support/money/expense
  2728. 賭|赌|du3|to bet/to gamble
  2729. 揉|揉|rou2|to knead/to massage/to rub
  2730. 鷗|鸥|ou1|common gull
  2731. 貞|贞|zhen1|chaste
  2732. 措|措|cuo4|to handle/to manage/to put in order/to arrange/to administer/to execute/to take action on/to plan
  2733. 掩|掩|yan3|to cover up/to close/to surprise
  2734. 掬|掬|ju1|to hold with both hands/to grasp firmly/fig. to offer up sincerely
  2735. 掠|掠|lu:e4|to take over by force/to rob/to plunder/to brush over/to skim/to sweep
  2736. 鶴|鹤|he4|crane
  2737. 僵|僵|jiang1|rigid/deadlock/stiff (corpse)
  2738. 貿|贸|mao4|commerce/trade
  2739. 僅|仅|jin3|barely/only/merely
  2740. 犧|牺|xi1|sacrifice
  2741. 貫|贯|guan4|to pierce through/to pass through/to be stringed together/string of 1000 cash
  2742. 販|贩|fan4|to deal in/to buy and sell/to trade in/to retail/to peddle
  2743. 貢|贡|Gong4|surname Gong
  2744. 貢|贡|gong4|to offer tribute/tribute/gifts
  2745. 貧|贫|pin2|poor/inadequate/deficient/garrulous
  2746. 捷|捷|Jie2|Czech/Czech Republic/abbr. for 捷克[Jie2 ke4]
  2747. 捷|捷|jie2|victory/triumph/quick/nimble/prompt
  2748. 豐|丰|Feng1|surname Feng
  2749. 豐|丰|feng1|abundant/plentiful/fertile/plump/great
  2750. 豈|岂|kai3|old variant of 愷|恺[kai3]/old variant of 凱|凯[kai3]
  2751. 豈|岂|qi3|how? (emphatic question)
  2752. 倍|倍|bei4|(two, three etc) -fold/times (multiplier)/double/to increase or multiply
  2753. 牲|牲|sheng1|domestic animal/sacrificial animal
  2754. 挺|挺|ting3|straight/erect/to stick out (a part of the body)/to (physically) straighten up/to support/to withstand/outstanding/(coll.) quite/very/classifier for machine guns
  2755. 爍|烁|shuo4|bright/luminous
  2756. 偵|侦|zhen1|to scout/to spy/to detect
  2757. 鴻|鸿|hong2|eastern bean goose/great/large
  2758. 谷|谷|Gu3|surname Gu
  2759. 谷|谷|gu3|valley
  2760. 爽|爽|shuang3|bright/clear/crisp/open/frank/straightforward/to feel well/fine/pleasurable/invigorating/to deviate
  2761. 迪|迪|di2|to enlighten
  2762. 惘|惘|wang3|disappointed/perplexed
  2763. 黎|黎|Li2|Li ethnic group of Hainan Province/surname Li/abbr. for Lebanon 黎巴嫩[Li2 ba1 nen4]
  2764. 黎|黎|li2|black
  2765. 述|述|shu4|to state/to tell/to narrate/to relate
  2766. 迴|回|hui2|to curve/to return/to revolve
  2767. 迂|迂|yu1|literal-minded/pedantic/doctrinaire/longwinded/circuitous
  2768. 黨|党|Dang3|surname Dang
  2769. 黨|党|dang3|party/association/club/society/CL:個|个[ge4]
  2770. 惶|惶|huang2|frightened
  2771. 辨|辨|bian4|to distinguish/to recognize
  2772. 熨|熨|yu4|reconciled/smooth
  2773. 熨|熨|yun4|an iron/to iron
  2774. 農|农|Nong2|surname Nong
  2775. 農|农|nong2|peasant/to farm/agriculture/diligent (old)/government field official (old)
  2776. 患|患|huan4|to suffer (from illness)/to contract (a disease)/misfortune/trouble/danger/worry
  2777. 悼|悼|dao4|to mourn/to lament
  2778. 辜|辜|Gu1|surname Gu
  2779. 辜|辜|gu1|crime/sin
  2780. 悴|悴|cui4|haggard/sad/downcast/distressed
  2781. 麥|麦|Mai4|surname Mai
  2782. 麥|麦|mai4|wheat/barley/oats
  2783. 煽|煽|shan1|to fan into a flame/to incite
  2784. 煥|焕|huan4|brilliant/lustrous
  2785. 恥|耻|chi3|shame/disgrace
  2786. 恪|恪|Ke4|surname Ke
  2787. 恪|恪|ke4|respectful/scrupulous
  2788. 卓|卓|Zhuo2|surname Zhuo
  2789. 卓|卓|zhuo2|outstanding
  2790. 危|危|Wei1|surname Wei
  2791. 危|危|wei1|danger/to endanger/Taiwan pr. [wei2]
  2792. 即|即|ji2|namely/that is/i.e./prompt/at once/at present/even if/prompted (by the occasion)/to approach/to come into contact/to assume (office)/to draw near
  2793. 怯|怯|qie4|timid/cowardly/rustic/Taiwan pr. [que4]
  2794. 輝|辉|hui1|splendor/to shine upon
  2795. 劉|刘|Liu2|surname Liu
  2796. 懈|懈|xie4|lax/negligent
  2797. 懇|恳|ken3|earnest
  2798. 烏|乌|Wu1|abbr. for Ukraine 烏克蘭|乌克兰[Wu1 ke4 lan2]/surname Wu
  2799. 烏|乌|wu1|crow/black
  2800. 軌|轨|gui3|course/path/track/rail
  2801. 軀|躯|qu1|human body
  2802. 炬|炬|ju4|torch
  2803. 憔|憔|qiao2|haggard
  2804. 勇|勇|yong3|brave
  2805. 躬|躬|gong1|body/oneself/personally/to bow
  2806. 龐|庞|Pang2|surname Pang
  2807. 龐|庞|pang2|huge/enormous/tremendous
  2808. 躍|跃|yue4|to jump/to leap
  2809. 慚|惭|can2|ashamed
  2810. 蹤|踪|zong1|footprint/trace/tracks
  2811. 列|列|lie4|to arrange/to line up/row/file/series/column
  2812. 慈|慈|ci2|compassionate/gentle/merciful/kind/humane
  2813. 態|态|tai4|(bound form)/appearance/shape/form/state/attitude/(grammar) voice
  2814. 灼|灼|zhuo2|luminous/burning/to burn/to cauterize
  2815. 齜|龇|zi1|projecting teeth/to bare one's teeth
  2816. 慧|慧|hui4|intelligent
  2817. 慮|虑|lu:4|to think over/to consider/anxiety
  2818. 蹌|跄|qiang1|walk rapidly
  2819. 蹌|跄|qiang4|stagger/sway from side to side
  2820. 愕|愕|e4|startled
  2821. 踱|踱|duo2|to stroll/to pace/Taiwan pr. [duo4]
  2822. 剎|刹|cha4|Buddhist monastery, temple or shrine (abbr. for 剎多羅, Sanskrit ksetra)
  2823. 剎|刹|sha1|to brake
  2824. 剖|剖|pou1|to cut open/to analyze/Taiwan pr. [pou3]
  2825. 瀾|澜|lan2|swelling water
  2826. 鼠|鼠|shu3|rat/mouse/CL:隻|只[zhi1]
  2827. 瀑|瀑|bao4|shower (rain)
  2828. 瀑|瀑|pu4|waterfall
  2829. 踉|踉|liang2|jump
  2830. 踉|踉|liang4|stagger/sway from side to side
  2831. 渺|渺|miao3|(of an expanse of water) vast/distant and indistinct/tiny or insignificant
  2832. 脖|脖|bo2|neck
  2833. 逸|逸|yi4|to escape/leisurely/outstanding
  2834. 港|港|Gang3|Hong Kong, abbr. for 香港[Xiang1 gang3]/surname Gang
  2835. 港|港|gang3|harbor/port/CL:個|个[ge4]
  2836. 脹|胀|zhang4|dropsical/swollen/to swell/to be bloated
  2837. 缸|缸|gang1|jar/vat/classifier for loads of laundry/CL:口[kou3]
  2838. 逐|逐|zhu2|to pursue/to chase/individually/one by one
  2839. 遭|遭|zao1|to meet by chance (usually with misfortune)/classifier for events: time, turn, incident
  2840. 腕|腕|wan4|wrist/(squid, starfish etc) arm
  2841. 遢|遢|ta4|careless, negligent, slipshod/see 邋遢[la1 ta5]
  2842. 遼|辽|Liao2|short name for Liaoning 遼寧|辽宁[Liao2 ning2] province/Liao or Khitan dynasty (907-1125)
  2843. 遺|遗|yi2|to lose/to leave behind/to omit/to bequeath/sth lost/involuntary discharge (of urine etc)
  2844. 遵|遵|zun1|to observe/to obey/to follow/to comply with
  2845. 崎|崎|qi2|mountainous
  2846. 腺|腺|xian4|gland
  2847. 湖|湖|hu2|lake/CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
  2848. 遇|遇|Yu4|surname Yu
  2849. 遇|遇|yu4|to meet/to encounter/to treat/to receive/opportunity/chance
  2850. 湊|凑|cou4|to gather together, pool or collect/to happen by chance/to move close to/to exploit an opportunity
  2851. 違|违|wei2|to disobey/to violate/to separate/to go against
  2852. 溶|溶|rong2|to dissolve/soluble
  2853. 膛|膛|tang2|chest (of body)/hollow space/throat
  2854. 膜|膜|mo2|membrane/film
  2855. 溢|溢|yi4|to overflow/(literary) excessive/old variant of 鎰|镒[yi4]
  2856. 準|准|zhun3|accurate/standard/definitely/certainly/about to become (bride, son-in-law etc)/quasi-/para-
  2857. 義|义|yi4|justice/righteousness/meaning/foster (father etc)/adopted/artificial (tooth, limb etc)/relationship/friendship
  2858. 邋|邋|la1|see 邋遢[la1 ta5]
  2859. 溝|沟|gou1|ditch/gutter/groove/gully/ravine/CL:道[dao4]
  2860. 州|州|zhou1|prefecture/(old) province/(old) administrative division/state (e.g. of US)/oblast (Russia)/canton (Switzerland)
  2861. 羽|羽|yu3|feather/5th note in pentatonic scale
  2862. 滸|浒|hu3|bank of a river
  2863. 嶺|岭|ling3|mountain range/mountain ridge
  2864. 嶇|岖|qu1|rugged
  2865. 臣|臣|Chen2|surname Chen
  2866. 臣|臣|chen2|state official or subject in dynastic China/I, your servant (used in addressing the sovereign)/Kangxi radical 168
  2867. 縐|绉|zhou4|crepe/wrinkle
  2868. 屜|屉|ti4|drawer/tier/tray
  2869. 漏|漏|lou4|to leak/to divulge/to leave out by mistake/waterclock or hourglass (old)
  2870. 漓|漓|li2|pattering (of rain)/seep through
  2871. 尾|尾|wei3|tail/remainder/remnant/extremity/sixth of the 28 constellations/classifier for fish
  2872. 尾|尾|yi3|horse's tail/pointed posterior section of a locust etc
  2873. 聊|聊|liao2|to chat/to depend upon (literary)/temporarily/just/slightly
  2874. 潦|潦|lao3|flooded/heavy rain
  2875. 潤|润|run4|to moisten/to lubricate/to embellish/moist/glossy/sleek
  2876. 酷|酷|ku4|ruthless/strong (e.g. of wine)/(loanword) cool/hip
  2877. 酬|酬|chou2|to entertain/to repay/to return/to reward/to compensate/to reply/to answer
  2878. 聞|闻|Wen2|surname Wen
  2879. 聞|闻|wen2|to hear/news/well-known/famous/reputation/fame/to smell/to sniff at
  2880. 繆|缪|Miao4|surname Miao
  2881. 繆|缪|liao3|old variant of 繚|缭[liao3]
  2882. 繆|缪|miao4|mu (Greek letter Μμ)
  2883. 繆|缪|mou2|to wind round
  2884. 繆|缪|mu4|old variant of 穆[mu4]
  2885. 尚|尚|Shang4|surname Shang
  2886. 尚|尚|shang4|still/yet/to value/to esteem
  2887. 酗|酗|xu4|drunk
  2888. 繳|缴|jiao3|to hand in/to hand over/to seize
  2889. 繫|系|ji4|to tie/to fasten/to button up
  2890. 繫|系|xi4|to connect/to arrest/to worry
  2891. 尊|尊|zun1|senior/of a senior generation/to honor/to respect/honorific/classifier for cannons and statues/ancient wine vessel
  2892. 聳|耸|song3|to excite/to raise up/to shrug/high/lofty/towering
  2893. 峰|峰|feng1|(of a mountain) high and tapered peak or summit/mountain-like in appearance/highest level/classifier for camels
  2894. 肅|肃|Su4|surname Su
  2895. 肅|肃|su4|respectful/solemn/to eliminate/to clean up
  2896. 澱|淀|dian4|sediment/precipitate
  2897. 肘|肘|zhou3|elbow/pork shoulder
  2898. 醬|酱|jiang4|thick paste of fermented soybean/marinated in soy paste/paste/jam
  2899. 澀|涩|se4|astringent/tart/acerbity/unsmooth/rough (surface)/hard to understand/obscure
  2900. 澆|浇|jiao1|to pour liquid/to irrigate (using waterwheel)/to water/to cast (molten metal)/to mold
  2901. 釣|钓|diao4|to fish with a hook and bait
  2902. 岩|岩|yan2|cliff/rock
  2903. 濁|浊|zhuo2|turbid/muddy/impure
  2904. 氏|氏|shi4|clan name/maiden name
  2905. 氏|氏|zhi1|see 月氏[Yue4 zhi1] and 閼氏|阏氏[yan1 zhi1]
  2906. 弗|弗|fu2|not
  2907. 鉗|钳|qian2|pincers/pliers/tongs/claw (of animal)/to grasp with pincers/to pinch/to clamp/to restrain/to restrict/to gag
  2908. 弦|弦|xian2|bow string/string of musical instrument/watchspring/chord (segment of curve)/hypotenuse/CL:根[gen1]
  2909. 丁|丁|Ding1|surname Ding
  2910. 丁|丁|ding1|fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/fourth in order/letter "D" or roman "IV" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/butyl/cubes (of food)
  2911. 綴|缀|chuo4|variant of 輟|辍[chuo4]
  2912. 綴|缀|zhui4|to sew/to stitch together/to combine/to link/to connect/to put words together/to compose/to embellish
  2913. 綿|绵|mian2|silk floss/continuous/soft/weak/mild-mannered (dialect)
  2914. 莖|茎|jing1|stalk/stem/CL:條|条[tiao2]
  2915. 仗|仗|zhang4|weaponry/to hold (a weapon)/to wield/to rely on/to depend on/war/battle
  2916. 忠|忠|zhong1|loyal/devoted/honest
  2917. 莞|莞|guan1|Skimmia japonica
  2918. 莞|莞|guan3|(district)
  2919. 莞|莞|wan3|smile
  2920. 沾|沾|zhan1|to moisten/to be infected by/to receive benefit or advantage through a contact/to touch
  2921. 仙|仙|xian1|immortal
  2922. 緯|纬|wei3|latitude/woof (horizontal thread in weaving)/weft
  2923. 亢|亢|Kang4|surname Kang/Kang, one of the 28 constellations
  2924. 亢|亢|kang4|high/overbearing/excessive
  2925. 菠|菠|bo1|spinach
  2926. 亦|亦|yi4|also
  2927. 泄|泄|xie4|to leak (of water or gas)/to drip/to drain/to discharge/to leak out/to divulge (secrets)/to give vent (to anger, spite etc)/to disperse/to reduce
  2928. 亨|亨|heng1|prosperous/henry (unit of inductance)
  2929. 互|互|hu4|mutual
  2930. 徵|征|zheng1|to invite/to recruit/to levy (taxes)/to draft (troops)/phenomenon/symptom/characteristic sign (used as proof)/evidence
  2931. 徵|徵|zhi3|4th note in pentatonic scale 五音[wu3 yin1], roughly sol/see also 徵|征[zheng1]
  2932. 泫|泫|xuan4|weep
  2933. 緞|缎|duan4|satin
  2934. 佬|佬|lao3|male/man (Cantonese)
  2935. 幕|幕|mu4|curtain or screen/canopy or tent/headquarters of a general/act (of a play)
  2936. 舵|舵|duo4|helm/rudder
  2937. 幽|幽|you1|remote/hidden away/secluded/serene/peaceful/to imprison/in superstition indicates the underworld/ancient district spanning Liaonang and Hebei provinces
  2938. 干|干|gan1|to concern/to interfere/shield/stem
  2939. 簍|篓|lou3|deep basket
  2940. 佑|佑|you4|to assist/to protect
  2941. 籐|藤|teng2|variant of 藤[teng2]
  2942. 企|企|qi3|to plan a project/to stand on tiptoe/Taiwan pr. [qi4]/abbr. for 企業|企业[qi3 ye4]
  2943. 浹|浃|jia1|soaked/to wet/to drench/Taiwan pr. [jia2]
  2944. 籌|筹|chou2|chip (in gambling)/token (for counting)/ticket/to prepare/to plan/to raise (funds)/resource/means
  2945. 涉|涉|she4|to wade/to be involved/to concern/to experience/to enter (classical)
  2946. 廈|厦|Xia4|abbr. for Xiamen or Amoy 廈門|厦门[Xia4 men2], Fujian
  2947. 廈|厦|sha4|tall building/mansion/rear annex/lean-to/also pr. [xia4]
  2948. 延|延|Yan2|surname Yan
  2949. 延|延|yan2|to prolong/to extend/to delay
  2950. 俄|俄|E2|Russia/Russian/abbr. for 俄羅斯|俄罗斯[E2 luo2 si1]/Taiwan pr. [E4]
  2951. 俄|俄|e2|suddenly/very soon
  2952. 促|促|cu4|urgent/hurried/to urge/to promote/to urge haste/close/intimate
  2953. 液|液|ye4|liquid/fluid/Taiwan pr. [yi4]
  2954. 芒|芒|mang2|awn (of cereals)/arista (of grain)/tip (of a blade)/Miscanthus sinensis (type of grass)/variant of 邙, Mt Mang at Luoyang in Henan
  2955. 廬|庐|lu2|hut
  2956. 鎯|鎯|lang2|large hammer
  2957. 俘|俘|fu2|to take prisoner/prisoner of war
  2958. 淇|淇|qi2|name of a river
  2959. 淌|淌|tang3|to drip/to trickle/to shed (tears)
  2960. 侮|侮|wu3|to insult/to ridicule/to disgrace
  2961. 糾|纠|jiu1|to gather together/to investigate/to entangle/to correct
  2962. 淒|凄|qi1|intense cold/frigid/dismal/grim/bleak/sad/mournful
  2963. 侵|侵|qin1|to invade/to encroach/to infringe/to approach
  2964. 侄|侄|zhi2|variant of 姪|侄[zhi2]
  2965. 淳|淳|chun2|genuine/pure/honest
  2966. 苔|苔|tai1|coating (of tongue)
  2967. 苔|苔|tai2|moss
  2968. 淺|浅|jian1|sound of moving water
  2969. 淺|浅|qian3|shallow/light (color)
  2970. 供|供|gong1|to provide/to supply
  2971. 供|供|gong4|sacrificial offering/to confess
  2972. 鑫|鑫|xin1|(used in names of people and shops, symbolizing prosperity)
  2973. 鑲|镶|xiang1|to inlay/to embed/ridge/border
  2974. 橡|橡|xiang4|oak/Quercus serrata
  2975. 鑰|钥|yue4|key/also pr. [yao4]
  2976. 橋|桥|qiao2|bridge/CL:座[zuo4]
  2977. 奧|奥|Ao4|Austria/Austrian/abbr. for 奧地利|奥地利[Ao4 di4 li4]/Olympic/Olympics/abbr. for 奧林匹克|奥林匹克[Ao4 lin2 pi3 ke4]
  2978. 奧|奥|ao4|obscure/mysterious
  2979. 樸|朴|pu3|plain and simple/Taiwan pr. [pu2]
  2980. 妨|妨|fang2|to hinder/(in the negative or interrogative) (no) harm/(what) harm
  2981. 妞|妞|niu1|girl
  2982. 妖|妖|yao1|goblin/witch/devil/bewitching/enchanting/monster/phantom/demon
  2983. 檳|槟|bing1|betel palm (Areca catechu)/betel nut/Taiwan pr. [bin1]
  2984. 姆|姆|mu3|woman who looks after small children/(old) female tutor
  2985. 姓|姓|xing4|family name/surname/CL:個|个[ge4]/to be surnamed
  2986. 堤|堤|di1|dike/Taiwan pr. [ti2]
  2987. 歹|歹|dai3|bad/wicked/evil
  2988. 穴|穴|xue2|cave/cavity/hole/acupuncture point/Taiwan pr. [xue4]
  2989. 歇|歇|xie1|to rest
  2990. 葬|葬|zang4|to bury (the dead)/to inter
  2991. 穫|获|huo4|to reap/to harvest
  2992. 欠|欠|qian4|deficient/to owe/to lack/yawn
  2993. 稚|稚|zhi4|infantile/young
  2994. 欲|欲|yu4|to wish for/to desire/variant of 慾|欲[yu4]
  2995. 款|款|kuan3|section/paragraph/funds/CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]/classifier for versions or models (of a product)
  2996. 稍|稍|shao1|somewhat/a little
  2997. 稍|稍|shao4|see 稍息[shao4 xi1]
  2998. 塘|塘|tang2|dyke/embankment/pool or pond/hot-water bathing pool
  2999. 墨|墨|Mo4|surname Mo/abbr. for 墨西哥[Mo4 xi1 ge1], Mexico
  3000. 墨|墨|mo4|ink stick/China ink/CL:塊|块[kuai4]/corporal punishment consisting of tattooing characters on the victim's forehead
  3001. 墜|坠|zhui4|to fall/to drop/to weigh down
  3002. 竹|竹|zhu2|bamboo/CL:棵[ke1],支[zhi1],根[gen1]
  3003. 毅|毅|yi4|firm and resolute/staunch
  3004. 闖|闯|chuang3|to rush/to charge/to dash/to break through/to temper oneself (through battling hardships)
  3005. 窘|窘|jiong3|distressed/embarrassed
  3006. 殭|僵|jiang1|variant of 僵[jiang1]
  3007. 壽|寿|Shou4|surname Shou
  3008. 壽|寿|shou4|long life/old age/age/life/birthday/funerary
  3009. 閱|阅|yue4|to inspect/to review/to read/to peruse/to go through/to experience
  3010. 窒|窒|zhi4|to obstruct/to stop up
  3011. 殿|殿|dian4|palace hall
  3012. 窄|窄|zhai3|narrow/narrow-minded/badly off
  3013. 殘|残|can2|to destroy/to spoil/to ruin/to injure/cruel/oppressive/savage/brutal/incomplete/disabled/to remain/to survive/remnant/surplus
  3014. 蒸|蒸|zheng1|to evaporate/(of cooking) to steam/torch made from hemp stalks or bamboo (old)/finely chopped firewood (old)
  3015. 祥|祥|xiang2|auspicious/propitious
  3016. 嬋|婵|chan2|beautiful/graceful
  3017. 桂|桂|Gui4|surname Gui/abbr. for Guangxi Autonomous Region 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区[Guang3 xi1 Zhuang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 qu1]
  3018. 桂|桂|gui4|cassia/laurel
  3019. 祇|只|zhi3|but/only
  3020. 祇|祇|qi2|earth-spirit/peace
  3021. 桿|杆|gan3|stick/pole/lever/classifier for long objects such as guns
  3022. 陳|陈|Chen2|surname Chen/vassal state during the Spring and Autumn Period 770-475 BC/Chen of the Southern dynasties (557-589)
  3023. 陳|陈|chen2|to lay out/to exhibit/to display/to narrate/to state/to explain/to tell/old/stale
  3024. 栗|栗|Li4|surname Li
  3025. 栗|栗|li4|chestnut
  3026. 礬|矾|fan2|alum
  3027. 孝|孝|xiao4|filial piety or obedience/mourning apparel
  3028. 季|季|Ji4|surname Ji
  3029. 季|季|ji4|season/the last month of a season/fourth or youngest amongst brothers/classifier for seasonal crop yields
  3030. 礎|础|chu3|foundation/base
  3031. 孫|孙|Sun1|surname Sun
  3032. 孫|孙|sun1|grandson/descendant
  3033. 礙|碍|ai4|to hinder/to obstruct/to block
  3034. 棟|栋|dong4|classifier for houses or buildings/ridgepole (old)
  3035. 秤|秤|cheng1|variant of 稱|称[cheng1], to weigh
  3036. 秤|秤|cheng4|steelyard/Roman balance/CL:臺|台[tai2]
  3037. 私|私|si1|personal/private/selfish
  3038. 棱|棱|leng2|square beam/variant of 稜|棱[leng2]
  3039. 森|森|sen1|forest
  3040. 科|科|ke1|branch of study/administrative section/division/field/branch/stage directions/family (taxonomy)/rules/laws/to mete out (punishment)/to levy (taxes etc)/to fine sb/CL:個|个[ge4]
  3041. 宰|宰|zai3|to slaughter livestock/to govern or rule/to cheat customers/imperial official in dynastic China
  3042. 禪|禅|chan2|dhyana (Sanskrit)/Zen/meditation (Buddhism)
  3043. 禪|禅|shan4|to abdicate
  3044. 隆|隆|Long2|surname Long/short for 吉隆坡[Ji2 long2 po1], Kuala Lumpur
  3045. 隆|隆|long1|sound of drums
  3046. 隆|隆|long2|grand/intense/prosperous/to swell/to bulge
  3047. 禍|祸|huo4|disaster/misfortune/calamity
  3048. 隧|隧|sui4|tunnel/underground passage
  3049. 寡|寡|gua3|few/scant/widowed
  3050. 娟|娟|juan1|beautiful/graceful
  3051. 靴|靴|xue1|boots
  3052. 硝|硝|xiao1|saltpeter/to tan (leather)
  3053. 蘭|兰|Lan2|surname Lan/abbr. for Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2 zhou1], Gansu
  3054. 蘭|兰|lan2|orchid (蘭花|兰花 Cymbidium goeringii)/fragrant thoroughwort (蘭草|兰草 Eupatorium fortunei)/lily magnolia (木蘭|木兰)
  3055. 需|需|xu1|to require/to need/to want/necessity/need
  3056. 蘋|苹|pin2|marsiliaceae/clover fern
  3057. 蘋|苹|ping2|apple
  3058. 媚|媚|mei4|flatter/charm
  3059. 蛾|蛾|e2|moth
  3060. 槓|杠|gang4|thick pole/bar/rod/thick line/to mark with a thick line/to sharpen (knife)/(old) coffin-bearing pole
  3061. 嫵|妩|wu3|flatter/to please
  3062. 碌|碌|liu4|see 碌碡[liu4 zhou5]
  3063. 碌|碌|lu4|laborious/small stone/to record/to tape/to write down/to hire/to employ
  3064. 嫩|嫩|nen4|tender/soft/delicate/light (color)/inexperienced/unskilled
  3065. 鞠|鞠|Ju1|surname Ju
  3066. 鞠|鞠|ju1|to bring up/to rear/Taiwan pr. [ju2]
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