
Semi-Abuse Compilation

May 28th, 2012
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  1. >Eating lunch in the park.
  2. >Been watching fluffy pony wander around, begging people for food.
  3. >Been overcast. Suddenly it starts snowing.
  4. >You're tough. Keep eating sandwhich.
  5. >Fluffy pony shivers and whimpers.
  6. >"Fwuffy cold... fwuffy need fin' home."
  7. >Fluffy pony finds a big hole in the grass. Must be a badger hole.
  8. >Fluffy looks into hole hesitantly.
  9. >"New home?"
  10. >He slowly walks into the hole. Just barely fits him.
  11. >"Dawk... Fwuffy scawed!"
  12. >He turns around, looking for help. Nobody's nearby.
  13. >He's shivering violently from the cold.
  14. >Whimpering from hunger, fear and cold, he forces himself into the hole.
  15. >Approach the hole and listen closely.
  16. >"Dawk and scawry... fwuffy no see..."
  17. >A minute passes.
  18. >"New fwend?"
  19. >You hear a badger growling angrily.
  20. >"Owie!!" fluffy screams in pain. "Owie! Owie! Hewp! No huwt fwuffy! Pwese s'op! No huwt! Owie!!"
  21. >Hear sharp claws slicing into fluffy and flesh.
  22. >Weird smell comes out of hole.
  23. >Fluffy doesn't come out of hole.
  25. ___
  27. >Be an electrician.
  28. >Get called to fix wiring in a home for sale.
  29. >Original owner died in bus explosion.
  30. >Enter home with key the real estate bitch gave you.
  31. >Get to work.
  32. >Check circuit breaker, check fuses.
  33. >Gotta fix up the lighting breaker in the attic.
  34. >Go into attic.
  35. >"Daddy?"
  36. >Oh jeez. A pink fluffy pony is sitting in the dark attic.
  37. >She cries when she sees you.
  38. >"No daddy... fwuffy wan' daddy! Fwuffy so hungwy..."
  39. >Must've belonged to the owner.
  40. >Not your problem. Try to ignore her.
  41. >Open wiring box in corner.
  42. >"Fwuffy so hungwy..." she mewls, coming over to you.
  43. >"New fwend? Pwese gif' foodies... daddy no bwing foodies..."
  44. >Roll your eyes. Annoying things.
  45. >Suddenly, fluffy pony sees the exposed electric wires.
  46. >"Sketties!!" she cheers. She gallops past your hands and bites into a yellow wire.
  47. >POP!!!
  48. >Sudenly; blood, guts and fluffy are everywhere.
  49. >Fluffy short-circuited and exploded all over you.
  50. >Holy crap! You forgot to turn off the power line! You would've died!
  51. >Stupid fluffy pony saved your life.
  52. >Not sure how to feel.
  53. >Finish job, get paid, smoke some weed.
  54. >Feel good.
  56. ___
  58. >Be a British wild-game hunter!
  59. >Fluffy ponies have invaded your upper-class London neighborhood! Bloody hell!
  60. >Finish your tea and crumpets. Pull out your Winchester. Jolly good then!
  61. >Stride out into street, armed and at the ready.
  62. >"New fwend?" "Pway?" "Fwuffy hungwy!" "Give huggies, pwese!!"
  63. >"Not today, lads!" you guffaw. "Your bullocks shall fancify my trophy case!"
  64. >Fire rounds into fluffy ponies. What good fun! They aren't even giving chase!
  65. >"Bully!" you hoorah as the fluffy ponies die by your good aim and discipline.
  66. >Stroke your waxed moustach as fluffy ponies cower before your fine leather boots.
  67. >Stop to smoke a mahogany pipe and admire your victories as of yet.
  68. >A red fluffy pony spots you and trots up to you. "New fwend?"
  69. >Boot him into the air and shoot the wonky bugger!
  70. >Get a phone call from Queen Mum as fluff rains down on your pointed safari cap.
  71. >Her Majesty says you are to be knighted!
  72. >Thank your immortal Queen and assure her your boon will provide delicious components for the ceremonial dinner.
  73. >Stuff fluffy pony intestines into your loot sack.
  74. >Only the best ingredients for the finest cuisine on earth! Not like those filthy Yanks and their popped-corn!
  75. >Hear Big Ben chime, its victorious tone ringing in your fine imperial blood! Bloody hell, it's already six bong?
  76. >Hurry back inside before you miss Tea Time! The rest of the fluffies shall be flayed by your hand tomorrow!
  77. >Jolly good then!
  79. ___
  81. >Fluffy pony mare is wandering in city with her last foal.
  82. >"Hungwy mummah!" the foal cries.
  83. >Fluffy mare feels it's dangerous to stop here.
  84. >Big open alley. Big buildings. Noises of monsters nearby.
  85. >"No foodies," the mare sighs. "Huwwy, babeh! Munstahs fin' us if swow."
  86. >"No wike munsahs!" the foal cries.
  87. >Fluffy mare suddenly spots a milk crate! With a rag inside!!
  88. >"Bwanky!" the mare cries with joy. She scoots her foal into the crate and helps wrap her up in the rag.
  89. >"Wike bwanky!" the foal coos. "Wawm! Wuv mummah!"
  90. >The mare nuzzles her foal. "Mummah wuv babeh."
  91. >Suddenly, both of their bellies rumble.
  92. >"Tummy owies," the foal whimpers. "Mummah, nummies! Pwese gif' nummies!"
  93. >The mare looks around helplessly. She's out of milk. Her baby needs foodies like her now.
  94. >But there are no foodies.
  95. >"Babeh stay here," the mare says, cuddling with her foal one last time.
  96. >"No, mummah! No weave! Wan' mummah!" the foal cries.
  97. >"Mummah fin' nummies! Babeh stay here! Mummah be wight back!"
  98. >The mare quickly trots down the alley.
  99. >The foal watches, already painfully lonely.
  100. >The foal sees a shadow moving on the fence, following her mother.
  101. >The foal sees her mother walk behind a dumpster, sniffing for food.
  102. >The foal sees the shadow leap down behind the dumpster.
  103. >The foal hears her mother yelp in fright, and then there's only silence.
  104. >"Mummah?" the foal whispers. She wants to run over to her mother.
  105. >But she remembers that her mother told her to stay here.
  106. >And it's so cold out, and the blanky is so warm.
  107. >The foal squeaks miserably for hours. "Mummah? Wan' mummah back..."
  108. >She can't keep her eyes open. She curls up in the rag until she's completely cozy, but still so hungry.
  109. >She dies of hunger in the night.
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