
Phantasy Star Twilight (On hiatus)

Sep 13th, 2015
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  1. Photo Gallery:
  3. >Another day in dreamland for you Twilight.
  4. >Well, night you guess, and not like dreamland from those old Kirby games...
  5. >Lets just try this again, you're having a lucid dream.
  6. >It's anticlimactic, but you always know immediately when it happens.
  7. >There's always this scraggly man in them, just watching you from afar.
  8. >He called himself your "Dream Dad."
  9. >At first you thought it was creepy, but after you got used to him, talked a little, you felt like he was a pretty cool guy.
  10. >You haven't seen your real dad since... maybe four years old? Maybe this is what he looked like, or possibly your subconscious trying to recreate him?
  11. >Either way, it really didn't matter. If he was here, you were dreaming.
  12. >Time to have some fun!
  13. >You focus and try to picture a small fuzzy creature.
  14. >Like always, the little guy appears and you heft him up into your scrawny arms.
  15. >His floppy tongue laps against your face in excitement.
  16. "Hey boy! Did you miss me?"
  17. >"Bark bark!"
  18. >You nuzzle into his rough coat and hold him close.
  19. >If only you could have a real dog, a little companion that loved you unconditionally like this little bugger did.
  20. >You knew that wasn't possible though. You'd just have to settle for this.
  21. >Putting him down, you imagine a park full of trees and singing birds. It's not quite as realistic as you'd hope, but it does the trick.
  22. >The rest of your night is taken up with throwing sticks and playing in the grass. A perfectly peaceful 'afternoon' in the park!
  23. >And then, like always, you had to wake up.
  24. >Eyes lightly dusted with sleep, you groggily stare at the grey ceiling above.
  25. "*Sigh* I guess today is the day? I guess I should probably get going then."
  27. >Welcome to life on the Ship 2, code name UR.
  28. >Not that you've ever known anything else, at least first hand.
  29. >You were born on the ship, raised on the ship, and most people would die on the ship.
  30. >If at all possible, you'd like to avoid that last one.
  31. >Despite your rather dull living space, you're actually living the high life as far as the blocks are concerned. You have a multi-roomed house and everything!
  32. >The view isn't bad either. I mean, it's not good, but it's as good as it gets. A little bit of planted grass and a view of the stars through the ships blast proof glass arc.
  33. >Pretty sad when those are premium buying features, but that's life.
  34. >Honestly, they do their best to simulate planet life. There's only so much a ship can emulate.
  35. >You pour yourself some Scootaloops and run through your outfits. Eating and standing was one of your habits that saved valuable time.
  36. >You decide to wear... whatever they call this thing. It's like if you made booty shorts and sewed them to a latex shirt.
  37. >Might as well wear the stockings too, they're the same purple so you guess that means they go well together?
  38. >Fashion isn't your strong point okay?
  39. >Your hair is a mess, as usual, so you decide to take a quick shower and freshen up before you get dressed.
  40. >While looking nice isn't a requirement, it wouldn't hurt to look and smell pleasant for your big day.
  41. >You take a moment to examine yourself in the mirror before it fogs over.
  42. >About 5'4, flat chested, big eared, and scrawny. Just like last million times.
  43. >For a Newman though, that's not abnormal. You eat well, it's just hard to gain any fat or muscle when genetics are against you.
  44. >Hard, but not impossible.
  45. >Anyway, you hop into the torrent of steamy water and prepare for the tough day ahead of you.
  47. >Sliding the door open, you decide to take the long way.
  48. >No point in being early, and the exercise could only do you good anyway.
  49. >The stairs do a number on you, but it's not nearly as bad as going up.
  50. >Finally reaching the ground floor, you head south on the sidewalk.
  51. >Green speckles the streets here and there. In a sea of grey like this it's nice to see a bit of life every once in a while.
  52. >Above you is a blanket of blue, it was calming color for you to say the least.
  53. >ANY color is nice really. So much around the blocks is grey, black, or white. It makes you sick.
  54. >Hopefully that changes today.
  55. >You've been training for years, just for this chance!
  56. >A chance to see what's outside this city, get some fresh air and see the world!
  57. >You've tried year after year since you were eighteen to join, but unfortunate events kept getting in your way!
  58. >First you lost your card, then you broke your leg, after that it was cancled due to high activity.
  59. >This was going to be your year darn it!
  60. >It shouldn't even be this hard, you're a freaking prodigy! They literally want you in, but the higher ups refused to make any special exceptions.
  61. >The only GOOD news is your friends finally saved up enough to apply with you. If they get in, you can say you broke even.
  62. >Eventually you reach a small elevator in a giant wall on the far end of the city.
  63. >They have stairs, but you're not quite that energetic today. Have to save some of that for later!
  64. >After a considerable wait, the elivator reaches the top of cliff-like structure and you procede into the shopping district.
  65. >After that long treck through the concrete jungle, the flashy colors and seasonal decorations really brighten your mood.
  66. >They really went all out this year, an honest to goodness tree and some fake rabbits. They even made some fake clouds you could hop across.
  67. >Nothing in comparison to the Christmas season, or Halloween, but for the lunar festival it's pretty good!
  69. >For a short moment, you think about doing some shopping... But knowing you, THAT would be what this years mess up was.
  70. >Too risky, you were so close, you could taste it!
  71. >You force yourself to enter the glowing enclosure to the right of the equipment shop.
  72. >As the doors close, a message plays over the intercom.
  73. >*"Attention all auditioning for the ARKS program, we will be opening up registration in 15 minutes! Please make sure you have everything ready, and sign the appropriate forms ahead of time. Thank you!"*
  74. >Awww, you had time to spare!? Last time you walked here it took a little longer...
  75. >Guess that means your getting in shape though? Can't complain about that!
  76. >The floor revs up and warps you to the gate area.
  77. >You get a notification about meseta being removed for the 'Warp fee' for non-ARKS members.
  78. >It wasn't much, but it salted the wound.
  79. >A few steps out of the warp pad and all was forgotten though, this was it!
  80. >You wave to your friends, who are still filling out paperwork.
  81. "Moony! Anon! T-"
  83. >Moondancer tries to cover Trixies mouth, but she's far too late.
  84. >*"The front gate would like to remind all in attendance that there is no screaming in the lobby."*
  85. >M:"Shut up or you'll get us kicked out!"
  86. >Trixie speaks up through Moondancers hand.
  87. >:T"*Mmmmph* No one silences Trixie! She will be the greatest Bouncer there's ever been!"
  88. "Didn't the director say you'd be the first Bouncer in the history of ARKS if you pass?"
  89. >Anon nods autonomously. He comes with 2 settings, serious and goofball.
  90. >Not that he's programed like that, Anon just revels in being a CAST. It almost makes him more human ironically.
  91. >A:"Correct, Trixie talked their ear off until they accepted it as a compitent class. Trixie is without competition."
  92. >T:"Details! Trixie will be a shining gem and prove her class is the GREATEST and MOST POWERFUL class!"
  93. >M:"Whatever you say Trixie, I'll believe it when I see it."
  95. >When the four of you are together, time flies by.
  96. >Before you know it, it's time to turn in your applications.
  97. >Surprisingly, it looks like Trixie managed to fill hers out while ranting and raving. Didn't look too bad either.
  98. >If there's one thing she isn't, it's lazy you guess.
  99. >Shortly after the deadline, a silver haired woman waves you over to her desk and pulls your data up on the holo-monitor.
  100. >"Hello, my name is Koffee. Provided you all pass, I would be your Admin. Please bare with me while I confirm your info."
  101. >You all nod in sync.
  102. >"Anonymous, Race: CAST, Photon Specialty: Range. Class: ... Fighter."
  103. >A:"Yep, that's me."
  104. >Koffee looks at him concerned, but continues.
  105. >"Ms. Moondancer, do you have a last name? Is it Moon Dancer?"
  106. >M:"I don't believe there's any others with my name, why would I need to have two?"
  107. >"Uh, I see. It's just unusual for a non-CAST. In that case, I'll get back to you. Alphabetical order and all that."
  108. >Moondancer shrugs and waits her turn, despite having just taken up twice as much time talking about her name as it would to clarify her class and race.
  109. >"Trixie Lulamoon, Race: Newman, Photon Specialty: Force, Class: Bouncer? Since when do we accept this?"
  110. >You all give her the 'Don't ask signal' and she takes the hint. Smart woman.
  111. >"Uh, forget that. You're sure you don't want to be a Techer? Bouncers are a very demanding class physically."
  112. >Trixie rolls her eyes, pulling up her shirt to show off rock hard abs.
  113. >T:"Trixie knows what she's doing."
  114. >Koffee nods, typing away.
  115. >"Moondancer, Race: Deuman, Photon Specialty: Power, Class: Ranger. Sound right?"
  116. >Moondancer gives her a thumbs up.
  117. >"And finally, Twilight Sparkle! No broken bones, and I see you have your ID at the ready! You're as good as in, but lets just keep this professional."
  118. >Too late Koffee, too late.
  119. >"Twilight Sparkle, Race: Newman, Photon Specialty: Force, Class: Force. It's like you were built for this!"
  121. >You laugh, but it does kind of strike a nerve.
  122. >When you were young, the ARKS scientists ran tests on you that they said 'Changed ARKS history forever!'
  123. >Fancy words for 'You're a mutant and your DNA lets us override Photon specializations.'
  124. >You're really glad you could advance science and all, but it still stings to be the butt of a joke.
  125. >"Anyway, congratulations! The four of you have passed the number based test! As far as our data goes, you have a half decent chance of survival on the field! Your starter weapons will be waiting for you at the warp gate. Please impress us with your combat skills."
  126. >M:"Don't worry, we will."
  127. >A:"You didn't ask my weapon of choice."
  128. >"We have everything, just pick whatever you want. I'd recommend sticking with weapons based on your class if you want to pass."
  129. >He nods.
  130. "When do we..."
  131. >"Now if you'd please. As much as we like to have fun here, we really don't want to risk postponing this ANOTHER year. You've been pushed up to the very first slot."
  132. "All four of us?"
  133. >"Yes, unless any of you need more time to prepare?"
  134. >T:"Trixie demands to be in the first wave!"
  135. >Moondancer and Anon shrug.
  136. >"Okay, then it's settled. Proceed to the gate please!"
  137. >Finally it's happening! You've never gotten this far.
  138. >You wonder if the others are as excited as you- ...Oh lord no.
  140. >Anon hefts the three of you in his robo-arms and starts running like a maniac to the gate.
  141. "ANON WE CAN WALK!"
  142. >M:"This isn't okay!"
  143. >T:"WEEEEEEEE!"
  144. >A:"Your puny human legs are too slow!"
  145. "That's literally racist!"
  146. >A:"It's not racist if it's fact!"
  147. >M:"It's not fact, you just made it up!"
  148. >A:"If that's so, why are we already here?"
  149. >What the hell was he- ...Oh.
  150. >He lets you all go and gives you a smug grin.
  151. >A:"CAST master race reporting for duty!"
  152. >T:"Trixie master race reporting for twice as much duty!"
  153. >You and Moondancer share a knowing 'The shit we deal with' glance at each other, then point the space cases to the table of weapons.
  154. "After you."
  156. >The attendant stares at all of you as Moondancer walks over with grace, picking up a standard photon rifle.
  157. >M:"I'm sorry for their behavior, their very energetic."
  158. >She waits by the wall for the rest of you.
  159. >Next is Trixie, who tactlessly runs over and jumps into the Jet Boots on the table. One good burst flip later she's posing by Moondancer.
  160. >The rest of the weapons are blown off the table in the blast however, so you and Anon have to pick them up off the ground like her personal maids.
  161. >He holds on to the knuckles, you snatch the rod and join the rest in line.
  162. >"Glad to see you all found something you like, hopefully you keep up that energy on the planets surface!"
  163. >A goofy smile creeps over your face. You're finally going to breath some real, honest to god fresh air! See real animals and a self sustaining ecosystem!
  164. >This is literally a dream come true.
  165. >"Now remember, Naberius is beautiful but unpredictable. We here at ARKS do our best to keep our potential members safe out there, but this isn't a safe test by any means. Are you sure you're all ready?"
  166. >You nod like a maniac, the others follow suit. Moondancer remains composed, but even she has a goofy smile across her face.
  167. >The attendant smiles back and moves aside. Behind him is the open jump gate to Naberius.
  168. >"Your mission is to take out a pack of Gulfs, once you're finished use this Telepipe to return. We'll be observing remotely, so please take our advice if we tell you to abandon mission and use the telepipe early okay? You wouldn't be the first to die due to over confidence... I wish you all luck."
  169. >He hands you a small conical device, you remember learning about these in training. You literally just toss to activate, fool proof really.
  170. >You all pick up momentum, them fling yourself into the portal bellow.
  172. >The space around you turns into a blue tunnel of energy as you plummet. You too are energy, swirling around in a void without mass.
  173. >Just like every time you enter a warp, so boring.
  174. >Eventually you reconfigure onto an unfamiliar surface, dirt and grass.
  175. >You're about to jump for joy, but Trixie one ups you with a jet powered back flip.
  176. >Show off.
  177. >A:"Alright guys, lets hunt some gulfs!"
  178. "Whats the hurry? This isn't a timed test... we could just take our time. ~"
  179. >You think very hard about taking off your shoes so you can enjoy the feeling of soil between your toes.
  180. >M:"Twilight, the better we score the more likely we are to have free access to the jump gate. I understand your excited, but think in the long term okay?"
  181. >You light up at the very idea. You forgot free exploration was even an option!
  182. "Lets hunt some gulfs!"
  183. >T:"Trixie calls the biggest, most imposing gulf!"
  184. >As to be expected, Trixie bursts off ahead of the rest of you.
  185. >Rocket shoes are pretty much as fast as you'd think they'd be.
  186. >You all rush behind her, doing your best to keep up.
  187. >Luckily Trixie takes every opportunity she can to do flips, or some other kind of trick, so it's not too hard.
  188. >Usually it would be annoying, but honestly if you were that athletic you'd be like that too at the moment.
  189. >There are so many trees, and bushes, and... you can't even describe it.
  190. >Everything is just as you imagined and better!
  191. >The air here is so crisp and wet, you didn't even know air COULD be those things!
  192. >Eventually, Trixie stops and lands pointing to an overhead branch. A primate with horn like protrusions swings back and forth picking up momentum.
  193. >The beast leaps from his tree and lands with a bit of heft in front of your group, knocking up a bit of dust. It beats its chest challenging you.
  194. >T:"Are we only allowed to fight Gulfs, or are Oodans fair game?"
  195. >A voice chimes in over the intercom.
  196. >*"You can fight anything you like, as long as you complete your mission."*
  197. >T:"Perfect!"
  199. >Trixie reels her leg back in preparation for a flipping uppercut. Before she can connect however, Moondancer shoots the Oodan between the eyes.
  200. >T:"How dare you! That was Trixies kill!"
  201. >M:"I don't see your name on it."
  202. >She smiles and starts to put her rifle back, but is cut short by a rocket powered kick only inches from her face.
  203. >A peircing howl cries out behind her, but Trixies next kick stops it abruptly.
  204. >A lupine with sharp protrusions jetting out of it crumples out of the brush behind Moondancer. You're fairly sure thats a standard gulf.
  205. >M:"Holy... I thought you were trying to freaking kill me!"
  206. >Trixies cheeks puff out as she turns her nose to the sky.
  207. >T:"Trixie would never harm a friend! She was merely stealing back the kill you took from her!"
  208. >You and Anon search the surrounding brush, coming up with nothing.
  209. "Looks like it was a lone wolf, no pun intended. Our mission is an entire pack, we should keep moving."
  210. >The rest nod and proceed. This time Trixie walks casually with the group.
  211. >You're pretty sure the packs den will be this way, Gulfs rarely hunt far from the pack.
  212. >Anon suddenly stops, then raises his hand to halt the rest of you.
  213. >A:"I hear something in the trees..."
  214. "Its probably just more oodans, we shouldn't push our luck without proper armor. Let's stick to the mission."
  215. >Anon doesn't look convinced, but he nods and keeps pace in front of the other two girls.
  216. >A:"The two of us should go in first Twi, we wont pass if we don't carry our weight."
  217. >He has a point, you wouldn't want to have to wait another year because of a technicality.
  218. >You join him on the front line and draw your rod.
  219. >Before long you come to a clearing. The pack decends around you, circling their prey.
  220. >You all trade signals with your eyes, can't mess this up!
  221. >On cue, one of the Gulfs lunges straight for Nonny.
  223. >Anons fist connects with its skull, echoing out in a loud crack. It crumples to the ground like a limp rag.
  224. >The next one lunges at him as well, managing to clamp its fangs down on his arm.
  225. >For obvious reasons, this doesn't do much.
  226. >Anon uses his other fist to crack its skull open.
  227. >You start firing off fire balls and launching ice shards, they dodge several of your attacks, but the ones that hit do major damage.
  228. >Once you and Anon have successfully shown off, It becomes a free for all.
  229. >You and Moondancer attack from the back while Anon and Trixie fight on the front lines.
  230. >Once you get into the swing of things, it really isn't so hard.
  231. >Sure WITHOUT your weapons these guys would murder you a hundred times over, but with them? No problem.
  232. >You've heard this is as easy as it gets though, so you do your best to keep your ego low.
  233. >After a few minutes of heavy combat, you finally take down the fangulf leading the pack of gulfs with a decisive bolt of electricity.
  234. >Man you love being a Force!
  235. >*"Mission Accomplished! Use the telepipe to come back for evaluation!"*
  236. "YES! Guys you did amazing! When we get back, I'm buying lunch!"
  237. >They all seem more than happy at the sound of that. Even Anon!
  238. >You know surprisingly little about casts. You know they eat and drink, but you don't know if/what it does for them.
  239. >Eh, you can ask him over Rappy burgers!
  240. >You take the telepipe out of your inventory and chuck it into the air.
  241. >Anon looks at the trees again, clearly he's easily distracted.
  242. >...Wait what's-
  243. >Oh god no!
  244. >A behemoth sized beast with stones protruding out of his flesh roars as he lands on the telepipe, crushing it to pieces before it has a chance to activate.
  245. >The monster stares at you, beady eyes unflinching as it beats its chest.
  246. "Oh no! No no no no no! GUYS, IT'S A ROCKBEAR!"
  249. >The rockbear swings a massive fist downwards in an attempt to crush your tiny frame, but you manage to jump out of the way.
  250. >*"ATTENTION: Arks members being deployed to your rescue. Expect arrival in 5 minutes!"*
  251. >Anon grabs the back of your collar and yanks you out of the way of the next swing.
  252. >Moondancer fires shot after shot into its head, but the rockbear only gets more angry.
  253. >T:"Everyone get behind Trixie! She will protect you until help arrives!"
  254. >A:"Trixie don't be an idiot! You can't take that thing!"
  255. >T:"Do you think Trixie doesn't know that!? Just shut up and get out of here!"
  256. >She jets off and starts unleashing a flurry of kicks to one of the rockbears arms.
  257. >It swipes at her with his other paw, but she leaps over it and delivers a solid kick to his face.
  258. >Anon disregards Trixies plea and joins the fight, crashing his fists into the belly of the beast.
  259. >A:"Just for ONCE I wish you'd think something through!"
  261. >With a lucky swing, the rockbear swats them both off with a decisive thwack. They crash next to you and Moondancer, badly injured but still alive.
  262. >You race through your research in your head. Running wont work, they can leap farther than you can run. You're pretty sure they're 'Weak to fire' in the same way most mammals are though...
  263. >You concentrate and start casting the biggest fire balls you can one after another.
  264. >As you hoped, his fur catches a blaze!
  265. > you have a thrashing wall of fire coming straight for you.
  266. >Moondancer continues her barrage of shots, focusing mostly on the knees. It crashes into the dust and mud, not moving much as the flames snuff out.
  267. >You all stop and stare at the smoking mess before you. Did the four of you actually take down a rockbear by yourselfs?
  268. >T:"Are... are you guys okay?"
  269. "Yeah, we're fine! What about you!?"
  270. >She flashes a pained smile, followed by terror as a burned paw grasps around your abdomen.
  272. >The fingers squeeze hard around you, bones threatening to crack almost immediately from the pressure.
  273. >You desperately try to get oxygen into yourself as your friends attack it in a panic.
  274. >His breath is hot as prepares to snap you like the twig you are.
  275. >Just as you hear your first rib crack, a flash as bright as the sun nearly blinds you.
  276. >The rockbears grip falls limp, releasing you.
  277. >There's a clean hole burned through the side of his skull, who or what did this?
  278. >And how?
  279. "What just happened?"
  280. >M:"I... don't know! That wasn't us!"
  281. >Trixie and Anon just stare, wincing in pain.
  282. >Out from the trees, a woman with purple hair and a couple of stray stripes emerges.
  283. >>"That wasn't like, your pet or something right?"
  284. "Uh... no. It was trying to kill us?"
  285. >The woman whipes imaginary sweat off her brow. As she gets closer, you can tell she's old enough to be your mother. Probably somewhere between 40-50 years old.
  286. >There's some resemblances between the two of you, including the way you keep your hair...
  287. >She's clearly a human though, you don't have any human in your family.
  288. >>"Glad to hear that! Let me guess, Twilight Sparkle right?"
  289. "Yeah? Who are you?"
  290. >She laughs.
  291. >>"Oh... no one important! I just wanted to give you something... Something really important to me."
  292. >The others stay silent, clearly as confused as you are.
  293. "W-why?"
  294. >She frowns, and tosses you a purple jewel. It's similar in color to the one hanging from her neck, but completely different in size and form.
  295. >>"Because I made a promise, and I finally figured out how to fulfill it."
  296. >She turns and points a gun at the air.
  297. "Wait! That literally only raises more questions!"
  298. >She shoots some kind of hole in space time, then looks back to you hesitantly.
  299. >Tears have welled up in her eyes, and there's bits of snot running out of her nose.
  300. >>"Tell him I loved him, that I held him until the end..."
  301. >And with that, she's gone.
  303. >That was... completely and utterly weird! She wasn't even dressed in ARK clothes...
  304. >The more you think of it, everything that happened in the last 5 minutes was unbelievable! What the heck is going on? How did she know your name? Who was she? Why did she want to give you... whatever this crystal is?!
  305. >You'd freak out more, but you're cut short by the rescue team bursting through the trees.
  306. >"Are you okay? Is anyone injured?"
  307. >Moondancer looks around at the three of you, who can all barely stand at this point.
  308. >M:"Uh... Yes. I think they all need medical attention."
  309. >She looks herself over one more time, making sure she's unharmed.
  310. >M:"You know guys, I had my doubts, but I think I picked a good class!"
  311. >You all groan.
  312. ---------------------
  313. >A visit to the medical bay later, on ARKS's tab of course, and you're as good as new.
  314. >You can't imagine what healing the old fashioned way must have been like in the ancient times.
  315. >The board was astounded when they found out the rockbear was dead before help even arrived. Apparently the light blinded the cameras as much as it did you, because they attributed the kill to you!
  316. >They immediately accepted you all into ARKS, and paid for your first fresh set of ARKS Armor as a way to apologize for almost killing you!
  317. >Suckers, you would have accepted a potted plant as long as you got into ARKS!
  318. >You pick out something a little frilly but functional, you think purple is a good color on you so you stick with it.
  319. >Trixie picks out the same outfit, only in True Blue. Sadly you share a love of easy to move in clothing.
  320. >Moondancer gets... honestly you don't know how to describe it. It's like someone duct taped kevlar, knives, and green glass together or something. It looks bad ass... in a way I guess?
  321. >Anon gets the short end of the stick, his body is already armor. Poor guy.
  323. >You all get 3000 meseta each as a reward for your first mission success, and get bumped up to first in the line to receive your Mags.
  324. >A Mag is pretty much the closest thing to a pet you're ever going to get, so you're really excited!
  325. >Little guy is useful too! They start off as a little robotic floating orb, but when you feed them they absorb the photon concentrations and adapt to boost you! The only downside is you have to feed them gear, not food... but you hear that there's all sorts of free gear on the planets you'll visit so that's not too bad.
  326. >K:"Okay, now take very special care of these guys. They're essentially unbreakable, but if you just throw whatever trash you find into them they're going to end up pretty useless. I recommend only feeding them to specialize in your two most desired stats alright?"
  327. >You all nod like eager children. This is all first day training stuff, you know how to raise a Mag!
  328. >K:"Alright then, let me introduce you to your new companions!"
  329. >Koffee holds up four little semi-spherical orbs. A purple, blue, black, and a green. They all chirp like tiny robot babies as they hover over to their respective owners.
  330. >Moondancer seems mildly disappointed that hers isn't as colorful as the rest, but you guess thats what she gets for picking the edgy ranger uniform.
  331. >M:"Hypothetically, is it possible to change a Mags color..."
  332. >K:"Oh heavens yes! You'd need a mag device though, they look like little crystals and are quite expensive. They can make your Mag look like anything hypothetically though depending on what one you have."
  333. >Moondancer shrugs, probably coming to the conclusion it isn't worth it.
  334. >K:"As you should all know, mags develop their Photon blast at their 50th level. Keep this in mind when feeding them."
  335. "With all due respect Koffee, we're hungry. We'll talk you later about this stuff okay?"
  336. >She frowns.
  337. >K:"No one ever wants to discuss Mags..."
  339. >You decide to take a detour through the ARKS casino. You always wanted to see what it was like in here.
  340. >They only allowed ARKS members inside, and unlike the old casinos back in the old world, these were technically free.
  341. >They give you a pass for a slot machine every day you show up for work. The machine gives out either 100, 300, or 500 Coins per pass, and there's no experation date or anything. Technically you didn't have to play any of the games inside if you were patient enough.
  342. >Only downside, if you call it one, was that you couldn't cash out in meseta. It was exclusively cool prizes like rare materials and gear.
  343. >All in all, it's set up to be a healthy relaxation spot for you to unwind after litterally risking life and limb for the ship.
  344. >M:"I understand why they have Black Jack, Roulette, and the Rappy Slots, but why do they have a virtual shooting gallery?"
  345. >A:"I'm pretty sure it's just fun to shoot things."
  346. >M:"Oh trust me, it is. Just seems more fit for an arcade is all."
  347. >T:"The GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE bets all on black!"
  348. "Trixie we're just passing through..."
  349. >A:"Also betting on black is the lowest bet you can make..."
  350. >T:"Trixie always wanted to do that though! She doesn't care if she makes it back."
  351. >A soft voice comes over the intercom as the wheel stops.
  352. >"1000 Casino coins to Ms. Lulamoon..."
  353. >Trixie flashes you a cocky grin.
  354. "It was a 50/50 shot, don't be so full of yourself..."
  355. >She skips proudly over and taps her ARKS card to receive the coins.
  356. >T:"Now then, Trixie believes Ms. Sparkle promised us lunch?"
  357. >M&A:"Yep!"
  358. >You giggle.
  359. "I suppose I did! Better cash in that offer before I change my mind!"
  360. >You playfully walk away, knowing they'd chase after.
  361. >What you didn't expect, but really should have, was take two of the Anon Coaster.
  362. >A:"You can't cheat ME out of free food Twi!"
  363. "NONNY!"
  364. >T:"Yaaaaaay!"
  365. >M:"Hmmm. At least I know my boobs won't slip out in combat now..."
  367. >Lunch is surprisingly pleasant, despite it starting out with a triple kidnapping.
  368. >You hate when Anon does that... it makes you feel like a freaking kid!
  369. >Anyway, the four of you chat about your plans for your first 'paycheck'.
  370. >Really it's just a direct deposit per mission system, but it's basically the same thing.
  371. >T:"Trixie's going to get a new pair of Jet Boots!"
  372. "You should let us help you shop, if you impulse buy something out of your league you could break your legs."
  374. >Anon clamps his hands around Trixies face, squishing her slightly puddgy cheeks.
  375. >A:"We're being literal, don't buy anything unless you're ARKS card says you're ready pipsqueak."
  376. >Trixie tries to squirm, but Anon has her good.
  377. >T:"T-Trixie knows! She just means... Fine I'll be good. Let Trixie go please..."
  378. >Anon unsquishes her face and pats her head.
  379. >Trixie sulks and plays with her hair. It's pretty much her go to solution when she's defeated.
  380. "I'm going to focus on buying Force weapons for my mag to eat whenever I can! I want this little guy to grow up smart and fast!"
  381. >M:"Likewise, but with guns."
  382. >A:"Same, but with pretty much anything that isn't those two things."
  383. >T:"No fair! Why am I the odd one out?"
  384. >M:"I guess you're just smarter than us."
  385. >You do everything you can not to laugh.
  386. >Of course you fail miserably.
  387. >Trixies cheeks flush, but not in a embarrassed way.
  388. >More like fury.
  389. >T:"Trixie isn't dumb! Don't mock her like that!"
  390. >M:"Trixie it was just a joke-"
  391. >T:"No, Trixie WAS the joke! Trixie is always the joke..."
  392. >You reach out for her hand, but she yanks it away.
  393. "Trixie, you aren't stupid, you're just a little impulsive! We're just messing with you."
  394. >She looks up at you pouting.
  395. >T:"You promise?"
  396. >Anon messes up Trixies hair, slightly too roughly to be honest.
  397. >A:"Of course, you know we love you short stack!"
  398. >She puffs her cheeks.
  399. >T:"I'm tall for a girl you jerk!"
  401. >*DATA LOST.*
  404. >Remember when you were afraid of Rockbears?
  405. >Yeah... simpler times.
  406. >A pair of claws bigger than you are swipe you off your feet, flinging you against the stony ledge nearby.
  407. >Your armor absorbs most of the damage, but the Fang Banther still managed to breach it.
  408. >Blood gushes out of the holes in your armor. You jab yourself with a Dimate while Anon keeps the big cat busy.
  409. >Your wounds heal up quickly, but not perfectly. Probably going to have a scar from that one!
  410. >Not that you really care, as long as your healthy you don't care about your body.
  411. >Anon slams the Banther in the gut with his knuckles as Trixie slams down on his head with her heel. The resulting forces fling the beast head over heels, crashing onto its back.
  412. >You and Moondancer aim at his soft underbelly, engulfing him in a barrage of fire and hot photon.
  413. >The Fang Banther lets out one last weak cry, then falls silent.
  414. >*"Mission Complete! Head for the telepipe!"*
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