
RevoX Chapter #50

Jan 1st, 2013
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  1. [Affiliation]PappuJr::)
  2. [Affiliation]PappuJr:u got FB
  3. [Affiliation]Draigo:yeah but i can't use it
  4. [Notice]wiu has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  5. [Affiliation]PappuJr:ouhh... why?
  6. [Affiliation]Draigo:blocked on my computer
  7. [Affiliation]Draigo:parents
  8. [World]whitegun:one more lvl to 70 common!
  9. [World]Seth:after guns and sail, what 3 parts should I upgrade?
  10. [Affiliation]PappuJr:ouhhh...
  11. [Affiliation]PappuJr:where u come from
  12. [World]SkullJoke:wassup whitegun
  13. [Affiliation]Draigo:scotland/south africa/ireland
  14. [Affiliation]Draigo:live in london
  15. [World]Aria:cargo deck
  16. [World]Aria:*cargo or deck
  17. [World]Aria:or duRa
  18. [World]Seth:ok, what else?
  19. [Affiliation]PappuJr:ouhh..
  20. [World]Seth:I have material for 3 parts
  21. [World]Aria:oh nice it's moby parts right?
  22. [World]whitegun:sup skull had nice xmas and new year?
  23. [Affiliation]Draigo:alot of people say that to me
  24. [Affiliation]Draigo::P
  25. [World]Seth:no...
  26. [World]Aria:also prow for hp
  27. [Affiliation]PappuJr:huh
  28. [World]Seth:marine parts... rofl, I'm pathetic, I know
  29. [World]SkullJoke:yep. im chaos bTw.haha
  30. [Affiliation]PappuJr:huh
  31. [World]Aria:oh
  32. [World]Seth:ok, thanks Aria
  33. [World]Aria:then yer behind seth
  34. [Affiliation]Draigo:alot of people have that reaction
  35. [Notice]【Duahit】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  36. [World]Seth:I came late after the new chapter, so I have to catch up
  37. [World]Aria:I already got 4 moby parts
  38. [Affiliation]PappuJr:hehehe
  39. [Affiliation]Draigo:when i tell them the south africa/scotland/ireland
  40. [World]Aria:other also have moby parts
  41. [World]Aria:uh too bad for ya
  42. [World]whitegun:ahaa it was yo** alt
  43. [World]Seth:meh, big deal
  44. [World]Seth:it's a game, I won't fret for that :D
  45. [World]Aria:lol
  46. [Affiliation]Draigo:gtg
  47. [World]Dracula:【Dracula】
  48. [World]Levi:Ew fire him
  49. [World]Waza:straw
  50. [World]CP9Mihawk:im back
  51. [World]Waza:welcome =P
  52. [World]Waza:back
  53. [World]CP9Mihawk:thnx :)
  54. [World]mantequila:【mantequila】
  55. [World]WhiteBeard.s18:use hatchan not tashigi
  56. [World]Seth:Hatchan, no Tashigi? What do you mean?
  57. [World]Seth:when you inherit a char, what lvl is he, 80?
  58. [World]Seth:or is it like item inherit, a few levels below
  59. [Notice]Jokabo has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  60. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:A few levels below
  61. [World]Seth:kk
  62. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:70% of everything is given to the inherited crew if it's not
  63. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:a perfect inherit
  64. [World]Seth:hey, Luffy
  65. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Hai Seth
  66. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:How's it going bbycakes? ;3
  67. [World]Seth:everything? isn't it only the xp?
  68. [World]Seth:Not good
  69. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:The developed stats as well o.o
  70. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:D'aw, what's up? Lmao
  71. [World]Seth:Had a fight with my mother, and raged out of the apartment
  72. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:LOLwut, so where are you now?
  73. [World]jesus:【jesus】
  74. [World]Seth:the developped stats? Does it replace them or just add to th
  75. [World]Shadowcry:how can i fire a crew member ???
  76. [World]Seth:no, I came back :D
  77. [World]Seth:I was at the gym, taking it out
  78. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Add to them, if you're level 1 and already at base stats
  79. [World]Levi:D:
  80. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Then it won't increase
  81. [World]Seth:mhm, kk
  82. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:*Then it won't decrease
  83. [World]Seth:Sahdo, go to Crew tab
  84. [World]Seth:and you'll see a button "Fire"
  85. [World]wiu:kohza or helmeppo ???
  86. [World]Seth:Good to know
  87. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Kohza lmfao
  88. [World]emmo:【Hancock】
  89. [World]Seth:I want my Mihawk to be all chipper when he joins me
  90. [World]Seth:Good job, emo!
  91. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Gratz on that, emmo :p
  92. [World]wiu:help me ples hos best kohza or helmeppo
  93. [World]wiu:???
  94. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I already said Kohza -_-
  95. [World]Seth:KOHZA
  96. [Notice]ZeoLargo has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  97. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Lmao Seth, I went and got the ring of co**age 3;
  98. [World]wiu:realy ^^ tanhks i up kohza
  99. [World]Seth:what;s that?
  100. [World]Shadowcry:crew member is with gear i cant fire
  101. [World]Seth:from the gold chest?
  102. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:The SS ring from the chest?
  103. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Yeah lol
  104. [World]Seth:well, take the gear off, ffs
  105. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Got all of the gears in order to get the ring
  106. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I won't until I can start using Mihawk
  107. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Those are just there so I can inherit them over later
  108. [World]CP9Mihawk:yay my prota finally 40k hp :D
  109. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Not gonna use Mihawk until Krieg is 80
  110. [World]Haruto:【K**oobi】
  111. [World]Seth:lol, I ai't spending one coin on that chest until I get my f
  112. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Oh god it ret**ns
  113. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Lmfao Seth, I had to since I was low on rings bro :p
  114. [World]Seth:rofl XD
  115. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Dat ring pack in pirate shop?
  116. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Ish costs a fortune.
  117. [World]bandhit182:do yu develop his yo** prta stats , cp9?
  118. [World]kilion:hey luffy
  119. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:kilion, mai bby!
  120. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Lmao, hey bro :p
  121. [World]Seth:hah, yes it does
  122. [World]MixedSham:k u r o o bi good?
  123. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:KUrby is great, Sham
  124. [World]Seth:K**oobi good
  125. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:They want $60 for 2 rings bro o.o
  126. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I was like.. Dafuq man? S class ring for $20?
  127. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:*60
  128. [World]Seth:roflmao, I wouldn't give 'em 2 bucks
  129. [World]Seth:for 50 pixels
  130. [World]Levi:^This
  131. [Notice]Sapple.s18 has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  132. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Lmao
  133. [World]kilion:nice one ferdanan man o.o
  134. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Ring of co**age is much cheaper than paying for that one rin
  135. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:*ring
  136. [World]Seth:yep
  137. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:400 coins though lmao
  138. [World]kilion:alot of ships trying to kill me atm...
  139. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Just to get up to it >_<
  140. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:That's $10 bro o_o
  141. [World]Seth:I know, Luff, I know
  142. [World]Seth:Those s**veys were the death of me
  143. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Lmao I'd cry if I had to do them again
  144. [World]3eyeswager:hi
  145. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I sat there for like 20-40 mins just doing one.
  146. [World]kilion:oh yea luffy
  147. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:All for like.. 1.41 GB
  148. [World]kilion:check who i got today
  149. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Hi 3eyes
  150. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Moriah?
  151. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Psht, been there, fired that :P
  152. [World]kilion:yea
  153. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:He's on my GL crew though XD
  154. [World]kilion:he is a navigator :3
  155. [World]kilion:yup, thats why i'am happy about him xD
  156. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:All he's good for bro, don't train him
  157. [World]C'MON:jango
  158. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:His f**y skill is bugged as well >_<
  159. [World]CP9Mihawk:GADLYK are u here?
  160. [World]kilion:not going to
  161. [World]CP9Mihawk:if u here mail me plz
  162. [World]kilion:accidently used an xp card on him ,got him to lvl 2 xD
  163. [World]CP9Mihawk:i wanna show u something
  164. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:What about Jango, c'mon? :o
  165. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Ah, I see. Good thing it was a cheap xp card :P?
  166. [World]Aryas:heyy :3
  167. [World]kilion:yea it was :p
  168. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Good :) High Aryas, high!
  169. [World]kilion:one of those 4k xp things :p
  170. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Lmao hi. :p
  171. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Gotcha', so you're set :p
  172. [World]kilion:lol, made 120 Bread yesterday XD
  173. [World]3eyeswager:why am i talking to kohza so i can defeat him O_O
  174. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Why not get cooking up to make beef noodles? :O
  175. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:They're more worth it
  176. [World]3eyeswager:this makes no sense
  177. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Lmao 3eyes, this game makes little sense :/
  178. [World]Seth:hey, wager
  179. [World]3eyeswager:hi seth
  180. [World]kilion:can only make Beef Bowl
  181. [World]kilion:what lvl is beef noodles?
  182. [World]Seth:Luff, why did you lie to C'mon Jango isn't worth it?
  183. [Notice]Mischa85 has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  184. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:3eyes, isn't yo** name supposed to relate to swagger?
  185. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I didn't say Jango isn't worth it o.o
  186. [World]3eyeswager:【Bala】
  187. [World]Aria:well anyway I'm off for now I guess
  188. [World]3eyeswager:yes 3 eyes swagger lol
  189. [World]Seth:hmmm, must've read it wrong, then
  190. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I said Moriah wasn't worth it to kilion. XD
  191. [World]kilion:later aria
  192. [World]Seth:ah, correctus, then
  193. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Night Aria, don't you dare ret**n
  194. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:until tomorrow morning ;3
  195. [World]Seth:see you, Aria
  196. [World]kilion:xD
  197. [World]Aria:later though I'm not gonna immeadiatly log off
  198. [World]kilion:i keep missing in on WB T.T
  199. [World]Aria:But I won't be active in chat either
  200. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:D'aw
  201. [World]Aria:lol sry kil
  202. [World]Aria:u could have asked
  203. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Alright, talk to whenever then, Aria 3;
  204. [World]Seth:meh, I always thought wager's name meant
  205. [World]Aria:well anyway afk now and then off
  206. [World]3eyeswager:im so poor
  207. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Lmao I missed WB+TB again this morning.
  208. [World]Seth:a guy making a wager and watching it with 3 eyes
  209. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Over slept huehuehue
  210. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Lmao it was meant to be swagger.
  211. [World]Seth:well, it's a fail
  212. [World]3eyeswager:not enough letters for swagger lol
  213. [Notice]Bamboozle has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  214. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I wanted DistantGlory
  215. [Notice]【Igorpijus】 upgraded 【Sea God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  216. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:This game racist mang.
  217. [World]Seth:XD lmao
  218. [World]3eyeswager:how?
  219. [World]3eyeswager:i was gonna be 3swordswagger at first
  220. [Notice]【Bruder】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  221. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Won't let me be glorious because I'm not a descendant
  222. [World]Blackace:i have a moby **** ship, i must upgrade on the grandline too
  223. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:of gladiators.
  224. [World]Blackace:??
  225. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Yeah Blackace, you must upgrade on the grand line as well.
  226. [World]Alius:how to use quota book ?
  227. [World]3eyeswager:i hate people having mirror soul
  228. [World]ShandyGuyy:is moriah any good?
  229. [World]kilion:i got that now ^^
  230. [World]kilion:nope shandy
  231. [World]kilion:he sux
  232. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Moriah's bugged Shandy, he's not good lol.
  233. [World]Teine:hi
  234. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:3eyes, I want mirror soul so bad D:
  235. [World]ShandyGuyy:lol atleast hes good for logbook then
  236. [World]3eyeswager:moriah isnt good to begin with -.-
  237. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:On my Mihawk, but he has Stout and Warlord's Power.
  238. [World]kilion:i got it yesteday luffy XD
  239. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Hi Teine.
  240. [World]Seth:even if he wasn't bugged, he's still not worth squat
  241. [World]3eyeswager:i keep forgetting to use the cookbook
  242. [World]Aryas:Moriah is redundant if you have doc protag with hb
  243. [World]Aryas:and even so, he's bugged
  244. [Notice]【T^o^P.s18】 upgraded 【Wind God Helm】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  245. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Ah lack of silver and training potions, how I adore thee.
  246. [World]3eyeswager:sailing is so dumb
  247. [World]3eyeswager:i hate sailing
  248. [World]Seth:then don't do it, wager
  249. [World]3eyeswager:i need the gold
  250. [World]yazed:how many
  251. [World]3eyeswager:i wish it didnt reward gold
  252. [World]C'MON:i hate sailing too but 40 gold is supeeeeer-FRANKY
  253. [World]Seth:what's the point of a game if you're doing what you hate
  254. [World]3eyeswager:40 a day is too much to give up
  255. [World]yazed:rellly
  256. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Sailing is a waste of silver lmao
  257. [World]yazed:lol
  258. [World]C'MON:waste of a silveR?
  259. [World]3eyeswager:but 40 gold is valuable
  260. [World]EveA:sailling for gold only~
  262. [World]MixedSham:takes so long to sail -_-
  263. [World]3eyeswager:40 goldis 1 GB
  264. [World]EveA:2 ho**s for 20times loop sail~ XD
  265. [World]3eyeswager:that is 3 ho**s worth of s**veys/offers
  266. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Silver is hard to get >_<
  267. [World]C'MON:if you are not a gold user 40 gold is worth the silver you s
  268. [World]C'MON:spend
  269. [World]Seth:not really, C'mon
  270. [World]EveA:ALL thing in this game is hard to get XD
  271. [World]Seth:because silver = a lot of stuff, including enh
  272. [World]EveA:GOLD USER onli easy
  273. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I run out silver for enhances daily 3;
  274. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:And then shadows suck me dry
  275. [World]C'MON:40 gold day >100k silver
  276. [World]3eyeswager:exactly C"MON
  277. [Notice]Congrats to 粱華明 for successfully defending 30 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 30%!
  278. [Notice]【neng.asfia】 upgraded 【Wind God Sword: Blue Sky】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  279. [World]Seth:lol, it takes way more than 100k silver to refill
  280. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I have 534 silver.
  281. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Get up to my level.
  282. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Lmao I need to do some hunting >_<
  283. [World]3eyeswager:i have 243863
  284. [World]Bamboozle:i have 23 mil
  285. [World]Seth:I have zilch
  286. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:And I usually melt my items
  287. [World]3eyeswager:-oo
  288. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Bamboozle, 20 mil please? :P
  289. [World]yazed:ay a7d 3rby
  290. [World]Soulweaver:seriously lol I have 43k :(
  291. [World]MixedSham:i only have 4402259 T__T
  292. [World]MixedSham:ku**robi good?
  293. [World]Bamboozle:im serious luffy 24094197 is my money
  294. [World]Liliana:good
  295. [World]3eyeswager:yes
  296. [World]Bruder:i have only 7,5mil
  297. [World]Levi:I have 33,556,512
  298. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Well, I have 52 mill on iPrince
  299. [World]Soulweaver:I want 24mil
  300. [World]Seth:MixedSham, how many times are you gonna ask?
  301. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Huehuehue
  302. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:But I never have jack crap on here.
  303. [World]Levi:I'd have more, but I spend a lot on ship upgrades
  304. [World]Levi:and gear enhancements.
  305. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:534 silver. Dafuqislief >_<
  306. [World]MixedSham:100 more times :3
  307. [World]Bamboozle:i spend on enhancement every time i se the timers gone
  308. [World]Soulweaver:not s**e how you keep it....I always b**n mine on my ship
  309. [World]Soulweaver:after enchance lol
  310. [World]Seth:ok, 100 more times I'll answer you - he's bloody good!
  311. [Notice]【Zorro69】 upgraded 【Sea God Armor】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  312. [World]MixedSham:;D
  313. [World]Liliana:tashigi or arlong?
  314. [World]dakom:Arlong
  315. [World]3eyeswager:yopu have low enhance bamboozie
  316. [World]Ace.s18:tashigi
  317. [World]Liliana:ok thanks
  318. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I liek Tashigi, but Arlong's fine too
  319. [World]Bamboozle:i knw
  320. [World]Ace.s18:tashigi is better
  321. [World]3eyeswager:im low on roast bef :O
  322. [World]Vasili:tashigi
  323. [World]Liliana:why tashigi better than arlong?
  324. [World]3eyeswager:i want vivi
  325. [World]Julz:arlong... tashigis skill is helpless in higher lvls :P
  326. [World]Seth:because Tashigi deals damage to an entire row
  327. [World]Levi:Arlong is better cuz he's long.
  328. [World]dakom:tashigi need good positioning. and arlong do verry hight dam
  329. [World]Liliana:hahaha
  330. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I prefer Tashigi just for the fact she can crit+do a lot of
  331. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:damage to rows/is aoe.
  332. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:But that's just my opinion 3;
  333. [World]Seth:100%, 200%, 400% to a row
  334. [World]Salinger:tashigi is better than arlong
  335. [World]Seth:you're gonna pass it up for a shizzy Arlong?
  336. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:That 400% is quite a bit.
  337. [World]Liliana:k**obi or arlong?
  338. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:She has more potential than Arlong's 4x damage.
  339. [World]Ace.s18:k**oobi
  340. [World]Levi:Arlong is better than Tashigi.
  341. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:KUrby lmao
  342. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:As a tank, maybe.
  343. [World]dakom:WTf xd ? you are lvl 38
  344. [World]Julz:so against 1 enemy is tashigi shiddy
  345. [World]Levi:I mean... did you see the size of his sword compared to her?
  346. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Meh, it's just my opinion. I don't care to argue it.
  347. [World]Levi:That's why it's called ArLONG
  348. [World]Seth:K**oobi can stun for two t**ns, you don't pass that up, eith
  349. [World]Levi:not Arshort.
  350. [World]Seth:plus, he deals dmg like an S
  351. [World]Liliana:i'm confused :|
  352. [World]Levi:jk I never had them in my crew.
  353. [Notice]Congrats to shinjie> for successfully defending 20 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 20%!
  354. [World]Seth:lol, do what you like, you'll see
  355. [World]Bamboozle:Who should i use Cabaji or Kohza?
  356. [World]3eyeswager:khoza
  357. [World]Seth:I think Kohza, not too s**e, though
  358. [World]Julz:cabaji
  359. [World]KongAkibi:【KongAkibi】
  360. [World]Seth:Cabaji could stun, right?
  361. [World]3eyeswager:yes but his stats suck
  362. [World]Bamboozle:ya
  363. [World]Seth:well, pick and choose then, hah :D
  364. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:His stuns aren't that bad
  365. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:KongAkibi?
  366. [World]Seth:I'm not too fond of Kohza's stats, though
  367. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I'm not fond of his active skill either
  368. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Even in a fight where he is SS rank, it still does 4k
  369. [World]Seth:yeah, I think I'd choose Cabaji, really
  370. [World]dakom:I need my free call in 70 bar or in 80 bar ? cuz need
  371. [World]dakom:healer in my crews
  372. [World]Bamboozle:kohzas?
  373. [World]Bamboozle:kk
  374. [World]Udoran:which passives for ShuRa
  375. [World]Ace.s18:70 then
  376. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:70 bar=Vivi as healer
  377. [World]Ace.s18:go for vivi
  378. [World]Seth:get Vivi or Jango
  379. [World]Seth:if you have high HP gear, get Jango
  380. [World]dakom:yes, beacause i need healer and in 80 dont h'ave healer
  381. [Notice]zangi has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  382. [World]Seth:get him SoG and you're set
  383. [Notice]【Sokin】 upgraded 【Wind God Staff: Clairvoyance】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  384. [World]3eyeswager:should i use the 70 or 80 bar
  385. [World]Seth:you could even use him till 100, lol
  386. [World]Seth:80 bar
  387. [Notice]Congrats to styx for successfully defending 10 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 10%!
  388. [World]Seth:more SS options
  389. [World]XT_Warrior:where can i use treas**e maps?
  390. [World]3eyeswager:but i need vivi
  391. [World]C'MON:wager you are so unlucky :P
  392. [World]3eyeswager:yes i am
  393. [World]C'MON:yo** crew =:D
  394. [World]Seth:ok, then 70
  395. [World]3eyeswager:kaku is my first S rank D:
  396. [World]Hekur:whats about moria? does his skill heal oder do dmg?
  397. [World]Seth:Kaku isn't bad at all
  398. [World]Shanks.:Doflamingo is bad ?
  399. [World]Seth:despite popular opinion
  400. [World]dakom:vivi or jango ? cuz i can search jangoo with silver
  401. [World]Seth:Doflaming is a rad monomer, Shanks!
  402. [World]Seth:dakom, I told you
  403. [World]Seth:if you have high HP gear, use Jango
  404. [World]Waza:WANTED rec active mambers lvl 75+ east rank 9
  405. [World]Seth:and get him the passive skill Shelter of God
  406. [Affiliation]Waza:WANTED rec active mambers lvl 75+ east rank 9 mail me
  407. [World]dakom:okey!!
  408. [World]3eyeswager:do you think i can beat kohza
  409. [Affiliation]Waza:WANTED rec active mambers lvl 75+ east rank 9 mail me
  410. [World]Seth:if not, get Vivi
  411. [World]Seth:Jango heals 15% of his own HP
  412. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Reign[West] recruiting 65+ active/donating players.
  413. [World]3eyeswager:wtf they have love love mellow
  414. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I'm off gais. I have to do some work.
  415. [World]Seth:Vivi heals 20% of each crew's individual HP
  416. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Schools start tomorrow lmao.
  417. [World]Seth:see you, Luff
  418. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Didn't do my loops. ); Cya' guys tomorrow.
  419. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Gonna do them while I work actually, gonna be quiet
  420. [World]Seth:Also, Jango buffs phys. attack
  421. [World]Seth:so if you're mainly physical, he's a better choice
  422. [World]Seth:Vivi on the other hand debuffs, so...
  423. [World]Seth:you choose what you want XD
  424. [World]3eyeswager:i cant beat kohza
  425. [World]rafiko:je cherche de laide comme avoir luffy dans mon equipage
  426. [World]Levi:[World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:I'm off gais. I have to do
  427. [World]Levi:He called us g@ys. Wow
  428. [World]Seth:rofl, Levi :D
  429. [World]Seth:ofc you can beat Kohza, don't be ridiculmon
  430. [World]rafiko:what u say ?.
  431. [World]Hekur:why i am not able to claim rewards of 'logbook event'?!
  432. [World]Hekur:i got 16 crew members...
  433. [World]Balthier69:prot doesn't count
  434. [World]Seth:you must've already claimed it
  435. [World]Bluenote:isitme or is buggy w ay harder than k**o ... lol
  436. [World]Seth:yes
  437. [World]Seth:Buggy, then Tashigi, then Smoker
  438. [Notice]Zorohang has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  439. [World]Seth:those are the only hard trials
  440. [World]RoseHart:u hve to fire 10 at least
  441. [World]Hekur:i never claimed it :/#
  442. [World]Seth:not fire
  443. [World]Seth:lighten
  444. [World]Token:is there a mod on?
  445. [World]Seth:which means, get into logbook
  446. [World]Seth:nope, Tolkien
  447. [Notice]【Linachan】 upgraded 【Thunder God Book: Maxim】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  448. [Notice]【DevonLaki】 upgraded 【Thunder God Helm】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  449. [Notice]【DevonLaki】 upgraded 【Thunder God Blade: Lightning】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  450. [World]Levi:dafuq... "fire?" "lighten?" lmao
  451. [World]Seth:no
  452. [World]Levi:What are you guys talking about?
  453. [World]Xavega:if i dont use the adv conv do they save up daily?
  454. [World]Seth:lighten = unlock in logbook
  455. [World]Seth:not if they are free ones, Xavega
  456. [World]Levi:Xavega, I didn't know how to use adv. convene
  457. [World]Levi:till the 3rd week I been playing this game
  458. [World]Levi:They didn't stack.
  459. [World]Xavega:ty seth
  460. [World]Seth:np
  461. [World]tadpole:【Mihawk】
  462. [World]Levi:I lol'd at the guy who mistaken fire for lighten.
  463. [World]Seth:tadpole, not bad
  464. [World]tadpole:just got him on the first flip on an adv conv
  465. [World]Seth:you lucky thing
  466. [World]tadpole:pffft I want yo** line up seth
  467. [World]MaryJane.s19:my hancock is hidden among the cards xD
  468. [World]Seth:my line up?
  469. [World]MaryJane.s19:any maintenance or anything that resets the cards soon?
  470. [World]Seth:what's wrong with yo**s?
  471. [World]GhostDrago:【Thunder God Blade: Lightning】
  472. [World]Seth:not yet, MAry
  473. [World]MaryJane.s19:good :D
  474. [World]♥enz:Ur
  475. [World]MaryJane.s19:im picking her out tomorow :D
  476. [World]tadpole:you have better people than me lol
  477. [World]Seth:Ah
  478. [World]Seth:you'll get them, too :D
  479. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Jane, I will request a maintenance for s19 tonight
  480. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:HUEHUEHUEHUE
  481. [World]Seth:you got Mihawk, today
  482. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:No I won't, I'm kidding lmao.
  483. [World]MaryJane.s19:they wont listen to u :D :D :D
  484. [World]Seth:Luff, don't be an arse
  485. [World]MaryJane.s19:hes jelly :D
  486. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Lmao yeah right, Jane :p
  487. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Jelly of what? XD
  488. [World]Seth:he is? What flavo**?
  489. [World][Instructor]Luffy-kun.s19:Had her for a long time huehuehue
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