
TeenAnon and Tsundere Diamond Tiara

Feb 23rd, 2016
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  1. TeenAnon is stalked by Tsundere Diamond Tiara, their love is recognized when she fends off Silver Spoon when
  2. her bullying gone too far.
  4. >Be TeenAnon
  5. >The meek neet of them all who are in their teenage years
  6. >a shut-in and you rarely socialize with other colts.
  7. >You only had one year of school left, then, it's time for the Canterlot college!
  8. >But you only dread the day when College comes.
  9. >You must have such high hopes because the school in ponyville is atleast pretty shit to say the least.
  10. >You've been getting pushed around, sometimes physically and the two richest girls are having fun tormenting you.
  11. >Well.. lets see.. is tormenting the right word?
  12. >Let's think back to that one time when you were preparing for sports...
  14. >You're in the colts/boys changing rooms. It's like a sauna in here!
  15. >Think you'll take some time for yourself to relax.
  16. >The steam builds up but it's no worry. But damn, the muscles and your skin feel warm and almost sticky-like
  17. >but the impressive experience of all? It made you feel sooo gooood~
  18. >"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" instinctively you almost jumped out of your seat from the unannounced presence
  19. >The voice isn't low enough to be a colt.. so..
  20. >that means..
  21. >the pony in question saunters through the smoke, like it was a stage.
  22. >she's putting on one hell of a performance
  23. >ah shit, it's Dimand Tiara. You know why can't she..
  24. >wait a second..
  25. >towel is on your head..
  26. >looking down to your hairless exposed explicitly-not-contained
  27. >peenus
  29. >rushing to cover yourself fully with the short towel over your member!
  30. "W-what are /YOU/ doing here? C-can't you leave me alone? Atleast i-in here?" you plea.
  31. >"Oh no, I couldn't do that." she giggles softly.
  32. >no, you're not getting a boner from this
  33. >nu uh
  34. >no way
  35. >her hooves clash against the wall that is keeping you from running away, her face presses against yours
  36. >okay, no, this is definitely not sensual.. she is--
  37. >SMACK!
  38. >Ow! What the..
  39. "Aaagh! Why did you hit me?"
  40. >Pay attention! To me~" she sang the last line and blowing raspberries
  41. >Shifting uncomfortably she pecks your cheek.
  42. >"Meet me behind the school hill at break-time."
  43. "O-okay.."
  44. >oh hallo there
  45. >the dark knight rises!
  46. >DT notices this and prods your towel giggling, but it wasn't her pathetic childish one..
  47. >it was a more sincere one. Or atleast you hope anyway.
  48. >"See ya 'round, big boy~" she saunters away and her tail purposely swishes out of sync, giving you a full view of her--
  50. >NO
  51. >you're too young for this shit.
  53. >Tapping on your chin while you remember that one awkward time
  54. >I was at the school hill and she wasn't there
  55. >but somepony said your locker was messed around with, possibly
  56. >and isn't the picture with your shirt off and flexing your muscles disappeared mysteriously too?
  57. >ugh, it took forever for you to get that reigme sorted out. A workout like that took weeks!
  58. >"Pah! What do we have here?" Diamond Tiara says as she shoves you aside against the wall
  59. >looking at her you see she is accompanied by Silver Spoon
  60. "O-oh come on, leave me--"
  61. >"What? What? Are you saying something?" Silver Spoon deliberetly cuts you off and talks over you, all the while making pathetic
  62. gestures as if she was deaf.
  63. >sigh.. well, this will be over in a minute anyway. They don't stick around to pick on you for long.
  64. >"Hey, nerd! Pay attention" and you looked at Silver Spoon with a face of 'whatever bitch' syndrome
  65. >she scrunches up her nose and tries to be intimidating.
  66. >tries to be is a very big understatement.
  67. >"We need you to pay back that loan."
  68. >wait what
  69. >you have a loan? Since when?
  70. >as you open your mouth it is slammed shut by Silver Spoon's hoof and you think a tooth might be wobbly now
  71. >"In the colts changing rooms at recess. Be there." they both walk off except DT gives you a wink yet a fiery growl.
  72. >was that aggression or what?
  74. >Unfortunately the seats were rotated during class time because SS was annoying DT. So now you have to put up with
  75. the bitch, Diamond Tiara.
  76. >During a quiz you forgot to revise for, you were poked by DT. You were going to ignore her but you soon see why she's bothering you
  77. >her paper has all the answers on it. It's practically a cheat sheet..
  78. >well... don't mind if I do!
  79. >As you tick and write down numercials and answers, it just occured to you, maybe she was trying to get you in even more debt
  80. >awh crap. Well, what are you gonna do?
  82. >The time came to meet up and you were dreading it.
  83. >what are you going to say?
  84. >are they going to try and hire snails to beat your ass? Because you have no problem bribing him with ice cream to get out of it
  85. >works everytime!
  86. >but seriously, why the sauna of all places?
  87. >As you enter the room, you see the three ponies waiting for you; Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and yep, you guessed it, Snails.
  88. >Ah crap.
  89. >Walking in and taking off your shirt the heat is already getting to you
  90. >"So you won't pay us back?" she says immediately after you literally entered the room.
  91. "I-I can't! Because I never--"
  92. >"Ah! See, told you he wouldn't pay it back."
  93. >Silver Spoon waltz towards you and her tail brushes against your body
  94. >you feel like punching her in the face right now
  95. >you never did borrow any money whatsoever, they're just toying with you.. argh.. have to go with it though..
  96. >"Well... that means you have to pay us back in another way."
  97. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Let's get this over with." you say, not really caring whats going to happen.
  98. >"Hmp! Fine. Since you won't pay us back with money, perhaps you could help me 'polish' something of mine.
  99. >Polish? Since when the fuck are you..
  100. >Immediately she pounces her plot infront of you and her tail aside.
  101. >almost gagging instantly, or puking
  102. >maybe both
  103. >"Come on! Get to work. I made su--"
  104. "FUCK. THAT." you point and shout
  105. >"W-what? you won't?"
  106. "Damn right I won't. You must think I'm desperate if I'm going to lick your ponut. Hell no!"
  107. >you thought she would just give up by this point
  108. >Snails grabs you into a choke hold and you try to struggle, getting him off.
  109. "G-get off me!"
  110. >Silver Spoon opens a door to one of the toilet facilities
  111. >it's purposely been clogged with..
  112. >well, you know..
  113. >immediately you begin struggling as much as you can!
  115. >Free motherfucker! Free! BE FREE!
  116. >Diamond Tiara pulls Snails away from you and he releases his grip, she almost bites at him
  117. >"Th-there has to be a different way, right? He can pay us a differe--"
  118. >"Nope! He doesn't want to so he can eat out the toilet as much as he likes! Snails, grab him!"
  119. >"No, don't!" DT stomped her hooves and glared at Silver Spoon
  120. >what the hell is actually going on right now?
  121. >it seems like Diamond Tiara is..
  122. >helping you? Woah, totally a radical experience.
  123. >you watch a screaming match endure by the two girls as you and Snails look at eachother and shrug not sure what to do
  124. >"Why are you helping him?!"
  125. >"Because I..I..!" she bites her lip and shies away from Silver Spoon.
  126. >"Oh, that's rich. You like him, do you?"
  127. >she turns back to her so-called-friend, "I /love/ him. And I won't let you do this to him!"
  128. >huh... that makes sense now.. sort of..
  129. >but why was she such a meanie after some time though?
  130. >Silver Spoon struts toward the exit, "Fine then! Snails come with me, we can leave these two losers alone!" and just like that she was gone
  132. >you and DT stare at eachother for quite a while, she's blushing a madly tomato red.
  133. "Sooo...."
  134. >"..Y-yeah..."
  135. "Wanna... go get ice cream?"
  136. >"S-sure.. but you're buying!" she forcefully took your hand and interlocked it with her hoof, signifiying a couple symbol.
  137. >In the distance you throw your hands up in the air!
  138. >Time to celebrate! You've finally got a woman.. er.. mare.. girl.. mare.. whatever. You get the point.
  139. "I'm free! No more debts!" almost singing
  140. >DT punches you in the side. "Don't take the piss."
  142. End. I don't feel like this was one of my best greens, but I know it'll help the thread.
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