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Octavia's curse

a guest
Jul 5th, 2016
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  1. >"Hey, 'Tavi? where are you?".
  2. >You, the light gray pone, don't hear that.
  3. >You roll on the floor and close your eyes.
  4. >Your cello is resting right on the left.
  5. >It's like leaning on the floor.
  6. >You look for your bow, but you can't find it anywhere.
  7. "Hey! You thief! Give me back my bow!"
  8. >"You tried to stab a nurse with that! You should be gratefull we don't take your cello too..."
  9. "Without the bow the cello is useless..."
  10. >"We know, but we do thet for you. Also there's a pony who wants to see you"
  11. "Who is she?"
  12. >"Hi 'Tavi!"
  13. >You turn torwards the voice.
  14. "You had to help me! They wants to kill me!"
  15. >"Don't worry... they won't!"
  16. "They stole my bow! And my bowtie!"
  17. >"That's because you tried to stab a nurse with your bow and to strangle the doctor with your bowtie!"
  18. "But he is evil"
  19. >"How can you say that?"
  20. "He just wants to have sex with me!"
  21. >"I'm sure he doesn't"
  22. "So why he did me put of my clothes?"
  23. >"'Tavi, you don't need clothes."
  24. "But..."
  25. >"Maybe you need to rest... Why don't you lie on the bed and sleep?"
  26. "No! I can't!"
  27. >"Why is that?"
  28. "Can't you see you are on the bed now?"
  29. >"No, Tavi, I'm not..."
  30. "SO WHO IS SHE?"
  31. >"The bed is empty... Maybe you need to take that medicine..."
  32. "I don't want! I know it's GHB!"
  33. >"It's not..."
  35. ---
  36. [spoiler] bump [/spoiler]
  38. >Now she has left.
  39. >You are alone.
  40. >You miss your cello.
  41. >Well the cello is here, you are hugging it.
  42. >But you can't play it.
  43. >For now you're just rupping it against your mare body.
  44. >Then you just abandon your cello which just fell on the ground doing a musical sound.
  45. >You turn against the door and shout
  46. "Hey ya wankers let me out!"
  47. >A nurse approach you.
  48. >"What it's now?"
  49. "Why I'm here?"
  50. >"You are keeping saying thing that have no sense and tried to kill me it's that enough?"
  51. "No. Why should i had dont sucj things?"
  52. >"I don't know... maybe because you are psycohtic?"
  53. "I'm not!"
  54. >"No one of you admit that easily..."
  55. "But i'm a famous cellist! I can't stay here! I want to play my beloved cello!"
  56. >"You want your bow back?"
  57. "Yes!"
  58. >"You know we just can't give you back that, right?"
  59. "Why is that?"
  60. >"You broke it... You try to stab me on the flank, but it just crack in two pieces..."
  61. "Oh... Can you buy another one for me?"
  62. >"That shit is expensive! forget it!"
  63. "I can give you money! I'm rich!"
  64. >"You're not."
  65. "Am I not?"
  66. >"Well as far I know you were, but when you quit playing you have lost all your money to cure your self."
  67. "I-i quitted playing? That's not true... It can't..."
  69. ---
  70. [spoiler] bump [/spoiler]
  72. >"Yes, you quitted."
  73. "But why i did that? I love playing!"
  74. >"The newspapers said that you tried to suicide before a concert because you were too ansious..."
  75. "I don't remember that..."
  76. >"They found you in your room while you where trying to cut your femoral artery"
  77. "I found hard to believe..."
  78. >"You could ask at your friend the next time she will be here..."
  79. "Has Vinyl tried to help me? Did she come to visit me?"
  80. >"Who?"
  81. "My friend, Vinyl!"
  82. >"But your friend isn't called Vinyl..."
  83. "I don't remember having other friends... Who is she?"
  84. >"She said she was one of your colleague. Now she is the first cello."
  85. "Oh... So let me recall everything"
  86. >"What?"
  87. "I'm a famous cellist, first cellist of the royal Orchestra. One day I'm apparently too ansious and i try to kill myself even if i'm not suicidal nor i have been ansious before. Then i got here and started to be cured for being psycohtic. Is that right?"
  88. >"Yes!"
  89. "And the only pony that comes here to visit me isn't my friend Vinyl but the mare who stole my place at the Orchestra after I quitted? That's strange..."
  90. >"Are you paranoid, too?"
  91. "I just wanted to point that out..."
  92. >"You just did it!"
  93. "Can you do me a favor?"
  94. >"I'm not buying you a new bow..."
  95. "I just want you to find my friend Vinyl. Also don't let that mare, my 'friend' to come here. Please!"
  96. >"I'll see what i can do."
  98. ---
  99. [spoiler] bump [/spoiler]
  101. >The day after you try to rest on the bed. You feel better then yesterday and the doctor is surprised you don't think he wants to have sex with you.
  102. >You wait patiently for the nurse.
  103. >At the end you find out that this is her free day.
  104. >So you had to wait another day.
  105. >You look for your cello on the ground.
  106. >You pick it up with respect and you see it's all scratched.
  107. >You make the string vibrates at the passage of your hoof and you hear that it's not tuned
  108. >You start to tune it patiently even if that instrument it's no more a good one.
  109. >It's scratched, it's dirty and one of the key is broken.
  110. >Instead of the key there's a pencil.
  111. >You tune that string, too.
  112. >Now you need a bow.
  113. >You look around.
  114. >With using a lot of your strenght you broke one of the little table's leg.
  115. >The table fall on the ground whit a loud noise.
  116. >Then you cut a piece of your sheet and use it to cover a little portion of the broken table's leg.
  117. >Then you grab part of your tail and pull.
  118. >Really hard.
  119. >The pain is telling you to stop, but you don't care this time.
  120. >Eventually some fo the horsehair come off you tail.
  121. >You tie them at the leg helping yourself with the sheet.
  122. >Then you try your homemade bow.
  123. >The sound is awful, but you can recall yourself playing.
  124. >You starts crying while playing.
  125. >You remember how you were happy before.
  126. >How you were happy while playing and talking with your friend Vinyl.
  128. ---
  129. [spoiler] bump [/spoiler]
  131. >When the nurse finally comes back you realize you had play for like 24 hours.
  132. >Then she tells you something strange:
  133. >"I went to look for your friend yesterday"
  134. "And?"
  135. >"I found her, but..."
  136. "But?"
  137. >"She told that she doesn't want to talk to you anymore. I'm sorry..."
  138. "Why she doesn't want?"
  139. >"She told me that you said bad things about her."
  140. "I couldn't have done this!"
  141. >"I'm sorry... I tried to tell her what happened to you even the thing you said to me yesterday, but she didn't listen..."
  142. "I'll tell to you if that mare who said she is my friend ever will comes here don't let her in or i'll beat the shit out or her. is that right?"
  143. >"I-i won't let her in..."
  144. "Good!"
  145. >"The other nurse had told me you rip your own tail to make a new bow."
  146. "I didn't rip all my tail, see? Only a little bit."
  147. >"They told me you are a good player even if it's alot you didn't practice."
  148. "Oh, thank you..."
  149. >"Maybe I'll buy you a bow if I'll ever find money!"
  150. "Thanks..."
  152. ---
  153. [spoiler] bump [/spoiler]
  155. >You see? The world is not an happy place if you are famous for something. Just consider the little mare know as Octavia Melody. What do you think it just happened? You don't need to be Mr Sherlock "sniff it all" Holmes to find that out. Just consider that if putted under pression a lot of people can having suicidal behaviour. Also we know that the now-frist cellist has narcisistic problems and assumes litium salt. It was just easy for her putting some of the salt in Octavia's water. One collateral effect of the salt is suicidal behaviour and psychosis. If the doctors doesn't know about this they just make a diagnosis of schizophrenia or SPD or STPD or something like that. So when the mare goes to visit Octavia she just had to give her a little more of lithium salt and she will be out for another time. For a mind like her it shouldn't have be difficult to spread the fact that Octavia said bad things about Vinyl. Also how do a mute difend herself? She just dropped her ex-friend even if she needed help.
  156. >But this is only an hypotesis. What if Octavia is really crazy and the mare is just shocked because she was here when Octavia tryed to commit suicide and only wanted to help?
  158. >A real rule in life and investigation is to observe the fact but never ever make assumption or deduction without evidence. And for evidence i mean real evidence. We don't know how this story will end. What we can say is that the only way Octavia can have her job back is to find out what happened to her. But now she is in a hospital. So she just can't. Life is sad. And i can't think why here should me different
  160. >Now excuse me while i trascend the plan of existence and reach the past, so i can find out what happened.
  161. >I won't tell you what happened, because you shouldn't even know what i told you. But i think this is a little help for understanding the reality and your life.
  162. >Goodbye little Tavi,
  164. [spoiler]>August[/spoiler]
  166. ---
  167. [spoiler] bump [/spoiler]
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