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Sep 2nd, 2015
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  1. Introduction : 2 historical events explaining how the far left has won.
  3. - 1945 (end of WW2, thanks to which leftists dominates psychology, sociology, intellectual circles, "power levers"), also Lacan is a monarchist, and Françoise Dolto used to be monarchist.
  5. - 1968 (3 sides :
  7. - social (with massive strikes everywhere in France),
  9. - political (emergence or re-emergence of ultra-left (trotskyist, maoist, anarchist) groups),
  11. - moral (sexual revolution, which is the least known (because leftists are ashamed of it), May 68 started with male students asking to go to the female dorms)
  13. The sexual revolution has been continuing since then with gay marriage.
  15. The point of trotskyism is to say it is the only real marxism and that Trotsky should have won against Stalin. Actually if Trotsky had won, he would have done the same thing as Stalin did. Also trotskyists cannot agree with each other, they are very divided. The NPA ( is mainly Pablist, ie they believe in secondary struggles (alter-globalization, feminism, anti-racism). Secondary struggles are a nice strategy, we (the monarchists) should do the same thing.
  17. The POI ('_Party) is Lambertist, ie they are entryist, ie they go to the Socialist Party and subvert it from the inside (like Lionel Jospin). But it doesn't work because your militants eventually really convert to the parties they go to.
  19. The LO ( is the pure one, like a political cult. They never change, so they'll never achieve anything. They're simply waiting for the revolution.
  21. The Maoists and Stalinists are dead.
  23. The Anarchists are moralfags. They want councils everywhere, or workers' unions everywhere (with the CNT (
  25. 2 more important dates:
  27. - 1981 (victory of the Socialist Party in France): the Communists start dying and intellectuals go full Miterrand. The PCF ( is now (almost) dead.
  29. - 1989-1991 : end of the Communist Bloc. Other ideologies start appearing to replace the ideological void : degrowth ( for green politics, which is not totally a new ideology (it started in 1968 with René Dumont), greenies are utopist. Greenies are now divided in two parts:
  31. - anthropo-centrists : sustainable growth militants
  33. - bio-centrists : humans is merely one animal among others, ideology of degrowth militants
  35. What is degrowth? It is to say that economical "growth" is no longer good because we use too much natural resources and there are too many human beings on Earth, so we should stop doing that. They want us to go back to a pre-industrial era. They are neo-luddites, ie anti-machines. Luddism used to be dead because Marxists are productivists. Degrowth people use humour, we monarchists use humour too (lol). Moderate degrowth militants want a "sustainable degrowth".
  37. There are also greenie-terrorists, but they are mostly American (Unabomber).
  39. What is alter-globalization? It started in 1984. They contest the IMF, the WTO, the G7. They say "another world is possible". They are not against globalization (like us monarchists), they want another one. ATTAC ('_Action) is not hostile to free trade. Alter-globalists are ambiguous (there are contradictions), because they want an autonomy of the peoples while being for a globalization which, by nature, is against the autonomy of the peoples. Jean-Luc Mélenchon criticizes alter-globalization.
  41. Another alter-globalization contradiction is that these people are for free trade, against protectionism, unless for third world countries.
  43. Alter-globalization is nowadays so bullshit that some of the historical alter-globalists have left the movement.
  45. Alter-globalization will explode under the weight of its contradictions like anti-racism did: in France, anti-racists wanted muslims to be able to be muslims, then they discovered that muslim fanatics are awful, so contradiction and anti-racism is now quite destroyed.
  47. Conclusion:
  49. degrowth is quite nice, Alain de Benoist (a French far-right thinker) has been inspired by it. Far-left activists practices are interesting, because sometimes they work.
  51. Also, knowing your enemy is important. Our adversaries say rubbish about us because they're stupid, so they cannot fight us properly. We have to know them better, so we can fight them properly.
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