
[FR] Unnamed Sonata story - Part 1 {Subject to Re-write}

Jul 16th, 2015
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  1. *munch*munch*munch*
  2. >...
  3. *Crunch*
  4. *munch*munch*munch*mun*-
  5. *SLAP*
  6. “Wha- HEY!”
  7. >You didn’t even get to finish that before a purple hand slapped it away...
  8. >“I am so sick of listening to you always stuffing your face, Sonata!”
  9. “Then stop listening!”
  10. >“How can I stop listening when you’re always practically in my ear with it?!”
  11. “Then stop sitting next to me, Aria!”
  12. >She can’t even get another word out before another voice butts in.
  13. >“Uuugh... Will you two PLEASE just stop...”
  14. >Adagio just sits across from you and Aria in the same way she always is.
  15. >Elbows on table, head held up by her fists on her forehead.
  16. >“It’s been the same way with you two for months. How is anyone supposed to think with you two around? Change the damn tune already!”
  17. “She slapped my food away!”
  18. >Aria looks away from you with her arms folded.
  19. >“I’ll slap more than that…”
  20. “Oh yeah?! I’d like to see-“
  21. *SLAM*
  22. >“DON’T… Start…!”
  23. >Adagio looks mad.
  24. >She pounded the table with one of her hands and is grinding her teeth.
  25. >At least she made Aria be quiet.
  26. >But now its too quiet.
  27. >And you just wanted to finish what you were eating…
  28. >You’re about to pick it back up, but Adagio glares at you.
  29. >Instead you just sit back in the booth and sigh.
  30. “Why do we even come to this diner all the time if you don't want me to eat anything?”
  31. >Adagio just holds that glare on you again, and Aria turns her head back to you.
  32. >“Where else are we supposed to go? Our amulets are broken, we’ve got no magic and we can’t do a thing about it.”
  33. “Then I think I’m allowed to at least eat something if we’re going to keep coming back.”
  34. >You’re about to grab your food again, but Aria slaps your hand to stop you.
  35. >Just for that, you slap her hand as well.
  36. >Then she slaps yours again... and you hers, and her yous and yous hers...
  37. >Seeing another scuffle between you and her again, Adagio drops her face back in her hand.
  38. >“Ergh… Tartarus forbid me from needing somewhere to think about how we can get back on top again, and using a simple place like this to start should I manage to do that.”
  39. >You stop hand slapping with Aria.
  40. “That’s all? Aren’t there better ways to do that?”
  41. >Adagio looks up again, hand hitting the table with a thud.
  42. >“Oh, I’m sorry Sonata! I’ve just been doing nothing but trying to think of how we can restore our powers for the last three months while you two have done absolutely nothing!”
  43. >Adagio reaches into her pocket and slaps her hand down on the table, showing her broken amulet.
  44. >“I mean it’s not like everything we were and had relied on these! I haven’t been trying everything in my power to restore them! I haven’t been WRACKING MY BRAIN to fix everything, DESPITE how you two have never ceased in making me want to rip my hair out EVERY SINGLE MOMENT I’ve had to listen to you since we were defeated or anything!”
  45. >She glanced at Aria as well when she said that.
  46. >She grabs her amulet and puts it back in her pocket before she finally calms down.
  47. >“But hey! Maybe we should consider an alternative! I’ve been going at this so long that I’m frustrated beyond belief, but you say there’s a better way to fix everything? Fantastic! Why don’t we hear it?
  48. >She puts her hands back on the table, fingers joined as she and Aria watch you.
  49. >“What does the great mind of Sonata Dusk think we should do?”
  50. >Adagio is asking you that with a smile.
  51. >Is she actually asking? Or is she being really sarcastic?
  52. >They’re both looking at you, waiting for an answer…
  53. >They-.. They really do want to hear you out!
  54. >Yes! Finally time to shine!
  55. “Alright. Here’s what I think we should do…”
  56. >You plant both hands down on the table out of excitement.
  57. “Since we lost our singing voices when our amulets got destroyed, we just need to get them back. What we need to do is get jobs at the Taco Shack. Then we can use the money from that to get singing lessons. Then our voices will get better, then we can start singing for people again, starting with everyone we work with, then everyone that comes to order from the Taco Shack! Eventually we just become so powerful that we can’t be stopped because we’d be naturally good at singing! Not even the Rainbooms can take that away!”
  58. >You let off a squeak of joy after you finish explaining and sit back.
  59. >It’s the most perfect plan ever!
  60. >…
  61. >But now that you look at Adagio, that smile she had is gone.
  62. >And Aria is rubbing her eyes with her fingers…
  63. “What? You don’t like it?”
  64. >Adagio holds her look on you.
  65. >“Unbelievable…”
  66. >Aria starts shaking her head while Adagio keeps talking.
  67. >“That is the dumbest, most idiotic idea I’ve ever heard…”
  68. “What? Why? What’s wrong with it?!”
  69. >Aria drops her hands down.
  70. >“These bodies don’t work like that, Sonata! They have no magic! We can’t feed off the negative emotion without the amulets!”
  71. “O-…Ohhh…”
  72. >You didn’t think of that…
  73. >That might not work at all…
  74. >“And this is why I have to do everything. You two are just that incompetent.”
  75. >Adagio’s words echo in your head.
  76. >You’re incompetent?
  77. >You’ve done as much as Aria.
  78. >It’s not like Adagio has done everything herself…
  79. “W-Well… I’ve got others ideas that we cou-“
  80. >“No, Sonata, you don’t!”
  81. >Adagio cut you off.
  82. >“You’re not a thinker! You’re not a planner! I can hardly even call you a Siren at this point! You’re just… Here! You follow us through every plan, but you don’t even have a clue as to what’s happening!”
  83. “H-Hey… I can-“
  84. >Aria butts in.
  85. >“We spent this long in this world, and you completely forgot about the limitations of these bodies. This is why I say you’re just the worst! Adagio and I could’ve practically done everything ourselves, but we’re dragging you along for the ride… You’re like dead weight!”
  86. >Th-That’s…
  87. >…
  88. >Wow, your chest aches a little…
  89. >Your can’t breathe properly and you… You feel like crying…
  90. >Is this sadness?
  91. >This is what you’ve helped make so many others feel like…
  92. >You thought you’ve felt it before, but… those other times don’t even compare…
  93. >Not even when you were first banished to this world…
  94. >You take a deeper breath in by sniffling while rubbing your eye.
  95. “So… That’s what you really think, huh?...”
  96. >Neither of them answer.
  97. >Aria just keeps sitting there with her arms folded and Adagio just keeps that same straight, annoyed look as she stares through you.
  98. >They really do think that…
  99. >They’re not even taking notice of you now…
  100. >…
  101. “Fine.”
  102. >You stand up.
  103. >Both finally look at you.
  104. “If that’s what you both think, then why should I even stay here?!”
  105. >You hear Aria mutter under her breath.
  106. >“Question of the year…”
  107. >You almost want to hit her.
  108. >Adagio still doesn’t say anything.
  109. >They don’t care.
  110. “Fine! I don’t care! I’m leaving! I’ll be fine without both of you!”
  111. >Aria still sits there, arms folded, but Adagio finally does something…
  112. >She snorts a little after you said that…
  113. >She’s laughing!
  114. “I’ll show you! You think I’m incompetent? Maybe I’ll just prove that my ideas work and then you’ll get to watch me have all the magic while you have none!”
  115. >Aria is just looking at you with a raised eyebrow, but Adagio just laughs a little through her nose and turns her head away to look out the window.
  116. >She doesn’t think you’re serious!
  117. >That settles it!
  118. “You’re gonna regret not having me around! So goodbye!”
  119. >You turn around and walk away.
  120. >As you do, you hear Aria make a small comment.
  121. >“Good riddance…”
  122. >You really want to go back and slap her right in her stupid face.
  123. >But no.
  124. >You’re free now.
  125. >You’re on your own.
  126. >They don’t want you around, and you don’t need them!
  127. >You’re going to get all that magic back by yourself and not share it with them!
  128. >You exit the diner and take a deep breath as you stand in the street.
  129. >The night sky is clear of clouds.
  130. >There’s a full moon and a cold breeze blowing.
  131. >That feeling of anger and determination you were just feeling is suddenly gone…
  132. >Now you’re back to sadness.
  133. >You look back at the diner, seeing the booth you were sitting in with Adagio and Aria.
  134. >They aren’t even looking in your direction… They still don’t care.
  135. >If they looked even a little sad, you’d have considered going back in to apologise…
  136. >But since they’re apparently glad you’re leaving, you realise that you have nothing to apologise for.
  137. >You have nothing to go back to.
  138. >You pull the hood of your jacket up over your head, tucking your hair into it and start walking.
  139. >Despite everything that just happened, you still can’t help but let out a few sniffles, and a few tears.
  140. >You just keep your hands in your jacket pockets with your head down as you walk.
  141. >Aside from a car driving past every little while, the town is empty and quiet.
  142. >You don’t know where you’re going to go.
  143. >You don’t even know what you’re going to do.
  144. >After saying that whole thing about how you’ll show them, you feel a little helpless without knowing how to do it…
  145. >So now what are you going to do?
  146. >You could go with your idea, but since Aria pointed out that you can’t even feed off any negative emotion without your amulet, what’s the point?
  147. >Come to think of it…
  148. >Adagio still has her amulet… But where’s yours?!
  149. >…
  150. >Ohhhhhhh crap…
  151. >Wooow, they might actually be kinda right with your incompetencyness…
  152. >You forgot to pick yours up after it was broken when battling the Rainbooms…
  153. >But so did Aria… Haaah, she’s a screw up as well!
  154. >Okay, so you think of this now, but it’s been a few months.
  155. >It probably wouldn’t be on the concert stage anymore…
  156. >But that girl… Sunny Shiner or whatever…
  157. >She had some Equestrian magic, and suspected you, Adagio and Aria were up to something.
  158. >Mmmmmmaaaaaybeeee… She picked it up?
  159. >…
  160. >Well, what else can you do?
  161. >It’s worth a shot.
  162. >You start walking towards Canterlot High.
  163. >The first step to your amazing plan is to get your amulet back… If you can.
  164. >But how would you do that?
  165. >Lets seeeeeeee… They were friends…
  166. >They sung about friends a lot…
  167. >So maybeeeee… Maybe they’ll let you be their friend?
  168. >Then you can use that friendship to get your amulet back and turn on them.
  169. >You’re going to have to apologise extra, extra hard.
  170. >Maybe even get them lunch…
  171. >You're coming up on Canterlot High now.
  172. >Didn’t think you’d have to go back to school.
  173. >Oh well, we all do weird things to get back on top.
  174. >So the first step is to find the Rainbooms, put on the sad face, get them lunch and try to be their friend.
  175. >You could even say that Adagio and Aria left you behind.
  176. >Everyone likes a sad story!
  177. >You stand out the front of the school, determined and confident, throwing your arms in the air.
  178. “Alright, time to make some friends!”
  179. >You start marching up the stairs and get to the door to pull them open!
  180. >… But they don’t move…
  181. >You rattle them more, but nothing happens.
  182. >They’re locked?
  183. >Why are they locked?!
  184. >You’re about to try looking through the glass to see if anyone is in there, but first you see the reflection of the moon.
  185. “….OHHHHHH… It’s night… Whoops…”
  186. >Wow, that was really dumb…
  187. >At least nobody saw that.
  188. “Okay then… Tomorrow I'll make some friends!”
  189. >You head back down the stairs and move over towards the statue.
  190. >Maybe this is better, you have time to think this through more carefully.
  191. >Don’t want the Rainbooms to know you’re faking it… Even if you are.
  192. >So lets think this through…
  193. >You raise a hand to your chin to think and lean back against the statu-
  194. “WHOA, WHOA WH-!”
  197. >Hi gravity!
  198. “-Oof!… Whoa…”
  199. >What a rush…
  200. >What just happened?
  201. >…Did you fall THROUGH that statue?
  202. “Errgh… Where am I?”
  203. >You’re in some room now, apparently.
  204. >A lot of books along the walls… Like a library.
  205. >You’re laying on your back at the base of a big mirror for some reason.
  206. >You try getting up… but for some reason your legs don’t feel like they’re bending properly…
  207. >When you put your arms under you to try helping you up, you realise you can’t feel your fingers…
  208. >Bringing it in front of your face-
  209. “I HAVE A HOOF?!”
  210. >Immediately you put that hoof over your mouth.
  211. >You don’t know where you are, and you don’t know who’s around.
  212. >You look over your body…
  213. “Oh… My… Gosh…”
  214. >You have… a tail… and fins…
  215. >You’re in your siren body!
  216. >You sit up and take a look in the mirror!
  217. >… Well, not completely Siren.
  218. >You look like you did when you were younger.
  219. >You don’t have any magic so you look like a pony with siren bits.
  220. >But if you’re a siren… could that mean…
  221. >You put your hoof up to the mirror and touch it.
  222. >It passes right through the glass…
  223. “Oooooh, sparkly…”
  224. >But how is this a thing?
  225. >Magic?
  226. >…
  227. >Waaaaiiiit… Magic?
  228. >Your body suddenly feels it…
  229. >There’s magic in the air, wherever you are…
  230. >Could… Could you be back in Equestria?
  231. >But how?
  232. >Like… You guess that Sunny girl would’ve had to have been at Canterlot High somehow if she came from Equestria…
  233. >So the statue is the portal!
  234. >Wooooow!
  235. >You’re back home!
  236. >After so long, you’re finally back home!
  237. “Oh my gosh, wait’ll I tell the girls-...”
  238. >You stop as you look back at the mirror.
  239. “…Hmph. No… After how they treated me, they can figure it out for themselves. I spent barely an hour by myself and I made it back home!”
  240. >You take a look around the room again.
  241. “Okay… Equestria… Ponies… Let’s see…”
  242. >Your Siren body still has no magic in it, so you waddle along the floor to the nearest door.
  243. >Opening it slightly and peaking out… you see nobody around.
  244. “Okay, first I need to figure out where I am… Which means…”
  245. >You move back over to the mirror.
  246. >Back when you were putting ponies all over Equestria under spells with Adagio and Aria, you used to do it without showing them what you were.
  247. >No magic needed, it was just a natural ability to look like a pony…
  248. >Your appearance had to be convincing to do all the things you did to ponies after all.
  249. >It’s like you were changelings, except you were still your own identity…
  250. >You stare at yourself in the mirror, trying to focus on yourself.
  251. >It’s been so long since you’d been here, you can hardly remember how to do it…
  252. >Your pony face looks fine, you have a muzzle and fur…
  253. >Your ears need to be changed… So you focus on those.
  254. >Concentrating, they shrink down a little and flatten out a bit more until they look more like pony ears.
  255. >Along your back is a fin, so you push that down into your body until it’s gone.
  256. >Your entire back half looks Siren though, besides the cutie mark, so this will be tricky…
  257. >Looking at your tail, it takes a lot more concentration, but eventually you’re able to split it…
  258. >All the scales along your body start disappearing and get replaced by fur, and the two halves shapeshift into legs and hoofs.
  259. >A small bit between them turns into strands of hair, slowly getting bigger.
  260. >And one headache later, you now have back legs and a pony tail.
  261. >You get reacquainted with having 4 legs and hooves, standing back up.
  262. >As you look yourself over in the mirror, you make sure every last bit of your siren form is shifted away.
  263. >Giving yourself a good look over...
  264. >Hooves, fur, tail, muzzle, mane, cutie mark…”
  265. “Gorgeous!”
  266. >You’re the cutest pony you’ve seen in a lot of years!
  267. >…Because you’re the only pony you’ve seen in all these years!
  268. >You wink at yourself in the mirror and start to walk away.
  269. >You trip over yourself a little, but you quickly get used to it.
  270. “Now, let’s see, what am I going to do next?”
  271. >You spot a window and go over to check it out.
  272. >Looking through it, it’s night time just like the other world, but you see you are really high up.
  273. >Are you in a castle?
  274. >Looking back at the room you’re in, it seems like it’d be big enough for a castle room…
  275. >But which castle?
  276. >Canterlot?
  277. >It doesn’t look like a city down there…
  278. “Okay, I think I need to go check this out. At least I can blend in now…”
  279. >You go back to that door you checked through, make sure the coast is clear again and then pass through it.
  280. “For a castle, it sure seems empty… Shouldn’t there be royal guards? Or a Princess?”
  281. >You wander around a little until you reach a staircase going down.
  282. >This seems like it would be the way out.
  283. “Well, I should get out of here before whoever lives here finds me talking to myself.”
  284. >If it's night time, maybe whoever owns it is asleep.
  285. >You should’ve been more quiet, but there doesn’t seem to be any harm done.
  286. >The stairs lead to a long hallway with large doors at the end.
  287. >When you get to them, you open one and slip through, ending up outside.
  288. “Hello Equestria! I missed you!”
  289. >Just being out in the open air gives you tingles.
  290. >You can literally feel the magic in the air.
  291. >It’s not the sort that you can use, but it’s nice to feel all the same.
  292. >You walk down the front steps and turn back to look at the castle.
  293. “…Wow. It’s a big crystal tree-castle… I like it!”
  294. >You turn to look back down the path away from the castle.
  295. “Now wheeeeere am I…?”
  296. >Through the darkness, you see light coming from between some of the buildings.
  297. >It looks like it’s a town.
  298. “Why is there a castle for a town?”
  299. >You keep walking and see it’s just as empty and quiet as the castle.
  300. >Which makes sense, everybody would probably be asleep.
  301. >Maybe you should do that too.
  302. >You might know what to do next after a good night’s rest.
  303. >But before you do, figure out where you are first.
  304. >You keep moving further into town, eventually ending up somewhere that looks as if it’d be the middle.
  305. >There’s a fountain with a statue of an Pony on it, and a big building.
  306. >You move up to the bigger building and see a sign on the door…
  307. “‘Ponyville Town Hall’… Ponyville, huh?”
  308. >You look back at the town.
  309. “Well… I guess this is as good a place to start as any.”
  310. >You start walking again, no specific direction.
  311. “Though what I’m starting I don’t know. Something to figure out later, I guess.”
  312. >You yawn as you keep walking, finding yourself at the park.
  313. “Ugh… Sleep…Sleepy sleepy sleep… Ooh, a bench.”
  314. >You move over to the park bench and, at first, start to sit on it like you would with your other body.
  315. >When you fall sideways and land on it, you realise what went wrong.
  316. “Hehe… Whoops... Looks like I’m going to have to used to being a siren pony again…”
  317. >At least your sideways landing is comfortable enough.
  318. >Tonight it’s a bench, tomorrow you’ll find something more comfortable.
  319. >But honestly, it doesn’t matter right now.
  320. >You’re back home in Equestria.
  321. >Not even seeing Aria and Adagio could spoil your good mood now.
  324. >You’re woken up the next morning by the sounds of birds chirping, and the sun in your face.
  325. >You roll over and face more into the bench at first, but then you remember where you are.
  326. “OH! Equestria! Right!”
  327. >You take a quick look around.
  328. >The town is a lot more alive now.
  329. >Ponies everywhere, bright sunny day…
  330. “How long did I sleep?”
  331. >You stand up and stretch your new limbs.
  332. “Eh, doesn’t matter… Let’s see…”
  333. >You start to walk around and take in the surroundings.
  334. >Lots of ponies around… all look very friendly…
  335. “Ew… Harmony…”
  336. >The magic in the air still feels great, but it doesn’t mean anything if it’s all positive.
  337. >This whole town reeks of love, compassion, all that junk.
  338. >You’re happy you’re back in Equestria, but it could’ve dropped you in a better place…
  339. >You can wander around for hours, but you feel like you won’t find any ponies radiating any negativity…
  340. “Ergh… Great… Now what am I going to do?”
  341. >Or, better question, what were you going to do to begin with?
  342. >That was the whole point, you were going to figure out what to do today.
  343. >But you don’t even know where to even begin…
  344. >…
  345. >You’d hate to say it, but you wish Adagio were here… She’d at least have a pl-
  346. >“HI!”
  347. “AHH!”
  348. >“Who are you? Are you new? You must be new, I’ve never seen you before!”
  349. >There’s a pink pony bouncing around you faster than you can keep track of!
  350. >“My names Pinkie Pie!”
  351. >She stops right in front of yo-
  352. >Wait a minute…
  353. >She looks awfully familiar...
  354. >Was-… Was she part of the Rainbooms?
  355. >“See, I kinda figured you were new! I woke up this morning and my Pinkie sense was going CRAZY in telling me that somepony new was in town!”
  356. >She was! She was their drummer!
  357. >She’s from Equestria too?!
  358. >Ohhh this isn’t good…
  359. “Uhm… Y-Yeah… I’m new…”
  360. >Oh no. Ohhhhh no…
  361. >“I knew it! I’ve seen a looot of faces before, but yours is definitely not one I’ve ever seen!”
  362. >Wait… She doesn’t recognise you?
  363. >“So, are you in town to stay? Are you related to anyone here?! Anyone I know?! WE MIGHT ALREADY BE FRIENDS!”
  364. >She suddenly squeezes you in a hug.
  365. >How could she not recognise you?
  366. >Maybe she isn’t the same as the Rainboom’s drummer…
  367. >Weird.
  368. “Uhm… No, I’m just… visiting, I guess.”
  369. >She stops hugging and moves to your side with an arm around you.
  370. >“OOOOH, Even better! That means you have the opportunity to make A LOT of new friends while you’re here!”
  371. “Oh… Good…”
  372. >If any of the other ponies in this town are like her, you need to get out.
  373. >You can’t feed of anything here, or at all right now. You’re surrounded by too much happy…
  374. >“You hungry? I know the best places to eat around here!”
  375. >She doesn’t even wait for you to answer before you’re pulled along with her.
  376. >“So what did you say your name was?”
  377. “Uh… Sonata…”
  378. >“Nice to meet you! I bet we’re gonna be bestest friends!”
  379. “…Yaaaay…”
  380. >Okay, you take it all back right now.
  381. >Equestria has changed too much. It’s way too friendly.
  382. >You wish you had your magic to change that, but you don’t…
  383. >This is a nightmare!
  384. >You spend the next few minutes getting pulled through town, having other ponies pointed out to you by Pinkie…
  385. >You never thought you’d say this, but you really miss Aria…
  388. >Eventually you were sat down at a café with Pinkie and she was going over everything about Ponyville.
  389. >You’ve resisted every urge to want to headbutt the table.
  390. >“- and THEN she finally opened the chest, which gave us our new Rainbow powers and grew that castle out of the ground!”
  391. >Pinkie also just finished telling you about how there’s some friendship magic here that sounds just like what the Rainboom’s used against you…
  392. >So even if you did manage to cause trouble here, they probably would have stopped you…
  393. >Maybe…
  394. >Like, if you keep doing things by yourself without any ideas, then maybe.
  395. >You’re starting to think that maybe you should go back through the mirror and bring Adagio here.
  396. >She’s right, she makes better plans than you do.
  397. >Just being here might give her an idea to get your magic back…
  398. >“So, how about you? Tell me eeeeeverything about yourself!”
  399. >Oh, crap…
  400. >What do you tell her?
  401. >Maybe you should just make a break for it...
  402. >This is too much for you to handle by yourself.
  403. >Just tell her you need to go and you’re all clear!
  404. “Well actually, I think I should get go- Whaaaooo...”
  405. >Whaaaat is that…?
  406. >“Is that some kind of game where we make silly noises? Frrrrooorrrp!”
  407. >Something is in the air…
  408. >You can feel it…
  409. >Like… You might even be absorbing it…
  411. >That… emotion!
  412. >It’s really weak, but you can feed off it, even without your amulet!
  413. >You look around for the source of that anger an-
  414. >…
  415. “How is one of THEM here?!”
  416. >One of the things from the other world is just walking around town like it’s nothing!
  417. >“Who? Nonny? He’s a human. We don’t know how he came here, but we’re toootally best friends!”
  418. >Human?
  419. >Come to think of it, why did you never learn what you were in that world?
  420. >Neither you, Adagio or Aria ever bothered to find out…
  421. “Nonny?”
  422. >“Yeah. Just appeared in Equestria randomly one day. He's been living here ever since. Great guy, really nice.”
  424. >…
  425. “I… see.”
  426. >“Oh, he’s just being a grumpy pants today. I guess Fluttershy was really going at it this morning.”
  427. “Fluttershy?”
  428. >Right then, you spot the yellow pony following him around.
  429. >She-… She looks familiar as well!
  430. >Another Rainboom?!
  431. >What is going on?!
  432. >You can’t hear what Fluttershy seems to be saying to ‘Nonny’, they’re too far away.
  433. >But you’d guess it must be really bad if Nonny has to yell something like that in the middle of town without caring who hears...
  434. >But this is perfect!
  435. “So… How often does this sort of thing happen?”
  436. >Pinkie thinks about it for a few seconds.
  437. >“Almost every morning for the last year now. Fluttershy reeeaaally likes Nonny. He says he doesn't like her, but I'm betting it's only a matter of time before he falls for her and loves her as much as she loves him. Baby steps.”
  438. >…
  439. >Are you watching the same thing?
  440. >If someone like him has to yell something like that in the middle of town, then he’s probably not going to fall for her…
  441. >But don’t say that…
  442. >This is perfect.
  443. >Nonny is letting off so much negative emotion and you’re getting it!
  444. >But why?
  445. >Didn’t you need your amulet?
  446. >What did Aria say?
  447. >Those bodies couldn’t naturally feed off the negative emotion…
  448. >But this one can!
  449. >We aren't born with those amulets, we naturally fed off ponies negative energy.
  450. >Now there's no ponies around doing that, but somehow there's a human who is!
  451. >It’s not a lot… Not even as much as you had in the other world with the amulet, which was also very litte…
  452. >But he's just one human compared to however in groups the three of you were feeding from.
  453. >It’s a start, and better than nothing!
  454. >This is good… Reeeeaaaally really good…
  455. >It’ll take a while, but if you can stick close to Nonny, then maybe you could feed off him for as long as he keeps dealing with Fluttershy!
  456. >Soon you’ll be able to sing again, and then you can start putting ponies under spells.
  457. >“So, what were you saying before? You had to gowhaaaooo?”
  458. >You turn back to Pinkie.
  459. “Oh… It’s nothing, I just remembered why I came to this town.”
  460. >Try not to look suspicious, that’s pretty much how you and the girls got banished to begin with.
  461. “So, heeey, thanks for showing me around town. It was nice to meet you, but I gotta go and meet someone.”
  462. >You get up to leave, but she starts talking again.
  463. >“‘Someone’? Hah! You sound just like Nonny!”
  464. >Huh?
  465. >Someo- Ohhh wait, right, they say ‘somepony’ here.
  466. >Wow, you really have been in the other world a long time.
  467. “Haha… Yeah… Whoops… Anyway, see you later...”
  468. >"Bye! Come find me if you want to hang out or be shown around town some more!"
  469. >You leave Pinkie at the café and head in the direction that Nonny guy went.
  470. >He should be pretty easy to spot. You’d seen enough of his kind before…
  471. >It’d be even easier if that Fluttershy pony is still following him.
  472. >You spend a short time running, but eventually you spot him heading to the other side of town.
  473. >Is he going home? It might help you if you knew where he lived.
  474. >He’s got bags full of bread and vegetables and stuff, so maybe he finished his shopping.
  475. >No sign of Fluttershy around…
  476. >Okay. He’s your only source of getting your magic back.
  477. >You’re going to have to follow him… In stealth mode.
  478. >You keep as much distance as you can without letting him out of sight.
  479. >Hiding behind trees and buildings, jumping into bushes, you keep off the path.
  480. >He looks over his shoulders occasionally, but keeps walking otherwise…
  481. >Could he think someone is following him?
  482. >He couldn’t have seen you before, right? He didn’t look your way when he was in town…
  483. >Finally, it looks as if he's heading toward a house.
  484. >There doesn't seem to me much around it compared to the other houses around this particular area.
  485. >If anything, it's on the edge of town.
  486. >Maybe he likes it being a little more quiet?
  487. >Or he feels like an outcast?
  488. >You know that feel.
  489. >He turns off the path and towards the house, stepping inside.
  490. >Okay, so that’s where he lives.
  491. >You could hang around the house, maybe consume any emotion he happens to let off.
  492. >Pinkie said that Fluttershy bothered him every day, right?
  493. >Then you definitely want to be around for each ti-
  494. >“Uhm… Excuse me…”
  495. “Huh?”
  496. >You look around to find the quiet voice, and see it’s floating above you.
  497. >Uh oh…
  498. >“Were you, um… Following Anonymous?”
  499. >It’s Fluttershy…
  500. >Busted!
  501. “…Who?”
  502. >She softly comes down for a landing.
  503. >“The human that lives there.”
  504. >Play dumb!
  505. “What’s a human?”
  506. >“He’s a human… It’s just, I sort of noticed you were following him ever since he left town.”
  507. >Damn!
  508. “Ohhhh, him! Yeah, I was, um… See, I’d never seen something like him before, and I was… I was following him to see if he was dangerous or something, that’s all…”
  509. >You try to sell that with a grin.
  510. >“Oh no, you don’t have to worry about that. He’s the kindest, most loving sweetheart you could ever meet.”
  511. >…
  512. >Was she even listening to him while he was in town?
  513. >At least she believes your lie…
  514. >“We’re going to be together someday soon, you know.”
  515. “Ohhh, r-really?... Huh… Lucky you…”
  516. >This pony is dense!
  517. >And when you remember what Adagio and Aria have said about you, that says a lot!
  518. >“Yes. He’s not quite ready to admit it out loud, but he definitely loves me. You can see it all over his face when he’s near me.”
  519. >You’re gonna bet it’s the same look that Aria has that one time she said she wanted to choke you.
  520. “I… hope that works out?”
  521. >“Thank you very much.”
  522. >She really is convinced of that.
  523. >That is really sad.
  524. >“Well, I have to get going. I've got some little friends that need feeding. See you around!”
  525. “Bye…”
  526. >She gives you a smile and a wave as she starts fluttering away.
  527. >Once she’s out of ear shot, you have to let out what you’d been holding in.
  528. “Wooooooooooooooooooow… She is just the worst…”
  529. >She even calls him ‘Anonymous’. What a weird pet name.
  530. >Worst or not, she’s helping you without even knowing.
  531. >You turn back towards Nonny’s house.
  532. >You start heading towards it, looking it over as you do.
  533. >How are you going to stay close to him at all times?
  534. >It’s not like you can just sit in the house with him.
  535. >You may just have to hide out in his yard.
  536. >You can see a big tree in his backyard, so maybe that’s where you’ll have to camp up.
  537. >There’s some fencing around the yard, so you peak over it to make sure he’s not looking.
  538. >When it’s clear, you climb over it.
  539. >No easy task since you don’t have hands anymore…
  540. >And you probably could have just jumped over it, but too late.
  541. >When you do manage to fall over the fence and stay down low in his garden, you find a new problem…
  542. >How are you going to get in this tree?
  543. >This you definitely can’t climb…
  544. >But maybe…
  545. >You didn’t get a lot of magic today, but… if you try hard enough…
  546. >While you’re focusing on it, you feel something rising from your back…
  547. >When you finish giving it all you have, you look.
  548. >Two pink wings, just like your other body had when you were battling the Rainbooms.
  549. >These actually do need the magic you harness.
  550. >Before you drain yourself in exhaustion, you float up and into the tree.
  551. >You find one of the higher, thicker sets of branches to relax in.
  552. >The wings on your back suddenly disappear and you breathe out in exhaustion.
  553. >The little bit of magic you gathered today drained just like that.
  554. >It’s a good thing you just found your main source, even if he may not be giving off as much as you’d like.
  555. >Hopefully its true, and Fluttershy does bother him every day.
  556. >And if it doesn’t work out, you could at least go back to the castle and through the mirror again.
  557. >Adagio may actually like you for finding a way back to Equestria.
  558. >One thing is for realsies right now though.
  559. >Things are about to get a whooooole lot better…
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