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/18821924/ - Second Story

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Jul 21st, 2014
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  1. >Be Mr. Anon, single father of two beautiful girls, Sweetiebelle and Rarity.
  2. >Due to the hours of your job, you can't take care of your Sweetie full time, but thankfully your mother adores watching after her when you are unable.
  3. >Rarity, however, is nearly 18, and is a VERY responsible young lady. Even as a little girl, she was rather precocious.
  4. >She was so much like her mother...
  5. >You knew she'd make a man very happy one day. Though that poor man will have to get through you first.
  6. >Lately, however, she'd been making you pretty happy. Rather, happier than usual.
  7. >She'd cooked more extravagant meals, done more chores around the house, and even kept Sweetiebelle dressed and taken care of.
  8. >But there was something else...Something hidden below the surface.
  9. >Something scandalous.
  10. >Ever since one fateful evening, when you'd confronted her about a certain financial mishap, she'd played the role of your lover on multiple occasions.
  11. >The thing is, as bad as you felt important ldn't control yourself when she presented herself to you.
  12. >You became a perverted animal when the two of you were alone, and the fact disturbed you greatly.
  13. >But the more important change in your life since then, was the fact that your employer had laid you off.
  14. >Finding a new job had been difficult, but at least for the time being, you were able to spend the time you wanted with your family, bonding over new experiences.
  15. >But today was the day. You saw an opening, and you took it.
  16. >It just so happened the School Counselor at Canterlot High had retired, and the position had opened, and needed urgently to be filled
  17. >You knew that degree in psychology wasn't a total waste of time. Screw you, Dad.
  18. >You weren't even expecting to get called in for an interview, but apparently they haven't had many applicants, oddly enough.
  19. >You were expecting a call, any time now, letting you know if you're hired, or if they're just thankful you tired.
  20. >When the phone rang, your heart seized up in your chest.
  21. >You heard a feminine voice on the line, it was Principal Celestia.
  22. "Yes, of course I can start on Monday. 6 o'clock? absolutely. Thank you VERY much, Ms. Celestia. Okay. See you then."
  23. >Hang up the phone
  24. >freddiemurcuryfistpump.jpg
  25. >It was time to make an announcement to your daughters.
  26. >You approached your kitchen, waking on air, you are so elated.
  27. >You smell something cooking, and immediately are met with the sight of Sweetiebelle sitting at the table, writing something in her notebook, humming a tune.
  28. >You turn, and see Rarity, hard at work preparing a delicious meal.
  29. "Ahem. Sweetie, Rarity. I have something to tell you both."
  30. >They both pause, and turn their attention to you.
  31. >"Are we going to Hasbroworld?"
  32. >You laugh at Sweetiebelle's question, and pat her on the head
  33. "Ha, you silly girl. Maybe next year, though. The good news is, I just got a call from Miss Celestia. And I'm starting my new job as School Counselor tomorrow!"
  34. >"Oh Father, that's WONDERFUL news! Isn't it, Sweetie?"
  35. >"Yeah!... What's a coun-sel-or?"
  36. "Sweetiebelle, you remember Mr. Abernathy? He's the old counselor, I'm taking his place."
  37. >"Ohhh. Yeah, I remember him."
  38. >"Daddy, this is just the best news! we HAVE to celebrate. Take a seat, I'm nearly done preparing supper."
  39. >You take your seat at the head of the table
  40. "What is supper, sweetheart? It smells delightful."
  41. >"Coq Au Vin! It's French, I'm really excited for you both to try it!"
  42. >Coq Au Vin, you parroted to yourself. Your daughter was quite the cook. She was a very cultured young lady.
  43. "'Rooster and Wine'. Gotta love French cuisine."
  44. >This elicited a giggle from Rarity, who was preparing plates for the two of you and herself.
  45. >She came to the table, and gave you your plate first, then her sister's.
  46. >On her second trip, she brought her plate, along with glasses and a bottle of white.
  47. >You poured yourself a glass, and gave a look to your daughters.
  48. "Yes. Celebrations are in order. We'll need two more wine glasses, Rarity if you wouldn't mind."
  49. >In a moment, you had two extra glasses.
  50. >One you filled regular, the other you only poured a little.
  51. >Passing the glasses out, making sure Sweetiebelle got the smaller serving, you proposed a toast.
  52. >'To your future success!'
  53. *clink* *clink* *clink*
  54. >Though the taste of alcohol seemed to offend Sweetiebelle's pallet, Rarity quite liked the treat, and was behaving very much like a lady.
  55. >As the night went on, and you finished the amazing meal, Sweetiebelle headed off to bed, and you prepared your best suit for tomorrow.
  56. >You were in your room, just finishing your nightly routine, when you heard the door creak.
  57. >"Daddy?"
  58. >It was Rarity.
  59. "I'm in here"
  60. >You called from around your toothbrush.
  61. >She was standing in the doorway of your bathroom. You saw her out the corner of your eye, as you bent down to spit.
  62. >Standing upright, you turn to her and notice what she's wearing.
  63. >Could your boner ever catch a break? She was wearing the sexiest lacy undergarment you'd ever seen.
  64. "What... What is it, sweetheart?"
  65. >"I just wanted to show you something I made... Do you like it?"
  66. >She struck another sexy pose. Your boner betrayed your opinion on her ensemble, as it poked it's way through your lounge pants.
  67. >"Oh, I see your 'buddy' likes it!"
  68. >Her giggle was intoxicating.
  69. "Rarity... You look stunning..."
  70. >You were at a loss for words
  71. >"Come on, I want to show you something!"
  72. >She took your hand, and dragged you out into the open space of your room, and she sat you down in your chair, and stood in front of you.
  73. >She then proceeded to model her underwear for you, twirling, and dancing suggestively
  74. >You sat back, and marveled at your daughter's perfect body, showcased by her sexy as hell outfit.
  75. >As your erection reached critical mass, she began to approach, still dancing.
  76. >She shook her rump, busted her hips side to side, and stretched her arms above her head as she spun, lingering with her ass right in front of you.
  77. >She then proceeded to back her ass up, and hovered it over your boner, grinding it gently, peering over her shoulder to see your brow was beginning to sweat, and your jaw was slack.
  78. >Finally, after she'd danced enough, she turned back to face you, and pulled you out of your chair by the arm.
  79. >She led you too your bead, climbing in with you, and turning out the lights.
  80. >You can't see very well, but you feel her removing your pants, boxers included.
  81. >She straddles your waist, her bottom was missing.
  82. >Slowly, she begins to rub her damp lips along your shaft, pinned between her and your belly.
  83. >You feel the press of her hands on either side of your head, as she leans down to kiss you with passion.
  84. >Then suddenly, one hand is retracted, it reaches for your dick, and inserts it into her wanton lips.
  85. >She begins to bounce in rhythm, and gently moan into your ear as she nibbled on it.
  86. >It felt like only a minute, but was probably closer to thirty. Both of you were covered in sweat, and the sloppy mess at your thighs was soaking the sheets.
  87. >And you were riding the edge of orgasm.
  88. >You found your hands caressing your daughters perky tits, as she rode you like a champion.
  89. >"Oh, Daddy! I want your cum inside me...!" >She exclaimed in a very hushed, raspy voice.
  90. >That was enough, you let yourself go, and seconds later let out your seed with a strangled groan.
  91. >Finally you both came down, and she fell beside you in bed, breathless as you were.
  92. >"Oh... I love you, Daddy."
  93. >You gasp for more air, feeling your heart thumping in your chest.
  94. "I...Love...You...Too... My Sweetheart"
  95. >She smiled, though you didn't see, and turned her back to you to assume the little spoon position.
  96. >You cuddle up close to her, and wrap your arms around her bare waist.
  97. >Sleep finds you quickly.
  98. --------------
  99. >4:30 A.M. came way too fucking fast. You didn't even want to remove your blankets, you were so warm, and outside was so damn cold.
  100. >Rarity adjusted her nude form in your arms, seemingly still asleep.
  101. >Hold the phone... Shit, you remembered now. She came in to model her undies, and rode your dick because you apparently have zero inhibitions.
  102. >Your heart sank a little. God. Damn. You needed help, but who would ever admit to anyone about fucking his underage daughter?
  103. >Fuck that shit, you're carrying this to your damn grave. And you'd hope she is, too... But you've got to draw a line. This ends here.
  104. >Carefully untangling your bodies, you embrace the cold air as you get out of bed.
  105. >Shit that's cold, where did your lounge pants get to?
  106. >Finally bundled up with slippers, pants, a tee and your robe, you leave Rarity in your bed to go down and fix breakfast.
  107. >Since the only other thing you can cook besides eggs is pancakes, you decide to make that.
  108. >In no time, you had a large stack of pancakes done, soaking in butter and syrup.
  109. >Sweetiebelle was the first down, smelling the tasty treat. How the girl manages to wake this early every morning escapes you.
  110. >She turned on the T.V. and quietly watched cartoons while she ate.
  111. >Then Rarity came in. She was dressed in silk pajamas, and her hair had been done up.
  112. >She kissed you on the lips, and you immediately looked to see if Sweetiebelle saw that. Thankfully she was engaged by the television.
  113. >Checking the clock, it's 5:15. Oh shit that reminded you of a fucking song. Now you wanted to jump off a bridge.
  114. "Pancakes are for you two, I left mine in the microwave. I'm going to shower, and get ready to go to the school. Can you get your sister ready for the bus?"
  115. >"Sure thing, Daddy. Enjoy your shower"
  116. >Oh god she winked.
  117. >Your shower went off with out a hitch, you got dressed in your suit, and came down to an empty kitchen.
  118. >It only took a few minutes to kill your plate of pancakes, and with time to spare, you said a goodbye to your daughters and left for your first day on the job.
  119. >The drive was short, and uneventful.
  120. >In no time you were standing outside Principal Celestia's office, waiting to go in.
  121. >"Enter."
  122. >Huh?... Okay.
  123. >Upon entry, you notice another woman leaving, waking past you.
  124. >Her skin tone was blue, and her attire was purple.
  125. >She gave you an appraising look, as she strolled past.
  126. >"Mr. Anonymous. Welcome to Canterlot High"
  127. >Your attention is snapped back to Celestia, who it's eyeing you disinterestedly
  128. >You take a seat, and extend a hand to shake
  129. "Miss Celestia. Glad to be here. Thank you again for-"
  130. >"Yes, yes let's get on with it. Your office is down the hall, it has been emptied, though you are welcome to personalise your desk as your see fit, keeping the decor 'PG' of course."
  131. "Well, of co-"
  132. >"Second, you are to address my sister and I professionally at all times."
  133. "Sister?"
  134. >"Vice Principal Luna, you met her on her way out. She would fill in for Counselor Abernathy on his sick days."
  135. >"Third, while I'm sure it won't be a problem, ANY inappropriate incident with a student, and you will be immediately terminated, investigated, and tired accordingly."
  136. >Your mouth was left agape at her words, but you quickly nodded your understanding.
  137. "Absolutely, Principal Celestia, it will never be an issue I assure you."
  138. >She looked at you skeptically, searching for any treacherous facial feature.
  139. >"Good. Vice Principal Luna will see you to your office, you are dismissed."
  140. >You let out a breath, got up and walked to the door.
  141. >"Mr. Anonymous."
  142. >You turn.
  143. >"Good luck."
  144. ---------------------
  145. >Waiting outside the door is the woman you saw leaving the room. You guessed this was Luna.
  146. >"Anonymous, it's a pleasure to meet you."
  147. "Thank you. You must be Vice Principal Luna?"
  148. >"Yes, but you can just call me Luna. Celestia probably told you too keep a professional attitude at all times, but please don't when she's not around."
  149. "She did fine off as somewhat... Bitter? No offence meant of course."
  150. >She laughed. That's good, right?
  151. >"Tia can get worn down by her job sometimes, yes. Some may argue it comes with the territory, but she's pretty nice once you get past her harsh exterior... Not that you will, mind you."
  152. >You stopped outside a door, with a frosted glass window.
  153. "Is this my office?"
  154. >"Yes, this is it. The maintenance team will be here shortly to change the name on the door, you'll want to meet with them."
  155. >You opened the door, and the two of you stepped inside the empty room. Well, at least it had a cool desk.
  156. >"So so you have a shorter nane, Anonymous?"
  157. "Huh? oh. You can call me Anon."
  158. >She smiled.
  159. >"Good luck on your career here, Anon. I'm sure we'll be good friends. If you need any advice, my office is across the hall."
  160. >She left, and your door closed slowly.
  161. >Welp... Looks like you have an office to decorate.
  162. >It had been a long three hours, but your name was on the door, and your office was becoming a lot more personal by the minute.
  163. >The first thing you installed were your speakers, and receiver.
  164. >Fuck whistling, you needed the whole damn orchestra when you worked.
  165. >The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, to be exact. Their performance of the Dans Macabre always gave you goosebumps.
  166. >Everything was nearly in place, you'd alphabetized your bookshelf, with your massive encyclopedia collection.
  167. >Your shit was looking legit. All you needed were some potted plants and you were set, but that'd have to wait for another day.
  168. >A knock at your door catches your attention, and you call your visitor in.
  169. >It's Luna.
  170. "Oh, Hi Luna. What do you think?"
  171. >You gestured to your office, and she has a look around.
  172. >"Very nice, Anon. Could use a few plants, though... Is that... Bach's Partita?"
  173. "Partita number 6, yes. This one is played in E minor... I didn't know you had an ear for classical music, Miss Luna."
  174. >"I was in the orchestra in my high school days. I had a thing for the pipe organ, I'd recognize Bach anywhere."
  175. "I very much enjoy classical music, yes. But was there something you needed?"
  176. >"Ah, not exactly. I just wanted to see you before your day started. Classes are in session, and you're bound to receive a student any minute. Oh, and as much as I enjoy music, it isn't exactly... Allowed... in the office. But you should be fine as long as you keep it low, and classical."
  177. >Damn. The professionalism is going to kill you one day.
  178. "Thank you, Luna. I'll keep that in mind... Would you like to get some coffee later?"
  179. >Boom. You're not sure why you asked that, but you're sure your high school self would be smiling at you if he were here.
  180. >She paused at looked at you, half in your door.
  181. >"I take my break at 3. I'll be in the teacher's lounge."
  182. >She fucking winked. Foxy, that one.
  183. >It's time. Your first student!... Shit. How do you counsel again? You're fucking nervous.
  184. >Oh what's gotten into you? What kind of problem could a teenager have, that YOU, an adult, father of two children, can't help solve? Bring it.
  185. >You call the student in, her name is Vinyl.
  186. >Wow. Today's fucking youth, man. Shit, don't get like that Anon, you're not that old yet goddamnit.
  187. "Vinyl Scratch?"
  188. >"Sup?"
  189. >Christ, could she sound any more like a carpet muncher? Nowac
  190. king joke
  191. "It seems this is the... seventeenth time this week you've had some form of headphones confiscated from you..."
  192. >Holy cow, were you reading her file correctly?
  193. >... Was she even listening?... Mother. Fucker.
  194. "Take those out, Vinyl."
  195. >You reach over, and pull an ear bud out of her ear. She hands you the set after unplugging them.
  196. >So she was going to be one of those students. Sigh.
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