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a guest
Jul 5th, 2012
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  1. [INFO] 5011 trainlabels (214149936)
  2. [INFO] mkl_epsilon = 1.0e-05
  3. [INFO] C_mkl = 0.0e+00
  4. [INFO] mkl_norm = 1.000e+00
  5. [INFO] solver = 0
  6. [INFO] ent_lambda = 0.000000
  7. [INFO] mkl_block_norm = 1.000000
  8. [INFO] num_kernels = 1
  9. [DEBUG] threads = 16
  10. [DEBUG] qpsize = 41
  11. [DEBUG] epsilon = 1.0e-05
  12. [DEBUG] kernel->has_property(KP_LINADD) = 0
  13. [DEBUG] kernel->has_property(KP_KERNCOMBINATION) = 1
  14. [DEBUG] kernel->has_property(KP_BATCHEVALUATION) = 1
  15. [DEBUG] kernel->get_optimization_type() = FASTBUTMEMHUNGRY
  16. [DEBUG] get_solver_type() = 0
  17. [DEBUG] get_linadd_enabled() = 1
  18. [DEBUG] get_batch_computation_enabled() = 1
  19. [DEBUG] kernel->get_num_subkernels() = 1
  20. [DEBUG] use_kernel_cache = 1
  21. [INFO] using a kernel cache of size 10 MB (10485760 bytes) for CustomKernel Kernel
  22. [INFO] using a kernel cache of size 10 MB (10485760 bytes) for CombinedKernel Kernel
  23. [DEBUG] alpha:0 num_sv:0
  24. [DEBUG] 5011 totdoc 238 pos 4773 neg
  25. [DEBUG] Optimizing...
  26. [DEBUG] totdoc:5011
  27. [DEBUG] inactive:0
  28. [DEBUG] (460 iterations)[INFO] Optimization finished (139 misclassified, maxdiff=0.00000936).
  29. [INFO] obj = -362.1934621288817766, rho = 0.7267092621091049
  30. [INFO] Number of SV: 721 (including 284 at upper bound)
  31. kernel Weights [ 1.]
  32. apply
  33. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'shogun::ShogunException'
  34. Aborted (core dumped)
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