

May 14th, 2013
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  1. Delcha pushed a large crate off the ship. The crate was empty. Of course it was, the ship had very little supplies. It wasn't Delcha's job to purchase more of them. Not because he wasn't a good bargainer. He was. He just had far too skewed a value system. He had other plans anyway. He pushed his crate about the docks, every now and again stopping to look about, as if for directions. He was discretely following a pair dockworker trolls he thought sounded louder than most of the others. He was in his element, doing what he does best: pretending to work. And gathering information, that too.
  3. They were both yellow/gold bloods. Delcha overheard plenty of useless banter: current relationships, work schedules, the usual stuff people who don't know each other too tell walk about to keep up a conversation. Delcha figured they'd eventually talk about current events. And they did, but not before stopping for a break. Delcha kept going to avoid looking like he was stalking them. As he got closer he noticed one of them had a fiduspawn badge. Really, at that age? He made sure to avoid eye contact with him. As he got closer he heard the other one, the one with the ponytail and glowing plastic jewlery said, “what' ship is the reckoner talking' about again?”. Delcha perked up. He felt this could be juicy. He wouldn't want to do anything that would spook them.
  5. The fiduspawn one said, “|=E This oné, thé longstar |=E Stupkid name for a ship”. Suddenly very relevant. Yet Delcha was heading right towards them. They might stop talking if he got too close but if he suddenly turned away it would look suspicious. The ponytailed one hadn't taken notice of him yet as he said “what' do you' think he wants' with it?” The fiduspawn one brushed his colleague off with irritation: “|=E I don't pknow, it ain't my pklacé to quéstion him |=E Just shut upk and wait for your ordérs”
  7. The two of them stopped talking and stared at Delcha. Delcha kept his face turned away for a breather and then threw on a very bored looking expression. He nonchalantly turned to them, politely doffed his cap, and then stared into the distance ahead of him. He felt the eyes on the back of his neck for a good long way. That was a good catch but Delcha thought there were better ways to pump the locals for the latest talk. As he returned to the ship he saw Briche talking with the tall figure from before. Out in the open. Like before, Delcha slowed his pace and tried to look as bored out of his mind as he could while keeping his ears very perked.
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