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Mar 31st, 2014
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  1. rod@cnc:~/Raptor$ linuxcnc Raptor.ini
  2. LINUXCNC - 2.6.0~pre
  3. Machine configuration directory is '/home/rod/Raptor'
  4. Machine configuration file is 'Raptor.ini'
  5. Starting LinuxCNC...
  6. io started
  7. halcmd loadusr io started
  8. Traceback (most recent call last):
  9. File "/home/rod/Raptor/python/hal_racktoolchange", line 3, in <module>
  10. import hal_racktoolchange
  11. File "/home/rod/Raptor/python/", line 8, in <module>
  12. import emccanon
  13. ImportError: No module named emccanon
  14. Raptor.hal:237: hal_racktoolchange exited without becoming ready
  15. Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC...
  16. Running HAL shutdown script
  17. Cleanup done
  18. LinuxCNC terminated with an error. You can find more information in the log:
  19. /home/rod/linuxcnc_debug.txt
  20. and
  21. /home/rod/linuxcnc_print.txt
  22. as well as in the output of the shell command 'dmesg' and in the terminal
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