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May 2nd, 2016
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  1. I hadn't expected this. I should have known it, it seemed obvious in retrospect. But not on that day. No, that fucking day I was just excited to make history. I knew it was dangerous, sure. I DID sign up for this.
  2. The day I stepped into the machine I was proud. I felt the way Buzz Aldrin must have felt, marching closer towards his rocket. I kissed my girl goodbye and smiled like I had won the lottery. The picture of me would have been all over the internet by the time I would leave the capsule again. Seconds later for me, but an hour later for the world.
  3. It was not. Nothing was at all anymore. The room was void of life. No scientists, no journalists and least of all my love with tears of joy streaming down her face. I figured everyone had left already, but boy was I wrong. They were never here to begin with. Nobody was.
  4. It took me six months to realize what happened. I read every book about time travel I could find, comparing the theories and the logic behind them. Even the slightest differences mattered to me more than anything else. The Multiverse-theory was right in a way. There is an infinite amount of universes, each set at a different point in time. But the people aren't. They're just in one. And this was my universe - Population: Me.
  5. I felt helpless for a while. I started drinking, sleeping most of the time, but that went away. I changed my theory on time travel a couple of times by now, but I think I'm right with my current approach. I feel a lot better, but still, the feeling of isolation remains. What makes it even worse is the hope.
  6. I'm at all times just an hour away from everybody I ever loved and yet they're out of reach. Sixty minutes is all that seperates me from happiness, but I know I will never get closer. They never bothered to send a second person. Or even worse: The sent him to a point a second after my time. Trapped in his own universe the way I am trapped in mine. So close, yet so far apart.
  7. I couldn't stand this inaction. I started learning about how the machine worked, my degree put to good use after all. I needed power first, but operating a small gas plant isn't that hard when you only have to deal with one customer. Sure, it took me 9 years, but what is time to me? I will have the machine ready soon. But more importantly, I'm certain of the point I need to get to. Not back to the start, no. Just one hour back in time, or I'll just leave on empty universe for another one. I've thought this through, it has to work. I have to try it. It WILL work. I will return.
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