

Mar 26th, 2014
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  1. // WARNING! This is a fetish-fuel NSFW clop (if you don't know what that means, I'd suggest leaving this page immediately) fiction! Be advised, fetishes include: domination (I guess?), forcefeeding, slight corruption, expansion/inflation, hyper-pregnancy, birthing, and tit-sucking.
  3. If you're still here: you sick pervert. Enjoy.
  5. Word count: Approx. 4500. Don't worry about a long intro, it gets to it pretty quickly.
  7. Unrevised.//
  10. Drip… Drip… Drip… Drip…
  12. “Argh!” Rarity lashed out in a rather unladylike manner, whipping around to face the general direction the noise was coming from. In the dark, however, it was no surprise that she couldn’t find the source of the irritating dripping sound.
  14. Not only that, but she was too scared to move from her spot, lest she get any more of that icky green goo on her fur.
  16. She had been there, in that spot, for… a few hours, maybe? It was really hard to tell, especially since she had no idea how long she’d been asleep.
  18. Those… barbaric, uncivilized changelings! She had just been minding her own business, on a simple stroll outside of Ponyville looking for more gems for a new outfit, when she thought she saw Spike approaching from behind.
  20. [i] “Why, hello there, dear!”[/i] she’d greeted him, thinking nothing of his unexpected appearance. It wasn’t unlike him to follow her places uninvited, though not always unwelcome.
  22. [i] “I was just digging up some gems. I’m almost done here, but if you’d like you can come back to the boutique with me and we can-”[/i]
  24. That’s all she could honestly remember. But she knew it was changelings. Those green eyes of who she thought was her little Spikey-Wikey should’ve given it away… If only his own weren’t so close in hue.
  26. Oh, well. It’s too late now. It would be a bit more bearable if she could just FIND THAT FUCKING DRIPPING-
  28. She stopped. She brought a hoof to her forehead. She brought it down, and looked at it. The luminescent green goo was on her hoof, and she could feel it running down her face.
  30. Out of sheer, morbid curiosity, she looked up. Just as she did so, another large gob came down on her, completely covering her eyes and getting all over her horn and mane.
  32. “E-Uuugh! You sick, disgusting- whatever you are!” Rarity wiped a foreleg across her eyes, realizing too late that she was smearing it on more of her perfect, pristine white coat. Oh, well. At least she could see, now. Somewhat.
  34. She blinked, making sure that it was all out of her eyes. Just as she did so, a large, black figure dropped from above and landed just in front of her, causing her to shriek and jump backwards, directly into a pile of goo.
  36. “You ruffian! Don’t you know never to scare a lady like that!?” She looked around her, seeing the mound of glowing green she’d just landed in. It was warm, and felt kind of like jello. In fact, it even looked like it had little dark, unappetizing chunks of fruit evenly dispersed throughout.
  38. She looked back up. The silhouetted figure was approaching her, drooling lustrous goo from its maw and staring at her with those large, blue trademark eyes.
  40. Just as she suspected.
  42. “Stay back!” she warned. “I’ve taken on a whole horde of you before! You won’t even be a challenge, even if you are slightly… bigger.”
  44. The changeling stopped for a second at her words, as if considering them for a moment. Then, it just continued towards her, unfazed and actually moving a bit faster this time.
  46. This was slightly intimidating to the unicorn. Nevertheless, she began to charge her horn. “I warned you!”
  48. A blue glow illuminated the room as Rarity began to work a spell. As she began to cast it, however, she could feel that something was quite off.
  50. “Wh-What’s going on?!” Again, she repeated the spell, only for it to start up and then die off, as if the magic were being hindered by something. Just as she was going for a third try, she saw the changeling leap forward.
  52. It landed, a hoof on each side of her, standing over her menacingly. She cowered down, unable to use her magic, as she suddenly felt a warm, soggy sensation envelop her horn. She let out a loud moan as the changeling’s lips slid down her horn, its tongue writhing madly around the curves and grooves.
  54. He removed himself with an audible slurp, standing over her with a Cheshire grin. Rarity felt heat coming to her cheeks.
  56. “H-How dare you violate me like this, you- you twisted pervert!” In her blind anger, Rarity attempted to strike the changeling with a hoof.
  58. He caught it in his mouth, and began to suck on that as well.
  60. “Eww…” She quickly pulled her hoof back. Upon closer inspection, something she realized was that the green goop currently covering her hoof wasn’t all that different from…
  62. …what she was sitting in…
  64. Before she could react, the drooling behemoth pinned all her limbs to her side using his own, exposing a rather sensitive part of her anatomy. The white mare squirmed, suddenly very, very afraid. In a vain, last-ditch effort, she tried to charge her horn again, only to find that it was completely nonfunctional, similar to as if somepony had placed a magic inhibitor on it.
  66. What was going on? Was it the slime?!
  68. When she looked again, she saw the changeling with his head buried in the pile of goop next to her. Unfortunately, this didn’t at all alleviate the pressure that he was using to pin her down. After a few seconds, he rose from the jello mound, holding in his mouth what looked like a giant worm.
  70. The sight of it horrified Rarity. It had to be a quarter of the length of one her forelimbs, and it was rather fat. It writhed and squirmed wildly, just as she now did.
  72. “No! Please, don’t do this!” she shouted, glancing down towards her exposed pussy. “Please! I’ll do anything! I beg of you! No no no no-”
  74. Her wailing ceased abruptly when the worm was shoved into her mouth. She felt the thing inside of her orifice, its slippery, moist skin touching her teeth, cheek, tongue... Her cheeks bulged out from the thrashing, and the mere size of it; she was surprised the whole thing fit in her mouth, really. She felt it begin to move toward the back of her throat, and she could only lie there in abject horror as it slipped down her esophagus and into her stomach.
  76. She could feel it inside of her, squirming, writhing… She let loose a blood-curdling scream.
  78. “What have you done to me?!” she demanded. The feeling of that little monster inside of her, tickling her insides with its fat, slimy body, made her want to throw up. “I’ll have you know that as soon as my friends know I’m gone, they’ll come looking for me! OH, and THEN you’ll be sorry-”
  80. Something she needed to learn was not to open her mouth. The changeling immediately locked lips with her, and let loose a torrent of goo from his mouth to hers.
  82. When he was done, he finally stepped off of her, leaving her to gag and splutter miserably. His wings buzzed, and he flew up, high above where the light of the luminescent slime would not reach.
  84. Rarity was miserable. She jumped to her hooves and spit out the remaining changeling drool that she hadn’t been forced to swallow. She felt immensely full, and could still feel that little devil inside of her. It gave her butterflies every time it touched the wall of her stomach. She placed a hoof on her belly and looked down, fearing the worst.
  86. What she saw actually wasn’t all that bad. She merely looked as if she had eaten a full meal. She was still the slender mare she had worked hard to be; except for the occasional bump that would form from the ‘kicking’ of the worm, she looked perfectly fine.
  88. Her mind began to drift back to the goo. She couldn’t get her mind off of it, and not even because of how disgusting it was. Strangely, it really was like jello- it was sweet, warm, and left behind a pleasant tingling sensation in her mouth, throat, and belly. In fact, if it weren’t for the suspicion that what she had been lying in for the past few minutes came from a changeling’s icky mouth, she would be quite open to trying more.
  90. She slapped herself. What was she thinking? She couldn’t eat this… this… whatever the hell it was. It could be dangerous. And if that wasn’t enough, eating slime was just… uncouth. Yes, very uncouth.
  92. She began to think about the worm. And then she immediately wanted it out of her. It kept kicking her insides, and she knew for a fact that it had gone further down her digestive tract. The way it moved inside her constantly was somehow making her feel hungry, despite how absolutely bloated she was.
  94. Inside, she felt a small pricking sensation where the worm was. Her first thought: it was biting her.
  96. It’s biting her.
  98. It’s biting me!
  100. She quickly stuck her hoof in her mouth, trying to trigger her gag reflex. Why she hadn’t done this before, she didn’t know, but-
  102. Oh… The slime was all over her hoof… And she just stuck it in her mouth.
  104. Just as she remembered, it tasted rather sweet. It seemed to melt and stick to her tongue whenever she licked it. And although her mind was screaming at her to pull her hoof away, she just couldn’t resist…
  106. Pretty soon, to her slight horror and disappointment, the slime was gone from her hoof. She pulled it from her mouth, and set it on the ground.
  108. The clack of her hoof resonated throughout the room.
  110. She needed more. She was hungry, desperately hungry, and she absolutely craved the slime.
  112. She nearly dove headfirst into the pile that she had accidentally fallen into earlier. She began scooping globs of green jello onto her hooves and sticking them in her mouth, savoring the sweetness and the guilty pleasure she got from eating this forbidden candy.
  114. It soon came to the point to where she stopped trying to savor it and instead stuffed as much of it as she could into her mouth before quickly swallowing and diving in for more.
  116. This was just absolutely wonderful.
  118. While she was going for two hooves full of goo, she suddenly stopped. The ‘fruit chunks’ she had seen earlier, she realized, were actually those worms; she had accidentally scooped one up in her serving of goo. She stared at it for a moment, recalling its sibling. She remembered the way it slipped down her throat, the fluttering pleasure she felt every time it kicked her.
  120. The first one seemed to have calmed down a bit by now. It now simply sat inside of her, resting like a small foal. Oddly, the thought warmed Rarity’s heart. It was likely just a changeling foal- or larvae, whatever you would call it. Either way, it needed somepony to take care of it, to harbor it and nurse it until it was strong enough to stand on its own. That caretaker, she knew, would be her.
  122. She stuck the helping of goo, with the worm inside of it, into her mouth. At once, this one began to wriggle about, just like the first had. She smiled and promptly swallowed, shuddering relentlessly at the feeling of it slipping down, down, deeper and deeper within her until it reached her core. She placed a hoof on her now swollen belly, watching the ripples across her skin and feeling them on the inside and out.
  124. The irresistible urge to continue eating returned, and this time, she did not hesitate to gulp down more worms along with her generous helpings of the sweet, cool slime. Her hunger only seemed to grow with every passing minute, along with the overstretched skin on her belly.
  126. Rarity decided that enough was enough when she began to truly notice the pain she was receiving from her stuffed midsection. It was not made to carry this much in such a short amount of time. The area around her popped navel had turned a vibrant pink, and she looked like a nine-month-pregnant mare; two more months, and she would be giving birth to new bouncing baby ponies.
  128. All the worms she had taken in moved about energetically in the cramped space of her belly. Every time one rubbed against the inside of her taught skin, it brought about a blissful sensation, as if within her they were attempting to repay her for her kindness by relieving the pain.
  130. “Thank you, my darlings,” she said, rubbing her belly softly. She felt a kick move her hoof, and began to giggle at the thought of one of the larvae giving her a hoofbump.
  132. She went to lie down, searching for a comfortable position before settling on sleeping on her side. Almost as soon as she closed her eyes, she felt herself drift off into sleep, snoring lightly and rather tired from the events of the past hour.
  136. It was a mere few minutes before Rarity re-awoke, yawning and blinking her eyes. She began to sit up, struggling a little at first due to her wide girth. Immediately, she could tell that something was different about her.
  138. She looked down at her belly. It looked to be the same size as it was when she fell asleep. It still ached a bit, but that was to be expected.
  140. What she realized, however, was that it wasn’t the size of her orb that was different, rather the position. The whole thing, it seemed, had shifted downward in her sleep, more towards her vagina. And, she couldn’t see it, but she could feel her now-swollen teats pressed up against the underside of her belly and inside of her thighs.
  142. She… She was lactating. She really was a mother!
  144. Suddenly, her breath caught . There was a faint green light, originating from the lower part of her belly. It began to grow in intensity, becoming brighter and brighter until it completely illuminated her like some glow-in-the-dark ball. She could see the silhouettes of all of her babies against the ghoulish glow.
  146. One in particular, though… The one closest to her birth canal was where the light originated from. And as she looked closer, she thought she could see-
  148. At once, violent shudders racked her body as waves of pleasure ran up and down her spine. She threw her head back and screamed as fluid rushed from her marehood, her vaginal walls clenching for something that wasn’t there.
  150. Her mouth hung open and her tongue stuck out as she lied there on her side, panting and drooling. A few minutes passed before she decided that the position she was in was a bit uncultured, and so with some effort, she pushed herself up into a sitting position.
  152. She began to rub her belly, amused with the reactions of the changeling foals whenever she would poke one of them. However, her interest soon wandered back to the light.
  154. A faint, but undying, green glow inside of her. By now it had lessened a bit in intensity, but it was still enough to make the lower portion of her belly glow green. She squinted her eyes, attempting to search for the silhouette that was the source of the light. If she remembered correctly, it was quite different from the others… She couldn’t recall an exact shape, but she knew that something about it had stood out to her.
  156. Suddenly, a loud grumbling made itself heard from inside of her. She began to wonder if she was hungry again, but then suddenly felt her skin being pulled even tighter than it had been before, if that was at all possible.
  158. She watched as her belly began rapidly growing. In a matter of seconds, it surged outwards at least a few inches, her innie-turned-outie belly button noticeably becoming larger as well.
  160. Rarity began to sweat at the tremendous heat accumulating in her core. The growing stopped, and the mare breathed a sigh of relief.
  162. She rested a hoof on her enormous belly. Her diaphragm and bladder were both being squished at the same time, simultaneously giving her the urge to pee and making it harder for her to breath. Not only that, but the worms inside of her seemed to have been disturbed by all the commotion, and once again started their routine of writhing about and kicking her in every which way.
  164. Her breath hitched as she suddenly felt another growling, much louder and more violent this time. The skin on the surface began to ripple and roil, before suddenly begin stretched taut again by another growth spurt.
  166. She clutched what she could of her huge girth as her stomach began to ache from the growing. The growling continued, making her skin vibrate from the tightness instead of rippleas it expanded, expanded, becoming wider and wider with every passing second.
  168. Suddenly, the green light began to flash. In an instant, her whole belly was enveloped in a green aura. However, this time, it was different than what she’d experienced before. It was as if the magic were being directed solely on her belly, her skin, to be precise; unlike before, when it was merely visible from inside of her.
  170. She felt another growth spurt coming on, and braced herself for the pain to follow. This time, however, instead of the intense aching that she expected, a whole different sensation presented itself to her.
  172. Pleasure. A rush of endorphins clouding the mind. It was better than anything she had ever felt, anything any stallion’s cock had given her, any award-winning outfit she’d designed. She fell back down on her side again, her mind abuzz and senses overloaded. By now, she looked as if she had swallowed two whole beach balls.
  174. The larger she became, the more intense the pleasure was. Her hooves twitched, rapidly tapping against the width that was now pressing against all her limbs. Every breath was now a labor, as her whole wide sphere would be pushed outward every time she took in a breath of air.
  176. She continued to stretch, warm fluids running down her legs and pooling beside her vagina. It was a long time, days in the eye of Rarity, before the growing in her belly finally stopped.
  178. All was silent for a moment. She lied there, her head in a fog, wondering if it was over and what would come next.
  180. Suddenly, an intense cramping gripped at her stomach. Her skin, rather than being pushed outward, tightened inward. She felt kicks, actual kicks from a hoof, and ones strong enough to send little waves over her great white orb and cause her belly to rock to and fro. She did nothing, could do nothing; just waited there, anxiously, for what was to come of this.
  182. She began to feel a pressure on her lower parts. That pressure began to increase as she noticed the majority of her lump migrating downwards toward her nethers. She screamed as her whole belly cramped up again.
  184. A thought through the pain. A contraction. That’s what that was.
  186. She was having a baby!
  188. She screamed, partially due to the excruciating aches and partially to excitement. Pain translated to bliss as the green light lit up again, this time focusing more on her vagina. Love juice began to flow freely from her slit, making it a slippery, winking little hole ready for the birthing of her young.
  190. She felt the horn first. It jabbed her on the inside, but quickly corrected itself to line up with the opening of her cervix. She felt it poke through, widening the little hole until it was all the way through. The grooves on the young foal’s horn rubbed against the inside of her vagina, causing her to shudder. She felt the tip sticking out her outer lips, and the same time felt the head of the changeling to hit the inside of her cervix, stopping like a rock in a funnel. A very, very large rock.
  192. She felt another large contraction hit. It hurt, it hurt so, so much and and at the same time just felt oh so good! She screamed again as the foal’s head pushed further and further, pushing her inside walls further apart until she felt the head pop through.
  194. Through her closed eyelids, she noticed a blinding light. She dared opening them, finding that the light was no longer inside of her, but outside.
  196. Some relief washed through Rarity, until she realized that whatever magic that was being used to replace the pain with pleasure was now outside of her. Panic swept through her body as the euphoria began to lessen, the extreme cramps sweeping in with a vengeance.
  198. The foal inside of her was thrashing and kicking like mad at this point. Large bumps were quite visible on the outside of her belly, rocking her entire form to and fro. The kicks were surprisingly strong, stretching her like a balloon and leaving little red stretch marks everywhere a hoof landed. The foal itself, she realized, was even larger than she had realized. Luckily, its head being stuck in her vagina limited his movement, but its constant thrashing still sloshed the contents of her stomach around and made her rather surprised that she hadn’t popped open yet.
  200. Another strong contraction came. She pushed, wanting to give birth to the enormous body inside of her. Slowly, ever so slowly, the foal continued to pass through. Its head was now on the outside, and she could hear high pitched squeaks resonating around the room.
  202. It would be cute, if only its almost-as-large-as-her body wasn’t beginning to poke through her cervix.
  204. “Oh Celestia! How big is it?!” she cried, feeling it begin to work its way into her vagina. She was amazed at how much her cunt could stretch, fearing at that moment how loose she would feel after this was all over. The changeling squirmed around inside of her, even when partially enclosed within her tight pussy.
  206. All she could think was that the feeling… the sensation of a body that may very well be size of a full-grown pony, writhing around inside of her, was somewhat akin to one of her vibrating ‘toys’ that she kept under her bed, except… How could she describe it? It was… It was…
  208. “Ahh~!” She threw her head back as a tremendous orgasm hit her, for the moment blocking out the intense pain she was feeling. Sex juice dripped from around the edges of her stuffed cunt, providing a lubricant that would help, if only a little, in finally birthing her foal.
  210. The changeling was now halfway out. The squeaks and clicking noises it made started to become more frequent, and its squirming more violent. Orgasm after orgasm in rapid succession was turning Rarity into a twitching, wet mess. Finally, after long last, the changeling pulled one of its holed appendages free from her tight canal.
  212. The white unicorn felt this. Seeing the end in sight, she began to push as hard as she could, spreading her legs wide so as to open her pussy even wider.
  214. The changeling soon freed its other foreleg, and used these to crawl forth from its mother’s womb. With a grunt and one final push, the new life slipped out, immediately rising to a standing position to stretch out its new legs.
  216. Rarity lied there, panting and gasping for breath, glad that it was finally over. Her belly, still about as large as a beach ball, moved up and down. She whimpered; it had taken years of maintaining a healthy diet and exercise to keep her slender shape, and now it had been taken away from her in just under an hour.
  218. Suddenly, she heard the click-clack of hooves on hard floor, and turned to look at what she had just given birth to. A changeling, not yet full-grown but somewhere around the size of an adolescent pony, stood before her. It leaned forward, bringing itself inches from her face. For a moment, Rarity was afraid; until it began to nuzzle her.
  220. It was just as one would expect a puppy to do; a bit rough, but affectionately nonetheless.
  222. “Y-You’re… Actually rather cute, aren’t you…?”
  224. Suddenly feeling an attachment to the young changeling, Rarity nuzzled it back. The two of them sat there for a moment, exchanging small displays of affection for one another.
  226. Soon, her newborn broke the embrace. It walked back a bit, until it was next to the unicorn’s bloated body.
  228. It looked at her with pleading eyes. Rarity wondered what it might be asking, but decided on nodding, giving it permission for whatever it might want to do.
  230. The changeling suddenly leaned down, behind the mare’s distended belly and beyond her view. At first, she began to panic, as she thought that her child was doing the unspeakable to its own mother…
  232. ...but, as she felt its warm mouth envelop her nipple, she suddenly realized how sore her tits were. They were full and felt ready to pop, just as her belly had a little while ago. Feeling the pressure begin to release soothed her, and the feeling of the foal’s tongue flicking the tip of her sensitive teet and its fangs pressing against and sinking into the sides was once again giving her very unladylike thoughts… She stuffed her hoof in her mouth to prevent her child from hearing her lewd moaning.
  234. This changeling… Her foal… What was she to name it? She wasn’t quite sure of its gender yet, so any names would have to be limited to gender-neutral ones. Did it even have a gender?
  236. She looked back to her child. Its stubby tail wagged back and forth happily, drawing forth a smile from the unicorn. Perhaps not all changelings were evil. After all, they had given this precious gift to her.
  238. Suddenly she noticed a familiar green light emanating about the room. She looked south, suddenly anxious as what she would see.
  240. As she had feared, her whole belly glowed with the strange magic. This time, however, instead of one focus, there were two points of origin within her.
  242. Her jaw dropped. She was going to do this again?! Two changelings at once, nonetheless?
  244. Her mind brought her back about an hour ago. How many of those larvae had she eaten? A dozen, at least.
  246. Suddenly, her eyes rolled back on her head and her tongue hung out of her mouth as an electrifying, paralyzing bliss overtook her.
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