

Jan 6th, 2015
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  1. [url="Bret's music"]Bret Hart[/url] vs [url="Austin's music"]Steve Austin[/url]
  2. WWF World Title #1 Contendership
  3. Ladder Match
  4. outline:
  6. The match started as Bret and Austin stared each other down, with ladders on all sides of the ring and the contract hanging above them. Austin moved first, offering a handshake. Bret hesitated, and Austin just kept his hand out.
  8. "Come on, Bret. I thought you was the sportsman here. Mr. Respectability."
  10. After some thought, Bret finally accepted, but Austin pulled his hand away, and ran it over his head(as opposed to through his hair). To cap it off, he flipped the double birds. Bret slapped him, and a strike exchange started, with the two men trading incrementally harder slaps until Austin jukee a slap and delivered a hard punch to the face with the other hand, knocking Bret to the mat. Austin wasted no time getting a ladder from ringside, opening it up, and setting it up on top of the still prone Bret, pinning him under the bottom rung. He starte climbing, but Bret was able to push his side of the ladder up, causing Austin to fall to the mat from about halfway up the ladder. Bret got up, started stomping the downed Austin, and dragged him to a corner before attempting to apply a Figure 4 on the ringpost! Austin reversed this, wriggling out of the Hitman's grasp and kicking him into the barricade. As Bret was in agony on the outside, Austin started climbing the ladder, and was within arm's reach of the contract
  12. However, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Bret crawling back in the ring. Austin turned away from the contract, flipped the double birds to Bret, and hit the diving middle fingers from the ladder! This tipped the ladder over, causing it to lean on the ropes, still open. Austin got to his feet, dragging Bret up with him, and whipped him towards the ladder. Bret, being the canny veteran, was able to stop short and close the ladder before pushing it over the ropes and out of the ring, where it landed between the apron and the barricade, making a makeshift bridge. Austin rushed toward Bret, going for a clothesline, but Bret saw it coming and low bridged him. Austin caught himself in the nick of time, just barely getting his footing on the apron. Austin tried to suplex Bret out of the ring and into the ladder, but Bret was able to get a leg in the ropes to block it. Austin and Hart kept attempting suplexes until Austin was able to get Bret over, but Bret slipped out of the suplex in midair, landing behind Austin. Bret applied a waistlock, and tried to German Austin into the ladder! Austin was able to hold on, keeping a firm grip on the ropes with one hand and working his way out of the waistlock with the other. After a few close calls, Austin was able to break the waistlock and elbow bret in the side! The pain caused Bret to lose his already fragile balance and fall onto the ladder bridge, before rolling off it to the floor.
  14. Austin dropped to the floor, grabbed a second ladder from outside the ring and set it up right in the middle of the mat. As he started to climb it, Bret started making his way back into the ring, still clutching his side. Austin was halfway up the ladder when Bret psyched himself up, popped the supports on the ladder, and hoisted the ladder onto his shoulders with a shocked Austin on top! As Austin clung for dear life to the ladder, Bret started working up momentum on an airplane spin! He must have gotten off 20 rotations before he collapsed from what must have been a mix of dizziness and pain.
  16. Bret and Austin, still loopy from the airplane spin, dragged themselves to their feet, and started trying to knock each other down. Hard rights, hard lefts, and headbutts all came into play as the dazed combatants started getting their footing. As they got more confident in their balance, they started going for clotheslines and shoulderblocks, but neither man was willing to go down. Austin got up the momentum to go for the Thesz Press, but Bret was able to catch him in midair, reversed it into an atomic drop, and followed up with a belly to belly into the ladder, hurting Austin's back just as much as Austin had hurt his. Bret pulled the ladder up, set it in the middle of the ring, and started making his way to the top.
  18. As Bret staggered to the top of the ladder, Austin was able to find his footing. He staggered over to the ladder, pulled Bret's legs out from under him, and as Bret fell to the mat, STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN KICKED HIM IN MIDAIR AND DELIVERED THE STONE COLD STUNNER! Stone Cold crawled over to Bret, delivering his usual insults, until he paused, with a gleam in his eye and a sick smirk on his face. Austin got up, dragged Bret over to the ringpost, and gave him some of his own medicine by locking in the Figure 4 Leg Lock on the ring post! As Austin berated the Hitman and Bret wailed in agony, who came out from gorilla but [url="Brian's music"]BRIAN PILLMAN[/url]? Pillman grabbed a chair from under the ring and assisted his partner in the Power Trip by wailing on the Hitman's legs, but who came to interrupt but [url="Owen's music"]OWEN HART[/url]? Owen pulled the chair out of Pillman's hands, waffled him across the face, and whipped him into and over the guardrail! As Owen started to walk off, Austin released the Figure 4 and started chasing after him, yelling all the way.
  22. Austin caught up with Owen, grabbed him by the head, and slammed his face into the ring apron! Owen, enraged, started brawling with Austin, until the two of them were on the ring apron right by the ladder bridge! Austin had the advantage, and set up for a powerbomb, but Owen slipped behind him! When Austin turned to face him, Owen ducked under Austin's legs, grabbed him in a waistlock, AND GERMAN SUPLEXED HIM RIGHT INTO THE LADDER BRIDGE, CRACKING IT RIGHT IN HALF! Owen was just barely conscious after that, and just sat against the barrier and cheered his brother on as the Hitman struggled to his feet, crawled into the ring, agonized setting the ladder up, and started climbing it. Austin regained consciousness just as Bret got to the top of the ladder, and you could see his heart sink as [b]Bret grabbed the contract and became the #1 contender for the WWF World Heavyweight Title![/b]
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