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Apr 2nd, 2016
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  1. # spent 4.59s within DBI::st::execute which was called 658 times, avg 6.98ms/call:
  2. # 166 times (168ms+0s) by DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute at line 1832 of DBIx/Class/Storage/, avg 1.01ms/call
  3. # 80 times (32.6ms+0s) by C4::Languages::getLanguages at line 235 of C4/, avg 407µs/call
  4. # 67 times (31.5ms+0s) by C4::Languages::getLanguages at line 221 of C4/, avg 470µs/call
  5. # 63 times (27.5ms+0s) by C4::Languages::getLanguages at line 230 of C4/, avg 437µs/call
  6. # 40 times (16.3ms+0s) by C4::Koha::GetKohaAuthorisedValueLib at line 1491 of C4/, avg 408µs/call
  7. # 36 times (30.7ms+0s) by C4::Biblio::GetAuthorisedValueDesc at line 1670 of C4/, avg 853µs/call
  8. # 33 times (12.5ms+0s) by C4::Koha::GetAuthValCode at line 1172 of C4/, avg 379µs/call
  9. # 22 times (44.8ms+0s) by DBD::_::db::_do_selectrow at line 1632 of, avg 2.04ms/call
  10. # 20 times (10.5ms+0s) by C4::Biblio::GetFrameworkCode at line 2194 of C4/, avg 523µs/call
  11. # 14 times (16.7ms+0s) by C4::Reserves::GetReserveStatus at line 799 of C4/, avg 1.19ms/call
  12. # 14 times (10.3ms+0s) by C4::Circulation::GetTransfers at line 3216 of C4/, avg 733µs/call
  13. # 14 times (5.37ms+0s) by C4::Branch::GetBranchName at line 179 of C4/, avg 383µs/call
  14. # 11 times (4.14ms+0s) by C4::Koha::GetKohaAuthorisedValues at line 1372 of C4/, avg 377µs/call
  15. # 10 times (5.21ms+0s) by C4::Languages::language_get_description at line 384 of C4/, avg 521µs/call
  16. # 7 times (9.53ms+0s) by C4::Items::GetItemsInfo at line 1395 of C4/, avg 1.36ms/call
  17. # 7 times (2.67ms+0s) by C4::Koha::GetItemTypes at line 275 of C4/, avg 381µs/call
  18. # 7 times (2.61ms+0s) by C4::Branch::GetBranches at line 121 of C4/, avg 372µs/call
  19. # 7 times (2.19ms+0s) by C4::Branch::GetBranches at line 125 of C4/, avg 312µs/call
  20. # 5 times (4.05s+0s) by C4::Items::GetItemsInfo at line 1358 of C4/, avg 810ms/call
  21. # 5 times (40.3ms+0s) by C4::Biblio::CountItemsIssued at line 2749 of C4/, avg 8.06ms/call
  22. # 5 times (8.02ms+0s) by C4::Tags::get_tags at line 284 of C4/, avg 1.60ms/call
  23. # 5 times (3.31ms+0s) by C4::Languages::language_get_description at line 390 of C4/, avg 661µs/call
  24. # 5 times (2.91ms+0s) by C4::Biblio::GetRecordValue at line 694 of C4/, avg 582µs/call
  25. # 4 times (1.51ms+0s) by C4::Languages::getLanguages at line 226 of C4/, avg 378µs/call
  26. # 2 times (990µs+0s) by C4::Branch::GetBranchesCount at line 567 of C4/, avg 495µs/call
  27. # 2 times (838µs+0s) by C4::Branch::GetBranchCategories at line 343 of C4/, avg 419µs/call
  28. # once (34.0ms+0s) by C4::Biblio::GetMarcStructure at line 1128 of C4/
  29. # once (7.48ms+0s) by C4::XSLT::getAuthorisedValues4MARCSubfields at line 117 of C4/
  30. # once (3.27ms+0s) by C4::Biblio::GetMarcStructure at line 1110 of C4/
  31. # once (2.29ms+0s) by C4::Context::_new_marcfromkohafield at line 978 of C4/
  32. # once (959µs+0s) by C4::Languages::getLanguages at line 216 of C4/
  33. # once (843µs+0s) by C4::Search::searchResults at line 1865 of C4/
  34. # once (356µs+0s) by DBD::_::db::selectall_hashref at line 1672 of
  35. sub DBI::st::execute; # xsub
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