
Night at the Library

Oct 17th, 2013
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  1. >You were on your way to the Ponyville library.
  2. >Yesterday, Twilight had said she'd need you for something.
  3. >She was being vague about it too. Always avoiding your question of what, exactly, she needed.
  4. >It was bright and sunny when you started walking from your tiny apartment.
  5. >In less than ten minutes, dark clouds began gathering.
  6. "Oh no..." You whined aloud, watching the sun get blotted out by steel-grey storm clouds.
  7. >You sprinted down the cobblestone street, passing the ponies milling about in rain gear.
  8. "Fucking Rainbow Dash!" You shouted. "I'm gonna strangle your feathery ass!"
  9. >She was probably laughing it up above those clouds with the rest of the weather crew, watching the 'clueless human' run around like the sky was falling.
  10. >That lousy pegasus should have told you today was going to be a rain day!
  11. >You were drenched, and it was still another five minute sprint to Twi's place.
  12. >You tried to vault over a wet wooden barrel, but the slick surface had other ideas.
  13. >You ended up on your back, with multiple splinters in your left hand.
  14. >Groaning and uselessly wiping the water off of your back, you took cover under a nearby table umbrella.
  15. >Finished with picking out the errant wooden slivers, you took a look around.
  16. >Nothing Twilight could do would make up for this, but it was far too late to turn around now.
  17. >It was actually more time consuming to just go home, so the Library was the best place to be anyway.
  18. >You took a deep breath, then resumed your mad dash for the library.
  19. >Trying to stop was...not so great. The slippery cobblestone street made stopping difficult, especially at the speed you were moving at.
  20. >You slammed into the door, which didn't yield against your unintentional assault.
  21. "Ow...ow...ow..." You groused from the ground, raindrops spattering on your exposed head and face.
  22. >"Anon?" Twilight asked from the other side.
  23. "No, I'm fuckin' Santa Claus."
  24. >"...who?"
  25. "For the love of...Twilight, open the door..."
  26. >The door creaked open, and the purple mare had a toothy grin plastered on her face.
  27. >"Oh, hello Anon! I could have sworn somepony else was out here."
  28. >You got up and stumbled inside.
  29. >The fire was lit, and only a few candles were the only other light sources.
  30. >It was a comfortable, homey kind of darkness.
  31. "What did you need?" You asked bluntly. "I was nice and comfortable at home, out of the rain."
  32. >If Twilight was offended by your shortness with her, she didn't show it.
  33. >"Well, Spike's out on 'Official Dragon Business', as he and Princess Celestia call it. I need help around the library, looking for sources for my next report to Princess Celestia."
  34. >She looked away, adamant to avoid eye contact.
  35. >"That, and well, I've got another questionnaire for you if you want..."
  36. "We'll see." You replied, looking around.
  37. >"I just don't want to be alone right now. Please stay?"
  38. >Your heart nearly melted, and you nodded.
  39. "Anywhere I can just, ya know, drip for a bit?"
  40. >"Oh, that. Hold on."
  41. >Her horn lit in that familiar magenta color, and a warm breeze suddenly sprang up.
  42. >It systematically removed every single trace of wetness from your clothing, though you noted your pants had become...rather tight.
  43. >You'd have to see Rarity for alterations. Again.
  44. >"Oops, I think I over-did it." Twilight muttered, ears down and an apologetic blush adorning her cheeks. "I've still got your spare clothes here if you need to change."
  45. >You had crashed here for the first few weeks in magical horse land, getting the lay of the land before renting the small apartment you were currently in.
  46. >It was almost like you had never been randomly torn from your place on Earth.
  47. >Twilight and Rarity had both offered you a place to stay, but you would have felt like dead weight if you had accepted.
  48. >Rarity understood, but Twilight just huffed and called you stubborn.
  49. "Thanks Twi. I'll, uh, get changed."
  50. >One trip to the bathroom to avoid prying alicorn eyes, and you were in the comfortable jeans you had been wearing when you arrived.
  51. >Twilight was on the small couch of hers, snout buried in a book and a quill in her magical grip over some parchment.
  52. >You couldn't see the title of the book, but her currently-extended wings told all.
  53. "Careful, could poke an eye out with these." You laughed, stroking the feathery appendages.
  54. >She gave a small, surprised 'ah!', before a furious blush lit up her cheeks.
  55. >"D-don't do that. They're...very sensitive." Twilight finally managed to grind out.
  56. >You knew full well that they were very, very receptive to touch.
  57. >To be honest, you fully enjoyed teasing her.
  58. "Do what?" You asked innocently. "This?"
  59. >You stroked the wing again, and the blush grew deeper.
  60. >Twilight grunted, suppressing yet another moan.
  61. >You knew what you were doing to her, of course.
  62. >She, however, was making no attempt to actually stop you.
  63. >"A-anon, what are you d-doing...?"
  64. "Making a tense mare more comfortable." You replied, before turning Masseuse Anon mode on.
  65. >Gently, you started working on Twilight Sparkle.
  66. >Your nimble fingers danced across her wings and back, sending shivers along her body.
  67. >Painstakingly giving the tense alicorn what she needed was a task that no one else could do.
  68. >Literally no one else. She wouldn't let anyone but you do this, as far as you knew.
  69. >The advantage of hands, plus the knowledge of pony pressure points (from a biology book Twilight made you read), gave you a distinct advantage over, say, Aloe or Vera.
  70. >"Mmmm...right here..."
  71. >A spot lit up along her lower back, and your hands resumed their gentle assault.
  72. >She was putty in your hands.
  73. >Her head was down into the couch cushions, her breathing deep and even. The book and parchment had found their way to the floor, the lavender mare no longer supporting either.
  74. >"Hands are so...wonderful..." She moaned again. "Here..."
  75. >Another spot lit up, this time right between her wings.
  76. "Why don't you tell me what has you so tense." You said, trying to get her to vent.
  77. >She was obviously frustrated about something, you just didn't know what.
  78. >"There's a...stallion that I like." She started, pausing for a moment to gather her thoughts.
  79. >You simply "mmhm'ed" in reply, never stopping what you were doing.
  80. >She would kill you if you did.
  81. >"He's wonderful and caring, constantly sacrif-oh...that's good..."
  82. >Your hands had found their way to her wing joints, and she nearly lost it.
  83. >A deep, lengthy moan was your reward, Twilight throwing her head back reflexively.
  84. >Straight into yours.
  85. >Her horn jabbed you in the forehead, and you flinched backwards, falling off the couch and onto the floor.
  86. "Gah!"
  87. >"Anon! Oh sweet Celestia, I'm sorry!"
  88. "It's okay, Twi." You replied, rubbing the currently bleeding forehead wound. "Good guacamole this stings."
  89. >It was only a shallow hole, it would stop soon enough, though the mood was completely ruined for the time being.
  90. >She looked away, shuddering at the sight of your blood.
  91. >"Do you need a bandage or anything? I can get one."
  92. "Nah, I'll be fine. Give me two or three minutes."
  93. >The alicorn nodded, before looking back to you.
  94. >"I never finished telling you about this stallion."
  95. >You gestured for her to continue with your left hand, right currently preoccupied with stopping the bleeding.
  96. >Wouldn't do to bleed on her floor or couch, after all.
  97. >"He's constantly sacrificing to make me happy, sometimes to the point of it being detrimental to him."
  98. >She looked away.
  99. >"He's spent the night here several times, after watching the stars with me. I always want him to make a move, but...he never does."
  100. >"I'm starting to think he doesn't feel about me the way I feel about him."
  101. >Let it never be said you were dense.
  102. >It was probably that new pegasus guard that had taken a fancy to her.
  103. >You had seen him out and about Ponyville as of late, after her trip to the Crystal Empire.
  104. >What was his name...Flash Sentry? That sounded right.
  105. "Just tell Flash how you feel then. I'm pretty sure there's no problem fraternizing with your guards."
  106. >She snorted at you.
  107. >"No, no, it's not Flash. He's nice and all, but not what I'm looking for."
  108. >You checked yourself, satisfied you had stopped bleeding for now.
  109. >A quick wash of your hands, and you turned Twilight over on her back.
  110. >The fierce red tinge was quick to return.
  111. >"W-what are you doing?"
  112. "This."
  113. >Your hands began tickling and teasing any part of her belly they could find.
  114. >Her laugh was music to your ears, which only encouraged you.
  115. >"S-stop! Please, I'll do anythiiiiingahhahaaha!"
  116. "Anything?"
  117. >"Y-yes!"
  118. >You stopped abruptly, and she panted heavily.
  119. "Saving that one for a rainy day!" You teased. A goofy grin lit the purple alicorn's face, before calming into a small, content smile.
  120. >"This stallion is so good to me, but so very, very dense."
  121. "Wha-?"
  122. >You only got that syllable out before her lips crashed into yours.
  123. >No resistance from the shocked human, as your brain was currently trying to figure out what was going on.
  124. >Let it always be said that you were denser than a neutron star.
  125. >She broke the kiss, cheeks redder than they had been all day...which was impressive, as she had been blushing since you arrived.
  126. >"I think I just told him how I feel, too."
  127. "Y-yeah, I'd say so."
  128. >You grinned at her.
  129. "I don't think he heard, though. Want to try that message again?"
  130. >She stared blankly at you for a moment, before lunging.
  131. >This time, however, you didn't sit there like a lump.
  132. >She melted into you as you kissed back, forcing her down on her back again.
  133. >Her wings wrapped around you, and happy tears trailed down her face as you broke away.
  134. >"Eight months, 3 weeks, 2 days...That's how long you've been here." She started.
  135. "Mmhm?"
  136. >"Eight months, 3 weeks, and 1 day. That's how long I've been waiting for this."
  137. >She snuggled into your chest, sighing contentedly.
  138. "Well, better late than never." You chuckled quietly.
  139. >"Of course..."
  140. >There the two of you sat, simply enjoying each others presence.
  141. >The rain pattered against the window, and Twilight yawned.
  142. >"Don't go..."
  143. "Wouldn't dream of it."
  144. >"Good..."
  145. >She fell asleep, and the two of you laid on the couch.
  146. >Sleep for you was quick to follow, coaxed into it by Twilight's content, soft breathing.
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