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Anansi Voodoo story

a guest
Sep 30th, 2012
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  1. This is basically a transcription of the story two of my female cousins sent me. I'm paraphrasing in some places, and trying to make it a bit more aesthetically pleasing read-wise. I'm not going to do the whole hokey, “read this at your own risk” thing, because this is /x/ and people are skeptics by nature but real talk, this shit was 7spooky5me.But they both live this shit, it's religion to them and they were hesitant to even talk about anything they do, because “the words are where the power is at.” For those of you more wary, like myself, they both said if you repeat this story you should eat honey or mint first, to “make your words sweet”.
  3. This story is two parted the first part is about my cousin Brittini, who is the one I mentioned in last nights thread and is a “conjure” or a “root doctor” and is involved in both vodun and hoodoo, which are two different things evidently. She basically told me that she wouldn't write out parts of the story, and would only call me on the phone. Now that being said, like I said last night she lives in the south in New Orleans, but around the time of Katrina she stayed over in a town called Baker near Baton Rouge with my Auntie, who was her teacher in hoodoo.
  5. I'm not a involved in their religion, but I go down to visit every now and again or call them up for some luck or advice on love. They used to have a little book shop that sold regular books and normal Border's stuff, but it also sold all the weird cures and fetishes and candles for vodun and hoodoo. Being that vodun, christianity and hoodoo are all mixed up most of the black people down there participate in at least one or more. Brittini said, they did ok business but she had another job at the Waffle house down in Baton Rouge as a waitress, and she used to get all types of people coming in drunk late at night.
  7. So one day, she's doing a late shift and a group of people come in and sit down and order their food. They're all drunk and so their being loud like black people can be sometime, it's a cultural thing. She takes their order and eventually comes back with their food. When she comes back one of the girls asks her hasn't she seen her somewhere else. My cousin says she doesn't know, but it's a possiblity blah blah blah. And goes on about her business. As their finishing up their meal, the girl calls her back over and says I know! You work over in that book store in baker. Brittini says yes, I do. The girl says that she goes over there some times because she's interested in her Caribbean heritage and that they should hang out sometime and talk. So they exchange numbers, lets call her J and and the group leaves.
  9. Later that week, Brit and the group hooks back up and they all go out to drink together. As would be expected they get really drunk and start asking her questions about vodun. She tells the the usual and explains what it is, and says it's not something she talks about causally because it's real shit to her and not something to play with. But they get drunk, and one of the guys, lets call him A for the sake of clarity starts really prodding about it, because he's christian. And he says it's all demon shit and from satan. So they get into an argument, and she tells him that he doesn't know shit about what he's talking about. He keeps badgering her and talking shit about how she can't really do anything but light candles and play with her period blood and eventually she gets mad. He tells he prove it, and she tells him again that she doesn't play with stuff like that.
  11. So a few more days go past and she get's a call. The same people,A and J included, plus a few more
  12. are all going to a party up in St. Francisville, which from what she told me is a ways north of BR and it's old school plantations and rich people. Some guy is having a party up there because his parents are out of town. He lives in a big ass remodeled plantation house. So they come pick her up and they drive out to the party. She says it was a normal house, and a normal party, they get drunk smoke some weed and then A goes out to the car. He comes back with bookbag, inside the bookbag is a Quija board, a plain milton bradley one, a bunch of candles.
  13. My cousin freaks the fuck out, at this point in the story she just called me, to tell me and I could hear how fucked up she was about it. She said that she instantly gets up and leaves. So J comes outside to the car and tells her that A is just being a cocksucker and that it's not that serious. Brittini tells her, that they are making fun of her religion and who she is and playing with stuff that they don't know about and that it's not some shit to even have a Quija board. J says, well I'm part of the same thing, and I don't know why you acting like this about a toy. So Brittini says she'll stay as long as they put that up and that it doesn't touch her.
  14. So, in my opinion against her better judgement, they keep on partying. A keeps talking shit about the Quija board, and the host of the party eventually gets wind and they all decide they want to hold a séance. At this point, my cousin is to drunk to drive herself home, and she's basically begging them not to do it, but seeing as they are going to do it anyway, she doesn't want anyone to be “bound down” or have a spirit “riding inside them”. As a side note for those not familiar with vodun or hoodoo, basically they have a pantheon of gods call lowai, and they all have a purpose or specific likes or dislikes and ways to summon them and send them away. They “ride” a person, which I guess would be the equal of being posessed. Most of the time they are represented by christian saints, which stems from slavery when they weren't allowed to practice vodun. Hoodoo, is more the spellwork and the conjuring and making cures and jinxs and stuff like that.
  15. She says that, similar to how people in catholic churches can get possessed by a demon or spirit or whatever. In practicing vodun or hoodoo, or santeria, if you fuck around with things you don't understand you can get possessed by something you can't get away from and it can even jinx your whole line and haunt your children and grandchildren. This is because Quija boards in hoodoo are considered to be a way to communicate with the dead, but to communicate with the dead you're supposed to go through a lowai named Papa Legeba who is kind makes sure that your communications with the other world work out smooth as long as you pay him tribute before you do any kind of rootwork.
  17. As a side note, rootwork is what they call spellcraft or conjuring.
  18. So most of the lowai are playful or obscene and when they ride people, sometimes things get kinky. But you aren't supposed to talk to these entities with malice or to bait them. Especially Legba, being that he's gatekeeper and is supposed to defend and help you.
  20. So after A says this, she wants to stop the whole thing. But everybody at the party hears this deep thrumming sound coming out of speakers that had been set up for the party. Brittini says that later she when she had time to think about it, she should have know what was going to go down because it was meant to be a joke from legba. like him saying," you want the party to get started? well lets start the show".
  22. So the thrumming feedback goes away and everybody is spooked. They put regular music back on and some of the other people go off to dance but their little group,Brit,A and J, and a few others, including the host end up going into the kitchen to finish.
  23. So now their all sat around this table and some people are drinking, and some are just millin around coming in and out of the kitchen.
  25. So she goes out the backdoor and gathers up some black earth and raids his pantry for some sage.She burns the sage and puts the earth on one of the corners of the board, the burns the sage and blows the smoke onto another corner and takes a swig of rum and spits it on the board.
  27. This is supposed to represent all the aspects of the physical world, air,fire,earth and water. The alcohol is supposed to represent the 5 "spirit" and all of this is supposed to bind the board to do only what the lowai Legba allows it to do, and to bind him to the person that brough him forth.
  28. But she tells them to not take out any mirrors or really reflective things or take any pictures, they start asking some questions to the board. She tells them flat out, don't ask about what happens after death, don't ask about a bunch of other things, the list goes on. But especially don't talk about the devil or demons or doing any kind of harm of any kind to anyone. They all agree, and she pretty much just sits at the table and refuses to even touch the pointer.
  29. The host is the first person to grab at the pointer and he starts talking about how he has Jesus in his heart so he isn't scared of all this bullshit. And some other people laugh and they start asking questions. And the usually Quija accusations of other people moving the thing. And Brit is kind of chilling out because she isn't getting the vibes that Legba is up to anything.
  30. Then low and behold, A decides to get involved. She says as soon as he touch the planchet everybody else pulled their hand back like it was white hot. And that she started getting a sick feeling.
  32. Side note here, rootworkers all learn their spells from an older more experienced root doctor. There are certain things that are usually the same for anyone doing hoodoo, but pretty much its a personal thing where you work out how your own stuff works. My auntie had told her that all rootworkers develope a "tell" which I guess is something like a tic or a certain feeling to know when something is coming through the gate.
  33. so continuing she starts to feel queasy which is her tell. And she literally jumps up and vomits her guts into the sink, and most of the people walk over her and try to help her. She gets a glass of water and turns around and the host crouched down next to A who is now sitting in the chain stock still with his eyes wide open.
  35. She said she could feel Legba riding inside him but that she could feel something "bubbling up". When she explained it on the phone she said basically that the loa/lwa/lowai are gods unto themselves and they can come into the physical world and use people as vessels. And that there are other loa and spirits and things that wait on the gate to "hit a ride" on the unwary. But most times, if you were experienced and respectful then nothing bad would happen because your lwa would protect you and keep the bad spirits away.
  37. She says that A, leans over the board, unblinking and starts movign the pointer across the board by himself. This is a bad thing because I don't think you're supposed to use a spirit board alone
  38. So they're still think it's a joke, but she on edge and still feeling something "coming". So she's trying to read what the board is spelling out something, and to her it's gibberish. But then one of the gullah girls covers up her mouth and say's it's french. And that it's spelling out "J'arrive" over and over and over again.
  39. So brit is asking again and again for Legba to release A and be at peace. And it just keeps spelling out "I arrive" or "I'm coming" in french. So she starts asking him if he's Legba still, and the pointer goes to yes, and then to no and then starts spelling out "J'arrive" again and again.
  40. So people are running out of the room to get other people and bringing them back, because they assume A is fucking around. But J keeps telling them that he doesn't even speak french and alternating between that and telling A that it's not funny anymore. And he just starts rocking back and forth again. So now she just starts going through the house looking for the guy with the tabacco so she can try to make another offering to Legba and try to pacify him and unpisshim off.
  42. Meanwhile, in the kitchen he's sitting there doing the same thing. And she said all the people in the kitchen are just standing around, some laughing some really scared and some just interested and he's just rocking back and forth spelling out I'm coming
  44. She finally finds the guy and she comes back in the kitchen and she says as she turn the corner, she could actually see Legba sitting there for a second looking at her with a sad face and she heard him say in her heart, "you done this girl not me."
  45. so from what I understand the guy starts speaking in tongues. And then spelling something out on the board, which turns out to be "je suis la", I'm here. and then he slaps the planchette across the room. A kinds of hunches over and leans back away from them and then the wind outside starts to pick up, and it's screaming against the side of the house for a while and half the people in the kitchen decided it's time to leave the room.
  46. So at this point she's flat out terrified and their scrambling aroudn trying to find the planchette. And some dude, lets call him V, decideds he's wants to take a picture of all of this and pulls out his camera phone.
  48. She immediately tells him know, that it's super bad to even have a mirror in the same room let alone to take pictures.Meanwhile J is trying to talk to A and he's babbling at her in what turns out to be french. The geechee girl is trying to translate for them, and everybody at this point is super fucking scared because he's basically sitting in the chair eyes bucked and raving in french.
  49. So After a while the find out that the guy/spirit is supposed to be the spirit of some french guy, she didn't give me a name or any dates but I'm going to try to weasel them out of her. She did say that the guy claimed to have been a slave on the plantation And that the last thing he had rememeber was taking some food out of this kitchen to feed to his daughter.
  51. It was around this time that she realized that her "tell" hadn't gone away, and that her guts were still boiling. And then the guy starts asking who the other guy is. So the gullah girl repeats it back to everbody else, and she says she doesn't know what he means and it doesn't make sense to her.
  53. The person keep saying, in french that he didn't want to walk the veil, but he got dragged in. So they ask him how can that be if he keep spelling to them that he was coming and that he was here. The spirit in A tells them that he didn't do any such thing and he keeps saying it's the purple man. The purple man makes him feel uncomfortable and that he just wants to go back.
  54. At this point it the conversation just repeats itself for a few minutes from what Brit says because they can't figure out if the gullah girl is mistranslating or if purple man is some kind of slang or if they just aren't understanding.
  56. Then she says the hair on the back of her neck stands up. and at the same time A gets up and gets under the table and points over in the corner of the room. The gullah girl says he's still gabbering about the purple man.
  57. in the corner they only see the planchette that A had slapped of the table. Brit said she walked over to pick it up and as soon as she touched it she knew something was wrong because she felt her tell get much worse, the hairs on the back of her neck and up her arms turned into gooseflesh and A just starts screaming at the top of his lungs to the point that people outside the room come rushing in to see what the hell the matter is.
  58. The pointer is one of those cheap plastic ones, and it's cracked up the middle and the glass eye also has a crack in it. At this point she knows it's bad because you are never supposed to destroy a planchette especially when you're still actively using the spirit/quija board. She walks back over to the table and trys to quite down A and sits the planchette down on the table. the guy V walks over and picks it up and I guess is looking at the broken glass and pulls out his phone again and holds it up to take a picture of it and he drops it on the ground again.
  60. He immediatly says, "oh my fucking god I saw something behind that thing it's sitting right there on the board. I could see it through the camera."
  61. So at this point, she said she nopes the fuck out and doesn't want to fuck around anymore. So she lights the tobacco and spits some rum on it. All the while she's trying to get Legba to come back. People are fucking around with the planchette picking it up and looking though the lens and they all claim they can see something that looks like a reddish purple smudge of a man sitting on the table right on the board itself.
  63. So she can't get back into contact with legba, so now she just tells everyone that they need to get rid of the board. V offers to burn it and she tells him to fuck off. They have to cut it into 8 peaces, seven pieces for god and then one extra because someone is riding the board and they can't shove it back on the other side without legba or someone to help.
  64. So they try to get the board off the table, and nobody can lift it off the table. They can slide it up and down the length and width of the table but they can't actually lift it up off the table. So V goes over to get a knife and trys to pry the board up by force and ends up cutting his hand and getting blood all over the table and the bottome fo the board and it falls off the table to the floor. J picks it up and trys to hand it to Brit but she won't touch it, she just tells them to cut it into 8 pieces and give her a peice of it and she spits out some tobacco.
  65. So a they end up having to get kitchen shears and cut the board up. At this point the party has pretty much all congregated in the kitchen or flat out left the house. She says that she knows at this point that they've fucked up and let something cross over the gate that they didn't mean to, and that all they can do is seal the gate behind it partially so that nothing else seeps through.
  67. From what I understand, these things work as one way in and one way out. The main reason that demons/haunts/spirits so forth are in our plane is because they've been conjured or unleashed or unbound by people who didn't know what the fuck they were doing. And then that person either destroyed the way of sending them back, as in burning a spirit board, or just didn't realize they could send it back.
  69. Basically what she did was a half measure, because what they had done was allow a lwa to open the veil but not specified what exactly could and could not come through, she said she realized now that A had actually been in on the ritual from the beginning because he spoke out of turm. She had only been a conduit and because A was expecting to get a slave spirit that's what they got, but because A was in control of their "circle" and didn't actually know what he was doing. He just kind of let whatever pass through, because rootwork and conjure is based on will and things like that, if you think negative thoughts then that's what comes through.
  70. So after they cut the board up and she gives and offering to Legba and asks him to let the spirit in A cross back over and to bind up this "purple man". And basically she gets the vibe that the spirit of the slave man is going to leave of his own volition. But that this purple man not going to just be huckster out that simply. So she does some rootwork, which I'm not supposed to mention exactly because it involves our ancestors and it's considered disrespectful to talk about.
  72. But basically she used the last piece as a fetish to encapsulate whatever the purple man was until she could talk to my auntie and a figure out what it was and how to get ride of it. In the mean time, she had no clue what to do and says that she had pissed her panties because she never though things would go this far.
  74. The people that had been in the kitchen were kind of stuck between half believing her and half thinking that this had all just been some big ass show. Which it basically had been. So they ask the host to give them a big lockbox, and they put all the stuff into the box and put it down in his basement in a rootcellar.
  76. So A had fallen asleep under the table and he wakes up and just starts crying. At this poiint it's like 3 or 4 in the morning. He says he can't remember exactly what had happened that night from around the point of the thrumming but in vague little snippets but that he remembered some more things on the ride home.
  77. He described it to Brit as feeling something like having a waking nightmare, where you can see yourself in a dream doing something, but you can't actually control your body and the harder you try the more frantic you feel. And he said he felt like something was looking over his shoulder and brushing the back of his neck. They all end up going back to J's because nobody wants to sleep alone. Brit says all night people would keep telling each other to be quite because they could hear doors opening and shutting or someone moving around.
  78. This is basically the end of that night. A bunch of stuff I'm leaving out because she asked me to or because it was just extranious 3spooky stuff. This is actually the less frightening part of the story, because it's obvious why these things are happening and even though it's bordering on the spirit world it's still following lines of logic and reason.
  80. The second part involves Brittini and my other cousin Candace, Candace is my great aunts daughter and Brit is her brother's daughter. The second half of the story is actually pretty fucked up. But like I said, I'll post it tomorrow if anyone is interested
  81. So as a corrolary to this story, my cousin got in a bunch of trouble for telling me this story. She just called me this morning about an hour ago and said she told my Auntie that she had talked to me about the story.
  83. My auntie says that talking about stuff like this for a person like me is dangerous. Becuase these spirits ride in the "ideas" of themselves, and that the more a group of people believes in them the more power it gives to their forms. Which is kind of why things went down the way they did at the party. African slaves brought over their demons and gods and lwa and then everything got meshed together with christianity and then became something new unto itself.
  85. She says that there is power in a story, and power in belief more than there is any power out there in the world of something that want's to get you. If you believe, then you've already opened the veil up for yourself.
  87. Which goes without saying was 5spooky. Because I've been dreaming about this stuff, mostly because I'm telling these stories right before bed. Anyway, I just wanted to pass the message along to you guys, Auntie thinks I'm just telling this story to some friends from school she doesn't know about 4chan or anything like that.
  88. So after that night, they half sleep because everyone is on edge and Brit feels like she's been doing something wrong and that she's put her friends in danger. A doesn't sleep all night and he just paces and walks around all night keeping the others up because he feels like something is breathing down his neck. J is skeptical about the whole thing at this point, as are the other people that spent the night because they think it's all some kind of setup between J and Brit to scare the balls off of them.
  90. Brit ends up asking for J and another girl named Valerie to give a ride back to the bookshop so they can talk to my auntie and ask her what to do.
  91. They get to the shop which has my auntie's apartment up over it. And they find out it's locked and Brit doesn't have her keys on her so they have tp go around the back and come up the back stairs that lead to the apartment part of the building.
  93. At this point it's like 7 in the am, and the sun is just coming up. Brit says that she goes first she walks up to the stairs and starts walking up and that as she looks up the shadows gathered up at the top of these stairs.
  94. So She kind of just keeps goin up the stairs, and the shadows seem too thick as they walk through them and they all can hear this deep thrumming, that they later talk about and agree sounds like an erratic heartbeat.
  96. She gets up to the top of the stairs and the girl Valerie almot knocks her off the second floor landing because she runs up the stairs and just grabs her and says she could feel the shadows touching her.
  97. So they knock on the door, and my other cousin Candace comes to the eventually door half asleep and askes what she's doing there at this time of the morning and gives Brit a hug. Candace, who I was on three way with this morning and last night. Says that as soon as she touched Brit she felt sick to her stomach.
  99. They walk in the house and lock the door. Candace who is a little older that all of us, I was 17 at the time and Brit is my age, so Candace had to be around 23 or 24 at the time. So she had been invovled with hoodoo and goofering and things like that for a much longer time than Brit. She tells them that my Auntie is sleeping at her boyfriends house for the night and probably won't be back until the afternoon, but ask them what the problem is. The end up explaining the whole story to here, but they get interrupted by a phone call to J's cell phone.
  100. It's V who stayed with A, and he says that most of the other people ended up going to the waffle house and that only him and another two girls stayed behind because A was too tired and didn't want to eat and didn't want to go outside.
  102. They said that after everyone had left they turned on the TV because they kept hearing weird noises from outside the house and then e eventually from inside the house. They all ended up sitting there for a while when on of the girls asked V where A had gone to.
  104. They see he's not in the living room with them anymore. So at first they think maybe he just went to the bathroom or to smoke a cig. After 15 mintues they ended up going and checking the upstairs and downstairs bathroom and he's not their, they look out in the back yard where everbody usually smokes and he's not there either.
  106. So V, who has been to J's house before says there is a half bathroom down in the basement and maybe A went down there. But nobody wants to go down there to check. So they argue about it for a while, and one of the girls says she'll go walk up the block and see if he walked to the gas station or something. She leaves V and the other girl in the house.
  107. this was all in about a hour timespan after Brit and the others had left the house, V says. So he decided him and the girl should check downstairs to make sure. so they turn on all the lights in the house and go down into the basement, the bathroom is cat corner from the stair so when they get to the bottom they can see that there is a light on in the basement. So they go over to it and the door is locked, V says he kept trying to giggle the handle but it wouldn't work so they start knocking asking if A is ok. They get no repsonse so they try the handle again and it opens this time, but there's not a soul in the bathroom.
  109. So now V freaks, and him and the girl turn around to run back up the stairs. And standingt at the bottom of the stairs is A. Just standing there looking at them. So V asks him what the fuck is he doing and where he's been and he doesn't say anything. So V starts walking toward A and gets halfway there and then stops, he says, because something in his guts told him it was something wrong. The both back up into the bathroom and lock the door. As soon as the door is locked, theres a knock on the door, they tell A to stop fucking around and once again get no response. So they call J.
  110. So they say that they are fucking weirded out by A, and are going to wait for him to go back up stairs and then boogie because he's acting weird. So J and Brit tell them to call the girl that walked to the gas station and to tell her to be careful when she comes back to the house.
  112. Candace says that this is weird because if she cut up the board and asked the spirit to be bound then it should be able to follow them around like that and that it should be held by the board. She says that they should just stay in the bathroom until they can get there and not to talk to A under any circumstnaces or listen to anything that he says to them. They say ok and hang up to call the other girl.
  114. Meanwhile, Candace and Brit get into a fight, because Candance feels that they all are stupid as hell for playing around with serious stuff and then not know what their doing and putting people in danger. Brit says that she knows it was dumb but how was she supposed to know that it was going to turn out this bad.
  116. Candace grabs her keys to the store and tries to call her mom, but it goes straight to voicemail. So they just go down to the store and go into the store room to get herbs and candles and other things for an excorism. J gets another call, it's from the girl who was walking to the store. She says she heard from V and the girl downstairs and should she call the cops or something or should she just wait. They tell her not to call the police unless A acutally get's violent and even then to call them first. So she ends up sitting out on the front porch and calling the people at the waffle house and telling them what's going down.
  117. So now they finish up at the bookstore and now they drive back to J's place to find people sitting outside on the porch. They say that eventually V and the girl opened the door, and nobody was inside so they just booked it upstairs and left the house to find the other girl sitting on the porch. Not hide nor hair of A is to be found again. So they all end up siting on the porch talking to the wafflehouse people on the phone and filling them in until they got back to the house.
  119. So know they all are back together but nobody can find A. they check the ouside of the house and walk around the neighboorhood, check the house again and everybody sits in the living room, get worried and debating just calling the cops.
  121. Valerie asks' why don't they just call his phone? So J dials his number and it goes straight to voicemail. Meanwhile, Brit goes into the kitchen to get a cup of water. And A is sitting at the table, naked. He's sitting there and eating something, and she doesn't know what it is but she slowly backs out of the room and goes and gets the others and Candace. The come back to the kitchen and he's still sitting there naked, eating what they realize is raw ground beef.
  122. so his face is smeared with raw burger meat and he's just eating handfuls of it from one of those huge ten pound things of ground beef. And most of the people are like, whelp time to fucking go. Everybody other than Candance,Brit,V, Valerie, the girl that was in the basement with V, lets call her Kay, and another guy named Al leave.
  124. They end up trying to talk to A but he just makes faces at them and grins with a mouth full of meat and when V trys to take the meat away he jumps on V and trys to bite him in the face.
  125. They end up having to lock him in the pantry of the kitchen and it takes both Al Candace and V to get him in there and he's fighting tooth and nail, not speaking or talking just attacking them with his eyes wide like he wants to bite their throats out.
  127. So they lock him in the pantry and they can here him rampaging ripping the shelving down, throwing glass bottles and cans against the door, but he never says a word.
  128. So they all end up sitting in the kitchen and calling my Auntie back to back until she finally answers the phone and asks them what the hell they want. They tell her the whole story and she curse, all of them out and tells them that it's their problem and that she's can't deal with this kind of bullshit this early in the morning and hangs up.
  129. So a few minutes go by and they realize that A is quiet in the pantry. And they ask him if he's ok, and he just starts crying and praying to jesus and asking them to please let him out right now. At first they ignore him, but the his voice gets frantic and he's screaming for them to open the door. and banging on it and beggin them to open it. Eventually they do, and he falls out backward his face is scratched up to shit, theirs blood all over his hands and nails from him scratching up his own face. And he starts vomiting up all the ground beef he ate.
  131. Candance gets a call from my auntie, saying that she's on her way from her BF's house.
  132. Alright, so they are there trying to calm A down. And he's fluctuating from being ok, to sobbing and weeping,to being extremely aggitated and aggressive. All the while they are waiting he keeps on crying and telling them that he's starving but when they heat him up some pizza he throws it across the room.
  134. He tells them that he needs meat, and meat with the soul still in it to feed the soul in him. At this point Valerie is freaking out, J is trying to placate him and Brit is on the phone trying to tell my Auntie how to get there. But she has to make a detour to the shop to get things first. She says it's probably going to be an hour before she gets there.
  136. V ends up calling his buddy Sean to come over and help because A is literally too strong for him to control by himself, and he keeps ripping at his chest, raking with his nails and they can't find his clothes. They don't specifically tell Sean whats going on, they just tell him that they're having problems and needs some extra muscle, he says hell be over in twenty minutes.
  137. Now Brit gets off the phone and their trying to calm down A but he's going apeshit huddling in the corner babbling to himself he trys to eat the glass, vomited up ground beef and blood on the ground, so they end up having to sweep up and mop to keep him from hurting himself. He punches Valerie so hard in the side that later on after the whole ordeal she ended up going to the hospital because she had blood in her urine from a bruised kidney.
  139. So, about thirty minutes later as they finish cleaning up and getting A calmed down some, they ended up giving him a valium, Sean shows up. V asks him what took him so long, as he lives a couple blocks away and has a car. Sean says that he had to finish up something at home, and that he had been standing outside talking to J's neighbor.
  141. J say's which neighbor. Sean says, well I don't know he looked like he was standing outside your front gate when I pulled up, he asked me to bum him a cigarette. He says he thought at first the guy was homeless or a clucker but that the way he talked he sounded pretty educated. He had just shot the shit with him for a while, smoked some cigs and then came inside.
  142. J looks at him like he's crazy and ask's Sean what makes him think that the guy was her neighbor. He says because they guy said it, when Sean had asked him if he stayed close the guy had told him that he yes, and that he was always hanging around so that he assumed J knew him.
  144. J askes was it a younger guy? Sean says no it was an older man, wearing a dirty old red FUBU hoody and some dirty jeans. J says that both of her neighbors are women, and neither one has anyone staying there that's an old man and that she's never even seen anyone like that in her neighborhood.
  146. Meanwhile, Valerie and V are in the kitchen with A, and he's begging them for something to eat and he says that he needs it or he's going to die. Then he starts moaning and wailing and begging them for some bloody meat. Sean comes into the kitchen with J, Brit and Candace and they all just stand there as A is rocking back and forth begging them and moaning. Then he starts clawing at his face.
  147. Now all they can do his old him down, they end up gettin some zip ties and zip tie his hands together to he'll stop scratching up his face and chest. He just sits on the floor in the kitchen, naked covered in blood and crusted vomit glaring and spitting at them rolling his eyes back in his head and chanting about souls and blood and hunger.
  148. So, Candace goes to grab some stuff for the medicine cabinet and Brit calls my auntie back. Meanwhile Sean is in the kitchen with V and Valerie getting filled in on what the fuck is going on.
  150. He ends up getting really pissed because he's scared shitless, he tells V that he could have told him what the fuck was going on over the phone. And now he's here with all the bad vibes and shit and what if it starts haunting him or whatever. Brit tells them that my auntie is right around the corner and that she's coming down the street right now, so this will all be cool soon.
  152. Sean says cool, he's going to go out back and have another cig.Candace is coming into the kitchen with peroxide and cotton balls and such when A literally, keep in mind his hands are zip tied together, jumps straight to his feet and makes a break for the back door, knocking Sean down the stairs.
  154. Everybody runs out of the back door trying to grab him as he makes a b line from the kitchen straight to the alley.
  155. Sean jumps up and V is already right behind him before he can get to the alley. V grabs his arms and yanks him down to the ground, and A starts kicking and biting. At this point everyone but Sean and V and A are standing in the doorway all the way up by the house.
  157. Brit says that when Sean and V drag him back into the house Sean had this messed up look on his face. V puts A on the ground and puts his knee on his ass trying to keep him from struggling. Sean just walks straight into the living room and sits down on the couch and puts his head in his hands.
  159. Candace asks him whats wrong, he says to them, "you didn't here him? How the hell didn't yall here him?" Valerie asks him what? He says that A started trying to fight them, biting and kicking, but that he was whispering at them, "ya'll know death is in me and death is gonna be in you too if you don't stop fucking with me.Know my name" Sean says it didn't sound shit like A, he says it sounded like a gravelly nasty voice just coming out of A's mouth. He said that he have never heard anything like it in his life.
  160. At this point they hear My Auntie knocking on the front door. J goes and lets her in and she walks into the living room and just stands there and frowns.
  162. Brit says that my auntie's tell is that she can smell things like lwa, and spirits and demons and rootwork and that she gets a real strong scent when something is either good or bad. Someting like herbs and sweet food or tabacco for good spirits or good conjure. But a smell like shit and sulphur or urine or the smell of blood for bad spirits.
  164. They say she just looked at them and came in with her big carpet bag, sat it on the floor and went right over to Brit and put her hand on her shoulder. Candace says that she just kissed her on the forehead at say something to the affect of, "child, I've been in some shit in my day, but this right here is an outhouse. You going to pay big for whatever it is you've done."
  166. So at this point V is calling for someone to come help him with A. So they all go back in the kitchen.
  167. So they go into the kitchen and Auntie tells Brit and Candace they need to be starts setting up an altar. She goes over and looks into A's eyes and at all the wounds and stuff like that. Brit said that he got really quiet and stopped raving while she was tending to him, she ended up bandaging him up.
  169. She told her to tell her back what had happened the night before but to leave out the names of the lwa. So they tell her, and she poors peroxide on his clawed up skin and just basically listens to the whole story,and tends to him for a while not saying much. Sean and V say they're going out front to have a smoke and a break while A is calm, Brit says ok and starts helping Candace.
  170. So, my auntie ends up untying him and asking him does he know who he is. He seems much more lucid and ok that he just was. She asks Brit if they were doing any psychadelics or any mood altering drugs, and Brit tells her not that she knows of. She says that he's giving off the stink of the grave and that she can feel something inside him but that it's not a lwa and and it's not a spirit.
  172. Candace is putting out the offerings for Legba, and Auntie tells them they need to dim the lights down. She pulls out a crucifix and starts praying over A. Asking Legba to come and be mediator and forgive any slight done against him. And that she offers up some sweet corn, tobacco and candies.
  174. At that moment, Sean and V come stubbling in the room spooked as hell.
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