
Endeavorance. part I

Jul 19th, 2012
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  1. Forward: Due to me writing this story in a rush, it did not turn out as I had hoped. I myself view it as a disappointment. I may do a remake of it someday but until then, I can't recommend anybody read it.
  3. Part I
  4. >Out in the Everfree forest
  5. >Carrying a Knife and some rope
  6. >Hunting for small game
  7. >it’s the only way to enjoy meat without worry of persecution
  8. >in the 2nd hour of scavenging
  9. >hear something moving from the side
  10. >look to the left
  11. >ready the knife
  12. >a fox pops out of the bushes
  13. >It scurries past you, indifferent to your presence
  14. >watch it run off into the distance
  15. >hear more movement coming in the direction the fox came from
  16. >turn around
  17. >various wild creatures run past you, once again indifferent to your presence
  18. >peer into the distance where they came from
  19. >see birds flying away
  20. >set eyes on hollow in the forest
  21. >put the knife away and start moving in that direction
  22. >10 minutes later…
  23. >nearly there
  24. >look up
  25. >see a vulture circling the hollow
  26. >start walking faster
  27. >look at the vulture again
  28. >start running
  29. >romp through the forest
  30. >stumble into the hollow
  31. >observe the area
  32. >see 4 P0nies lying lifelessly on the ground
  33. >walk over the nearest one
  34. >stare down at the earth p0ny
  35. >has binoculars for a cutie mark
  36. >rest a hand on her neck
  37. >its icy cold to the touch
  38. >no pulse
  39. >unsure of what killed her
  40. >doesn’t appear to have any fatal wounds landed on her body
  41. >gently move her face around to inspect her
  42. >doesn’t appear to be an acquaintance of yours
  43. >step over to the others
  44. >two Pegasus ponies laying within a couple feet of each other
  45. >Spyscope cutie mark on one, Map cutie mark on the other
  46. >No visible wounds
  47. >No acquaintances of yours
  48. >step over to the last one
  49. >Unicorn pony
  50. >Sextant cutie mark
  51. >some minor lacerations around her neck and face
  52. >nothing that looks deep enough to be fatal though
  53. >Nopony you know
  54. >kneel down next to her
  55. >see a crack in her horn
  56. >gently move her head around to get a better look
  57. >the horn chips off her head and falls onto the ground
  58. >carefully lift it up
  59. >hold it in your palm
  60. >inspect it curiously
  61. >stand up
  62. >look over the hollow
  63. >conclude there’s nothing left to see here
  64. >head for ponyville
  65. >stare down at the horn in your hand the entire way home
  66. >arrive
  67. >step into the kitchen
  68. >drop the rope and knife onto the kitchen counter
  69. >place an apple on the table
  70. >clench the horn tightly in your hand
  71. >attempt to use its power to move the apple
  72. >nothing happens
  73. >try again
  74. >still nothing
  75. >look down at the horn
  76. >shrug
  77. >head for bed
  78. >rest the horn down by the side of the bed
  79. >fall asleep
  80. >wake up before sunrise
  81. >look at the horn again
  82. >take it in your hand
  83. >walk back to the kitchen table
  84. >the apple from before is still there
  85. >clench the horn tightly
  86. >take a deep breathe
  87. >close your eyes
  88. >focus intensely
  89. >open your eyes
  90. >the apple is floating in midair
  91. >exhale
  92. >the apple drops to the ground and rolls across the kitchen floor
  93. >watch it roll in contemplation
  94. >sunrise comes
  95. >head for Twilight’s house
  96. >knock on the door
  97. >she opens it
  98. >15 minutes later
  99. >leave with a tall stalk of books
  100. >head for home to study
  101. >Rainbow Dash reaches Twilight’s door as your out of sight
  102. >She knocks
  103. >Twilight opens it
  104. >Dash: “Twilight! You have to come with me! Something happened out in the forest!
  105. >Dash and Twilight head off into the forest
  106. >They reach the Hollow with the dead ponies
  107. >Twilight: ”Oh My-What happened to them!?
  108. >Dash: “I don’t know! I caught sight of them when I was moving clouds”
  109. >Twilight: “Do you know any of them?”
  110. >Dash shakes her head
  111. >Twilight steps around the bodies
  112. >looks over the earth pony and two Pegasi
  113. >Steps over to the Unicorn
  114. >Twilight: “Dash! Look at this!”
  115. >Dash Hops over adjacent to Twilight
  116. >looks at a Boot print in the dirt
  117. >Dash: “I know that pattern from somewhere”
  118. >Twilight: “Pattern? I was talking about this mare’s horn”
  119. >Dash turns observe the Remanants of the Mare’s horn
  120. >Dash: “Wha? What happened to it?”
  121. >Twilight: “It broke off.”
  122. >Twilight: “Then, Anon might have…”
  123. >Twilight Pauses in contemplation
  124. >Dash: “Anon? What about him?”
  125. >Twilight: “He showed up at my door a couple minutes before you did”
  126. >Dash: “And?”
  127. >Twilight: “He asked me if there was any instance in which a unicorn’s dismembered horn was used by another pony”
  128. Dash raises an eyebrow
  129. >Dash: “What did you tell him?”
  130. >Twilight: “I told him no, and then asked me about magic. I taught him a few things about it myself and lent him a stack of books”
  131. >Dash: “Hmm…”
  132. >Dash looks back at the Boot print in the dirt
  133. >Dash: “That pattern…That’s the design on the sole of the boots Anon has”
  134. >Twilight takes a moment to observe the bootprint
  135. >raises her head and peers over the other bodies in the hollow
  136. >Twilight: “You- You don’t think Anon did this?”
  137. >Dash: “Could he do something like this”
  138. >Twilight: “I don’t know…I’ve heard him talk about violence in his home world, but this just seems so sudden and out of place”
  139. >Dash glares in the direction of ponyville
  140. >Dash: “Lets go give Anon a visit…”
  141. >She attempts to leave
  142. >Twilight: “No! Don’t go anywhere near him!”
  143. >Dash shoots Twilight a confused expression
  144. >Dash: “Why not?”
  145. >Twilight: “What if he is responsible for all this?”
  146. >Dash continues her confused expression
  147. >Twilight: “If you show up at his door posing a threat, he may not have any problem… disposing of you like he may have done to them”
  148. >Dash shrugs
  149. >Dash: “Well, You are just basing that off what MAY have happened”
  150. >Twilight: “Yes, but still; it MAY happen to you!”
  151. >Dash starts to get annoyed
  152. >Dash: “And your point?”
  153. >Twilight: “My Point!?! My point is you’re my friend and I don’t want you getting hurt or killed”
  154. >Dash’s face turns humbled
  155. >Twilight: “I want to see all this…”
  156. >Twilight gestures to all around the hollow
  157. “… resolved as much as you do but not if you attempting to resolve it yourself will end in you joining our friends laying in the dirt. We’ll go back to ponyville and I’ll have Spike send a letter to the Princess.”
  158. >Dash rolls her eyes
  159. >Dash: “Alright, Egghead. If you’re that worried about me, I‘ll go with you to write your stupid letter.”
  160. >The two leave the forest
  161. >They Arrive at Twilight’s in a rush
  162. >Twilight scribbles out a letter in a hurry
  165. >The letter reaches Celestia
  166. >She reads through it in concern
  167. >Celestia: “Oh…hmm”
  168. >Luna: “What is it, Sister?”
  169. >Celestia: “A letter from Twilight; about Anon.”
  170. >Luna: “Anon? That loudmouth from Ponyville?”
  171. >Celestia: “Yes, Looks like our friend Anon may be a criminal”
  172. >Luna: “Hmm, He does not strike me as that type”
  173. >Celestia: “Nor myself, but appearances can be deceiving ”
  174. >Celestia notions for one of the chamber guards to come to her side
  175. >Celestia: “Contact the Away Team. We need 6 guards Sent to ponyville. Have 2 go to Anon’s house for an arrest. Have 4 to Twilight Sparkle‘s. 2 of the guards that will arrive at Twilight’s are to inquire on the location of the scene then leave immediately to investigate. The other 2 are to remain there and inquire more information from her. Tell them after their done, they are to Report to me with their findings.
  176. >“Yes, Your highness.”
  177. >Luna: “The Away Team?”
  178. >Celestia: “they're a Small group of guards trained to handle events happening outside of Canterlot. Albeit they see seldom use”
  179. >Luna: “You are wagering Anon is responsible?”
  180. >Celestia: “For the moment”
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