

Nov 19th, 2019
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  1. # SimC Addon 1.12.3
  2. # Requires SimulationCraft 820-01 or newer
  4. druid="Makahiki"
  5. level=120
  6. race=zandalari_troll
  7. zandalari_loa=paku
  8. region=us
  9. server=eredar
  10. role=attack
  11. professions=alchemy=175/herbalism=175
  12. talents=1312132
  13. spec=feral
  15. azerite_essences=14:3/300573/12:3/300575/300576/27:3/300577
  16. # azerite_essences_available=2:3/4:3/5:3/6:3/7:3/12:3/13:2/14:3/17:2/19:1/20:3/21:3/22:2/23:1/25:2/27:3/28:3/32:1
  18. head=,id=159318,bonus_id=5448/1617/4786/6270/4775,context=35,azerite_powers=111/196/30/83/13
  19. neck=,id=158075,bonus_id=6316/4932/4933/1608,context=11,azerite_level=69
  20. shoulder=,id=159299,bonus_id=5448/1617/4786/6271/4775,context=35,azerite_powers=358/209/22/14/13
  21. back=,id=168604,gem_id=168639,bonus_id=4799/1808/1502/4786,context=5
  22. chest=,id=155860,bonus_id=5448/1617/4786/6269/4775,context=35,azerite_powers=209/481/20/219/13
  23. shirt=,id=167196
  24. wrist=,id=167766,gem_id=154128,bonus_id=6300/4802/6294/1512/4786
  25. hands=,id=170334,enchant_id=5932,gem_id=168637,bonus_id=6300/4802/6294/1512/4786
  26. waist=,id=167765,gem_id=168639,bonus_id=6300/4802/6294/1512/4786
  27. legs=,id=168378,bonus_id=4800/1517/4786,context=6
  28. feet=,id=170141,gem_id=168639,bonus_id=6300/4802/40/6294/1512/4786
  29. finger1=,id=159461,enchant_id=6108,bonus_id=5010/41/1612/4783,context=35
  30. finger2=,id=158314,enchant_id=6108,bonus_id=5010/1612/5860/4784,context=35
  31. trinket1=,id=169319,gem_id=153708,bonus_id=4799/1808/1502/4786,context=5
  32. trinket2=,id=169311,bonus_id=4800/1517/4786,context=6
  33. main_hand=,id=168306,enchant_id=6148,bonus_id=4800/1517/5850/4783,context=6
  35. ### Gear from Bags
  36. #
  37. # Irontide Captain's Hat (450)
  38. # head=,id=155888,bonus_id=5448/1617/4786/6270/4775,context=35,azerite_powers=359/111/30/85/13
  39. #
  40. # Shroud of Unmooring Whispers (435)
  41. # head=,id=168349,bonus_id=4823/1502/4786/6267/4775,context=5,azerite_powers=359/209/30/15/13
  42. #
  43. # Helm of the Inexorable Tide (435)
  44. # head=,id=168345,bonus_id=4823/1502/4786/6267/4775,context=5,azerite_powers=173/122/20/83/13
  45. #
  46. # Helm of the Inexorable Tide (445)
  47. # head=,id=168345,bonus_id=4824/1517/4786/6270,context=6,azerite_powers=
  48. #
  49. # Tidal Drifter's Shoulders (435)
  50. # shoulder=,id=168346,bonus_id=4823/1502/4786/6268/4775,context=5,azerite_powers=200/577/18/219/13
  51. #
  52. # Azsh'ari Stormsurger Cape (385)
  53. # back=,id=169489,bonus_id=6288/6300
  54. #
  55. # Gore-Splattered Vest (450)
  56. # chest=,id=159330,bonus_id=5448/1617/4786/6269/4775,context=35,azerite_powers=122/194/38/83/13
  57. #
  58. # Tunic of the Sycophant (435)
  59. # chest=,id=168350,bonus_id=4823/1502/4786/6266/4775,context=5,azerite_powers=200/250/31/467/13
  60. #
  61. # Type II Bomber Jacket (415)
  62. # chest=,id=169073,bonus_id=4819/1472/4786/6263,context=23,azerite_powers=
  63. #
  64. # Blackwater Shimmerscale Vest (450)
  65. # chest=,id=168343,bonus_id=4824/1517/4786/6269/4775,context=6,azerite_powers=169/359/30/84/13
  66. #
  67. # Red Martial Shirt (1)
  68. # shirt=,id=167195
  69. #
  70. # Red Martial Shirt (1)
  71. # shirt=,id=167195
  72. #
  73. # Rustbolt Resistance Tabard (120)
  74. # tabard=,id=168619,context=14
  75. #
  76. # Cultured Pearl Armbands (445)
  77. # wrist=,id=168883,bonus_id=4800/1517/4786,context=6
  78. #
  79. # Fathomstalker Coils (385)
  80. # wrist=,id=170122,bonus_id=6288/6300/4802
  81. #
  82. # Sea Dog's Cuffs (440)
  83. # wrist=,id=158305,bonus_id=5010/1612/4783,context=35
  84. #
  85. # Sea Dog's Cuffs (430)
  86. # wrist=,id=158305,bonus_id=5010/1602/4786,context=16
  87. #
  88. # Kula's Butchering Wristwraps (440)
  89. # wrist=,id=159300,bonus_id=5010/1612/4783,context=35
  90. #
  91. # Corrosive Handler's Gloves (440)
  92. # hands=,id=159305,bonus_id=5010/1612/4783,context=35
  93. #
  94. # Underrot Grotto Tenders (430)
  95. # hands=,id=159344,bonus_id=5010/1602/4786,context=16
  96. #
  97. # Anglerfish Feelers (450)
  98. # hands=,id=168376,bonus_id=4800/43/1517/5850/4783,context=6
  99. #
  100. # Beloved Monarch's Waistwrap (430)
  101. # waist=,id=168871,bonus_id=4799/1502/4786,context=5
  102. #
  103. # Bloodfeaster Belt (440)
  104. # waist=,id=159325,bonus_id=5010/1612/4783,context=35
  105. #
  106. # Mad King's Sporran (420)
  107. # waist=,id=168986,bonus_id=4779/4802/1472/5850/4783,context=23
  108. #
  109. # Breeches of the Sacred Hall (440)
  110. # legs=,id=159313,bonus_id=5010/1612/4783,context=35
  111. #
  112. # Seawalker's Pantaloons (440)
  113. # legs=,id=159322,bonus_id=5010/1612/4783,context=35
  114. #
  115. # Moss-Covered Wingtip Shoes (430)
  116. # feet=,id=159347,bonus_id=5010/1602/4786,context=16
  117. #
  118. # Footpads of the Serene Wake (445)
  119. # feet=,id=159295,bonus_id=5010/42/1612/5850/4784,context=35
  120. #
  121. # Commander's Signet of Battle (395)
  122. # finger1=,id=166559,enchant_id=5943,context=14
  123. #
  124. # Seal of Ghoulish Glee (395)
  125. # finger1=,id=143904,bonus_id=6315,drop_level=120
  126. #
  127. # Logic Loop of Maintenance (415)
  128. # finger1=,id=169076,bonus_id=4779/4802/1472/4786,context=23
  129. #
  130. # Seal of the Regal Loa (430)
  131. # finger1=,id=159458,enchant_id=6109,bonus_id=5007/1592/5855/4783,context=16
  132. #
  133. # Loop of Pulsing Veins (440)
  134. # finger1=,id=159463,bonus_id=5010/1612/4783,context=35
  135. #
  136. # Seal of Questionable Loyalties (430)
  137. # finger1=,id=158314,enchant_id=6109,bonus_id=5010/40/1602/4786,context=16
  138. #
  139. # Azshara's Font of Power (430)
  140. # trinket1=,id=169314,bonus_id=4799/1502/4786,context=5
  141. #
  142. # Ascended Alchemist Stone (440)
  143. # trinket1=,id=168676,gem_id=168639,context=13
  144. #
  145. # Fang of the Behemoth (445)
  146. # main_hand=,id=168397,bonus_id=4800/1517/4786,context=6
  147. #
  148. # Current-Weaver's Gavel (430)
  149. # main_hand=,id=168904,enchant_id=6112,bonus_id=4799/1502/4786,context=5
  150. #
  151. # Blightreaper (440)
  152. # main_hand=,id=159662,bonus_id=5010/1612/4783,context=35
  153. #
  154. # Herbalist's Spade (4)
  155. # main_hand=,id=85663,context=14
  156. #
  157. # Plundered Ambershaper's Egg (325)
  158. # off_hand=,id=164338,context=11
  159. #
  160. # Tidebinder's Driftglobe (445)
  161. # off_hand=,id=168477,bonus_id=4800/1808/1517/4786,context=6
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