
Not incest

Dec 10th, 2013
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  1. >There you were, as you had always been.
  2. > College was happening, and not being born with a silver spoon meant you were living with your parents, commuting back and forth.
  3. > You were managing, to say the least. Surviving is enough, yes?
  4. > But there you were, spending another day off on the computer.
  5. > But there you were.
  6. > Lying in your bed, pissing away the time on your computer.
  7. > You hear a shout from across the hall, a foreign voice.
  8. > Activate sneak
  9. > It's in your parent's room.
  10. > Well, parent. Dad went and ran his car off a bridge two years ago, but you've all been recovering.
  11. > If not healed, the wounds are scabbed over.
  12. > " Anon! Can you help? "
  13. > Open the door.
  14. > In the bed is not your mother, but a small pastel horse.
  15. > " Anon, pumpkin, I'm in a bit of a mess. "
  16. > It's referring to you like your mother does, but it's a small pastel horse.
  17. > It's hopelessly entangled in the sheets. Evidently it's been thrashing about for a while now.
  18. > Approach with caution. You've got an idea.
  19. > Firmly grasp one leg.
  20. " It looks like I can get you out, but just relax. Fussing won't fix anything. "
  21. > You try and examine the way the joints are as you carefully guide one leg out of the sheets it is entangled.
  22. > A pastel leg ends in a tiny pastel hoof.
  23. > " Oh, pumpkin, I just don't know what's happened. I went to bed, and woke up...this! "
  24. > You don't really have a lot of choices right now.
  25. " We'll get by all right. Always have. "
  26. > Repeat with the other legs and give her your most confident smile.
  27. > You've picked up dogs in the past-she's about the same size and shape as a dog.
  28. > This should be simple enough.
  29. " I'm going to try and get you off the bed. Ready? "
  30. > " Whenever you are, Anon. "
  31. > Arms under, support the head...
  32. > You're carrying her like you once carried your dachshund, before he bit your cousin and you had to shoot him.
  33. > He was a fat dick, and he will not be missed.
  34. > " Anon, pumpkin? Ground, please. "
  35. > You break from your reverie to rotate her hoofy bits towards the floor, to some squealing on her part.
  36. > You set her on them, but you could only dream it would be that easy.
  37. > She promptly takes a tentative step and collapses into a ill balanced pile of pony.
  38. " We're going to be at this for a while, aren't we?"
  39. > " I've been at it for two seconds, give me a moment. "
  40. > Sit on the bed and watch her attempt to stand.
  41. > " So, uh, anon. A little help? "
  42. > She waves her raised butt at you. You avert your eyes from where you imagine her pony vagina would be.
  43. > Go over, place hands under her frontal body and raise.
  44. > She assumes a more pony related form.
  45. > After a few more shaky steps, she confidently trots in a circle.
  46. > " This walking business isn't so hard! "
  47. " Let's see how you manage the stairs. "
  48. > That throws a spanner in her works.
  49. > " You can help me with that, right? I raised a big, strong son for a reason. "
  50. > Smile and pat her on the head.
  51. > Carry her downstairs.
  52. > " First order of business, breakfast. "
  53. > You place her at the kitchen table and begin rummaging about the fridge.
  54. > " This is why I taught you to cook. I taught you to cook, didn't I? "
  55. > She never taught you to cook.
  56. > Prepare cereal
  57. > A level one cooking recipe, but hey.
  58. > Serve it.
  59. > " Anon, I think I might have a bit of trouble with this. "
  60. > Your mother's self sufficient, but she can't manage like this.
  61. > Take up the spoon, scoop up some Ecstatic Rings.
  62. >" Just like when you were a baby. Remember that? "
  63. > Say nothing.
  64. " Say ahh."
  65. > She opens her mouth and you dump in a spoonful of Ecstatic Rings.
  66. > God, her tiny mouth is so cute.
  67. > Repeat the procedure, only spilling a little on her mouth and nose. One Ecstatic Ring lands on her snout, but she reaches up and pushed it into her waiting mouth.
  68. > She surveys her condition and smiles.
  69. > You don't think you've seen her have this much fun in years.
  70. > " So, anon? What now? "
  71. > wipe a bit of milk off of her mouth
  72. > " So, what now? You've got no plans today, and I..."
  73. > She lets the sentence trail off and die.
  74. " What's on TV? "
  75. > You attempt to change the subject.
  76. > Meander into the living room and activate the television.
  77. > Your mother shakily trots in, each step full of concentration and focus.
  78. > She's panting slightly, and shines with a slight luster of sweat.
  79. > " Anonymous, when did our house get so big? "
  80. > plop down on the couch and stretch out.
  81. > Mom moves to the side of the couch and manages to throw her front legs on the couch.
  82. > " Anonymous? "
  83. > Visibly struggling, she shakes her butt. You take that a a 'lift me' request.
  84. > place her next to you on the couch.
  85. > " What's on? "
  86. > Hit guide.
  87. " Absolutely nothing. "
  88. > you can feel her heart through your shirt as she presses into you.
  89. > run a hand along her back
  90. > the fur's so short, you can't imagine it being practical on an animal, much less your mother.
  91. > " you're so warm, anonymous. "
  92. > you're lying down, and she's doing the same while pressed up against your belly.
  93. " I try. "
  94. > your dick gives a slight twinge at the feeling, but you terminate it before it grows into anything noticeable.
  95. > while you're doing this, you begin to hear a slight noise come from your mother.
  96. > look over.
  97. > eyes closed, breathing calm, relaxed.
  98. > she's asleep, mouth opening slightly on the inhale.
  99. > you can watch the chest move in and out.
  100. > well, you're not about to wake her up.
  101. > rest your head and gently toss an arm over her side.
  102. > goodnight, ladies and gentlemen.
  104. > awaken to the feeling of your mother rolling off the couch
  105. > it sounds like a puppy just fell off of your couch.
  106. > The two of you shake off the 'just woke' daze and exchange glances.
  107. > " Well, I guess that's a sign. "
  108. " Morning. "
  109. > Look out the window, maybe a couple of hours have passed.
  110. > you take the opportunity to look at mom.
  111. > her eyes widen.
  112. > the realization hits her like a figurative bombshell.
  113. > It couldn't have been more obvious if she'd screamed it out.
  114. " I'm not helping you poop. Just getting that out there."
  115. > " I wouldn't ask you to. I'm just..going ot go for a walk. "
  116. > Look outside again.
  117. > It's almost pitch black, she is likely to be eaten by a grue.
  118. " It's going to be cold out there. Do you have anything that might fit? "
  119. > She takes a moment to ponder it, then shakes her head.
  120. > " No, I don't think so. Do you have anything I can borrow? "
  121. " I've got a hoodie. "
  122. > " That should work. "
  123. > retrieve hoodie.
  124. > return.
  125. " Let's get this on. It's only going to cover your front, but it's big. You should manage."
  126. > Head in, guide the legs into the arm holes, hood up..
  127. " There. "
  128. > She's snuggly wuggly inside a hoodie.
  129. > flip on the outside lights.
  130. " Think you can make it back? "
  131. > " Anonymous, I'm a grown woman. Grown...this, I mean. "
  132. > Open the door and let her out.
  133. > lounging, waiting for mom to get back from her 'walk'.
  134. > hear a banging on the door.
  135. > investigate
  136. > oh, it's mom.
  137. > " Anonymous, open up. It's cold out here and you need to wash your hoodie. It smells of elderberries. "
  138. > Open the door
  139. > " Well, that's done. "
  140. > You briefly think about checking if she wiped, but you don't feel the need to examine her asshole.
  141. > The TV's still on, so the two of you wander back over to check the news.
  142. > Only one school shooting today, only five died. Typical kid with a automatic rifle.
  143. " Honestly, if you're just going to shoot five kids, why bring an automatic? Doesn't that negate the whole idea of 'I can fire two hundered rounds a minute'?"
  144. > " Anonymous, that's terrible! Just think about those families and how sad they must be! "
  145. > Mom rears up and bonks you on the head with a hoof.
  146. > " I know that I'd be just die if you were to get shot."
  147. > She's tearing up. This is bad.
  148. > Initiate hug.
  149. " I'm not getting shot today. "
  150. > " Hopefully not any day, pumpkin. "
  151. > Change the channel.
  152. > A comical voice announces that this time, Garfield would face his biggest lasagna yet- IN SPACE!
  153. > You feel your brain begin to rot as the theme for Garfield and the Dimensional Rift begins to play.
  154. > " Why don't you play one of your games? You always have fun doing that. "
  155. > That's not a bad idea. Does playing video games while next to someone else count as family time?
  156. > Well, she suggested it.
  157. " As you wish. "
  158. > You rummage around your stack of boxes and pick out a few unfinished ones.
  159. > Do you play
  160. > A, Dark Souls
  161. > B, Oregon Trail
  162. > C, Monster Girl Quest-Playbox editon
  164. B
  166. > you awkwardly bump the start button of the Xbox while searching, and the screen lights up.
  167. > draw your head from the confines of the vidya box to see what's in it.
  168. > Hear an eerie silence, then the digitized tune of 'The Star Spangled Banner'
  169. > not a bad option.
  170. > " What's this, Anonymous? Oregon Trail? I played this a few times, at school!"
  171. " And how did it go? "
  172. > " Everyone died when the van tipped. "
  173. " Such is life on the trail. "
  174. > You exchange knowing nods and assume the controller.
  175. > You get around to naming your party.
  176. " Any suggestions? "
  177. > You prompt her for names.
  178. > " Name mine Katherine, yours Sweetie, and one... Batman. "
  179. " Batman? "
  180. > "Batman."
  181. > Your party consists of Katherine, Sweetie, and Batman.
  182. " We've got two more. Should we name one for..."
  183. > You don't have to finish the sentence to see that it's beginning to unhappy her.
  184. " ...Noodles? "
  185. > That was your dick daschund that you shot.
  186. > " Yeah! Name the last one Pepperoni and Cheese. "
  187. > That's a rather odd request, but you do it.
  188. > Katherine, Sweetie, Batman, Noodles, and Pepperoni and Cheese embark.
  189. > Get the required supplies, but little food. Bullets, because fuck you bufallo.
  190. > " Aren't you going to get food?"
  191. " Bullets are lighter, and the little game's the funnest part of this. "
  192. > " If it's not fun, don't play it. You don't have to do it for me. "
  193. > She tries to rub your shoulders in a loving way, but she ends up knocking you on the head.
  194. > " Oh, sorry hun. "
  195. > Two hooves flood your vision as she lays on your back, with a weight pressing you over slightly.
  196. > Feel the lightest pressure on the knocked area.
  197. > " There. Mommy will make it better. "
  198. " Mooom. "
  199. > You groan. You're not twelve anymore.
  200. > Get an idea.
  202. > set down the controller, grab a hoof in each hand.
  203. > suddenly pitch downward like you were attempting to autofellatio, without the dick in your own mouth bit.
  204. > Your reward is a whooping howl as she is heaved into the air, landing on your back with a resounding thud.
  205. > The game is disregarded. Good news, because you've recieved an early gift-as soon as you set out, Batman got a snake bite.
  206. > " Anonymous! Never do that again! "
  207. > Her voice sounds angry, but the laughter she's having to say it through betrays her true feelings.
  208. " Never do what again? This? "
  209. > Suddenly arch your back, then quickly retract it to throw her back up.
  210. > " ANOOON! "
  211. > She lands back on you with a thump.
  212. > " No more! I'm an old woman-I'll break! "
  213. > She manages to sputter it out between eruptions of laughter.
  214. > release her, dumping her onto the couch.
  215. " Don't seem so old to me. "
  216. > Poke her in the belly.
  217. > " I'm an old woman in spirit. "
  218. > She's beginning to calm down.
  219. > Hear a loud gurgling drown out what remnants of laughter she's still expelling.
  220. > Look at her.
  221. > " That's you, hon. "
  222. > Oh, right. You gave Mom breakfast, but didn't get anythign for yourself.
  223. " Let's go have lunch. "
  224. > Mom rolls off of the couch and onto her feet-hooves.
  225. > " Excellent idea. Pizza's in the fridge. Get cooking, sugarlumps. "
  226. > Oh, right. No thumbs, no cooking.
  227. " You really should have taught me to cook beforehand. "
  228. > That draws a smile from her and a playful knock on the knee.
  229. > " Quit your bellyaching, it's not that hard. Your grandmother taught me, and I made it. "
  230. > retrieve the pizza box.
  231. > " You just take the whole thing out, plastic and all. "
  232. " You take the plastic out of the box, or you take the pizza out of the plastic? "
  233. > " Pizza out of the plastic. "
  234. > " Preheat the oven. Temperature's on the box. "
  235. " As you wish. "
  236. > preheat that oven.
  237. > wait.
  238. > ding.
  239. > " Now just slide the pizza on the top rack. No platter or dish, just slap it on there. "
  240. > acquire pizza, approach oven.
  241. > Reach towards oven door handle, but your mother blocks your hand with a hoof.
  242. > " Don't forget an oven mitt. I don't want you to burn yourself. "
  243. > Thankfully she kept the oven mitts on a rack next to the oven.
  244. > Equip one, slide the oven mitt on, slide the pizza onto the rack.
  245. > " And now we wait. Just hit 'cook time' until it's around twenty eight. "
  246. > do that.
  247. " So, I'll be setting the table? "
  248. > Mom smiles at you, brushing your dangling hand with her hoof in a primitive hand hold.
  249. > " Take your time. "
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