

Sep 28th, 2013
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  1. The defeat of Dialgasect and Celebi lead to a golden age in Rocket's exploits. The League, already at a point where opposing Rocket would be a costly move, decided to yield to avoid conflict and adopted Silver into the ranks of the League's Board of Directors. The board quickly became little more than a puppet council for Rocket's commander, and soon the entire region was strictly under the control of Giovanni's son. Progress on space travel accelerated faster than ever, even though the meteor was no longer a threat, and within thirty years, the first manned spaceflight reached Pluto. Technology only accelerated from thereon out, and by the time the meteor had been set to arrive, Team Rocket was already exploring new galaxies throughout the universe, in their flagship Alphgard. And soon enough, they found a system to settle, and landed on and terraformed a small, solid planet in the star system of Upsilon Andromedae. The planet would be called Ariana, after Silver's mother.
  5. The Players
  7. Andromeda Rocket - The Spirit of Triumph
  9. Before the Exodus, she enjoyed a long and successful career as gym leader of Clearsky City, organizing enormous bi-yearly Pokeathelons, as well as more numerous small events as a part of her gym challenge. She was rarely bested, but there was always a smile on her face when her would-be opponents tried their hardest. After the Exodus, she formed a utopian meritocratic city-state on Ariana in which those with talent, skill, and loyalty could make an excellent living with hard work, and became the Rocket Empire's patron goddess of competition, and a symbol of loyalty and commitment. The details of her romantic life remains a mystery to this day, and though while it's clear she never quite settled down, she seems to have no regrets in her heart.
  11. Ford Slive - Only a Man, But a Rider Forever
  13. Ford's restaurant/gym was the envy of many, and often would trainers come to test themselves against the mysterious chef rider. His life was full of numerous pleasures, happy memories, exquisite tastes, and few regrets, even having a few children by various women, though he never married. Modern medicine, some of it consisting of powerful multivitamins created himself, extended his years well into the age of one hundred and fifty, but as a mortal he could not live forever. It seemed that Astrid could not quite find the secret of immortality to give as easily as she promised, and eventually Ford was found by one of his great-grandchildren one morning, peacefully resting in eternal slumber. Ford was entombed in Silver City's Hall of Legends, and given a hero's burial attended by his surviving friends, family, and acquaintances. Even Nerea attended, surprisingly, lamenting quietly over the fact that she never killed Ford herself. Ford's rider belt was placed within the Grand Ariana Museum of History, where it remained but for a few days. Guards found the display broken open from the inside, the belt missing, and no explanation at all from security footage due to a strange disturbance in the system. From that day on, however, a familiar armored form walked the world, dealing out hard justice...
  15. Kazumi Kujo (Cleff) - The Matron of Life
  17. Cleff and Doodles were married on Cleff's 18th birthday, a ceremony performed by Tina and attended by hundreds. They spent the first year of marriage living together in a house Tina created for them in the Reverse World, and afterward began exploring the world together. Several years later, a weary Aphrodite visited Cleff and imparted her power unto her, becoming a normal, mortal pokemon, and enhancing Cleff's power of fertility to unseen levels. Cleff developed the Aura of Life, which would go on to change the very rules of nature - Legendary pokemon from this point forward would be able to have children if they wanted. New legendaries popped up almost immediately, and spread throughout the world, and later during the Exodus, the universe. As for Cleff herself, post-exodus she would be a renowned goddess on Ariana, stimulating the world's growth and granting her followers the ability to have children regardless of the couple's fertility or gender. Together, she and Doodles would be extraordinarily happy, and would have numerous children to the point that, many hundreds of years later, many families could trace an ancestor back to the goddess. To this day, no one can boast the number of friends and good times Cleff has acquired.
  19. Nerea Serrai - Queen of Vengeance
  21. Nerea and Luca eventually got married (also by Tina) in an incredibly lavish and expensive ceremony befitting a goddess. Together they were a fearsome team, capable of taking down nearly anyone that opposed them. However, Nerea was done with trying to oppose Lord Rayquaza, as least for now, and would simply enjoy her godhood as long as he did not get in her way, which he never did. Slowly, but surely she began creating a collection of mindslaves out of unimportant or disrespectful people that would not be missed, and played with them as toys, making them act in plays to her or Luca's fancy, or re-releasing them back into society as spies. As her legendary powers grew, she began to be able to use her abilities through her slaves themselves, and grew to be a tad lazy. This carried over post-Exodus, where she found a nice little oceanic cave to dwell. She would sometimes send mindslaves out to visit Luca in her stead, and to spread worship of the great goddess of all of the waters. The domains of oceans and winter were hers at first, followed by claiming the domain of Vengeance, which she would lord over with quite some passion. She would never have children, at least none she would admit the existance of, but Luca would forever be her darling~ And to this day, she is a happy, if slightly disturbed legendary, worshipped by hundreds of thousands of men and women with fear, ambition, or have a taste of vengeance in their hearts.
  23. Hailey Markane - Soldier of Passion
  25. After things settled down, she lived the good life as a Rocket admin for a bit, then quietly retired herself and Pixy from Rocket's services and formed a black ops team called the Four Aces, a group of four Legendary Vessels who hired their services to anyone for the right price and the right reasons. She always kept an eye on her brother Garcia, and would often accept missions for the Hoenn military to make sure her brother's tour of duty was as safe as possible. Eventually, when the time came, she decided to join the Exodus as well, bringing along those of her team who were willing. After arriving on Ariana, however, they vanished further into the shadows. No one can quite say for certain what ever happened to Hailey, but occasionally, in towns that had just seen an inexplicable financial shift up, a crimson-haired stranger would be seen hitting up the bars for drink and company, and vanish the next day without a trace.
  27. Astrid Gruenwald - Speaker of Lies
  29. As the final node in Alphgard was activated, the entire ship began to change as Deoxys's crashed spaceship was fully absorbed and integrated. Stone became metal. Mystic energy pulsing through the runes in the wall became electricity. Shrines transformed into a variety of different rooms, and the inside of the city became even larger. As for Astrid, well... Astrid was in the core of Alphgard. The black walls began to light up around her as Infinity's chamber was transformed into the AI core. And then it approached her. Infinity merged with her, and Astrid became one with all of the unown. All of them, as well as the ship. And, thanks to a wish from Chidoof, retained her humanity. She was now the collective's queen, as well as the AI core. She served Silver faithfully, guiding Rocket's forces through the stars, and as FTL communication was developed with her help, she began spreading herself to the rest of the ships. Soon, she was in control of all of Rocket's information systems. Silver was more than a little alarmed, but against his better judgement, decided to trust in Astrid. Now, on Ariana she serves as the medium through which all communication flows, with Unown and the Unown-transformed Beast Trio serving as her physical bodies. She is the new internet, a data construct Silver affectionately refers to as KERRIGAN. To this day she seems to be benign, but who knows what the future may hold...
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