
TSW 9: Mary and Walker have a Chat

Apr 19th, 2016
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  1. [15:03] IcePickLobotomy Mary, Meagan is napping in your lap when you hear a knock on the door. "Mary? It's Walker, I wanted to check in on you."
  2. [15:09] Mary "Its open " She says after a moment crrently wearng a sweater and jeas in her room as she lies on the bed
  3. [15:10] IcePickLobotomy "Hey," Walker comes into the room and takes a seat. "How are you doing Mary?"
  4. [15:11] Mary "It could be better, it could have been worse.."
  5. [15:11] IcePickLobotomy "Want to talk about it?
  6. [15:22] Mary "I. "
  7. [15:23] Mary shakes her head for a moment "One of the things is , that something /strange happend
  8. [15:24] IcePickLobotomy "Oh? We've had our fair share of strange things thus far."
  9. [15:24] Mary "Like a Ufo?"
  10. [15:24] IcePickLobotomy Walker tilts her head. "Go on."
  11. [15:30] Mary "This is , a bit of a strange tale, You remember that that I joined one of the clubs at school and we talked a bit about the last nights, and right then I .. sort of recalled that I had seen a low flying satelite, it was a bit to slow for a meteor that als lead to radio interefences after someone else mentioned the light of it that had distracted them. Based
  12. [15:30] Mary on what I remember it was the night of the []
  13. [15:31] IcePickLobotomy Walker nods. "Yeah, we noticed that too. Radar and radio went crazy for about a 15 second period."
  14. [15:34] Mary "Only for such a short time? It felt a bit longer but then it might have been because it was visible for a longer time. Based on the stars .. I thinik it went "
  15. [15:37] IcePickLobotomy "I see. . ." Walker pulls out a notepad and scratches a few things on it. "And what did it look like exactly?"
  16. [15:39] Mary "And no it . It felt more like it was at least a minute that I saw it, a golden arc, not a parabolic one but a straight one I would say , I do not quite recall if it changed course but the golden light was qite clearly visible. Not as much as a floodlight or a plane but more then a normal man made object
  17. [15:40] IcePickLobotomy "Interesting, we have very few eye-witness accounts to such a object that night."
  18. [15:46] Mary "One of the members of the Astronomy club also saw it..a boy, starts with a ..h..?"
  19. [15:47] IcePickLobotomy Walker nods again. "I see."
  20. [15:55] Mary "You appear Remarkable unsurprised " She offers her insight after a moment.
  21. [15:58] IcePickLobotomy Walker considers her options for a minute.
  22. [16:03] IcePickLobotomy "We didn't detect any AT activity during that night, nothing past the base line, but the US, USSR, and EF all claim they had nothing to do with it."
  23. [16:04] Mary "Then why where you not surprised that I saw it, after all you did consider it either so important or uninmportant not to mention it deliberatly..
  24. [16:06] IcePickLobotomy "It's not that you saw it, it's that I'm not surprised that you /and/ your peer saw it. That both of you saw it. If it was just you, or just him, I'd write it off as someone seeing something, but that both of you saw the same thing at the same time. . . That's a bit harder to dismiss."
  25. [16:20] Mary "Ah, but there is still a hole , that your chain of logic curved around quite nicely, First "Here sie raises her hand as she counts down" we did not need to make you belive that we saw it, because you where not surprised by it for a single bit . This means that you had assumed so, it is not the part where someone seeing it was something that you had assumed.
  26. [16:22] Mary Second, "another finger moves away from her fist. " So there was something that would make you belive that people would see it, which two saw it , as a third point seemed to be slightly important as you assumed which of us it would be. So. fourth we need to have had a reason that it would be us and not someone else .
  27. [16:26] Mary The connection, fifht, via the astronomy club would not have been given as at that time I was not yet a member. And Sixt, you ignored the issue of my memory there that he tactivated. So, what is rotten in the state of Gibraltar dear Horatio, or are you hamlet and I shall be cast as Ophelia?
  28. [16:29] IcePickLobotomy "Well," Walker leans back in her seat "I suppose that's what I get for underestimating you."
  29. [16:29] Mary blushes for a moment "Well, we both know my scores in the tests.."
  30. [16:30] IcePickLobotomy "You do such a good job at making people underestimate you, even managed to get me to fall for it." She smiles "Well, this time at least."
  31. [16:30] Mary "I am not trying to make them underestimate me .."
  32. [16:30] Mary mutters as she looks at her little sister.
  33. [16:31] IcePickLobotomy "Well, it's a good habit to have." Meagan stirs fitfully in her sleep.
  34. [16:32] IcePickLobotomy "Remind me Mary, did I ever tell you why Layer 13 is so dangerous exactly?"
  35. [16:34] Mary takes a moment to calmy stroke her head to help her sleep on. "You did not, based from what I could gather together it is because the radiation, of the preesence of the emiter has a negative effect on people, which might include something that clouds the mind as seen in the first fight."
  36. [16:36] IcePickLobotomy "Of the inital research staff of 30 who began work on the emitter, only 14 are still working for METI. 6 took their own lives, 7 had to be committed. The remaining 3 has yet to be found, and are assumed to either be dead. Of the 14 still remaining, only 3 of them have yet to suffer from some form of severe mental illness."
  37. [16:42] IcePickLobotomy "DeSantos Memorial hospital is named for Dr. DeSantos, one of the founding members of METI who took his own life during a nervous breakdown that was caused or accelerated by his work with the Beacon." Shr frowns "Our suicide rate, and mental illness rates, are markedly higher than the national average of the US, USSR, Britain, Iran, and the EF. So yes Ms. Robinson, there is something quite...
  38. [16:42] IcePickLobotomy ...rotten here in Gibraltar."
  39. [16:42] Mary blinks and opens her eyes slightly wider
  40. [16:43] IcePickLobotomy "So that both of you saw that light, either means you /both/ had the same hallucination, or what you saw was real."
  41. [16:43] IcePickLobotomy "Tell me, which one is more likely?"
  42. [16:46] Mary "Is that , is that damage for everyone here or only those close to the emmiter?" She asks very calmly
  43. [16:49] IcePickLobotomy "Those who work on Layers 13 to 10 are the most in danger, it's there we see the highest rates. That said, there is still a higher than average rate of illness among all METI Personal." She taps her finger on her leg "For personal that stay on the surface. . . The rates are above average, but only moderately. And the severity is not much higher than the average rates."
  44. [16:51] Mary nods very slowly clearly dealing with the revelation
  45. [16:52] IcePickLobotomy "This isn't something we advertise. The effects on moral would be. . . severe, however do offer routine mental health screening and care as per the standard employment package."
  46. [16:52] Mary takes a deep breath and then looks at her belly, and the passenger on it
  47. [16:53] IcePickLobotomy Meagan stirs again and wakes up. Her eyes blink and she reaches out for Mary.
  48. [16:54] Mary smiles at her and takes her hand.
  49. [16:59] IcePickLobotomy "You're lucky to have her you know." Walker says more softly this time.
  50. [17:03] Mary "Yes she... She is all that I got"
  51. [17:04] IcePickLobotomy She nods. "It's not something I really understand. Being a only child, but it's quite clear you both care for eachother."
  52. [17:07] Mary "It... I have to be there for her so she gives me .. focus"
  53. [17:08] IcePickLobotomy "Everyone has their own reasons for fighting. Yours is as good as anyones I think."
  54. [17:09] Mary "what is it for you?"
  55. [17:10] IcePickLobotomy ". . . Duty, maybe. Or Revenge. Hard to tell sometimes."
  56. [17:11] Mary "do you...?"
  57. [17:13] IcePickLobotomy "Hm?"
  58. [17:14] Mary "want"
  59. [17:19] IcePickLobotomy "Not a whole lot to say really. I served on the Enterprise, the one that sunk in 79." She reaches over to poke Meagan's stomach.
  60. [17:19] IcePickLobotomy "Fresh out of the training, first real cruise."
  61. [17:22] Mary "Did you, knew anyone from..before that..?"
  62. [17:23] IcePickLobotomy "A few people but, not too many. I was pretty. . . driven, nice way of saying I was a stuck up bitch who didn't have much time for friends."
  63. [17:24] Mary unsure offers her her free hand
  64. [17:28] IcePickLobotomy Walker shakes her head. "The cruise was a real wake up call. They put me in my place, and I started to make some friends. A few months into it we picked up a strange sonar contact one night. The USS Freelance went down first, something seemed to just crush it like a toy. So we engaged it. There isn't much more to talk about after that, we got hit and I barely made it onto a life-boat. a...
  65. [17:28] IcePickLobotomy ...nearby sub hit it with a nuclear torpedo and killed it."
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