
eldritchSongbird & Seriously_Subdued 2

Apr 23rd, 2015
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  1. Seriously_Subdued began espering eldritchSongbird
  2. SS: Holy shit
  3. SS: Its been a few hours and this things still downloading
  4. SS: What kinda shit is this
  5. ES: I don't know tbh
  6. SS: I tried turning my comp off no luck.
  7. ES: I'm not really going to complain
  8. ES: internet here is real slow
  9. ES: also why would you turn off your computer while downloading?
  10. SS: Its taken hours for a free to play? No way m80 I could've been doing things
  11. SS: Don't ask me what cause i have no idea
  12. SS: but things
  13. ES: important things, no doubt
  14. SS: Probably the most important things you'd ever heard of, who knows it might even BLOW YOUR MIND
  15. SS: probably not though
  16. ES: haha
  17. SS: So you talked to any of thee other scrubs?
  18. Zion_Errand
  19. ES: I talked to SD, but I already told you about that
  20. SS: No one else? Just the obsesed dragon lady?
  21. ES: she didn't mention dragons when I talked to her
  22. SS: I can quote her right now
  23. ES: I talked a bit to LC as well, but she's been away from her computer
  24. SS: "Dragon Dildos are the best, I love them."
  25. SS: ^ obsessed
  26. ES: ........
  27. ES: ......................
  28. ES: ..............................
  29. SS:Oh this reminds me one of these guys is illiterate
  30. ES: I'll have to ask her about that
  31. SS: So don't be expecting any responces from him
  32. ES: also who? aside from shouty
  33. SS: Iwouldn't she'll tell you all about them -_-
  34. ES: yeah
  35. ES: but who's illiterate?
  36. SS: the Dt guy
  37. SS: literally blanked me
  38. SS: poor dude
  39. ES: huh
  40. ES: maybe he just doesn't like talking
  41. SS: maybe we can teach him the art of L33T R34D1NG 5K1LL5
  42. ES: oh god xD
  43. SS: nah He's illiterate 100% sure
  44. SS: let me quote him here "I am illiterate please kill me"
  45. SS: sad really :/
  46. ES: how did he write that if he's illiterate
  47. SS:......
  48. SS: Do you know what illiterate means?
  49. ES: oh
  50. ES: so you're saying he can write but can't read
  51. SS: yes exactly that.
  52. ES: either that, or he was just too polite to say 'gtfo'
  53. SS: Why would he say that? 0_0
  54. ES: I don't know
  55. ES: I'm just saying
  56. ES: if you take 12 random people playing an online game
  57. ES: some of them are bound to be pretty strange
  58. SS: Yeah like Dragon Dildo girl
  59. ES: I'm still having trouble processing that
  60. SS: Anyway did you hear the good news?
  61. SS: orry *great news
  62. SS:Possibly the best news
  63. ES: enlighten me
  64. SS: When this game starts I shall lead us to victory, mountain dew and dank memes
  65. SS: (except not the mountain dew or memes)
  66. ES: you're going to lead us?
  67. SS: sure why not? I made a circle.
  68. ES: oh
  69. SS: Oh lemme enlighten you once more
  70. ES: so you're becoming like shouty?
  71. SS: Heh hopefully not 0_0 Look i just want to get this thing off my pc the faster we get started the sooner it ends.
  72. SS: look at this beauty http://i.imgur.com/H5FjwTA.jpg
  73. ES: so you're not looking forward to actually playing the game?
  74. ES: that's a bit sad
  75. ES: also you have atrocious handwriting
  76. SS: I only downloaded this because i was bored, now i'm just concerned that this is a virus or something
  78. SS: in its own way :/
  79. ES: of course it is
  80. ES: nah, I don't think it's a virus
  81. SS: :O heavan
  82. SS: *hevan
  83. ES: ?
  84. SS: nevermind xD Hey i have a surprise for you
  85. ES: oooh, what is it?
  86. SS: well you know how i said i was bored
  87. ES: yeah?
  88. SS: Well i took it upon myself to draw a portrait of you
  89. SS: http://imgur.com/zJl72yc
  90. Zion_Errand
  91. ES: yes
  92. ES: that's def how I look
  93. SS: You wouldn't believe how long this took me
  94. ES: I'm going to say every second since our last conversation
  95. SS: Longer
  96. ES: +extra time added from traveling three days into the past
  97. SS: like before you were born
  98. ES: whoa
  99. ES: that's a lot of time
  100. SS: Yea thats why it looks exactly like you
  101. SS: I take pride in my work
  102. ES: yeah I can tell
  103. SS: It only took me 5 mins for the Mona Lisa though, that shit was easy.
  104. ES: yeah, I saw it once
  105. ES: piece of shit
  106. SS: Whoa calm it I'd like to see you do better in 5 minutes
  107. SS: barely had time to finish that goddawful smile
  108. ES: I could make music that'd make you cry in five min
  109. ES: np np
  110. SS: The only song i've heard by you is darude
  111. SS: and it sucks
  112. SS: Lets stop this now we all know my art is great full stop :P
  113. ES: pf ok
  114. ES: so what have you really been doing since you started downloading?
  115. SS: Well i went and got a mountain dew
  116. SS: then it got destroyed
  117. ES: you drank it in other words
  118. SS: ughhh no......
  119. ES: then what happened?
  120. SS: Long story
  121. SS: Y'know those inventory m'bobers
  122. SS: Yea i lost the game of blackjack
  123. SS: Another £1.50 into the void
  124. ES: haha I wonder what happens to the stuff you lose
  125. ES: mass doesn't disappear just like that
  126. ES: if I paid any attention in physics
  127. SS: who fucking cares I'm thirsty and that dew is somewhere in someother persons mouth
  128. ES: idk, I think you should care
  129. ES: maybe it goes into some sort of void stash
  130. ES: and then one day you find it
  131. ES: and you recover everything you ever lost
  132. SS: Ha Bullshit xD This isn't the X-men
  133. ES: idk I just hope you get back all the stuff you lost to your stupid sylladex
  134. SS: Hey its not stupid!
  135. SS: Its cool!
  136. ES: haha alright xD
  137. ES: btw speaking of drinking
  138. ES: I spent my time searching my cabin more thoroughly
  139. ES: and I found like a fountain shaped like a frog in the back
  140. ES: delicious fresh water flowing out of it's mouth
  141. SS: Frog water sounds disgusting
  142. ES: no it's fresh
  143. ES: also it's the only drink that isn't river water or canned bean water
  144. ES: yeah this cabin kinda sucks
  145. SS: I get that but... frog water
  146. SS: Water.....from a frog
  147. ES: yeah I agree it kinda looks like he's puking
  148. ES: but I mean
  149. ES: it isn't the worst thing about this cabin
  150. SS: Is the water green and does it look like mountain dew?
  151. SS: because if it is this has really come full circle
  152. SS: and we know that you stole my Dew.
  153. ES: ...................
  154. ES: lies
  155. SS: 0_0 Its true isn't it
  156. ES: for all I know, it may be true
  157. ES: this cabin was sponsored+set up by the company dad works for
  158. ES: I have no idea why, and their logo is all over the place
  160. SS: oh no he worked for skia
  161. SS:...
  162. ES: yeah
  163. SS: ahh well.
  164. ES: I honestly have no idea what he does on his job
  165. SS: He's a village idiot - he get paid in mountain dew
  166. ES: hey!
  167. ES: that's my dad you're talking about
  168. SS: For all you know it could be true
  169. ES: he may be neglective and not there for me when I need him
  170. Seriously_Subdued
  171. SS: or he could be a male jiggalo
  172. ES: but still
  173. SS: Y'never know with these things
  174. ES: don't talk shit about dad
  175. SS: :L Okay okay calm it was just a joke, its not like he's dead or anything.
  176. ES: ...
  177. ES: I hope you're right
  178. ES: I haven't heard from him since he sent me the link
  179. SS: 0_0
  180. SS: still?
  181. SS: have you tried contacting him?
  182. ES: yeah, sent a couple of messages
  183. ES: nothing
  184. SS: I'm sure he's fine and it could be worse you could be trapped with Katie
  185. SS: she fucking scares me :s
  186. ES: I still don't see why
  187. ES: I guess we've seen different sides of her then
  188. SS: no one has different sides
  189. SS: you act the way you are and thats that.
  190. ES: .......sure
  191. ES: let's go with that
  192. SS: What do you mean 0_0
  193. SS: your scaring me now too :S
  194. ES: no, it's nothing
  195. SS: Not good with cryptic writings
  196. SS: It obviously is something
  197. ES: just something she told me, but I don't want to be gossipping
  198. ES: she'll tell you herself, or she won't
  199. ES: that's up to her to decide, not me
  200. SS: How am i supposed to trust people who i don't know?
  201. ES: I don't know
  202. SS:....
  203. ES: I trust people
  204. SS:wow
  205. ES: it comes naturally to me
  206. SS: y'know i'm gonna do it right here
  207. ES: what?
  208. SS: congratulations
  209. ES: haha for what?
  210. SS: You've been nominated for a pullitzer prize
  211. ES: :O
  212. SS: For insanity
  213. SS: Now please enter the hall filled with dragon dildos
  214. ES: .......
  215. ES: I have to talk to her about that
  216. ES: wtf
  217. SS: Ikr messed up kid
  218. SS: if it even is a kid 0_0
  219. SS: on that note how old are you?
  220. ES: 15
  221. ES: you?
  222. SS: 17
  223. SS: In these 2 more years I've learned only to trust those who you know
  224. ES: wow old man senpai over here
  225. ES: :I
  226. ES: I hope you can learn to trust strangers again
  227. SS: -_-
  228. ES: :3
  229. SS: Your too happy
  230. SS: Your dad's missing (presumed jigaloed) and your happy
  231. ES: I know
  232. SS: HOW
  233. ES: I guess I'm still mad at him
  234. SS: 0_0
  235. ES: yeah ._.
  236. SS: Ok so i don't like m parents you'know that
  237. ES: yeah I know
  238. SS: But why are you mad at him???
  239. SS: He's presumably Jiagaloed!
  240. ES: I don't want to be mad at him
  241. ES: but I can't help it
  242. ES: he's a wonderful person
  243. SS: so much sense make
  244. ES: but both he and mom
  245. ES: they don't mean it
  246. ES: but they make me feel unwanted
  247. SS: hmph
  248. ES: eh.
  249. SS: I honestly don't know what to say
  250. ES: wow yeah I really trust people too easily
  251. Seriously_Subdued
  252. SS: then stop
  253. ES: can't help it :I
  254. SS: Why! I just... It just ughhh....
  255. ES: :I
  256. SS: Anyway I'm just saying I can't trust you if you feel the need to keep secrets m80
  257. ES: alright, thank you ^^
  258. ES: I'm sorry for just laying out my emotions on you like this
  259. ES: we've just met for fucks sake!
  260. SS:Yea lets just do what the shouty man says and get this over with and return to our dismal lives.
  261. SS: Its fine :L
  262. ES: yeah, I guess
  263. ES: although I gotta say
  264. ES: it feels good to rant a bit
  265. SS: well I'm off to look around the attic while this downloads, I found a dagger there just when we moved in hopefully i find something similar
  266. SS: Hopefully this gets finished soon. Cya
  267. ES: good luck ^^
  268. Seriously_Subdued ceased espering eldritchSongbird
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