

Jun 8th, 2015
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  1. command /dragoniniciar:
  2. permission: server.admin
  3. trigger:
  4. broadcast "&f"
  5. broadcast "&5&lDRAGON:&F Spawnou um DRAGON no end"
  6. broadcast "&5&lDRAGON:&f Para mata-lo Ultilize &5/end"
  7. broadcast "&5&lDRAGON:&f Premiaçao de &f5K e a Tag &3[Destemido]"
  8. broadcast "&f"
  9. spawn 1 ender dragon at player
  10. set name of last spawned ender dragon to "&5&lDRAGON de Frogguer"
  12. on damage of enderdragon:
  13. name of victim contains "&5&lDRAGON de Frogguer":
  14. damage cause is projectile:
  15. if victim's health is less than 5:
  16. broadcast "&f"
  17. broadcast "&5&lWITHER:&f o &5%attacker%&f Matou o Wither "
  18. broadcast "&5&lWITHER:&f Premiaçao de 5k e a Tag!."
  19. broadcast "&f"
  20. add 5000 to attacker's balance
  21. make console execute command "pex user %attacker% suffix &3[Destemido]&f"
  22. kill victim
  23. on damage of enderdragon:
  24. name of victim contains "&5&lDRAGON de Frogguer":
  25. if victim's health is less than 5:
  26. broadcast "&f"
  27. broadcast "&5&lWITHER:&f o &5%attacker%&f Matou o Wither "
  28. broadcast "&5&lWITHER:&f Premiaçao de 5k e a Tag!."
  29. broadcast "&f"
  30. add 5000 to attacker's balance
  31. make console execute command "pex user %attacker% suffix &3[Destemido]&f"
  32. kill victim
  33. command /TheEnd:
  34. trigger:
  35. teleport player to {dragon.end}
  36. send "&aTeleportado para &7/end."
  37. command /setTheEnd:
  38. permission: server.admin
  39. trigger:
  40. send "&aSetado com sucesso"
  41. set {dragon.end} to player's location
  42. command /Fdragon:
  43. trigger:
  44. send " "
  45. send "&5&lDRAGON:&7 *Criado Por Frogguer"
  46. send " "
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