
az/tinytech (chub!)rose/dave micro/feet/vore/worship/misc

Feb 9th, 2015
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  1. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] began pestering thicksetTherapist [TT] at 00:26 --
  2. DAVE: yo
  3. ROSE: Good evening.
  4. DAVE: is it evening
  5. DAVE: ive lost all sense of proper time
  6. DAVE: like out here one second its daytime
  7. DAVE: then boom its night
  8. DAVE: and another place
  9. ROSE: Are you sure you aren't just falling asleep and somehow ending up in a dream bubble that happens to be night? Actually, a better question would be are you still sleeping in dream bubbles.
  10. DAVE: yeah its weird though
  11. DAVE: like i dont even know if my dreaming becomes another bubble
  12. DAVE: or how that even works
  13. DAVE: it would be pretty fucked up if people could peep on my dreams tho
  14. ROSE: I can imagine. I'm not sure what precisely quantifies a dream as "private", but I've had plenty of rests where it was simply me, alone, in some odd place. Maybe I've dreamed of other people's bubbles while they're awake, or maybe I've been reconstructing them myself.
  16. DAVE: man the way bubbles work is like this massive headache of bullshit and nonsense that actually turns out to be true
  17. ROSE: Maybe it was always like this and we simply never realized it. What if the backstage glimpse into the workings of the universe we've been granted simply warped our perception?
  18. DAVE: with the way shit works that makes sense
  19. DAVE: knowing more makes us know less
  20. ROSE: At this rate we could probably afford to write entire books about how reality works, doll it up with unnecessarily cryptic language, and sell it to lesser-minded folks as a religious scripture.
  21. DAVE: look this paradox shit is bad enough without us having a textbook on it
  22. DAVE: im not taking any quizes
  23. DAVE: pop or otherwise
  25. ROSE: For someone whose entire destined role seems to revolve entirely around an astoundingly delicate set of mechanics and restrictions, you're surprisingly resistant to actually learning things.
  26. DAVE: okay time is different
  27. DAVE: that all makes sense
  28. DAVE: its just a pain in the ass
  29. DAVE: like a puzzle
  30. DAVE: ive got all the peices
  31. DAVE: but its like a ten thousand peice puzzle
  32. DAVE: so im up and slapping peices down left and right then double checking that shit
  33. DAVE: because god help you if you fuck up
  34. DAVE: hope youre ready to be your own grandfather
  35. DAVE: or get kissed by your mom
  36. DAVE: and then help your dad beat up his bully
  37. DAVE: man biff kinda got a raw deal if you think about it
  38. DAVE: wait what were we talking about?
  39. ROSE: Weren't you Dirk's adopted "brofather" in his universe? If you want to get technical about it, you might already be your own grandfather, with a recursively infinite amount of great-s affixed.
  40. DAVE: yeah in another universe
  41. ROSE: Fair enough.
  42. DAVE: im not down for all this horse shit
  43. DAVE: im a simple man with simple desires
  44. DAVE: no call for all this paradox nonsense
  45. ROSE: If we carried all of the baggage across two universes, we'd end up with a family tree that looked more like an unnecessarily inebriated stonecarver tried to depict a celtic knot with two chisels and a rubber tire.
  46. ROSE: As opposed to a vertically symmetrical two-pronged fork bent in the middle with a stupidly grinning John and a vat of slime next to it.
  47. ROSE: In retrospect, I'm so glad none of us ever picked up a hobbyist interest in genealogy.
  48. DAVE: i think we can agree that the end point here is fuck sburb
  49. ROSE: Amen.
  51. DAVE: like just thinking about some of that shit
  52. DAVE: ugh
  53. DAVE: id rather be stepped on
  54. ROSE: Look on the bright side. At least you didn't have to try to go on your daring, time-hopping adventures at your current size.
  55. DAVE: i might have to
  56. ROSE: Hm?
  57. DAVE: i cant see the future
  58. DAVE: i might need to do some more shit with time loops
  59. DAVE: shrug though
  60. ROSE: Well, a word of advice: try not to get roped into frog hunting until you're less liable to be lost in the underbrush and accidentally end up beneath the soles of your bewtiching charge.
  61. DAVE: or eaten by a fucking frog
  62. ROSE: Or that.
  63. DAVE: thats not something i particularly want
  64. ROSE: I mean, when you think about it, we're already inside an unfathomably oversized amphibian. Ours just has the courtesy to not be filled with digestive juices.
  65. DAVE: ill say this again
  66. DAVE: fuck sburb
  67. ROSE: If you somehow managed to die a heroic death to a frog, I don't know how anybody would get through the funeral.
  68. DAVE: im not going out tom thumb style
  69. DAVE: if anything im finding a way to end things like terminator 2
  70. ROSE: Here lies David Bartholomew Strider, age unknown. He was a chivalrous man with a deep-seated hatred for puppet ass, and a scarred, indominatable compulsion for puppet ass. In place of a casket, we have placed the frog containing his body in a small bowl, and put sunglasses on it in his memory.
  71. ROSE: He will be remembered by his close friends, including Jade Harley, who will now attempt to play some sort of funeral dirge on a flute, somehow.
  72. DAVE: would the frog have a suit at least?
  73. ROSE: I'm sure we can find one that fits it.
  74. DAVE: good
  76. DAVE: anyway i think we might have had enough about talking about my death at the hands of slippy
  77. ROSE: Mmhm. I'm sure you'd be able to fend off a wayward amphibian anyways.
  78. DAVE: i do still have my shitty broken swords
  79. ROSE: I'm still not sure why your brother spent so much money on so many shitty swords, as opposed to just buying one or two decent ones.
  80. ROSE: At least then you could hang it over a fireplace or something.
  81. DAVE: we built the fireplace out of shitty swords
  82. DAVE: and other shitty quality weapons
  83. ROSE: Christmas must have been exciting.
  84. DAVE: i never went to sleep christmas eve
  85. DAVE: it wasnt safe
  86. ROSE: Old Saint Nicolas, sliding down a chute made of flimsy broadswords, into a flaming pit of dirks and daggers.
  87. DAVE: let me ask you a question
  88. ROSE: It sounds less like a jolly visitor and more like someone using your chimney as an execution pit.
  89. ROSE: Hm?
  90. DAVE: have you ever been pelted with several wal mart statues of santa
  91. ROSE: No. Mother put a santa hat atop the giant stone Zazzerpan every year. That's the closest I've been to a Santa statue.
  92. DAVE: and in between your frantic slashing at fat old dudes flying at you comes an actual gift
  93. DAVE: christmas was a fucking duel
  94. ROSE: Why would you slash the Santa statues? They might have also been gifts.
  95. DAVE: look one good santa to the face is all it takes to forget the third grade
  96. ROSE: I've never considered their viability as a weapon. It sounds like the shittiest strife specibus in the history of either universe.
  97. DAVE: not at all
  98. DAVE: you know our dear ecto brother dirk
  99. ROSE: Yes, but I'm reasonably certain Dirk could weaponize cooked pasta. He's practically the exemption from any sort of self-imposed martial disability.
  100. DAVE: why does he get the badass status
  101. ROSE: I never said you weren't badass either. I'm just saying, I doubt your capacity for murdering people in fair combat with small stone holiday icons.
  102. ROSE: At the very least anybody I know capable of self-defense against somebody breaking into their house and bashing them repeatedly.
  103. DAVE: im feeling pretty insulted here
  104. DAVE: in the past maybe
  105. ROSE: Okay, fine. You could probably break someone's skull with a fancy Santa, with enough care and maybe the element of surprise.
  106. DAVE: thank you
  108. DAVE: also turn around
  109. ROSE: ...
  110. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] waiting with his arms crossed, he had transported himself into her room and had been hoping she would notice him sooner --
  111. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] glances over her shoulder warily, and. Oh. --
  112. ROSE: Oh.
  113. DAVE: yo
  114. ROSE: Well, okay, I was almost expecting you to be poised to bash me with a Santa. Hey.
  115. DAVE: you know the thought crossed my mind
  116. DAVE: but how would i hide the body?
  117. ROSE: Fair enough. Not all of us are gifted with the capacity for disintegration, or siblings small enough to flush down a toilet in moments of need.
  118. DAVE: you better not try anything like that
  119. ROSE: I won't. I can't imagine what you'd manage to do to the plumbing.
  120. DAVE: good, any possible kinks aside drowning sucks
  121. ROSE: Says the one who moments ago expressed a desire to have their demise be in the form of slowly sinking into lava, striking an icon pose. Lava is sort of drowning, I guess.
  122. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] simply sat in her computer chair, resting her head in her hand with her arm on the table. --
  123. DAVE: no way thats so different
  124. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] lands in front of her --
  125. ROSE: Temperature wise, maybe. You're still sinking into a fluid. Semifluid, techically.
  126. DAVE: ah whatever
  127. DAVE: agree to disagree
  128. ROSE: Works for me.
  130. DAVE: so
  131. ROSE: So. Has wanderlust gripped your fragile mind and driven you to the far ends of the Earth in search of new experiences, or are you visiting on confidential terms?
  132. DAVE: i had an idea
  133. DAVE: and i wanted to run it by you
  134. ROSE: In that case, shoot.
  135. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] shuffles his feet a little --
  136. DAVE: well okay
  137. DAVE: see the thing is
  138. DAVE: i uh
  139. DAVE: huh i dont know how to...
  140. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] shakes his head --
  141. DAVE: just n-nevermind
  142. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] peers down at him, one brow raised as he shuffles a bit. --
  143. ROSE: Is everything all right? You aren't one to fluster so easily before managing to say anything incriminating.
  144. DAVE: no i just
  145. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] gives out a deep sigh and keeps his eyes locked on the ground --
  146. DAVE: i kind of...
  147. DAVE: want you to
  148. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] the rest is mumbled --
  149. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] can't help but a smirk a tiny bit, already getting a slight inkling of what he means. --
  150. ROSE: You'll have to speak up, I'm afraid. Unlike some, your voice doesn't carry as well at such a small size.
  151. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] groans, he can just hear her smirking at him --
  152. DAVE: alright...
  154. DAVE: i want you to... play with me... w-with your feet...
  155. ROSE: Oh.
  156. DAVE: i had this stupid dream about it and...
  157. ROSE: I admit, I had been expecting that to steer more towards activities involving another round of dipping sauces.
  158. DAVE: shit if it was that simple id have just asked
  159. ROSE: Well, you know I'm not one to turn out an opportunity to dissect your dreams if nothing else.
  160. DAVE: look you dont have to
  161. DAVE: im not going to beg for you to do something you dont want to
  162. ROSE: Consider this, then. Give me an opportunity to mull over the presumed intricatice of whatever wayward fantasies you've been having about perilous foot-based submission, and I'll consider whether or not your assistance in stretching my psychotheraputical muscles is worth indulging you a little.
  163. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] was smirking openly, leaning back in her chair a little and crossing one leg. The cozy slipper she had been wearing dangled from her foot ever so slightly, heel exposed to the cool air of the room. --
  164. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] finally risked looking up, and yeah she was queen of smirk town alright, but he found his attention was drawn somewhere else. towards the foot that she was presenting him with, he honestly couldnt tell if sheeasing him with it or just getting comfortable but either way his face started to heat up --
  166. ROSE: So, then. Feel free to start from the top. Or the bottom, given the subject matter.
  167. DAVE: wh-what?
  168. ROSE: Your dream. You have me thoroughly curious as to what your subconscious produced, and not just because I was honored with being the focal point of them.
  169. DAVE: well it uh, started with you just casually asking for a foot rub
  170. DAVE: then you kind of flattened me under it
  171. DAVE: and you were talking about... stuff
  172. ROSE: Hm. I'm sure the abrupt transition could say much about either your perception of me or your own innate expectations of submission. In-ter-est-ing.
  173. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] was clearly leading him on a little, giving a little hum and tapping her foot in midair, her slipper falling off a little more from the motion. She kept it dangling from her toes, hidden from view, though she was enitely aware he was eyeing her foot. --
  174. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] he gulped a little and had to pause a bit before he kept going --
  175. DAVE: a-anyway you started talking about things like how you wanted me to just
  176. DAVE: willingly go with it
  177. DAVE: because you said that we both knew that i was enjoying it...
  178. DAVE: after a bit you lifted up your foot...
  179. ROSE: A subtle, subconscious self-criticism of your own denials, perhaps?
  180. DAVE: maybe
  181. DAVE: because after you lifted your foot i got up and started to rub it
  182. ROSE: A gesture of submission, or perhaps simply an expression of your sense of generosity.
  183. DAVE: fast forward a bit and you pull out your wands
  184. DAVE: some magic mumbling and then boom
  185. DAVE: im like squish proof
  186. DAVE: queue you going for a walk with me in your sock
  187. ROSE: That certainly sounds like an interesting use of magic. Maybe I ought to begin looking into the more restorative and fortifying aspects of such tools, rather than indulging on the destructive.
  188. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] just shrugs and scratches the back of head while looking anywhere but at her foot --
  190. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] had her eyes closed, though she opened them to side-eye Dave, tapping her chin with one finger and lowering her foot to let the slipper dangle almost entirely off it, before it fell with a thump, toes finally bare and stretching slightly. --
  191. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] so much for not looking, his head snapped towards her foot when the slipper fell and he found himself very obviously staring --
  192. DAVE: w-well uh that gives you a um
  193. DAVE: thats enough right?
  194. ROSE: All in all, though, this sounds like a rather unique dream to have. I may have to mull over the more discreet intricacies and meanings of such imagery later on.
  195. ROSE: Mmhm. I can't expect to squeeze much more out of you when you're so clearly bogged down by reminiscing upon it.
  196. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] at the word squeeze he shut his eyes and involuntarily shuddered --
  197. ROSE: That said...
  198. ROSE: As much as an experience as such scenarios would be for you, I can't help but imagine what it would like to be on the other end. And while walking about with a small, indestructible object in my sock might get a bit tiresome after a while, I'm admittedly drawn into the notion of having an honest and enthusiastic masseur.
  199. DAVE: yeah well thats all that happened in the dream
  200. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] said this very quickly --
  201. ROSE: Would it not be something you'd be willing to momentarily relive? If only as a gesture of kindness to those you care about, of course.
  202. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] curled her toes a bit, flexing her foot and watching him intently. --
  203. DAVE: y-yeah i wouldnt be uh...
  204. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] trailed off midsentance, simply giving up he walked towards her foot --
  205. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] shifted in her seat, pushing her chair back and stretching her legs out almost showingly with a soft grunt of relaxation. A moment later, she leaned back in her seat, resting her bare foot on its heel before him. --
  206. ROSE: Feel free to give yourself time to warm up. I assure you, I won't hold judgement on your skill, provided you at least give it a reasonable effort.
  208. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] reaching her heel he stopped and looked the massive foot before him up and down, sizing it up as it were, after a few moments he cautiously pressed his hands against the somewhat soft skin --
  209. DAVE: christ...
  210. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] relaxed, thankfully able to feel his tiny hands on her feet. Despite her habitual laziness, it was clear she took care of herself, soles soft from casual lotioning and feet smooth, and her plump figure likely contributed to said softness as well. On top of that, having just kicked her slipper off, her foot was still warm to the touch. --
  211. ROSE: Don't worry, I'll try not to make any sudden movements. Well, not TOO many sudden movements.
  212. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] giving himself a little time to get used to just rubbing his hands on her foot he eventually moved on to actually starting the massage, rubbing in widening circles around her heel --
  213. DAVE: look there only so much teasing you can do...
  214. ROSE: Maybe. If theres anything I pride myself in, though, it's my capacity for drawing things out for the benefit of many.
  215. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] leaned her foot forward a bit into the massage, her plump toes looming over him and spread slightly as she relaxed. --
  216. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] biting his lip he tried to just focus on the task before him, after having rubbed her heel for a while he slowly moved up and started to rub her sole --
  217. DAVE: yeah well... there only so much i can take right now okay?
  218. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] moved accordingly, her sole lowering more within his reach, and she gave a little murmur of pleasure at his rubbing that was far too audible to not be at least a little deliberate. --
  219. ROSE: Mmn...for what it's worth, you're not actually that bad at this. I suppose I can give you some mental breathing room for once.
  220. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] hearing that noise just made him shut his eyes tightly, luckily he found a spot that seemed to be tense so her increased the preasure of his rubbing to work out the stress --
  222. DAVE: thanks... this situation is like... new for me
  223. ROSE: ...okay, I said I'd relent, but. I'm surprised you haven't been in this sort of scenario more often.
  224. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] slumped in her seat more, arms folded on her tummy as both of her legs sprawled out lazily before her. The foot Dave was rubbing rested a bit heavier on him, not quite pressing down but clearly creeping closer to such a state. --
  225. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] couldnt tell if his arms were getting tired or if she was just no longer holding her foot up as much, he tried not to think along that lines and simply kept rubbing away, trying to get areas he might have missed --
  226. DAVE: i usually try to avoid things with feet... i think because im ashamed of liking it
  227. ROSE: To be honest with you, it isn't something I feel like you should be particularly ashamed of. Wary of, certainly, given the inherent dangers of your current size, but we all have our odd and seemingly unusual vices.
  228. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] tilted her head a bit to glimpse him over her bare leg, her toes curling a bit as his miniature form pressed a bit closer to the arch of her foot. --
  229. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] looking up at her he gave her a shrug and started to work out another area of stress --
  230. DAVE: the danger is actually part of the appeal...
  231. ROSE: I see. I suppose part of it would be that risk. That looming threat of forced subjugation, or the effortlessness of falling beneath such a force.
  232. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] smirked a little, most definitely actually pushing down on him a bit, foot held above the ground yet low enough to begin weighing on his chest and arms more forcefully. --
  233. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] yeah he could tell she was now very seriously messing with him, but really what couldhe do? he tried to push her foot up a little as he rubbed --
  234. DAVE: tha-that might be it yeah
  236. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] let him push against her slowly lowering sole, though at his current size he wouldn't be able to stop her from grinding him into the floor. Of course she wouldn't go that far, but she did reach forward, leaning him backwards a bit and working to pin him under her sole and toes. --
  237. ROSE: That fanciful dance upon the edge of death, beneath a force capable of effortlessly snuffing out your life, and yet clearly so alluring as to drive you to place yourself in such situations. It's almost poetic.
  238. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] struggles to keep his cool, though its probably very clear that he's just about to break --
  239. DAVE: its a lot of power right? almost like some kind of...
  240. DAVE: goddess
  241. ROSE: That's a rather succinct way to put it. Perhaps even a literal way, given our accomplishments. And I suppose if we're playing to the theatrical aspects of our roles, it's only fitting that the knight find his place at the feet of his visionary deity.
  242. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] finally managed to pin him properly, feeling him topple to his back beneath her foot as he was sandwiched between the floor and her warm, soft, unyielding sole. His head ended up between her big and second toes, the well-trimmed digits squishing the sides of his skull just a tiny bit, the rest of her foot positioned to leave the weight of her relaxation on his chest. --
  243. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] moaned very loudly and followed it up with a whimper. there would be no way she wouldnt feel his raging erection against her soft sole, he shivered and was only just keeping it together --
  245. DAVE: s-so how would a goddess lalonde get worshipped?
  246. ROSE: I like to imagine I would be a relatively simple goddess to please. Of course, I can't very well request adequate tribute from one your size, so perhaps I'll have to make do with your submission as one willing to offer themselves up in whole. You've already shown a splendid lack of selfishness in putting yourself in such a fitting position for one of your stature.
  247. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] could feel his arousal pressing ever so slightly on her sole, and scooted her chair forward a bit with her other foot, lifting her knee and properly stepping onto him gently yet firmly. The pressure on his body intensified, warm sole pressing the wind from his lungs, and while she made sure he could breathe, she was hard adverse to letting him struggle a bit under her foot. --
  248. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] alright thats it, game over for dave strider keeping his cool, feeling the air leave his lungs he gasped and squirmed to catch his breath, and once he started drawing in labored breathes he turned his head a bit and kissed her toe --
  249. DAVE: god damn...
  250. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] rewarded his kissing with a soft, audible moan, twisting her foot on him a bit to both gently grind him into the foor a bit and slide her big toe over his face, the chubby digit blocking his view of the room as she lowered into onto him and momentarily smothered him beneath a single toe. Her heel lifted, sole rubbing against his body, and she waited a bit before lifting her toes and giving him fresh air, curling them against his collarbone and shoulders.
  251. ROSE: Mmmnn...See? You already know your place, and precisely how to handle your role. As I said, it's a surprise that you haven't been in such situations before, but I'm more than pleased by the chasity shown by granting your virgin experience in proper worship to me. It almost makes up for how little of you there is to appreciate.
  252. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] when her foot covered his face he wasted no time in kissing it almost desperately, his hips bucked against her foot as much as they could and he moaned out. he felt himself getting lightheaded before she lifted her toe, he drank in air before peppering her in light kisses --
  254. DAVE: you might be able to use your magic to temporarily grow me...
  255. ROSE: I could, perhaps. But on the other hand, while you can't quite cover as much ground as someone more suitably sized, there's something to be said about the way you are now. I'm not sure if I'd want to give up knowing my most faithful assistant is still only able to tend to a single foot, nor am I hasty to sacrifice the power that comes with being able to control him with such a minimum of effort. How else am I to prove myself merciful, other than to have one as capable of you helpless beneath me, at the mercy of my slightest whim, and capable of being snuffed out like a flame with but a twitch of my foot?
  256. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] lifted her heel a bit more for emphasis, pressing down on both his chest and erection with her sole and curling her toes to "allow" him to kiss more of the surface area of the single toe pinning his blonde head down. Naturally, it was more "force" than "allow", and his vision darkened as she muffled his face with the tip of said digit for a few more moments, letting him squirm helplessly underfoot.
  257. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] and squirm he did as well as kiss her toe as much as he could, there was even a tiny bit of hesitant tongue near the end of his kissing spree. moaning desperately he tried to move his pinned arms towards his cock, voice muffled he yelled up at the large woman --
  258. DAVE: g-good point! whatever you want im game for lalonde!
  259. ROSE: In that case, I suppose it's only fair that you cover what little else you can. Show me how dedicated you really are, and perhaps I'll find a suitable reward for you.
  260. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] shifted, pressing her sole down on his chest to keep his arms pinned, and twisted her foot again in a grinding motion to shift his second toe over his face. The underside of her soft, warm digit pressed against his lips, and she intently rubbed it against him a bit, tapping her other foot a bit expectantly. --
  262. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] getting the hint he kissed the toe as if it were a lover (or as if he was kissing rose), this time he was a bit less shy about using his tongue in order to show his devotion --
  263. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] let a soft hiss of air escape her teeth at his licking, rewarding his continued efforts by very gently rocking her sole a bit, the bottom nudging his erection slightly as she pressed her toe down firmer onto his face. --
  264. ROSE: Mmmmhh, yes, that will do. I can't hold my expectations too high, but it's relieving to know you're willing to go the extra mile to prove yourself to me. I certainly hope you aren't already getting tired, though, since you haven't shown nearly enough of me the sort of worship I've clearly earned from you.
  265. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] whimpered and started to grind his hips against her foot as he kissed her toe with more force --
  266. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] was actually muttering things into her toe between kisses but he was so muffled that she wouldnt be able to hear him --
  267. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] was sorely tempted to demand he speak up, but opted to wait a bit longer, giving his tiny figure another almost dismissive motion beneath her sole and moving onto her third toe, smaller but no less capable of covering his face and forcibly holding his head against the floor. --
  268. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] knowing that doing the same thing over and over wouldnt do for his newly accepted deity he approached this toe a bit differently, he kissed it forcedly and also nipped at the flesh, treating it like a partner that like things rough --
  269. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] moaned a bit at his nipping, her toes curling in on him a bit as she rested her heel back on the ground, carefully ensuring his entire figure was pinned beneath her foot. --
  270. ROSE: Mmmh, a bit feisty down there? I'd be careful if I were you; you certainly wouldn't want to have your goddess have to actually put effort into subduing you, would you?
  271. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] feeling his entire being covered by her mere foot made him curl his own toes, at her words he paused for a second and considered, a moment later he nipped her toe again --
  272. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] lifted her toe a tiny bit in response to the nip, not because it sincerely hurt, but to give the impression of backlash as it lowered more forcefully, weighing down on his cheek and pressing his face flat against the ground. The sole holding his body in place intensified in pressure, her heel lifting as she leaned all of her foot's weight on him, careful not to hurt him too much but definitely leaving him in a perilous position.
  274. ROSE: Hmph. I was hoping it wouldn't have to come to this. You were doing so well, too. But I suppose it's inevitable that even the most devout of followers makes mistakes along the way. I suppose I'll simply have to drive the point in a bit more, for good measure.
  275. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] groans and for the first time today its in more discomfort then pleasure, realizing that he kind of fucked up he was dismayed to find that with her toe to his cheek he couldnt kiss in apology --
  276. DAVE: im sorry lalonde!
  277. DAVE: ill make it up to you!
  278. ROSE: Can you, though? As much as I would like yo set an example, I'm more than interested in seeing what someone as minuscule as yourself could do in penance. See if you can't surprise even one so many orders of magnitude more than yourself.
  279. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] paused, before slowly relenting a bit. Her tone was teasing and a bit haughty, but there was clearly mercy in the way the pressure eased, though she still kept him mostly pinned and beneath her sole. --
  280. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] wheels set into motion in daves mind, how exactly could he prove that he was sorry and penatent? he had already rubbed and kissed her feet so there really wasnt anything that he could... with a small nod he got an idea he considered pretty solid, with nothing left to lose he went ahead --
  282. DAVE: alright to show how sorry i am i present an offering to you
  283. DAVE: if it pleases you... goddess
  284. ROSE: Hm?
  285. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] peered down at him, shifting her foot ever so slightly lower, yet given his size such a small gesture freed his upper half more. --
  286. DAVE: myself, as an offering to be eaten to feed my goddess
  287. ROSE: Hmmmm.
  288. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] paused, deliberately putting on a contemplative look, her sharp, violet eyes gazing over him as she drummed her fingers a bit. --
  289. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] calling her goddess actually wasnt that hard and that only surprised him a little as he looked up into her eyes, he bowed his head and tried to look contrite --
  290. ROSE: Normally, I'd find such a concept to be a bit haughty. Not only the assumption that a savant as tiny as you could hope to even begin to satiate me; you're practically nothing but a particularly vocal mote of dust to me, be it under my heel or in my stomach. Besides, a servant is much more useful alive and able to physically please his goddess. But...
  291. ROSE: You've proven yourself to be remarkably resilient, both in surviving for so long under the foot of a deity and in your admirable talent as a renewable tribute. And I did say I would reward you for your efforts, didn't I? I think we both know I wouldn't be the only one enjoying having such a morsel sliding down my throat.
  292. DAVE: i could make a few time clones if that would help
  293. ROSE: I don't think it'll be necessary right now. Having only one of you means I can give you my fullest attention, rather than simply toss you in by the bunch. Not that a group of you wouldn't be much more filling, mind, but for now, you've earned being treated above an expendable food supply, if only by a singular notch.
  294. DAVE: thank you, goddess
  296. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] leaned forward, before standing slowly, careful not to lean her full weight onto the foot pinning down Dave. Standing up, he was treated to the sight of her from the ground, head between her toes as she loomed above him like an unconquerable mountain, peering down at him like an ant. --
  297. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] looking up at her like that he couldnt help but moan, his cock was as hard as it could be but the sight above him caused it to painfuly throb --
  298. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] paused, giving him time to drink in the sight of her from below. Thankfully (or not), she was wearing shorts rather than a skirt, but the view was likely no less appealing to him. After a few moments, she leaned forward, carefully bending down and causing her form to block out the light behind her, as she reached one hand down towards the tiny boy pinned under her foot and gently yet firmly wrapped her fingers around him.
  299. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] when her fingers curled around him and tilted his head down a bit and planted kiss after kiss on her skin --
  300. DAVE: i have a question
  301. ROSE: Mm?
  302. DAVE: would you consider it a compliment to your beauty or an affront if i came
  303. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] slowly stood back up, holding him level with her bust rather than above him and forcing him to look up at her face, wetting her plump lips a bit. --
  304. ROSE: I don't think it's considered proper to view a goddess in such a light, but in such a case, I'm willing to overlook the instinctual transgressions of those such as yourself.
  305. ROSE: Besides, I'm sure you're channelling it into a more proper form of worship.
  306. DAVE: well i would just need a moment then, i doubt you want me cumming in your mouth
  307. ROSE: Perhaps not. But would you truly have the gall to ask a goddess to halt her tribute? If you want to serve, you'll have to show a bit more piety than that; once your duties as tribute are completed, then you can relieve yourself.
  308. DAVE: ill do my best but to be honest im about to pop
  309. DAVE: i dont know if i can hold it goddess
  310. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] knew it was just a little cruel to make him hold off, but Rose Lalonde was nothing if not excessively taunting. She drew him closer to her chin, eyeing him down her nose as she parted her lips and gave him a glimpse into her dark, warm mouth. --
  311. ROSE: I'm afraid you don't have much of a choice in the matter, my minuscule savant. See to it that my tribute is untainted.
  312. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] looking into her mouth and finally not prenting to not want it he admired the view, for the entrance guarded by her soft pillowy lips, past the massive deadly teeth, to her throat --
  313. DAVE: ...holy shit you have a stellar maw ms lalonde
  315. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] gave him a sultry grin at his comment, before opening wide, the sight of her deep, cavernous mouth the last thing he saw. One of her fingers pressed against his back, and the tiny boy was stuffed whole into her maw, his head pressing into the back of her tongue and his body squashed into the wet, warm surface. She was sorely tempted to prolong his stay, but she knew his chances of holding out were slim, and simply removed her finger with a wet pop of her lips and tilted her head back, letting saliva and gravity pull him towards her throat.
  316. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] swallowed as he was plopped onto her tongue, he wiggled against it a bit and was surprised to find himself already sliding towards her throat. in the dark humid cavern of her mouth he thought that he could easily move a bit and prolong his stay but decided against that. he was a tribute right now after all, so he decided to continue his worship, kissing her tongue and rubbing it a bit up until the moment he started his free fall into her stomach, on the way down he shouted out one final thing
  317. DAVE: thank you goddess!
  318. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] could only hear a tiny, muffled cry from the back of her throat, inaudible to her as he slid into the tight, wet gullet beneath him. One final gulp forced him in, her throat constricting around him and pushing him down further and further into his goddess, the girl herself already unable to even feel his presence other than a slight tickle in her throat as he went down. A few moments later, and he splashed into her hot, wet, lightless stomach, the idle gurgling and thumping of her body the only noise audible to him, and to Rose herself, the most he elicited was a soft hiccup, too tiny to even provide any degree of fullness.
  319. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] splashing into the belly of his goddess dave wasted no time in quickly stroking his cock, it took almost no time for him to cum. after heaving a massive sigh he relaxed into her gastric acids and gave himself to her. a bit less then a minuet later his body re-appeared just outside of her expansive gut with a blissful smile in his face --
  320. DAVE: that was...amazing
  322. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] glanced down at him, expression much more relaxed and casual, and she couldn't help but smirk at the look on his face. Settling back down into her seat, she reclined a bit, resting one hand on the tummy that had previously contained his form. --
  323. ROSE: Perhaps not the more traditional panacea for your subconscious desires, but I'm glad to see you've taken it so well.
  324. DAVE: i think i might have a hard time not thinking of you as my well, goddess
  325. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] his face flushed red again --
  326. ROSE: I promise to mostly only use such a status responsibly. Maybe.
  327. DAVE: i cant say i want you too
  328. ROSE: Well, that certainly makes things easier.
  329. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] let her smirk grow a tiny bit more, idly relaxing in her chair despite her previous authoritarian tone. --
  330. DAVE: hey i shouldnt lie to those i worship right?
  331. ROSE: Precisely. Dishonesty is only going to...well, I guess threatening to crush you isn't really a deterrent anymore. I'll have to think of something more suitable.
  332. DAVE: about the threats you make
  333. DAVE: i dont know if i can take them seriously
  334. ROSE: I'm not sure if I should be disappointed or relieved.
  335. DAVE: while i would call your divine nature haughty i dont think you have it in you to just
  336. DAVE: kill me
  337. ROSE: Well, I think I've technically killed you two or three times so far. Death by ingestion is more an exception than a rule, though; I truly wouldn't want to smear you all over my foot.
  338. DAVE: yeah i dont really count eating anymore
  339. DAVE: and i bet you would have a similar aversion to squeezing me out
  340. ROSE: I don't have any intention of hurting you, I guess is the best way to put it. You've managed to make being digested a surprisingly serene affair; I can't say the same for the other ninety-nine spectacular ways to kill a tiny Strider.
  341. DAVE: yeah so you need new threats
  342. ROSE: Hm. I may have to sleep on it. This is the sort of dilemma that even I'd have to put thought into.
  343. DAVE: ill leave it up to you then
  344. ROSE: Very well. And do me a favor?
  345. DAVE: whats up?
  346. ROSE: Let me know what sorts of exhilaratingly deviant dreams you have after tonight.
  347. ROSE: I'm practically on the edge of my seat to see what your subconscious is going to come up with now.
  348. -- tinytechGodhead [TG] his face went dark red and he nodded --
  349. DAVE: y-yeah no prob
  350. -- thicksetTherapist [TT] just smiled down at him knowingly. --
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