
Filly Rainbow Dash Cute Macro Quickie

Dec 13th, 2013
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  1. You’ve been the foalsitter of Rainbow Dash for a few months; she was a tad wild and impulsive, thinking of her actions only after she had done them. But she wasn’t very difficult to look after; in fact, you loved being the caretaker of such a chipper young filly. Adventure was never in short supply with Rainbow; she was always trying to find a way to increase her speed and agility. Tonight was special; it was four months since you first came to supervise her to the exact day. Dash grew a slight attachment to you; it appeared, because as soon as you opened the door, she flew excitedly towards you with a smile that could only be described as perfect. “Tonight Anon, oh, we are going to have such an awesome and fun time!” Rainbow exclaimed. You took your coat off, and walked toward the cloud couch with Rainbow happily trotting beside you, her face full of glee. With a long sigh, you fell back into the seat, sinking into a comfortable oasis of relaxation. Rainbow pulled herself up onto the arm of the couch with a huff, sitting next to you with a mile long smile. Looking over to the beaming filly, your scowl slowly turns into a definite smile.
  2. “Alright Rainbow, what do you have planned for us tonight, video games, training?” You began to list off possible activities. Rainbow wanted you to continue to guess, clearly, but she was positively about to burst at the seams.
  3. Before you finished guessing, Rainbow blurted out “Dash and Mouse, Dash and Mouse!” She began to jump up and down on the couch with glee.
  4. “D-Dash and mouse, what’s that game Rainbow?” You nervously reply.
  5. “You’ll love it, let me get it setup, okay?!” She hopped off of the couch. You watched as she skipped away into her room, her tail swaying in the heat of the moment. It was a tad nerve wracking waiting to see what she had planned; Rainbow was always one of the most unpredictable fillies in Equestria. There was no telling what she had in store for you; it could’ve been an insane stunt with ten bears and a flaming hoop for all you could know. Tick tock, tick tock, the clock was moving at a snail’s pace, Dash had left only ten minutes ago, but it felt like an eternity. Finally, you heard Dash flapping her little wings and enter the room. She dove right onto your lap, nearly taking the air out of your lungs. Rainbow took a minute to regain her bearings, shaking her head with a giddy smile. She was holding a small vial of purple liquid in her mouth, with a small squeak; she spat it into your hand. Upon further inspection, the liquid was fizzing slightly and you could even see the aroma being emitted from it.
  6. “What exactly is this, Rainbow?” You inquired, still examining the liquid.
  7. “Well you see Anon, my idea for a game we could play starts with you drinking that grape punch!”
  8. “That didn’t exactly answer my question, Dash.” You answered, eyeing her through the container with your brow raised.
  9. “It’s grape punch! That’s all!” Smiled Rainbow as a bead of sweat raced down her forehead.
  10. “Fine, Rainbow, I’ll drink it, I can see you put a huge amount of work into this.” Placing the cork into your mouth and removing it with your teeth, you were struck with an exotic bouquet of smell. The stench of bleach and low class cologne flooded your nostrils. With a tilt of the vial and a plug of your nose, you downed the pasty beverage. A taste akin to only the dirtiest of hooves blasted your taste buds, nearly annihilating them. Surprisingly, the beverage went down smoother than any other liquid you have ever drank, caressing your insides as it flew down your body. In an instant, a light tingling sensation came directly from your stomach, and with an audible *POP* you felt as if most of your body had withered up like a raisin.
  11. “Rainbow, what did you do?!” You screamed, looking around at the world which was now at least ten times you’re size.
  12. “I had to, Anon; it is the only way we could play Dash and Mouse!” She giggled, the filly now towering above you with a sly grin. “And come on, you are sooo cute now!” Continued Dash, patting her hoof gently on your head with the most care she has possibly ever shown something.
  13. Ignoring the soft embrace of the cyan hoof, you let out an exhausted sigh and said only “What are the rules..?”
  14. “It’s kind of simple, Anon, I’m the big bad amazing awesomely cool Dash, and you are the tiny and cute mouse.” The now massive filly confidently said. “You run, I try to catch ya, the game ends when I getcha, got it?”
  16. “Fine, how much time do I get for a head start?” You said, stretching out your small legs and arms.
  17. “I’ll count down from sixty, and then you better be ready!” Exclaimed Dash and with those last words, she closed her eyes and motioned with her wing for you to get ready to make a mad sprint towards the nearest hiding spot.
  18. You are the master of stealth; you can hide from some rowdy filly. But a colossus rowdy filly, that is a true challenge for you. Rainbow began to count backward from sixty, and you knew that time was of the essence. With a loud scream, you ran and leapt off of the couch. Momentum travelled through your body like a highway, and it shook you to the very core. No time to dwell on your partially shaken brain, Dashie was already on fifty and was getting closer and closer to zero. Eyes full of held back tears from the blunt fall, there was only one area in sight. Behind a finely crafted bookshelf, a perfect hiding place from the monstrous filly. Making a mad sprint towards your only possible sanctuary, Rainbow was continually nearing the dreaded number zero. Finally, you had made it to the shelf, the giant obelisk casting a wonderful shadow over you. “Damn, this is going to be a tight fit” You thought to yourself, nearly considering abandoning this location. Sucking in whatever gut you had and making your limbs as compact as humanly possible, you squeezed yourself into the opening with a loud grunt. Sandwiched between the oak shelf and the light blue wall was not exactly a fantastic hiding spot, but it worked nonetheless. Rainbow rowdily shouted “Ready or not, Anon, I’m comin’ for ya!”
  20. Attempting to calm yourself, you began to breathe in slowly and at least try to get the sound of Rainbow flapping her little wings out of your mind. Trying was the exact problem. Your heart began to beat faster and faster, sweat was beginning to make your face look like a waterfall. Rainbow wasn’t exactly having the same feelings, as she was constantly taunting you with nearly heart stopping words. “Anon~, come out and play you little mouse!” A feeling of dread overcame you and your heart came to a swift halt. Filly Dash was hovering right above the bookcase, peering over at the other side of the room. Her body completely overtook the light; you were stuck in the dark as long as she remained above your current position. “I can’t find him anywhere!” She disappointedly said, as she continued to hover directly above you. “It’s been at least three minutes, this is getting old, maybe I should just give-“ Rainbow stopped dead in her tracks, apparently a new idea sparked inside of her brain. “I’ve looked over the entire room, on the chairs, in the cabinets, I’ve searched everywhere except-“Her voice faded from you earshot, the light returning to your canyon. A sigh of relief came out of your mouth; your heart began to beat once again, moving your hand as much as you could to mop up the sweat out of your eyes.
  22. Turning your head to the right, a strange sight filled your eyes. A ring of light purple surrounding an endless black void was looking directly at you. “Hi Anon~ found you!” Dash moved her eye away from the opening and forced in one of her cyan hooves. Hastily, you began to shimmy in the opposite direction of the quickly approaching skyscraper-like filly hoof. “And gotcha!” She quickly tried to grasp you. The bookcase was not extremely long, so as you escaped the grip of monsterfilly, you were forced out of your safe haven. Rainbow wasting no time in following up her assault on the bookshelf flew up into the sky, nearly hitting the ceiling and swooped downwards, aiming right for you. Shock and awe filled your eyes as Rainbow majestically flew through the air, her scruffy mane blowing from the speed she was picking up. With a mid-air spin, Rainbow landed in front of the ground in front of you with a loud *THUMP* “Give up yet, Anon?” You turned and began to sprint away with your tail between your legs. Rainbow sent her left hoof crashing down in front of you, blocking your path. “Nu uh uh!” She said confidently. You bobbed around the titanic tomboy’s hoof, this game wasn’t over yet you thought. This retreat was going seemingly well you thought, but after a moment of reflection, you quickly changed your mind.
  23. Feeling completely exposed, the game was seemingly winding down in Rainbow’s favor. It was only a matter of time she caught you, she may not have been the smartest filly, but she sure was tenacious.
  24. Snapping your head back, it was time to face the music and end this short game of “Dash and Mouse.” With all of your energy and might, you charged directly at the titanic filly.
  25. “ATATATATATATATATATA!” beginning to wildly swing your arms like rubber at her, Rainbow galloping furiously towards you. “Whooping Crane strike HIYA!” Jumping with a leg extended with the intent to hit her hoof, she shoots you a happy smirk before you two clash. Rainbow’s hoof unknowingly came crashing down onto you, nearly flattening your body. It would have flattened your body, in fact, but her hoof was like a stern marshmallow. Rainbow was confused at what exactly just happened, as she was shouting out your name and asking where you went. Stuck to her squishy yet stern hoof and being forced against the floor, you gave her a slight tap to aid her in locating you. The view shifted from a cloud to an embarrassed yet proud looking filly Rainbow Dash, holding you up to her face.
  27. “Sorry about squishing you, Anon, I didn’t mean to.” Rainbow began to slightly tear up.
  28. “Don’t worry, Dash, this game was actually pretty fun!” As you said that, her muzzle shifted from downright depression to an immeasurable amount of happiness. “But you should get me back to my normal size; your parents will be home any minute.” You spoke to the giant grinning filly while staring at the clock.
  29. “A-anon, you always have to leave before bed time, could you stay the night? P-please, it’s not like I’m afraid of the dark or anything like that.”
  30. It took little thought to come up with an answer to that question, and you only nodded in agreement. Instantly, filly Dash picked you up by the back of your shirt with her teeth, and happily skipped off into her room holding you.
  31. She flew over her bed, dropped you onto the trampoline surface, and energetically slid under her blanket. Rainbow extended her hoof toward you one final time, pulling you close to her chest, and snuggled you tight. The position you were in was quite comfortable, her breath and heartbeat soothing and comforting you. You curled up with her hoof, next to her chest and drifted into a happy sleep. Rainbow gave you a small peck on the head, and fell asleep curled up with you held close to her heart. Dash whispered something that you couldn’t hear while you sleeping.
  32. “I love you, Anon.”
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