
The Changeling Queen's Consort

Feb 12th, 2015
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  1. >You are Anonymous, wayward traveler.
  2. >And right now you're a bit lost.
  3. >These badlands all looked the same to you, really.
  4. >Pulling out one of your flasks, you took a drink.
  5. >You weren't dumb enough not to stock up on water at the last town.
  6. >Glancing around, you noticed this part of the badlands wasn't that...
  7. >Well, bad.
  8. >Somebody had been taking care of it, making sure it looked nice.
  9. >You didn't have time to appreciate it as a pink blob tackled you.
  10. >"Hiya!"
  11. >Your survival guide had warned you about Changelings.
  12. >But you were gonna humor this guy... girl? Bug horse anyway.
  13. "Pinkie? What are you doing here?"
  14. >She booped you on the nose, "Looking for you, silly!"
  15. "Oh? What's my name then?"
  16. >She looked around nervously, "Uh... hehe, um. King Chitin? Green Guy?"
  17. >You shook your head.
  18. "Sorry, no dice there little Ms. Changeling."
  19. >She scrunched her nose, and you shielded your eyes from the flash of green.
  20. >"It was worth a shot, the pink one rubbed off on me."
  21. >You picked her up, giving her nose a boop.
  22. >Your survival guide hadn't mentioned anything about how cute these things are.
  23. "If you wanted love you could've just asked for it."
  24. >She stared at you, "Wait really?"
  25. >You nodded.
  26. "Just let me GIVE it to you guys, don't drain me."
  27. >The odd little Changeling gave you a salute.
  28. >Putting her on your shoulder, you decided to make small talk.
  29. "So... you got a name?"
  30. >"Well, originally I was just another drone, but since the battle we've... uh."
  31. >She scrunched her nose, "Well I guess the hivemind was infected with... friendship?"
  32. >Weird, but you've seen a lot of weird in this world.
  33. >"So my name is now Doomie! What's your's?"
  34. "Anonymous, but you can call me Anon."
  35. >"So Anon, wanna come back to my place? Well, really the queen's place."
  36. "I'd love to meet all your friends Doomie."
  37. >Her little wings started buzzing, "Cool! Lemme show you the way then!"
  39. >Doomie had led you all around the badlands, showing you secret shortcuts.
  40. >"... and then she eventually decided to let us call her mom!"
  41. >You stopped behind the exuberant little lady.
  42. >In front of you stood an impressive array of Gothic architecture.
  43. >"Well, we're here! What do you think?"
  44. >You smiled, scratching your chin.
  45. "Very nice, reminds me of some old buildings from my world."
  46. >She cocked her head, "Your world?"
  47. >Mentally slapping yourself, you shrugged.
  48. "Yeah, I was from another universe, but magic happened."
  49. >She gave a little huff, "That's an awfully boring way to put it."
  50. "It doesn't really matter how I got here, what matters is what I do now."
  51. >"You have a rather optimistic view on things. I like my home."
  52. "Yeah, well. Shit happens. So, shall we proceed?"
  53. >She grabbed you by the shoulder and started pulling you towards the city.
  54. >"Oh of course! I can't wait for you to meet my buddy Xavier, or my pal Lilith!"
  55. >She started rambling off more of her brothers and sisters.
  56. >You took the time to admire the scenery.
  57. >You'd have to ask them what they made all this out of later.
  58. >"Now, the queen is going to want to see you first."
  59. "Lead the way."
  60. >As you were taken to the tallest, biggest building in the hive, Changelings took note of you.
  61. >"Wow, I can practically taste the love flowing off that guy."
  62. >"D'ya think he'd share it?"
  63. >"Of course, why wouldn't he?"
  64. >"Because we're freaks, that's why!"
  65. >"He hasn't left yet, has he?"
  66. >"Something with that much love could sustain the whole colony!"
  67. >"And it'd probably do it for free."
  68. >Wrapping her little hooves around you and buzzing her wings, Doomie showed you the way.
  69. >Finally reaching the front doors of the palace, you were greeted by an ornate throne room.
  70. >"Mom! Mom! I found a source of love!"
  71. >The Changeling Queen took immediate notice of you.
  72. >"My my, you've done well Doomie! Let me see him."
  74. >The Queen walked over to you, standing face to face.
  75. >She was much taller than her children, and that intimidated you a bit.
  76. >"There's no need to be afraid dear, you're in good hooves now."
  77. >She levitated your dusty, sweat covered scarf and your dirty jacket off.
  78. >"Come on in, sit with me! I'd love to hear your story."
  79. "Not much to say, Miss... ah."
  80. >"Chrysalis."
  81. "Miss Chrysalis, I'm just a wandering explorer."
  82. >"Well, you must be tired after such a journey."
  83. "How do you know I've been at it for so long?"
  84. >"Because you're covered in sweat and dust."
  85. >She leaned into your ear, "Plus you just told me."
  86. >Taking a seat next to her, you take a drink out of your flask.
  87. >"So, how is it my Changelings haven't sucked you dry yet?"
  88. "I dunno, I guess I just exude love? I mean, I wouldn't want you guys to starve."
  89. >She clicks her tongue, "Well, it seems you've done your homework!"
  90. >Pulling out your survival guide, you flip to the pages about Changelings.
  91. "It was really more just this book, though I don't think it did their cuteness justice."
  92. >She gives a hearty chuckle, "So you think my children are cute? That's a first."
  93. >Sighing, her face turns serious.
  94. >"Listen, Sir... um."
  95. "Anonymous, but please, call me Anon. It's what everybody calls me."
  96. >"Listen Anon, my hive is in need of some love to get back on its legs again."
  97. >You hold up a hand.
  98. "Say no more, I'll help you out."
  99. >"Well then..."
  100. >She struggles to get the words out.
  101. >"... Thank you. I'll make sure you have a room to stay in."
  102. >Bowing to her, you begin to take your leave.
  103. >"And Anonymous?"
  104. "Yeah?"
  105. >"... If you think my children are cute, what about me?"
  106. >You think for a moment, and give her a smile.
  107. "You're beautiful, Chrysalis."
  108. >She gives a warm smile, "Thank you, I needed to hear that. It's been so long since I've heard those words."
  110. >You were sent around the hive in the following weeks.
  111. >The workers needed love to make quicker, better repairs, and the guards needed more energy.
  112. >Sometimes you even helped out yourself.
  113. >At first Chrysalis had insisted that you didn't need to push yourself.
  114. >But you were getting tired of being the water boy.
  115. >As much as you loved cuddles and belly rubs, you enjoyed helping others as well.
  116. >It ended up doubling your output of love towards the Changelings.
  117. >After that, Chrysalis left you alone about working along with her children.
  118. >Right now you were helping Xavier with some paperwork.
  119. >"I appreciate your help Anon, the archives are always a pain to perform inventory on."
  120. "It was no trouble Xavier, how's Doomie by the way?"
  121. >He adjusts his spectacles.
  122. >"Well, she's a lot better since you showed up."
  123. >Placing a book back on the shelf, he spins around in his chair.
  124. >"We didn't think she was going to make it for a while."
  125. "What happened?"
  126. >"She was injured at the Battle of Canterlot."
  127. "Oh, I'm sorry."
  128. >"It's fine, we've survived the battle, and that's what counts."
  129. >He stretches his legs for a moment.
  130. >"Truth be told, I think we're better off for it."
  131. >You raised an eyebrow.
  132. "Why's that?"
  133. >He chuckled, "Cause now we've got a better understanding of being social."
  134. >Walking over to you, he takes a seat on your lap.
  135. >"I am the Queen's advisor, as you know."
  136. "Yeah, you've told me that much."
  137. >He sighs, "Well, I told her a full-scale invasion of Canterlot was suicide."
  138. >Scratching his ears, you give a little laugh.
  139. "She didn't listen though, did she?"
  140. >He grinned, "Not one bit, and now she has to take care of a bunch of individuals."
  141. >"But it's been worth it, Doomie was one of the first drones to develop a personality."
  142. "... Do y'think I could get her a present?"
  143. >He smiles, "I think you already have."
  144. "What's that supposed to mean?"
  145. >Getting back to work, he laughs.
  146. >"You'll see, in time."
  148. >Stepping outside for some fresh air, you were greeted by Doomie.
  149. >She had a particular way of walking, a certain bounce in her step.
  150. >You'd found little quirks to identify the Changelings by.
  151. "Hey Doomie! How's it going?"
  152. >She gives you a bright smile, "It's been going great Anon! Mom wants to see you."
  153. >Cradling her in your arms, you make your way to the throne room.
  154. "What's she wanna yell about now?"
  155. >Doomie gives you a little pout, "You aren't in trouble, and besides..."
  156. >She fidgets a little, giving you eye contact.
  157. >"Mommy likes you, she tells me about how much of a help you are when she brushes my hair."
  158. >You'd noticed some of the Changelings had grown hair as well, another side-effect of the magic no doubt.
  159. >Doomie had cute, short hair. It was one reason you were thrown off when you met her.
  160. "You're really close to her, aren't you?"
  161. >She nodded, "Yep! I was the first drone to call her Mommy!"
  162. >"She insisted I call her Queen for a while, but I think my winning personality got to her."
  163. >You give her a little kiss on the forehead.
  164. "It has certainly gotten to me."
  165. >She giggles, "Thanks Nonny."
  166. >Setting her down, you open up the door to the headquarters.
  167. >Chrysalis was on her throne, awaiting your arrival.
  168. >"Ah! Anonymous, I was hoping that we could talk in private."
  169. >Doomie hugs your leg, "Can I stay?"
  170. >You see uncertainty on Chrysalis' face.
  171. "Anything you can say to me, you can say to her."
  172. >"Very well, I was hoping to discuss something very personal with you."
  173. >She motions for you to sit down next to her.
  174. >"You have been an extraordinary help since we found you."
  175. >Waiting for her to proceed, you nod.
  176. >"... I'm sure you've noticed by now that we don't exactly have a king."
  177. >"Not that there haven't been any offers, but..."
  178. >"They just didn't feel right. And Changelings are very in tune with feelings."
  179. "Are you going where I think you're going with this?"
  180. >She takes a deep breath, "Yes, Anon. I am. Would you be my king?"
  182. >This was a bit sudden, but not entirely unexpected.
  183. >Chrysalis bit her lip, and shook her head.
  184. >"Nevermind, it was stupid to think that you'd-"
  185. >You give her a little kiss.
  186. "Calm down Chryssi, I was just conflicted for a moment."
  187. >She frowns, "Well, don't expect me to cry over this or anything."
  188. >She pauses, the only sound in the room is Doomie buzzing her little wings off in excitement.
  189. >Placing her hoof on your arm, she smiles.
  190. >"But, thank you."
  191. >Nuzzling her, you pick up Doomie for a group hug.
  192. "Don't mention it... so, wanna go out to town with me?"
  193. >"With what disguise?"
  194. >Rubbing your chin, you try to think of an idea.
  195. "Well... how does a crash course on human anatomy sound?"
  196. >Chrysalis stares at you for a minute.
  197. >Then she breaks out in a sly grin.
  198. >"Oh Anonymous, you're a naughty, naughty boy. And I like it."
  200. >After describing in great detail to her the body of human women, she nods.
  201. >"Alright, I think I've got it."
  202. "Let's see what you've got!"
  203. >A flash of green erupts around her.
  204. >Once your eyes adjust again, you stare in awe.
  205. >In front of you stood your dream girl.
  206. "Y-you were paying attention to my preferences."
  207. >Walking over to you, she wraps her arms around your neck.
  208. >"I aim to please, and I please where I aim."
  209. "Y-yeah."
  210. >She giggles, "So, what's my name?"
  211. "I dunno... FemAnon I guess?"
  212. >She whispers into your ear, "I guess I'm your little FemAnon now, aren't I?"
  213. >You manage to mumble out a semi-coherent statement.
  214. "U-uh, y- mhm. I uh, y-you too. Love you, that is."
  215. >She gives you a kiss before skipping away, laughing.
  216. >"Come on Anon! Let's go!"
  217. >You see Doomie, now a little girl.
  218. "You coming along too?... Anonette?"
  219. >She smiles, "Yeah!... Um... Dad."
  220. >Smiling, you sit her on your shoulders.
  221. "Let's go then."
  223. >The three of you made your way to Pegistan.
  224. >Saddle Arabia had weird names.
  225. >At least it was more peaceful than the version in your world.
  226. >Humans were petty creatures.
  227. >But they were YOUR petty pals.
  228. >Smiling for a moment, you think of all the horsefuckers you left behind.
  229. >They'll get here too, one day.
  230. >Until then, you had to make sure they all had a complete map of Equestria.
  231. >That's why you set out on this journey in the first place.
  232. >For your fellow horsefuckers.
  233. >But now, you found something worth settling down for.
  234. >The map was mostly complete anyway.
  235. >You didn't need to bother with the fourth corner of the continent, right?
  236. >Good enough.
  237. >You'd held Chrysalis' hand throughout the trip.
  238. >"Your hooves are warm, and comforting."
  239. "I keep telling you, they're hands."
  240. >"Force of habit really, my apologies."
  241. >You give her hand a squeeze.
  242. "I'm just teasing you."
  243. >She smiles, "I know."
  244. >You stopped in front of the nearest food joint, and put Doomie on the ground.
  245. "Here we are! Seems it's a slow day, but the owner is cool."
  246. >You walk in, giving Sandra Souffle a wave.
  247. >"Good evening, Anonymous. I see you brought the family with you."
  248. >Levitating some food over to your usual table, she smiles.
  249. >"Please, take a seat Chrysalis."
  250. >Wait, what?
  251. >"Um, my name is FemAnon."
  252. >Sandra just giggles, "Don't worry, I have no quarrel with you."
  253. >She sits down with the three of you.
  254. >"Truth be told, some of my best costumers are your Changelings."
  255. >Looking around, she whispers, "Much better since the attitude adjustment."
  256. "Told you she was cool."
  257. >"You give this old mare too much credit. I don't turn away customers. It's rude."
  258. >Chrysalis thinks for a moment, before letting her see the true form of the Queen.
  259. >Shifting back into FemAnon, she smiles.
  260. >"Thank you, most ponies have not been so kind to us."
  261. >"You are simply another living being, there is no need for such hostilities."
  263. >As you all sat there, eating lunch together...
  264. >Some eating the actual food more than others.
  265. >You heard a commotion outside.
  266. >"Yeehaw! Let's go get us some grub boys!"
  267. >Sandra just shook her head.
  268. >"Oh not these boys again."
  269. >You look outside to see a small group of chariot riding Unicorns being pulled by some Earth Ponies.
  270. "Who the fuck are these assholes? Those don't look like the faces of paid workers."
  271. >"They're the Dustbowl Chariot gang. They're too full of themselves to travel like us normal folk."
  272. "That would explain why they look like a two-bit biker gang."
  273. >"You lost me again, Non. Your human world is a weird place."
  274. >Chrysalis cocks her head, "Human world?"
  275. "I'll explain later, I think I'm gonna need to defuse this situation."
  276. >She grabs your arm before you leave.
  277. >"Be careful. I- Um, we need you."
  278. >You nod, heading out the cafe.
  279. "Howdy guys! What's going on here?"
  280. >The big bald one turns around, staring at you.
  281. >"What's it to ya? Have we got another hero on our hooves here?"
  282. >You cross your arms.
  283. "Maybe, why don't you tell me your intentions first."
  284. >The big guy stares for a minute, then busts out laughing.
  285. >"He wants me to do what he says! Ya hear that boys?"
  286. >They all start laughing.
  287. >"Listen pal, we're just here to... talk to Sandra."
  288. "I don't like the way you said that."
  289. >"You don't have to like it, now get out of our way."
  290. >He starts to walk past you, but you grab his jacket collar.
  291. >"Hey! Do you know who you're dealing with here?!"
  292. >You glare at him.
  293. "Someone who is about to get his ass beat."
  295. >"Hot Rod! Take care of this guy!"
  296. >The tall, shifty-looking one leaped towards you.
  297. >"It'll be my pleasure Dusty!"
  298. >He levitated a baseball bat off his back.
  299. >"Hehe, when I'm done with ya I'll show you why they call me Hot Rod!"
  300. >Swinging the bat at you, you grab it and yank it out of his grip.
  301. >"Nngh! If I get a headache your sweet little butt is mine!"
  302. >You crack the bat over his head.
  303. "You're getting more than a headache, pal."
  304. >Tossing the broken bat away, you turn towards Dusty.
  305. >"Cue Ball! Take this guy out!"
  306. >The fat, grim-looking one waddled over to you.
  307. >Pulling out a knife, he stabs you in the arm.
  308. "That one actually hurt, almost as much as when that Manticore attacked me."
  309. >"The heck is a Manticore?"
  310. >You pull out the knife, slicing his eye.
  311. "Tougher than you."
  312. >He was rolling around in pain.
  313. >You look back at Dusty again.
  314. "I'm an explorer, you didn't really think I'd roll over and die to a couple of punks, did you?"
  315. >He starts backing up, "Well... um, haha. Yes?"
  316. >You grab his horn.
  317. "If I broke this, would you die?"
  318. >He fidgets around, "It would be very painful."
  319. >You put all the pressure you could on his horn, finally breaking it.
  320. "A fitting punishment for one such as yourself."
  321. >You cut loose the Earth Ponies.
  322. "Go home to your families, they won't bother you anymore."
  323. >"Thank you sir, we won't forget you! What's your name?"
  324. "Anonymous, but please, it's just Anon for you guys."
  325. >They ran off in the direction of the town.
  326. >You look down upon Dusty.
  327. "Take your men, and don't come back."
  328. >"Alright, alright! Geez you're a big guy y'know that?"
  329. >You smile.
  330. "For you."
  332. >Back inside the cafe, you sit down.
  333. >"That was some show you put on out there Non."
  334. "Eh, I'd wanted to be a cowboy at one point. Another one off the old bucket list."
  335. >Chrysalis was tending to your arm.
  336. >"You won't be able to use this thing for a while, but at least you're safe."
  337. >You wince, the pain finally getting to you.
  338. "Thanks honey."
  340. >"Honey?"
  341. "Well, yeah. If I'm gonna be your king I get to give you pet names."
  342. >"Joy. So, where did you learn to fight like that?"
  343. "Like I told them, I'm an explorer."
  344. >"You never did tell me why though."
  345. >You pull out your map, all but the last corner is complete.
  346. "You don't travel this far without picking up some tricks."
  347. >Chrysalis looks on in awe, "All this? By yourself?"
  348. >Putting it back in your jacket, you nod.
  349. >"But... why?"
  350. "Because if anybody else from my world shows up, I want them to go where they want."
  351. >She contemplates this for a moment, "I could have my workers make copies for you."
  352. "Thanks Chryssi."
  353. >You were about to pay your bill, but Sandra stopped you.
  354. >"You've done me a great favor today at great risk to yourself."
  355. "Thanks Sandy."
  357. >Walking back to the hive, Chrysalis insisted on prodding you for info.
  358. >"Where do you come from?"
  359. "A planet called Earth. Truth be told it was alright."
  360. >"How did you end up here?"
  361. "Twilight Sparkle was testing a cross-dimensional spell for the purpose of finding other sentient life-forms."
  362. >She cocks her head.
  363. >"All I got out of that was that the blasted Princess of Friendship brought you here."
  364. >You shrug.
  365. >"... So, what is honey?"
  366. "It's a sweet, warm food."
  367. >She blushes, "T-thank you."
  368. >You whisper into her ear.
  369. "... and sticky."
  370. >"I want you so bad right now."
  371. "Not while the kids are watching... honey."
  372. >"Take me to my bedchambers when we get back."
  374. >Dropping Doomie off at her place, she shifts back into the adorable little Changeling you met a couple months ago.
  375. >"Thanks Anon! It was fun!"
  376. "No problem Doomie."
  377. >You start to walk Chryssi back, but Doomie tugs on your leg.
  378. "Yes? What is it?"
  379. >She taps her hooves together, "Um... can I call you Dad?"
  380. "Of course dear."
  381. >She gives you a peck on the cheek, "Thanks."
  382. >Chrysalis was giggling like a schoolgirl the entire way back to her room.
  383. >"Looks like she finally got her wish."
  384. "I'm not that dense, I could've figured out what she wanted."
  386. >Chrysalis went over to her bed, shapeshifting the clothes off of her human form.
  387. "Um... wow."
  388. >"Well? I want to test this form. It's very... sleek."
  389. >You couldn't get your pants off fast enough.
  390. >You threw your shirt into some corner.
  391. >You lunged onto the bed next to her.
  392. >"I see you're already standing at attention."
  393. "I haven't seen another human in ages, give me a break."
  394. >"I hope you're ready for two rounds."
  395. "That won't be a problem."
  396. >You stick your dick in her ass.
  397. >"Ah! Kinky one, aren't we?"
  398. "P-please, no foreplay until round two. I need this now."
  399. >"Very well."
  400. >You wrap your arms around her chest, fondling her tits.
  401. >This goes beyond illusions.
  402. >You can die happy now.
  403. >She'd made every curve, every sweet, firm, plump little detail perfect for you.
  404. >You start kissing her neck, savoring the saltiness on her supple skin.
  405. >Lowering one of your hands down to her hips, you give her ass a slap.
  406. >The ass you were currently pounding, full speed ahead.
  407. >Not wanting to leave out the glorious pussy, you drove your fingers deep inside her.
  408. >"A-Anon! I've never known anyone that could last this long!"
  409. "Human stamina, now finish me off!"
  410. >You change positions, letting her wrap her lips around your penis while you lap up the vaginal liquids.
  411. >She bobbed up and down as you ate her out, suckling on every crevice in her glory hole.
  412. >You were both getting close, you grabbed onto her ass and let it all out.
  413. >She managed to swallow every drop of your sperm.
  414. >You managed to lick up most of her secretions.
  415. >Changing back into her normal form, she panted.
  416. >"So... ready for round two?"
  417. "In a few minutes."
  418. >She cast a spell on your balls.
  419. >"You're ready now."
  420. >Aw yeah.
  422. >Not wasting any time, you stuck your dick back inside her.
  423. >The spit from her mouth served as the perfect lube.
  424. >"Anon! I want you to give me all you got!"
  425. >Grunting in reply, you thrust the entire length of your shaft inside her.
  426. >"Ah! Y-yes, that's it. Ahhh~"
  427. >Massaging her crotchtits, you planted kisses along her back, reaching up to her neck.
  428. >Nibbling her ears, you started thrusting in perfect sync with her.
  429. >"Take me, my royal consort!"
  430. "Is that all I am to you? Or is it something special?"
  431. >Panting, she played along.
  432. >"You're the only one I would call king, my love."
  433. >You give her a French kiss.
  434. "That's all I needed to hear."
  435. >Wrapping her tongue around your's, she suckles your mouth.
  436. >Laying her down, you hasten your efforts while massaging her hooves.
  437. >Breaking the kiss, she looks at you with half-lidded eyes.
  438. >"Ohhhh~ this, is, divine my dear~"
  439. "Only the best for you, my queen."
  440. >You ran your hand through her soft, silky hair.
  441. >Taking the scent in, you proceeded to let out your second load.
  442. >"Mmmmm~ Fill me up, Anon!"
  443. >You still had another short round in you, that spell worked wonders.
  444. >Tracing your fingers along her carapace, you ran your tongue along her neck before invading her mouth.
  445. >"Tell me that you love me!"
  446. "I love you Chrysalis!"
  447. >"YES! YES YOU DO!"
  448. >You were nearing the end of your bonus round, as your tongues fought for dominance.
  449. >Breaking the kiss, she stares at you.
  450. >"I LOVE YOU TOO!"
  451. >Everything went white for a moment, then you were both laying there, panting.
  452. >You slid your dick out of her and wrapped your arms around her.
  453. >"... Anon?"
  454. "Yeah?"
  455. >"Don't leave me."
  456. "I won't."
  457. >"... Did you really mean it, you love me?"
  458. "Yes, you're amazing."
  459. >"... You too... honey."
  460. >The two of you went to sleep, cuddling each other.
  462. The End.
  464. >It'd been about a month since you and Chrysalis hooked up.
  465. >Things were going well, and her kids liked you.
  466. >Doomie buzzed into the throne room.
  467. >"Dad! You've got some visitors!"
  468. "Oh? Well bring them in! Don't be shy now."
  469. >The door opens, Twilight and her friends walking inside.
  470. >"I didn't believe Discord, but I guess he was right."
  471. "Good evening Twilight, long time no see!"
  472. >"Are you... alright?"
  473. "I know what you're thinking, and yes."
  474. >Doomie sits on your shoulder, you scratch her neck.
  475. "But they're cool now, whatever you did caused the hivemind to get all nice."
  476. >"Who's here dearie?... Twilight."
  477. >"Chrysalis."
  478. >The two stood there, staring at each other.
  479. >"Anon, my king, why are they here?"
  480. "Celestia had Discord follow me, wanted to make sure I was alright."
  481. >He pops in, patting your shoulder.
  482. >"Couldn't let my third favorite friend get hurt!"
  483. "I know the first is Fluttershy, but who's the second?"
  484. >He teleports over to Pinkie, "Element of Laughter, of course!"
  485. >Right.
  486. >"When we heard you were with the Changelings we got here as fast as we could, sugarcube!"
  487. >"We were expecting to kick some serious butt!... But, ah..."
  488. >"They were all really nice. Especially the cute one that's sitting on you."
  489. >Doomie flew over to Pinkie, "Hi! Remember me?"
  490. >"Oh wow! You're that one funny Changeling! Hiya!"
  491. >"My name is Doomie! I was the first drone to get a personality!"
  492. >She hugs Pinkie, "Thank you, pink one!"
  493. >"Aw shucks, it was nothing."
  494. >"Well, it seems you have this under control. Send for us if you need anything Anon."
  495. >As they leave, Twilight turns to Chrysalis.
  496. >"And... We were wrong, we'll send some love your way."
  497. >You could swear you saw Chrysalis shed a tear as they left.
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