
Classes-v8d Patch Notes

Jul 7th, 2016
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  8. ==General
  9. -ACS scripts updated to v5a???
  10. --Giant mess of ACS scripts cleaned up to a single edited GLOBAL/WEPACS (Sorry Jax. ~Celebi)
  12. =A large amount of projectiles have lost DONTBLAST (flung by RollSwing and old LeafShield)
  13. =Several projectiles gained DONTREFLECT so certain shenanigans don't happen with JewelSatellite.
  15. -Homing changes removed due to vanilla changing to A_SeekerMissile
  17. -MirrorBuster, +THRUGHOST > +THRUSPECIES
  19. =Armor values have been removed from the classes, and have instead been converted into raw health.
  20. --Here is a basic conversion list.
  22. HardClassBase 0.5x > 200 hp
  24. HeavyClassBase 0.55x > 185 hp
  26. ToadClassBase 0.65x > 155 hp
  28. DocToadClassBase 0.728x > 135 hp
  30. SturdyClassBase 0.8x > 125 hp
  32. DuoClassBase 0.896x > 115 hp
  34. ClassBase 1.0x > 100 hp
  36. MegaClassBase 1.12x > 90 hp
  38. Light 1.2x > 85 hp
  40. ProtoClassBase 1.333x > 75 hp
  42. Glass 1.5x > 65 hp
  44. -Due to the above health changes, small/big health on a map give a percentage (15%/40%) of your max health rather than raw health (15/40)
  48. ==Vanilla related
  50. -EnergyBalancer no longer does bonus effects for DocRobot, instead it just heals him 10% health like a Robot Master would get.
  52. -Due to the Atomicfire change, DocRobot and EvilRobot were unable to fire a full charge shot.
  53. --Atomicfire full shot ammo cost 15>14, damage 130>100 (this was increased to 130 for CBM due to armor)
  54. -Atomicfire damage reduction after first hit 0.0x > 0.1x
  56. -SkullBarrier, swap delay when shield is up removed.
  58. -CentaurFlash has been added to the LMS weapons.
  60. -The following classes have a 50/50 chance of dropping either of their 'two' weapons.
  61. --Skullman
  62. --Centaurman
  63. --Tenguman
  65. -Ice death sound re-replaced with the original sound
  67. ==CBM weapons
  69. =BusterRodGWep
  70. -Damage 7>8
  72. =RainbowGalaxyWep
  73. -New weapon to replace Galaxyman's drop.
  74. -Rapid fires a rainbow of shots that cause hitstun similar to Needle Cannon
  75. -Each shot has a small difference between other shots, such as damage and speed.
  77. ==New Classes
  79. ==OriginalDuo
  80. -DocToad health (135), speed 0.76/0.74
  81. -Mainfire fires a quick short range fist that does a small explosion
  82. --Charging mainfire fires a larger fist with more range/damage than the short range version.
  83. -Altfire does a very short range punch.
  84. --Charging altfire causes the player to charge forward ramming players.
  85. ---During the ram, the player has armor and can easily be slowed down by hitstun.
  86. ---Players hit are immune to further rams for a decent duration.
  87. -Item use at full ammo begins the meteor attack, which lasts as long as you have ammo.
  88. --Mainfire during the meteor causes the meteor to explode.
  89. --Altfire during the meteor cancels the meteor and causes the player to charge at the ground.
  90. ---The player does damage during the fall and does a shockwave attack upon landing that travels further the longer the player falls.
  91. --Using the item again during the meteor does a basic cancel.
  93. ==EvilRobot
  94. -Has the same stats as the Duo Class.
  95. -Is able to use Copy Weapons. (Deals less damage due to Copy Nerf)
  96. -Gets half ammo similar to DocRobot.
  97. --Is unable to pick up ammo to refill the weapons.
  98. -A seperate ammo bar is constantly filling up, which can be used with altfire when its full.
  99. --Once activated, all collected weapons have their ammo refilled, a spreadrune is gained, and the player takes 1.5x more damage.
  100. --The spreadrune and lowered armor last as long as you have ammo.
  101. --During this enraged stated, the player can then hit altfire with different weapons to do different Giga attacks.
  102. ---These attacks are mostly similar to the EvilRobot boss fight.
  103. -The Giga Attack performed with the base weapon fires an Evil Laser that causes a debuff to enemies, lowering their damage by 75%.
  106. -Team checking based stuff now works for Teamgame(ACS)
  108. -Loadout shouldn't disable items for classes who can't even use them.
  109. --Updated for new Megaman 9 weapons and adjusted for core weapon changes. (CopyVision moved from shield > ranged as an example)
  111. ==Protoman
  112. -Speed 0.8/0.78 > 0.83/0.81
  113. -Armor Proto>Light (75>85)
  114. -Doesn't accidently get StunArmor with their generic upgrade.
  115. -Basic buster shot damage 15>16 (Copy nerf makes it 13>14)
  116. -Full charged shot damage 35>39 (Copy nerf makes it 31>35)
  118. ==Bass
  119. -Doesn't accidently get StunArmor with their generic upgrade.
  120. -Auto aim works with Treble Boost now.
  122. ==Duo
  123. -Dash sprites added, made by "Bonglorio"
  124. -Hud adjusted to match core changes.
  125. -Basic DuoFist fire return adjusted.
  126. -Charge time for charge shot reduced by 4 tics.
  127. -Giga fist damage 65>61. (Copy nerf makes it 59>55 damage)
  129. ==Rock
  130. -Updated skin based on the updated Megaman skin added. (Updated by Dimpsy)
  131. -Jump 10>11
  132. -Main+Altfire kick
  133. --Can be done after 14>7 tics of charging
  134. --Ball kicked is at -16>0 height.
  135. ---MegaBall specifically can be charged faster 56>48 tics.
  136. -Slight ammo regen added while doing basic kicks.
  137. --MegaBall uses less ammo on everything except midair hops.
  138. -Due to request, bomb ball does not bounce off shootable actors...hopefully. (Such as WilyBarrels)
  139. -Megaball +1 damage +1 bounce
  140. -Iceball +3 speed
  141. -Fireball +1 bounce +10 speed
  143. ==Roll
  144. -Armor Proto>Light (1.33>1.2) [75hp>85hp]
  145. -Speed 0.8/0.78>0.825/0.805
  146. -Jump 10>11
  147. -Megaman 8 style hud by Frags added. (Edited by Celebi)
  148. -Pit protection added to knockback.
  149. -Mainfire first swing total duration tics 27>25 tics, second swing total duration 26>25 tics.
  150. -Roll swing direct hit damage 10>0, explosion damage 14>18, explosion set size 20>24, missed hit explosion damage 12>14
  151. --Only the second swing causes knockback.
  152. --Due the above damage changes, knockback/ammo gain only happens once rather than twice on direct hit.
  153. --Second swing speed 32>36
  154. -Health pickup changed to percent health rather than raw health.
  155. -Health summon in teamgames heals roll 20>17 health.
  156. --Players can now steal enemy roll health to gain 5% health.
  157. -Ammo get on kill 4>6.
  158. -Altfire dash now goes at a set velocity
  159. --General speed lowered, less in the air.
  160. --Midair dashes boost you upwards a bit.
  162. ==SniperJoe
  163. -Duration for dropping a scoreball on damage 5>8 seconds.
  164. -Machine gun shot damage 5>6
  165. -Truck direct hit damage 4>3, back up direct hit damage 2>4.
  166. -Apache now has bonus 25% speed.
  167. -Apache flight height 300>320
  168. -Vehicle explosions do light explosion damage.
  170. ==Cutman
  171. -Slice slides on floors and bounces off walls once.
  172. -Slice attack total duration 23>16 tics.
  173. -Slice explosion damage 5/5 > 4/3
  175. ==Gutsman
  176. -Placed rock duration 5>6 seconds
  178. ==Fireman
  179. -Fire shield damage changed to the method in vanilla
  181. ==Elecman
  182. -Armor Glass>Proto (1.5>1.33) [65hp>75hp]
  184. ==Timeman
  185. -Timeman sprites by FTX6004 added for altfire, even if its super brief.
  186. -Speed boost 2.0x>2.5x
  188. ==Oilman
  189. -Sliding method changed to core OilSlider method.
  190. -Weapon cleaned up.
  191. --Easier to charge shots and let go.
  192. --Delay getting stamina back instant>32 tics.
  194. ==Metalman
  195. -Altfire stamina use 4>3.
  197. ==Crashman
  198. -Speed 1.0/0.98>0.95/0.93
  199. -Max ammo 16>28
  200. -Ammo regen via flash state removed.
  201. -Ammo regen, 1 ammo every 11 tics > 1 ammo every 3 tics
  202. -All explosions, set explosion size 0>8.
  203. -Main direct hit explosion, first explosion damage 18>16.
  204. --As a note, past direct hit explosions usually did 15 damage on the first hit, or 16 if the bomb was fired in the enemy's face at point blank.
  205. -Altfire detonate moved to item use.
  206. -New/Old altfire added, fire the original ClashTimer bomb.
  207. --This bomb behaves like vanilla CrashBomb but has no hitstun and can be detonated right away for reduced explosion damage.
  208. --Direct hit/detonated explosion damage 12, full delay explosion damage 15.
  209. --As a note, this bomb does 2 damage on direct hit and has 50 speed. (Mainfire bombs have 60 speed)
  210. --Altfire bombs do not interfere with the four mines limit.
  212. ==Heatman
  213. -Now has two weapons
  214. --Weapon 1 uncharged now fires buster sized shots that do 11 damage.
  215. --Weapon 2 fires heat pillars all the time.
  216. -Now starts with half ammo.
  217. -Falling heat pillar damage 2>6.
  218. -Heat Pillar duration +9 tics.
  219. -Lvl 1 atomic tackle shot, radius/height 7>8
  221. ==Woodman
  222. -Ammo regen, 2 ammo every 3 tics > 2 ammo every 4 tics
  223. -Plantman/Shademan can't heal off the counter
  224. -Players now take 25% damage from further leaf rain hits for a short duration after being hit by one.
  226. ==Dr. Wily
  227. -Drops a CopyClassUpgrade as his WeaponDrop object.
  229. ==Alien
  230. -Trap shots now slide on floors like Gyroman's attack (These deal less damage)
  232. ==Magnetman
  233. -Jump 10>12
  234. -Ammo regen 2 ammo every 5 tics > 1 ammo every 4 tics.
  235. -Mainfire redone. (Borrowed from a different project ~Celebi)
  236. -After firing a magnet, holding mainfire will prevent the magnet from homing.
  237. --Releasing mainfire will cause the magnet to attempt to home at the closest enemies.
  238. -Mainfire ammo cost 3>4.
  239. -Magnet damage 15 > 9+duration before homing, speed 47>36, duration of projectile 170 tics > 20 tics after homing starts.
  240. --If the magnet finds no target on homing command, it will continue forward, but no longer gain damage.
  241. --Homing strength increases in relation to damage.
  242. -Ammo regen during altfire cut in half
  243. -Jump reduced to 10 while using altfire
  245. ==Geminiman
  246. -Clone weakness sound fixed
  247. -Clone stops firing at enemies who have the following flags set to true.
  248. --CANTSEEK
  252. ==Hardman
  253. -Delay before actually firing 9>8.
  254. -Total firing duration 31>27.
  255. -Altfire delay before allowing more altfire 5>4 tics.
  256. -Infinite loop point blank fist crash fixed. (Roll over from changes)
  257. -Fist projectile radius/height 8/8>10/10, speed 38>40
  258. --Fist projectile now has DONTBLAST for a short duration upon firing.
  259. -Returning fist uses a mix of cutman cutter return and old custommissile method.
  260. --Returning fist has its own obituary due to players getting confused on what killed them.
  261. -Missing frames added to altfire.
  263. ==Topman
  264. -Speed 1.2/1.18 > 1.1/1.08
  265. -Mainfire redone.
  266. -Charge up mainfire to spin faster and faster, slowing down and doing constant nearby damage.
  267. --The more charge you have on release, the further you travel and the longer you spin.
  268. --No matter the charge, the total delay is the same.
  269. --If above half charge, released spins allow you to avoid all damage similar to Truck Joe and Timeman.
  270. -Damage adjusted due to above changes.
  272. ==Snakeman
  273. -New item toggle added.
  274. --When toggled on, Snakeman is able to climb walls/ceilings freely. (This does not work on shootable actors)
  275. --Speed is reduced by 80% while climbing walls/ceilings and stamina drains during this time.
  276. -Altfire climb thrust 26>40, stamina use 3>2.
  277. -Stamina regen, 20 every tic > 4 every tic.
  279. ==Sparkman
  280. -Big shot now does a small explosion on non-direct hits that causes half stun.
  282. ==Shadowman
  283. -Returning blade damage 16>15.
  285. ==DocRobot
  286. -RingBoomerangWepC is a "Jump" weapon
  288. ==Toadman
  289. -While using altfire, players are able to 'jump' off of enemies heads.
  290. -Due to armor removal, RainFlush damage adjusted.
  291. ==D# = Damage, EX# = explosion size, SET# = set explosion size.
  292. --First hit, D# 15>12, EX# 500>480, SET# 96>112
  293. --Second hit, D# 15>12, EX# 500>488, SET# 64>80
  294. --Third/Fourth hit, D# unchange(10), EX# 500>496, SET# 32>48
  295. --Constant rain, D# 8>9, EX# 500>512, SET# 0>8
  296. -Rain droplets, spawn range and total spawned increased.
  298. ==Drillman
  299. -Digout damage fixed.
  301. ==Ringman
  302. -Second weapon has different colored hands.
  303. -Strong returning ring damage when stopping, 16>5.
  305. ==Dustman
  306. -First weapon has a slightly different color.
  307. -DustBit shots no longer have random spread.
  308. -Pit protection on suction and suction power 4>3.
  310. ==Diveman
  311. -Now has two ammobars
  312. -Ammo1 regen, 10 ammo every 2 tics > 9 ammo every 2 tics
  313. -Ammo2 regen, 10 ammo every 2 tics > 6 ammo every 2 tics
  314. -Dive mines use 1/3 of your Dive Missile ammo.
  315. --Mines almost always blow up if near other dive mine explosions
  316. --Mine sprite offset adjusted upwards.
  317. --Mine height 20>24
  318. ---Dive Mine protection duration 3>12
  319. -Dive Tackle uses the second ammobar.
  320. --Ammo gain on hit 0>35.
  321. --The Tackle has a 20 degree upward limit (similar to Tenguman's dash)
  322. --Due to the above, ammo regen is no longer disabled until landing.
  324. ==Waveman
  325. -Now has two weapons, the second weapon fires normal harpoons constantly.
  326. -Mainfire boosting on certain walls fixed?
  327. --Air thrust 16>10.
  328. -Ammo regen delay after mainfire 18>14 tics.
  329. -Hookshot has some tiny delay before traveling to allow for close range wall hooks.
  330. -While using the hookshot, ammo regens at a rate of 1 ammo every 14 tics.
  331. --This stops when altfire is let go.
  333. ==Gyroman
  334. -Ammo regen when firing, 1 ammo every gyro > half ammo regen.
  335. -Ammo regen canceling flight 1 ammo every 4 tics > 1 ammo every 8 tics.
  336. -Ammo regen when holding altfire 1 ammo every 6 tics (new)
  337. --Hud shows a fist when holding altfire.
  338. -Gyro's that hit the floor/ceiling do less damage, 15>13
  340. ==Chargeman
  341. -Weapon slightly cleaned up
  342. -Midair charge velocity 1>1.5
  343. -Coal shot does less damage when it spawns and scales back up to its old damage as it travels.
  344. -Altfire instant explosion damage 9>11.
  346. ==Napalmman
  347. -Ammo delay after mainfire 6>4.
  349. ==Crystalman
  350. -Slight randomness added to big crystal splitting.
  352. ==Darkman1
  353. -Altfire boost has been moved to the flash state, use jump to boost!
  354. -Now has a new altfire that fires shots that fall with gravity and do mini explosions.
  356. ==Darkman4
  357. -Mainfire with shield up now starts at 15 damage and scales up to 20. (It did 20 all the time before.)
  359. ==Centaur
  360. -Ammo regen, 2 ammo every 10 tics > 1 ammo every 5 tics.
  361. -Split shots duration infinite>14 tics
  363. ==Plantman
  364. -Hud adjusted for shield throw.
  365. -Plant Buster thrustZ 0>8.
  366. -Complete(?) PlantBarrier sprites added.
  367. --Due to the above, shield duration adjusted, damage every 9>8 tics.
  368. -Due to above, second shield explosion damage 6>5, set explosion size 0>20.
  370. ==Windman
  371. -Ammo regen every 7>6 tics
  372. -Flight ammo regen during mainfire adjusted
  373. -Mainfire total duration 22>18 tics.
  375. ==Yamatoman
  376. -Max ammo 27>28
  377. -Stock needed to restore 1 ammo 20>19
  378. -Dropped spear duration 275 tics > 300 tics
  379. -Altfire set explosion size 0>16
  381. ==Junkman
  382. -Starting ammo 200>350
  383. -Hud/animations adjusted.
  384. -JunkCube death bits don't fly so far.
  386. ==Cloudman
  387. -Bonus bar animation to show if flight is on/off
  389. ==Springman
  390. -Springs can now bounce on water
  391. -Direct hit WildCoil damage 40>35, speed 18>21
  392. -SpringPunch explosion damage 45>40, set explosion size 32>16
  394. ==Turboman
  395. -Fixed an error with death states.
  396. -Flung scorch wheel explosion damage 12>10.
  397. -Ground scorch wheel explosion damage 12>11.
  399. ==Tenguman
  400. -Dash speed 21>24
  401. -TenguSmash second/third explosion set size 0>8.
  402. -Kamaitachi explosion damage 14>12, set explosion size 0>8.
  404. ==Swordman
  405. -FlameSword damage adjusted due to armor removal. Ground swing 18>15, air swing 19>16.
  407. ==Clownman
  408. -Players are immune to returning claw for 3 tics upon being hit by it.
  410. ==Searchman
  411. -Horizontal SBARINFO adjusted
  412. -Search Bush height 12>42
  413. -Same target lock-on delay 20>22
  415. ==Frostman
  416. -Altfire IceWave radius/height 12>14, bouncecount +2, speed 20>21.
  418. ==Grenademan
  419. -'Steam' is shown when at full rage
  421. ==Aquaman
  422. -Water Balloon direct hit explosion damage 7>6, indirect hit explosion 16>15
  423. -WaterCannon/Tower balloons, direct explosion damage 4>2, indirect explosion damage 6>4.
  424. -Delay after ending altfire 4>10 tics.
  426. ==Hornetman
  427. -Hovering sprites added
  429. ==Galaxyman
  430. -Drops RainbowGalaxyWep
  431. -Color madness added.
  432. -Weapon redone due to core blackholebomb existing.
  433. -Max ammo 28>56, ammo regen 2 ammo every 4 tics > 1 ammo every 4 tics, altfire/portal ammo usage doubled.
  434. -BlackHoleBomb costs no ammo.
  435. -Altfire does not detonate BlackHoleBomb
  436. --During Galaxy ramming, mainfire can be pressed to detonate BlackHoleBomb.
  437. -BlackHoleBomb speed 10>11, projectile updating rate 2/6/2/6 > 2/2/2/2 (this means it is consistant)
  438. --Explosion suction changed to core strength.
  439. ---Due to core suction change and armor removal, explosion damage 8>4.
  441. ==Dynamoman
  442. -MaxAmmo 240>720
  443. -Most ammo use/gains tripled due to the above.
  444. -Firing Dynamo orbs and not having enough ammo to fire anymore doesn't drain the remaining ammo.
  445. -Basic lightning, set explosion size 0>8, OLDRADIUSDAMAGE removed, random angle of 45 degrees on first strike.
  446. -Targeted lightning, damage 16>15, set explosion size 0>4/8/12/16, scaling explosion size adjusted.
  448. ==Groundman
  449. -Item use makes a sound
  450. -Now has StunArmor during tank form
  451. -Big shots split on touching the floor/ceiling.
  452. -Exiting ground max possible damage 16>25, ceiling undig fires two of these rather than 1.
  454. ==Pirateman
  455. -Ammo regen 2 ammo every 7 tics > 1 ammo every 5 tics
  456. --While the bubble is active, the ammo regen is still 2 ammo every 7 tics.
  457. -Altfire water does not cost any ammo, damage 2>8
  458. --Water can now be used during the bubble if you don't have max ammo.
  459. ---Enemies can only be pushed once every second, being hit by further water delays this.
  460. ---During this delay enemies take reduced damage (2) from water pushing.
  461. -RemoteMine direct hit damage 4/18>6, radius/height 8>12
  462. -Set mine explosion damage 10>9, set mine direct hit damage 18>2.
  463. --Only the set mine stops a player when ran into.
  464. -Fall off mine explosion damage 8/7/6/5 > 7/6/5/4.
  465. -RemoteMine protection changed 100%>50%, duration 10>16.
  466. --Due to the above change, both mine's set explosion sizes 80>16.
  468. ==Burnerman
  469. -Trap sprites fixed.
  471. ==Magicman
  472. -Hitting a Starman with MagicCard when his shield is up gives half health.
  473. -Hitting a class who is weak to MagicCard gives bonus health due to bonus damage.
  474. --Due to the armor removal, MagicCard gives 9 health almost all the time.
  475. --Additional checks added for increased damage taking (Dynamo/Dr.Wily/EvilRobot)
  476. ---Old rules still apply to DocRobot
  477. -Health on kill 10>6.
  478. -Magic birds speed 16>19, homing power 1/8 > 1/4.
  479. -An emergency escape was added to MagicBall to prevent a sky wall issue.
  481. ==BusterRodG
  482. -Mainfire explosion damage 7>6
  483. -Altfire spin does not cause hitstun/recoil
  484. -Altfire spin damage 4>3, explosion size 156>128. (This was 6 bigger than Yamato's spin AND spawns ahead of BRG)
  486. ==MegaWaterS
  487. -Max ammo 30>28
  488. -Now has a seperate ammobar for the shield
  489. -Fixed ammo regen when you have enough ammo for an altfire.
  490. -Begining MWS Spout damage 15>8, explosion size 64>48, set explosion size 32>48
  491. --Constant spout damage 8>5, explosion size 64>48, set explosion size 32>48
  492. --You now take half damage from further spout damage within a short time.
  493. -Once you reach max charge during your shield, you will start to build up too much pressure.
  494. --Your shield ammo will then begin to drain, if you run out, the shield pops.
  495. -Shield pop when losing all your armor, damage > no damage. (This applies to the above as well)
  497. ==HyperStormH
  498. -Due to the armor changes, sucking attack now happens twice as often but deals less damage 9>5.
  500. ==Enker
  501. -Speed 1.0/0.9 > 0.94/0.92
  502. -Starts with 11 ammo.
  503. -Max ammo 44>55
  504. -Big mirror no longer rips, damage 30>35, radius 10>14, height 14>18.
  506. ==Punk
  507. -Melee dash ever so slightly thrusts Punk forward
  508. --Now stops upon damaging a player.
  509. -Melee explosion damage 12>10.
  511. ==Quint
  512. -Uses boss fight sprites.
  513. -Weapon clean up.
  514. -Bug with rocks spawning from after a big hop and swapping weapons fixed.
  515. -Slight bot work done.
  518. ==BearerClass
  519. -ToadClass > HardClass
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