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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <!-- Configuration file for the MDB (Movie Data Base) postprocessor of WebGrab+Plus
  3. by Jan van Straaten, December 2011
  4. WebGrab+Plus Version V1.1.0
  5. -->
  6. <!-- Introduction:
  7. This MDB postprocessor of WebGrab+Plus, which is available from Version 1.1.0 onwards, automatically adds MDB (eg IMDb) data to the xmltv file created by the basic WebGrab+Plus EPG frontend grabber.
  8. To activate/de-activate this postprocess, use the <postprocess> setting in WebGrab++.config.xml
  10. This postprocessor performs the following steps:
  11. 1. Select ('candidate' shows from the xmltv input file)
  12. see <selectmovie> and <selectserie> settings.
  13. 2. Match (the selected show 'candidates' with shows in the online MDB (e.g.
  14. see <matchmovie> and <matchserie> setting.
  15. 3. Grab (the MDB data) by default the following data is grabbed :
  16. (original show-) title, starrating, plot, description, commentsummaries and reviews
  17. 4. Merge (the grabbed MDB data with the epg data from existing xmltv file)
  18. see allocation and presentation.
  20. The resulting xmltv output file (see xmltv file , <filename>) must be different from the xmltv input file . (changing that would disturb the incremental nature of the epg grabbing)
  22. Matching the selected shows is done in two steps:
  23. 2.1 Primary search in a general search site like BING, ASK or YAHOO
  24. this results in a number of possible show-id's for the next step:
  25. 2.2 Verify the results of the primary search in a MDB site like IMDb
  26. each of the show-id's from step 2.1 is examed for a match with the <matchmovie> and <matchserie> setting.
  28. Similar to the function of the siteini's in the epg grabbing all site dependent settings are stored in mdbini files.
  29. see mdbini files.
  30. The Match and Grab results can be saved in a mdb data file. This speeds up the process.
  31. see local MDB data file.
  33. This file (mdb.config.xml), the mdbini files (e.g and the mdbdata file (mdb.xml) are stored in the MDB postprocess home folder C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab\MDB
  34. -->
  35. <settings>
  36. <!--mdbini files:
  37. mdb site(s) to use, must correspond with an ini file, e.g. if there must be an
  38. If a second site is entered here, it will be used as a 'second chance' if the first doesn't find a match for a certain show.
  39. examples :
  40. <site>>-->
  41. <site>,</site>
  43. <!--xmltv file : The xmltv target file in which the mdb data will be merged with the grabbed EPG.
  44. Because of the incremental nature of the grabbing process this file must be different (name and/or path) from the target file of the grabbing as specified in WebGrab++.Config.xml <filename> !!
  45. If omitted here or if by mistake the same file is specified , the file path will be changed to C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab\mdb\ -->
  46. <filename>/Datos/Descargas/wg++/mdb/guide.xml</filename>
  48. <!--local MDB data file
  49. The file that stores the mdb data locally with the intention to re-use already grabbed data which will speed up the grabbing of the mdb data.
  50. If not specified no MDB data file will be used.
  51. - update ; determines how the local MDB database file is updated
  52. update="" , left blank , will not be updated
  53. update="i" , incremental, only the selected shows will be saved in the local MDB data file
  54. update="f" , all shows will be kept and new shows added. This is the prefered update mode.
  55. (Over time this MDB data file could grow to an unpractical size with update="f". Unpractical if the time to match a selected show in this file exceeds the time to do the same online). -->
  56. <ldbfilename update="f">mdb.xml</ldbfilename>
  58. <!--Selection :
  59. selectmovie and/or selectserie: the imdb postprocessor selects shows from the xmltv file for which imdb data will be attempted to optain based on these two selection settings.
  60. - duration="45" ; minumum duration is 45 minutes
  61. - contains="film,thriller,movie" ; the epg data must contain at least these words or any other. This also allows to select single shows! Other example: contains="Kill the Irishman", will select shows that contains this sentence.
  62. - musthave="title" ; obviously the epg show must have a title, if omitted the value is title, other additional musthave xmltv elements can be entered here.
  63. - optional="productiondate,actor,director" ; specifies which xmltv elements will be added to the selection if available.
  64. - minimum="2" ; specifies how many of the musthave + optional elements must be available for a show to be selected
  65. - addif="subtitle,titleoriginal" ; additional xmltv elements if available on top of the minimum, not yet implemented!-->
  66. <selectmovie duration="55" minumum="3" musthave="title" contains=" " optional="productiondate,actor,director"/>
  67. <selectserie duration="25" minumum="3" musthave="title" contains="serie,soap,thriller,comedy,drama" optional="productiondate,actor,director"/>
  69. <!--match , compare the epg and mdb values
  70. - mustmatch ; default title , only possibly added by subtitle
  71. - optional ; other elements that can be added to compare are: productiondate,actor,director
  72. - minimum ; how many of the above needs to match-->
  73. <matchmovie mustmatch="title" optional="productiondate,actor,director" minimum="2"/>
  74. <matchserie mustmatch="title" optional="productiondate,actor,director" minimum="2"/>
  76. <!--Allocation and presentation of mdb elements in the xmltv target file
  77. This MDB-postprocessor makes use of the REX-postprocessor to allocate the mdb elements in the xmltv target. Please read the detailed explanation in rex.config.xml for information about the background of the specification syntax. -->
  78. <![CDATA[
  79. Here only the summary of it:
  80. 1. Syntax
  81. - the content of the xmltv-target elements can be specified by means of a mixture of text and element-values.
  82. - the element-values must be entered by their element-name enclosed by ''
  83. - multiple value elements (like actor) will be converted to single value elements if the xmltv-target element is a single value element, like <desc>. The individual values will be listed with a (standard WG++ internal element separator) | as separator unless another separator is specified as follows:
  84. 'element-name(separator-string)' e.g. 'actor(, )'
  85. - text and element-names can be linked together by enclosing them by {}. This will ensure that, when the element in it is empty, everything between the {} is ignored. E.g. {\nProduced in : ('productiondate')}
  86. - the text in the xmltv-target elements may contain the following simple formatting :
  87. - \n or \r to force a newline
  88. - \t to add a tab
  89. 2. The allowed xmltv-target elements (the ones in the target file specified above) are :
  90. <title> (= special case : if the first mdb-title, which is the original showtitle, differs from the xmltv title it can be added to xmltv as extra 'original' title.)
  91. <sub-title>
  92. <desc>
  93. <date> = the xmltv element name containing the productiondate
  94. <star-rating>
  95. <review> (=optional new xmltv element)
  96. <director> e.g to add /substitute the (additional?) mdb-director
  97. <actor> e.g to add /substitute the (additional?) mdb-actor
  98. - IMPORTANT! : any of the above listed xmltv-target elements that is specified in this allocation specification, replaces the existing xmltv element and its content!
  99. 3. Supported element-names (from the existing xmltv listing, name definitions as in Appendix D) :
  100. - 'title' 'description' 'starrating' 'subtitle' 'productiondate' 'category' 'director' 'actor' 'presenter' 'writer' 'composer' 'producer' 'rating' 'episode' 'review' 'subtitles' 'premiere' previously-shown' 'aspect' 'quality'
  101. 4. Supported MDB element-names
  102. - 'mdb-title' :
  103. If 'mdb-title' is used in the xmltv-target element <title>, it will only be added if different from the existing xmltv title (see 2. above)
  104. If used in any of the other supported xmltv-target elements, there is no such restriction and it will be listed in any case.
  105. - 'mdb-starrating' 'mdb-description' 'mdb-plot' 'mdb-commentsummary'
  106. 5. Attributes (might need completion)
  107. - for each of the xmltv-elements the following attribute can be specified
  108. (if not specified the existing one, if present in the xmltv, will be used) :
  109. - lang for <title> and <desc> , default : no attribute
  110. - system for <star-rating> , default : no attribute
  111. - type for <review> , default: type="text" ]]>
  113. <!--mdb-starrating correction:
  114. allows to convert the mdb-starrating into a value that suits a media-center starrating display. E.g. , the majority of the IMDb starrating values are between 4 (bad) and 8 (good) in a scale of 10. In a 5 star display system , like the one in MCE, there is too little difference between these values.
  115. The following settings, first subtracts 4 from the grabbed mdb-starrating and multiplies the result by 1.2 with a maximum of 5 . That will convert the values above, in 0 (was 4) and 5 (was 8)
  116. Default values: subtract="0" multiply="1" and max="10"-->
  117. <mdb-starrating subtract="4" multiply="1.2" max="5" />
  119. <!--The next two lines add mdb-title (if different) as an extra <title> element before the existing one: -->
  120. <title lang="xx">'mdb-title'</title>
  121. <title>'title'</title>
  123. <!--The following line replaces the existing <desc> by this one, composed as follows:
  124. The value of the first mdb-title, then ... [plot: , then the value of mdb-plot, then ] , then on a newline the existing description, then on a newline the text [imdb descriptin: , followed by the value of the mdb-description-->
  125. <desc>{'mdb-title'...}{[plot: 'mdb-plot']\n}'description'{\n[imdb description: 'mdb-description']}</desc>
  127. <!--The next two lines replace the existing star-rating element(s) (if any) with the two specified here. First is the existing followed by the mdb-starrating -->
  128. <star-rating>'starrating'</star-rating>
  129. <star-rating system="imdb">'mdb-starrating'</star-rating>
  131. <!--It is also possible to add the two starrating values into one <star-rating> element:
  132. <star-rating system="mixed">From Site : 'starrating'\t\tFrom IMDb : 'mdb-starrating'</star-rating> -->
  134. <!--The next example shows that it is possible to create multiple elements, it splits the review data in two <review> elements-->
  135. <review>{Viewers comments : 'mdb-commentsummary( ... )'}</review>
  136. <review type="text">{IMDb review: 'mdb-review'}</review>
  138. <!--channels, a way to exclude channels that don’t need mdb processing.
  139. As default, all channels in the WebGrab++.config.xml will be used to select shows.
  140. Channels in the following list are excluded if update="" (left blank), any other value will keep the channel included.
  141. This list has the same format as the channel-list in WebGrab++.config and the channel files in the siteini.pack. -->
  142. <channel update="" site="" site_id="7K" xmltv_id="RTL 4">RTL 4</channel>
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