
God Damn it Pinkie

May 24th, 2013
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  1. >you sit down with Rainbow Dash to get some chow
  2. >you rummage through your fridge, looking for anything edible
  3. >beer, pickles, frozen pizza that has a few different colonies of mold and possibly fungus, beer and more beer
  4. >you grab the pickles and beer
  5. >the pizza can wait, when a tree grows on there you'll see if you can get some tiny tree pizza fruit with tiny toppi--
  6. "Anon you got some hay? I got like a mad craving for like a big bunch of it like right now," asked Rainbow, scratching her rumbling stomach
  7. >what the fuck would you have hay for
  8. "Actually Rainbow, I don't. I don't eat that straw stuff, remember?"
  9. >she rolls her eyes
  10. "Well hurry up, ya big lug. I want some hay and I'm not gonna venture in your fridge, except for beer,"
  11. >a half grin grows on the side of your face as you close the fridge door...
  12. >but not before grabbing a brewski for your broski
  13. >you throw it at her, winking
  14. "Now you don't even have to call Daring Do to get past the pizza rainforest in there..."
  15. >she grins and cracks the can open with her teeth, taking a long drag
  16. "Thanks, bro," she replies after sighing happily
  17. >not wasting any more time, you both head out the door
  18. >Dash makes her own name look slow as she sprints to Applejack's barn
  19. >she's so damn fast when she's hungry
  20. >you don't stand a chance
  21. >you end up walking, you're not going to run with a jar of pickles and a beer
  22. >about five minutes later, you get to the barn and start running when you hear sounds
  23. >sounds like Rainbow, is she okay?
  24. >you rush in to find your Dashbro laying where a big pile of hay used to be, stomach the size of a beach ball
  25. "I ate wayyy too much," she moans
  26. >you shake your head, but suddenly freeze when you spot movement
  27. >in the hay
  28. >like a pink periscope, Pinkie emerges from the hay dunes
  29. >we have pinksign
  30. >oh no
  31. >not the grin
  32. >it's THAT grin
  33. [spoiler]"Rainbow, after eating all that hay, you sure have a baleful look about you!"[/spoiler]
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